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Ontario Reformer, 8 Dec 1871, p. 2

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FA ed pw in - wea to gain support for a t a rete HHH ~ {RAND TRUNK TIME TABLE i treadiiery, or that Mr. Bethune was pro- omen 4 | pared to defend i. Ney, more, we will -OSAWA TIME. venture to say that sentiments such as = | these could never have (be. n uttered be- | fore Chief Justica ing with rebuke." DSHAWA STATION GOING WEST GOING EAST, \eetmmoda'n, 7:40 a.m. | Mail,- - - + . 7:08 a.m. Ixprees, « 9:43am. | Mixed, - - «248 p.m. | Mixed, . - - -g:10 p.m. | Express, - « 28:32 p.m. hcpross, - = 045 pom. | Passenger, - - 7:00 p.m: The morning express gooy upon Sanday morn ng, but not on Monday. WHITEY STATION. "Trains going East leave Whitby Station ten uinutes carlier, and those going West fifteen ninutes later than the above. Burst of virtuous indignati .u should thus be 8» compl ta'y deno'ished. Like many other rir pery and entruthfal charges which it has made agajnst Réforners, this last -Finlic dr cocor nut is found, when = broken, to be devoid of milk. THE PROGRESS OF OSHAWA. POST OFFICE, O:HAWA. The mails close at this office as follows, Post Office time : Going East: I 'BuING WEST: It is hardly two weeks since we were Morning Mail, 68 | Marning: Mail, 9.15. v Evening #al., 53.00. | Evening Mail "9 6. rere will be a mail closed for the West every Sunday morning at 9.15, but nene on Mondays, The Northern Mails are closed immediately | i regaled with the pleasing fact, that byfthe recent cersus our toivn showed an increase of moje than thousand souls during ithe after the arrival of the trains from the West, at | Past ten years; but wg were hardly pre-' 1.30 a. m., daily, Sundays excepted. The Engiish Mail, ria Quebec and Portland, is closed at 8 o'clock on Thursday evenivg, "i. New York at 9.15 Saturday evenings 'The mail for Enfleld, Foley, and Taunton, is closed at 12 ¢'clock évery Tuesday and Priday. Registered letters should be mailed fifteen minutes before the hour o ring a mail, Office hours from € o'clock a. m. until 7 v. m. -- i : GOuntinio sl * In receipt we are told that we derived i Oékaws, Friday, Dac 8, 1871. , ; : ne Don Tones of 90, ONTARIO LEGISLATURE ! D. Dullea se 1870, 5 Hotel and _Shop licenses, Bcott of Ottawa, Elected Speaker! pared for the apparently amazing de? , | spatek of 'our contemporary, in the publi- 1% | cation of the Triasurar's statement for the current year, in his issue of last week. Howe-er, a little closer look' proved the reached the end of Lis! year. ay . 0 eforny iY, local unvortance demangls some attention at our hands. from tne following sources : 171.9% 1698.24. 4833.87 430.00 83.70 38.00 Billiard and Circus do. - NO TEST VOTZ! (By Special Tel=yraph to (he Outario R former.) Fines, - . . . +»... Drainage refunded, rents, "Ke, The the Treasurer's hands, January 1st, 1869, of above, with a balance in Toronto, Dec. 7, 1871 This morning the faces of many old parliamentary membe:s wore noticed on the streets and about the Parlivment buildings and in the chambers. AN the) the day knots of members were discussing z as ) Some boldly declared notes discounted, which, it is presamed, SOL LALLY clare id a set-off in the disbursments in the item of 8555 tired. head, that the stats neat would be more 200.07, comprise, we think, what may To swell the Auditors'sstatement the large item of F107 be fairly accounted in rezgipts. 51 is brought in, as proceeds of the coming/events. that the Government could no retain their seats for a week before the avalanch: of opposition which would sweep upin the; ).69, as notes discounted re- We have only to add, under this , a1:d others equally contident-were willing to bet an vnlimited number of silk hat Sr ; ae exhibit tha, interest 'only on these loans that at the end of th: s:ssion Sundtield ; oy : ne of througheut the year, that the ratepayers would te still found sitting on the right of : : . may understand what it actually costs for financial arrangements; : The 'disbursements 'are sanifued (up as | iutelligible if the town accounts were to tLe speaker. Shortly bers era ore three o'cddock the mem 21 -0xc upying their scats, taken theie oath of office Ti: attendance was full. His Excellency the Lieut.-Goveraor entered the hall with nder : Paid School Treasurer, - "$1 483.72 230.96 911.08 having first Saparate 'S County Treasurer, - out any of the usual attendants. and took y } the chair. « Hon, Mr - 'nounesl that His Excéllincy expressed Richards then an- Street Tupraveingyts, H Salaries of officers, i~ Interest on Debentures, Fire Department, etc., 1043.30 188.66 101.00 245.76 147.04 859.60 51 Vith the addition 6f the amon of his pleasure not: to declare the session formally opened ustil the Honse had elect- ed its Speaker, but tha day), at three o'clock] He would address "thein from the Throne. His Excellent v then retiral, anal the Clerl Weigh Scales, + i. - Drili Shed, - &;. . Emigrants & Iadigenis, Printing & Stationery, to-morrow (Fri- k of the House, Col. Gilmor 3, thea trix the chr. Ths Hoa. the Attorney-General then | nominated Mr. Scott, of Ottawa, for the Spoakership, which was seconded by Hon. | noteq retired, before alladed to: the Andi tors show a Wlance in: the hands of the Various Items, i =. |e CR) John Carling. Mr. Blake vhjected to tha Speaker be- ing elected before the returis of the un- sated m Fabors # : ASE3 Te WT gave Tas Attira. | EE -- - Mr. view. as Mi. ey-General took the McKenzie took Blake. | coatrary viz v, the sams _opetied an en ipmeat in this place on Wednesday afternoon last. Itise miposad Th» Clerk said ho» 1731" that he | of members from the Wiithy, Port Pu rry, could not lay ths papsrs bafors the House Port Hope Mr. R. W. Stott was than daly elected werd "ad- Speaker, and t ok the chair. - ed thanks for the high honors co od upon him ; he would 'discharge Lis duties wdmbers must feel prod of the great suc properly, andf would rely upon the sup- cos port -of both sides of the House," - The Attorney-Generil congratilated the Speaker. : Mr. Blake said that he (the would have all the aid the Opposition could give him ia the discharge of the du- ties of his office. After sapper the fol The Hous: then aljourasl until to- lowing toasts were duly honored : "The morrow at three o'clock, p. m., when thé Queen." Responded to by the company Lieutenant - Governor will deliver his singing ** God 'Save the Qasen." speech from the Throne. was a Oshawa, Bowmanville and tifty-three members He express. | natred, | This is the youagss, and! als, theTlirgest Encampment in Canady. | The s which has atte meled them ia lor.aing this the highest organization in the order, After the formatien of the Encampment, the Brothers, with a few of thir