Mind Body Soul Optimal health is the goal for most of us, but even the biggest of health conscious people would likely admit here’s room for improvement. Much of that room for improvement lies in a combination of diet, fitness, mental health, physical wellness, and a healthy self-esteem. time (like an overflowing sink with a clogged optic nerve causing permanent vision damage. There are 4 standard tests required to diagnose and monitor glaucoma: IOP, Pachymetry measures corneal thickness for glaucoma risk; Visual Fields, and Optic Nerve Assessment with HRT/ ocT penning laser. Traditionally, visual field testing has been the drain), damaging the primary but it measures only functional loss, usually only after 35-50% of | the nerve fibers in the retina are gone. im use ae oe 1 HRT provides a 3-D image of the optic nerve and an. 006, every aspect of the optic nerve, producing a aatistil Sees of glaucoma. Studies show that HRT can detect glaucoma 8 years earlier than any other test. In glaucoma, IOP (eye pressure) slowly and painlessly builds up over NDEC Vath the complete array of standard glaucoma testing to ensure early detection. More importantly, along with most private practice optometrists, Dr. Workman is certified to prescribe glaucoma eyedrop medication to reduce the IOP. Although not a cure, it prevents any further damage. Choose your eye doctor based on Reputation and Quality of Care. Ensure your eye doctor is certified to prescribe for glaucoma treatment. Getting your 8 glasses a day? Make sure your regimen doesnt include: * chlorine ¢ hormone distruptors chemical impurities. NORTH DURHAM ECOWATER Ys te mw ee <a FIVE DAYS ONLY! JANUARY 27-31 LOND Bring us a Loonie and get started today! 14500 Simcoe Street (McDonald's Plaza) ‘ort Perry LOL 1V4 +905 982 2788 e. ScugogON@anytimefitness.com sy. Od 2 oh anbertp ogee ct prksptng lam. Sle omer 31,2016. 28 FOCUS - FEBRUARY