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Ontario Reformer, 21 Jul 1871, p. 3

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" ; kb. ton Evening Timés, » notice among ong exchanges r of a new weekly, the ONTARIG > Lid at Oshawa, Tt is printed sand with new type. We have ng alzable acquisition to the We wish the Proprietor EW undertaking, JC Owide, i enuse in Oy eres in hi ¢ Port Ho n reecipt of the: first number of the ORMER, published weekly by Mr, at Oshawa, The Reronruer, as . enters upon a mission of pro- y of Ontario, in opposition to 2 have been bodily puff. nt Combination, . We are - he people of Ontario hate h eo prine ipien Known to The ¥ we 4 tucted, ille Daily Ontario, ) REFORMER, We have rec r of this new bid for pry ia is published a Oshawa, by W. i. Heman well known in Canadian MER Is neatly nted, ns for the in cin temperance, educa~ rest te the public at our hand, and wish s, Which we are sure We are glad to learn that it of subscribers, which we ine reas: SC. T re . + ori. Wo have recently Nod. of a new paper laely started x wbove title; by Mr, W, R. sa handsomdy got up rz advocated Reform and we hope will 50 well supparted, ort Hepe Time. » BEro ofng rom HMER is the title le ofa new vritten with vigor, has the right nd appears to be well patrow = CornweqllFireehed Zor, (John Sandfield's } b TRI REFORMER is well printed and > in its editorial columns, , to find so good a name >, Mr. Climie's busi ER isa large, well-printed name indicates, thoroughly Re- it is to be hoped the Reformers io, who have much felt the wanto cple their cause, will extend to warm and hearty support. We jal a prosperous career. le indeed to Mr, SCTVOS SUCCeSs, ho { compares faverably Commercial, v8 TORONTO MARKETS. 7 i July 20. $116@8% 25 060 "07 0% os L033 054 L079 La] .. 1.30 15 1H» 15 20 30 4100 MONTREAL MARKETS, | . July-20. El Wag 041+. 08 ..-0 57 06 09% 100 81 01s SOW MANYILLE MARKETS, July 20, $110 = 8112 do 5 035 bushel yl 055 do . 075 ) o~coccccco~=8 REBEL EREREER' | \ ow Mvertisements. IAN LINE ¥. MAIL STEAMSHIPS, T.T0 AND rros oth Qoecersion and Liugrgodl / ITY OF ANTWERP, TY OF BALTIMORE TTY Of IsasToL, ITY OF LIMERICK, oy or DunLN, BATES OF PASSAGE, 1 gr Cabin, - © §75, gold. - 8 0, " 3 tht here at moderate rates » send fof their friends. For apply to the Company's C."W. SMITH, Osuawa. '«@ 153m DE W. AR, x FAINTE R AND GLAZIER, is and the publio « in the above line, tion and moderate re of public Ratrohages - or country. orders at tended to may be left Stecrage. =, currency. o>, " or at his house, Church or to § hilly »' Store. ED AND IMPROVED! A ne Matter! New Typel idor: Daily Advertiser end improved, and is now and be autiful type. { ertiner is one of the prising papers in te ¢ .pitome in its news can, European, 4] and commercial columns it discusses vity the leading cations of iv wer more not Belch, vivae hh eat 1 eagerly pursued use hi ids Terms, by mail, $4 vet _ ix months ; $1 for 3 months, EEXLY ADVERTISER circulation in Ontario, outside #." It is one of the best and Weeklies for the family in m, in advance ; specimen Veekly editions will for wdvertising, as they/ wide.dawake store and d r Rates as low as other to circulation, utmunications, N CAMERON & CO, Tse OFrice, Loxwols, 05% IB 24 JUST ARRIVED! GREAT COMMOTION IN TRADE! OSHAWA AHEAD --AND--- EVERYBODY SELLING OFF | STEELE BROTHERS Are following up their practic advantage of vigorous traffic, and have just added ANOTHER LARGE LOT OF 'REFINED. TO ACCOMPANY THEIR SELF - SEALING / OF THOSE LAYER RAISINS THE MARVEL OF THE TOWN FOR CHEAPNESS! TOGETHER - WITH NEW TEAS, NEW COFFEES, - NEW GROCERIES GENERALLY, AND All being sold at the lowest living rates. Now Is the Time for FOR HAVING CLEARING THE SHELVES oF Now so generally used ; and have a fresh supply of 100 BOXES AMAZINGLY DETERMINED THE PHOVINCE ! 