Te ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1841 " sn -- " A ---- WOULDN'T TAKE TWENTY DOLLARS. Some waggish students of Yale College, a few years since, wire regaling them- selves one evening at the *¥Tontine," when an old farmer from the chuntiry en- tered the room (taking it for thi har-room) and inquired if he could obtain lodging there: The young chaps immediately an- awered insthe affirmative, inviting him to 7 havé a glass of punch. The old man, who was & shrewd Yankee, saw at once that he was to be made the butt of their jests, but quietly taking off his hat and telling "a worthless little dog he had with him to lie under the chair, he took a glass of the proffered beverage. The students &nxi- * ously inquired after the health of theold man's wifesand children, and the farmer, with affected simplicity, gave them the whole pedigree, with numerous aneédotes ahout his farm, stock, ete. 'Do you belong to the church 1" asked one of the wags. . ' Yes, the Lord be praised, and so did my father before me." ~~ '"Well, I suppose you would not tell & lie," replied the student. -- - "No, not for the world," added the farmer. : "Now, what will you take for that dog?" pointing to the farmer's cur, who was not we th his weight in Jersey mud. "I would not take twenty dollars for that dog." . "Twenty dollars! why he is not worth twenty cents." "Well, T assure you, I would not take twenty dollars for him." © * Come, my friend," said the student, who with his companions were bent on having some fun with the old man, " Now, you say you will'not tella lie for the world, let me see'if you will not do it for twenty dollars. = I will give you twenty dollars for the dog." | *"I will not take.it," replied the farmer. E "" You will not! Here, let us see if this will not tempt you to tell a lie," added the student, producing a small bag of half dol- lars, from which he counted small piles on the table, where the farmer sat with his hat in his hand apparently unconcerned. "There," added the student, *'there are 1 twenty dollars all in silver. _ I will give you that for your dgg." The old farnter quietly raised his hat to the edgk of the table, and then as quick as thought scraped all the money into it ex- cept orie half dollar, at the same time ex- ----claiming, "[ will not take your twenty dollars, nineteert dollars and fifty cents is as much as the dog is worth--he is your . property." A tremendous laugh from his fellow students showed the would-be-wag was completely " dope," and that he' need not look for help from that quarter; so he good-naturedly acknowledged beat, in- sisted on the old farmer taking another glass, and they parted in great glee--the student retaining the dog, which he keeps to this day, as a lesson to him never to at- tempt. to play tricks on men older than himself, and 'especially how he tries to wheedle a shrewd farmer. cit s0 oa -- A Convict's Fight For Liberty. A prisoner in the penitentiary of Bru- chal, a town in the Grand Duchy of Bad- en, has recently succeeded [in - burning down the greater portion of "the prison. -- Carl Schwale, a notorious desperado, was _.incarcerated for robbery with violence.-- He wrenched off a portion of his iron bed- stead, and broke open his cell door ; then shouldering the instrument of escape, he deliberately marched through the corridors unmolested, and made for the jailer's room. He forced the door and entered. He arrayed himself in the jailer's over- coat ard hat, and exchanged his fragment of bedstead for the official's sword. As he was stalking through the building, on his way to the outer gate, he was discovered. An zlarm was given. He made forthe chapel, scaled the wall inside, crawled through a window, and climbed to the roof of the building. . He ensconsed him- AN Oregon toast over a glass of the ar- dent: " Here's what makes us wear old clothes PervviaN Syrup. --This valuable med- icine has been silently making its way into public favor by the numerous remarkable cures it has performed. Its singular effi- cacy is owing to the pmtoride of iron which and is the only form in which this vital ele- ment of healthy blood can be supplied. in this preparation remains unchanged, | 1871. 