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Ontario Reformer, 25 Aug 1871, p. 4

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sn Sree ea _ oer ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, EE ------------------------------ DICKENS IN C.MP. Above the pines the moon was slowly drifting, The river sang below ; The dim Sicrras far beyond uplifting Their minarets of snow. ~ The roaring camp-fire with rude humor painted, _. Fhe ruddy tints-of health, One haggard face and form that drooped and i fainted, In the fierce race for wealth. yi' a and from his pack's scant treasure | A Med volume drew, And cards were dropped from hands of listless | treasure, + To hear the tale anew. _And then, while round them shadows gathering faster, © And as the fire-light fell, Ho read #lond the book wherein the Master Had writof * Little Nell." Perhaps 'twas a boyish fancy, for the fee 'Was youngest of them all, But as he read, from clustering pine, A silence seemed te fall. The firtroes gather closer in the shadows, Listened in every spray. At this season of the year cramps and | pains in the stomach and bowels, dysent- ery, diarrhea; &e., are common, and should be checked at<once. John-| son's Anodyne Liniment is the best article | quite that can be used in all such cases, and should be kept in every family, Dr. Wistan's Wirn Cerny Basan, This Balsamic home fixture compound has becouie =» Let all attempted who _ suffer, and have in vain fo cure their Coughs, colds, bronchial or: pulmonary | complaints, make use of this unequecaled | since' its introduction, hei ing remedy. . [It can be relied®upon, that the mass of testimony has' been published Muple proof | of its efficacy. Axoruer Excitement. --- The old world has another excitement more intensely in | teresting to neutral nations than the war. | Diamonds have been discovered at the 1 cape of Good Hope, where the wonders of | While the whole camp, with " Nell" on English | | Sinbad the sailor seem to be eclipsed-- meadows, Wandered and lost their way. And e0 in mountain solitudes --o"etaken As by some spell divine-- | # Canadian Pain . Destroyer" | | while every oue in this Dominion of ours | is astonished at the wonderful efféctsof the | in cuting | Thair cares dropped from them, like the rieodies colds, coughs, rheumatism, neuralgia, sum- From out the gusty pine. Lost is that camp, and wasted all its fires And de who brought that spell ! Ak! towering pine and stately Kegtish spire, Ye have no tale to tell Dost In that camp ! but let its fragrant story ; Blend with the breath that thrills. Wite bop-vine incense all the pensive glory That fillathe Kentish hills. Asd on that grave where English oak, and belly, And laurel wreaths entwine, Deem it not all & too presumptuous folly, This spray of Western Pine! | mer complaints, &ec. For sale by all Drug- | gists an country dealers. Price 20 cents | per bottle. Coughs and colds, when loft to them- selves, frequently bring on pulmonary complaints, which lead to that distress-| ing and fatal disease consumption ; but if | attended to in time, * Bryan's Pulmonic | Wafers" are a certainfemedy. They stop | | the irritating cough, and soo. handstrength- | | en bronchial tubes, allaying all urritations | and inflamation. They are also particuar- | ly adapted for the use of singers and pub- THE OLD MAID'S THERMOMETER. | lic spakers. Sold by all Druggists and 15. -- Anxious for coming out, and 'the at- tention of the other sex. country dealers, Price 25 cents per box. | Great CoxpiTiON IMererss. --As a | condition medicine for Horses *' Darley's! 16. --Begins to have some of the tender | Condition Powders and Arabian Heave| | Remedy" has no equal, its effects in this 17.--Talks of ove i in a cottage, and disin- | respect are astonishing ; many horses that | terested affection. 18. --Fancies herself in love with som handsome man who has flattered: pac her. | were supposed to bo broken down and al-, eo | most wortliless, have by the use of a few kages been restored toa healthy and | sound condition, all traces of the discase | | having been completely remov ed, and have | 19.--Is a little more difficult on account | | been sold for from $60 to $75 more than of being noticed. 