'sToCKS! A e of ¥iving customers all the SUGARS! FRUIT JARS! FINE A Families to Furnish ! i ON | | Before their annual stock-taking, the whole assortment of China, Crockery and Fancy Wares | | Is offered, g5~ for the Ensuing Month, ! | At Exceedingly Low Prices! OSHAWA, JULY 20, 1871 MEDICAL HALL. A CHOICE UST ARRIVED, AS sortment of Pure Drugs and Chemicals! At Dr. Deans Drug Sire, OSHAWA. | J UST ARRIVED | A Fresh Assortment of English and French Perfumery! DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, OSHAWA. A Cemplete Stock of DYE STUFFS! Of Pure Qualiiy, at AT DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE. OSHAWA. JUST ARRIVED! A Magnificent Assortment of Toilet Soaps, Brushes & Fancy "Articles | ° Pn DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, . OSHAWA. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY PREPARED AT DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, OSHAWA. . Store. is ap) '0's old stan &# Dr. Dean's Hotel, in Robinson & July M4, 1371. LORD LISGAR apposite Hindes HE YOUNG THOROUGH BRED Lord. Lisgar," No. 405, A. and C, A. Herd , will serve duripg the pre- sent season at Syden ham Farm. TERMS. Common Jind Grade Cows at $2.00. Full-bred Cows $i eac Cash at time of service, agresin unless b, nt. 83 by Spex "** THOMAS GUY. | uy, 1871. 'MRS. RILEY I3.No NOW. PREPARED TO DO ALL of Dressmaking. Particular attention paid to nds of Dine Children's Suits. Ci Block, William Street, Oshawa. 'Notice to Debtors. A LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE A ote] firm of TAYLOR & NEALE; are here- wa . tid that paymetus must be, made forth- ot Wy Fane Ww ELL & MCGEE, Oshawa, April 0, 1871. FOR SALE! "HE RESIDENCE or JOSEPH ASH, South Oshawa; with or without the ad joining land, Terms reasonable. Possession im- mediately. WARREN -L. ASH. 'Oshawa, April 20, 187L 240 ael's WANTED. * EAMS TO DRAW LUMBER FROM . my Mills in Podonk to Bowmanville and Oshawa, For further particulars enquire at Mill. A. B. CAMPBELL. Bowmanville, May 10, 1871. su LOSTI J Eh THE DRILL SHED, ON TUESDAY from SERRE: _ | of the greatest sanitary agents 15tf. | APPRENTICE WANTED | \WOACTIVE RESPECT ABLE LADS | --_santed, from 11 to 18 yerrs of age, one as an hose used te the trade preferred. Good wages given. Apply to W. MITCHELL, Brock street, East End. After 6 o'clock any evenirg. ~ Oshawa, July 6, 187. Bas STRAYED! OME INTO THE PREMISES OF | the Subscriber. Lot 12, 3rd con. Whitby, a Ewe Sheep, The owner can have the | same by paying for t Nis advertisement, and ap- plying to SAMUEL HALL. East Whitby, Jane 22nd, 1871. 11-3w. MIEN: fl FOR SALE. NIGHT BERKSHIRE PIGS,' TWO month old. Apply to JOHN GOULD, Near Maxvile 's Hotel, East W hithy. 11-tf. VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale h y on Wililam street, consist- ing ofa block of four houses and over an acre of land. It is hi igh, well drained, and in a state of good cultivat ar that fine property in Prince Albert, now occupied by Mr. Wileox, Bailiff. HUGH CARMICHAEL. Oshawa, June 22nd. Mr. EDWARD PETTIT, Of Buffalo, N. Y., UT TE WITH C rR GIBBS' BLOCK. 141 Oshawa, Ap) 13, 1871. Millinery, Millinery, Millinery, Millinery, Miilinery, A. M. CHISHOLM'S Oshawa, April 13, 1871. 