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Ontario Reformer, 17 Nov 1871, p. 2

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} } Twho values: British con ec ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, 1 = "RIDAY, Tet | a oe -- = a rh Sol Fy SESE EON ee . {RANT OSHAWA STATION. -OSITAW A TIME. DOING WEST, y, GOING EAST. Reongiavian, TH0am. | Mail, - - hy +» 0) gut Mire Hed 41 gn, PE press, . - 9:45 pim. | Passenger, - _ WHITBY STATION. Trains going East leave Whitt Rinutes catlier, and thsse g kinutes later than the ubove. ing 'T, 0 MAWA, The mails close at this office: as follows, Post Dffice time : G NG Maruing Mail, ¢ Lver Punday morning ats 15, but nine on M mdays, The Northern Mails are closed after the arrival of the trains from the West, at daily, Sundays excepted. ilsh Mail, ria Qehee anl Portland, is closed at 8 o'clock on Thirsday eve ning+ and via. New York at 9.15 Satur The mail for Enfield, Foley, and Tannton, is closed at 12 c'clock every Tuesday and Friday. Registered letters should be mailed fifteen minutes before the hour of closing a mail. Office hours from 8 o'clobk a. m. until 7 v. m. immediately evenings, Onlnis Reforzaer, Oskawa, Friday, Nov'r 17, 1871. THE LAST SCENE. The state of affairs in Manitoba is a1 A} thing but satisfactory, andwho is fo blame Surely: somebody mnst be Governor Archibald, no donlt acting vndgr instructions from Ottawa, -bas lately played a most ignoble part in shaking hands with Riel, Scott. The thing is 5» scandalous and de- @ading to her Majesty's repres ntative that peaplegesn scarcely believe it tru., -- but true itis: This last scenie/in his career has brought shauie aud scandal upon®the whole country. It is, however, in kei ping with Goveruor Archibald's course the very commencem-ut of his tration : 1 responsible. -- who, 18 the he has ignored the ol Joyal portion of tle _iilialit who stood the ho given plac: au have been in oj) obstacle th Ontario who hs permanet set elimax, he cx ship to Ricl-- 1 ior up m hrong 5. A o make Mant at the exp ne who voted Cown Ontario Leg slatu murderers of Sco t who, by that vote Cameror, declared efforts made by th. in issuing warre: and his ¢o-murder Sir John A. M Cartier vill find by- of Ontario will otler questions i way They answered Jol Mathew Crooks Camron. the course pursued by the Do mii 'ernment in Rod River i eeming more ananifest ans the , at airs is d to the pes, sit isthe duty of every lover (in ion, ; regard to our civil and relig { bo mark well by his vote, ons the fist op portunity presented, the ious real actors ia ! this North-West faice: i { "he capital of the-Esland. t! South America, spent What A Queen suys to tue'Aslezhanians, The Alleghanians, a luring their _tour round: the world, and while 01 their pass- age from the Sandwich Islends to Chi; ¢ wonths among 'he Islands of the South Pacific At Otaheite, the of Islands, they gave five concerts, : which Queen Pona mt. ( Ocean. lu the Soci and suite we On their dejarinie from Pop-ete, ey received the ; ollowing letter from thie Queen "p Kafaota r SAlleghonians." Ia ora a. --Horoan mai uaa Lihota.ute ute inn ita tura Tihota uno ati na id, ci Tihota ite.ute, te horca wad, fal, 1a ite punu fai toa hia atu el fail, e faa ite toa wai te hoo. " Tira na paran, Ia ora ua orna, POMARA V." The above being translated into English reads as follows : "To the *Alleghanians.' iven we wore pleasure han to ue hildren of sung. . Gh! tha : hain upon our fair : t canngt be . like birds of" thi ght, You as tway. God bless youia ai your j ur ey 'L hrough life, singing as you Tealms of immo iy. | leaven b ess you. is. go to the Our, readers will 1 hanian's Concert at douday evening ex ne vii go. ~ | ------ Tue Manchester « 1 Tuesday last, greeable state ok + f stock pron WAS ith Durha 1 orm, ~appe o£ unk if y Ore aite: our tion "yore improved | would _ ays in whi ch a pe rincipal purchasers ould, H. Gou m, and qui 4 om Torouto, arn. --CoM, 2 Ww Lope Tar famine eat. violence. esident, presented as Le "ye: ¥ raiting our charity outsiue Lic icsiugioe amorning, {jo they actually crusn-u two woleirto Infants and young chuscie, ylug Wout in the strocts, ie as hwuan veiny..' in the 1' "We have ai ica DOU Wi Clies Lu they rush, and two Gays WE BURIAL. Iu bake murderer of." Tiv a dish of Jones' Ice Cream £58 these eold days! f n the street John Shun lum. s fled fro HOLRERA sodiar, eh f SteELE Bros. assortment of beautiful lamps, direct from New York. issued for a new election. have just received a large Tur British Government have granted a fension of three hundred poands to the f Dr uN 'A a sore t children Livingston Macpoxarp is saTeriag No Vashi Sir J. wonder, gton Treaty ied "that from 'swallowing Mx. E. Rockers, of East Whitby, plant d three pounds of "Climax" potatocs last spriag, and this fall the yield from them was two bush ls- Tur Russian Prince has ne at New York. Fears a wil. be Russias it yet arrived re entertained that to tind a new the Czar obliged heir to all the time of the year to Encke's visible to the Tuis is about the watch out for meteoric showers. comet will also soon be naked eye. But it is getting ior that s:yle of optic. rather cold IT is rumored that Gov. Howland has informed John Sandiield that in case the Government not sust is ed at the ip proaching sossioaof our Local: Legislature, How:and) will order Rév. J. Keuner the Bibe Christian Chap of , on Tucsd Wy evening, Noy 'Maa, tuteileciuaily, he (Gov writs to be Tue will deliver a wectwie 1m a > this plac . «oth. o ' Fiesub et CoLSt amoracly, be ably hanaled by the Kevereud geutle- man: --3 Tuegsteamship Frank! a New York witi chole { her seer Las arrived at ard. Faty lied on the . and were buries ut sou. None of fer ciew aud Lone of the sa.oon passeng gers caught the a out Je pass ug 's disease. 