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Ontario Reformer, 17 Nov 1871, p. 4

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Compo soviogn Frrosy.--A clerk in | the Halifax Post Office, named Campbell, has confessed himself guilty of purloining money lett from "the Post Office. -- Mr. Dewe, Post Office In- spector, after hearing this confession, de- clined to arrest the young man, who made public preparation for leaving the country, | and had iy ¥éne aboard a steamer for Portlan hen he' was arrested, . through the instigation of the Bank of Montreal, from whom he had stolen money letters. He will thus be brought to trial, no thanks to the Dominion Post Office In- spector] This Campbell is a son of Stew" Strange to say, 3 Tue N. Y. Tribune is y nalkinig WAF up n " emigrant robbers," and gives a startling array of facts as to the. outrages to which | | immigrants are subjected in that: city. These robberies, it says, average at "least six per week, and the amount stolen, with- | out exaggeration, is equal to an average | of 8600 for each victim. © Thus there is an | income for the thieves of £150,000 a year, ! though if the actual statistics eould be ob- tained, the figures would probably approach y §200,000 |" Erber Evaxs, the Shaker, now in Lon- | ' don, had a ready wit at all times. "ig ashed which were the On be- | qualities | art Campbell, M. P. for Guysbore, an out. | ost appreciated in 'he females at Mount | /l ebanon, he replied, 'The woman who maketh a good pudding is always | more who maketh a tart an-out supporter of the Government. -- Can it be that this circumstance prompted the criminal negligenee manifested by the Governinent . official ! It looks like it. -- When frauds like these, which sent: Reiffenstein to the Penitentiary, witted by Government officials, gang" tell ne. that' the Government cannot Justly be blanied for the dishonesty of its servants. valued by us than sh reply." : WE aften see a large stock of cattle which do not seem to thrive, and come the or | out' ** spring poor," all for want of some- thing to start them in the right directi-n. are com- intpossible to exclude all the dishonest per- | than an extra half ton of hay. sons, but when they are detected and al- Ha lowed to go scot free, then the Govern- | Have you rheumatism inany form | Have | ment may fairly be charged with eriminal | you stiff neck, or bunches caused by rheu- | neglect, and be held responsible for a | matic pains! If so, Johnson's A wolyne | large share of 'any subsequent frauds that | Linimcnt is a specific remedy, and is also | may be committed. In this case, had A the best pain killer in the world. Campbell been allowed to go free, it would : have-boen a direct premium on dishonesty. I PRETOFORE, | PARTIES T TROUBL- | Dishonest officials are restrained only by | | been unable to find & nedisine to reach "fear 'of the consequences, Remove that | {22% bac HH ® PEL ].59, Ja now ent | apted for t barrier and _we may pat3ily expect dis- BE Ho m dept t.-- | Jave been benefitted by its use. It is » the honest practices f\evesy «aparihen ire ' Give the advertisement. wl which | is to above complaints. To which he would call special attention. One dollar's worth of Sheridan's Cavalry | It is no doubt true that where | Powrdfys, given to such a stock occasionally | thousands of officials are employed it 1s a winter, would be. worth more | E yon'a severe wrench or sprain? | to the re public a preparation part ly | e Jie [merits ire | 0 0 | 1871, Medical Hall. DR. DEANS | Hus PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINEOXN & Co, would inform the public that he has just received a full assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fema. Dye Stuffs TOILET ARTICLES, WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST SY PRICES. Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug Store. Remember the stand, nearly opposite Hindes' Hotel. 1870 5 1th. ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER. ROOM PAPER. : SUBSCRIBER BEGS MOST RESPECTFULLY TO INFORM HIS HE T Patrons and the Public generally, that he has received, direct from England, the First Instal- ment of his Spring Stock of Paper Hanging, The great superiority of English Paper over that of Canadian manufacture is tuniversally acknowledged. The brilliancy and firmness of the colors and the extra width of the rolls combine to estab- lish their preminence over all others. = The subscriber being the only Importer of this class of Goods in Oshawa, is confident that no other Howse can offer Greater Inducements, either as regards QU ALITY OR PRICE. HE HAS ALSO ON HAND A w ELL ASSORTED STOCK OF Books, Stationery, FANCY GOODS, and Tops! Having been appointed sole agent for the Little Wanzer Sewing Machine, he can supply them'on better terms than any other dealer in the county. Remember the stand, directly opposite Hindes' Hotel ed with Dyspepsiaor Liver Complaint have ! | Oshawa. Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. JAMES F. WILLOX- RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. | Impostor: / Happily in the caso of Campbell, through | Hi, Ebi Wi gp | the {vigilance of the Bank of Montreal, | this wholesome dread of consequences will | | be found to be a stern reality. Cariroryia. --California is a land of | wonders. There are fresh flowers every | month in the year, and winter wears 'the | bloom of spring. There are waterfalls | * three and four tines ss high as Niagara ; | natural. bridges, cf white 'marble ; some | thousandsof guld-bearing veins, inexhausti- | ble 'quantities of iron and chrome, cres- lead, bismuth, and quicksilver ; most beau- | tiful porcelain clay ; and, in short, every- thing that can bless an industrious and | enter rising people. In one valley were found more than forty springs over one | hundred degrees, Fahronheit. In another | valley, sixtedn gogners, like the famous one | | Des Destroyer in cu in Iceland. can, the roc! e 'so hot that you can! stand but a short time, even with thick boots on. times may be heard for a mile or wore, and the moment is one of the most intense interest as you approach them. To owNERs oF Horses. --[t is a well at- | tested fact confirmed by the experience ot thousands that ** Darley's Condition Pow- ders and - Arabian Heave Remedy" for horses is superior to anything of the kind | know that. it | now or ever known. We has been used in many cases where the horse has been confidered" almost worth- |° less, with the most satisfactory result, the horse haviug been restored to 0' perfect | soundness or so much benctitted that the complaint could scarcely be observed. | Mapy such horses have afterwards been >. 851d for from 50 to $100 more than they would have previously brought, and were | | od Be | cheapest and most reliable remed; r all exter. well worth the difference; let all interest- ed consider this. Remember the name, | nt tide ganions {abode of Yul- f du duing the torturous pains of Rheumatism, and in | The rour of the geysers at | { Corns, Sand Cracks, Foundered Feet, Horn Dis- Canadian Pain Destroyer 8 A FAMILY MITIQNE, 1 well and ravorably huew p, 1eliey! Ty ' a | ands from pain in the Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, So . Y Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps 7 the Sto Cholera Morbus. Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Buris, | Scalds, Frost Bites, uc. The CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER has now | been before the public for a length of time, hare yer used is we liked, never failing in his le instance ve ent relief w! timely used, and we Nave never known a single | Sass case of oper alowed, witfe the direct na have | np ai OW ut on oun H | wre del iy th its rations, aud tary 4 | the Pigiont terms of Ua virtues rte Bl eifect. | We speak from e nce in the matter, hav- | ng tested it thoroughly ; . therefore those who | Sullering from any of the complaints four | pil 8 it is ma; upon it | being a Sovereign Rem | he asto med Tot the Canadian Pain | the diseases fur which it is | recommended, and its wonderful etfects in sub- | 'Store to Let {2 t WILL SELL THE WHOLE OI AY BE "ETA Fuh 3 STOCK ao AT COST PRICE AND UNDER. wx The whole must be sold without reserve within the next few weeks, to make room for | his successor in business. NOW IS THE TIME! While this Sale lasts, to buy your Spring and Summer Goods, in ". 1 k in the list of Remedi ii D G 4 lt in ree ak | TWERDS, ress Goods | COATINGS, OF EVERY VARIETY country, for further supplies, and wach h testifying PRIN 7S, LUSTRES, FRENCH MERINOLS, relieving Nervous Alifections, entitle it to high | CLOTHING, Ss hg HATS, CAPS, as to the universal satisfaction it gi e Canadian Pain ag 2 fails to ve immediate relief. All Medicine Br eep it ; Physicians order and use it; and no | family will be without it after trying it. Price. only Twenty-five Cents per bottle. | Frénch Delaines, Gloves, Hose, Tapestry, Kidderminster ana Hemp Carpets, Hollands, Tickings, Sheetings, Towelings, Cc. For sale e hE Ww. x yAiijnach and Dr. Deans slave; ata . Cani ereo. Inne ETTE or 1) 3 HELE, Sold in Bowmanville 'by J. Higginbotham and | D. Stott, and all medicine dealers. Paric)'s Arabian "oil. FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. NEVER-- FAILING REMEDY. THIS valuable Eeparation combines all the medicinal virtue of those articles which long «xperience has proved to possess the most sae and cificient properties " oh cure of Flesh Produce taken in Ese home for Goods. OSHAWA, APRIL 14, 1571 1-tf. NOTA BENE. Ea a: WIGG & SON Cabinet Makers, Undertakers, &c. AVING GREATLY ENLARGED OUR WAREROOMS, AND LIKEWISE added considerable NEW STOCK thereto, a cordial invitatioh is extended to all to come Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Is of all kinds, | Cracked Heels, Ring Bone, S Callous, Fis- fula. Sweeney, External ol ns, Scratches or Grease, Strains, Lameness, Mange, Whitlows, temper, Swelling. and many other diseases. | which horses and Satlie are subject 10. to. This Belek rele Liniment has bee used | for P= and, its curative . tested. and is i complaints ever -otfered to Y the gl txor. | never fails when timely used = faithtully ap = Dry Good,s Boots and Shoes} | as lia SHIRTINGS, | OF THE it A SHUTTLE OR LOCKSTITCH Sewing Machine. T HAVING COME TO OUR KNOW. ledge that Supe ipied partics are peddling | Sewing Machines through the Sonat A and re ) esenting them to be 1 'ARMS SEW ING ACHINE," this is to anion parties not to be leceived in purchasing the same. All genuine Aris machines have the words "FE. H. ARMS, Manufacturer," stamped on the Face Plate of ach machine. We have considered it to our {nterost to estab: ish an agroncy in Osahwa to look after these and have therefore | ments wi ith E. 8. & C. HIGGINS, Corner of Mill and Simcoe Streets, Possess Given Foy Days, if bi ogHAWA, | Lock-Stitch, alike on both sides, and which will For the sale of our machines. Tae Arms MacuiNE makes the Shuttle or wt RIP, and has & full and complete outfit, vithout extra chargo. 1 Jyh Aras NM = will sew from the finest lin to t ist Beaver cloth without of © ion or stitch. ARMS <E pever has "fits," and is dway resd; +, and never skips a stitch or sreaks a thre The Arms MacHINE has only about onesfourth e parts in its construction' that are in other the » 'nes. It can therefore be only one-fourth * to get out of order. |" The Arus Macuixs will N FRINGE, FELL, tA' BER 4 (ar wre The onus M Gh [ie Just' the mac Line ivy | MILLINERS, I'AILORS, | DRESSMAKERS | FARMERS, as it will do all kinds of work. See io machine before purchasing and you will sa ve money, and { ourse ia great deal of trouble and annoyance hereafte Send ed circulars and samples of werk, or call ind see the machines working. | Machins Fully Warratad. . TODD, 7 Rossin I'e se bo, Toronto, E. 8. & G. HIGGINS, Agents for oshawa, Gen. Agt., 51. ALLAN LINE. OSZAWA 2 AGENCT. | 1871, SUMMER SERVICE. 