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Ontario Reformer, 27 Oct 1871, p. 4

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A SPLINTERS. Tre on'y industrious *'loafers" takers are the begin and some 1 with a suiack, A New Nova. House GENPALOMGH -**There's Salmen in th By Frank Buckland Can your grandmothe if she with Diner!" AL. be your ancestor sister? isn't your aunt's In the theatrical frosts are genes seasons, the severest | ally ip the middle of sum er 2 Waar: ave digpens the ark 3 the wa, to be hay nimal 'd with Sure, my e sc? up a bark 3 Trey tell of a man out West whose hair is #0 red that he has tor wear fly-nets over his ears to keep: the candle-moths from flying in "1 HAVE a gréat- love for old hymns," saidapretiy to much her masculine com: panion.* "1 am fonder of young hers," was his'geply. . hins®and wife's elopement by She A Veawost frustrated his locking up her silk dress, said she wouldn't "be seen g a shilling ¢ A WATCHMAKER has a w watch to repair' that (according to its owner's' statement) - frequently &§tops while it is going, and sometimes lises an hour utes: mn twenty min- Mz. Perr BruNer thrashed from six hundred sheaves of fall this year, of the wheat, harvested treadwell variety, onc hundred bushels, ninety-seven of which he . 80id for seed. : "ARE thise pure canaries!' asked a young gentleman why was negotiating for a gift for Lis fair. "Yes, dealer, contidentia ly; ** sir," said the I raised thew 'ere birds {from canary-seed." Tue muffs for made of. the same n.aterial as strect cos. next winter are to be tues, so that a lady will require as fwany mutis as she does bonnets. AT a printer's festival the following sen- timent was proposed: "Woman, press in the disseinination of second only to the news." : "AL "this wor Id is but a gloomy To those in 3 a witty young lady. Tue Froich otlered a prize of one hundred thousand francs (318,606 in « medy nguinst cholera, essrys have :'Iready been sent in. A urrii four-year-old boy piazza, when a new physician came to THE Solitary- yawned a bache- pris i * added lor, litary conliement, Academy of Sciences has id) for an efficient reo- A large number of sat alone on his sick 1iccher. The doctor naturally 1 said: not and "lm fished to make How old are 3 jaar a, my son!" old, I'm new," said the Ax Edinln clergyman says: "Every fama ly s have a d It is and then it boy. like a betrays no ulks, asks no troublesome never gets into debt, to break fast, ways ready for a bit of fun." A tiv bachelor at New-Bediord, Mass. , was recently prevented from making a proposal of matriage to a young lady of tat city mirked that shic had recognized gies ons, never 1 comes down la'e and is a! through the latter having re- his un- steady legs in the distance long before the outlive. of his. features could be distin: guished. : A Boston tcaclier asked a new boy who male the glorious universe; but the boy couldn't tell, so the teacher got a rawhide and told the boy if he didn't tell he would 'wallup him." The boy looked at the whip "*Please, sir, 1 did, bat - won't do it again!" and snivelled out: The teacher fainted. To illustrate the way the law is vindica- ted in the West, we publish a notige post- ed up by a Montana sheriff: "All persons who have been indicted by the Grand Ju- ry for horse-stealing or murder are re- quested to-report to the sheriff within ten days for trial, or they will have to belook- ed after." Probably if they don't coe in and give themselves up, the sheriff sends a boy ofit after them. "Way, Bill, what's the matter you! "You logk in the modth.' "Well, Péter, 1 dare say if you'd been , through what I hive yoy'd look bad to.' "What's the matter!" "Well," you know * Sarah Snivels, don't you, Peter!" ""Yes.'| "I-discarded herlaat night." "You did! What for!" **Well, I'll tell She * said she wouldnt ngary we, and I'd dis; card #ny-girl that would treat me in tha mauner." 3 with down you.! Jupce K-- of North-Cyrolina, is a great stick.er for forns. Une day a sol- dier, who had been battered in tha war, onsiderably as a witness. The Judge rold hia to hold up his right hand. sir," " was brought in ey apt do 1t, said the man that left. Why not!" "Got a shot in arm sir." "Then hold up your The. man said that he had got a shot in that arm too, "'Then," said the Judge sternly, "younust hold up your leg." No man ever can ba sworn, sir, in this court by law, unless he holds up s unething." 