20. --Commences being fashionable; | they Would previously have brought ;| when 'you want r horse medicine get "Dar- 21. Still more confident of her own at-|jopyy Condition Powders and Arabian | traghions, and expects a bnlliant | gro, 0 Remedy," establishment. we know you * will be | perfectly satisfied with the result. Re- 22. --Refuses a good offer because he is | member the name and see that the -signa- not a man of fashion. 23. Flirts with every young man she | meets. 24. -- Wonders sho is not married. 25. Rather more circumspect in her con- --duct. 26. --Begins to think a large fortunc not quite so indispensible. ! 2%. o7/ Prefers the company of rational men to flirting. with a comfortable income. | ture of Hurd & Co., is on each package. | Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., proprietors for Canada Sold by all med- | cine dealers. - ERETOFORE PARTIES TROUBL- ed with Dysp daor Liver Complaint have been unable to Sine to reach their | gases; but HE. "Row f Lyn, is now present- to the public & pre tion _ particularly pted for the above complaints. Its merits arc | amply proven by testimon from those who | | gave been benelitted by its use. It is called the | ureka.' Give the advertisement, which is to | EVERY DESCRIPTION PLAIN ORNAMENTAL PR I N TI N G French Delaines, Gloves, Hose, EXECUTED IN A STYLE | SECON D TO | | aNd : E 28. --Wishes to be married in a quiet way, | be bound in another column, @ perusal, | 1 20.-- Almost despairs of entering the mar. ried state. 90. --Rather fearful of being called an | Ld "Old Maid." 31.--An additional love of dress. 32. -Professes to dislike «balls ; finds it | difficult to get good partners. 83.--Wonders how men can leave the so- | The CaNapta¥ Pai¥ DESTROYER with chits. 34.-- Affects good humor in her con tion with men. 35.--Jealous of the praise of women. 96. -- Quarrels with her friend who is late- | ly married. ~ 57. Thinks herself slighted in society. 38. --Likes to talk of her acquaintances who are married unfortunately. 88. --I11 nature increases. 40.-- Very meddling and officious. 41. --1f rich, as Dernier resort, makes love to a young man without fortune. 42.--Not succeeding, rails against mankind. 43. --Partiality for cards and scandal com- mences. 44. --Severe against the manners of theage. 45.-- Strong predilection for a clergyman. 46.--Enraged at his desertion. 47.--Becomes desponding and takes to tea. | of sensible women--to flirt | Wherever used | single ins | Canadian Pain Destroyer | A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT Lo wel Soil and fa favorably known, relieving Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus. i Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, | Scalds, Frost bates, gi | now Defoe tho Public OF = laugh of Sime. BE tance to 2 Sn Db relief when used, and we havo Dever Io never hy a stage | where the directions ave ! weil, but on the x al rms - its 'virtues and magical | tested it thorougaly ; jd thes therefore those who | ering from an complaints Which itis Focommended. may y depend ly it ht | being a Sovereign Remed: | he astonishing efficacy' ot the Sapadian | for a) universal satisfaction it gives. royer never falls to ogicine y will 5 without it after tryin Price, only Twenty-five Cents per For sale ML T. Atkinson and Dr. wa; in oe. Pariey's Arabian oil. 'FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. 48.--Turns all insensibility into cats and | | AAEVER-FAILING REMEDY. -- | d ogs. 49.-- Adopts a dependent aelation to at- | ! SXperiehios has proved to tend upon her feline and canine | | & oun nursery. ' 50.-- Becomes disgusted with the world, and vents all her ill humor on her unfortunate relations. y ges tin - we A QUAKER PRINTER'S PROVERBS. Never sendest thou an article for publi- THIS valuable preparation combines all | A wh > the tat 0] for the Shire o Sprains, Bruises, Galls pf all kinds, | Heels, Hing Bone, 8 Spas vin, Callous, Fis- | | tula, Sweeney, External Polsons, Scratches or | Grease, ~ Strains, Lameness, Whitlows, | the medicinal virtue of those articles ak | Corns, Sand Cracks, Foundered Feet, Horn Dis. | | which horses ant cation without giving the editor thy name, | for thy name oftentimes secures publica; tion to worthless artiéles. : Thou shouldst not rap at the. door of a printing office, for he that answereth the rap sneercth in his sleeves and loseth time. + Neither do thou loaf about, ask ques "tions, or knock down typé, or the boys will love thee like they do shade trees, when thou leaveth} Thou