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Ontario Reformer, 3 Nov 1871, p. 4

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IR A, ERETOFORE PARTIES TROUBL- ! ed with Dyspepsiaor Liver Complaint "eel en unable to find a medieine to reach their wes; but H E. ROWE, of Lyn, is now present- 2 to the public a preparation particnlarly lapted for the above complaints. Its merits are uply proven by' testimonials from those w ho ve been hx nefitted by its use. Itis called the Eureka.' Give the advertisement, which is to o bound 'in another column, a peru FACTS ¥OR THE CHURCHES. I have before me some Facts for the Churches, being a collection of testimon: from men in Great Britain whose name will give great weight to their assertions. I quote as follows: Rev. Henry Farrant says: 'At leas twenty thousand members of Christia Churches are lost yearly through drink." Rev. Richard Kniil says: * Nearly al the blemishes which have been fond the character of ministers for the last fift = years have arisen, directly or -indirpetly "STUBBORN FACTS! Er te i. PUBLIC NOTICE THE JOSEFH HALL MACHINE VORRS e O OSHAWA, ONTARIO. ' ESTA BLISHED 1851. 'TheJ oseph Hall Manufacturing Company, PROPRIETORS. OF THE As there is a great deal of misrepresentation reg garding the s "merits of the different sewing machines, and many persons | 20 | have been miisled by these untruthful statements, we give be- | of a few of those who tested the Wanzer | 'anadian Pain Destroyer A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT 1 well and favorably known, relieving thou s from pain in the | Vide, Back and Head Colds, Sore Throat, Sprains, Cramps in the Stomach, Morbus, Dyse nterv, Burns, Sealds, i low the names ' Machine and who afterwards exchanged them with us for the | or Raymond--some of them paying us| ( oughs, Br wnises, ( Wolera Bowel Complaints, Frost - Bites, de. The. CANADIAN aly DesTrROYER Lins ! wen before the publi Jor or a length of time, and XC { rherever 'used is we , never failing in a excluded | ingle instance to give at relief when | 1 A » have ny nown a single "tion, where the directions have lowed, but on the contrary all and speak in or pad ndronier Work Warranted te doStro from the use of intoxicating liquors." Lockman, Osborn, Rev. While ing the society at Newcastle, 1 od sad now John Wesley said: ¢ visit 220 to exc "hange: over Bowmanville. do. MRS. C. G. HANNING, V. G. PERRY, seventeen persons for drunkenness." Rev. Wm. Jay, of Bath, said: ** J. SIMPSON, Bowmanville. | HON. In én: D. FISHER, 'APNG Im ABLE yg )Oj0), nog LTS Hopawp Rule tly fo h hted with its operations, st lero is virnuaes do. 1s of | month, not less tha seventeen dissenting i H 'who intoxicating | ministers éame 'under my notice, were drink." Rev "1 have seen no less than ton clergymen, "iwith whom 1 have sat down to the Lord's | "table, deposed through drink." Rev. Dr.-Campbell, of London, said: "1 can tell you that 'there has been scarcely an instance, requiring of my church discipline, as the exclusion of mem- bers, which has not arisen through strong driak." To the above I desire to add my testi- mony in regard to the Churches of this country. for the purpose of exciting them, if possible, to gredter interest in the work of temperance reform. To show my portunities of judging correctly, T will re- mark: 1. That I have been a traveling minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church for over thirty-six years, and a leading and active worker in tne temper- ance cause. 2. For nearly' three years past, I have been the corresponding Socre- tary of the Pennsylvanta Stats Temper- ance Union, during which I /have traveled at least sixty thousand miles, and. visited forty-seven out of the sixty-six counties of the Keystone State. I held meetings in about four hundred and , fifty churches, embracing all denowmins- " tions, with scarcely an exception. I have made diligent inquiry in regard to drink- ing by church-members, and knowing the case to be no worse in this than in most other States of the Union, I have reached the fpllowing conclusions, namely: suspended through ¢. Dr. Guthrie, of