1871. arrange. | ABT PUBLIC C NOI Ia 'THE JOSEPH HALL MACHINE WUKRS OSHAWA, ONTARIO. ESTABLISHED 1851 ThoToseph Zall M:nuf ctu ingCompany, FPROPRILTORN, - WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION TO CUR NUMBER ONE AND TWO BUGKEYE COMBINEL REAPER AND MOWER, i With Johnson's Self Rake, Improved for 1871. We believe this Maclive, as we now Luild it, yet offered to the public of Canada. to leilencst jarfect Leajer ma € Mewar ever Among ita many advantages we call attention to the following: -- It has no Gears or the Driving Wheels, | Enabling it to pass over marshy or sandy ground without clogging up the gearing thereby renderin it less liable to breakage. It is furnished with Four Knifes, Two for Mowing avd Two for Reaping, one of which has a gickle edge for cutting ripe, clean grain, the other a smooth edge for cutting grain in which there is grass or seed clover. : It has the malleable guards both on the Mcwer Bar and Reaper Table, with best cast stee Ledger Plates. It is also furnished with our New Patent Tilting Table for Picking up Lodged Grain. \ " his fis the only really valuable Tilting Table offered on any combined Reaper and M wer, hs| Tablas can ba very easily raised or lowered 'by the Driver in his Seat without stopping his Team. This is one of the mest important improvements cffected in ary Machine during the | ast two years. by ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL } Can he made to act as Rakes at the optin mn of the Driver, by a Lever readily o) erate] by his foot, { 1 therefore whether Reaping or Mowing, the { river while guiding his team. This Table is Gather the Grain into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it in a more compact form than any other Reel Rake, This Table is attached to the Machine both in front dnd rear of the Driv'm ; Wheel, which en- ables it to pass over rough ground with muck greater ease and less injury to tue Table. The Grain Wheel Axis is on a line with the affe of the Drive Wheel, which enables it to turn the corners readily. J The Rakes are driven by'Gearirg instead of Chaine, and there'ore have a s™dy uniorm motion, | -- rin removing th 'i.e Boxes are ail lined with Making them much less liable to breakage on uneven round, and more regula grain. The Gearing is very simple, strung and durable, BABEIT META! The Parts are ail numbered, so that the REPAIRS can be ordered by telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the mmmber of the past wanted, © There is no side Draught in either reajing rr mow ipg, and the Machine is so perfectly talanced that there is no pressute on th horses 1ecks citl er when rear ing or mowing. All our _iaalloable castings, where they are subject 10 much strain, Kave Leen x His) is 'th: tche. LOUK OUT FOR: Good Photographs | To BE MADE AT Mr. THOMAS' GAL ERT ' BROOKIIN, HARRY TAIT, Philip Taylor I EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST Stick sf Watches, Clocks, Jawsllary, ilvar Plated, and Fancy Goods. &) 1 sole 0 agent for Ruseell's ¢ 'lebrated SA & Morris' Perfected 8 ects "Si.ver Plate, best goods mele, and every i thing in his .in® ma 'le to order: It will pay to examine his Stock before purchas- ing elscware. All Goods and Jobs warranted, and o cacaper than any other House. PHILIP TAYLOR, Watchmaker & Jew ler, i Simcoe Street, 0s awe, Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. tf. NO FC "bs "Tim. JAMES II. GERRIE, Family Bivg Mere, V1? THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, ._ at the lowest