friends, Speaker) numbering in all about s wen'y, proceeded to Black's hotel, whore a sitiupraons sap pur awaited ul to | then, which ample Justice was done. Grand Encampment of Canad :" fespond- ed to by Bros. McAffee, R. G. W¥P., of London, Purvis, G. H. P., of St. Cath- arines, an! Dawson, G. S.. of won ** The Grand Lodge of Canada®' response from Bros. Gibson, G. M., of Hami't mn, wT newly elected officers of. Oatario Encamp- ,mBnt :" résponded to by Bros. Male, of Osha and Mann, of Bowmauville. -- * The newly initiated members :" by Bro. J. H. Perry, of Whitby. acknowledged 'byt Geo Clunie, of th and: Bro. Cunpbell, of the Whitby, Guzette? * "The Medical profes- ' responded to by Bro. Dr. of Whitby. "Happy to meet, sorry to part, happy to meet again :" song by the company, ** Auld Lang Syne". Our fost and Hostess :" "Jolly Good I -------------------- FoLrowiNG jin the wake of that notor- iously unreliable shect, the Toronto Tele- graph, from whence it draws its inspira ation, the Vindicator of this week pro- : h Mp duces in its leading article a villainous and Kennedy, late of Chicago. tissue of falsehoud tnd misrepresentation, cdpcocted with a view to damage Mr. Bethune (a partner of Mr, Blake's) in the estimation of the pubiic, and also to pre- Jjudice the minds of Orangemen aud Re a, ** The Press § S. Catholics against the Reform: party, of which Mr. Bethune is a prominent wen- ber. The charge is, that Mr. Bethuue did, while acting as counsel for Mr. Crooks, in the recent controvertediclection case in West Torento, contend that it was legiti- nate for persons engaged 1 au election Rervorvig, i slon Carson, 1 song, canvas to appeal sulely fo the pass ons of differentbodies of people" with a view to inflame the passions of each bj wie. cit and to -distribute vrawars cols fellows." The speakers all appeared to love the rder to which they belong, and which Jeans, aumiers on this continent 325,000, ,Wwho aave dur sum of 81 tianing inflammatory materia, » 1. tial care that the circular for one body of electors should net be seen b those of the antagonistic body whic su; port Rete covardly and untruthful mauner io whi : the year expended ths ladge hiteliucu 4 \ Sin the education of orph- us, aad 30 for the relief of widow- © ddiaiales, The total awoant given for g olicited: - " saricite relief aluonuted ww 31,031,295. Traly, was this in 2 ble Orde i si 4 113 1s a uoble Order. the T TY press has persisteutly endeavored . : to viliity Mr. party iu this matter, the Globe of The proceedings were | pought to a close oat 2.0%el Jethune and the Reiori yeaster- LS . ; pieascd, aad with clear heads. as says. -- ** Wo lately noticed the attempt made by urgans of the Government grossly wo ent the tenor of cériatu rewiarks Mr. Bethune in his argameut ia West Toronto case, before Cater Just- Richards. After our « nation no , Imving the least regard for us Aou, or the sialiest sus: of honour, | vuid have 'attempted to reproduce the | absaed, but none the bess wicked tputation. However, this deliberately fabricate re port of a speech never uttered las, becis pablished day by day. The object of 18 elear envagh. A sviticaldnomsat is aching in the Legisia ions are pending wu se of th ' class Commercial hotel, entertalia nt, good things of the laad being provided, and attentive waiters to supply the wants of all. PEzsoNAL+UNFOKTUNATE ADVENTURE. | --Awong the many instances of th: *'sun- may be givea mn illus About a ratiom week ago the parents and friends received Me, rey 4 Of Usiava, con » BUA usw | letter from Jurtie, forurly ple asd " ral esuslitu- euciea. If cectainm prejudic:s can bea ous el, suspicions of the good ah of Reiorn candidates created, or class jeadon acs ex- cited, they may answer a far better pur pos: than any effort by fair aud honest tottering ov- eriunent, or to secure the return of vue or } twd of its creatures to the--=A-sewbly." tae lute. agence ol Wis wariiag , and that he and hus young wile had arrived safely at thar thew ; in the same letter intiwating his intention of "golag oa tie following day Aud again, after quoting the uutrathful | with his sleigh and horses to the rairoad remaris attributed to Mr. Bethune, the | station at Alg Globe of yesterday says: jor 12 ies, iors | ** This is from end to end an uamitigit- A ] ed sud atrocious misreprescutatioa. We 3 Li) duvbuer lelter caile, megs Luis assertion on the auth IRY | g1iviig » rather giovisy account of that oi members of the press who heard tue | |, AT appears what he did not get spaoch, and of legal geatlee - Wao were |) to ready tal wiari howesard adi in coat watcarag tad proceeliags. No la guage was uscd by Mr. vetiune tht could be mile ¢ivu to Lwpiy caluer uat wall a3 ad of household goods wich he expoctid womia be ready for quite date, and the wea her bang cold and aeledted Lo wala wore thal r. ks Was SULLY Of Suid a pebed Ul (pin hes simi, Ls silypealilg tus bowia wlddy 2 lickards without meet-. Alas' sad it is Vindicator's out.' | as! sad it is that tho Vindicator's out | stondily onthe rORd. | goods, he Obtained the assistance" of a | withecold. di ail Rd ~ Without giving the statement in full, its | ascertained badly crushed. i ; Treasurer on the 1st of Jahuary of $353.11. # Thao . x, whea all went home well | ] The super was got up by Bro. Black, | and was a first- | abandance of the | i leutly " protectionist " of late. shine aad Shade: M ig following olf rs geeat inducemauts to those in need oi cl ail ; and has for sale choice dairy seugih of the Waitby aad Poet Perry Rail- way oa Satacdy last. to grow now. tuture homie 1 the state of Jowa, with fair prospects of success in life before the Methodist church this évening, a, a distance of about 11! | tions in step dancing to Misses and Mas- ( to be steady and trustworthy. All went : well till within 'about three mils from home, when on passing ths post office by the way-side where he usually got his mail-watter, he ran in to enquire for any- thing for him, lewving the team fo go He soon returned, 'expecting shortly to overtake it, but to | his surprise he conll see nothing of it. | He hastened home, hoping to tind it there, but could hear nothingof it. Boing quite concerned\about tho missing team and neighbor to search for it, and about mid- night they found the horses "standing in a froz:n lake or pend (where they hal broken throngh the ice), ane mearly dead \ {of his only anil valuable ybdang team, which cortveyed him in a wagon\with his { personal effects eighteen months "before | from Wisconsin to his present home-- | a journey of more thon a week's time of { steady travelling --he' has sustained a loss | not easily made up in a' country where wish father to the tho ght, for we soon discovered that our Auditors had only | horses are both scarce and