should'st VE read the copy on | the printer's case, pr the sharp and hook- od container therepi, or he may knock | thee down. { ; Never inquire thou of the editor for the | news for behold, iy is his business at the | appointed time, toigive it to thee without | asking. f Jt is not Tight that thou should'st ask "him who is the author of an article, for 'his duty requireth him to keep such things 'to himself. i When thou dost lenter into his office, | take heed unto thyself that thou dost not | | | - { | | | ! look st what may be lying open and con- | cerneth the not, for that is not meet in sight of good breeding. Neither examine thou the proof sheet, for it is not ready to meet thine tye, that | 'A Lecture to Yonui Men. thou mayest understand. Prefer thine own town paper "other, and subscribe for jt immediately. Pay for it in advance, and it shall be | | Emisigus, "wel hee and thine. sooo LL | to any | | | |. mquors of the wad / hel I | medicines, and without swellings and many other diseases | cattle are subject to. This celebrated Lini temper, niment has been used for | many years, and, its curative properties | thoroughly tested, and is conceded to the | cheapest and most reliable remedy for all exter- nal complaints ever offe to the publio--it, never fails when timely used and faithfully ap | plied. To be had of all Dru, chants throughout the per, bottle. Northop 4 Lyman, Newcastle, Pricer 'or Canada. or sale by; T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans | a in Whi in' J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrne | in Brooklyn by Joha W atten, } ts and Country Mer minion. Price 25 cents | Ontario, Pro-| | The Great Female Remedy. JOB MOSES: PERIODICAL PILLS. | HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS | unfailing in the eure of ail those painful and dangerous diseases to. wh hich the female consti- | tution is subject. It moderates all dxcess and re- | moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied ou. | It is poculi rl Wo short. time, iari, a short | bring on the Savin pevied with vu ky. ken | a : he Fr yd REE AON CONT Hs of Poses Preg- uring V, paney. aut he are sure (o Dring on Say Lreg. er tiie they are In all Cases of Nervous and 8; pia Affections, | | Puma in 8 hte aad of the Ree on alight | Whi hess Bilis w ill effect a cure viene other means es and althoug ful remedy, do not en Saran Be Salome wall | | ey, or anything in the around each ro ie hich should be pr a oand Sach JOB MOSES, XEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. 3 ® and 12 orthrop , general | agents for the D min hig bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return J 3 For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans | Oshawa; in Whitby by J. H G r d J. { Bros inby Sonn Warren, + ieand J. Byrn cents for post Suclued to! ag, | Neweaste, jom, will UST PUBLISHED IN A] velo Frios six cents, A Lecture on the Nature, Treatmen: i and radical Cure of Sper d or Seminal Weakness," Involuntary Sewnal Debility, and [I rriage Nervo ARAL jon, ps Frid Fits; Sental and | Bhysica Tousen EY CUE Ai | Anor ofthe 26 hed Bs ae non e world-renowned author, in! this ad able Lectiire, clearly proves from hi he mips. 4 perience that the awful consequences of Self- may be effectually remoyed without hougies, \RSTumenes, Tin urgical oper , or {lig out a mode of cure at ine) certain and ™y which ay be, nay no matter nn | cure himself 08 HS OFFICE in toned speak from experience | in the matter, hav- 8 Pain it mb -- in all parts of g , for further supplics, and each testifying | | 1} PRS =U DOMINION. R] E F O R M E R | Ona which would be exchanged for other property. PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. NEW TYPE, NEW PRESSES. 5 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1871. 