possible pric:s. THE LARGEST STOCK OF LISH PAPER HANGIN( IN hl » | N¢ Whith,, April 13, 1871 N 4 ! Just rece' ved direct from the manufacturers. A great variety of patterns, and selling KE AE NEW: DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OSHAWA! MISS ATE OF THE day me 0 me! very of Jshaw IC on Bros, k All op Roside ¥ H* Or Superior careful Or Aosty ery. AR Ly Puotie, Siuicoe = "or, MC sold. ROOME Twice ancealed, thereby rendering them both tough and strong. ABLISHMENT and see that the signature of Hurd & Co., | piled. | and see them. of S. TREW IN, begs|to inform the inhabi- is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, | | hab TBoughout he RE ene i ge she hus upened a Jew >Sidie on KING STREET East! || | and Country Mer | Under Contract with the Canadian Government f : winivn. Price 3 cents | Great snducements held out to those purchasing at our E. sablishmen | for carrying the Canadian and U. 3. Mails. Newcastle, Ont., proprietors for Canada. | £6H4 by olf medicine desl; | Xonar & Lymas, Newcastle, Ontario, Pro- | SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE STEAM WEEKLY TO . OV R JOHNSON "RAKE ------_-- Ax attempt ingeniously devised to | destroy the ~ty of San Francisco was detécted in tim€ and completely baffled on | Friday evening last. A} uck thickly cov- ered with frame buildings was fired in five different places, and but for the seasonable | discovery of the diabolical work half the | city might have Beenconsumed, for San | arly mubject 0 high | age Sssenta And here the suspicion is again | moves all of Francisco is winds. suggested that incediarism isprobablyat the | bottom of mauy of these Western fires, | and that the villians concern: d, intent up- on plunder, have been inciteu into those | atrocious experiments by the terrible teachings of the Paris Commune. tect it--it is a jewel as easily lost as vir- tue, and.in many cases as difficult to re- cover. larly at this season of the year, people are very apt to take ccld and suffer from soar throat, coughs, spitting of blood and pul- monary. complaints generally, which if not "checked immediately lead to serious conse- quences. The question arises--which is the quickest snd most effectual remedy! | Bryan's Plilmonic Wafers have been before = the public for twenty years, and have al- "ways given perfect satisfaction, and in- variably effect perinanent cures when taken in scason. Sold by all medicine dealers and country stores, at 25 cents per box. _Lavguace or Music.--Music is the | most beautiful language in the world, and |" the mind that thinks in melody must-bein | a blissful, happy state; but to have the | mind constantly calm and serene, the body | must be free, from-ailment and pain, and | -we know of nothing so 'well adapted to | prevent sickness, or for the cure of colds, | ..coughs, - rheumatism; neuralgia, summer | complaints, &c., as the "Canadian Pain | Destroyer." For sale byall Druggists and country dealers. Price 25 cents per.bottle. In Sweden, partridges burrow beneath | the snow ; and .the whole covey hudle to- gother under this shelter to guard against | the intense cold. Their breath, however; and the heat they gencrate, prevents the | | mt adhe i ! , Palpitation of Is health worth having? H it is pro- | Whitew. these Pills wil In this climate, and more psrticu- | rieturs for Canada. hides iy UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. ¥. EH. AR MS' | New Swuurree or Lock-Srircu| klin by John Warren. Sud by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. §TOTT | The Great Female Renteay. | | Coffins kept constantly on"hand or made to order. i i j iv : » for Cash | JOB MOSES' PERIODIC AL PILLS. A choice lot of Carriages and Perambulators just received Cheap for Cas unfalling in the cure of all those painful an thing of the kind in uss, at the } whieh the erie coun THE NEW