Edinburgh, said: op- time have 1. That the Churches of of this conntry i lose by liquor-drinking from thirty thous- and to fifty thousand mewbers every year. 2. That liquor-drinking causes the rvin of wory ministers than all other causes {re sutfering from any of the ¢ ; relieving Nervous ! rank inthe list of Remedies, and magica THOS. JOHNSTON; do. ' JOHN McCLUNG, do. RICHARD SHAW, Darlington. { J. P. LOVEKIN, Clarke E. BEMAN, "an , BELLWOOD, BORLAND, Orono. A. LOCKHART, Clarke. THOMAS McCLUNG, Bowmanville. M. D. WILLIAMS, do. --- | REV. R. BOYLE, ' do. R. R. LOSCOMBE, de. | MRS. BROCK, do. peak from experience in the matter, hav- 4 it thoroughly : and therefore those w ho | complaints for | which it is recommended, may depend upon it | being a Sovercign Remedy. | The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Tain | Destroyer in curing the diseases for which it is i recomnrended, and its wonderful effects in sub- duing the torturous pains of Rheumatism, and in Affections, - entitle it to high Orders are coming | from Medicine Deale rs, in all parts of the lira, and each testifying action it gives. ng tes in do. country, for further sup, b as to the universal satis The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to] ive inmedte relief. All Medicine Dealers eep Physicians order and use it; and no iy will be without it after trying it. Price, only Twenty-five Cents per bottle. | S. 1. Atkinson and Dr. Deans Ww, For sale br 12] .H- Gerrio and J. Byrne arre shawna; in W hithy ¥ B rookiyn by John V Pariey's "Arabian oil. FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. NEVER-FAILING REMEDY. hn THIS valuable preparation combines all the medicinal virtue oi those articles which long experience has proved to possess the most sale and efficient properties for the cure of Flesh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Gails of all kinds, Cracked Heels, Ring Bone, Spavin, Callous, Fis- tula, Sweeney, External Poisons, Scratches or | Grease, Straina, Lanieness, Mange, Whitlows, Corns, Sand Cracks, F undered Féet, Horn Dis- many other diseases garding the merits of these mac Bowmanvilla, October Oth, 1871. are subject to. celebrate d Liniment has been used for R. T. WILKINSON, do. de. W. E. TILLEY, WM. EDWARDS, MR. LUMMIS, Cartwright. Noweéastle. MRS. HILLAM, do. MR. BARFOOT, do. MISS HAMBLY, Port Darlington. C. W. SMITH, Darlington. STEPHEN CLEMENCE, Darlington. WILLIAM CLEMENCE, do. MATTHEW COLE, Tyrone | JOHN BURY, Manvers And a great many others. Intending purchasers, can enquire of any of the above, hines. & H. OHARA T many years, and, its curative | properties thoroughly tested, and is conceded to be the cheapest and most reliable remedy for all exter- Ral complaints ever Hoifered to the public---i! sver fails when timely used and faithfully ap plied. To be had of all Druggists and Country Mer ehants throughout the Dominion. Price 35 cents per bottle. ! Northep & Lyman, Newcastle, Ontario, Pro- prietoras for Canada. . For sale ty W, T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans | Oshawa: in Whitby by J. H. Gerricand J. Byrn a Brookl in by J Jokni Ww arren. BH. FE. SEWING The Great Female Remedy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS | the ¢ ure of all those painful and | on tution is J moves all obsiructions, and a speedy curenay relied on. RIUED LADIES ' It will, in a short time, ith regularity. ATI NX = : Naw SuurTLE OR l.OCK-STITCH | MACHINES | FOR FAMILY USE AND LIGHT MANUFACTURING | MEE Kg [8 ql " LN 'SHUTTLE OR LOCKSTITCH | Sewing Machine. 