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Ontario Reformer, 15 Sep 1871, p. 1

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ape st Weekly: FC CANADA HAM LYON LY TIMES ito s Pestle ly ar iean dapis Vortry | ofa News and ( pal points o publication, for bers. Commenreia, leading feature fy. J -- ~ $1.00 a Year, LE IN ADVANCE. - t any period of the year rs associating tegethie Advance. 7 CE RAR Year $5 ® v FREY the getter up of a nly is nefessary to secure a MES is pow widely Ea reciated, and © an comsidentially addre ion 1gthe Pry. rs must sh paid. vitted by post, and if the Jd, will be at our own Fak. --~ E STEWART & Co., ier Proptietrs ¥ ry R E K A" : m 'yeniudy anng wotpwdn suo) EK A" 15a GETABLE MEDICINE Be tour oF ¢ LIVER COMPLAINT. ¥ TITE, GENERAL PIBILITY F) ISEASES of THE BLOOD, ower of Tonk © of E xeiting the ,, and of Purging out i Bilious Secretion Lives ta te Depeay ave their ori in, or are great- stion, from the sele canse ans do not perform the esigricd them, hence the racted from the food, and 'ed of that nourishment it re tive or Dob 1 Dro Drowsy, itated cquent ; Airey An ane 5 Appetite part of these symptoms are ex medy for all such cases t. a qual, 68 it effects Perfect Cn ae Streugthened and Hedithy. TTT Lyn, Oct. 3d, 1870 ww g used three bottles oh re in my family with nding the Eure on of the Liver, Foss.of Appe e used for the above com J - Rr Too . M. E. Miniter, Lyn, May 11th, 1570. Eureka for Sick Headache, . «d stomach, and imperfect coess, when other re od, and I am satisfied all nvi ince any person of fits f Lyi Woolen Factory, sale by all druggists IOP & LYMAN, HEP Newcastle, Ont. . B.H. MITCHEL, he Glad Tidings! GREAT SHOSHONEES Pills, of the Eminent Indiag FRY? c numerous V. aldable active ing lients, jacme of . th he Extracts of Wild Film, Juniper, Cr on, Hyoscyaimnus, , Jalap, ¥ Socotiine Aloes, SE) which ente: intothe ifined medicine, are such 80 ed and compounded, that it st searching curative in the nd cannot help but act on sfactory and ble man- oh t your ailment may be, or 3 ft will find the | and ; rapid manner in puch h you cifect bealth and full casant and safe to ¥igor and" . ssitively be relied upon nent cure of all diseases of the ver Kidneys Digestive a Serofula, the Various Sk 5, and iscases i, ¢xcepting the Thir her information, wi reat Shos! onees Remedy ar testimonials and Certh obtained by ecufing$ fp ok; or the imarac BY pespcctable Druggist in the in large Pint Bottles 1.00. 3. )} FROM ONE TO Ta paad nstalments to 4 pa in i make 'such p10 instaimenia, as i Dey ey ai be obtal Tuids mg snd vers Society, FLL. McGEE & RUTLEDGE. Solicitors, Bowmanville nis to loan, s! Bricks! ACHINE.MADE PRES- ks, a pe Published till forbid an and - The Ontario Reformer, PURLLAHRD -EVERY FRIDAY MmoRNiING, R. CLIM.I AT TIlR GFFICK, SIMCOE STREET, W.-M. OSHAW WA, I CONTAINS EIGN and Pre moe, County Bu 2 d a instructive rH RMS: 81.50 per ar THE L ATEST un, in advance ir ait within six months 2.50 if not paid hE 3 ond of the year, No paper discontinue d until all arrearages are paid, ¢ Beep: at the option of the v iblisher, and parties refusing papers without saving up will be held responsible for the sub. « aE until they comply with the rule, Tetters addressed th the Editor must be | Seyald, othe rwise they may not he taken from Fost Office RAT ES OF ADVER TISING : - Sixdines and under, first insertion Each subsequent insertion. From six to ten lines, first insertion | Eac a nee ee insextion.. Ove rs in n lines; first insertion, per Mu © h subsequent insertion, fhe, ter of lines to be reckoned by the space" céupled, measured by a scale of solid IR Advertisoments without ol All tran advertisemme Sy must. be Shon he i in. Advertisements must office of publication b fic directions wil | for | inthe | 10 o'clock onthe Wednes- | day morning preceeding their first publication. To merchants and others advertising by the Year | # very liberal discount will be made. Business Directory. Ww. comumy, M.D, P.L, CIAN 'CHEUR, Pays King Street, Oshaw, Residence and Office--Nearly opposite Hob | Hotel. . #2 Itt. SURGEON, AND FOR- { . f 1 i rime, bX) 3. VOL. I. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1871. NO. 23 "WILLIAM DICKIE Begs to announce to his numerous customers that his stock of iiSpring& Summer Goods! i IS NOW COMPLETE IN FANCY OF THE LATEST STYLES. STAPLE AND pv GOODS | | | | | | Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Hollands, &c, Grey Cottons*very cheap--24 y'ds heavy family $2.50, | | MII111 NERY. | Bonnets, Hats, Trunmings, Flowers, Ribbons, Dress and Mourning Caps; Purasels --all styles and shades; White, Black and Colored Kid Gloves. TAILORING. Special attention to this department and Ready made Clothing. Orders Fashionable Cloths In i, HATS AND CAPS. FRANCIS RAE, M, D., HYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCH- eur, and Coroner. "King St, Oshawa. [2 C. 5. EASTWOOD, M. D,, y (FRADU ATE OF THE UNIVERSITY | of Toronto, at present at Black's Howl, | { Oshawa. J. FERGUSON, 1 SEX TIATEorDENTAL SURGERY. Office over the Groce ry of Messrs. Sim; Bros, King St., Oshaw; . Peo ' om ~All operat eed In a skilful manner. lesidence in the same building. | -- smite ------ a Veterinary Sargery and rug Stere, ENRY'S BLOCK, KING STREET, Oshawa. Horse and Cattle Medicines of al superior quality. All Watranted Jute, A careful peuser always on the etor--W. G. FITZ MAURICE: tate of Her | jesty 8 7th Dragoon (iuards and Horse Ana ery. FAREW ElL & MeGEE, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, $0 | LICITORS, Conveyancers aad Notaries | Public, Oshawa, South-East Corner of King and | . Simcoe Streets, 4% MONEY to Lend. sold. J. E. FAREWELL. (64 « McGEE. 8S. H. COCHRANE, L.L. B., ARRISTER, ATTORNEY-at-LAW, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, &c.-- Office--In Bigelow's New Building, Dundas st. MWhi thy JAMES MUIR, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solieftor in Chancery, &c. Office over Simson's - store, Hyland's 'Block, King Street Odhhawa. Money to lend on goog Faprm-Security, sud at lowest rates of interest sony MeGILL, AUCTIONEER, OSHA- a. All orders left at this Office will De | prompt attended to. 1-2 PF. R. HOOVER, of Marriage Licenses WHITEV ALE. : Issuer - osmAWA LIVERY Y STABLE, 54 H. THOMAS, PROPRIETOR.-- Horses and fos from Cas to pana connecting AIS frown at Lind ay. C. W. SMITH, RCHITECT, PATENT, INSUR. | s | g&r Temple of Fashion, Corner of King and Simcoe Streets, Oshawa. &3 v . I DOMINION BANK! WHITBY GENCY. Mortgages bought and | | Pa x Carpet-bags, Valises, Trunks, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES. A large stock of the best and most | Meat 3 |] Straw and Felt, in great variety; Collars, Ties, Gloves, Shirts, Suspenders, Umbrellas | | | | | This department is receiving more than usual attention, and is complete in every description o | Men's, Women's and Children's Boots, Shoes and Slippers. 1,000 pairs Women's Prunella, Ci ongress | and Lace Boots, at 90c. worth $1.25, SEWING MACHINES. / | Sole agent for the Lockman, for Oshawa, East and West Whitby. Oshawa, April 13, 1871. AT Just the place to bh SPRING GRAND DISPLAY ° WILLIAM DICKIE. THE-- H TEMPLE off FASHION. 1y-the most desirable GOODS! NOVELTIES IN ! . Constructed on the gospel * 'MILLINERY, MANTLES AND 'COSTUMES. | The « Ladies of firs Hii uly establishment in town where each of these departments is conducted by t-clgss. ability. TREMENDOUS BARGAINS! We offer a portion of : * a Bankrapt Stock of | Parasols, Sewed Goods, Laces, Gloves and Hosiery, && REMEMBER Oshawa, April 20, 1871. AT ABOUT HALF THEIR USUAL PRICES BOOTS AND SHOES. Another consignment of those splendid Ladies' Boots, at $1.00 per pair, just to hand. THE STAND, © 24 | ROOM JH. M CLELLAN,Aent | B, SHERIN & Co., HOLESALE MANUFACTU RERS of HOOP SKIR{s. Best New York Ma { , terial used. . The trade supplied on beat. telus, ' Factory-- King Street, East, Bowmanville. D. HOLLIDAY, ROOKLIN, ONT., AGENT FOR | the Isolated 'Ri tsk Fire Insurance Company Canadian Thatta. ncashire "| f Ci _ tion. Also, for Queen's and gles, capital £2,000,000 each. Also. Bppiaises for the Caneda Permanent ail ding Savings Society, Toronto, for loans éf money atlow 'rates of int erost. 18-1y Guelph Sewing Machine Co. THE OSBORNE Lock-8titch Sewing Machine! KING OF CANADIAN SEWING MACHINES. KING OF AMERICAN SEWING MACHINES. Hor SAN ps "THROUGHOUT CA- these Machines" They have been tes! all ques uestion, make the favorite Tock atch ake on both sides, and are tothe hi A dk Ke SE A excellence of mechanism, adaptability, trength and durability, The Osborn Sewing Machine has no rival. a tmiacsuregs 10 cis the.ne us witra of Sewing Machines. Hand of plus ere are being r received daily from old as w \perators its Py ondertul Will 40 aif kinds of mestic sew! cambric to the coarsest over-coa Tr. made, eh Guaranteed to be as represented; or no sale. ! Warranted for three years. sans OspoRrx OuTrir Is completac and rea comprehended. Is sold at one-half the price of work. the ean fo achines Geng » Ike 2a ned to or urers place it within the reach of every family in the country, The Gu elph Reversible the best Single Thread Machine its marvello + Is pre-eminent ns SUCCESS. nestic Sewing, Prices t GREATLY REDUCED, atland RT full outfit. $12; Treadle | a Loe oh want Splendid