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Ontario Reformer, 11 Aug 1871, p. 3

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Ra Fon stitching, he 4 a ting, fring ding, tue) king, 'Ths Osborne» her Tees Adiiross very, ER Ne MIC THARL CURT hig wa, Afgust 169th, 187, S a ve i i: . et A ER 0SEAwaA Adezwoy, SUMMER SERVICE, Jer Contract ith th for carrying the ( uae ry 871. i STEAM WEEKLY pg | IVERPOOL, LONDO) AND CLASGOw. | HIS COMPANY'S composed of the und Double Engined Clyde Buin Iron 8 Hrnesian' 4,200 ton 400 tons i TE ott. [Recandinavia ne: Prussian, 3 RN. R. Auswrian, 23 Tons, Capta'n Son a oming & & weekly line betwen war = Tons: Arol 5 David, 1650 ES Mt ay tons, nia i Hexen and Montreal. For ATES OF F oronto " Passaox. ed d R teducec I? out their friends. iy d, 10 an any part of C The * Steamships of hed} hip Company land their fies Railw ay Wher re thereby Sv oidiy te % and handling of Express Trains leave cean Steamers or Mnmd estern points; H. L SMITH, A, Post oper od | ER O -_ 190 3x rom oF TEN DER} wil) be received ® by, Moers --~=ah¥ On and up to iday, the 16th D " September, i871, | rsons desirous of t noon, from ye Beste ering (B-W est Quarter of Lot No. of the Township of . Con. Sa the County of Durham. = Th sty is within One and O "niicid, § of Prince jibert, and 12 oti nl vd is all well cleared and in th the exception of ut bp {here isa second ge in a] ele: lent, and the land well ¥ good Orchard of about 30. s, all of which now of sale are the st Lh. wperty will be of of rt len MeDermot, late ope asioni will be given on the oboe 1571, with Tiberty to the fall ploughing as soon ss the present @ ed. The Vendors i] not be obliged #0 i" highest or aay tender. Eon ditions of sale and forms of 1 obtained a =p Plicasion oe McGee, wa, Messrs. Rutisdge, Bowmanville, or » the Master of the Court at Whit! Dated 20th July, 157L REW ELL & McGEE, > 2 I FA Vendors' Sol ' GEO. H. DARTS dw. NOTICE TO | D LL PERSONS IN $x MICHAEL. &atery MIC en & MORGAN, #® He payment without delay to I I HEREBY ¢ YORBID ANY a trusting anyone OB er written order from me, &8 not be responsible for any JOSEPH . East Whitby, August 4th, 1878 0 ------ TO LET. » FEYWO SMALL STORES, T Front Street, Osby hops. fo: Shoeinaker sn able. Apply to ri July 7,187 INM AN L OF MAIL 8 10 AND FhOM AL "Hew Y oh, Quee » Liverpo 4 wonoy A . | Crry or RICH | Caryior MONTREAL. od Crry oF Bre JOKLYN. , + Ciry oF Panis. 5 G Ciry OF BRUSSEIA City or NEw YORE. ty 3 City OF Lox or W. Bailing Thursdays SI ir Pier 45, N North FH 1 inaTES OF ort 0 Queenston or Ci x wgpool, - to dou, tele Law: aris a rms | pen op Sn ry | further apply 0 8 TA ow. ol July 2? "fn the Grand Procession will be added a herd of LAIN LINES uf "THE GREAT ENGLISH EXHIBITIONI OSHAWA {n Thursday, August 17th. "Prince Albert, Aug. 16th. Bowmanville, August |8. APTERNOON AND NIGHT. TEN ELEPHANTS! 'Which have re Just arrived in America, and will r harnessed to the great "CAR OF JUGGERNAUT !" THE WAR ELEPHANT "RAJAH" Is among the number, and will lead the Team of Elephants [EVERYBODY "SELLING OFF | CREAT COMMOTION IN TRADE | OSHAWA AHEAD OF THE PROVINCE! IMMENSE STOCKS! --AND-- STEELE BROTHERS tice of giving customers all the A Es re orous traffic, and. have just added ® NOTHER LARGE LOT OF REFINED SUGARS! Driven by Native East Indian Keepers. HOWES' GREAT LONDON CIRCUS! | SANGER'S ENGLISH MENAGERIE FIRST SEASON IN ANEXICA} TUE OREAT EXHI- BITION OF THE AGE inde Troupe of English Riders, Acrobats & Gymnasts Their First Visit to thus country. Also the resowned THREE WILD BEAST TRA AINERS(S T.OOXEL!? his