dear. -- Cox. % A ------ They both Wied shortly after | | being taken out. Thus suddenly deprived Tue latest Toronto sensation, leaving out of the question. Sandfield's profayity, | culgted to foster a lis the disappearance of Mr. Leigh, of the | ings that now exist between the two « firm of Hurd, "Leigh & Co., crockery merchants, | Saturday morning last, and is believed to be in the United States, it having been that he hu .committed a hutiiber of forgeries. But the most sen- together in a boat off Frenchman's Bay. Mr. having been drowned --we forget just ex- actly how it was said to have happened. Baker is used on one of the forged notes. Rumor now hints at foul play. EE ------ Lecture. --With pleasure we announce that Rev. T. 8. Cartwright will deliver a | inm of your paper, where tho Library As- Church of this | St. place on Monday evening first, taking as his theme ** Luther and the Reformatioh." lecture in George's The subject is one of the deepest interest, | and will be rendered doubly attractive by the eloquent words 'm which it will be clothed by the lecturer. 'Having listened to Rev. Mr. Cartwright on several occas: | sions, we can hear testimony' to his ability aid can promise one of the best-lectures ever de- livered in this section, Pp Proceeds in aid of ths Sunday Library fund. and popularity as aa orator, @cture to com- merce at 7 m. Schoo! | Mz. F. TameLvy, a brakes..an of the G. T. freight trains, met with a very serious accident at the Ushawa sta- tion yesterday tio ning. While in act Ff conpli-g tho cars, his To it slip rel and he fell hat voen the buffers, getting He was carriell into Mrs! Downic's hotel, and Dr. Colurn called t his assistance. At the hour of going to press he was lying in an unconscious stite ; and it is not known whether the injurics will prove fatal, or not. Tre Independent Ord r of 01d Fell lhe Thue following notice was foond stuck up'ina Post Office in South Ontario, and | sent to us for publication. verbatim : * november 18 1871 We give it to stray shoasp ev ne hom with ours the | one is a sheep and the other is lamb the | vuner can avs them hy paying for their keep," Ax alarin f evening last, caused by the chimney of Miss Baki r's milline ry establishment send- | ing forth 4 bright blaze. It is situated between REFORMER and Vindiweitor establishments, and was endeavoring to create a warmer feeling between the two | oflices, but signally failed. fire was given lon Tuesday | the Tue entire forces of the navy of the United States is reduced to 179 vessels, of | which 40 arc in servic: in squadrons which | Of the fleet of 42 monitors," now lying idle and partly dis- mantled in the fresh water: harbor of | Leagae Island, only, one is fit for service, | are widely scattered. Me. Francis, who' was employed by | Miss-Baker to saw wood, conste created great | ticn among the young lad es of | her millinery establishment by falling on | It appears that he is extremely liable to such attacks, having snT-red over one hundred times. Tue Leader of Wendesday last plainly hints that in the event of Sandield's gov- ernment being 'defeated, they will imme: diately appeal tothe country, confident that the. popular verdict: would be in their favor. Beatty is one of the most hamor- ous editors we know of. © | the floor in 4 fit yesterday afternoon. in like manner | | | | Miss Room has commonced business again, in the rooms lately occupied by Mr, Seath, next door to Hoitt's Gallery, where she hopes to moat all har old cus'omers and as many new ones as may favor her with their patronage. 842 advertisement, Tae follo ving officers were duly elected ands inst dled at the meting of the En- campuent : C. 8. Male, C. P.; T. H. Vann, H. P.; T. H. McMillan, 8. W_; | Jas. Brown, J. W.; -- Waraer, Treasurer ; | F. Evans, Scribe ; H. Collias, F. 8. PagranaTions are being made for the holding of the anniversary in connection ith the Christian Sabbath School. It is to be held on Friday, 26th inst. Full | pariicuiars will be sivea iu due time. Tue Torouto Telegr ph has become vio- No doubt it has "'scea a man," and received new light. " Nore Mr. Podiar's advertisénent. He outer at a cag) rate. & A Tay of cars passel over the eutire Whitby intends Rexsuser the temperance meeting in Ad- mission free. « DAAC G AMCROUL. Prot. "Geo. E. Moore will give i struc- | ters at ans Acaleay, Hyland's block, every | Saturday at two o'clock. Iustructions will | © gives to ladies at tive o'clock p. m., | 4s BUbea uCluck p.m. every Saturday. Aviso Celis Por lusion--d&dv't. t --_-- He has been wiissing since | | in the Government; quence of the notorious election frauds in | | saveral constituencies, the present House | sational part of the afair is, that three or | | four months ago he and a Mr. Baker, of | "the firm of Dawbarn & Co., were sailing | | Leigh came back alons, Mf. Baker | Admmiwion 2) cents. | tho | { Chiff he leaves each a legacy of £100. { his son he leaves the Mistillery and plant of £3,000, with choice of ¢ sidence. | nection with the distillery. LATE3T FROM MANITOBA. A lotter te the Toronto Telegruph, dated Nov. 22nd, states that a groat test mect- ing had bean held at Kildonan. Governor Archibald's Ministers made their appear- ance to defend their policy, but with so littlo success that the meeting was carried seven to one against them. The following arc the resolutions that have been enthusiastically passed. by the | Englishsspeaking scttlers at Kildonan,. St. | | Andrews, Mapleton, St. James, { ly and High Bluff, Heading- 'That in che opinion of 'this meeting unsuitable persons have been appointed as members of the Executive Council. -- That since their appointment their course has been one of undignified partiality, in the appointments to officeiin the Province, and their whole administration of the af- | fairs of the country has been in direct | violation of the principles and practice of | the constitutional government which ob- tains in the the older Provinces ; and that in thy present disturbed state of the coun- | try, it is particularly necessary that we should be allowed the privilege of havii ah administration possessing the conti- | denge of the people. "That the action of the Government ever sinee they cams to the Provinces, more especially during the late excitement, has | been highly condemnatory. ghl) Mor) } id increase the ill-feel tions of the comwunity, thus retarding the pacification of the country. *' That this meeting\has no confidence and that in conse- of Representatives dos not fairly repre- sent thie wishes of the people. : : ** That a delegate be appointed by this meeting to respectfully. request the Livut.