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Ontario Reformer, 15 Dec 1871, p. 4

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fier \ A " ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1871, | New Fall Goods | THE JOSEPH HALL MACHINE WORKS| 100K our rom. Just arrived at the OSHAWA, ONTARIO. Good Photographs | % ESTABLISHED 1851. TO BE MADE AT The Joseph Hall Manufacturing Company, Mr. THOMAS' Gavuefs BROOK LIN= PROPRIR' ons. BY HARRY TAIT, 1871. Horses Saven., The lives of thousands | 1871 ; Medi 1 cal Hal 1. | of horses have beenmaved during the past DR. DEANS | year; and the credit is due to ** Darley's Condition Powders and Arabian Heave AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Co, would inform the public thatihe has just received a full assortment of Phis preparation is being ex- | tensively uded, 'and exacts from all the | highest vraise. Nothing of the kd bax| Drygs. Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, ever before Yo n half as successful or giv- | TOILET ARTICLES, &e., WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. Remember the stand, ncarly opposite Hindes' Hotel. 4 PRIZE ZE FARM. An English paper gis gives an account of a | farm which took the first prize given by the Royal Agricultural Society for the best cultivated farm. It was a farin of 400 acres, devoted to pasture, grain, and stock. The soil was originally poor, but had been much improved with skillful treatment. Only four horses were kept, yet such was the admirable system of management that they were sufficient for | Remedy." eh such universal satisfaction ; it caniot| be equalled." We can mend it, and would advise confidently recomn- all who own horses to keep a supply of it on hand it may be the means of saving your fe a the signature of Hurd 18 One ach package. Ont. all medicine dealers. Propiietors for Canada. oR AS LT AA Peruvian Syrur, This valuable med- | icine has been silently making its way. into WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION TO OUR Philip Taylor EEPS THE LARG AND K CHEAPEST Stock JEST, BEST Watches, Clocks, Te ewellery, -ilve ee -- + ® + -- 5 To prevent dogs from having the hydro- phobia: --When just seven days old hold | them under the water fifteen minutes. | | | Barsers make many friends but scrape | more acquaintances. | -- py HE HAS ALSO ON No Ri Books, Stationery, FANCY GOODS, and Toy! Thomas' Electric Oil! Worth Ten Times Having been appointed sole agent for the Little Wanzer Sewing Machine, he can its Weight in Gold. Do yor know wthing of it ? If not, for each elevator, and now tell the insur- | ol 1 aM sup, ply them on better terms than any other dealer in the county. ance companies they can do without them. | : 3 ndew Motel | y ou AINSCANNOT STAY WHEREIT IS Remember the stand, directly oppmite Hi i. | Owe dose cures common Sore Throat, One bottle one young girl in a hundred can set a ta- Das cured Bronchitis. Fifty cents: worth has [ .~ Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. i ble properly, although they can -** set up™ | cures bad cases of Piles and Kidney Troubles. * Six to eight applications cure any case of Excori | cured lane back of eight 1 cars standing. Daniel takes to water. Plank, of Brookfield, Tioga County, 1" 1 effected a wonderful cure of acrooked limb ph WY applications Another ,who has had Asthma for and $100 would not buy it ifl 1 no more . Rufus Robinson, of Nun¢ We believe this Machine, as we now build it, 10 be the most perfect Reaper and Mower ever Cuicaco grain merchants have invest- : He is the sole agent for Russell's Colobrated ed in the purchase of a steam fire engine jazarus & Shes x & Morris' fected bo n iver Plate, * goods and every thing in his line made to order. It will pay to examine his 15t0ek haf hefofe urchas elsew I Goods and re hn any other and Jom . ko "PHILIP TAYLOR, A COou cH Watchmaker & Jew ler, 3 eas, {Simcoe Street, Os awa, = 3 ATR a Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. « A PRAN | Four Knives, Two for Mowing and Two for Reaping, one of which hasa | -- JHYSICIAN, 'sickle edge for cutting ripe, clean grain, the other a smooth edge for * eur, and Coron | cutting grain in which there is grass or seed clover. Among its many advantages we call attention to the following : -- It has no Gears on the Driving Wheels, 2 : 3 hy CIA} JAMES F. WILLOX { ~~ Tue young man Goodland, who had his foot go severely crushed by an accident on the Grand Trunk, near Prescott, that the | injured limb bad to be amputated, died on Friday last. A WirNess in a liquor trial at London, "Vt., recently, aroused an unpleasantness in the court-room by testifying that he | drank with two men--one of the lawyers | employed in the case, and the justice who | was hearing it. C. 8 EA RADUATE ¢ A of Toronto, wa. J. ICENTIATE Office over the os. King St., Osh operations pre dence in the sar § Veterinary Su ENRY'S BL 1I-lm. it is time you did. SoME jealous old maids affirm that not | It isthe cheapest Medicine ever made, Oshaw a. an old standing Cough. One ortwo bottles, every Sunday night as naturally as a duck | ated nipples or inflamed Breast. One bottle has went thirty miles for a bottle of yo