Performing BENGAL TIGERS. PFPRANCISOO 1 'pe WILD ZEBRA Breaker. oa Jelther cue of the Rams . Ponies, Horses, Trained ZEBRAS! Harness. only Zebrs Team ever known. Splendid fll grown DLED GNOO, RNED HORSE OF AFRICA, oaly Brindled Gooo ever lmported to this evuntry A Nving snd besatiful specimen of % B HE ELLAND, Or. the Giant Antelope of Africa. TUL WHIEE, OR POLAR BEAR, | ured (3 th tic Ocean. sXRO, # Lo dori ho receded by a Triumphal Pageant Grand Tri One Mile in Length. The o RINGPPRFORMANGES | full Southam Ramen witly BRILLIANT ENTREE, in full cos" rimported Enlish Thorouohbreds. promizent in attraction anll eclipsing tein ah the po uestrian stars that have ever Auwerica, § he graceful L "dist THE FIRST LADY EQUESTRIAN OF THE AGE. M'LLE MARIE, Xaows ta the Perla Ciegné Oty mplyne and pon the Cop | At Dr. Deans Drug Store, | After 6 o'clock a evening. LA BELLE PAR! ISIENXE, Rides her grest Princip! Ay ia hia wh ch sho bas but few MLLE AL ICE, Anntber Europesn eelebrity, performs a su orion of thril- , vaulting, ieplaying | i feats upon hofsebac > besutiful attitudes Sad artis feats during the fi - - -- AI + TWO EN Li Of Pure Quai NGLISH CLOWNS [AT DR. DEAN'S DI DRUG STORE. ME. DEal Gymnastic & Tumbling Clown: | | First in Equestrian skill, musenlar vigorand artistic besuty, aod trauscendantly superior to oll the great riders in profession, is MR. JAMES J EE, Oi he Re Royal Amphitheatre, London. This accom, rival, claims in America, altho «cession of lofty FORWARD-FEET-TO-FEET SOMERSAULTS, Upon bia horse's back. during bis greatest speed, a perfor- ly accompli shed by any other Ader hance, never either here or plsewhere. Mr. Jeo's ho reemnanship is -sacces-ion of Irimpha, such as zo other rider living sa | { CAREFULLY PREPARED "ever befré altai SIGNOR ALMONTE, The Grotesque, or ITALIAN TRICK CLOWN. MR. L. JOSEPH, In aa artistieal selection ot DRAMATIC SCENES OX { HORSE MESSRS, FAUST & ECTOR, British' Gymnasts of tho First Science. THE BROTHERS LA CLAIRF, Wl perform their brilliant exploits upon THE DOUBLE TRAPEZE. MASTER HENRY, Tas diversity of Equestrian and Gymnastic Exploit, leads too Juvenile Troupe, - Classic Allagorical Scene on Two Horses, entitled PSYCHE AND ZEPHYRUS, By i JEE and Mlle MARIE; Graphio Nautie xl Scene, me SHIP-WAECKED SAILOR BOY! | ith appropriate Musie, Cost umes and ecerduion Sites "2 expressive Paioudut 2 action on Horseback by Mi L. JOSEPIL Neartds Lofty Leaping! Overs troupe of mounted Horses, and jn Jitter of fixed | by the Great Engiish Vanjter. Mr. JAMESJEE. inimitable: Corps of Flying Sautenrs 'bis "iad by hie thietcs. Marly Sports of the Taf in a Beene of Eurdlo it 1iding!? | or. JOSEPH as the BRITISH FOX HUNTER, lesping died ors: ov gates, bas, &e, with consume The Ring Performances elosa with s Paxroxive Gmo- TRUE, entitled the VILLAGE PHAN rom LIGHT AND ! Fe U: Duwholesome No VENTILATION: oi! Bee cirowiatrn aio ol pullie sesemblages. good Srealstion of pare wir. sro well provided for | t London Cirens and Fanger's English The whole Pavilion is Hipminated with Ig TY A AS, manufactured by means re: Jas Machine," ontsice the enclosure, bp Gireulation of air is at the sone time admitted | DES Dear the eaves of the canvas top)from | ried throvgh every port, rendering | ® Avditortum and Managerie as pure 23 1a Ws open folds, Cieon under 1) years ....... «Doors open at I gpd cl Purpos of introducing the FINE STUD OF plished saful equestrian champion, holds the prs rank in bis profession In England as James Robinson, his only | belonging to different | of homsernanship. Mr. See's ap eialty in equestri- 'Salam, and in