1871. Medical Hall. DR. DEANS AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Co., would inform the public thatthe has just received a full assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, TOILET ARTICLES, &«., WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST 'REASONABLE PRICES. Dr. Déans' Office in the DruzjStore. Remember the stand, nearly opposite Hindes' Hot Horses SAVED. of horses have been saved during the past year, and the credit is due to '* Darley's Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy." This preparation is being éx- highest praise. Nothing of the kind has ever before been half as successful or giv- én such universal satisfaction ;" it canndt be equalled. We can confidently recom- mend it, and would advise all who own horses to keep a supply of it on hand--it may be the means of saving your horse's life. Remember the name, and see that .| the signature of Hurd & Co., is on each Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, package. Sold by Ont., Proprietors for Canada. all medicine dealers. No Risk. Thomas' Electric Oil! Worth Ten Times its Weightiin Gold. Do you know anything of it? If not] it is time you dud. f PAIN CANNOT STAY WHEREIT IS _ used. Itisthe¢ cheapest Medicine ever made. One dose cureg common Sore Throat. One bottle has cured Bronchitis, Fifty cents worth has cured an old standing Cough, One ortwo bottles, cures bad cases of Biles and Kidney Troubles. Six toeigh' applications cure any case of Excori ated nipples or inflamed Breast. One bottle has cured lame back of eight years standing. Daniel Plank, of Biockfleld, Tioga County, Pa., says: "1 went thirty miles for a bottle of your Oil, which effected a wonderful cure of a crooked limb by six applications." Another who has had Asthma for years. says: "1 have half of a 50 cent bottle left, and $1¢) would not buy it ifI could get no more." Rufus Robinson, of Nunda, N. Y., writes: " One small bottle of your Electric Oil restored the voice where the person had not spoken above a whisper in five years," Rev. J. Mallory, of Wyoming N. Y., writes; * Your Electric Oil cured me of Broachitis in one week." Dealers all over the country say: * We have never sold a medicine that Las given such complete satis faction &s this." It is composed of six of the best oils that are known. s as good totake as for external use, and is believed to be immeasurably superior to anything ever made. Will save you much suf- fering and many dollars of expense. Is sold by one or more dealers in every place where these circulars are found. Price, 25 cents. Why not buy it to-day? Prepared by 8; N. THOMAS, PHELPS, N. Y., And NORTHROP & LYMAN, NEWCASTLE, Ont.. Sole Agents for the Dominion. NOTE. ~ Electric -Selected and Electrized. For sale by W, T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans Oshawa; in Whitby by J. H. Gerrieand J. Byrn n Brooklin by John Warren, Sold by J. HIGGINBQTHAM and D. STOTT Bowmanville Or ario. © S A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT 1 ands from pain in the Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sere Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, -Scalds, Frost Bites, dec. BThe CaNapiAN PAIN DESTROYER has now been before the public for a length of time, and wherexer used is well liked, never failing in a single instance to givé permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction, where the directions have been pro RFI followed, but on the cont y all Feng ihe with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effect. : We speak from experiénce in the matter, hav- ing tested it thoroughly ; and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it is recommended, may depend upon it being a Sovereign Remedy. The astonishing Efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer in curing the diseases for whieh it is recommended, and its wonderful effects in sub- duing the torturous pains of Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to high rank in the list of Remedies. Orders are coming country, for further supplies, and each testifying as to the universal satisfaction it gives, The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give immediate relief," All Medicine Dealers 5 ep it ; Physicians order and use it; and ne family will be without it after trying it. Price, only Twenty-five Cents per bottle, For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans shawa; in Kreokiyn by John Warren. Sold in Bowmanville by J. Higginbotham and D, Stott, and all medicine dealers. . The Great Female Remedy. HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female consti- tution is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. 