DOMINION FURNITURE WARERCOM a speedy cure | Llszeculiariy ute. riot ar sme I vent. ae, -} during the FIRST TAREE MOS MONT Sof Frog: are sure to bring on Miscarriage, | ry e. | elects a cure when sad | | gther means have rae 3 although a power- | i | | | Osawa: a WV hitby by J. H. Gerrieand J. Byrn Bowmanvilie Ontario. A SPENDID NEW HERSE FOR HIRE. S INVALUABLE MEDICINE Is ! Last, but not Least, is Paling's Patent Balance Window Blind Liter, the best It Hadioratee all excegs 4nd fe : TO MARRIED LAD | KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. These Piils showid Pts the Dak nd Flat. Yai x, Porigue on on alight | | mony, or ih hurtful to the coastitution. ld SEWING MACHINES, FOR FAMILY USE AND LIGHT MANUFACTURING | | Full directions in the pamphlet around each , which should be carefully preserved. Jos MosES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. $1.00 and I for postage, enclosed to Northrop & rman: Newcastle, Ont., ener! | agents for the DD minion, will insure bottle, cvlitaining over 50 pills, by return wail. For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans | Oshawa; in W hitby by J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrne in Brociyn by John Warren, Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D.STo 7, Bowmanville, Ontario. PACT. AIO0IAAH 1 } ------ in Memoriam. GAINST EXPENDITURES in honor of the dead, Heaven has uttered no prohibi ion, and Earth is not injured, but benefit: ed, by them. All those beautiful embléems which adorn the many tombs around which wel ve to linger, assure us we are ina world of warm and loving hearts; the adorning of the sepulchres of the "loved ones alleviates our grief and soothes the wounded heart. It also cheers. the be- reavéd to know that en additional em- bedishment of the grave presents stronger attractions to arrest the atten- tion of the stranger, and causes him to use and learn the name of one who as shared so largely in the love of others. Wo take this method to inform you that we can fill orders for decorating the ves of departed friends, at low gures, execuied ig the best style of workmanship. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., OF THL FINEST QUALITY OF ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE. --AND-- SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, lied on_short notice. Evy: avg Bi to Cemetery work ing with prompt attention, by leaving or- ders with C. BOUNBALL, AND = | | TIVIAQd ANV - ~ OST SIMPLE prey IN THE MARKET--ONLY ABOUT ONE is in other Machines, therefore only ONE FOURTH Voge fom Whe es motion jou positive. It has ¥he un un- | diy nd WILL i Sar Ses pan 4 HEM, FELL, TUCK, CORD, BIND, FRILL, GATHER, QUILT, BRAID or anything that any other Machine will do. IT I8 JUST THE MACHINE FOR PRIVATE FAMILIES, MILLINERS, DRESS-M MAKERS, | TAILORS, axD FARMERS. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, AND CLASGOW. HIS COMPANY'S LINES. ARE composed of the undernoted I Pull Powered, Doubie Engined Clyde Built Iron Steamships: | Polynesian, 4,200 tons fhuiiding) tons (building). Caspian, Scott, Scandinavian, 3, 99 tc tyne. Prussian, 3,000 tons, Liew. R.N.R. an. 2,706 100s, Captain J. 3 ian, 2,790 tons, Captain A. Jd. Moravian, 2,650 t ns, C aplain Brown. Pe ruvian, 2,60 tons, Lieut, Smith, R. N. R. Germatiy, 3,250 Tons, Captain J. Graham. | Poruing a weekly line between Liverpool, Lon. donderry, Quebec and Montreal, leaving Que- bec every Saturday, on arrival of 'he Night Express irom Montreal. ALSO, THE : European, 2,616 tons, Captain Bouchette. Hiber ulan, 2,434 toms, Captaln R. 8. Watts. Nova Seotian, 2,300 tons, Capt. Richardson. North American, 1,784 tous, Capt. Trucks, Corin- thian, tons, Captain McKenzie, Ottawa, 1531 tons, Lt. Archer, R. N. R. = David, 1,650 tons, Captain Ritchie. Andrew, 1432 tons, Captain H. W yiie. St. Patrick. 