which Le es~ts all rivals far into the shade, is his great SoMERsAULT ACLIEVEMENTS, throwing a sue- 70 ACCOMPANY THEIR . SEALING FRUIT JARS! Now so generally ased ; and hage a frésh supply of No | 100 BOXES | OF THOSE AMAZINGLY FINE LAYER RAISINS! THE' MARVEL OF THE TOWN FOR CHEAPNES! TOGETHER ' WITH | I. |= NEW TEAS, | NEW COFFEES, - NEW GROCERIES GENERAILY, AND A 'MEAVY STOCK OF PROVISIONS! All being sold at thé lowest living rates. | Now Is the Time for Families to Frnish ! FOR HAVING DETERMINED ON | | CLEARING THE SHELVES Before their annual stock-taking, the whole asortment of 'China, Crockery and Fancf 'Wares at «Is offered, BE For Te Bening HR : At Exceedingly Low Foes | OSHAWA, JULY 20, 1871. 15¢f. a | APPRENTJE WANTED MEDICAL HALL Eins ED, promtiee tudo COREY Pure Drugs and Chemicals] |S" Apeiy oF Vv. CEE Dirck airast, East End. OSHAWA. Bu J UST ARRIVED A Fresh Assortment of | English and French erfumery | 'DR. DEAN'S DRUG TORE, OSHAWA. 'Oshawa, July $70 ~7 PR SALE. Eien: ERKSHIRE PIGS, TWO Apply fosthe Apply JOHN GOULD, Near Maxvi® Hotel, wr Ho VALUALE PROPERTY for SALE. HE JBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale } street, Souk REY Be. ieee and over Wh asrs of in Prince Albert, now HUGH CARMICHAEL. fe 114t. JUST ARRIVED! A Cemplete Stock of DYE STUFFS! ! do t fine occupied Mr. Oshay June OSHAWA. ° | JUST ARRIVED! A Magnificent Assortment of Toilet Soaps, Brushes & Fancy Articles ~AT-- % DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, OSHAWA. | PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS CONDENSED ATIOSPHERIC BATH! 17 Greaté¥ Invention of the Age. | AT DR. DEAN'S DRUG STORE, OSHAWA. Store, is o te Hindes Hot, a RR July 4, 1371 MH odes ENLARGED AND IMPROVED! t has been ng More Reading Matter]! New Type/ghronic Ny Moy Bho Soviet > = chitis, Li The London Daily Advertisc|bu has been enlarged and improved. and ow ted on a font of new and bea ie e London Daily Advertiser is one livest, freshest, and most ente: | Canada. It gives a | colum ns of ev g of households. T. by all $4 per um ; $2 for six months ; SST x Sonthe, eh ANE ADVENTHL, largest circulation in to Press. It 3s snes | com : Of Every Grade, to Preserve your Fruit, F ye ie JOHN CAMERON & Apveamser OFFICE, LONDON. Ont Bowmanville, May 10, 1871. Notice to Debtors. | INDEBTED TO | too, in most respectable garb, and presentsa tout ensemble creditable alike to the proprietor and publisher, Mr. W. R. Climie, the foundry which the plant, and the editors and devote their talents and craft in mak- FOR SALE! Ra. Toa RESIDENCE or JOSEPH RICE Sa HE HIGHEST arm Produce, for all kinds of pr. M CHISHOLMS. GIBBS BLOCK. MRS. RILEY § NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL UP TRL » AUGUST 4 1871 NOTA BENE. WALTER WIGG & SON, Cabinet Makers, Undertakers, &e. (8 bos them. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. A SPLENDID NEW HERSE FOR HIRE. ast, but aos Lanst, 12 Palins Brig Balinese Wi THE NEW DOMINION FURNITURE WAREROOM KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. June Jst, 1571. EROOMS, AND LIKEWISE AVING GREATLY LY ENLARGED OUR WAREROO MS, AND LIKEWISE Great inducements held aut to those purchasing at our Establishming' Coffins kept constantly on hand or made to order. A choice lot of Carriages and Perambulators just received Cheap for Cash, Blind Lifter, the best | AT CO W ANS Direct from London per last Steamer. |One Case of Ladies' Black Silk Jackste! OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES! | Ladies will find these Goods the Most Elegant i in the Me: het while the prices are Much Lower than