2 t TO MARRIED LADIES It is pAculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. These Pills should not be taken by Fe during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Preg- nancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any ot time they are safe. The lives of thousands tensively used, and exacts from all the | Canadian Pain Destroyer | 4A well and favorably khown, relieving thou | in from Medicine Dealers, ia all parts of the | 'Litky Ly J. H, Garrie end J. Bye 4 oales = Osha Apsil Lith 1871. | - . ---------- ~~ ROOM PAPER, 'ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER. HE' SUBSCRIBER = BEGS MOST RESPECTFULLY TO" INFORM HIS Fons and the Public generally, that he has received, direct from England, the First Instal- ment of Spring Stock of Paper Hanging, To which he would call special attention. The great 'superiority of English Paper over that of Canadian manufacture is universally acknowledged. The rilliancy and firmness of the colors and the extra width of the rolls combine to estab- lish their preminence over all others. The subscriber being the only Importer of this class of Goods in Oshawa, is confident that no other House: can offer Greater Inducements, either as regards QUALITY OR PRICE. HE HAS ALSO ON HAND A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF Books, Stationery, FANCY GOODS, and Top! Having been appointed sole agent for the Little Wanzer Sewing Machine, he can supply them on better terms than any other dealer in the county. Remember the stand, directly opposite Hindes' Motel Oshawa. \ Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. NOTA BENE. WALTER WIGG & SON Cabinet Malers, Undertalkers, &c. AVING GREATLY ENLARGED OUR WAREROOMS, AND LIKEWISE : added considerable NEW STOCK thereto, a cordial invitation is extended to all to come and see them. 3 JAMES F. WILLOX Great inducements held out to those purchasing at our Establishmen BPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THR > UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. A SPENDID NEW HERSE FOR HIRE. Coffins kept constantly on hand or made to order. A choice lot of Carriages and Perambulators just received Cheap for ('ash Last, but not Least, is Paling's Patent Balance Window Blind Lifter, the best thing of the kind in use, at the 'THE NEW -DOMINION FURNITURE WAREROOM \ KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. | Juaest, 157), It 218 | RYE AND OATS! J. W. FOWKE, Is in town yet also a splendid assortment of | . NEW FALL GOODS! At unusually low prices and in greht variety. \ NEW DRESS GOODS, FLANNELS, NEW HATS AND CAPS, 2 [NEW PRINTS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, NEW LUSTRES, | Glothing Made to Order on Short Notice ! GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, NEW COATINGS, A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. I Just arrived at the e CIB ar DOMINION Outfitting Establishment, HE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURN- ing thanks to his r umerous friends for their past liberal patronage begs to inform them tnat he intends Giving Up the Ready-Made Clothing Branch of his Business, To enable him to devote more time to the HAT AND CAP! AND -- GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. In order to do this, he will sell a largo stock ef Ready-made Clothing at Gre atlyeduced Prices, consisting of Mons' Under and Overcoats, Peajackots, Pants and Vests, Touth's and Children's Suits, At Prices never before offered in Oshawa. My stock of Felt and Fur Hats and Caps, and Gentlemens Furnishings] will be found Complete in every department, and will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS, 'G. HODDER, Michael's Block, Simcoe street, Oshawa October 26, 1871, » 1-¢29 | | | { | I | | t { | | INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM Sra a or New York, Queenston and Liverpool ! CrTy OF RICHMOND, CITY OF ANTWERP, City OF MONTREAL. C17TY OF BROOKLYN. CITY OF PARIS, CITY OF BRUSSELS. Crry oF NEW YORK, Crry or LONDON, Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdays | From Pier 45, North River. Crry oF BristoL. Crry or 1 Cr F RATES OF PASSAGE, To Queenston or bi Steerage, Ldverpool, - $30, curreney. London, - - hy 35, eT Paris, ®- » - - hie 38, i { | 1 Crry oF BALTIMORE, | | 1 The Cutting apparatus is in front of the Machine, and therefore whether Reaping or Mowing, the Tickets can be bonght here at moderate rates | by persons wishing to send for their friends. For further information apply to the Company's Agent, OC, W, SMITH, Osnawa, July 20, 15-3m CASH FOR WHEAT, BARLEY, PEAS! PUBLIC NOTICE ~OF THE ARMS 17 | | | | grain, The Gearing is very simple, strong and durable. The Boxes are all lined with | | | castings, where they are subject to much strain, have | Is so constructed as to raise the cam so far above the Grain Table 1 3. Ww. FoWKE | SHUTTLEFOR LOCKSTITCH | 2& One Farm of 70 acres, 3 miles East of Oshawa; 50 acres, 1.mile North of Harmony ; 108 acres, in Snowdon ; 126 acres, in Letterworth ; and slime village Jots in Oshawa, which would be exchanged for other property. Also a qliantity of firat- class Brick. J W.F Oshawa 'Sep.?21 "871. 