in- GUELPH, CANADA, A, SMITH, A ai. Compan, | A | of OY ELrH RR LEHI E coy, | - 12058 (ROOM T1050, | HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS MOST PAPER. (| ROOM PAPE )ST RESPECTFULLY TO INFORM HIS | Patrons and the Public generally, that he has received, direct from England, the First Instal- "| Spring Stock of | To which he would call special attention. over that of Canadian manufacture is universal Paper Hanging, | The great superiority of English Paper | fy acknowledged. "The brilliancy and firmness of the colors and the extre width of the rolls combine to estab- lish their preminence over all others, The subscriber being thé only Importer of this class of Goods in Oshawa,' is confident that no other House can offer Greater Inducements, either ns regards QUALITY HE HAS Books, Staionery, FAN C OR ALSO ON HAND A PRICE. WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF Y GOODS, And Toys! Portry. WHO IS THE CHRISTIAN? Who is the genuine Christian man? Portray for me that righteous man! 1 Is it he who neither drink or swears, But goes to church and says his prayers, Looks pious, pays his tithes, and then, Thanks God he's fot like other men? Itolls up his eyes anderies, " Ah, me! How dreadful wicked sinners be !" And most intensely disapproves Of all sits save the siti he loves ; Is he the christian ? Bless you, he Ts just a snuffling Pharisce ! Who is he, then, the Christian man, How shall we know the blessed man t Is It he who feeds the poor with prayer, And gives them cant for clothes to wear! Is it he who with a solemn whine, Exhorteth me, but stealeth mine? Who, casting Satan out on Sunday, Invites him in again on Monday, And deems the foulest wrong is wright If it be covered well from sight? 1s he the Christian 7 Not a whit ; He's but a canting hypocrite ! Who is he, then, the Christian man? Come, let us see this wondrous man. Is it he who, ere the east is red, On week days blithely leaps from bed, And marches on with cherry song, To toil for memmon all day long; But Sundays sleeps till noon, and then Lolters to church and sleeps again ; Returns a visit, takes a ride, And deems his God Is glorified Is he the christian! Nay, I paint The feathers of a modern saint. Who-is he, the Christian man? Point out the noble-hearted man. Is it he, the pious soul, who pays For preaching by his chants of praise, And gives for fuel and repairs His exhortations, psalms, and prayers ! Then sits and sings with holy glee, "I'm glad, I'm glad salvation's free :" Nor of the wealth which heaven hath lent, Will ever yield the Lord a cent ? - Is he the Christian? If he be, Salvation must, indéed, be free! Who is he, then, the Christian man? plan?" Is it he who gives the Lord his pelf, And therefore lives to suit himself, ing the builded synagogue Absolves him from the Decalogue ? Who never fasts and seldom prays, But then how like a prince he pays ! And holds it cause for just complaint, Unless you reckon him a saint ; Is he the Christian? Nay, I guess Tlie Lord regards him something less. Who is he, then, the Christian man Bring forth at last the righteous man, It's he who, with a soul sincere, Loves God and holds his neighbor dear ; Denies himself, nor swerves from right In darkness more than in the light ; Who renders God and man their due, Even when no law compels him to, And builds his life upon the plan That serving God is blessing man ; Such men are Christians, but I fear They are not over numerous here. $ rhestions. UNCLE J0EN'S PLAN. BY "' GERALD." '"I am almost tempted to give up and leave this place. I'll strike for some other quarters, eut West, anywhere, I don't' care where, if I can find some luck.-- There's none in this city for me. Here am J, forty-two years old, worked hard | all my life and not a red cent beforehand. dd on the road to riches now. | If I had only gone into that agency with | Harry, six years ago, I might have been | He always was a lucky dog. Eve pi A Look at him! | --_-- hake a trip in the mountains, if only for a couple of webks. But all would go to the dogs," and poor Bert heaved a sigh his heart as he spoke. "Why do you keep him I" said Uncle John,| pouring out a glass of ice-water and leisurely sipping as he spoke, | " He must be an actual loss to you. Do you ' pay him full wages ? or do you deduct his ab- sences I" "" Oh, that would never do. His tei- per, when excited by liquor, is terrible.-- He would stop at nothing. The hext fire- alarm would sufely sound my fiumber.-- You know little about such men to ask me that." | "I hope that I do, and 1 shall never de- sire to know more," quietly answered the old gentleman." 