'The ship hs been placed in: quarantine, and wost stringeat dicasures adopted to prevent the spread ui the dre ul conta im Great dimage his been on the 1s gale Levu lu Vioeut 1 ) woue # and ol dhe acide consi, by eslay last. Voassis have Laud their crews drowned. y Lurk Cnty, the stor. was so bat sireet cars and ownibusses had 'to unning, buildings blown dowu, aud At Ww biues od, and at otuer plicces, mgs done, Long Branch, Fu raged with great tury, doing New value od a le aungge. in Jersy, Vad esi oi Mu tiie « Irout yaad whye fhe eau was lu , Sa -cludidren got lcuced playi the WO with the , at yw hic hors.s t di wa th: sire t a sh + ure of the whells cae thar « Wtbyagnire iris thauss. ¢ basa robe was wou. It W Lae REFORMER vale: LCRIRIZG TCWI SLIP COUNCIL. ' Satuiday, Nov. 4ih, 1371. pursuant to ad Meiubers "all The Council wet, present. Miuutes ste 1g read aud approved, ted froin David y Praying that the bound- aries of school sce wus N's. 15 and 17 } A petition wus pros Sy pur and other aitered. Several accounts, for work performed on roads, were pre -eated. Mr. Brown moved, that S. J. Green, Jolin Haight, and the mover, be a com- to ine and report upoa the various accounts presented this day. Ll tee eXal The committee rose and recommended the payment of the following accounts : Jobin Haight, to pay for the several jobs let b) S. K L081 S.J. Giewn, do., $233.33 hia, $812.93; Drown, do. ;-Johu , for work e, for re- John John Jaues Gedd Wau. Eth lier, d« >; oll Te il; Cochra: patting bridge ou coll, Holisger, ior w Hau, R« Alex. ao. Barclay, sor, do. $l ls, Shoz, Joseph Daie, ull 104 1 vy, do, $ i Jolin VD. Sp urs, tier, do., 832.81; for wo un Brock road, James Rew, town line, £20; Win, gravel, £5; G. Salton, on ; for plane, B6.25 J L Casper Stotts, for work on western t, for for work ou roads, Lidg VU iver Johuston, doz, > TF to pay ' haw, 3150 ; Bandy, fof tarnishing coin ior Robert IH vuilton; : John Tarr, digg ging gr sannteon, $1.2); Viliiam for' ave for Joseph Jones Lided by dogs, $10.2 y Lor sheep ou N « fon-resid cut for (87 oe. y»--That € dntttee of the i Harorck., icin Conauittee of the whole, tae Le foiovn 8 J, 33.69. Brown nacil whole, oa the va lu chair, Loof 1 hai recomugended m the opinion of this at 1a the p-licion uyerseeT, with ¥ s hich Asse, LU ZO La Yaa wld Lu la La cou, aud ASL Cul, ) py lor vi yw, wlicn Clues wad pass dy, Glee lad pu rset tie Muipaas introduced ab -law, which vo Severabtines, a avid Galea polatig ° L, B Ln ecliig of Lue Lo y Iu € 10 lilfvulce a L, ~taW Lo de .ca che south thud of lot 20, and worn gu oe ul ioe 24 and 20 1a the Jia con, from choul secaun No. iv, and attach the sa ws ae Lon De. J. asi. 4dur ll eve notice that he wo ud, | "8 bus "Cay da Qldayg of tae Vv ibiankd, Too after | 2 5. Irastoes of school, by 6 east, for leave to in'roluce a law to abolish No. to section anl a'd parts No's. C weit, 4 sehoal ¢ of section said section west, 4 cast, and D. On wotion of Mr. Brown, the Clerk was instructed to notify the trustees of 'the said several school sections of the con- tenplated alterations. Mr. Green moved that the Beeve order the -treasur x to pay to John Barry the lumber to overseers of the Council adjourned till Ratorday, the 1€th day of December next Corresponds nee. To the Ec i tor of the Ontario Ref mer As you kindly dated October 23rd, Sin, published niy letter. concerning the bulding of an Eaglish Church at French man's Bay : and as the work of building did not appear to be progressing, there were public rumors afloat rezaeding the funds collected therefor. Since the ap- prarance of the said letter there has been a meeting held, and as I wus present I was appointed, along with' Mr. Buntinz, as auditor, and we examined the accounts and funds in the Secretary aud Treasur er's bands, and caa publicly say wo found them all correct. The reason given' for wie building uot progressing as fast- as it should, is on account of .the impossibility of gettin: the material on the gronnd in time to proceed this fall with the building, as well as being rather short of fun ls. Yours rospectfu Wa Ny, MUIR. Ww. the accouris and funds k aed I ving exami 4d in the Scer tary and Trea ucer's hands, Te'onging to England at ¥- to that any the und rs the Bay, and we further suy, Church of snchman's hereby certify them be correct ramors to to the contrary roundlcss B. BUNTING, J. P., Ludit WILLIAM MUIR, or ---- -- To the Editor of the Out rio R:}. There is something radically wrong with 8 to nterests of country are wrmer reference the rgricultural this wien Yuhkee wlout is per mitted to be brought into it, as ot But even-handed jus ice, pr present, auly free. how: can we nk continue GAP Co any » thing while we to send to parliuusent the very men who practice this iniposition upon us What kiad « not allowed to scnd a bush] of wheat barrel of flour acro:s th of justice as this, whon we are or lines without pa, - Ing a duty of.20 per cent.! 