1-f EB. OE. ATR MS' Sewing Machine. - T HAVING COME TO OUR KNOW- ledge that unprincipled Jarties are peddling Sewing Machines through the country ans re- Riesentin them to be the "ARMS SEWING MACHINE," this is to caution parties not to be | { deceived in purchasing the same. All genuine | Arms machines have the words "E. H. ARMS * Manufacturer,' stamped on the Face Plate of each machine. We have considered it to our interest to estab- lish an agency in Osahwa' to look after these Impostors, and have therefore made arrange- | No. 2 Machine supplied a want hereto fore unfilled, viz :--A medium between the Jun. | Wheel Axis is on a line with the axle of the Drive Wheel, which enables it to turn the corners readily. | The Rakes are driven by Gearing instead of Chains, and therefore have | No. One, large size, for Farmers who have a large amount to reap | _ "New Fall Goods |THE JOSEPH HALL MACHINE WORKS OSHAWA, ONTARIO. ESTABLISHED 1851. | The Joseph Hall Manufacturing Company, PROPRIE' ORS. WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION TO OUR NUMBER, ONE AND TWO BUCKEYE COMBINED Ri APER AND MOWER, With Johnson's Self Rake, Improved for 1871. We believe thi# Machine, as we now build it, to be the most perfect Reaper and Mower ever yet offered to the public of Canada. 2 " Among its many advantages wo call attention to the following: -- a Ii has no Gears on the Driving Wheels, al Enabling it to pass over marshy or sandy ground without clogging up the gearing thereby renderin it less liable to breakage, It is furnished With Four Knives, Two for Mowing and Two for Reaping, one of which has a sickle edge for cutting ripe, clean grain, the other a smooth edge for cutting grain in which there is, grass or seed clover. ; It 'has the malleable guards both on thefMewor Bar and Reaper Table, with best cast stee Ledger Plates. It is also furnished with our i New Patent Tilting Table for Picking up Lodged Grain. his is{ the only ready valuable Tilting Table offered on any combined Reaper and Mower. he Table can be very easily raised or lowered by the Driver in his Seat without stopping his Team. This'is one of the most Important improvements effected in any Machine during the past two years. ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL Can be made to act as Rakes at the optionof the Driver, by a Lever readily operated by his foot. entire work of the Machine is under the eye of the Driver while guiding his team. This Table is 08 constructed #s to - Gather the Grain into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it in a more compact form than any other Reel Rake, This Table is attached to the Machine both in front and rear of the Driving Wheel, which en- ables it to pass over roufffi ground with much greater ease and less injury to the Table. The Grain a steady uniform notion, Making them much less liable to breakage on uneven ground, and more regular in removing th BABBIT METAL. - __ |DRESSMAKING The Parts are all numbered, so that the REPAIRS can be ordered by telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number of the part wanted. There is no side Draught in either reaping or mowing, and the Machine is so perfectly balanced that there is no pressure on the horses' necks either When reaping or mowing. All our malleable n Twice annealed, thereby rendering them both tough and strong, OUR JOHNSON RAKE that the Grain does not interfere with the machinery of the Rakes or Reels. A } } We make the above machines in two sizes: 1 No. Two, medium size, for Farmers having more use for a Mower than a reaper. H With the exception of difference in size, these Machines are similar in every respect. Our ower and Watchee, Clocks, Jewellery, He is the sole age Watches, Lazarus & pects: cles, and Meriden Silver Plate, best® goods made, ing elseware. ar PL Ast "LOOK OUT F ™ BE MADE AT P Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY, BROOKLIT N, BY HARRY TAIT, Philip Taylor EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST Stock of ia Plated, and Fancy