-- A BAT Y 12 - PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, September 17, 1991 "Scugog's Community Newspaper of Choice" Ted Griffen (left) and Frank Godley. read the minutes from the first meeting | of the Chamber of Commerce held on Tuesday, March 6, 1956 Frank Godley is presented a plaque from Scugog Chamber of Commerce: president Peggy Finch. Ted Griffen receives a plaque during the 35th Anniversary Reunion celebrations held last Friday night. hE A) David Brown, (left) administrator Community Memorial | |[#§%%' vo in Hospital and Howard Hall, hospital foundation chairman, Henry Janssen was the lucky winner of the $1000 prize In the Chamber, fi accept a $3,000 cheque from Chamber president Peggy of Commerce Elimination Draw. Henry Is seen here (left) showing the: Many past presidents of the Scugog Chamber of Commerce attended the 35th Anniversary Reunion last Friday night held at the Legion Hall in Port Perry. Past presidents, from left back, Warren Strong (1990); Richard Drew (1975-76); Ken Dowson (1973-74); Cliff Crowell (1977-78); Bill Harrison (1966-67); Peter Hvidsten (1985-86) and Bill Barr (1983-84). Front row, from left, Ted Griffen (1969-70); Debble Jones (1988); Beth Oke (1964-65); Miriam Price (1981 -82); Peggy Finch (1991) and Howard Hall (1979-80). | Finch, which was donated to the hospital building fund. | winning ticket to drawmaster Blll Barr and chairman Wendy Davis, 3 Awl rv, CEN 'y \ LTTE "SI PBTE IDI IRI SETHI IED IN PSDB ALAR SRBELAD SAAS ID (EW RE a te ae SEARS Ve WW OR Fess Ta bain e. ek Sod na bane ew wal cd ond FRFRPIer: Wk a