1-tf. CONDENSED ATMOSPHERIC BATH! he Greatest Invention of the Age. NOR THE CURE OF ALL KINDS OF Diseases, both acute and chronic. Prof. Stone would announce to the peoplé of Oshawa and the country at large that bis condensed Air and he is ready to treat all diseases on the ri ciples of Airpathy, or a condenses Atmospl He has purified and disciplined it'to become pi the age, and perhaps of the world. = As a cure for diseases, it all other curative and sanitary agents as its re- lation to animal life is above all other elements or agencies known to science. Acute diseases, Fever, Acute Inflammatio on of the and Bowels, Dysentery, with all ED Acute Po ases, can be cured in their carly stages in a very few hours without fail, so if you or your _| family are attacked with any acute disease come to the Bath and save the suffering of a long | protracted illness. 'The cure is sure and certain have tried it. Chronic Diseases with the Diseases of the Heart, Head chitis, Liver Com a Catarrh, Nervous Paralysis, Deafness, it Tron) Bron- hie Hie and a regular at He would invite all those that are diseases of an Jung Ih; 1351, | THIN HEAVY STOCK OF PROVISIONS! | 1-tf | A. M. CHISHOLM, Bath is now in suceessful o Pheration in Oshawa, must. unquestionably hold a place as far above { such as Scarlet Fever, ' Typhoid ¥ Fever, Bilious fi as above stated, which others can testify, who The treatment has been thoroughly tested in |. greatest success. rons! Asthma, vous Headache, Diabetes, Dro TR of cla The Con* of the Moat Fa By a in ia Early AE Middle fn In Stone and Glassy, of 2 vor- A Bor oy a cure, ace tie had a roaMon- attendance. kind call on i and 3 ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1871. WOOD, MACLEAN & Co. Now that the month of June with its cool atmosphere, has fled, and we are ushered under the balmy rays of a Hot July Sun, it is necessary that the LADIES should be well provided with their GAUZE DRESSES, | -- MUSLIN LIGHT | DRESSES, SNOW-WHITE | MARSELLA | DRESSES, &C.| | --AND THE-- | i GENTLEMEN sHOULD- NOT FORGET THEIR | ho yrentice, and one to assist a Cabinent Maker. | . Light Linen Coats, | OF| COOL VESTS, } | | Asiatic Pants ! Zar We need scarcely tell you where to buy them, and where to buy' them to advantage. We have also Light, Cheap "'Gambroons for Men's and Boys' Summer Wear. - PRUNELLA SHOES! For Men, Women and Children. CHINA, CROCKERY, & GLASSWARE, FOR EVERYBODY. SUGARS | Of Every Grade, to Preserve your Fruit. | | | | | 1] = { TEAS | That will Enliven the Dullest Nerves. | SUGAR-CURED SMOKED HAMS | To Suit the Most Delicate Tastes. FRUIT JARS, WOOD, MACLEAN & Co, MICHAEL'S BLOCK, YOU SHOW ALL ADVERTISE! IS THE MOTTO AT CHISHOLM' 81 | | ! | CSITOHSIHO 'WV | 9% 'su §g1 7 | s0100) 158] pOJURLIBA 'SUT[SNJ{ | | SIWITOHSIHD 'WV | 1} | | CSIWTOHSIHD 'WV 'SIWIOHSIHD NV 'SINTOHSTHD WV SIWIOHSTHO 'WY | SITOHSIHO 'WV je asso] 3} srefo( | | | H 'uI0[0)) 958] pojueLem 'sjuuy ISd9 S.NOLHSV ¥ dATAO H 8 "0g 9% 'Opa prvd [ng SNOLLOD AT¥D AAVH DJ | t | | | | AIANVOUO JO LOT TDUV'T V| | | | | } qu 'red 1ad syupo ¢2, I TSHALIVD VITINAYd JOO Yoom VV, | 4 | [A ud IOUVT 'spooy) ssa] {9a , 0) Je[[O(] ou uy IDOLS +) | S13 poate 'spood [nyrne MEN JO 18 poanjouy ANVH SLIAS AIIML FOO |= | H | Lye "a9 'seowr] 'SIOMO]] 'S810 "HIVIA 'SLIINNOL 'SLV | K Ere THE LARGEST, BEST AND | Watches, Olocks, Jewellery, Silver HOUSE] | | | | kmown as the | NEW YORK HOUSE fe | | | 'SIWTOHSIHO WV - 9m 'poamboy olay S / SATINVR HLOTO ANV NTI | 20 adeyg fire ul JOPIO0 03 Opell % ome puv 'seg | Cl fu 'ounaps uu poem Koa oxy Jo yoors ut