'Shall we to e of the Ug t {ect- ors ol Ou arin bow at Soach coi tuue dow. and worship the Surcdty not | Cus riliag ve so ml crtiust their interests Care 10g ol var preset representativ With the r eyes wide o ei, th ¥ ricaly de serve the dis gst and zat thinkiag = > Jadgiiag pproariam of every wind. Our own impres #.001 13, frou the jastcourse pur sded Dy var repr :32atra Lie is N ® total y Ublivious to tue wants acd wishes : lateilig aad taat he viz: to whdhersosver 4 yeoarury ol this adi has Jat o.e object 1a vie blindly follow the Gouverne a taey cavos: wo lead hua a tae hope thit by-aud-by he nay be re- warded lor his servuity aud devotiva by a aad be abe to have atl seat 1a the Cubiact, the "*doaran.e ched to his Lau It 1s every Late Ciear to my unud toast he masés 235 over whieh he suoud cur. - tully wath, aud be subordiurte sibserve Now, trust reposed in him, and it is say to that ead. this 1s a gross viola tion of the for us, shortly, *o whether or nod ic shill coatinue. ne absoliue ne- Tuis vriags us to not Cesslly Of ta poaitiag upod ta: aainds of the electors that it 1s oi the lirst Laporte tht he bh the caitural in ance 1a sel tive, sould bz hood y Coaversaat wil wants aud wishes of the agri terests of the riding, which are the largest aad uost aud which have re- rt We : Tac, that whea we Laiporuant, caved lie + or 4o atteatiou hich are alt fadidar with u wire shat out from the Amel an marstts by prolubitory duties, we became alarmed, and oar Goverame.at sent out Comunission- €is Ww various parts of the word 1a search of markets for our surplus productions ; Bat w hy low American wheat to Le bro't a very wise aad proper: course. did they a into the country at a duty of ly tow our markets with tail t - Why, sccure the support and iatluance of sacl ceuts, and choke wn Ameiican stanp wh to men as our repraseutative, being a mill r wi had axes to grind at our expense aud to'his gain. : We would suggest that our next repre- from the agricultural portioa of the community. It It well known that we have many who {0l- seutative be chosen amongst low that vocation who are abundantiy able to till the position of re reseaiative, with honor to tuemselves and credit to the rid- lag. But whils this class content the.u- scives with plodding aloag in the footsteps oi their forea hes, aod never allow thefr win | wilor range of (thought than their daly toil compels then, Just so long will they and desig a" Wy be make the victims of selfish going wen to farthor Our their awmbi- tions doa Bigns. represcniative may at his to think that a: par! sis a Mm aks a2.uns com anand as his way i the ilon 'op that should by with petitions sili g, askioay election to that passed by sislature, with sach im The counter of I from under him, crlatry being flooded His: a is nex nt to SLukar GU veram Piss a new &, $anewhat Peovincidl L irovel nods as xocrience sagurests, petitions nid be i left on the CVery son un tae H Dowmtaioa for signatures by all those who wish to see the franchise used in i's purity; anlif the Gevern- it recuse to comply with so reasonable a quest, it-would show ro the world their ioitenness, and a desire to p rpetuate a ;rogs outrage upon the pablic. YEOMAN. *=3 who al- Jus ict ers : Jandard ays | spec aces when he was wight look In like wan- ner Lake uost of uy enjoyments ; and, though:l do not IRS for about to eat cherries, that they bigger and wore tempting. cast my cares away, | thew in os little as-1 can never let thau Conpass myself, aud annoy © | ollaer tional in itself, arr "Ua ANOTHER SUTSIDY. (From tho Sirai (8H If anything were needed to prove the correctness of Mr. Blake's views, when ho moved lis amendment during the session of 1869, ta Sir John touching the Nova Scotia, the evidence mi Ross's Resolution £2,000,000 to it | subsidy of and at the present moment in the newspa er of Miuister of The loader of the Opposition in the House of Commons, and his political friends, pre- organ the Justice mterferenc Act of mstita dicted at the time, thd aay the the Confederation was with terns of Finperial not ouly une but would establish a pro- cedent pregneat with future danger. Their ed. © Every fears are likely to be speclily real sensible man knows what were the motives which prompted the ac the that Without amajor.ty of the votes tibn of Dominion Cabinet oa vecasion. Parliament from the maritime Prov Sir John, of them, the ccld shades of Opposition, --aa act' of inces, dir George, and the rest would be ob.iged to 1e ire into -denial which they were not pr od Hence Nova with them. a poitical ne- they Joseph. Howe in the Cabiaet. Our sell to perform. the bribery of Scotia Lecame cessity 5 and as a prel mi.ary step, purchased the iuiwaculate by means ofan office rexders will romember that the constitu tional points raised in Mr, Blake's mast or- ly argument