127 tuns, Capt. Siephene Narway, Capt. Mylius. Sweden, & aptal it McKenzie, | Forming a weekiy line between Glasgow, Quebec and Montreal. Sarmatian, Ins RATES OF PASSAGE. Oshawa to Liverpool and Londonderry, First | Cabin from $81 to $91, according to accommoda- dion. Steerage, 330, including a plentiful sappy | If well cooked pro visions, served out by the Stewards be ong! to the Company, Osawa to G First Calin, will ce, $43 rage, slurry red $71; Inter- "for six months, is- Pro, aid Eun | Issued at Rewiew Rates to parties wishin, fii bring out, their friends from England, Irela Scotland, to any part of Canada. Th: Steamships of the Montreal Ocean Steam- ship Uo apany land their passengers at the Grand | Crank iLiilway Wharf, South Quebec, passen- | JY thre by avoiding the usual charges of cart- | and handling of baggage. Cxpress Trains leave Quebec on arrival of the | Ocean Steamers for Montreal, Toronto, and all | western points; and the facilities afforded to | ngers by the ALLAN LINE cannot be sur- | bagmed hy any other line afloat. For throug passage tickete and every informa- | don, apply to Ort H.& A. ALLAN; M rto nte, Montreal, L SMITH, Agent, 44 Po » Colara, 18. . iy INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM ussonger Certificates are | Is so constructed as to raise the cam so far akove the Crain Takle that the Grain does n t interfere with the mack: inery of the rakes or Recls. We niake the above macLines in two wm. es: pk No. O ie, large size, for Farmers who lave a lar e annul io rep No. Two, medium sie, for Farmers havi: g more use fora Mower than a reaper. respect. Our Mower and our satu .e macuine. in WPL RLY ul eX uniniug With the exception of difference in size 'hes: Machines are similar in ever No. 2 Machine sw) plied a wan: hereto ore sh Via -- A weuium between the Jan, large combined Machine, both in size and | rio. ve shall disribue March among our Agents, tha intending pu. rascTS Mh 1) have an ca ly their merits. | And we guarantee that all vrachines shipped this season shall be equal in quality and finish to the sa nples exhioit2 1 Hy oar agents. We'invite the public to withh ld giving their srders until they have hal an py rtunit uspecting our Machines, a< we beiieve thoy are aniucpagssed by any other Ma offered on this continent. = shines ever ye We/also offer our-other Machi JoHnsoN's Self-Raking Reaper,improved forl871, with two knives, smooth and sickle edge, and malleable guards | Woob's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. BuckieYE Reaper No. 1, with Johnson's Self-Rake. | | BuckEYE Reaper No. 2, with Johnscn's S:lf-Rak:- | OH10 Combined Hand Raking Reaper and Mower. | CAYUGA CHIEF, Jr., Mower, BUCKEYE Mower No. 1. BuckeEYE Mower No. 2. a BaLL's Ohio Mower No. L. Ohio, Jr., Mower. : Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. 'Champion Hay Ta Her IN THI STAND Lately Occupied by Mr. J. J. Hall} where she will carry on the business of DRESSM AKING, MANTLE-M AKIXNG, and the making of > SHILDOREN 3 CLOTHING, * &o, oul IN THE- Latest Styles & Fashions: {avin : had a JJonz expec ance in tha Hines she i: confident of sifting all. = All orders ert ted ty her will be executed with © care ay ta ite. ah A share o patronge $0 icied, Va ancie: for Appr rentic a HIGGINS' GROCERY. STORE, ' South Oshawa. JUST TO HAND, Choices Selection of NEW TEAS; NEW SUGARS, les, capi Apprawer and savin, atdow rat 8p | § | ; aperture by which they entered from. be- Bowmanville. tag filled up or frozen over. 