Canadisn-mede G(s I | / ONE CASE OF FRENCH KID GLOVES} Good | Better! Best! Qc» JUDGES or PICTURES think that HOITBis the best Pho- tographer in the County of Ontario; better Judges are quite confident he is; the best Judges are sure he is. Ye doubting ones Of the Celebrated Foussie Brand, hich th mires bus ey imported for the past 15 years and never fails in giving sati PRICES AS USUAL, ONE DOLLAR PER PAIR} ALTHOUGH ON ACCOUNT OF THE WAR THE PRICE IN EUROPE HAS ADVANCED CONSIDERABLY. OSHAWA, May 11, 1871 st LADIES THIN LIGHT SNOW-WHITE GENTLEMEN Light Linen Coats, We hush do We have also PRUNELLA SHOES ! CHINA, FOR EVERYBODY. That will BEnliven the Dullest Nerves. SUGAR-OURED SMOKED HAMS In Stone and Philip Taylor JK BEES THE LAF LARGEST, BEST AND Watches, Olooks, omy, ig Plated, and Fancy Goods. * should be well provided with their PHILIP TAYLOR, - E 'Watchmaker & Jeweller, DRESSES, «Simcoe Street, Ochawa. Itt. GAUZ NEW YORK HOUSE MUSLIN DRESSES, give Horrr a call.and Judge for yourselves 1f a mistake was made in giving Hotrrthe JSirst prise on Photographs and Paintings at the County and Township Fairs, the past two years. 'Notwithstanding adver ém to the Y» HOITT Is the only Artist mn this Coyelty that finish I HAVE THIS DAY SoLD QUT ALL INTEREST IN MY BUSINESS IN Oshawa, to Messrs. H. GILLETT, who will carty 9n the same, and tv Wiom all outstand ing accounts must be HIRAM GILLETT. Port Hope, March 28, 1871. { ------r-- The subscril Pictures in ther Crdyon, 'Sepia, India Ink, Oil or Water Colors. Horrr has re- fitted and refurnished his Gallery in a manner creditable to progressive Oshawa, and having secured the services of a first- clase assistant from the city, he will now be able to send out first-class pictures, agd as promptly as any oflier Photographer. The reason that the good, better and best Judges were not invited to give Horrr a call, is because it Is supposed they will come without an invitation, as only first class work can be got at HOITT'S, over Wood's Store, up one flight of statrs. A large assortment of Picture Frames at HOITT'S Gallery. Oshawa, April 20, 1371. a and style of H. & W. GILLETT, and are now receiving their SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK which in price and variety will cbmpare favoralis with aay in the country. © NEW LIGHT PRINTS, SPLENDID VALUE. NEW LIGHT BRILLIANTS, Good and Cheap. BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. PARASOLS, SMALL WARESS. GREY AND WHITE COTTONS, &e. e E i PRODUCE TAKEN in Exchange FOR GOODS at MARSELLA DRESSES, &C. HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS RES- to Inform the citizens of ODD ad and NEW "oak HOUSE ! SITUATED ON TH: CORNER OF SIMCOE AND MILL STREETS, ans no ono vs | SOUTH OSHAWA Where he intends to keep hand a General Assortment of FIRST CLASS + |GROCERIES! Provisions ! And trusts by Sisiet sfjahtion So busine to t merit a share of Public Asiatic Pants ! COOL VESTS, ~--AND-- tell where to od where ey Loe Oold Soda Water From one of Matthews' Celebrated Fountains! Imported from New York last season, will be on draft as soon as the weather gets 28 hot ! . EDWARD HIGGINS, Oshawa, April 14, 1871. t, Cheap Gambroons Sor 's and Boys' Summer Wear. 14f, M:! Bet Brnie /QARS Migazs on ciple Involved in Dr. Jd. BALL & CO'S ew lvory< Lignum-Vite EYE CUPS, IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN SAVED. Ve Pi Nature, A Se re red Dyriclan,, Does the the shrunken and enfeebled LTON,' THE POET, DEPLORED the loss of wight; had he known the prin- Corner King and Simcoe Streets, Oshawa. ; HENRY W. GILLETT, WALTER