24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 22, 1991 Area 4-H clubs held an achievement night at Joseph Gould Public School In Uxbridge recently. 4-H members staged skits and spoke about the different projects they had completed. Awards were handed out at the end of the pro- gram. Pictured above are leaders Gail Kerry (Epsom) and Margaret Couperthwaite (Greenbank) who won Leader Awards for 10 and 25 years service respectively. Missing from the photo is Epsom 4-H member Lisa Taylor who re- ceived a trilllum pin for completing six projects. GARDEN CENTRE (Port Perry Feeds) 40 Vanedward Drive Wr 985-7363 MAY SPECIALS Pine Bark 3cu. ft... r-- : 6.95 'Box Plants (most varieties) Peat Moss We also carry SEEDS, POTATOES ONIONS & SHRUBS HWY. 7A - NEW HOURS - (May) Mon. to Fri. 8 to 6 PM Sat. 8:30 to 5 PM Sun. 12to 5PM Philp Pontiac Buick Lake Scugog Lumber Oshawa TEE 2 ie Rh hE MAA A A A SUS DEE EE LEI 4-H achievement night results Fifteen 4-H clubs participated in an evening that was both fun and informative. 4-H members from Beaverton down to Oshawa gathered at Joseph Gould Senior Public School, in Uxbridge, on May 9th, to participate in their 4-H Achievement Night. Achievement Night is an even- ing in which "4-H clubs demonstrate the skills and knowledge they have gained from participating in the 4-H program. The evening was organized by 4-H leaders Barbara Doble from Sunderland, Bev Fisher from 'Beaverton and Cheryl Timbers from Oshawa. At Achievement Night the 4-H clubs presented exhibits on how to protect planet earth, how to live and eat healthier, history and on gardening tips. Each exhibit represented what the 4-H members learned from their working together in their club. The skits, that were put on throughout the evening, were very entertaining. The Bethesda club skit had its members dress- ed as people from past decades & each constumed youth gave an overview of the decade from its fashions to its saying and to bor- row from the words of the 1960's group - this and all the skits were 'groovy'. The second part of Achieve- ment Night is the awards ceremony. Awards are presented to al 4-H members who suc- cessfully completed their project. In addition, provincial awards were handed out to members completing their 6th, 12th and 18th projects. These recipients were: 6th Project: Michael Amos, Corrie-Ann Campsall, Melanie Fisher, Laura Gillies, Sandra In- gram, Jennifer Lloyd, Carolanne McFadden, Darlene Noble, Jamie Reid, Lisa Taylor, Karen Wilson, Emma Stevens and Kimberly Knibbs. 12th project award win- ners: Susan Hill and Christy Wilson. 18th project award win- ners: Melissa Davis, Anne Millner and Kelly Hider. In addition 4-H leaders are recognized for their commitment to 4-H and their excellence as leaders. First year leaders Wen- _dy Clark, Janice Lockey, Cheryl Timers, Kathy Wetheral and Karen Creighton were awarded as first year leaders. Charlena Davis from Uxbridge and Gail Kerry from Epsom were award- ed for their 10 years of leadership in 4-H. Finally, Margaret Couper- thwaite from Greenbank was RR el, recognized for her 25 years of dedication to 4-H. } Special recognition was given to the youth leaders who acted as master of ceremonies for the evening. They were: Angela Ken- nedy, Leanne Johnson, Jennifer Johnston and Phillip McLeod. Heartiest congratulations to Judy Gilbank who received an award of recognition for her con- tribution to the education of ex- ceptional children. This award was presented at the annual awards presentation at the Ban- quet of the Durham Chapter of the Council for Exceptional Children on Thursday evening. Con- gratulations Judy. Gary and Janice Beechey and girls spent the weekend in Ottawa when Gary was attending the Na- tional Annual meeting of the Ski Patrol. This was a special year celebrating fifty years of ski patrolling. Janice and the girls toured the various sights of the Capital. The tulips were absolute- ly lovely. On Sunday, May 12th Carol and Rob Mairs, Steven and Katie hosted a party for Neil and Eleanor Werry on their 40th wed- ding anniversary. Those atten- ding were Belle Werry, Neil and Elaine Bailey, Tara Bailey and Terry Taylor, Joy Werry and Ian Rudkin all of Blackstock, Jack and Marion Marlow, Patricia and Michael Wilson and Deanna all of Dundas, Ruth Thompson of Port Perry, Howard and Julie Bailey of London, Larry and JoAnne Werry, Prince Albert, Norman and Bernice Mairs of Janetville, Grace Davis of Toronto. The day finished off with an airplane ride, courtesy of Arnold Kerry, Utica. Congratulations and best wishes to you, Neil and Eleanor on this happy event. There were 12 tables at the, weekly card party with the follow- ing winners-Faith Lawrence, Erla Hill, Ruby Cochrane, Doris Hill, Lorna Swain, Eileen Owens won by Gladys Potts, Kathleen Watts, Reta Storrie, Muriel But- son and Jim Emerton. At St. John's Church, Natasha Lee Nadon was baptized. She is the daughter of Dean and Beth Nadon and sister of Jay who reside on the east boundary road. Her Godparents are Walter and Inke Duyvestyn and her sponsor is Ruth and William Umphrey. Also attending were her grand- parents Del and Jeanne Nadon and Bill and Sandy Cudmore. Aunts and Uncles Carrie, Cay and Glen, and Darryl Nadon, Jim and John and Cathy Cudmore along with Monica Duyvestyn and Mr. and Mrs. Timoll were also guests. Next Sunday, May 26 at 10:30 a.m. will be Rogation Service at John and Carol Hendry, McLaughlin-Road. In case of rain it will be held at St John's Church. The Blackstock Co-op Nursery School is holding their Annual Open House and Registration on Thursday, May 30th at the Blackstock Rec Centre, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Mrs. Rena Snowden, Whitby spent the weekend with her daughter Peggy and Ralph Larmer. On Sunday they attend- ed the Larmer family party held at noon at the home of Doug and | Joyce Larmer and family at. Seagrave. This party was in honour of Paul Larmer and Marg Devorski in honour of their up- coming marriage. If anyone in your family is graduating from university or col- lege in the near future please let me know so that the happy news can be shared. Congratulations to all of all young people who have reached this stage. FOR THE BEST DEAL on LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ... go to Durham Mobile Agri Service R.R. 3, Port Perry 985-9528 e.g. M.T.D. -125 hp. - 38" cut - full floating deck $1395.99 (Not exactly as illustrated) Authorized Dealers - for - SNAPPER RED MAX FERRIS NOMA EQUIP.