'lhis fact is | well known to the Swedes. who, upon | finding a *' blow hele," instantly recognize the presence of a covey, and capture the lot. Large quantities¢aught in this man: ner, both in Norway and Sweden, find | th:ir way into the London market in win. ter time. Tae numberof destitute victims of the Chicago fire now receiving aid from the relief socicty has considerably decreased, owing to-the fact that many are securin, empployment at guod wages. The num. ber of families now receiving aid from the society is about 14,000, 63,000 persons, in- cluding wen, women, and children. A Catrror¥1a boot-black stands a fair chance of guing into history beside the widow with the mite. Advertising that he should give the proceeds of a day's work to the Chicago sufferers, the young gamin did not lay dewn his brush from sunrise to sunset, and forwarded twenty- | $vp doliass tho next day to the reliel-fand. | 'New York, Queenston and Liverpool ! or RicMoND. od MONTREAL, F BROOKLYN. ¥ PARIS. AND OUR _CELL: HALL THRESHER &S Greatly improved for 1871, with either Pilt's, Power. We shau also olier 10d the Fab Guu « && There are many points of excellence about the Machine, Superior ATED hers, which we cannot explain to jorward Ciroulars and Sam, eof | to pi ker on pe de Dis ONT TO bogs HTT Pi 2 MACHINES FULLY W "ARRANTED. - && AGENT wanted i in Bowmanville, and in every other Town where & read Larger i than any other oginpany. om &3 ¢ Iv ¢ NEW COFEES, i TO LET. gibi 'The Pump Shop WITH HORSE-POWER & LATHE, * At present worked by the subscriber. Possession five immediately. - Only business of.the in tows: gic ro custom--rare chance for & good Pumpm: Bowmanville, May $5 1871. * SLVR, ITY Citror A ITY Cry or Buiriors. | CITY OF BRIsSTO! CITY OF LIMERICK. TY on Brussgis. Cry oF ITY OF NEW J ORR, Cray » r ITY OF LQXNDO! City Oi, DURRAM. foe oF WASHINGTON. | Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdays! From Pier 45, North River, RATES ak P. AS8ACE mn SEPARATO Wo dbus, r IH we have not gut one already NEW COCOAS, J. C. TODD, General Agent. 4 No. 7 Rossin House Block, Toronto, Ont. 16-41 Pda, hg ALCE, NEW CURRANTS, R. BOYER'S -D GALVANIC FLUID, 2 Universally acknowledged to be one of the most powetiul Livin ts for the | Money to Lend] | REDUCED RATES. |"HEa™ . Hh. Sm. AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND | Bo %, " 3, " say amount of moaey, on Be security of Goud | Tickets can be bought here at moderate rates A now and of all ous Michices Iv bs # arm or Piodactive iown Piojerty, at | by r-ons wish pn send for their friends. For | And Will be ready for eariy distr ivniter; five to sli appaicacio. Lowest t Possible Rates of Interest, | Ageat, a apply lo the Causpny'y | : snd manner borro { C.W. Ss = Lt ; : i ; can as be repaid by 30r 30 $ufit borsowaie. Priveipal | | Jwym. : ITH Dmavs, - AU our Machines are wurr.mled fo gice satisf ction, nd Purchasers' will hide n o, INEW CLOVER THRESHER AND HU Very much superior to any uther he. etufo.¢ invduced. | | | | | | | | First Prize Cultivators. i HE SUBSORIBER WOULD DIRECT | the attention of farmers to the one-horse and | wo-horse Iron Cultivators manufactured by him, | bie which have or six yearsobtained first prizes | at vincial and Local Fairs. NEW RAISINS, 1" d Catal ug pubilbed, | RS GALVAKIC FLUID. _ DPR. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, And for all casts where an external ap Biles is required, an extensive usc bat 1t has 3 ith proved 1 no equal 5% Sold by all Draggists snd Medion: WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & CO. Proprietors, 1 | TR r dverything New! 2 portunity of testing them both in Mowing and Reaping ejore they will Le requircu t PR.CuS THE LOWEST. Foudlly onciude the pvetusss wols delivered to all parts ERs) | vs For further info mation address LSONXT" Official Assignee, M.ney Broker, &« ! WOM WRRITHTNRERS 3 F. i. G L £ N ' GAIT 2410 D02 P00UE Office McMillan's Block, kireck tt, Wh tb \ : Feowidon dl, : Apill, Wa, Wik. J eo . J n . » Suri Osawa, Sept. 8, 1871. sovr Lies. SILVER AND GREENBACES BOU GHT AND For further RR i to JAMES HOLDEN, 'UL "A TIAVATINYD £332 (H WA Bosng Oia Bs BUYERS GALV ANIC FLUID. he - Com Vig . oe tae

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