1 With Johnson's T HAVING COME TO OUR KNOW. | ledge that unprincipled parties are peddling Sewing Machines through the country and re- | ouenting them to be the "ARMS SEWING | ACHINE," this is to caution parties not to be deceived in purchasing. the same. All genuine | Arms machines have the words "FE. H. ARMS, Manufacturer,' stamped on the Face Plate of | each machine. - i We have considered it to our interest to estab- | dish an agency in Osahwa 10 look after these Impostors, and have therefore made arrange- ments with E.8. & C. HICCINS, Corner of Mill and Simcoe Streets, SOUTH OSHAWA, For the sale of our machines. Tar Arms MACiiNE makes the Shuttle or Eock-Stiteh, alike on both sides, and which will not RIP, and lias a' full and complete outfit, without extra charge. The Aime MacmiNe will sew from the finest ! Muslin to the heaviest Beaver cioth without change of either tension or stitch, The ARMS MACHINE never has "fits," | Always ready to sew, sad never skips a stitch or breaks ath The ARMS Mac CHINE has eniy about one-fourth he parts in its construction that ere in other hines. It can therefore + liable to get out of order, The ArMs MacmNg will FRINGE, FELL, TUCK, CORD, BIND, FriLL, s QUILT, GATHER {and sew on at the same time), be- sides ail that any other hine will do. The AryMs Macuiye runs lj is just the machine for it and rapid, and i | | { WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION TO OUR NUMBER ONE AND TWO BUCKEYE COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER, Self Rake, Improved for 1871. We believe this Mackine, as we now build | yet offered to the public of Canada. t, 10 be the most jerfect Reaper and Mower eves - | Among it» many advantages we eal! attention to Lhe following: It has no Gears on the Driving Wheels, Fnabling It to pass over mash or sandy groand without ologging ap the gearing thereby renderi: it lems liable to breaknge. It is furnished with | Four Knives, Two for Mowing and Two for Reaping, one of which hasa/ | sickle edge for cutting ripe, clean grain, the dther a smooth edge: for! cutting grain in which there ig grass or seed clover. It has the mallealls guards both on the Mower Bar aud Reeper Table, with Lest cast ste | Ledger Plates. It ie also furnished with our and is | { bi be only one-fourth | i entire work of the Machine is under the eye of che Iiiver ! New Patent. Tiliing Table for Picking up Lodged Grain. his is the only really valuabie Tiling "wb «fered cn any combined Resrer and Mower 1) Tabls oan be very easily raised or lowered by the Priver.in his Seal ¥ without stopping his Team. This is one of the west important imaprovements effected in any Macline during the | ast two year ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE iS OF THE REEl Can be made to act as Rakes at theeption of the Driver, by a Lever readily of erated by his The Cutting apparatus is in front ofthe Machine, and therefore whether Reaping of Mowing, the while guiding his team: 80 constructed as (o toot. | This Table i It is the most substantially built, b working parts, beautiful in Jestgn Has the best design of a suttle, and, LARGEST ROBINS ing a range of work hitherto though! g! lct of the public is that te "HIS CELEBRATED MACHINE ten lines, bt insert now been 1 sted beyond all question and the o-dey It Stands without a Rival It is capable: for Bowing Machines, Is sold at about one-half the price of ii icr Vachines » THE PRICE OF OTHER MACHINES DOING THE LIKE leather a= on fine goods. over the Wiison, Wanzer, Raymond, £<c. | are the best made, reliable than any other single-thread machine, - WORK. ls equally at home om Hus carded offsprises Lockman, Wheelor & && A Perfect Machine Guaranteed or no sale. * Howe, Singer, TIE GUELPII [HAND TREADLE JAC EINES " 8M. COC ARRISTER, simplest, more durable and ng | MILLINERS, H i ATLORS URESEMAKE AR peri Will" do aif Solicitor In Oly s N 10atic sewing in a perfectly satisfiie- thy. tas taken first prise wherever x exhibited. Larger and work with greai ease. ; kinds of ds | ~ | tory may ombined. Gather the Grain into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it | in a meré compact form than any other Reel Rake. A minister rarely falls, who is not a tippler. -- Temperance Advocate. mp iE -------- ane Tus Russian Geographical Society is Zanizing'a scientific expedition t lar Seca. The object of the expaditi North Pole, ese Pills should not te taken by Fe: ales wring the FIRST THREE MONTHS nage Y they are surct ing. on Mise hu' at any other time In all Cases of Paiuvs in th ie ack (INV ricge, AND |COMPACT. + as dt will do all kinds of yvor before vourself tereafter. Send for circulars and saniples of and see the machines wor od. Machinsa Fally Warrants