'Do your apprentices and workmen go on by themselves indus-4 triously, or are they in the habit of wait- img for his return to get the wheels in mo- | tion?" | [ "Ihave been into the shop dozens of | times and seen every one idle, or playing +some game to wile away the time. But what in| the world do you catechise me so closely (for, uncle? I would hot dare to dismiss him. Neither could I better myself if Idid..' The men of his class all drink some--will have an occasional spree in spite of everything-- lager beer, 1 suppose, hurts no one. Higgins understands my business, and planning, and arranging work for the men, better than any one I | ever had in fuy employ. He isa first-class | workman, if he would only attend to | his business and keep sober. But I sup- | pose T must make the best of it!" | The elder Warren bit the end of his pencil reflectively, while his nephew ex- i claimed: |" You give me the blues, Uncle | { John, bringing to my thouihts the way | that I am hampered. Sometimes "évery- | thing goes against me. I must have a | smoke to drive *' dull care away. He | | started from the verandah, where they | | had been | lounging, for his cigar-case.-- Returning in a moment, and reseated him- | self, he lighted a cigar, saying: "It seems unsocial to smoke alone, but you | never acquired the habit, and I sometimes | | regret that I ever did. Cigars 'are abom- { inably high ; I would not dare to tell you | what I paid for that last box ; but then I can't endure an inferior of al] cigar, things." Unele Jphn said nothing, but turning his face from the puffs of blue smoke curl- | ing lazily around the head of his disturb- { ed nephew, and toward the sunset, he | | watched the rosy glow in the west, . deep- | : | ening and | fading, for a time in perfect { silence. Glancing round at Bert's face, | he saw lLis!eyelids half drooping and his | features settling into an expression of re- | pose of an! extremely unintellectual pa. | ture. So, judging that any rhs ies concerning the beauties of the scone be. fore them would meet a .dull ear, he | brought him back to things mundane and | practical by observing: '"Can you ecaleu- late how many days in a month Higgins i is | generally absent 1" '""Always on Mondays. Works poorly | f on Tuesdays ; but does tolerably the rest of the week, with the exception. of an | hour's absence in | the forenoon for his | dram ; unless there should be an election, | | or military turn-out, or pic-nic, or some- | | he touches turns into moriey, and: he start- | | thing of that sort," replied Bert with an | ed with no more than 1. He has just | finished a pretty house on the" avenue, (that land cost him no small sum either,) | furnished it handsomely from top to bot- | | tom, and now to-day he has bought a | } horse and buggy that I declare fairly mate | me envy him." i Apd the speaker gave a petulant push | | to the chair on which his feet were rest- | ing, while the one he occupied was tipped | backward to the utmost verge of ifs bal- h ated sole agent for the Little Wanzer, Sewing "Machine, he can | Having a. Ae on otter srr than any other dealér in the county. Oshawa. Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. ee a a Sa A. JAMES F. WILLOX ILIA UCT IO N G. RB. Stock's Celebrated | { ; AND . Commission Business. ! state Auction |asitisa ES SUCH AS THE CLIMAX DOUBLE CYLINDER noc Saphern. Ge? lasgow & Lo Macphes ever faced into ntario, also Ee LITTLE GIANT THRESHER AND SEPARATOR, was, made by Joseph Shar- THE BUCKET . THE OHIO COMBINED WoOD 8 SELF-RAKE y THE CAUGACHIEF JUNIOR MOWE THE FAR FAMED PARIS' GRAI : hy SULT ATOR GANG PLOWS, AND ALL OTHER PLOWS. % ALSO CLIFTS PATENT LOO! MANGLES THAT TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE AT TORONTO, AND FANNING MILLS, other things,and last but not léast, A a peinied seen for the sale of JOHN McDONALD'S TOMB STONES AND MARBLE, MADE AT NEW- ts and Sad Sidon kept! nd of Tepuiss, A share Extra Machine 0il ; Is NOW USED IN ALL THE PRIN. Man is giving entire satisfactio ving There's is from ? to three | thie Oh wr is Ly Grown, a i Fs reasons w other Ol it will neither gum | mor get "thick in the coldest weather. . TESTIMONIALS: ours . W. 1 will run Stock's Oil ot! the Dorsinion, and pref to Wipve ul, of air} Stilt used 4b n machinery. A.Hzxpersox, Foreman Joseph Hall Works. 