B. GILLETH Oshaws, May 4, 1511 - «tr #9 ¢ ym 'opmosey 'worm enon WOH { WK "yusBy esetiop 'QQOL 0 °r ; 1 1GILAVEAVA AT104 SASINOVE "NANADETID 01 IK2606Te 'de | | ssomire gy pue scone) 'ssoyeurssoaq 'souimm 'sorte leAug WO4 AXIMOVE SEL 18ar 81 1] "0 TILA IRTHOV UTHLO ANY IVIL ONIRLENY 20 "preag 'Hind Ses SSS 'mad 'pug 'pa0Q oni -- "oH Nm Nn This blo Serury, that we hetohy the term of ten Re uthorize sole and exclusive Agent for the "sale of our New bor 5 BALL & Co. now for sale an The under has now ment of the e invaluable Vinced his of he Veneiis of ths vention BRADFORD TUTTLE, 1.3m, Ey ie t, and To fill orders for these a con- Oshawa, Ont. yr Cro LL Se, -aNo 1008V 21 LINO 1 [Ie uj oyquamp & 30050 uj 8] 19) FHL § + Money to Lend 'REDUCED RATES. Asay amount or Productive Town Property, { Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, : in sums ner to suit borrowers. Principal by yearly instalments, or in one Investments made in Debentures, Mortages, and other ri can be re- sum. SPRING STYLES In great profusion at the STORE. Latest Styles in Hats and Caps. Latest Styles i in Neckties &° Collars. 3 Latest Styles in White & Col'd Shirts. | A LARGE STOCK OF | Men's Under-Clothing! Por Men, Women and Children. CROCKERY, - & GLASSWARE, VERY CHEAP. ') A largo and attractive stock of | | Men' & oys'Ready-made CLOTHING. Su ; i | SUGARS UMBRELLAS, OARPET-BAGS, SATCHELS. | TEAS CRICKET and OHEAP at HODDER'S. G. HODDER, 4% One door North of McLéan's Cheap Grocery : roby _-- To Suit the Mast Delicate Tastes. FRUIT JARS, | im=m of the Mast Paver: TO LET. ¢ |The Pump Shop WITH HORSE-POWER & LATHE, ME Fat WOOD, MACLEAN & Ce, * MICHAEL'S BLOUK, TRY. THE NATIONAL PL LL : SILVER AND SREENBACKS BOUGHT AND For farther pardculars apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &e. j Ovo MeMilan'y Block, Brock St., Whitby. 14 April, 13th, 1871. 1 AM Now PREPARED TO -LEND of money, on the sacuntiy Hf of Good EFFICIENT AND ot PRICE, $28! | Supmoenue ly 14S pue osn Apweg Jo04 SOUTHORIY SLMS THIS-H00T 20 6TNYY MAN SANYY Hd '® THE LARGEST STOCK OF | : . NATIONAL PILLS. The Best Catha A-y Age or Co y. 3 A NEWT NEW DISCOVERY OF ME- ICINE, are 'composed of PURELY VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & Proprictors, Brougham, nba, Lg 'of ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Just received dirsct from the manufacturers. A rs vrisy of putrs, and ling 4 at the lowest possible prices. . JAMES H. GERRIE, Family Drug store, Whithy I-lm, vd «< Whitby, April 13, 157. . A WORD TO THE WISE TRC 1S SUFFICIENT. WHITBY AGENCY. a | NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ree UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE fo Bini has opentd R. BOYER'S GALVAYIC FLUID, for the. Sold by all or by all Druggists and Medicine WOODRUTY, BENTLEY & CO., Proprieiors, Brougham, On DR. BOYERS GALVANIO FLUID. __ ALIA OINVATTVO RUNA0E HA {in the office formerly ers and the has Royal Canadian Bank. = " K nL poipia'in Canada, (he Uaied Same aad J. H. MecCLELLAN, Brook St., Whitby, April 13th, 1872. oe LOOK OUT FOR Good Photographs!" TO BE MADE AT Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY, BROOKILIN. BY IW ELE \ Ly PSIA Simoce Breet, Oshawa. | ypc vine, May ss. mz py POOR COPY HARRY TAIT, * Photographer. 0 : Late Brooklin, Apel) 27, 1871. For Salel Of. ell $0,380, have this day entered into partnership as Dry Goods Merchants, under the name ° GTI 9D 103 PWAIIY 108 400 04 SISGA Hao) Joqrs LIbab w) Dud SAVER 1 pothea LNTD® LOS of Bowmanville pa Likorusmas : : ER ---------- TT TRA

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