- Governor to at oncé dissolve the Ho and cause a new election to be made." It was generally believed that Governor Archibald woald acquiesce ia the demands and that a new and loyal Cabinet would | immediately be formed. And it now appears that the name of Mr. | Correspondence. To the Editor of the Ontario Reformer : Sir, --Allow me to ask through the med- sociation of the Oshawa Mechanics' Jnsti- tute is at present ! who are its members ! particularly who its oflicers! what they are doing { and to whom should the public look for information concerning its tinanci- al status! and how and by whom 's the Association sustained. Hith-rto the assembling of the gencrel committes was usually managed by the Secretary, per order of the President. Committee meetings being no longer con- vened, "evidently the President has ne- glected to omer, or the Secretary has neglected to obey. | Over six mo.ths have elapsed since the usual date for the anuunal me 'ting for receiving the Anditor's report, and for the election of officers ; as yet no mesting, no { Auditor's report, and no election or offi- on one | cers. Whose fault | Th usual date for the renewal of mem- bership has also gone by. Who pays the Libr wrian his salady, 85) per year, ifthe membership is" moglected | And who, pray, when an account is dae, do the Pres- tlent dud Secretary draw their order upon {or payment ! id If' the co.amittee hee not dividel the | boiks among themselves, disinissed the Librarian aud by whylesale neglect and mismanagement reudered the odice of Treasurer no) longar noc ssary, it is high | time they should saswer wi)? QUERIST. Antm--i-------- THE DISTILLER'S WILL. (From the Alliance News.) The will of William Pr ston, distiller, Liverpool, late of Ellel Grange and Rock House, Walton-on-the-hill, Laucaster, has been proved in the registry at Liverpool under £250,000 personally, the executors being Margaret Preston, (the relict), Rob. ert Gill, of Mnchester, spirit merchant, and Wm. Cliff, of Liverpool, merchan {and the trustees being R.'P. CL, W. Cliff, and the tostator's s m, George Theo- philus Robert Preston. To Mr. Gill and To Vernon Street, Liverpabl, valued at £14,- 000, and his mansion, Ellen Grange, and the lands, together wity the furniture, pictures, statuary, &c., which are to be retained as heirlooms. To his relict he leaves a legacy of £12,000 2nd an aunuity To each daughter £1,000 immediate, and thy will take a third shave each with their brother in the residue, real and personal. He has left to bis three nephews and to his; niece, Mary Preston, each £300; to two of his wale servants £100 each. The testator directs. that 'the sum of £39,000 way remain in the partnership business of | rectiier ad wine anu spirit werchaat, to be repaid by iustalinents over a period of | six years. The church lately erected (St. Margaret's Belin mt-road), with the land y | belonging to him, he leaves to his wife's patronage, aud at her decease to his son, | George Theophilus Robert Preston, and | his heirs, We take the above from the Wine Trade Beview, whose readers, no doubt will have found it highly stimulative, if they desire to get rich. and sec what valuable heirlooms--what wansions, land, furniture, pictures, stat- ues, and the rest of it--one may possibly be able to leave to one's relict aa l family! Where the money comes from is another matter. What thousands of British fami- lies impoverished themselves, or were robbed by their drunken heads, to pile up all this wealth, is not reckoned in the ac" count. What mourning, lamentation, and | Woe dre yet loud in the houscholds of thousands-of poor sots is all unknown ; no whisper of it shall haunt the wainscotted or damasked walls or stir the pile of the heavy' carpets of Ellel Grange. © Who dars mention such things so close to a church? Hush! lest we disturb the splendor of the halo departed piety, and tread on the ashes of the sainted dead. Of Voltaire, it was said by Cowper, that he "Built Gud a church, and loa ghad his | word to scorn." Not so with cur distiller. Bus it might be said of hi with some exact- ness of description, that hs built God a church with his woaey, and that he de- stroyed God's image with his distillations. We observe that the patronage of that church is to be strictly retained in con- We foresee that one clergyman, at any rate, will stand true as steel to what the celebrated Robt. Hall called ** liquid fire and distilled dam. uation," and may to the last grsp be war- ranted safe never to breathe a word against the' liquor traffic. A BRIDE received, among o:her wedding preseiits recently; two sewing machines, | vhree planus, twelve ice pitchers, and eight Sauuly Bibles-- large size. that it is cal- | Noanotives for their actions, so that charitable Only enter into this business, | & : ty wr puis pr | Some practical jokers in Kansas city, A POINTERS CONTEMPT. _ | Sows practical jokers in Kunst sity : py | have succeeded admirably in the inven : aration of an entirely new jase ves the ; and preparation of an entirely : ¢ to a bad aot, Mr, ddsse adduces th {tio x and se every point uulike the waifs ; they do hot show ¥o.4 bd Wel liable au- | "sell. They isterviewed a eotrtisan, YI ? following anecdots given on relia a ety Tombly Ellon their direction, look as shabby and forlorn, ba; they-at- thority. A gentleman, on his requesilag I I ve y rasult was laughtcr of the most tire thewselves quite as oddly, and a= the (Lo loan of a pointer dog fom fr pity hu he. Tae a ugh Ta : : : r - Inia y dog wo tense na y hich 1 Nall Yo¥ep Iesards Linself in glam, and | wou Jaformed wf iy hat i. ald kill tinued. © The conttesan went to a clergy : behave very 'well s+ long as he could k . g co py He : his birds ; Dut if he frequently missed fire, nan ard, expo ung p RUNES : her his eccentric appearancs is probably due it would run home and leave him. . The {mode of Jute gn « i ir & Be ou 1 i i 3 : was | 4 Dar nite. c wm her, to an affectation grown into a habit. Strays doz was sent, and the following diy was | Sua, lotr it oY en of ill fame, and H ne il tunately $ | She was ying ab a hous? dame, a are not poor ; very often they are quite ' fixed for trial; but, unfortunately, his | She was i ig Aka 0 hr ns Aran are new master was a remarkably bad shot. | he clergyman visite Fr, yd. tor bi POSE 3 Tired at, but | While the two wére in her room t ie doot Bird after bird rose and was tir , 1 Ee still pursued its flight untouched, till at | was burst open by the ma 1 a 8 ) ot arranged. he to last thé pointer beca ne carcless, and often Juke as] re ; ith proper Wotin them closed on account of, the number of | missed his game. As if seemingly willing, an w ¢ " A ; vii} I h Dts inolives i i i 'however, re, hein being in such a p e i { 0 bills which stand against their however, to give JOY, = Le des wok whol] , ; ei .. | made a dead stop at a fern bush, with his | to explain, but the intruders we