years. says: "1 have half of a 3 bottle left, It has the malleable guards both on thelMower Bar and Reaper Table; with best cast stee Ledger Plates. It is also furnished with our = . New York, veenston and a : 0 New Patent Tilting Table for Picking up Lodged Grain. Liverpool ! r oF RICHMOND. CITY OF AMTWERP. { OF MONTREAL. CITY OF BALTIMORE. oF BROOKLYN. Cry oF Bristor. o A oF PARIS. CITY OF LIMERICK. | CITY OF BRUSSELS. CITY oF DUBLIN, CITY oF NEw YORK. Cry oF HALIFAX. | "i Cry or LoNDON, CITY OF DURHAM. City or WASHINGTON. Sailing en Thursdays and Saturdays ! From Pier 45 5 North River. his is] the my really valuable Tilting Table offered on any combined Reaper and Mower. he Table can be very easily raised or lowered by the Driver in his Seat without stopping his Team. This is one of the most important improvements effected in any Machine during the past two years. lawmi'y Biv Kae, ming JAMES H. GERRIE | | | | | Dr. Jounsox once silenced a notorious | fewale backbiter, who was condemning some of her friends for Painting their | cheeks, by the remark that " It is a far | mor harmless thing for a lady to redden | her own complexion than to blacken her | neighbor's character." ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL RATES or PASSAGE, ; To Queenstoh or p Cavin. 1 52. "curren | Can be made 16 act as Rakes at the option of the Driver, by a Lever readily operated by his foot. Jaye Toul, wt # 0, 4k y The Cutting apparatus is in front of the Machine, and therefore whether Reaping or Mowing, the Paris, - - - ~ 9, " Ey entire work of the Machine is under the eye of the Driver while guiding his team. This Table is Tickets can be bought here at moderate rates 08 construeted- as to by ;ioons wishing Lo send for their friends. For further information apply to the Company's Agent, | Cc. Ww. SMITH! OSHAWA. 153m NOTE. Selected and Eleetrized. ARRISTER LYCITORS, © , Oshawa, Streets. MONEY to Le THE LARGEST.STOCK OF Outfitting Establishment. Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug{Store. HE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURN- the cultivation necessary for seventy acres | horse's | ast liberal patronage begs to inform them that that | > intends | besides some oats and beans. The pro- & Co, R OO M PA P E R, duce sold was thirty 3 year old steers and Northrop & Lyman, Neweunstle, Branch of his Business, To enable him to devote more time to the 450 bushels of wheat and 3,290 bushels of barley, which realized $15,895; besides [> pb m---- Ng | FPYHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS. MOST RESPECTFULLY TO INFORM HIS G E N T S' F u R N I SHI N G | cheose, ete. Early "in July the tunips | | public favor by the numerous remarkable | "ent of his acres of th h In order to do this, he will se 1 a large stock of t pXami 0 weeds; | Lead de Clothing at ind " bic he Wigan jay me weed; | cacy is owing to the Pre otoride of iron which | 1g which he would call special attention. © The great superiority of Ealish. Paper Sady ma i in fact, the whole farm was perfectly free | ;, "hig preparation temains unchanged, | over that of Canadian manufacture 18 universally acknowledged. The brilliancy consisting of dust, etc., were used each year. The far- ¥ lish their preminence over all others. The subscriber being the only ; misr was a lady. y | ment of healthy Blood can be supplied. hw of this class of Goods in Oshawa, is confident that no other Mons' Under and Overcoats, Poajackets, R E A P E vs A MN D M (o] WwW E R, QUALITY OR PRICE. Children's Suits, { . : i Spr At Prices never before offered in Oshawa. | With Johnson's Self Rake, Improved for 1871. and Gentlemens Furnishings, Wille OU" | 3of offered o the public of Canada. CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS, October 26, 1871. 129 v Enabling it to pase over marshy or sandy ground without clogging up the gearing thereby renderin INMAN LINE TO ASD FROM» ew ttle Of you ie estored - | ie ones Neer tht person had kaos Cabinet Makers, Undertakers, "Yomi N. Yo, writes: + Your [Electric Oil AVING wr i NE iam Nits. in Ww, w . De Di Hua considerable NEW STOCK thereto, a cordial invitation is extended to all to come a medicine that hag given such « omplete satis- = : : a : : fagtion as this. Great inducements held out to those purchasing at our Establishmen | known. «as good totake as for external use, and = believed to Be immeasurably superior to fering and many dollars of expense. 