1 8nd Stock's Ofl tg be the best ol hate ever Mill for lu I ned olive previous to Stock's, and I find i Moszs Sys, Duffins Creek, Ont. 1 would rather have Stocks Ofl than any ever used in my expe! op years. GEORGE BLAKE, Foreman for Brown & Pa Paterson, Whitby, Ont. used Stock's Oil Oll and Ifind it to excel | Bq uaed Stocks 00 a manufact and have used ious to using Stocks Oil. iply ey Jacon OB STALTER; Greenwood. We fer Stock's Oil il to either Olive, or any oils ever used, for e: bows i 3 SPAlGHT & Sox, 1 use Stock's Oil on an my my machinery, w va pat a taciion. L thatgiyes the ol ey J. CHURCHELL, Bangor, Ont. GEO. B. STOCK, Broveuay, ONT. © ' AGENT FOR THE DOMINION : WINANS, BUTLER & Co., No. 77, Front St., ghctioase uanimm onl jssion A Agent, H armoncy to. Sold by T.GIBBS, Ohawa, Ont ance. : Uncle John, to who this outpouring was addressed, turned a pair of keen" eyes | | upon the speaker, saying nothing, bug watching the transfer of a morsel of the : | ¢ Indian weed" from a capacious box to Remember the staid, directly opposite Hindes' Hotel | | the mouth just opened to decl#im against | luck. Having thus refreshed himself, Albert, oras he was familarly called, ' Bert" | Warren, proceeded. " Harry don't work Sahar mY, has | three children and I but one, while youn have seen the finery his wife indulges her- self in. She is a'smart, capable woman, it is true, but how she dresses! I can't af- ford silk for my wife, nor a piano for my Jennie, and I know she has as much talent as Harry's girls. I can't understand it." "' Do you not like so see a woman dross as Harry's wife does? Her style always appeared to me. as the result of taste rather than extravagance. She bas silks, it is true, but exercises a judicious econo- my in the selection, and care in the use of her finery, as you call it. Being an old bachelor myself, perhaps I am not to be counted as an authority' upon such mat- ters, but 1 like to see 8 woman becoming- . |'ly dressed, and the best fabrics are the cheapest." Uncle John drew forth alittle memotandum-book and idly pencilled sun- dry itefns, 'as he continued. '"I have heard Harry rather boast of his wife's good management, and imagine that some of these silks you speak of were. a sort of roward. for the same." "I don't know about that ; bit I. can't » | afford it, that 1 know, and my wife is as good an ecoonomist. as his--it is all his" luck," rather hotly responded Bert, net- tled at what he considered a covert re: proof. The elder lapsed into silonos, Yor a mom- ent, still consulting. his memoranda, then x "How do you.get oa' with your is absent from his post altogether too often. Of course I can't always ge irr the office to watch him. close confinement during the .summer | months. If he were only to be trusted I "would take Jennie and her mother aq I never could bear | i | involnntary laugh, which lacked any mer- | riment, however. | "Twodays in a week, them, and an | hour each day, besides occasional gala- | days;" says Uncle John, 'scribbling a few | | more items in his note-book. "Bah! that cigar has no flavor," and | | away went the stump into the dew-laden | grass beyond, as the speaker's chair came down upon its fore legs. '*' Come, let us go down town, uncle. Ifeel out of sorts, to-night, thanks to your. catechism." "I am sorry for you, but you will have to excuse me this evening, ps, I must ful- | fil an engagement I have made with Jen- nie to show her a little about shading her last drawing. She is coming on finely, and would make something mor: than a dabbler, if under the hands of a compet- ent instructor." " Yes, but my purse 'is too shallow.-- | Confound the luck, I can't aftord it!" And the two separated, pursuifig an en- | tirely distinct train of thought, evolved from the same circumstances. ~ Bert and Henry Warren were brothers, blessed with energy, brains, and health, each with a Helpmate after Solomon's pat- tern, " who looketh well to the ways of her household." Uncle John was at present an inmate oi the family of Albert. He was a bach- elor, and possessed of a comfoftable share of this world's goods, obtained by his own prudent management ani skill.: . ° An hour or 50 of the evening on which we make their acquaintance was spent most pleasantly by Jennie and her uncle over her drawing. 'Butas thé hour for retiring approached, and the head of the household returned jot, interest lagged, and the pencils were finally laid aside. -- They were beginning to ..cast anxious glances at the face of the venerable time- piece ticking away so sobetly iri' the corn- | er, when "his footsteps were heard ap- proaching : with a rapidity quite out of keeping with his usual deliberation, { As he enterell the parlor, his face wild and whole appearance agitated, they ex- claimed = tis the matter? Why are you so dn you ill, dear father?" and Jennie sprang toward him as he sank into the nearest seat, and, covering ' his face with his Fands, groaned o out rather than spoke: Ea "I have.seen ) man's hand lifted against i then his own life t. Ata saloon in' brothers met for a | child, powerful. ---- luck, bidding him follow in n his Hootateps- This was taken in high dudgeon. Unkind words followed each other fast. They had | some ; for, bnick as thought, their hands: were upon each other. A pistol was | drawn, and one shot through the head.