Ul SOP NSS OF SING Collecting sap in the sugar bush a family tradition for close to a century It’s mid-February, the temperature is -20C and the snow is knee deep, but the Ashton family is already preparing for the start of the maple syrup season. Four generations of Aslings/Ashtons have kept up the tradition of heading out to the sugar bush where they now tap about 300 trees each sprin; The precise year the ike William Asling began collecting sap on his Epsom area farm is not known, but his son Don, who is now in his late 80s remembers trips to the families sap operation when he was a youngster. “I can remember heading off to our sugar bush with my dad when I was very young,” he recalled recently. Don handed over the duties to his daughter Faye and husband Keith Ash- ton many years ago and they continued the tradition until their sons, Robert, Ri- chard and James took over about 1998. Not long after taking over, Richard built a large new “sugar shack” near the bush, where they installed their first of two stainless steel evaporators. The one they use today is wood-fired and has the capability, in ideal conditions, of produc- ing one gallon of maple syrup an hour. “That would be our top production,” buttheAsh- Keith says. ton are part ‘of that legacy when it comes to collecting Sap and making maple syrup. Above, Keith and Faye See “Family” on page 9 Ashton and their son Rob are seen in their ‘sugar shack’ with the stainless steel evaporator behind them. Maple syrup festival time Continued from page 6 More than 6,000 people veal this free family festival last year. This three-day event is packed full of great ac- tivities, shows and family fun, starting on Friday, March 28 and continuing all-day Saturday and Sun- day. Each morning commences with the all-day pan- cake breakfast and you won't want to miss the popu- lar pancake eating contest and bed races. In addition to tours of “Harlaine Maple” sugar bush participants can also enjoy wagon rides, the midway, petting zoo, a book fair and art show. More information about the Sunderland Maple ey Festival is available at www.maplesyr upfesti- Purple ‘Woods Maple Syrup information is avail- able at www.cloca.com/msf/index.html Make a point to ee out and enjoy one of these great spring traditio1 sugar bush to be boiled on the fire, seen in the background. website: www.focusonscugog.com FOCUS - MARCH 2008 7