uld Their chief characteristic is, their : N ¢ bent wothing Of course the nose pointed downward, the fore-foot bent, (to nv 3. a ta and the tail straight and steady. In this through Kansas city, and all effor surroundings, and this is almost always a | position he remained firm till the sports- | plapation were man was close to hima with both barrels | willing to belie cocked ; then, moving steadily forward for | man was s : ; os a few pacés, he av last stood still near a fact the che ! with reserve if not suspicion, and they are bunch of heather, the tail expressing t' e | made of him, h a final all but strangers to the respectable fainily anxiety of the mind by moving regularly [ing to New York ¢ ty Se r y a few days since a telegram which really has the honor of belonging to | backwards and forwards. At Ses out July, and a few id ; Ae Raley 3 "hoeve oy de y i sprang a tineold black cock. Bang! bang! | reachec an tity that th Iergyma Whoever they do elect to sojourn pray "both barrels, but the bird escaped | was dead. The Pulletin thinks he Ged unhurt. The patience of the dog was now | of grief, and the supposition is likely to be And they take up, | quite exhausted, and instead of dropping | ect. vi harge, he > ldly ror laced {as the phrase goes, with almost a'l | to charge, he turned boldly round, p | Ly ha a es kirds of people--urtists, espscially with his tail between his legs, gave one howl, | ; A cerTaiN Captain Welch, of Sa Foug 3 pep : ti ; long and loud, and se. off as fast as he 'cisco, a navigator of some local repute, | those artiats: in whose prsaits something could to his own hom. Worldef Wonders. | claims to know the exact spot in the South STRAYS. ! ; inter will The strays-of the world are in ahnost & palp In proof of the dMlike i tray as a rule never omits to do so, $sing well off, but they are genérully in debt, and it is in their opinion matter for a joke ) that such a town or such a street is « ) one chance | name, st isolation from their natural and legitimate thing «f choice, and not of circuinstances Their kinsfolk they regard alle to coun ' or destiny. down the sport This occuroed last hem. with, we may be sure that it, will in no case, be a relative. of the sensuous is avowedly permitted -- © ~<QE-- | canecrs Buried a large amount of gold and 3 : - ras i I silver cota. ? He offer: to lead an expedi lof every description, Russian Princes and | Authenticated Instances of Living Ani- wig i 4 er it, merely ns} en a5 Hos Te i N a na oi . by axing us Princesses, explorers, etc. Strays will at ma.s Rubatiad res" ahd | wuneration what shall be left after the tach themselves loosely and easily to any 2 ------ & others have taken thirty million dollars. risky party organized for an expedition La | as music and painting ; with speculators A writer in €h mbers' Journal confounds | So pl wisible is his project th ait itis sad a which promises to be out of the common the philosophers with hard qaestions. He Sonny 33 Sitedy orld 1 ate y t N Jate- | O at an early ay. « Wid and Shey ate mostly réicunie 4% Lv aa be toteg hay ot ens hela i capital is fixed at 33,000 and the shares at voluntarily prisoners of nature, and then | $200 each 50 that should the expedition he demands a reason" for this anomalous prove suce ssful, each sh wehold or vill I keeping their engagements, and in their | state of things. A few of his perplexities come home with $750 000. Th s must be are curious enough. Some workmen 1a reckoned a pretty fair prot, . ven for a quarry at Boursire, Gotha, Niving de- Californians. Considering that the s arch tached a large piece of stone from the [is to be comparatively free from Fisk or mass, opened it and found ia the contre a labor, aud to occupy only a fe w weeks yerpower the murmurs of common | live toad. It was of a fark gray color, its time, the Jechanis or Jahes rw ih Jus ge. | sciise. Mccused, they rarely condescend | back a little speckled. Tae aperiare of Tbe ; two lund red ¢ oliars cath are ly | 3 1 the mouth was covered" with a sne wea hope to baeco nes : muh NIMS nmuch eas'er ] 10ydefend Mengelves for Mrs. Grundy brane, as were also the eyes. lt comud or quicker than by taking this little pleas | they feel Aoither fear nor respect, and | wink but seemed iucapaple of any other | ure excursion to the Soi th Pacific. Mean: | this must ever bu recorded to their credit. | motion. It lived but a short. tune attr | while those gentlemen who have churches : Thay haif sayde, regaining its liberty. In 1719, near op Poa Let thamb saye, | a hve toad was found 1a the trank of an universities to found, will, PE We . \ : : {elm tree, four feet above the root, and frain from forward } sr and is their actual device, bdth in practice and exactly in the centre. Iho teve was per- | specil cations to Capt tit his io: [ir theory. fe:tly sound, und about as thick as a man's (turn. He might think it impertinent. | remarkable power of statement, and not | bady. No place could be discerned thro' | : ic Whe 4 oh ag | onl2 possess the art, but are possessed which it was possible for the animal to , Beg TREC ViRE = Wi ie of ta Tustic 3 have penetrated. As soon as the wood | philosophers who hold sciane in ab nina was cut away, the toad) which was a large | tion, have been known to argue that they one, crawled out and skipped away us if | could hear electricity passiag along the telegraph wires, and could even form some ing agrecable, unscrupulous, and full of expedient. They are it is true, uncertain People suppose they have a bee in their Is and that the bee buzzes so loudly as to it is hoped, re- Some of then have a quite ne of | with the desire of spesking, but 2s a rule | they are not given to prove their virtues and views by argument. They have their glad to exeape. " These facts and many others of a simi- | idea of the message sent, fran the sound it fir character led M. Horissan, a French: made Others, more ratic sevant, to make sowie curious expeiiments, | humming noise heard near telograph po In Kebuary, 1771, he iaglused three live | to the wind passing over the wi toads $4 as tieany cases of plaster, and shut | #hight vibrations hike those of them upun a deal box. tn Aprill, 1774, | harp. A European writer has lat he opened the boxand fouad the cases | taken to show that both viows ar whole Oinbieakiog the cas s he found jous. That the sound is not wade two of the to , but the tuird had | wind is apparci§, he s digd al martyr Xo scicnee, They were i thata pole loaded with many wie handed over to thi Academy of Sciendes, | less noise than one having but few. and a careful examingiion showed that the sounds do not increase or diniinish with autnals had ne ¢)unlguication with the | the force of the winds, bat are often head external wr and wust hwy e existed wita- | distinctly ini a clear mdraing wliea the air out the least nourishmeut.