were never answered or ade- quately ot Mist speakers ; met by any the rial and so tof shelter themselves Lom paoiic kdignadon 1a ts country, belund aa law offleers of Eugland, endrely upon what these dignitaries uust ey tok refuy plalii of the anv, Laon based have known to be a uiore matt ency, The uLdatand ruther than ol eepus. ttutional usagu. authorities at lone that aj jeascd by a brite, thay Pioviuce we weie Five to Nova Sc tia was yuld The unless soul cease to be a british | Le Siotia, 1 they vere just do Oss. 88luil. jrojer way to anect censres of Nova QiUs, vas la dicated Ly the Cpa Lut the Gov. I he STITATEH ernment paid Puriia O01 Lilie no heed to 1, meat la asctiew, tor the wo SUYLIeIgn Powors, oderilalug ously tie aatho. ol Lupa diegia cul all ud car SU or Les, -- At was Sdppasld Lae La cd by "My put a sto} to WLS Loy would Never Uihver, & tus ' lei Wis (onldenee nore vusl) whplaced. Cannot a servile ajoriey, could be period statute, wap n vauced tossnnul ae dw Ll deldaice of the ol oarest priaciples vi constitutional law, be 1 tought 0 1eVuae Lhe ov acts, u dtu du Als dan hig whic taelr wast ors uid. lie Yea, veri y Wa Telly pass iu' ol Du Jud AL baw abd, daly Lueicny secu [91 y Ab 13 Low deelu ca iu Sew Drublise lce it the Coun du 1 S2ddls, Dasdot voea tad, Lieated 1a ho Cana erjo, [= adalat «UST Cal t Sun. Works, to sally the ueeay New Bruus viCacrs, dhat tus wil be do Wut atteaujited Gulluyg the eas ol he divuse of Cu Catu shat toro tiord Tgdus ui ihe et prety Wile. gh Juceu Lack, tho Dray Ure", 1a abs issue ol Mooday last, Cuoiues out bowiy 1a favor ot Har ui Cia OI Dew Druuswics. tis dwidaistaanal sueer Lae have oo ters of the to dN Confud vear u Act upon eration Cu touad CVoiitay Duras dvds wu WAALS wv ica, duu UW LBAVE WCwou ky A wialb © boi 1 bly rodillorg vada : Wllo us. y Waedr stolid tae v, DNotaluy me uc the ul Conlederation dusciucdiadon way 8, Cela. Uluss Was sou OVEN wu aries ass alioa thal Was Were uh | have been wade, yuu pity ave received ess Justics, Your wade "aad codudiroree so tlsatag, vat the lass of the Mos aud Arora byl, 1b lads sea widy Ueda Ling SYDVE OY Lae wet Voby wie er LEON Lace 8 LO inp elicud was ad ae Be TPE Bacdiaay lulea Force vies aca wlhguiideniy, LBLYULLLY lave duded Weasel us Cosel Turn €rul W Te Mais oe. Lad party, Ww wilivin wn JUslice ul acu nol ¥ Livery Wii Way ie i, dliva sacl be serca aaa @ujus ca owe LE GLEE whi Bla uw Ghaboua Wav Ud lu van, Ulduy #sa, SCGusle Lala Sd uid uot wba UL progress, as a VAC wor as Laay @&L vi tad required po ase. wed as de wold lave All ais Leet] Lal acdious La Had wea Iouud to ve porte, Od ivy thaard Nu bouy ol lMigiy eve with ULuige DLowWis pow.l- HU ({) ald, coil have fecoachied aun cous luterests, c.d giv CVea-uduued Wall tue cvaudcing Perovic Bitanibly § and eapeileace via awd Pele Waal wil ucuel ueslie, ev to Ladi aid Mudsuy hur Lunsa.s, aC diuy Justice Les d COuu~ ddiaae a call Lue Juslice aud Lo la AR TTIN CH auver stialg fa hoauteoe tha they wvoldiy awd 1oyady Justice to Nova Scotia, aud Lavy wast wo Ho 1es8 Ior New Drauswick, u cau Ir Cling 108 Collsiuecativag Lie tern bactiolist is uiost vide What uther Cai be appued Lo wis wooed Grits vl Untario | 410 WOU OI Vauaus Woves, but lie) @Lliol lcavze Wie uc. act "duo e alu diag wWihea wid Bile Subsuantiate ve, bul In the above precious extract we have a fair example or the kind wi algmiLent which the Miuisterial press is woud to HCY daige. To reply to sudan uash 15 uauec.s- sary, and we quote it reauers may sce ** whither kor, the New Bruuswicsers arc grauted, wha luclfely tnat our we arc drut- ng. sly pose hat the dewnaads ul Lecess.rily Juust follow | wil come next, aud the other Proviaces will not be siow to folivw the eX ple, -- Lhe policy which was inaugurated 1 1369 1s bearlisg its legitiwate Louie. A sysieuws of vrivery once begun, is not easily got id Its veduy Poslic, and notul.g can eradicate It bu Ullied Oi. lulecls the whole boay Lue detailninaiaon ol all hosest wen aad good czas, |, These Maniwe ecu scc..ed" dkposed to Hocce BUud, Casy Lualario. dle surplus of wus rrov- y Jue 13 au ey e-s0re WW thew y Gad as thoy Caunvt get thoir ungefs upon nt amrcetiy, they seca resvived ww have 4s Cy diVieyt Ly lect As our revenue is ily equal to that of wi tae vticer Proy- Laces tog: Laas, her, 1 follows that the al ady heavuy taxou Fatepaycrs ol ULtailo adast iout Lhe aol 8 share vf whatever bis Liaose people think jroper to subit to tae Utta- wa Cavluet That he brautiord paper above quoted speass by lor hquidation. ie LUO&, i8 aut est livaa other svarces. alice Fircadinion fe oreer, Oigall ol the "Tue deiegalivie Las been Sew bruliswick Gove, wy fuladgusicd cus SUccessiul Lu a degree, the greawr | are of our P20u, 000, having be.n acceded to by the Dodou. Lhe 240,000 per aunuam for Emigritioa purposes 18 a uxed faci." delnands, awowitiug Ww . Ut cotirse the above is but a smdil is - stuient of what is s li os sive' Jovied "dive, sha tue cry, aud vur excellent | POOR COPY or of expedi- | Quebec's tacu | | obadience to it; t Otta r politi 1 eal nee ssilio Ho Is th end toit? r to th will be given in a way not to be wistaken, at the approaching elections. The answ eo questions -- © -- The Orizin ol Bells and Bell Music. Mr. D business G. mang r Vo slices us with the 3:11 Musie," g to our Waldron, of the and Swiss Bell fol} lowing thirteen v All Ring renowned ghanians , fu "1 'quite interes'ing Like the ly seem to 18ts article on and which will be reade Is gunpowder, East be- h of th mariners compass and have been known in the vy jenctra ed io} Fhe robe stail bell innabula, they fore th rope, Jewish high priest had Under the of tint been used by a trimming of natn had long ccks and Romans « round horses' necks, ra $ ornament anl for a variety of deco ancient writer ga hand-bellround tne to see if all the guar cof church bellstia F {Clo + IL. mn th ive purposes, the custom of sendir of a fortified plac awake. Wefirst b i480 AD. Thea France, was fig by ringing ABCC ng ot siege 0. Son th hen's Chur Boils were rian Bri when he Saracen rung a frill, Chi: ist ar uf th being used at : time, But the best is. by loukiuyg iuto the Pay D A King Lhe ns in Bichop 0: Nola in € A. D., iutroducel hen ino 1} beds we lr er walier ons «Le iu the northe n ercalied i ud AB locale wology, taouga row what strikes time we ach, transferred it to tha me. "Tacre are numerous als have, cu isusly e which puin's t n vl Vy the sum noa ing of peop.a to charel Paco . pre « the hai: . monk iibed place, triciacus, om to Mic a tuner the to hang them. Sin iain walel England, from the 8050 in inofb as be wuch addicted to tl of them, ing isle. tion bells. tsp roduc. © use 3 termed the rig to mes were nse Insommch Dede is thc a writer here s ime bef issue of Wollved 20 Lons in & ch The Ar the s unding throug 11y be, in al hem: "Ap very charca thongh signal may 1ab ard or iron' plata pierce" 1by a haus eh st ions, i In 990, irches., suals in © parishes, hout our in how » the x 1 pacish churches montiosed t ploy it FlLors as am bler of cou slis, as Qt in . 1 ¥ © ULu Iu 1 mes is jung a \ Yui ila Pr ed by wia, piug la, jerlnat! cearstroke tion, the most d by belle, Lad their and thron s Bells gh overture is the » flest 1 aS 3 Qres-iug i ume and , ar 4 $s t la, that the a all n loving were rope, and wre the f :d distinction and g zs, Qe hed men of the a giv and bel 0 ringing co ma only 10 reeecive favor from th 1 their entertainments, da and Del sympa to which no written ion can do alequae justice. ---- TD MT -- RUSEIN ON THO AAS CARLYLE. It: living w Now, the o yom, « , Carlyle iter who has spoken aad perpéiual I ly absolute uth about your selves and your busi to $5 and extctly propor ion the inherent 3 be their Your I say t aniayg brain in y« 10. ity obscrve ar lying guilles will riyle. ly against lying guides, they lie to do nothin SOLER orl in Lib Ol tise wilfully, Lo r na' the modera eal there is a new ad wonder Cf ol should leal midand d,'it wag bal en blind; stil, or even tiuid walking with recoguized ncel off dog and s ick, if not to be had. such lea lgrship miy to good end enough ; disorder has that the bind with dif and stick, Leoule bat now a wor ujjgn you, that the squinting shold lead th squinting. Now the nature of bat or mols, or owl u wy be at'l ast in the day time, but bh: :14 The modern politico-eéonomist il of the Stuart Mill school is esseatially the flat ~the and one eye, d has eycs, down in the come undesirable, Worse may tay HY eral the type of a fish--one eyeless side Hf him always in the corny of his mouth guide Carlyle, tho nl] with all your heart, and with the best & brain you can give ; and you will learn from him. first, the eternity of good lav, then, ebneerning your business, you will learn further this, that th: beginm 1g of all good las, and nearly the end of it, . | mud, side that | --not a desirabl» Read man or beast. your add th: need of own ine liate is in these two ordinances--that every wan shall do good wors for Lis bread ; and, secondly, that every wan shall have good bread for his But the first of these is the ouly you hive to think of. If yod are resolved that the work shail be good, the bread will be sure ; if not, believe me, there is neither work. oae steam plough nor stéam will, go they never 8» giloly, that will win it from the earth long either for yo: or for ideal landed proprietor, ---------- © ~-- TE editor of the Exctef (Eng.) Ttmes airs his knowledge of Canadian geography by informing the nafires that [the floarish- jg town of Wiadsol is just opposite Mani toba," and mentions its destruction by tire as an incident of thé last Fenian raid. Curcago families of three persons re- | ceived daily a peck of potatoes, three lbs. of pork, one pound of sugar ane pound | of cheese, thre: loaves of bread, one pound | of craciers, one bar of soap, one cabbage, and two quarts of Sajoas NOVEMBER (7, 1871. TEA ptr Many Fifteenth I Indie, len from mn st drawvin rovia table, 4 Collecting all the native servants of whom together, and mak- told "them that j resently his God would give them a shock he had any sRypieian, N : ing them join hands, he however, but which would; be haruiless te all but the that, if he among them, he would, in gree n fellows grianed ia culrrit ; were about an liour, dic The »ASLY, turn and silently black la win the prepared + were bro't So wires of ful battery, the tab a