15 answer 'to our invitatisn, a reader io seifls us thé following anecdote of the ready wit of a child for our "*splintes" co.nnn: "Ve were tans na tn a little going over the Hoosic Moun. stage-coach, wlien we came to Stiice of the' district, absat tea vo countr, post- and girl of the mail-bag A geaticmaa thou sht he eould aud said: ' letter for me, Sis? Quick as thoushit cain lie mi rs: No, haven't nay | rab ot oa the outside plague her, 'aot a weé ters' cept for: "en's can read 'om.' Ox Friday last was witnessed the unpre- of four- other, passing way to the railway station, all loaded with cheese. | eh shipment was from the cheese factory Mr. James Elliott, of Smith, and con: = sited of 342 cheeses, weighing 23,792 lbs, (nearly 12 tons), dnd being the produce of | this factory for eight weeks. Aout nine o'clock a stranger rapped at! the door of W. Bockett's dwell ng, Listo- | | wel, and demanded admittance, which Mrs. Bockett refused, telling him that her | husband was not at home. The man then | said he knew Mr. Bockett was not at home, and that he cane there to get some money. Hesaid that she must give him $40, else he would set tire. to the barn. She told him she had very little money in | the house, and that she. would not give sny. Asfew mitlutes after sho looked. and saw the barn in fames. ceded sight in Peterb wongh . teen wagous, down' George one after the sirect, on their hot) , Two hundred new and | | EREVOFORE PARTIES TROUBL- ed with Dyspepsiaor Liver Complaint hay » been unable to find a medicine to reach their cases ; but HE. ROWE, of Lyn, is now present- ing to the public a, preparation particularly adapted for the above complaints, Its merits are amply proven by testim nials from those who is called the ve the advertisement. vo hich is to "in another comma, a perusal, Canadian Fain Destroyer S A FAMILY MEDICIyF, 17 ! 4 well awd taxcrably known, 1elieving thar ands from pain in the y Baik and, Head, vat, Sp Coanghs, Colds, Sore WATS, Bria A haleya el Fost IAN Pan Iesrkoven baen before the public for atiength of ver used is well liked, wmaach, Bo has now and never failing in a rent rel lief Lakh n M An of its irtue 3 and magica We speak from experience in the matter, hav mg tested i$ t ioroughly ; and therefore those who | are sti! ving from a Hs fo hes recomm , may depend upon it being a Sovereign R a The astonishing efie f the Canadian Pain Destroyer in ¢ ving the diseases for which it is recompuended, ana its wonderful effects in sub duing the torturous pains of Rhenmatism and in relieving Nervous Aitections, entitle it 16 high rank in the lisi of Peinedies. Orders are ¢oming in from Mediciae Deale in all parts of the country, for further supplies, and each testifying: as to the universal satisfac tion it gives, The Canadian Pain Destroyer never giv he immediate Medicine k Physicians order and use it ; farn ily will be without iv after trying it. Price.-only Twenty-five Cents per bottle. For sale bv W. T.| Atkinsoh and Dr. Dea shawa; in Whithy 13 J LH. Gatic apd o. Bye B rvokiya by John Warren, fails te Dealer and n relief. All THOMAS' McCLUNG, { REV. R. "pariey's Arvabinge @il FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. NEVER-FAILING | REMEDY. THIS valualle preparation combines ali 5 medicinal virtue of those grticles which lon, vxperie nce has proved to px the most Sat t properties f } is, Bruise ting Bone, Spi n, = . External Poisons, Sc rate es or Rirains, Lameness, Man Whitlows, Coras, "Sand, C racks. Found 1 Horn Dis temper, =wellings and wany her diseases which horses and cattie are subject to. This celebrated Liniment has been used for many years, and, its ¢urative properties thoroughly tested, and [is conceded to be the cheapest and most reliable remedy for all exter- | nal complaints ever offered to the prblic--it never fails whet timely used and faithfully ap plied. To be had of all Drugrists and chants throughout the Dominion. per b