i . JAME : DARRISTER, £ » citer in Ck 's store, Hyla mi Money to le at lowest rates ol irchasing and you wiii save mone a great deal of trouble and aunt This Table is att Afotions, This Table is atta light t ables it to pass over rot Wheel Axis {a on a lir Th o Rakes Tied to the Machine both in frpnt and rear of the Driving Wheel, a ground with much greater case and less injury to the Table. withthe axiaof she Drive Wheel, wh mavles it to I which The Grain | readily, | e verk. or call irn the cor Md Vv of only to reach the but also fob DL are. driven. by 'Gearing instead of Chains, and therafore have WANTED EVERYWHERE y select such a route as will give the best opportunities for studying the geography, climate, and industrial conditions of the Biberian coasts. The ioy ea, which con- $1 oa and 124 c etions in the pamph ich should be caret & NEW YORK, 801 SIMPLE nclosed to . general e a nottle, HF. MOST SIMPLE MACHINE IN THE MARKET--ONLY ie ' Re H ABOUT OXF | g. C. TODD 1 House Block, Toronto, i G. HIGGINS, yonte for oshawa, Gen. Agt.. No.7 Ross 2541. " a steady fi motion, Makiog them much lees liable breakage on uneven ground, and more regrlar in removing th AGENTS "SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS. ; Jom ICENCED Al er Sily a= to. § grain, For terms, samples of sewing, de., spply The Gearing is very simple, strong and durable. Tha Boxes are sll lined with FOURTH the partsin its construction that is in other Machines, therefore only ONE-FOURTH | ~ --, 5 . as liable to get out di er. It is Durable in all its parts, and every motion sitive, It has the un- | GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO'Y, der or four motion feed--The best in use, and will pase from the finest Muslin to the coarsest of work ! A [ I A N | 1 N 2 GUELPH, CANADA Bithous change of either TENSION or STITCH. It jhakes the Genuine. SHUTTLE or LOCA } a = usted into place and not near = CH, alike on both sides, so famous pris Strength, Beauty or Durability and WILL NOT RIP. runs rapidly and uses a Short Si ht Needle, which is easily adj | ble tobreak. Ii is high's ornamented, 'equal to any of the high price Machines. It will FRIN G E 0 sRAWA A P EXOT. The Parts are all numbered, eo that the REPAIRS can be 'ordered by! HEM, FELL, TUCK, CORD, BIND, FRILL, GATHER, telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number of the pr QUILT, BRAID or anything that any other Machine will do. IT 18 JUST THE MACHINE FOR 4 PRIVATE FAMILIES, MILLINERS, DRESS- M. AKERS, TAILORS, AND FARMERS. r . Ww r ! eontaining over 3 pills, by return mal For sale by W. T. Atkinéon and Dr. Deans Oshawa; in Whitby by J. H. Gerrieand J. Brrne in Breclyn by John Warren tains innumerable islands hitherto unvisit- ed by geographers, will be thoroughly ex- plored, especially from a scientific and in; dustrial point of view. "The course of the Gulf stream, will be carefully followed, 81d observations made for the -purpese of discovering the best route from the moyth » the river Obi for exporting the produgts | Wie: ng prohibition. and Kart i 18 not of Siberia and of * obtaining a complete | | those beautiful emblems which adorn kn wledge of the fauna and flora of those | he many ombe spound which wo love regions. Special attention will also be| | warmand loving hearts; the adorning . paid $0 the fisheries. A prelinjpary ex- | pedition is to be sent out as soon as possi- | alleviates our grief and soothes the wounded heart. It also cheers the be- ble to reconnoitre the seas in the vicinity | | of Nova Zembla. PF. =». | osuer of M wi -------------- tet OSHAWA H. THOM BABBIT METAL. in Memoriam. GAINST EXPENDITURES in honor of the dead, Heaven has TR. & H. OTTARA, Wholesale agents for t wanted. | a Counties of Durham, Ontarfe and Victaria. I" gars Special 'inpdncements to Live agents. | There is no side Dranght in either reap™g or mowing, and the Machine is so 1 January 15th, 1871. that there is mo pressure on the horeed' necks either w y reaping or mowing castings, where they are subject to mnch strain, have been 1871. SUMMER SERVICE. De aor isthe, Canadian Gov erm STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, AND