-- No sooner did the brother see / his work than he turned the revolver against him- self, and before any could ingerfefe he was in eternity." "Did you know the (parties 7" asked Uncle John, with a look on_his facé as if some personal hazard was inivolved in the answer he was to receive. "Oh! yes, I have met them frequently | at the place. They were men of pan hie position, in the reception of wn add Sogrg lal Ss /quiet--indeed, never very talkative, unless they had taken a glass or two--and much liked by all who knew them." ¢" Is the place an orderly ome 1" queried Uncle John, persistently. , ¢¢ Certainly," and Albert lifted his head with a look of some indignation, "I never ything contrary to the rules of pro- phiety there before, and I stop in nearly | every night on my way down town and get a glass of lager beer. I consider it an excellent tonic." : No reply was made to this, and few more remarks being passed, the group soonseparated for the night. Several days went by, after this occur- rence, with no allusion jal matters, One evening, as they --- after tea, on the piazza enjoying the coolness of the summer twilight, Jennie, at her "| father'srequest,sang several simple ballads. Her voice was clear," sweet, and, for a With cultivation, she J ng a high vy A a gave promise of r | Her father sighed heavily as she passed into the house, intent upon fulfilling some direction of her mother, trilling a merry song as she went. "If I was only a richer man, I would spare neither money or pains. That voice should be cultivated and her musical tal- | ent developed. But it is useless to talk, | there is np way opened." 1 think that I see a way to reach that | and some other privileges also, Bert, if you will listen to me and not be offended | at alittle plain speaking. I have been | taking notes, and have arrived at certain conclusions therefrom." Bert turned his eyes upon his uncle in | wonder, but held his peace, and waited further developments. '"T have a sum of money subject to my order, now lying idle, which would furnish a good and suitable instrument. This 1 | will place at your command for any length of time you may require, if you wish, and | will indulge me by trying an experiment. | Don't answer me to-night. Hear me through calmly and without any feelings of vexation." 'I am all interest to know your plan, Unéle John--or your experiment, as you term it." "You pay your foreman one hundred dollars per month, do you not 1" "Yes, I do." '* Because he is not steady, or faithful either to his own interests or those of his employer, your loss out of - that averages eight dollars per week from his negligence --this directly ; indirectly, you cannot es- | timate it ; and T know that the sum of | four hundred dollars per year must be far | below the actual figure; Dismiss him.-- Understand me, I should be the last to condemn for a single fault, or for many lapses ; T would strive by every means in my power to encourage the erring, if re. @entent ; but [.would no longer set a premium on vice. Give his place. to an honest, ¢onscientious man. * This one leak stopped, you will find its influence in other ways. Your workmen will" soon feel a change in the atmosphere, which will work a radical reform. Then comes, perhaps, a harder task" still--to .put the axe to the root of your pleasures. : These little selfish gratifications seen' trifles in themselves, but they sum up 'in a fearful aggregate, even in the light of dollars and cents; but in their influence upon the character, in their weight upon the soul, (which requires help, not hindrances,) who | can estimate it 1 Looking at the matter | merely in a pecuniary light, your two or three glasses of lager each night for a tonic, your two or three cigars, (for a sedative, I. suppose,) amount in the course of a year to a sum sufficient to secure the services of able instructors in both music and draw- ing. Thus Jennie could be provided for, and the path could be dpened to her and yoursell, not only for present enjoyment but possibly immense benefits in the future. | That page is mercifully closed to us; but | it often tarns darkly; and resources like 'these would keep the 'wolf from the door, 'and's feeling of independence in the heart. But I will bring my little lecture to an end; only asking you to think without offence of Uncle John's plan, and give me your decision in a dsy or two. Good- | night." 