ttle. Northop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ontario, Pro- prictors for Canada. For sale by W. T. Atkinson and De. Deans Oshaws: in W hithy by J. H.Gerrieand J. Bien mntry Mer Price 25 cents n LB rocklin by John Wa arrcn. The Great Be male Remedy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS | unfailing in the cure of all those painful and wherous diseases to \ hich the female consti hh tion is subje 1. moderates oll excess and re- moves all obsiructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. i TO MARRIED LADIES ly suited. "It will, in a short Jime, monthly period with reguls ATit) These Pills should not. be taken by Females during the FIRST THREE MON THS of Prey nan, as licy ave sire (0 be "ng on Miscarriage, but at any otic, ime.» ey are safe. Affections, e it around each ully preserved. . al ! y a bottle, evntaining over 5 pills, by return mail. For sale by W. T. Atk OQ tawa'; in Whitby hy J. in Biceiyy by Julin Warren, Deans son and Dr. Ad Byrne YGetricand Jy In Yemoram. GAINST EXP hm R ES in bono: of d po nro nah i them s which sdorn nd which wel ve orld of adorning res "loved ones" grief and sooihes Iso cheers wat an additi the gave er attraciions to arrest the of the s@ranger, and causes him to pause awd learn the name of one who sas shared so largely in the love of uthers, We take this method to inform you that we can till orders for decorating the ves ot departed friends, at low figures, execuied in the best siyle of workmanship. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., OF THI: FINEST QUALITY OF ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARPLE. AND SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, supplied on short notice. Everything pertaining to Cemetery work will meet with prompt attention, by leaving or- ders vith . BOUNSALL, Bowmanville, D® BOYER'S GALVANIC FLUID, Universally acknowledged to be one of the most powe Liniments for the cure of FL ~~. RHEUMATISM, EURALGIA, And for all cases where an external ap plication is required, an extensive use of it has pr 4 that it has no cqual for the complaints enumerated, BOYERS GALVANIC 24 Sold by all Druggists and Medicine] Dealers. WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & CO. Proprietors, Brougham, On ONG ECH[) JIFTY ~ sewscnooL, DOLLAR. Book, by H. 8. Per- WORTH OF MUSIC Price, $7 ¥ par 1" O RR 8 3, {UBSCRIBERS | io PETERS MUSICAL beautiful Songs, Diets MONTHLY are getting | by Will 5. Hays their Music for less than i ' . * two cents a piece. Those | Webster, Thomas, eI, who have not seen this | Every thingisnew fresh Musical Magazine ! and sparkling. Contents should send 30 cents for a sample copy. The music is Ly Hays copies Thon as, kinked, bess stage ¢¥, and other popula: writers, Two back numbers for 40 cents. Four baok num bers for 75 cents, ALTA DINVATIV De fad iog Na DI. Kins. dozen. Coniains over and ; free. pecimen pages cn sample oly ®ucrs for 65 cents, mailed free lo te Liberal terms for intro- duction. Address, J. L. PETERS 99 LroaNear day, York A Lecture to Young Men. «23%», JUST PUBLISHED IN A J Sealed Envelope. Price six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, T' re at ment and radical Cure of Spermatorrhosa, or Seminal Weakness, untary Sexual Debility, and 1 y i generally; , Ki pile psy. xe. By ROB Author of the * Green Bo The world-renowned aut able Lecture, clearly j coves 'rom_his own ex- wrieuce that the awiul consequences of Self- Abnse may® be effectually removed without nedicines, and without dangerous surgical per ations, bogies , instruments, rings, r cordials, winting ont a mode of cure at ones certain and | effectual 1g which every safferer, no matter what is condition may be, may cure hims if | cheaply, Privately, And radically, HIS LEC- TURE VILL PROVE A BOON 10 THOU AN D3 AND THOUSANDS, Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postp aid on receipt of six cents or two jist stamps, Also, r. Culver « | price 2 cents. Address the ublish» ¢, CHA =, KLINE, & C 127 Bowery, New . "Oftice or lose | Bricks! Bric ki ! ! RSALE, we PRES | og te Bricks, at the gra Tile | & D. FISHER, | RICHARD SHAW, Darlington. FOR | Gravel Dropsy, General Drops pa &ec., i J thm this admire- | *Marriags Guide, ! STO BBORN i 'PUBLI } As there is a great deal of mi merits of the different sewing ER AR AR srepresentation regarding the machines, and many persons have Léen misled by these untruthful statements, we give be- low the names of a few Lockman, Osborn," or over $20 to exchange» Bowmanville. HON. J. SIMPSON, THOS. JOHNSTON, do. JOHN McCLUNG, do: J P; LOVEKIN, Clarke. fal | E. BEMAN, do. J. BELLWOOD, do. S. BORLAND, Orono, A. LOCKHART. Clarke. I Bowmanville. do. do. M. D. WILLIAMS, BOYLE, LOSCOMBE, BROCK, R. R. MRS. Intending purchasers, can. end carding the merits of the bg B. waa .uville, Octobe. Bth, 1871. phy - EX. A of those Raymond---some of I MRS. C. G. do. $ Ww. |W. E. WM. EDWARDS, MR. LUMMIS, { MRS. HILLAM, MR. BARFOOT, MISS HAMBLY, C, W. SMITH, Darlington. STEPHEN WILLIAM CLEMENCE, MATTHEW COLE, JOHN BURN, Manvers. A#id a great many others, who tested the Wanzer | "Machire and who afterwards exchanged them with us for the them paying us HAN G. PERRY, TILLEY, NING, Bowmanville. do. do. do. Cartwright. R. T. WILKINSON, Newcastle. do. do. Port Darlington. ! Sewing Machines through the CLEMENCE, Darlington. do. Tyrone. juire of any of the above, re- Se mac hines. R.&H. OHARA. deceived in purchasing the sume. Manufacturer, * | each machine. |} OF THE "SHUTTLE OR LOCKSTITCH Sewing Machine. T HAVING COME TO OUR KNOW- ledge that unprincipled parities are pedd!i g country and fe p esenting them to be the "ARMS SEWID G | MACHINE." this is to caution parties not to be All genuihe words "E. IL ARMS, | Face Plate lof have the Stainped on the Arms machines We have condilered it to our interest to stab- ish an agency fin Osahiwa to look after (hese Impostors, andPhave therefore made arrange. ments witn E. S. & C. HIGGINS, Corner of Mill and Siincoc Streets, For the sale of our machines. THE. Avs MACHINE I »ck-Stitch, slike on b makes the Shuttle or sides, and which will ! not RIP, and has a full and.comglete outtit, | without extra charge. Rr MS? New SuutrtiE or Lock-Sritcu SEWING M FAMILY USE AND L ACT. COMP AND SIMPLE HE MOST SIMPLE MACHINE IN. THE MARKET-ONLY ABOUT or | mens ACHININ, IGHT MANUFACTURING CB: LXHIOIAA | is just the machin TdVaIAd dANV » . FOU RT H the Partsiu its construction that is in other Machines, therefore only ONE-FOURTH t out of order. It is Durable in all its parts, and every motion positive. It has the un- best in use, and will pass from the finest Muslin to the e pars est ot wrk TENSION or STITC H. , 30 famous for its S. rt Straight Needle, whi y ornamented, equal to any of the'high price Machines. HEM, FELL, QUILT, TUCK, CORD, It makes the Genuine SHUTTLE or Lt Strength, Beawly or Durability and WILL NOT cw 1 ich is easily adjusted into place and not near so | it will FRINGE, | BIND, FRILL, GATHER, | IT IS JUST THE MAC HINE FOR PRIVATE FAMILIES, MILLINERS, | BRAID or anything that any other Machine will do. | DRESS-MAKERS, TAILORS, aAxp FARMERS= €4" There are many points of excellence about the Machine, Superior too work rs, which we cannot exp lain here, everywhere on applicati n.. DISC 'OUNT TO ze MACHINES FULL | <3 We nave nol got vue alreauy established. 7 Rossiin-House Block, Toronto, but will be pleased to Jorward Circulars and Samples of | CLERGYMEN Y WARRAN TED. BR AGENT wanted in Bowmanville, and i in every other Town wher: Larger inducerhents than any other company. J. C. TODD, General Agent. 16-4 | Ont. THE LARGEST STOCK OF ENGLISH IN THE Just received direct from the manufacturers. PAPER HANGINGS COUNTY OF ONTARIO, A great variety of patterns, and selling | at the lowest possible prices. Whitby, April 13, 1871 CON DENSED ATMOSPHERIC BATH! The Greatest tavention of the Age. YOR THE CURE TOF ALL KINDS OF Diseases, both acute and chronic. Prof. Stone would announce to the people of Oshawa and the country at that his condensed Air Bath is now in suc al operation in Oshawa, aod he is y to treat all diseases on the prin- ciples of Airpathy, or & condensed Atmospheres. He has p led and disciplined it to become one of the sanitary ageuts of the age, and peghaps of the world. = As a cure for , it must unquestionably hold a place as far above all other curative