doy shes \ "IV SHIY4I00UD ATINV zi Simcoe Street, Oshawa. a 'SIWTOHSIHO W V M. CHISHOLM. EE -- GHEST PRICE PAID all kinds of Farm Produce, NOTA BENE WALTER WIGG & SON, Cabinet Makers, Undertalers, &. AVING GREATLY ENLARGED.OUR WAREROOMS, AND LIKEWISE oe jdded considerable NEW STOCK thereto, a cordial invitation is extended to all to come see m. Great inducements held out to those purchasing at our Establishmény SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. "A SPLENDID NEW HERSE FOR HIRE. Coffins kept constantly on hand or made to order. A choice lot of Carriages and Perambulators just received Cheap for Cash. Last, but not Least, is Paling's Patent Balance Window Blind Lifter, the best |- of the kind in use, at the THE NEW DOMIN ION FURNITURE WAREROOM, , KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. June 1st, 187L tf. Good! Better! Best! N OOD JUDGES or PICTURES x think that HOITT is the best Pho- tographer in the County of Ontario; better judges are quite egnfident he is; the best Judges are sure he is. Ye doubting ones Ph 1 1 i Pp Tay 1 oO r give Horrr a call, and judge for yourselves if a mistake was made in giving Horrr the Jirst prize on Photographs and Paintings at the County and Township Fairs, the past two yearas, Not withstanding adver _Usements to the contrary, Horr is the only Artist n this County that fihishes Picturés in ther Crayon, Sepia, India Ink, Oil or Water Colors. Horrr has re- fitted and refurnished his Gallery in a manner creditable CHEAPEST Stock of Plated, and Fancy Goods. » to progressive Oshawa, He In the, "sole agent for Russell's: Celebrated and having secured the services of a first- Watches, Lazarus & Morris' Perfected Specta- cles, prov Meriden Sliver Plate, best' goods made, and every thing in his line made to order. It will pay to examine his Stock before purchas- ing elseware. All Goods and Jobs warranjed, and cheaper than any other House. PHILIP TAYLOR, Watchmaker & Jeweller, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. Oshawa, April} 13th, 1871. 14f. NEW YORK class assistant from the city, he will now be able to send out first-class pictures, and Photographer. The reason that the good, better and best 1 judges were not invited to give Horrr a call, is because ft is supposed they will come without an invitation, as only first- class work can be got at HOITT'S, over Wood's Store, up one flight of stairs. as promptly as any other A large assortment of Plcture Frames at HOITT'S Gallery. Oshawa, Abril 20, 1871, 241 { N the loss of sight; had he known the prin- f ciple involved in Dr. J. BALL & CO'S \New lvoryl& Lignum-Vite EYE CUPS, | | IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN SAVED. |TIYHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS RES- | pectfully to inform the citizens WW Oshawa and surrounding country, that Le | has leased for a term of years the premises | heretofore vecupied by. J. P. WOOD, and oe, herd If, the Great Physician, Does the Vork, aided Ly the Eye Cups! | either in young or old, is at once supplied wit | that best and Indispor ansible: animal a | Arterial Blood. [he nerves resume their tone; the vessels recover their power; the globe ns gumes its proper shape, size, and beillianey | Aises actioz a is arrestéd and ¢ured; and (A ho | Aged, Sight d is Restored and 1 "Spectacles | _ Bepdored Useless, fr t to F Yainful and Dange rous Swurgi- in which rtion of the eye is and the glori Light of Vision, if d at the tim a year or two, at most, goes out farceer! |TRY THE EYE CUPS FIRST, |: THEY ARE