3 And he loft His somewhat nephew to his own thoughts. What these { were we must judge by the results. The conclusion was not reached without some effort and 'sonie stings of remorse, particularly as he remembered of a rather | sarcastic remark he indulged in once re.' garding *' Brother Harry's squeamishness" in employing none but strictly temperate men, and never needing tonics, or stimu- lants, or soporifics® himself. 'The good wife was taken info the ** council," and, lke a true woman, her influence . was thrown into the right scale. ' He had never looked at his principles in'the matter in this lightt before, and jt was very, very humiliating to be. obliged to do so now. But, in spite of his pride, hehe Yi uncle was right, and at last had the manliness to say so. In following out his friend's advice, do not think that he found it easy to reform, | throat, for he did not, It required moral courage to speak plainly to his overseer of. 'the cause of his dismissal. « It required solf- | denigl to break 6ff those habits which had become second nature to him, but it taught thing." It taught him to look to a higher source for strength, to trust in Providence, not in luck, and in the light of spiritual blessings which flowed in upon them, as well as enjoyments. He found cause to be grateful to Uncle John for per- suading him to adopt his *' plan." nim 4 4A -- een Ar Wick, In Scotland, 900 boats landed 50,000,000 herrings in four days, valued at £100,000. Ax Illinois widow was recently tarred and feathered for playing croquet before the funeral. 'Bririvos says that slander is like a tin kettle tied to a dog's tail--~very good fun 80 long as it isn't our dog. _ A of Lewiston, Me., who a penny heean, sold the handles the coffin in which he buried his wife., A morLuiNG-PIN, with which a loving wife had knocked her husband down seven times, came in as evid in an Indi trial. A guest at a western hotel, finding a long hair in the butter, ordered the waiter to bring him some "bald-headed butter." A Cairo, Il., woman is' running for mayor. She says it always seemed to her that an office with such a name 'should be filled with one of her sex. "May a man marry his wife's sister I" is a question which only can be properly answered by the sister herself, when the widower pops the question. SuEzr and oxen are being imported into Manitoba, and the people extend a cor- dial invitation to any Ontario capitalist who will erect a woollen' factory in Mani- toba. A vouxc lady at Saratoga keeps the re- cords of her conquests in chazms on her bracelets, in the same way that an Indian hangs scalps reund 'his belt. > roads in Chicago. The honeymoons are so short there that newly married couples can't spare the time for a tour out of the city. Tue British war-steamer Ring-Dove has brought baek the two Englishmen who | were captured by Coreans from the wreck of the Chusan. They had been very kind- ly treated. Tue people in the vicinity of the White mountains have been electrified by the discovery of Professor Hitchcock and party, now engaged in a geological survey of that region, that one of the Twin Mountains is a solid mass of jasper. Taz brand on an Ingersoll cheese pack- ing box was a suggestion to an English- man of a good country in which' to locate himself. The consequence was the return of the cheese box to Canada with some of the luggage of an immigrant packed up in it. AN old man of Aberdeen who had been hen-pecked all his life, was visited on his deathbed by a clergyman. The old man tried to arouse him by. talking of the King of Terrors. . ' Hout, tout, mon, I'm no' scaurt. The King o' Terrors ! I've been living sax-and-thirty year wi' the Queen o' them, and the King canna be muckle waur." Mages. Marcarer Fixiey living 'near Wabash, Ind., murdered her thrée child- ren yesterday forenoon. She took her babe by the feet and beat its brains out on a stone. She cut the throats of her two eldest children, aged nine and eight years respectively. The woman was arrested and lodged in jail yesterday. She is a widow, her husband having died last win- ter. She seems perfectly sane, and says she killed the children to get rid of them. Tur superintendent of a new Company recently started in San Francisco for the manufacture of silk goods, who has had extensive experience in the business, hav- ing worked silk grown in China, Japan, France, and Italy, represents that the na- tive silk which he has thus far received is not excelled by the products of any of '| those countries, and much superior to that imported from China and Japan; and that it is stronger, finer, and more 'lus- trous. Fismixe yor Ducks.