very power and couccaled below with the two end the fell to the ge marke within ir contact nen. shock that three of Tha Major thea re- Lihat if the gu cau: severe was them waael, Ity one to hia half an hour, he would Tae Banal antidote which would save his life. effect of the shock upon the it of th tol LE superstitions thicf was so great of turaing rely » belief in the prospect he sh to be Recently g een, an dying, and cae, vatch aud chain 1a hand, g for uierey vad the antidote. a4 SLtlar at teiwspt by a polie to nan ia Laliveo brig a tle co: fessional not Th the' Wouuall , 'Was died aa was br sata fuctory, won right, aud wuswoer a char A Med A has watten ts the Lindon ies sa, port- mg th: theory atel by th: ster Hiadoo vast assed! gus al ta: red ering ks of the G 007 Hi das sous La. JZ 8S. > ale soe tunes udoos gatherew on these Were : is alinost iter was 'an "assembly of ater at i itiiude fl d 1 every ction, vat the e ile.ue fol- ywed th 1 two directi Caspian kel its pr aling ia us, Th 'a, spi towards Persia of 1333-9 but it broke ou Hence winter somewliat, again early rthat ito ul otic the this year the ram a'eli Indian courag re.ates thes Government of a lack of moral which th in dealing with th ive caremony tins such deadly results. He says chilera, channels of trade, is now by the \ and nothing short of a wirecl SLEEPIN en brothers, lirel beta clerks in stores, b red arisg betwe between girls, n school girl tweea apprea- men, between has- and wi throug by under : ry bs 3, changes teins go night ai er night, thaa by any other djaturbing cause... There is nothing that will so derunge he nervous elisiinative night in bed absorbent system of person who is as to hie all son whi is Th absorber all night, tumbling and tossing, H the LG wage peevish, f i ug wil le the eliuwin- while restless moralay ald dis- who, Ouie T 1s aad in mbverel s defied Laws and t crsally. -- TrLiNors HErcr LES yestrday Lely South Ih the safe out of Wator Street, near the ruius on tire Usion Depo sale ne nen had* got the stde- thew. what any up on walk, when it This was slipped back on askéd 1 and man cine alag, and the matter wi h had and gone b ¢k on out ot 'the safe, one of them said it slipped off 'the rollers He * Get sizing on it live them. said my woy ard Saw pson, lifted it vp, walked to the wag. n I 1 g with it, ton or twelve and threw it on tae bottow cet on the wagon. He cay ht it ges, raised it) up with the force levered agurust hus bieast, and walked olf wigh it. due propnetor said it weighod 2,400 lus. Lica the waa offered to bet that Le could Lt aud ¢ ary thee thousand ds. | He proud s about Dive Tet teu ur ele waleel ant aud SIX(y sala lke a lercules, eight years old. © He iay or 1a Macon. «uta. about thirty boss brick- 0 was a =Chicags Trilune, ober Fasr is ' Chicago resmming its wonted activity ; its trade is brisk, citize.s aud hopcfal, aad soon 1t n old. ¥, from its ashes rises the ut aad t ils pluck bids. tai 1 be the Ch.cago« As if to prove its ent gilus form of a divorce 8 1 city 13 itseki agua. Qace more are Clyeigoaas being given in auarriage and divorced, aad th. isaams of thaukegiving are borue forth even through the smoke of its owa embers. Hereatter will the names of Amanda B. Chaffee, plaintiff and Joha B. Chaffe:, defeadant, ia the first divorce suit aft. r the fire, shine conspicuous in the city's with the orig and 1ank side by side tirtst Mayor, settler, and Mrs. L:ary's cow nats of the the inal Grace GREENWOOD, in one of her plea- sant letters, has a good word to say for | | the Mormons, through whose territory ishe has Leen lately travolliag. = Sha says that were it not for the ove reproach o. polygamy, the Mayor 'and Common Coun cil of New York City couldstand up before the chiefs of Tammany and be bold-- boasting that they rule over a city where, among their people, there are no riots, no no drinking saloons, no gambling hells, no disorderly and infamous houres of any kind, own rings, no street beggars, no incendiaries, no prize-tighters-- a.city in which wages are high aud taxes are low. Of how many ** Christian cities in Amer- ica could the same be said ! REPUBLICANISM (in England appears to be rampant. Wpubii an tracts giving statistics of the start- ling enormous cost of alty are being issned in large numbers. The London corres, wadent of the Liver- pol Albion says i--*'The possibility, nay tlie probability of a republic is a topic which ope now hears discussed with a fie don ten yeirs agd allowed in loyal society. have been Tht the Husa of Lords, as at present constituted, will stand for another five years is what very few people belie e. The Ballot bill will be sent to them as early as possible, and there is not the smallest danger of their throw ing it out would not A urrrie boy told his wother he would | rather be & huwk than an angel, so he | could live on chickens, apply al that the cholera is gen.r- } brane oh | sudliciewn | Oats, CHICAGO pr ians are ¢ from the relief fund. judges were three old bache A DRUG ed the chief piller of society. EvErsREENs--merchants who expect to to make moaey 'without advertiyi 8 CHICAGO revivas--three suits fbr divorce 1th Ix Minnesota the garth ive fect were eater