and sanitary agents as its re ation to animal life is above all other elements | r agencies Known to sujonoe. Acute diseases, | such a8 Scariet Fever, Typnoid Fever, Bilious : Fever, Acute Inflammation of the Lu and Bowels, Dysentery, with al other forms of Se Diseases, can be cured in their early stages very few hours without fail, so if you or rey fami! | with any acute disease save the suffering of a long protracted il I'he cure is sure ald certain as above ren of 'which others can testify, who have tried it. ie Hopes Bus but HAL. acer. Chron wi e es ce Diseases of the Heart, Head and Throat, Bron- chitls, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Catarth, Nervous Affec tions, Nervous Headache, | Paralysis, Deafness, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Diabetes, Dropsy, Diseases of the Lungs, Con- | sumption ia its Early and Middle Stages, Insan- ity, and all Female Difficulties, He has never made a failure of a cure, where he had a Feason- able time and a regular attendance. He would invite ail those that are suffe ring from diseases of any kind to call on -him and in- vestigate his prince iples of cure, or any inguiries relation to treatment and cure by letter will honestly and promptly answored. STONE. Oshawa, June 18, 1871. "Chronic Diweaven, R. JAMES ,ELECTIC PHYSICIAN, Would respectfull state that he is now gz successfully the following diseases: or falling Fils, in their worst form ; in its various stages, (with Dr. r an incu- Asthiun; Rurable who have been tapped several es are curable under Dr. James' treatment ; diseases of the EYE AND EAR, Errors of youth, Nervous Debility, Premature Decay ad all the effects of indiscretions of { youth--a cure is guaranteed; Dyspepsia, Liver Diseases, and diseases of Women and Children, Ge ancers cured without cutting, and little in} Sore Sait Rhoun), und Serol ula in I its | | forms, J. is ha y to say, discases which have to been thought incurable are now rapidly Tleiding to his treatment, as his grateful | patients are willing to testify. No Calomel, no | wercury, no Mineral Poisons, will be adnunis- tered in any form, in any disease, The afflicted, who cannot obtain relief from Sther sources, are particularly invited to call and ce m ## Office in Nejison's Hall, Belleville. Office hours, 11 a. m. p.m Yours hyd respectfully, H. JAMES, M. D. W. R. Ciimie, JeSUER OF MABRIACE LICENSES. | ¥- RA au His Excellency the Gover-' ok the an. 3 PY. sumption, 5 's remedies consumption is. no lon rable discase); Bronc itis, Catarrh, The Guelph Reversible JAMES H. GERRIE, Fam ily Brug dere, Whi'h, | | | | "FRINGE, i | as it will do all kinds of work. The Axms MacHixe will sew from the finest Muslin to the heaviest Beaver cloth 'without change of either tension or stitch. The Arms MACHINE never has "fits," and is always ready to sew, and never skips a stitch or breaks a thread. * The Aue MACHINE has only about ene-fourth the parts in its construction that are in o her machines. It can thereforh be only one-fourth as liable to get out of order The ArMs MACHINE will th FELL, li TUCK ! CORD, BIND, -FRILL, . QUILT, | GATHER (and sew on at the same time), be- ¢ ies all that any other machine will do. The Arms McHixE runs light and rapid, and for MILLINERS, TAILORS, PRESSMAKE ns FA RMER S, See the maci.ine befors purcha<ing and yon will save ruone - and yourse'f a great deal of trouble and anny; ance hereaf.er. Send for circulars and samples of werk, or call and see the machines working. Machines Fully Warranted. J. C. TODD, Gen. Agt., No.7 Rossin Hose Block, Toronto. E. 8. & G. HIGGINS, Agents for oshawa. 2-tf. ALLAN LINE. OSZAWA A AGENCY. | 1871.. SUMMER SERVICE. 