PAINLLSS! PLEASANT! SAFE! SITUATED ON THY CORNER OF SIMCOE AND MILL STREETS, SOUTH OSHAWA { Where he intends to keep const: antly on hand a General Assortment of FIRST CLASS By their use, the shrunken and enfeebled oe | | not des ro i This Is to ee reify, t hat' we hereby authorize Bradford Tuitle our sole and exelusive Agent for --AND-- the term of ten Jars, for the sale of our New Provisions ip t Impr: vory and Lignum-Vitae Eye C s and Myopic Atiachments, for the Count And trusts by strict attention to business to by is i Diovan Gnas! A y merit a share of Public Patronage. Dr. J. BALL & CO. The undersigned has now for sale an assort- ment of the abave invaluable aids to sight, and is prepared to fill orders for thoge who wi sh help Al¥ays on | in that direction. Personal expericnoe has con- y vinced him of the benefits of the invention. hand. Address BRADFORD x ACTLE, hawa, Ont. Money to Lend REDUCED RATES. AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND any amount of money, on the security of Good =arm or Productive Town Property, at the Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, in sums and manner to suit borrowers. Principal can be re-paid by yearly instalments, or in one sum. Investments made in Debentures, Mortages, and other securities. SILVER AND GREEXBACKS BOUGHT AND Best Brads clan RS 13m. Zoo Cold Soda Water From one of Matthews' Celebrated Fountains! Imported from New last season, will be 1 on draft as soon as the weather gets 22 hot ! EDWARD HIGGINS. Oubaries; Ap) 1, 187. 1-1, SPRING STYLES {n great profusion at the For further part! iculars apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, Ke. Office - Mc Millan's Block, Brock St., Whitby. D es = on Outfitting Apel, hy 1871 148 . ~ NATIONAL PILLS. STORE. The Best Catha of Latest Styles in Hats and Caps. A yAgeor Co y. A NEW DISCOVERY OF ME- DICINE, are composed of PURELY VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, being free from mercury or other poi- sons; they can be taken at all times and under all circumstances, without regard to diet or business, They act on the Liver and Digestive Organs, giving them tone and healthy action. They are a genuine Blood and Sto- mach Purificr, are mild, searching and a Thorough Purgative, and are pro- nounced by all who have used them to be a first-class family pill, and wi worthy of a tiial 2& THEY ARE SUGAR COATED. "3 }¥ ae) by all druggists and medicine caler WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & CO, Proprietors, Brougham, Ont. D* BOYER'S GALV ANT Latest Styles in Neckties & Collate. Latest Styles in White & Col'd Shirts. A LARGE STOCK OF {Men's Under-Clothing!|: VERY CHEAP. TRY THE NATIONAL PILLS. ST1id TVNOLLVN HHL AL A large and attractive stock of Men' & oys' Ready-made CLOTHING UMBRELLAS, E CARPET-BAGS, i | SATCHELS. | | ¥ FLU D, Universally acknowledged to he one of] the most powerful Liniments for the cure of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, CRICKET and LACROSSE BELTS, And for all cases where an external ap- plication is required, an extensive use) of it has proved that it has no equal for the complaints enumerat v-- ILTON, THE POET, DEPLORED |, JUST OPENED COWAN'S| Direct from London per last Steamer. Ono Case of Ladies' Black Silk Jackets! OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES Ladies will find these Goods the Most Elegant i in the Market, while the prices are Much Lower than Canadian made Goods. . ~--ALSO-- ONE CASE OF FRENCH KID" GLOVES! Of the Celebrated Foussio Brand, which the subscriber has =r imported for the past 15 yéarsand never fails in giving sati « PRICES AS USUAL, ONE DOLLAR PER PAIR} ' ALTHOUGH ON ACCOUNT OF THE WAR THE PRICE bo. § EUROPE HAS ADVANCED CONSIDERABLY. OSHAWA, May 11, 1871" ! 