CLASGOW. HIS COMPANY'S LINES ARE | composed of the undernoted Full Powered, . Double Engined Clyde Built Iron Steamships: Polynesian, 4,299 tons 3 3,400 tons (i i Caspian, 3,25 Scott, S.andinavian, 3,00 ton. it Prussian 3,0 1871. Government Twice annealed, thereby rendering them both tough and strong. OUR JOHNSON RAKE RECHITECT] ance snd G t for ew Yo Gib! essrs. rbanks, Esq DOMINI &Z&" There are many points of excellence about the Machine, Superio. to others, which we cannot explain here, but ased to jorwand Circulars and work everywhere on application. DISCOU NT TO & AER SE MEN Samples 2& MACHINES FULLY WARRANTED. "= && AGENT wanted in Bowmanville, and in every other Town where we have not got one already established. Larger inducements than any other company. J. C. TODD, General Agent. 3 16-41 reaved to know that an additional em- be lishment of the grave presents stronger attractions to arrest the atten- tion of the stranger, and causes him to ause and learn the name of one who #8 shared so largely in the love of *We take thi hod to inf by 'e take this meth inform you that we can fill orders for decorating th No. 7 Rossin Hou¥e Block; Toronto, Ont. ves of departed Inends, at ww | ---- jgures, executed in the best siyle of workmanship. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC, | _! OF THL FINEST QUALITY OF N | ATALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE. --AND-- BCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, supplied on short notice. Everythin, pertaining to Cemetery work will mee wand' B. | Is so constructed as to raise the cam so far: ab that the Grafn does net.interfere with "the Rakes or Reels. Grain Table MARKET BUILDINGS anh ins on i NaN, THAT was a curious medley in the] machinery of the family circle, when a widower in the per- | son of our friend Mr. Peter Pippins, with | three children, niarried the widow Green, | t 'with an equal number. It came to pass 'that three more were added to the flock, | and thus the number of the muses was i reached. When one of the tuneful kind | was overheard makinga noise in the house, | it was so uncommon thing for the hus- band to say, ""That's yours, Mrs. 'Pippins." * Presently another cry would be heard, whén Mrs. P. would retort, "That's yours, Mr. Pippins." By aiid by another vuice, on a minor | | key, would be heard amidst the dz | | building). We make the ahove mechines in two wees: i THE LARGEST STOCK OF | FE NGLISH PAPER HANGINGS IN THE COUNTY OF ONTA RIO, | Forming a weekly line between Liverpool, Lon- | with | |. donderry, Quebec and Montredl, leaving Que- c. BoU, NSALL, | Just ived di from the manufact A v of pat , snd w i bee every Saturday, on arrival of the _ Night Express from Montreal a4 the low ible ALZO, THE ost Jossy prioss. : European, 2,648 tons, C Apiaty Bou chette, Hiber | JAMES H. GERRIE, h Family Drug btere, Whithy Captain McKenzie. Lt. Archer, R. N. R. nian, 2.434 tons, C Jain R. S. Watts. Nova Scetian, 2,300 tons, Capt. Richardson. American, 1,784 tous, Capt. Trocks. im. : David, 1,630 tons, Captain' Ritchie. _ br ndrew, 1432 tons, Captain H, Et. Patrick. 1,207 tons, thisn, 2,400 tons, Capt. % Stephens. Norway, Capt. { Sl bm BOWMANVILL!. No. Que, large size, for Farmers who have a lage amount & § of i Wyiie : i a . Aird.' > 2,650 tou : Brown. Peruvian, 2,690 to Smith, R. N. ty A. ¢ prin . ; A : : ® ; Geraatiy, 4230 | No. Two medium size, for Farmers having m than a reaper. ore use for a-¥ower | with proupt attention, by leaving or dere \ i | Bowmanville. - With the exception of difference in_gize, these Machines are similar in every respect, Ou: | No. 2 Machine supplied & want hereto iore vefilied, viz i--A wedinm between the Jun. Mower an. | large combined Machine, both in size and price. We shall distribute our sewple machines in Males among our Agents, thai intending purchasers may have au 2a:ly opportunity of examining | to merim. R. BOYER'S GALVANIC FLUID, North Corin. . And we guaraniee that all Machines shipped this season shall be | equal in quality and finish to the samples exhibited by our Agents. | Whitby, April 13, 167 5 Universally acknowledged to be one off the most powerful Linimenta for the cure. of RHEUMATISM, NEURA choir, and Mr. and Mrs, Pippins would ery out in concert, © "Thats ours." CONDENSED a BATH | Ea dtlawa, 1831 tons, Mylins. Sweden, C aptain McKenzie. Forming a weekly line between Glasgow, Quebes and Montreal. | We invite the pubiic to withheld giving their orders until they have had an opportunity of | nspecting our Machines, as we baligve thify sre a by any other Machines ever yet | Be wise.