--Two French Can- adians who reside near a small creek that runs into the Ottawa, a few miles above Aylmer, catch all the wild ducks their families can eat by setting a night -line at the mouth of the creek, and baiting sever- | al hooks with pieces of the lights of a beef. The baits float the hooks on the top of the water, and evory morning the trappers find several ducks securely fastened to the lines with the hooks in their gullets. Tavs, as Gosrxi.--Some: fellow, we don't know his ndme, very pertinently re- marks that there are a few men in every community who never do anything to as- sist a public improvement, and alwsiys pro- profit them a cont, but we take notice that every time a town secures a public provement of any importance, thesp Same men pat up the price of their land five dollars on the acre. A community Sawpoesd uirsly of Shis class ot individu | le oa ve. shout as lively as a grave. . Lor's Wire Fovwp.-- Lieutenant Lynch in his voyage to the Dead Sea found a Arabs informed him that it was Eot's wife; for our part we are much inclined to doubt is, though we have no hesitation in say- ing that the best thing to cure colds, sore throat, rheumatism, neuralgia, bowel com- plaints, &ec., is the "Canadian Pain De stroyer," to be had of all medicine dealers for 25 cts. per bottle. Try one ! him that which before he did not know-- |* which seemed to come from thé depths of | drank enough to render them 'quarrel-% that of himself he could do "no good BRIpaL cars are proposed for horse rail- | appeared very indifferent, and the parson: | hanging herself to an apple tres. i huge pillar of Salt on the shore, and the. - WATTS Sr A story is told'of an old had the most hymn-book, Bevan Ju mischie. thought It wold bo joke to test his faith. Fitted song and pasted it on one of the pages 0M Grimes is dead." | . mencing with the same line: ~~. "Old Grimes is dead." There was another sensation in the - jence. Looking at it again, and th the congregation, and then at the pid he: " Brethren, it is here in the regular order in Watts' hymn-book, and we will - sing it, anyhow." open bins, which often vitiate if ways leave a potato odor. You Rave nothing of this. Another advantage, you can put where most convenient, and more at pleasure, with little difficulty, and you JIA plate Nits po er stele will w,. : "engines dy 0 a Tax brig Peacock capsized or ia, and the entire crew perished. - Tux Mirqie Ermendine capsised in » gale near the English 'coast, snd" Wl eon ic. board were lost. any - A LapY in Mobile is now 'confined ther bed from the effects of poison, menifest- . ing itself in sores about the mouth, caused oe fing by biting green sewing silk whils working : with it. Taz young men at. the Wheeling water ing places have white vests.-- The young ladies use so much oil on their hair that a vest is only good for one even- ing on the piazza. ; » A ww ade Justios of ti puesk ating oceasion to marry a couple as hik first official act, and there being quite ah as semblage present he determined to strike | them dumb with awe. © And so, in wind. ing up, ho said: 'I pronounce you man and wife ; and may God Tw eps7, 98 your souls!" . Tur most astonishing cure of chronic diarrhes we ever heard of is that of Wim. Olarke, Frankfort Mills, Waldo Co., Maine ; the facts are 'attested by Ems Treat, Upton Treat and M. A. Merrill, either of whom might be addressed for, . particulars, Mr. Clark was cured by Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. AR " Hon. Joseph Farewell, Mayor of' Rock land, Me., Isaac M. Bragg, Esq., y Badge, andhMesars. Pope Bros. Machine, ' lumber merchants, fully 'endérsed 'the Sheridan Cavalry Condition 'Powders, and have given the proprieters liberty to use their names in recommending them. . ut Mase nil re Ae funeral a neighbar, noticing the ope: ance of the husband, consoled him by pay that he had met with_a terrible TY 1 You," aid the Dasha, boning # " she must have kicked awfully a hve Kiied aw tig le have been worth a dollar a bushel, han they got ripe." Ir a man wants a bottle of him buy it and take it home like a" hen, and not sneak home with & botél¥ of "Bitters" or * Corlial," and pretend That it is medicine. If he wants & tonis thi is something better thin a temporary: stn. thority of those whose re they have preserved) to be a less and eminently salutary | and if taken in season will in: test that such and such institutions don't | chial doubt--it issafe and easily given. Remember the name, and see that the sig- nasure of Hurd & Co. is Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle; Ont.., pro- prietors for Canada. Bold by allmadicing

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