re last Friday. prairie fire hjys burned through th depth of 1 some plac 8 AN old: bachelor friend of ours declares a clean shirt to be one of women's gifts to man. ; Fisk the Tue: Chicago Post calls Jim * Jem of the Seize A poctoRk"s motto is supposed to 'patients and long suffering." " z= The rat.an | wg look l for for all classes of uy no other. deside LSLuiple ina chi ie A TamLor being asked what trade at, .repuel that ho ou - 8 uooth side of poverty and jerkell out th: rds of adliction. wor «l i t21 commission oa Bilis #hl a1 clits wad cr ta: treaty of Wa nny 18 ¢ An aiag €ly PUK ry > ah . to assemol: ty coma faguig ToMsox is not going 'o d5 a La ¢ouua lr ans tl: recent y ask we between his: head anl sho sil hfe was that 13 not the righe WOrs. aoe is vad done. auswer. It is asserted tha Guaneral Grajt openly cares t.at he thinks he will be again winated ior the Presilencyand Tee feted wis re lcent until after lati { 1at city 1 d.3 08a yg --t a | his opiaion 1adicative | e vic ry of being in trina ph. frou nt 1a rej ath with sangu inte'liz nee ra tudin tobes acy results SUL 1 aa it-Col. the of the la'e Wimbledon tes m oi vouantee:s hasreturned to Hamiltdn, 'from Sk inner, ST is not inappre priately term-' best ba ! 3 Osborn. Sewing Machine is a 8 our colnaunity. | OSHAWA MARKETS: November 16, ¥ewt, : $312@9338 icat, Fail, # bushel, 13 135 Wheat, Spring, ¥ bushel, .. | o on Oats, ¥ ¢ 03 e035 Rye 04 05% Barley * L058 058 , © bushel, . 065 00 Potatoes, # bushel, 0.35 nn Butter, ¥ n, Jos om Lard, ¥ mn, ou 015 Ezgs, ¥ dozen, . HE io 14 017 Green Apples, ¥ Bus, ., .. i....... 0:30 05 jcans, ¥ bushel, { 00 10 50 Dressed Hogs Aew Adv ertiseinents, TOWN HALL. A GREAT , MUSICAL TREAT COMING! | Last appearance here, prior te their departure for kurope, of the ALLEGHANIANS (organ. ized 24 years | ago, New Somgs! New Duets! New Ruarietie? New Pieces on the Swiss Bel LEGHANAS tr Washi | AND ShISS BEE Monday Evening, Nov. 20. HE ALLLGHANIANS, WHOSE name has become the * houséhold word " of he Music-loving people of all hations, and whose innous travels have extended to ALL PARTS THE CIVILIZLD GLORE, willlappear in thelr New Incomparable Programme ! AS ABOVE. Reserved Seats 80c. 10, 1871. an OBSERVE. OF Oslgawa, Nov. 1s extended tour in Europ +, and no doubt | we shall now hear somethi: ng in reply to the charges whieh have bet 1st a, madd A CHICAGO musical * The music was of This extra with the audien harmony shoul Id be, dions ** git anal thore was in the tempo, singer was of an encore." The famous French tri-co'or is still flying rom thespire of he catiedral at| Metz. Th re is said to be in all Ne oily one man who i% both skilful and enous gh to ciimb the st cel e to it "entire height "This is he who plac: the flag there. He is a wo sume, who darins ths war attae- led the flage to the peak of the spire for five but the patriotic Fredchman has refused the Mods Governor's offer of 5,000 francs to rewove it criticisin reads tha aces liveli 1054 was in s idea ¢f what and the nord mm lo- resonant cussedness the surer the follows endo orler. LCS; AN extraordinary reason for committing sucide was given by a young iuan who diwwned himself in the river Elen, at Carlisle, En_lind. Previous to Jumping into the river, he paid an old man ts carry a parcel to the chief caustable, and wheis the parcel was opened, it-eontained a written statement to the effect that Mr. Darwin having proved men to be descend- ed from wonkeys, the writer did not de- sire to live. Wars , 1 © wmtion uposed up on -- We against of sharpe 1 ' ¥ avell through the conntry ped- dling shoddy cloth which they pert tres nt good da le goods. The wh is gen- eraliy done up i + small parcels, which he y oflir for five dollars. They reprosent themse'v sas agents for an in insurance pany, to who thy gi ods belong, and ong that they company will 'sacriticed" the goods in order to wake a sp ely clearance os th Farmers beware ! Gun' ScueNck, the American Minister to England, asser!s that Grant never for- gives a man who erosses his pe h pr de feats any of his schemes of ayarice. Schenck said: * Grant sought the |Presi- d-ut for the money he eould uiake but 'of the position. I never in my life] have met on: with the alfantage of 188 sdiation with well-infornied peop. le who was so gross! v ignorant npon every sibject that an ordinary, intelligent itizeu ought t ) understand, as ( od 14 * Morally and ny man i lif.' would FaruEers : bei othe num as : stock. | Gen. ated is {be ou I have ever met in public Ir France takes the alvie of her Journalists she will abwndon the id «a tht she can ever tind a nseful ally in Ey gland. Mr. Gladstone's s;cech at the Mausion Doane) seis t) have sa tld the qadstion of the obstinate German leanings of Great Britis an. Rada) is therefor desionated a tras ally Fru, ails Paysice crities assume ih it Loussia bes Leen) vay sulky since the German. a: bi Aug'rian Bimperors hal thir lats inte 3 not be difficult to convince the licthat a Russiyn al'iance isthai road to rev. h pub HE QUE a kr SA Y ava iet of majad nis thut Chronic Wa-ting Disedses Wha'ever nature depend upon depraved nutri tion and impoverished blood, w hic bh have their origin in Dys w hen Digestic n is ihcom- plete and >ct, poor blood ro sults, dee : p tiki 3 occurs and dis- eases of the Lungs, Heart, Liver an are i Al protean disease, Dyspepsia iw lity and tone to the mucous jute he stomach, enabling it to secrete a ntity of gastric juice to perfect di- ge toration of the functions of all the rgans of the body follows, and the, whole Sys. tem, n~rvoas.and mascalar, is ene reised and vitalized, Sold by all Druggists. W. son, Oshawa. e ommercial. TORONTO MARKETS, . November 16. S12 a8 . 