--Too often a cold or slight | 3 | offered on this continent. cough is-eonsidercd a very ordinary, trifl- | ing affair, just as well loft to go as it came, | "and hence systematically neglected until a simple curable affection is converted into a | serious pulmonary disease. The more | prudent, aware that a cough or cold shouid | never be trifled with, promptly use Bryan's s| Pulmonic Wafers," which have sust ated | | LGIA, And for all cases wher an external ap plic ation is rec quire «1, an extensive use) of it has proved that it has no equal for the complaints enumerated. ------ | 5 Invent: of the A } Oshawa to Liverpool and -Londondérry, First ™ reatest =| oa Lad | Cabin from $51 to #91, according to accommoda- | tion. Steerage, 830, 1 ding a plentiful sappy | OR THE CURE OF ALL KINDS OF | | of well cooked provisions, served out by the | Diseases, both acute and chronic. Prof. ! i Stewards belonging to the ( ompany. Stone would announce to the neople of Oshawa Oshawa to Glasgow, First Cabin, $71; Inter- and the country at e that Lis condensed Air | mediate, $15.90 ; Steerage, $29. = | Bath is now in successful ration in Oshawa, : ' 84 Return Tickets, good for six months, | and he is ready to treat all diseases on the Propristors, H sipise of Airpathy, or 8 condensed Fond He has puri and disciplined it to 8 Decale ons We als offer amoag onr other Machines : £7 Sold br all Druggists and Medicine calers, ' JOHNSON'S Self-Raking Reaper,improved forl871,, WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & CO. | with two knives, smooth and stokle edge, and malleable guards, | Woon's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. DR. HOYERS GALVANIC VLUID, AINTA DINVATVO SUH104 "Md {nes at reduced rates. id European Passenger Certificates are | } i at Reduced Rates to parties wishin; bring out their friends from England, Irclan or | i Scotland, to any part of Canada. | The SBteamnbips of the Montreal Ocean Steam. ship Company land their passengers at the Grand | { frunk Railway Wharf, South Suehee, passen- gers thereby avoiding the usual 0 harges of cart- ag sd handiing of baggage. xpress Trains leave Quebes on arrival of the Ocean Steamers for Montreal, Toronto, and all western pofuis; and the facilities afforded to | Latest Styles § Latest Styles ALA | BUCKEYE Reaper No. 1, with Johnson's Self-Rake.: | Buckevs Reaper No. 2, with Johnson's Self-Rake: sassengers by the XLLA% LINE cannot be vur- | Ounio Combined Hand Raking Reaper and Mower. Pugsed For through passage tickets and every informa- tion, ¥ to iy ERAS To yb ALLAS. | CAYuGA CHIEF, Jr.,, Mower. to L SMITH, A Agents, Montreal. Post Of Sy thaws, to diseases, Fever. Bilious | aud | 25 | kine. {a dozen. Contains over THERE is nothing more reliable to result \ Two hundred now and h in the successful career of 8 young man than confident, self-reliance. BuckevYE Mower No. 1. | 88 1 | 'T N MAN LINE] OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM 5 BuckeYE Mower No. 2. SEWING MACHINES. BaLL's Ohio Mower No. 1. Ohio, Jr., Mower. Tayior's Sulky Horse Rake. Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. Champion Hoy Tc#der i 4 1.' COK THI FIEX poysas Bs Sosacs cA Sewi Machi are now these Machines | : | nave been tes all Fenton, Take the | 2 : ng Refing | favorite Tock aicn alike on both sides, and arc | pronounced superior to any other inachine offered | othe public." For wide range of work, perfection. | beauty and excellen "a of mechanism, adantabiticy h waetion. 