5¢f HAVE THIS.DAY SOLD OUT ALL INTEF EST IN MY BUSINESS IN Oshawa, \o Mose J; & WW. . GILLETT, who will carry on the same, and to whom all outstand* ing accounts must al Pert Hoge, March 2, 1871. in ER The subscribers have this day entered into partnership as Dry Goods Merchants, under the name and styleof H. & W. GILLETT, and are now recelving thelr ! SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK. which in price and variety will compare favorably with any in the country. NEW LIGHT PRINTS, SPLENDID VALUE. 4 NEW LIGHT BRILLIANTS, Good and Cheap. BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. PARASOLS, SMALL WARESS. * 'GREY AND WHITE COTTONS, &e. yo g PRODUCE TAKEN in Exchange FOR GOODS. * Corner King and Simcoe Streets, Oshawa: : HENRY W. GILLETT. WALTER B. GILLETY. Oshawa, May 4, 1871. (4 No Trouble to Show Goods. ny qualy peousy 'Qaol Df *Lundwo) I9q0 Luv ue) nn Eo Jadawy ~gsIqvIsd ouo 303 Lpvaaie JOU QAUY OA SIIYA UMO) JONI0 £1049 Wj puw CAWEO uy poe IGILNVEAYM ATIAA SANINOVE JUG "IUD "NIOIY SWmeg] Wwe | "OX 'NANAIDAILI 01 LXl2edsiE yoo de AY | SIOULIE I. pUe saonelL 'sroewssold 'sIoUHITIN 'somes ojeAld WOM ANIMOVE TILL ISAL STL] Od THM IXIIVI UYIRLO AXV AVHL OXIHEIIXY 9 'preg 'Wnd 'Jeyied id 'pul 'p400 ony og wom nm | ht HM Jon HOIH un 0 Luw 03 pynba psa-- OIquY] 08 JWOu jou puw 'oud Lod ORI SIROON, IBENG Mots © Som pue Sun If dT JON BR Ey a Er St Hol 001 HO, sup a. HOLLES do NOISNALL 970 Jo aBuvyd ) Woy wd CRUG LL de Ri oro mod do wopgout Kiss pid | [[v | Jqemp S13] "po jo ed iJ 1d 0 Baojoson) 'SoupPUm Iq uj Sj Toa onnnsuoo oa) wf sued. ou rE ISON 'uonjuoldde uo 340m Jo woe pun sawmoar) PavaLio 0) pasword oq [Tm JOUUTO SM YOTYM 'SIOH0 [Iv 01 JoHadns QUPOVIY Oy) JOq SOUSNOXI Je ul a NO ENO L208 AINO--LEANUVIN THL NI ANIHOVI EFFICIENT AND 1828 "DOTA 1 LOVAWOO ANY 3dNIS | SunmpeynueN YSIT pue os Kpywey Jog SOTOVIY SULAE THAIE-A00T 0 OTHATY ~MAHN- SHNYYVY 'H H- THE LARGEST STOCK OF ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Just received: disect from the anufactirers. A gest variety of pattern, snd ulin : of the lowest possible prices. JAMES 0 GERRIE, _, Family Drug Store, Whithy 3 my y Whitby, April 1, 87. A WORD 0 THE WISE Dominion Bank. WHITBY V AGENCY. NIECE IST IS HEREBY arvix NE fs DATES IS SUFFICIENT, NDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE to his numerous custom- blic generally, that he has assortment of , Gents', Ladies and Children's HE IT to | ers and on han Bk 1. Wht, 0, 9 = Z00K OUT FOR Good Photogra; TO BE MADE AT CHEAP at HODDER'S. | G. HODDER, 4% One door North of McLean's Cheap Grocery Store, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. April 2, 1571. TO LET. eu Pump Shop -- id Sen & LATHE, 23 Sold by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers. Gir WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & CO, Proprietors, Brougham, On DR. poYEIS GALVANIC FLUID. ALIA DINVATIVD |fANAOH UA Rex oa [T-IRSIST UPOA IT-BUY KO OTHER RAS 5 JRE eNLY AT DW ETERS Ea I YSPE ie FE " LL FoR ' i k » INT te 5707 nciness- ofthe am e Tor E-SILVER. ain ll ET Rc Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY, BROOKLIN, "HARRY TAIT, ° of Bewantile Brooklin, April 27, 1878. For Salel 5, LOD A SA EA WILLIAM DICKIE, 4 Oshawa, April 3, 1871. eg Bp .»,

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