Continued from page 3 hats, to be entered as a duo only) Registration will begin at 11:30 a.m. and the Nutty Co-chairs of the event, Melissa Durward and Pam Chocolatier Easter Egg Hunt starts at 1 p.m., immedi- Hollett are encouraging people to decorate their own hats, ately after the bonnet contest. which can become a creative and fun activity. It’s a fun-filled and joyous day for young and old “We all can’t wait to get out of hibernation, and get the alike and is supported, not only by the Church Chicks, kids away from the screens, and start crafting their Easter but also by local businesses, Cakes by Stephanie and hats!” Pam enthused. The Kids Cupboard. Pre-made Easter hats and fascinators will also be avail- There are Easter Bonnet categories for adults, chil- able for sale at the event. Tripp Creative Photography will dren and pets, so everyone can join in the fun: be on hand again this year with a booth set up to take 1. Best Pet in a Bonnet pictures of participants decked out in their Easter bon- 2. Ages 4 & under: Easter Spirit or Best Bloomin’ nets. The Bonnet Belles will also be available for pictures 3. Ages 5-15: Easter Spirit or Best Bloomin’ as well. 4. Most Delicious (food themed hat of any kind) Again this year all Scugog elementary schools will 5. Most Likely to Cause a Traffic Accident (all over- participate in Crazy Hat Day on Thursday, April 2. This sized hats, ages 5 - 15) program, headed up by Church Chick and Scugog teacher 6. Loveliest Lady on Queen (hats or fascinators, Amy Killeen, allows kids to donate a toonie to wear their Ladies age 16 and up) Easter Hat, or hat of their choosing, to school on that day 7. Manliest Man ina Bonet {men aged 16 and up) to help raise funds for the Scugog Community Memorial 8. Best Grand Library Children’s and Teen area. With only a month to go until the parade of hats, it’s time to get working on your cre- ation. Anyone who requires further information can contact the “Church Chicks” at: chickbon- (urry GIOCOLA’ EASTER Eee Nutty Chocolatier owner Ken Koury is mixing up a big batch of coloured eggs for his 27th annual Easter Egg Hunt which takes place this year on Sunday, April 5. EXPERIENCED As in past years, children will be HAIRSTYLIST entered into groups by age and then run WANTED along Queen St., which is closed to traf- fic, to find their special egg. Ken has provided thousands of choc- olate bunnies and eggs over the years, and this year continues the tradition. The Easter Egg Hunt begins at ap- proximately 1 p.m., immediately follow- ing the Easter Bonnet Contest. for an enjoyable. b Sy salon in Port Pe Call Rosario ‘oday! 905-442-8220 or 905-985-0099 Renovations from the outside in, yy we can do it all! exiga @ FOCUS - MARCH 2015 13 trp. Call John: cuuists ~ 905 434.0517 © 905 985 8569 Referrals are the core of our business www. y i com