1871. |e nder Contract with the C anadian Government | for carrying the Canadian and U, S, Mails, STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, AND CLASCOW/ N EY Cl NOTICE THE JOSEPH HALL MACHINE WO RK OSHAWA, ( YNTARIO. ESTABLISHED 1851. | TheJoseph Hall MenufscturingCompeny, | PROPRIETORS. WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION TO OUR NUMBER ONE AND TWo BUCKEYE COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER, With Johnson's Self Rake, Improved for 1871. We believe this Machine, as we now build it, to be the most perfect Reaper and Mower cver yet offered to tho public of Canada. s Awmong its many advantages we call attention to the folowing: It has no Gears on the Driving Enabling it to pass over iL less liable wo breakage. J Itist '1 he e Osborn. re Card ia -aaujo su aulu y yoo »S21 YIM £)OjIuA JOJUIID Warranted to doStro anlilialion: | HIS CELEBRATED JMACHINE now been t sted beyond all question and the i edict of the public is that to-day 11 stand: withosut a Rival " ie mest substan:ially bailt, has the fewest i working parts, beautiful in design and finish. -- VV heels, marshy or sand; ground without clogging up the gearing thereby renderi: It is furnished with Four Knives, Two for Mowing and Two for Reaping, one of which has a gickle edge for cutting ripe, clean grain, the other a smooth edge for 'SOUTH OSHAWA, cutting grain in which there is grass or seed clover. It has the milleatile guards both on the Mower Bar and Reaper Table, with best cust ste Ledger Plates. It is also furnished with our New Patent Tilting Table for Picking up Lodged Grain. his ie the only. really valuable Tilticg Table offered on any conibined Reayer and M wer. 1» [2 can ba very easily raised or lowered by the Driver in is Beat] without stopping his Team. This is one of the 1a0st important improvements effected in any Ma ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF nes nine during the , ast two years, THE REEL Can be made to act as Rakes at the option of the Driver, by a Lever readily o; erat d by his foot. The Cutting apparatus is in front of the Machine, and therefore whether Reaping or Mowing, the | entire work of the Machine is under the eye of the Driver while guiding his team. so constructed as to Gather the Sgn This Table is | into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it! a\more compact form than any other Reel Rake. This Table is attached to the Machine both in front and rear of the Driving Wheel, which e £hles it to pass over rough ground with much greater ease and less injury to the Table. The Grain | Wheel Axis is on a line with the axle of the Drive Wheel, which enables it to turn the corners readily. The Rakes are driven by. Gearing instead of Chains, andtherefore have) a steady uniform motion, Making them much less liable to breakage on uneven ground, and more regular in remo~ring th i grain. The Gearing is very simple, strong and durable. BABBIT METAL. . The Boxes are all lined with Has the best design "a sittie, and by far the LARGEST ROBBINS. It is capable of perform- ing a range of 'work hitaert) th ught impossible for Sewing Machines. 1+ sold atabout one-half the price of thier %achines HE prIe BOF Orly 2 MACHINES DOING THE LIKE W ally at home on leather fine tas car ied oll prizes overthe Howe nger, Lockigan, Wheeler Wilson, Wanzer, Raymond, &c. id A Perfect Mache Guaranteed or no sale. as on ods. » GULLYE TIAND VAL EIINES are the bést made, simplest, mote. durable and reliable than any other singie-thread machine. -- Larger and work with great ease: Will do ail kinds of domestic sewing in a perfectly satisfac- | tory manne. kas taken first prife wherever exhibited. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS. For terms, samples of sewing, d'c., apply to | GUELPH SEWING MACHINECO'Y, | The Parts are all numbered, so that the REPAIRS can be ordered by telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number of the =n wanted. | There is no side Draught in eitlLer reaping or mowing, and the Machine is that there is no pressure on the horses' necks either when reaping or mowi castings, where they are subject 10 much strain, have been pedo tly balanced | All our mallaable | | Twice annealed, thereby rendering them both tough and strong, OUR JOHNSON RAKE Is so construc) ed as to raise the cam so far above the Grain Table | does not interfere with the machinery of the | that the G HIS COMPANY'S [LINES ARE | composed of the undernoted Full k 'owered, Double Engined Clyde Built Iron Steamships : Polynesian, 4,200 tons (building). 