Goods. i mt for Russell's Celebrated Morris' Perfected 8 nd every thing in his line made to order. Tt will AN nd cheaper than any other House, . PHILIP TAYLOR, Watchmaker & Jew lew, Simcoe Street, Os awa, Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. ow. if i lm. Family Bang free, Whiiby JAMES H GERRIE ) THE LARGEST STOCK OF at the lowest possible prices. H PAPER HANGINGS IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO Just received direct from the manufacturers. A great variety of patterns, and selling Whitby, April 13, 1971 ENGLIS NEW. ,. ESTABLISHMENT IN OSHAWA I MISS ROOME, LATE OF THE ESTABLISHMENT of 8. TREWIN, begs to inform the tnhabi- ants of Oshawa and surrounding coun! that _| she has opened a New Store on ng ny KING STREET EAsT! IN THE STAND Lately Occupied by Mr. J. J. Hall, where she will carry on the business of » DRESSMAKING, MANTLE-MAKING and the making of HILDREN'S CLOTHING, deo, deo ~IN THR Latest Styles & Fashions aving had a long experience in nees she is confident of suiting all. by J es entrusted to her will be executed with care and taste, A share of patronge large combined Machine, both in size and price. We shall distribute our r-------- for Apprentices Office--Ii 'Whitby. ICH Wa. promptl Issue RC ane and y - J N EW S H U IT LE 0 R IL, oC K= S T I TC H March among our Agents, that intending purchasers may have an early opportunity of examining In all Cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, | their merits. ° Pains in the Back and Jibs, Fati pie on slight . : | exertion, Pulpitation of the heart, Hysterics, and SEWING MACHINES, E. S. & GC. HIGGINS, And we guarantee that all Machines shipped this season shall be " a y Zep 3 | equal in quality and finish to the samples exhibited by our Agents. FOR FAMILY USE AND LIGHT MANUFACTURING self behind the parapet, forced out a num- ments with ber 'of stones, and%hurled them down up- on his pursuers. Several shots were fired { at him without effect. He called out to the officialgzbelow, declaring that, unless they would 'give him a chance to escape, he would fire the jail. On, their continu- ing to fire their revolvers, he deliberately lighted a match, gathered together some dry splinters of wood, and set fire to the roof of the chapel. Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and although a power- ful remedy, Go not contain iron, calomel, anti- mony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully? preserved. JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. $1.00 and 12} cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle, containing over 3 pills, by returdd mail. For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans Oshawa ; in Wi Lithy by J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrne in Broclyn by John Warren, Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT. lowman ville, Ontario. Lia Corner of Mill and Simcoe Streets, SOUTH OSHAWA, For the sale of our machines, We invite the public to withhold giving their orders until they have had an opportunity of ¥ THE ARMS MACHINE makes the Shuttle or | nspecting our Machines, as we believe they are unsurpassed by any "other Machines ever yet | Lock-Stiteh, alike on both sides, and which will | offered on this continent, not RIP, and has a full and complete outfit, | | without extra charge. | g : The ARMS MacHINE will sew from the finest fre i : Muslin to the heaviest Beaver cloth without | Wealso r among our other Machines : Jachange of The ARMS MACHINE never has "fits," and is flways ready ta sew, and never skips a stitch or | JOHNSON'S Self-Raking Reaper,improved forl871, with two knives, smooth and sickle edge, and malleable guards The ArMs MACHINE has only about one-fourth | the parts in its construction that are in other aD, thftefore bu only oe-fougth ; : he 10 EN Yn of nen Woob's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. BuckEeyE Reaper No. 1, with Johnson's Self-Rake. BuckEeYE Reaper No. 2, with Johnson's Self-Rake] Onio Combiried Hand Raking Reaper and Mower, CAYuGA CHIEF, Jr., Mower. HIGGINS' q [10144 r M r tension or stitch. STORE, South Oshawa, > "The flames spread rapidly, and the en tire building was soon ablaze. The fire brigade was called out, but, before the fire was got under, a large tower, the chap- el, and the prison offices fell a prey to the flames. Schwale fled to an adjoining building, and the guards for a long time sought in vain for the desperado. Ay length he was discovered hidden under a floor of the loookout 'at the summit