'Med. cal Hall. 18/1. fue JUSEFH HALL MACHINE WOKKS ga OSHAWA, GNTARIO. DE ANS ST / AS iD 8 DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Co., | ESTABEISHED 1851. ers. Dye Stuffs, Thad oseph Hall Manufacturing Company, PROPRIETORS, [1871. D R ' AVING PURCHESED THE would inform the public that he has just received a Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, TOILET ARTICLES, &., WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. : Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug Store.. Remember the stand | nearly opposite Hindes' Hotel. Oshaws, April 13th, 1871. | 1-ti. | RETIRING F ROM | USINESS. Sor bo Let: 1 Pusessin Given n Forty Days, if i WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION TO OUR NUMBER ONE AND 7 WO BUCKEYE COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER, 'With Johnson's Self Rake, Improved for 1871. | The whole must be sold without reserve within the next few weeks, to ake room for ' his successor~in business. § NOW IS THE While this Sale lasts, to buy your freine and Summer Goods, in | cLoTRING, | TWEEDS, D ress Good ST HATS, CAPS, COATINGS, OF EVERY VARIETY. SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, LUSTRES, FRENCH MERINGES, J.C AKM ICHA FR iV WILL SELL THE WHOLE OF HIS STOCK OF Dry Good,s Boots and Shoes! A%~ AT COST PRICE AND UNDER. um We believe this Maclithe, as we now build it, to be the most perfect Reaper and Mower ever yet offered to the public of Canadas. di I M x ! !| Among its many advantages we call attention (6 the following :-- i. It has no Gedle on the Driving Wheels, TROWS SERINGS | | it less liable to breakage. It: is furnished with Four Knives, Two for Mowing and Two for Reaping, one of which has al sickle edge for cutting ripe, clean grain, the other a smooth edge for apestry, Kidderminster and cutting grain in which there is grass or seed clover, Hemp Carpets, Hollands, Tickings, Shectings, Towelings, Ce. Ledger Plates. It is also furnished with our 'Produce taken in Exchange for Goods... New Patent Tilting Table for Picking up Lodged Grain OSHAWA, APRIL I, 1871. o Me GO TO \ | \ G G | ; : jj is Js the waly really valuable Tilting Table' offered on any combined Reaper "and Mower. | The Table can be very easily raised or lowered by the Driver in his Seat without stopping his Team. HENRY'S, 1! = OO «iD FOR THE (C BEST TEA ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL Can be made to act as Rakes at the option of the Driver, by a Lever readily operated by his foot. The Cutting apparatus is in front of the Machine, and therefore whether Reaping or Mowing, the entire work of the Machine is under the eve of the Driver while guiding his team. This Table is %0 constructed as to in a more compact form than any other Reel Rake. ables it to pass over rough ground with much greater ease and less injury to the Table. The Grain Wheel Axis is on a line with the axle of the Drive Wheel, which enables it to turn the corners readily. The Rakes are driven by Gearing instead of Chains, and therefore have a steady uniform motion, rijaking Cham much laut able 10 Sreakags 9 uneven ground, and more regular in removing the grain. ~The Gearing is very simple, strong and durable. The Boxes are all lined with BABBIT METAL. The Parts are all 'unmbered, so that the REPAIRS can be ordered yl telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number ofaghe part wanted. | Y Good Groceries Generally. Y There Is 00 side Draught is either reaping of rowing, sad the' Machine {8 so perfectly balspeet | FLOUR, SMOKED HAM and BACON; CHOICE SEED POTATOES-- that there a 00 pressure on the horses Becks eles when reaping or mowing. All our mallable Early Rose, Gooderich and Peach Blows. | SP, where Shey $1 sgjeet to much viraig avy ice annealed, thereby rendering them both tough and strong. OUR JOHNSON RAKE AND | | | | { Also, Crockery, Glassware, &ec. Opposite the Commercial Hotel, King Street West, Oshawa. Oshawa, April 27, 1871. J. W. FOWKE, Is.in town yet, also a splendid assortment of NEW SPRING. GOODS. \ No. Two, medisim size, for Farmers having more use fora Mower than a reaper. 3 that the Grain does not interfere with the thachinery of Rakes or Reels. h make the above machines in two sizes: No. One, large size, for Farmers who have a large amount to reap. | At unusually low prices and in great variety. NEW COTTONS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW HATS AND CAPS, | NEW PRINTS, With the exception of difference in size, these Machines are similar in every respect. Our No. 2 Machine supplied a want hereto fore unfilled, viz :-- A medium between the Jun. Mower and | large combined Msrhine, both in size and price. We shall d b our hi in March among our Agénts, that intending purchasers may have an early opportunity of examining | their merits. NEW TWEEDS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, ! NEW LUSTRES, NEW COATINGS, NEW FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, equal in quality and finish to the samples exhibited by our Agénts. | { A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. | Weinvite.the public to withhold giving their orders until they have had an opportunity of i | inspecti Machines, as we beli { The highest price paid foraWheat, Oats, Barley, Peas, &, inspecting our es, 8s we eve they are unsurpassed by any other Machines ever at .FOWKE. offers rd «.n this continent. 