\ The same ex- | is perfectly still, vind even pertmenter miciosed toads Bglass so as to [18 covered with frost 'or theft woveuicatyy, Oy, to the | vibration ditticnit H detriuent of scie.ce and relief ot Me toads, | the ground of 'a | rival th the writer he soon died aad tac raves 1gatio. stopped. | proce «ds th constr ct ath wy of his own, The writer from wiv we qn teNalso Che sounds ar holiy*due, h says, mentions ole wal aus thas ase bden (changos in the te ture the found in equally saange quarters. Ag As the falls the tel Toulon, oyswerg iat ww eat ae treqaently heontracts, 1 as the former rises the found wu preces Of stoae lu 5 gua two ay lengthens out aganin, This ¢ mst large worms were fonad in tue maddie of expansion aad eoutraeti gusts of enjoyment and sometimes long on the whole They rarely ex- perience disappointment ; and if their old seasons of happiness, but they lead wasted lives. y causing age is dreary they.neet it with the same cynical nonchalence that characterizes all- Some fen have thought that more than an the of the under two_heads --the undetected crimin ve ys, fr one-half be ranged al world | might and the secretly insane. rhe It is probable that the strays belong to the latter division, Hence their careless gayety and unaffuct- ed recklessness of all sinister cons: quences arising out of what they may say or do. | vbstrve But then there is a pleasure in maducss which only madmen know." te of air, -- © <G-- HOW IT FEELS TO BE STARVING. riaometer : of the wire « a bwes of marvle, which a sealptor was s.0ng\! ction on the suppartng bells, so Garviag into a lion for the reyal 1a uly, that a' telegraph pole, considered as a Thess words wee spied scaall cavities, too musician, Is not a harpist, bat a violinst which there was ho Laiet chat cotud possi- | that plays with very long strings and short bly admit the air, In Frauce, in The fiddler who fee.s aggrieved an adder was fund alive in the cout his deliition can call it something else. . a block of warole turty feet 1a dizmeter. nly by the growing coascioumoss that I In Guadeloupe live frogs are foaal 1a was gradually starving. I felt no hunger, | beds of Lo" action. : did not eat toyappease appetite, bit to re. | vther cased given by the weiter, his per- | tirst, it is one of the healthie st tow ns in new strength. I experienced but little PIeXity, of course, 1s to know how the the world, and, bat lop One; OF two dis 5 id : gs auimals got in there in the trst place, and | tricts, night be the licalthiest in England, pain. The gaping sores on my feet, the then huw they managed to subsist .atter So too in regard to criminality. Contrary severe burn on my hip, the festering crev- they were ii. If any bugologist or other to general belief, figures show that its ices at the joints of my fingers, all terrible van discover how it is done, he will have habitual and su spected eriminals are as') Mr. Evcrets; who was lost in the Yel- clow Ston, contributes to S:ri'ier's an in- teresting' account of his ** Thir'y seven | Days' Peril." We quote : "1 lost all wense of timo. Liid, Days and nights came and went, and were numbered ; Country folk belicye London to be a In these and many | sink of malaria and iniquity. As for the . assable recipe for conferring immortal- | to 784, while ia such towns as Bath, in aprearance, had ceased to give me the | * Passi le rec) 5 A 4 | Leamington, Scarborough and Ramsgate, the proportion is 1 in 2/6; and,| in what are clagsed as agricultural towns, itis 1 in 433. In the eastern, midland and i southern counties the number of criminals ¢ : : Newark Advertiser gives the fol- is usually twica, and occasionally four | Not so with my hours of slumber. They g: The wonderful light of the carrier times as great as in London. The rural | were visited by the most luxurious dreams. pigeon Tempest to Moutciair, N. J., was | villages are usa ly considered the homes I would [apparently visit the most gorg:- | noticed some time since. We have now | of ideal purity aud piety, yet, in compar- ously degorated restaurants in New York | t0 record the still mor. extraordinary tune | ison with then, Londoa is twice as inno- . d of two birds sent home. The following cent, twice 2 and about 490 notes were found oan them on their arcival. | tiwes as charitable. Dear Faruer--Sept. 13, 1871--Lat. 27 | 3 deg. 0 N., long. 70 deg. 50 W., 1004 sta- | and plumpest pies ; engage myself in the:| tate miles from Montclair, N. 4.,--1 will | labor andj preparation of curious dishes, | let the male bird fornado go with this note at exactly mine o'élock a. m., New York time. 1 let the bird Tewmpost|gsion least concern. The roots which supplied | -------- SPEED OF CARRIER PIGEQNS coe ; --- my food had suspended th: digestive power of the st mach, and their fibres were picked in it a matted, compact mass. and Waghington ; sit dpwn to immense tables ste ul with th: most appetizing vi ands ; partake of the richest oyster stews stationetl in Westport, Co. Mayo, Ireland, was passing Pate, (14 he was fired at, but not wounded, from within the archway, jand encountered tive. men, one of who i . tthe 10th. She rose up about 90) yards {med ao vas Gav on fe sqw Due orl ereath the accumulated Jain- high, sud th:y made the tiewmbhdousd MNS nto lus poeset, ho saying, on : a 3 Fare the maa who tired that shot," seized tics prepaied by my own hands. Fre- | plunge to the north, and 'was out of sight") - ¥ fr hi er : 8 ka. ] . . 4 . & Mush of ti tning, im, and took from 1s pocket a six- quently th entire night would seem to | about as. nics as H ie) Hiereccer o | chambered revolver, five chambers of have peut in getting up a supta- { AREY L.. Biescsgx| which were loaded, anl one was sil Dear Fatuea--Sept. 21, 1871--Lat. 25 | warm from having been receatly dis- deg. N.. loi,g. 93 deg. 5 W., 1,596 statute | charged. Intimidating Gavins compan- mues from Montclair, N. J.,--1 will let | ions by threatening to tire on them with the old bird Typhoon go with this note | the revolver, the comstablo succeeded in at exactly eight o'clock a. m., New York | retaining his- prisoner u itil assistance ar- ers would eajoy with epicurcan relish the | time. He is a powerful bird, but he has rived, food thus faraishal, even to repletion. | ® fearful job on hand. He must go thro' | barrac y .o . | it of perish. All well. Alas! there was more luxury than life in | P : | Harry C, BLEECKER. these somnolent vagaries. By some process which I was too weak | to solve, my arms, legs and stomach were transformed iuto so many travelling com- Often for hours I would plod | along conversing with these Imaginary friends. Each had his peculiar wants { which he expected me tosupply. The { stomach