of a "lofty tower. Sword in hand, he fought like a demon. Riddled with shot and av slashed with sabre cuts, he still kept his li rors tho: arto : ti the st : hi ; 3 he 5 assailants at bay.. At last they rushed up- pase and SO SO ANS um lo THE MOST SIMPLE MACHINE IN THE MARKET--ONLY ABOUT ONE im in 2 v i i shared so largely in the love of FOURTH the parts ts construction that is in other Machines, therefore only ONE- J on him in a bod y and pitched him from others. as liable to get out of order. It is Durable in all its parts, and every motion positive. It hp the tower, a height of six stories, into thé We take this method to inform you der or four motion foed--T'he beat in use, and will pass from the finest Muslin to the coarsest of work + that we can fill orders for decorating the withotit change of either TENSION or STITCH. It makes the Genuine SHUTTLE or LOCK prison yard. Marvellous to relate, he was ves of departed friends, a. low STITCH, alike on both sides, so famous for its Strength, Beauty or Durability and WILL NOT RIP. not. killed He fell into a cart load of | runs rapid'v and uses a Short Straight Needle, which is easily adjusted into place and not near so rubbish, but in a day or two afterwards he | died of his wounds. in Memoriam. GAINST "EXPENDITURES in honor of the dead, Heaven has uttered no prohibition, and Earth is not injured, but benefitted, by them. All those beautiful emblems which adorn the many tombs around which we love to linger, assure us we are in a world of warm and loving hearts; the adorning of the sepulchres of the 'loved ones alleviates our grief and soothes the wounded heart, It also cheers the be- réaved to know that an additional em- RI NI a TP FRINGE, FELL, TUCK, CORD, BIND, FRILL, : QUILT, GATHER {and sew on at the sane time), be- p . sides all that any other machine will do, 15 ears MACrTEE runs light and rapid, and MILLINERS, TAILORS, DRESSMAKERS, FARMERS, as it will do all kinds of w@tk. See the machine | before purchasing and you will save money, and | yourself a great deal of trouble and annoyance | Sond or circulars and samples of werk, or call Ohio, Jdr., Mower. Machines Pally Warrtatod. Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. Champion Hay Tedder SS JUST TO HAND, 4TIVINd ANV IN reg ¥ BuckiYE Mower No. 1. BuUuckEYE Mower No. 2. Choice Selection of ER tr BaLL's Ohio Mower No. 1. T ures, [ixueuisd in the best style of Lle to Lieax. It is highly ornamented, equal to.any of the high price Mach nes, It will FRINGE, HEM, FELL, TUCK, CORD, BIND, FRILL, GATHER, QUILT, BRAID or anything that any other Machine will do. : IT IS JUST THE MACHINE FOR PRIVATE FAMILIES, MILLINERS, DRESS MAKERS, TAILORS, Ax» FARMERS, workmanship. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., OF TH" FINEST.QUALITY OF ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE. ' AND-~ SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, supplied on'short notice. Everything pertaining to Cemetery work will meet NEW TEAS, J. C. TODD, Gen, Agt., No.7 Rossin House Block, Toronto, E. 8. & G. HIGGINS, Agents for oshawa. NEW SUGARS, Two Foruies.--First, to eat a hearty supper for thg pleasure éxperienced during the brief time it is passing down the throat, | ith JHnpt attention, by leaving or- at the expense of a whole night of disturb- C. BOUNSALL, od sleep, and a weary waking in the morn- | Bowmanville. ing. Second, to try all the remedies in for rheumatism, pains in the back and sides, coughs, colds, cramps sprains, brpises &ec., before trying the " Canadian Pain Destroyer." Sold by all medicine dealers at 25 cis. per bottle. Is health wortb having 1 tect it--it if a jewel as easily lost as vir- tue, and in many cases as difficult to re- cover. In this climate, and more partic- -- a ularly at this season of the year, people | - First Prize Cultivators. NEW COFEES, JONG ECH]) FIFTY ; 'A NEW SCHOOL DOLLARS Book, by H. 8, Per: WORTH OF MUSIC kins. Price, $7 30 per I' O RR » 3, dozen. Contains over Sv BSCRIBERS Two hundred new and to PETERS MUSICAL beautiful Songs, Duets MONTHLY are getting etc., by Will §. Hays, their Music for less than a two cents a piece. Those Webster, Thomas, etc./who have not seen this Every thing is new fresh Musical Magazine and sparkling. Contents should send 30 cents for a sample copy. The #2" There are many points of excellence about the Machine, Superior to others, which we cannot explain here, but will be pleased to forward Circulars and Samples of work everywhere on application. DISCOUNT TO CLERGYMEN. 