2% One Farm of T0 acres, 3 miles Kast of Oshawa; 50 acres, mile North of | We also off i Harmony ; 108 acres, in Snowdon ; 126 acres, in Letterworth : and some a She Stnong our lite Machines lots ' : } Also a quamsityy dl) oy | JOHNSON' S Self-Raking Reuper,impioved forl871, | | _Omhawa. 43 with two knives, smooth and sickle edge, and malloableBuards | "|€. B. Stock's Celebrated 'Wo x | AUC T ION By Stocks Ceichra op's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. Y Commission Business. Oshawa, April 13, 1871. oF CIPAL Manufactories and Mills in tario | and is giving entire satisfaction. aad all unite In Sud fs tafaction. and all unite in | BUCKEYE Reaper No. 2, with Johnson's Self-Rake. | HE SUBSCRIBER IN RETURNING cates Ea. 3 | ie sincere thanks for the many favors be. A ¥ | On10 Combined Hand R3king Reaper and Mower. | CAyucA CHIEF, Jr., Mower, begs leave to state that he is still pre- BuckeYE Mower No. 1. to attend 10 Sales wherever desired, and Py ig ed Buckeye Mower No. 2. purpose of kueping ACHINERY AND AGRIOULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SUCH AS THE |CLIMAX DOUBLE CYLINDER THRESHING MACHINE, . hie oh the teed eS Sey S% LITTLE GIANT 'THRESHER AND : SEPARATOR, for & Barmeb's own uss, made by Josep Shar JOHNSTON SELF-RAKE REAPER, THE BUCKEYE COMBINED THE OHIO COMBINED WOOD' S| SELF-RAKE, | Sh Ohio, a5, Mower. Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. Olive ofl, or Bay other * A.HENDERSON, Foreman Joseph Hall Works, | padBASi ot ain the oll I have over | | Pad 'used ive, vious to Sticks San T tes | Stock's to be A NY Duffins Creck, Ont. | 1 would. rath 04 then eka oD er have St Stocks Oil any || y Rog Brak, Foreman for Brown & rectly hitby, Ont, | THE CAUGA CHIEF JUNIOR MOWE i QU and 1nd | It to excel | | Greatly bmproved for 17, THE FAR FAMED PARIS GRAIN ha | D : : 4, and C Olive | Power. RILL Jacos OB STALTER, Greenwood. We fer Stock's + Oil toe tithe r 8) any other oils ever used, Spalont Py Sox, 1 use Stock's of on my machinery, wi! volves about 4,000 times per min Bs na the only ofl thatiives i i J. CuenenzLL, "Bangor, Ont. * "Osha i Fi A ogo. BS R. wa, Feb. 7, 1871 Sir,-- Your extra machine oil comes H perfection for lubricating purposes than and | i thing used, so far as known to me, it will neither | gum nor corode, and wares satisfacto Very truly yours, A. SOLE PROPRIETOR : GEO. B. STOCK, Brovemay, Oxr. AGENT FOR THE DOMINION : WINANS, BUTLER & Co., No, 77, Front St, | | Soldwy T.'GIBBS, Ohawa, Ont | OSHAWA ONTARI® AND QUR CELEBRATED We shall also off oH suner Pia Pes, Pelton, Planet, Woodbury, or Hall's 8 or 10 Hors | CULTIVATORS GANG PLOWS, ALL OTHER PLOWS, -- TCI PATENT LOOM MANGLES THAT TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE 'AT TORONTO, AND FANNING MILLS, And a host of other thi last but not having been appointed agent or the tata orion, | JOHN McDONALD'S TOMB STONES AND MARBLE, MADE AT NEW- CASTLE, ow Points anf Land Hi Bide ens of Blow points ng other kind repairs. A DAVID BISHOP, Hormone, Aged 19, 197), , Olive, or | moe shows Lg | 'NEW CLOVER THRESHER AND HULLER, | Very much superior to any other heretofore introduced, A mew and Catal and will be ready for 1 it using eo all applicants, AU our Machines are warranted to give satisfaction, and P | portunity of testing them both in Hoe Jinally conclude the purchase. wrchasers grill have an op- AREWELL and Reaping before they will be required to For further information address F. W. GLEN, 18.4 Provident; | | habttog it to pass over marshy or sandy ground without clcggiog up tke gearing trercty Tenders | | This is one of the most important improvements effected in any Machine during the pgst two years. | | Gather.the Grain into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it | And we guarantee that all Machines dipped this season shall be | 8 NOW USED IN ALL THE Prix. BUCKEYE Reaper No. 1; with Johnson's Self-Rake. | BaLL's Ohio Mower No. 1. Champion Hay Tedder of all our Machines Is heing published, The Cheapest' Weekly vi IN CANADA WEEKLY Times Containg an Immense Amount 4 Good Family, Reading of an Interesting Lind, and i one of the Best and Most Reliable Newspapers published i in Western Canada. 