17. L PETERS num bers for 75 cents. ; STONE Address, 599 yea New dway, York | | Oshawa, June 13, 1871. must { all other carative and esnitary agents as 'te re sad pulmonary organs. Sold by all Drug- | ve NEW SCHOOL DOLLARS | , CAD Shred 1 their early sta es in a lin fl Songs, Duets MONTHLY are getting { as above stated, which others can testify, who | ok-Btitch Sewing Machine! who depends upon others for assistance. -- {and sparkling. Contents, {should send 30 cents for | work, and with unflagzin indust t by or 65 writers, gsing industry press | to teachers for 65 cents. iy es | : , trength and durability, the companionship of those who are want- Brougham. Ca ! of the Sreatest sanitary age agents of th o a%e, and et et eet eee i tt | a) ®& Wor a cure for diseases, it heir reputation for over 30 years. - A on t unquestionably hold a place ae far above sre always efficacious, and exert a a | JONG i! FIFTY ql lation to animal life is above Shovels | Other eloments beneficial onfluence on all the bronchial Typo > | Fover, Acute Inflammation of Guelph Sewing Machine Co, gists and country merchants. Prise Book, by H. 8. Per w Hd sig 3. Bowels, Dysentery, i Er cents per box. Price, 87 5) per - ry fow hours out. fail 80 Pigs THE oS BO RN C1 UBS CRIBERS Hai are attacked with any acute | come to the Bath and save the A re to PETERS MUSICAL | prof ess. The cure is sure and ions | beautify oe tried it It is aston- ete. by Will §. Hays, y heir Hiei Sow Jew an i "The reagent SRE thoroughly tested in | | KING OF CANADIAN y ® wo cen pieoe, C iskive fom much more a youth will accom- | Webster, Thomas, efc. who have not seen this SEWING MACHINES. plish who relics upon himself, than one | Every thing is fo, fresh Musical Magszine Catarit, Nervous ET Sey KING OF AMERICAN i ess, ours Having first ascertained the diceetion in, | and specimen pages sen. {a sample copy." The Dropey, Diseases he i Rag, and the by wh + | ; music is vy Hays Ts on. e means by which his object is to be | | free. Sample copies Thomas, Kinkel, Fest rea | Poached, let him put his whole energies to nailed free of postage ey. and other popular ! a Tes og suffer ng | | it diseases of an; kind to call on him and in | forward. The young h t IYo bck eunbere rward. young man who, instead Oi linstal terms for intro- ror 40 cents. Four badk to to treatment and cure by lott rising at 5, sleeps sill Tor 8 and who. estly and promptly answ spends his evenings on the corners, or in ing in laudable ambition, rarely ever wins a position of honor or achieves a reputa- | tion obove that enjoyed by ithe common masses, I | a BAVA SSE | The Osborn Sewing Machine A Lecture to Young Men. | Chronic Diseases. has no rival. UST. PUBLISHED IN A R. JAMES, ELECTIC PHYSICIAN, Sealed Envelope. Price six cents, Would respectfull state that he is now A Lecture on the Nature, I'reatment | [ caing successfully t the following diseases : and radical Cure of Spermatorrheea, | Epilepsy, or falling Fite, in their worst form; or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Consumption, in its various stages, (with Dr. Euuowus, Sexual Debility, and Inpediments | J.'s remedies consumption is no Jonger aR jou J T IRIE AND OUR CRLEBRATED HALL THRESHER & SEPARATO: Greatly improved for i871, with either Piit's, Pelton, Planet, W ovklury, or Hell's 8 ¢ Power. Wo shall also off for the Fall trade a 4% Improvements have lately been made, er. New York, Queenston and, Pour i a Sehr Sh oa 4 he Liverpool / | testimonials are being received daily from oldas | AF One door Nort Bore, Sin April 20, 1571 ------ JONG EO A NEW SCI Book, by H. kins. Price, $7 dozen. - Contain: © Two lundred ne beautiful Songs, Ste, 'by Wil =. Webster, Tho: b Bvery thing ls ne and sparkling. Co and specinen ja . free.t sainple mailed ree of | teashors for 66 Libera: verina fo duction, J. I PAT. H Vv To owxers or Hordes, --It is a w - well as new attesting its wonderfu. | CITY oF RiciivoNny ell at capabilities, WAIL 40 all Kinda of jomestic a. CITY OF MONTREALY from the finest cambric to the coarsest overcoat | UITY OF BROOKLYN CITY OF PARis. or upper leather. CITY OF BRUSSELS. | City or NEw YORK! City oF HaLiFAX. City or LoNvox, Crry oF Duknam. CITY or ¥ ASHINGTON, and Saturdays! Il North River. © ITY OF AMTWERP, CITY OF BALTIMORE. oy or iu