3,400 tons (building). Caspian, 3,25 Scott, Scandinavian, 3,000 tons, Capt. Ballan- tyne. Prussian, 000 ions, Lieut. Dutton, R.N.R. Aus 700 tons, Captain J. Ww : lic. Nestor 0 tons, Caplain A, Aird. Morav tons, "Brown. Peru Smith, R.N. R. i ons, Captain J, Grahaw t Forming a weekly line between Liverpool, Loh- donderry, Quebec and Montreal, leaving Que- bec every Saturday, on arrival of the Night Express from Montreal. ALSO, THE L546 tons, ptain: Bou chetie . 3 Watts, Sarmatian, Hiber rocks Captain McKenzie, t. Archer, RN. R American, 1,784 tons, Capt, thian, 2,10, tons, Ottawa, 1531 tons 1 Ww ylie, Ch apt, Ste phen 1, 7 tons, * "uptain Forming a weekly line betw and Montreal. RATES OF PASSAGE. Oshawa to Liverpool and Londonderry, First | Cabin from $31 to $91, according to accommoda- tion. Steerage, $30, including a plentiful suppiy of. well cooked provisions, served out by the Stewards belonging te the C ompany. Oshawa to Glasgow, First Cabin, $71; Inter- mediate, $45.90 ; Steerage && Return Tickets, n Glasgow, Quebec i six months, is- | sued at reduced rates, | Guelph Sewing Machine Co. | oot THE OSBORN = Look-Stitch Sewing Machine! KING OF CANADIAN SEWING MACHINES. | KING OF AMERICAN SEWING MACHINES. | | HOUSANDS THROUGHOUT CA. | NA © now using these Machines' Th have bes tested beyond all question, make bey favorite lo k-stitch--alike on both sides, and are pronounced safetiop to any other machine offered Lo the pubiic. r wide range of work, rfection, beauty and excellence of mechan! plability, trength and durability, The Osborn Sewing Machine | has no rival. S& Improvements have lately been made, en. abling the manufacturers to claim it as the ne plus ultra of Sewing Machines. Hundredsof testimonials are being received daily from oldas well as new operators attesting its wonderful capabilities. W fil do al kinds of domestic sewing | from the f'rest cambric to the coarsest over-coat or upper idather. Guaranteed to be as représented, or no ule. i Warranted for three years. Ospony OUTFIT is complete and readily comprehended. Js sold at one-half the price hitherto charged for machines doing a like runge of work, *he manufacturers being determined to place 4 within the reach of every family in the coun y I Dy pre sminentiy the best Single Thread Machine red the public --hence its marvellous Sgeoess. Will doall Parietios of domestic sewing. Prices GHEATLY REDUCED. Hand Machine, with full outst, $12; Treadls do, $17. s& Each Machine guaranteed. | fore thereby avoiding the usual ¢ id European Passenger Certificates are at Reduged Rates to parties wishin out their P-iends from Ene | Seo d, to an; Canada. The Steamsh ps hart Fd Montreal Ocean Stean- | ai? Company land their passengers at the Grand Trunk Railway Wharf, South | fama arges of cart- ag and handling of b xpress Trains Leave Gee on arrival of the Sennen for Montreal, Toronto, and al and the facilities afforded 10 gers pois the ALLAN LINE cannot be sur- pagacd by i any other line afloat. hrough passage tickets and every informa- | ~~ Pthibos to H. & A. ALLAN Orto Agents, Montreal, L. SMITH, Agent Post Office, Oshawa. 18, -- IND [AN OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM AN Liverpool ! Cry or Ricuumosn, City oF MONTREAL, CITY OF BROOKLYN. City oF Paris. City oF BRUSSELS. City or NEw York. Cry or HaLivax, City or Loxpon, Cry or DURHAM, Crry or WASHINGTON, CITY OF AMTWERP, City oF BaLtiMone, CITY ur Briston, CITY OF LIMERICK, Cry vr DUBLIN, From Pier 44, N North River, RATES or DARSAGE, To Queenston or Steerage Liverpool, - - R) old. $3, currency. " 38 " on, - iden can be bought Bicre a moderate rates pereois w! ng Lo send for their friends. For Shar information apply to the Company's hy W. SMITH, Dae July 0. rT dgenis wanted everywhvrre, 4: ements '0 make money. Apply to - |* JELPH SpwiNe MACH'NE 00%, OUELPH, CANADA. J. & A. SMITH, uebec, passen- | Rakes or Reels. } 'We make the above machines in twb sines No. One, large size, for Farmers who have a large amount to reap No. Two, medium size, for Farmers havivg more use for a Mower | than a reaper. With the exception of difference in pize, | No. 2 Machine supplied a wan: hereto fore w nilied, viz iarge combined Machine, both in these Machi Vie shall dis w mre <imilar in every reavect. A wedding between the Jun. tiihu « and