7 v In addition t 6 Fase Ailly writhen editorials on on the leading political and social'events of the Tres will be found to contain valuable seiieity | articles from thd British, Canadian and A Journals, Rrming ofthe NEWS THE Particular attention is paid. to Politics, ritigh and Foreign News, Canadiah News, Ap B News, Local matters, Markets, Paragraph Poetry, Commercial, Facetioe, &e. raphe, 5 MARKETS. -- Perbhps no department of vaper is of nore importance to the F; Store-kee pe r than copions Market res are reliable for their impartial correctness, Conductors of the Times will give » tion to this department of the Jou | the returns from all the principal al sad, grag oh and Mail, up 10 the hour of publication, the Flenatiog of their Subscribers, News. | and | ac Foheise and Pleas] : VEE Tg epitome LY nteiligence likewise forms a leading feature fy - he WEEKLY TIMES. Subscription =~ - $l. 00 a Yoar, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Cres may be formed ka any period of the | by SIX or more Subscribe A and remitting the Cash in dv ance. TERMS: Six Copies for Que Year so Thus allowing & copy FREE to the geiter- club of FIVE BE Seles hyote ¥ A little exertion only is ne club ot eraiy The TiMES Is now and generally clated, and can be recommORded. | 27 Comins ications to be addressed to Li as under. All letters Just be eres os abscn tions may be remitted lost, and te be registered, will be 2 hy bo own C. E. STEWART & Co., Hamilton, May, 157). Proprietors "EUREKA" [7] It has the malleable guards both on the Mower Bar and Reaper Table, with best cast tee | c J Suppo) IAr[ im - 'Nnadey jo sso Tha Table is attached to the Machine both in front and rear of the Driving 'Wheel, which en-. uonsaspny ue "EUREKA" 4A t PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE : YOR THE CURE OF DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, LOSS OF APPETITE, GENERAL pisitrry | | AND ALL DISEASES of THE BLOOD, "It possesses the power of Toning aed 8 suthig the Stoo Excl J &J1eakby Ae toa, snd TAT stem. lr thelr ton, From tie so or are gress | Is so constructed as to rajse the cam so far. above the Grain Table ! je a remedy ¥ ureka has no ual, as it effects Perfect On wy | eaving the fiver, Strengthened and Healthy | Mp HL E. Rowe. | Dma EARSIR Having used fhiee bottles ot valual medicine In my family with 1 feo] safe tn recommending the for 8 Denti ey Inaction of the Liver, of Having Voss weed sed for the above an (Yours respectfully, t § J. Fukusox, M. E. Minister. : TT Lyn, May Mth, 180, Mr. H. E. Row May ih, Sik, ~I have used Eureka for Sick Hondashe: | cansed by a disordercd stomach, and estion, with success, ies other reme or] ed to do me any good, and 1 am satisfied that/is necessary to convince any ye of 5 merits would be to give it-a trial, and [cheer recommend it to whose eopaigion. dy anything of this nature, E. Coor, Prop'rofk Lyn Woolen Factory, | For =ale retail and w Wholesale by all dir gi NORTHROP & LYMAX, ont. Newcastle, J. WINER &Co., Hamilton. on. i» Proclaim the Glad Tidings!' 8! Tee THE 'GREAT SHOSHONEES and Pills, of the Eminent Docty fois doscpiun oF'8 ces, British um! jarvelous 'and | SIMPLY because the numerous Talaable edicinal table Ls, (s0me we will mention, sych as the Exiracts ! S hy ig AR Soeo rine Bich Sater a reonsmp and Ps, and containin ot Cures, can {i mals Ireatise, the Hand-book, or the: Almarac | Circulars from Si any respectable Druggist in | Dominion--free Price of Remedy i in large Pint Bottles 18 ills per. Box 25 cents, Money te Loan. OANS FOR FROM ONE TO TWEN. TY years, to be repaid in instalments to suit | burrowers, who ar allowed to make such pay: ments, in addition 'o instalments, as find convenient; insy bo obtained from nada Permanent Building pnd Saving Society, | by applying to OPE FEW ELL. MCGEE & RUTLEDGE. Solicitors, Bowman asf Priv ate funds to loa. ot i 'Bricks! Bricks v OR §. SALE, MACHIN Engng | oD hite Bricks, "ey a Lyn, Oct. 3nd, 100 | Fe tosecurés B.H. MITCHEL, | pre w8t-vid, o ke Post Of n © mix lines ar Fach ss From six t Lach sy Over; ten li Fach si

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