USTOL. ITY OF LIMERICK. H 2 CITY oF DUBLIN, wi Frovincial Eakilitien! Errors st over the must renowned Just held at Torunin, 3 in the ng Mae orid, am ng which were the celebrated Howe, Wheelie : : de. This previcusly Liverpool, Lendon, Paris, is only & conlrmaiicn i the verdict by the Great Canadiag Public, and proves conclusively the sTUPELIONITY OF THE " LOCKMAN" OVER ALL OTHERS. © rendered tested fact confirmed by the experience of Marriag: sneraily; N incase thousands that '" Darley's Condition' Pow. Grit, Epikiey, and its; ; Sicntal and ly nes. Py , &e., patients pe ders and" Arabian Heave Remedy" fo xe. ly HOBE Eid SGU he EWE RL cfbvas. | who have hoeh tapped seven i times aie cure Guaranteed to be as represented, or no sale. horses is sapctios to sythive of he kind ; (ihe world-renowned Sutkior. in this admire- EYE AND EAR, Warranted for three years. now or ever known. o know that it clear SIH EX rience that the awful consequences of Seif- th, Nervous Debi OSBORN is complete snd readily has been used in many cases where the Abuse may be effectually removed without Or Tg and of comprehended. sold at one-half th - hofse has been confidered almost worth- ne gp an 9 als. foun ours i is Kuarantess ¥ Si hither Sharged for machines doi etermined to PASSAGE, NEW CLOVER TH RESHER AND HU LLER, less, with th t satisfacto I he pointing out a mode of cure at once oe and | ¢ omen a little » | place it within the reach of every family in the abin, = Stee: we t10 gi satis iif result, the 5 i by which every sufferer, no matter | Sore alt oy suttog. : | country, 5, gold. 5. , cutnghey. Vary much superior to any other heretofore iniroduced. horse having been restored to perfect | Nhat Privately, an ploy Sp, ima lt hu ! » incurable 4 - # HOV }, H soundness or so much benefitted that the He SLE Ea" Soon TO Hy eda as his grater | | he Qu ol Pp h Reversible Ticks can be bo {here at moderate rates A mew and complete Fllustrated Catalogue of all our Machines is being published, eomplaint could scarcely be observed.-- | Sent under seal, in 8 plain envelope, to any ad | Figreury. no Mineral Poisons, will be admunis- 33 persons wishing 0 Tor their friends. For | and will be ready for early distrilration, free to all applicants, Many such horses have aft rds been vem. Dostp ait on receipt of six conta or two tered in any for in any Lisease. 1s pro-stinen) the best. Single Thrdad Machine - Buin » ly to the Company's | stam © w io--hen: arvellous success. | Agen! | ' sold for from 850 to 8100 than they | Als Dr Br. Culver ells . " Marriags Guide, | other source. are At Stain, sels! from will 40 ail Varieties of domestic sewing. PRIozs IW. SMITH, oem 1 All owe Machine drs warromiel 3 gee na b Parka I rR. & H. OHARA, Wholesale and Retail ' iously bi hi ji Fd blishare.. ¥ - A sabafaction, ond Purchasers w ve an op- y agtnt would have previously brought, and were | : BRAC Jes a Sees Hall, Belleville, Office | Hand Machine, with tll onc. $13, Treedie | portunity of tasting them both in Mowing «nd Reaping before they will 1 % | Ssuis. Alms, agate Tor, Guilfs Sewing Ma well worth the difference; let all intercst-| 127 Bowery, New Co Box 1,588 * 7" Yours most respectfully guaranteed. A Aare. "required fo | chine Co., Grover d Baker, Singer, Howe and 'hi bor SEER 1. JAMES, M. D, AT Agents wanted ynard in | finally concluda the pars | w v : V ed consider *his., Remember the name, | i -tsL - | | Agents wan phere, -. = v | Williams' Machines. We have also on hand 8 _ and soe that the signature of Hurd & Co., Bricks! Bricks! i lat ny . TA iL, : > 3 | a full stock of the LITTLE WANZER Machines. . Sun oach package. Northrop & Lyman, | § W. R. Climie, VELPH SEWING MACHT co Y, ; {Vor further information addroer-- | Persons not satisfied with dno Machin oan ex Newcastle, Ont., proprietors for Canada. | RSALE, MACHINE. MADE PRES | TEER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, | 7. & A SMITH. F. WwW. { i. E M ' | change for any other inside of thirty days. To Ba by ll medicine dealers * MRP | 0 LR a Praseam,_| mosier B. € . Ores Wn oye a J 7 exrwBurer.

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