061 062 L068 07 037 0 {1 070 00 .08 09! 7 2 100 Wheat, ® bushel, Barley, do Peas, do Oats, do Rye, do Po'atoes, Hay, ® ton, Apples, # br, A; do MONTREAL MARKETS, Novemberal6. Wheat, ® bushel, Dats, 8.32 ns, Barley, # 438 ts, Peas, # bushel, Butter, ¥ m, 045 C057 087 017 046 0 60 0 9% 01g BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. November 16. Sas .0060 . 052 059 030 000 . 000 016 Wheat, ¥ bushel, Rye, do do do do Clovir Seed, ¥ bushel, Timothy Seed, do Butter, 8», bs 00) 000 031 0 00 000 017 Peas, WHITBY MARKETS. : oven ber 16.7 Wheat, Fall, ® bushel, Wheat, Spring, do Barley, ® bushel, Oats, do Peas, do Potatoes, do Butter, ¥ n,.. 118 055 ... 030 00 0% 07 12) 057 Mis ar it will | Dor. Ww Ne reler s Phosphates | 300 | $13 @ 81 42 | ¢ 062] sina nH TU DAY. Nov EMBER 28, 1871, the REV KE NER has consented to. give, in the Bib e Sh Church, Oshawa. his Le ture on MAY considered Physically, InteLectualiy, Morally and Responsibly. Chair to be ike n at 7:30 o'clock p. m., by T. N. Gi 1 bs, E=q., The ore Lecture having been given to ) es in London and other large towns in nd, has Leen repeatedly palled for a second A fu'l house is therefore ho) for. Admission 25. Cents, dev to Church Funds, November 17, () Executors' Notice. JEALED TEN DERS, DELIVERED A) 10 the Execntors or their Solicitors, Mesgra. farewell & >, Oshawa, on ur before the 19th ds mber next, are requested for the | purchase of the following property belonging to the estate of the late Samuel Hall, to wit : rt of Lots 12 and'13 in/the ith con. East ¥, about 140 acres, and all the timber thereon. ud. The Mill Privilege Complete a the "Gam* Land," just outside the cornoration of Osha" 23: feet head and fall---the best privilege on the Oshawa stream. All the timber on the balance of the Land," ging to the Hall Estate., art of Lots 12 and 13, in the 3rd Con. East Whitby. Th cept th ticulars ap, ply to th seeutors do not bind themselves to ae- lowest or any tender. | For further > undersigned or their g- {A FAREWEL LY HAL MARSIAL'S . HALL.) Oshawa, November 15, 1871. ! Exzcurons! PS "Oshawa Vindicator insert three times. Caution. {AME INTO THE PREMISES OF the subscriber, on or about the lst of November, a RED STEER. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying costs, LEWIS CORYELL, Lot 17, Broken Front, East whitby, To Let. SHOP ON SIMCOE STREET. Pls ossion given immediately. Apply to J. O. Henry. 24 As Now. 17, 1871. CAUTION. $25 REWARD : TOR THE APPREHENSION AND conviction of certain Ped.ors pretending ls Lave La arus & M iris' goods for sale, and sold trash us the make of said firth. Itis tod that the Spectacles and Eye-Glass cases have the names of Lazarus & Morris stamped upon. them. 4e No pedlers employed, PHILIP TAY LOR. i 20 Dahawa, 3 Nov. I6, 1871. 'Strayed. | DiS )M THE PREMISES OF THE iscriber, on lot 3, 3rd con. East Whith on «r about the 15th of OL tober last, a LEIC BR: TER RAM, one shea thon giving such , it sotmatfon as will lead to its recovery will be nitab'y rewarded. 1 persoh keeping said of after this date will be prosecuted according AW, FRANK/GLASPELL. . East Whitby Nov. 9]1871. 31-tf Strayed. YROM THE P PREMISES OF THE subscriber, on Lot 10, Broken Front, East Ww hitby, on or about the ist of October last, 16 | Ewes, marked with top off one ear, and a | the other. Any person giving such information | as wil! lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. SAMUEL PHILLIPS, CEDAR DALE. | Nov.9: 1 314 APPRENTICE WANTED | WO ACTIVE RESPECTABLE LADS wanted, from 14 to 13 yerrs of age, one as an | apyrentice, an 1 one to assist a Cabinent Maker. | Ihore useu te the trade preferred. Good wages given. Apply to . MITCHELL, Brock street, East End. | After 6 o'clock any evenir 8. Oshawa, July 6, 1871. 13-¢¢ PRO BONO 0 PUBLICO. F. PATTE, Jr, ! FARES THIS OPPORTUNITY TO inform the inhabitants of Oshawa and Vi- cinity that He is pre pared 10 execute raining arbling; Glazeing, Paperhangs Whitewashing, &e., on ihe boii no- ¢ and in first-class style." Orders left at Mr Tripps' Boot Store; King Street East, or at the residence of the undersigned, oy posite Messrs. Gibbs' Cabinet Factory, Hall's Block, will receive prompt atte ntion. | F. PATTE, Jr. 253m Oshawa, Sept. 5. 1871. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. LL PERSONS IN INDEBTED TO W. D. MICHAEL, Esq., or to the late of ne HALL & MORG, ie ih yired At payment without delay to' the ed. FAREWELL & McGEE. Oshawa, August 3rd, 1871. 1741. WANTED. rEAMS TO DRAW LUMBER FROM my Mills in Podonk to Bowmanville apd oR further particulars enquire at Mill. A. B. CAMPBELL. Bowmanville, May 10, ots Is | 1 \\/ - our ( C

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