was importunate in his demand | for a change of diet --cowplained incess- | | entity of, the roots I sent to him--their | | present "effect and more remote conse- | | quences. I would try to silenes him with | promises, beg him to wait a fé¢w days, and | when this failed ef the quiet|I desired I | would seek to intimidate him By declaring, as alsure result of negligence} our inabil- | ity #9 reach home alive. All to no pur- | pusé--he tormented me with his fretful | humbrs thr ugh tha eatire journey. The | others would generally concur with him in | these fancied alterations. The legs iw- | plored we for rest. and the arms com- | plained that I gave them too much to do. | Troublesome as they were; it was a pleas- f ure to realize their presence. I worked for thew, too, with' right good will, doing {/many| things for their seeming cdufort which, had 1 felt mys:lf aloae, woald have | reiatned undone. They appea ed to, be perfectly helpless of themselves, would do | nothing for we or for each other. I often | | {| and with fea till 'racge upon range of elegantly flfruish od tables until th vy fair- | ly groaned] ben) ous dinuen:! . I would realize the fatigue | of fy boiling, baking and fabricat- est dishes known to the mod- | ern cuisine, hud ia my disturbed slumb. ing the cho} s. | Ox Saturday forenoon last, a whale was The b'rd Tornado arrivel at Monclair | bur, and five tishemen imuiediately put the same day at three o'clock and seven! out and sscared him, towing him to 4 hain {ou iG 5 | minutes p. m., making over 196 wiles an | Winthrop beach. The" whale is said to hour. Typhoon aris ed the same day at {be stventy or e ghty fet long, about three o'clock and fiity-four minutes p. w., | sixty feel in circumference, jaws , about and fell dead on his arrival, but brought | cighteen fect long, aad his mouth will the note in the unprecedented time of 202 | open about twenty four feet. : | miles an hour, ? panious. Tue last number of the, Boston Com- mercial Bulletin fairly runs over with con- : ae | undrums. We reproduce a few of the AT a tecent meeting of the British Asso- worst : Can gun-boats "shoot" the rapids Siatietor the Advanigment * Seicncs, at | without triggers ! (with outriggers.) What an NIgh, A paper descriptive of a new | ,,1¢ of a rile is an assvalt? The broech of the piece. Why are handcuffs like because they are made for rm ------------------ | mill for grinding wheat wit out millstones | | was read. According to the description | guide-books 1 this mill reduces the wheat by percussion, | Lico wrists, while it is uasupported and falling freely, | | or being projected through the air. The | A jolly old boy with a box of matches in his pocket lay down on a sidewalk in a widland town the other day to enjoy a j snooze. While rolling over in his sleep, | the matches took fire. whesg, 10 passing through the machine, is struck by a series of bars mo ing at an im- | mense speed in opposite directions; it, is thus instantaneously reduced to a state | ready for bolting, no injurious hsat being caused, and the flour prodacal'is of much superior quality to that «btained by ordi |as I expocted in--(hic) by jingo !" | nary grinding, while the cost of its produc- ; tion 1s considerably less. Qae of these] machines, in its perfected state, is in full | Washington has turned up. operation ia E linbargh, and realizes all the advantages elaimal forit. Tas e alvaat- ag-s are, the very light and rirely r'ecded | he | repairs it required compared with mi l- !ligtle hatcli€t. : stones ; the fewer mare quire | aad crnsz- | was too good to live mach longer, and the quent saving in wages ; the exemption from | chauees are that he will not. loss by scorching; the small ground and space occupied ; aud th: much less drivia g power needed. Axoraer humble imitator of George A Mich weeping, Mz. Doxatp A. Surru, M. M., and Hon. Th mas Howard, of Fort Garry. {have given notice in the Oficil Guctie { that they will apply at the naxt session of the Dominion Pailiament, for acts to in corporate tha N 'r hern Ruilwiy Company. and th: Great Wostera R silway Company, both of Manitoba. wondered, while they ate and slept so | much that they did not aid in gathering | wood and building fires. As a counter- | poise to th-ic own inertia, whenever they | | discovered langtor in we on necessary oc- | | casions, they were not wanting'in words of encouragemdat and cheer. 1 recall, as I write, an instance where, by prompt and timely interposition, the representative of the stowach saved me from a death of | | dreadful agony. One day I came to a | snl] stream issuing from a spring of mild | temperature on the hillside, swarming | | with minnows. * I canght some with wy | { hands and ate them raw. To my taste they were delicious. But the stomach: re sed them, accused me of attempting to poison him, and would not be reconciled until I had emptied my pouch of the few + fish I had put there for futare use." Tue Detroit Free Press says :--A stran- ger from over the river yesterday dropped inte an eatirg house near the Central de- pot and asked permission to sit near thd, stove a moinent, siying that he was out of | sorts.. His request was granted, bat there | was something in his actions which caused the proprietor of the place to keep an eye on him. Pretty soon he saw the man | take out a small vial, look all around, and then lift it to his lips. Believing that it was an attempt at suicide, the eating house man juaiped for tha stranger, tiok him by the throat anl threw him down, and choked hing half to deat! Trey have a Cochin China rooster in New York Stats that always accompanics thi: family ta church. eatly on one leg until the minister gives out the text, when he leans backein th pew and -huts his eyes as naturally as a christian. 