price. Murch among our-Agents, that Dd purchasers Dia) Aa e au cary ihelr merits, ~ And we guarantee that all A» Our Mower and salnp.e nachines in achines shipped this season shall be equal in quality and finish to the samples exhibited by our Agents, \ GUELPH, CANADA. - 7 # 27 R. & H. OHARA, Wholesale agents for the Counties of Durham, Ontario and. Victoria. £4 Special inducements to Live agents. January 18th, 1871. Tener? Bwing o Machine A gency MARKET BUILDINGS, BOW NM AN VIL Li pportunity of examinlag 'We invite the public to withhold siving their orders until they have had an opportunity of | | nspeoting our Machine<, 8. we believe they are unsurpassed by any other Machines ever yor | offered on this continent. We also offer am our other a Machines : ' Jonson's Self-Raking Reaper, improved forl871, with two knives, smooth and sickle edge and malleable guards niiand, Ireland or | ' Woop's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. BuckeYE Reaper No. 1, with Johnson's Self-Rake. | 'BUCKEYE Reaper No. 2, with Johnson's S slf-Rake: ' Ono Combined Hand Raking Reaperand Mower. | | CAYUGA CHIEF, Jr., Mower. | BUCKEYE Mower No. 1. : BuckeYE Mower No. 2. Ohio, Jr., Mower. Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. BaLL's Ohio Mower No. 1. Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. Champion Hay Tedder \New York, Queenston and | Power, Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdays '| AND OUR CELEBRATED HALL THRESHER & SEPARATOR Greatly improved for 1871, with either Pitt's, Pelton, Pianet, Woodbury, or Hall's 8 ur 10 Huis We shall also otler for the Fall rade a NEW CLOVER THRESHER AND HULLER, A mew and nm Bim | | finally conclude the purchase. portunity of testing them both in Mowing | { | | { Very much superior to any other heretofore introduced. | | | of all eur Machines is being published, and will be ready for early distribution, free to all applicants. All our Machines are warranted to give satisfaction, and Purchasers will have an op- and Reaping before ¢hey wil be required to F. WwW. GLE N, ; nt TOOK THE VIRST PRIZE Provincial Exhibition ! Just held at Toronto, over the most renowned Sewing Machines in the world, among which were the celebrated Howe, Wheeler £# Wii. a, dc. This is ouly a confirmation of the verdict previously rendered by the Great Canadian Public, and proves conclusively the SUPEKIOKITY OF THE ** LOCKMAN" OVER ALL OTHERS. SFR. & H. OHARA, Wholesale and Retail Agents. Also, agents for Guelph Sewing Ma chine Co., Grover & Baker, Singer, Howe and Williams' Machines. We have also on hand & a full stock of the LITTLE WANZER Machines, Persons not satisfied with one M can ex- change for any other inside of thirty days. [le member R. & H. O'Hara's is the Szwive Mir ws Pret. ; hi * Outats 'pUEh VERY FRIDA £5 M. ie yd are pa lisher, a : a i nf up mei: the a jet 4 - paid, othe rine la Post Oiliec. RATES OF Al anda mder, hyo x Jimes subsequ , bom. six 10 ten li Each subse ror ten Hines, fir Each subsegu The number of cazured upled, Jucatl pe : M44) fhed HH fo! transitory advertiser hand ded in. Advert of publication b morning preceediy 'merchants and othe ory liberal discount *% Busines 85 FRANCIS I ©. 5 BART RADUATE OF of Torouto, al p 4. Fk ICENTIATEorD OMee over the Gros . King 8t., Oshaws LAD "operatl ns preforr dence in the seme Yi r AREWEL ARRISTE RS. LICITO | 5 COCH ARRISTER,| Solicitor in Chained --In Bigelow's Ne 7. JAMES ARRISTER, A Solicitor In Cha Oslavn and at lowest rates of * : aonN TCENCED WHT ; OSHAWA L JL THOM! | cs ITE CT, ance anil Gene Oshawa. . A $0 and from ENCS--- Messrs, Gib 8B Faisbapic, | "nt for th DOM INI Wuits AL ¥ SHE Wor " fous KI 0 Y ory Bhan. pial ph Hr Auras er for 'he Ci Savings Society, at low rates of {nteres) 4 SPRIN . {n great y | Dominic ST Latest Styles ix b Latest, Styles i ~ Latest Styles i _ -ALaR Men's U vE A large and Men'sd Bo v CL UMBRELLAS, | CAL CRICKET and LACH 4% One door N Store, Sim Apri, 4 8 pn * Mone; YU ( AM NOW BY apiount o arm or Producis k Lowest Possi Ea Sums and mann "tan be re- paid by invest and Tasmania % SILVER ANDC © For farther par ".. * Offick Mo Milla eh, 1

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