2® MACHINES FULL Y WARRANTED." a he #&@" AGENT wanted in Bowmanville, and in every other Town wk T h e P um P S h O P | we have mot on one already established. Larger rindi than on wher 1 Witere WITH HORSE-POWER & LATHE, . J. C. TODD, General Agent. At present worked by the subscriber. Possession No.7 Rosein House Block, Toronto, Ond. 16-4} id ven immediately. £4 Only business of th p ( If it is pro- gre in town---plenty of custom rare ehance for a good Pumpmaker. E. SILVER. Bowmanville, May 25 1871, AND OUR CELEBRATED HALL THRESHER & SEPARATOR @ Greatly improved for 1871, with either Pitt's, Pelton, Planet, Woodbury, or Hall's 8 or 10 Hors Power, We shall also offer for the Fall trade a t Cn Sian ha RR NEW COCOAS, * ' a a a sano Sk NEW CURRANTS, y Money to Lend AP REDUCED RATES. | ua pccimen popes sens, 200, com TH AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND | free. Sample copies Th omas, Kinkel, Pesr | any amount of money, on the security of Gocd | mailed free of postage €y, and other popular NATIONAL PILLS. The Best Cathartic of Any Age or Country. NEW DISCOVERY OF ME- DICINE, are composed of PURELY VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, being free from mercury or other poi- sons; they can be taken at all times and under all circumstances, without regard to diet or business. They Act-on the Liver and Digestive Organs, giving them tone and healthy action. They are a genuine. Blood and Sto- mach Purifier, are mild, searching and a Thorough Purgative, and are pro- nounced by all who have. used them to be a first-class family pill, and well worthy of a trial. » 2# THEY ARE SUGAR COATED. ws J¢ Sold by all druggists and medicine ealers. WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & (O., Proprietors, Brougham, Ofit. NEW RAISINS, Everything New! PRICES THE LOWEST. Goods delivered to all parts. NEW CLOVER THRESHER AND HULLER, Very much superior to any other heretofore introduced. Farm or Productive Town Property, at the writers. . £ all nh . to teach cents | . A mew and complete Illustrated Catalogue of all our Machines is being published, Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, cachers for 6 $MM, "vy," Lack 'numbers | and Will be ready for early distribution, free to all applicants, = n/sums and manner to suit borrowers. Principal | L4beral terms for intro- for 40 cents. Four baok | can be're-paid by yearly instalments, or in one | duction. num hers for 75 cents. sum, A : : : . ch . : , Investments made in Debentures, Mortages, | J. I. PETERS, 599 Broa Xow dway, Yerk | All or Machines are waryaivted fo Jue satisfaction, and Pure " will have o- op- fd oth Swearitica ul SHOp ; | portunity of testing them both in Mowing and Reaping before they will be required to SILV AND GREENBACKS J N' OE t----it ft ------------------ - { is . SOLD. GET AND | | finally conclude the pisichase \ For {further particulars apply to ! y) a J 4 | 2] JAMES HOLDEN, | | For further information address-- F. W. GLEN, R SALE, ON WELLINGTON Oficial Assignee, Money Broker, &c. Office McMillan's Block, Brock 8t,, Whitby fy , 187A. LN 1-t Street, For particu apply to President, Ry OSHAWA _ONTARIO n | 1680 ada Ww. PROWEX CASE PAID FOR PRODUCE. foram OrPaAwa, Sept. 8, 1571 a - e ; i Brick Cottage TRY THE NATIONAL PILLS: are very apt to take cold and suffer from | pyyyp SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT | sore throat, coughs, spitting of blood and | the attention of farmers to the one-horse and | ' pulmonary complaints generally, which if anf which have fof Hx Ycagn obtaiied rst prises : ' ik at" Provincial an 'al Ars. p » - not checked immediately : lead to Serious doubted], 'the bet fmplemens of the Kind in ig consequences. The question ariscs-- which | and will in a very short time more than re; . . their coat, in the efficiency and excellence of their is the quickest and most effectual remedy? | work. Inspection invited. A supply of Cultiva- | § Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers have been be- | lors now on hand for the spring work, and will | --Jore the public for twenty years, and have | IRON HARROWS always given perfect satisfaction, and in- | of a superior kind, also on hand. variably effect permanent cures when tak- | B UGGIES AND WAGONS on in oh. Sold b dich 0 constantly on hand for sale. 3 a yall The sine deal | g& All kinds of Blacksmith work done on the d ers and country stores, at 25 cents per | shortest notice. A call solicited. . 15-3441. I. WESTCOTT, Bowmanville, April, 13h r | | E <