1 buiore ho learned - that the vial contained brandy, which the man" was using for an aching | touth. the German Government have dasiled to re-oceupy the district lately evacuated, nn case there be 1 repetition of the recent outragesupon Gezmantroops by thelrauch. ly Jeft the place, com- | Pacitic Ocean where the old Spanish buc-s to build, charitable societies to endow, or | { millions ! l, atiribute the v | but all James' efforts to close 1 failed." Ox the 1ct inst., while Constable Baine, | when he conveyed ° hia to the | { discovered off Point Shirley, Bost n har- | | is ineomplete | blood results, | phates are a specific © Dyspepsia, imparting vitality and tone to the | mucous membrane of the stomach, enabling it.to | of al Awakening, he | sniffed the air, conspicuously smelt the| Barley, p : : | | burning brimstone, and ejaculated, *Justl|| Dean | its, 'Potatoes, do | Hay, ®ton,.... | gander presenta himself to the Sheriff, [~aples, B brl, and said he could not tell a lie * | fad killed his wife and child with his | The Sheriff told him he | H: stands rever- | J | | | | We learn by telegram from Lex:don that | Ratner Sexsipgd Age this week : "4¢ the wealihiest citizer all at an ge when of firm for affairs, yet thé and vigorous, _but ad HIN Th their imme BB. Astor as uearly 78 ; A. Coruehins Vanderbilt, ; 15; Peter Cooper, 79; George Law, "3, Most of our mullionaires are over 60, The truth is, in order to geqnire great wealth or to kiep it in these days, men must by teaperate, industrious and Jegular in habits ; and these are life-pres ervers, 1 cool head, a firm wil, a vigorous and tep. acious grip upon ai without which bt becomes gambling, cannot .ep. exist with the vices that prey on health and shorten the ds So that really meg seldonr so well employed as when" aking money in legitimate ways, AN Daniel DB 1.88 Ww Yorg paper says: "Thereisy | story going around about a New Orleany printer who declived to go out ard drigf when asked, bat placed the uoney by would hs spent had he gone out wig} | he boys iu a savings bank, and how i, live years it had amounted to untold mj Lions: jut then he didn't have a wif | We tried that once for a year, quitty | wking, and placed money wo | * ~! have been used in a bureau drawer, Oo day we wanted to go out with the and went for the money, and it wasgy - and in i's place was some new, dress ps ' teins, aud bonnets and things. She Jog cd calin 'enough, but we began to sme ag All. » IF an editer omits anything, he is ley, If he speaks of things as they are, people wind. If he glosses: over--smooths down the rough poiuts--1lie is bribed | | are "he calls things by their proper names, bk | 15 untit for the position of an editor. i hie does not furiash his réaders with Jokes, he 1s a mailet ; if he does, he is a rattler had king stability. 1f Le condemns | - the wrong, he 1s a good fellow but Jacks + discretion. If he lets wrongs and injuries go unmeationed, he is a coward. If he falls to uphoid.a public man, he does it to grauly spite--is a tool of a clique, or be- . longs to the *'outs." 1f he indulges in personalities, he is x blackguard; if he * does not, his paper is dull and insipid. TrzasUREs or THE DEEP, --The tréasures of the sea lappily®belong to whoever ci, take them. No chartered company owns any whales or-herrings. © And these her. rings are worth more than the whales, -- Ou:two days of las* week, the fishermen of one Euaglish town, Lowestoft, caught twenty-two million herrings--twenty-twe And this is at only one of a hundred such places. At the retail price: { _. of a penny each, this one town's two days - catch'would come to £91,666 ; but it was, | su beyond all the mercantile force or cur. ing power of the place that tons had tobe suid for manure, OF all painful feelings, can there be any 50 excrutiatingly painful as a bone ful We know of none that flesh is heirty, As* this ia y is quite frequent, and a sub. Jeet of 1 h ecarnest ¢ msideration, we give the latest receipt for its cure, which 18 given by Ligh anti arity, the Londen Lasicet: "As soon as'the disaase is felt, put directly over the spot a Ny-blistds tbout the size of a thumb nail, and Jet it | remain for six hours, at the expiration of which time, directly under the surface of the blister may the seen the felon, which can instantly be taken out with the Point of a rieedle or lancet." se emb had an interview President Thiers, ou the 23rd ult. The chief ambassador ¢ xpressed the hope that the treaty relations between France and China would be maintained, Teo which (Thidrs replied : --* Your Governe ment niust proofs that our mission- aries and cousuds are respected. This fi absolutely 'nece ry for the preservation ¢ © of the peace between France and China." The President's tone was emphatic, and ambassadors withdrew deeply im: {! d. i give § # Tur New. York Perald's account of the Mace-Coburn fight concludes thus :-- As an exhibition of scientitic defende it was superb; as a fight it wasa disappointi failure, Mace came out without a mar oa his face, a broken hand and a bad body bruise. Coburn's face was badly damaged ; his eyes ha It is stated that Tom Allen will now try conclusions with! Coburn, if that worthy is agreeable, y THe estimate that over ten thousand copies of the Toronto Globe are worn in the panniers of On'ario la liss, has given rise to tha rr nw that "there is-a goed deal of intelligence about thos: Canadiati girls. ® BIRTHS. At Drinbarton, on the 30th ult, the wife of Mr: A. J. Courtice of a daughter, At Dunbarton, on the 20th inst, the #ife of { Mr. Smith, of twins, ¥ MARRIED. On the 12th ult., at the: residence of the bride's parents, Wisconsin, U, 8., Cor Currie, Esq, forwerly «of Oshawa, fo Miss Lovisa H. Boxp. They left next.day for their home in the State of Towa. bog At the Manse, Dunbarton. on the 2st ult., by the Rev. A. Kennedy, Mr. Geo. Palmer, Rouge Hill, to Miss Mary Jane Peacock, of Dunbarton. By the sae, at the same time and place, Mr. 4 Arehibald: Gibbens, of Duffin's Creek, to Misd { Patterson, of Rouge Hill. By the same, at the sanie place. Mr. John baxter to Migs Eaggie Varty, both of Duffin's Creek. i ' DEATHS, In Oshawa, on the th inst, Lilian, only daughter of John Bryant, aged onc year three months. HE QUESTION IS CONSTANTLY askel why is it that DR. WHEELERS COMPOUND ELIXIR OF PHOSPHATES AND CALISAYA cures so great a variety. of mala: dies. The reason-is that Chronic Wasting Di- seases of whatever nature depend upon deprav- ed nutrition and. impoverished blood, which-. ave their origin in Dyspepsia. When Digestion and assimilation imperfect, poor degeneration of the tissues occurs and diseases. of the vital organs, thé Lungs, Heart, Liver and Kidneys. Dr. Wheeler's Ph for that protean disease, secrete a sufficient quantity of gastrie Juice to perfect digestion. Restoration of the functions | the organs of the body follows, and the \ whole system, nervous and muscular, is energis- ed and vitalized. Sold by all Druggists, W. T. Atkinson, Oshawa. Commercial, - TORONTO MARKETS. December 8, si nas 061 066 063 96 044 OW .... 065 068 L050 033 1700. - 2260 275 "3% Wheat, ¥ bushel, do do do do iye, BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, December 7. finan s 0-60 062 035 08 .060 o62 03 00 000 000 ..000 000 .91 -018 Wheat, ® bushel, Ry do Barley, do Peas, do Jats, do dea seg as 'lover Seed, ¥ bushel, .. .. Fimothy Seed, do Butter, ¥ ™, WILTRBY MARKETS, December 7. $1233 32 18 12 ...060 06 042 045 ..06 065 tatoes, ...038 0 40 Hitter, . 018 02 MONTRIAL MARKETS, i December 7. L.8135 @%1 40 L038 0x 055 = 057 080 os 0 el Vheat, Fall, # bushel, ..... Vheat, Spring, do . 3ariey, ¥ bushel,............ Jats, do Yeas, do an do Jar Doan, gatten, PO, gl f | Flo

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