1s sold by | ires ulars are | found. Price,'2) cents. Why iW buy it to-day ! > » A SPENDID NEW HERSE FOR HIRE And NORTHROP & LYMAN, NEWCASTLE, Ont.. Sole Agents for the Dominion. | A ehoice lot of Carriages and Perambulators just received Cheap for Cash For sale by W, T, Atkinson and Dr. Deans | Oshywa; in Whitby by J. H. Gerrieand J. Byrn | Last, but not Least, is Paling's Patent Balance Window Blind Lifter, the best | Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT | a . Si { DOMINION FURNITURE WAREROOM KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. v ¥ DOMINION | Divan Astin, 187L 1th ing thanks to his numerous friends for their of wheat, the same of barley and turnips, | life. Remember the name, and sco | Giving Up the Ready-Made Clothing | 200 fat sheep--all raised on the farm; 2,- Sold by | ) ) I OON YK 'ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER. maT AND CAP other produce, . ma pork, wool, butter, | Patrons and the Public generally, that he has received, direct from England, the First Instal- 0 ~~ DEPARTMENT. nearly covered the ground, and on 72... o.oo periaiuiod, Its sipgular efi] | Spri n g Stock of Pa per Ha ng 1 ng, | Gre atlyeduced Prices, NUMBER ONE AND TWO BUCKEYE COMBINED from them. Twenty tons of guano, bone and is the only form in which this vital le- and firmness of the colors and the extra width of the rolls combine to estab- House. can offer Greater Inducements, eithér as regards Pants and Vests, Youth's and : N 4 "ELL ASSORTED STOCK OF BARD A WE My stock of Felt and Fur Hats and Caps, | be sold as cheap ad the cheapest. s i Mic Beer Block, Simcoe street, Osawa | = | it less liable to ip. Itis furnished with N : O T B E N E OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, A 3 { Whisper in the yo oi GREATLY ENLARGED OUR WAREROOMS, AND Rise all over the country say 'We hs ye never sold It ix composed of six of the best oils that arc SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE k anything ever made Will save ypu much suf- Prepared by =. N, THOMAS, PniLrs, N. Y. eins kept constantly on hand or made to order. Electric n Brooklin by John Warren. thi of the kind in use, at the iT HE NEW Juvert, 1871. 9-1. : : | Bowman ville Untario. A LADY at Zanesville, Ohio, in cleaning i Ah house, found a package of two pounds of Canadian Pain Destroy er | --powder, and thinking it was lampblack | SA FAMILY MEDICINE. IT I) she threw it in: the fire. Her husband | / . d kn ] at the lowest possible prioss. | Gather the Grain into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it in a more compgot form than any other Reel Rake. . FAREWELL. ci Juls 20. IN well and favorably known, relieving thou | thinks she has escaped, as nothing has been seen of her since, except a piece of ands from pain {nthe | Nide, Back and Hea, Throat, Priises, Colds, So (Yamps in Coughs, Sprains, FOR WHEAT, BARLEY, PEAS! PUBLIC NOTICE This Table is attached to the Machine both in front and rear of the Driving Wheel, which en- ables it to pass ever rough ground with much greater ease and less injury to the Table. The Grain Wheel Axis is on'a line with the axle of the Drive Wheel, which enables it to turn the corners readily. ARRISTER, Solicitor In"Chy Morbus. Burns, RMS NEW calico dress, which was found on an apple | the Stomach, | Cholera tree in the orchard. | Dysenteru, Bowel Complaints, RYE AND OATS! Sealds, "Frost Bites, dc. | | AThe CaxapiaN Pai DESTROYER has now | ] i been before the public for a length of time, and W. F WwW K E, wherever used is well liked, never [failing in a J . Is in town yot-ilso a splendid assortment of | single instance to give perinanent reliet" when NEW FALL GOODS! i timely used, and we have never knawh a single | At unusually low prices and in great variety. The Rakes are driven by Gearing instead of Chains, and Higrebire have a steady uniform motion, - Lark 18Cuicaco.--Young Miss "Who | is that young lady who just bowed te you, ICENCED A wa. All ordes ptly attended t ust received direct from the manufacturers. A great variety of patterns, and selling | | Whitby, April 18, 1971 ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, J Making them much less liable to breakage on uneven ground, and more regular in removing th Dalphie; a relation!" Master Dolphie case of dissatisfaction, where the directions have | grain. - The Gearingjis very simple, strong-and durable. The Boxes are all lined with ** Ah, I believe she is related by marriage; | xc hi ; i ~ b wperly followed, but e in ¢ all in fact I believe she used to be one of my | are delighted with its op win k-in | ._step-mothers; but T havn't seen her round | Uy highest terms of its vi rtucs and magic al | the house lately, and I guess the old man | We speak from experienc ein then atte r. hav | ing tested it thoroughd@zand therefore « who has made another change." are suffering from ats of the comp ls ints for which it is recommendfd, may depend upon it) being a : overeign Remedy The astonishing efficacy of the anadi wn Pain | Destroyer in curing the d wh ar ine ar hr Jub py ANNELS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW HATS AND CAPS, | relieving Ne hich | BABBIT METAL. DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OSHAWA ! MISS ROOME, ATE OF THE ESTABLISHMENT of 8. TREWIN, begs to inform the bi Oshawa and surrounding country The Parts are all numbered, so that the REPAIRS can be ordered by | telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number of the part wanted. A' FRIGHTFUL disaster is reported as having occurred at Agra, in India recently, by which thirty-six soldiers were killed. | - They were engaged in a powder .and car- tridge factory, in the fort, when an ex- plosion took: place, with the melancholy consequences stated. . among the killed. There is no side-Draught in either reaping or mowing, and the Machine is so perfectly x , | that there is no pressure on the olny pn Ld either when reaping or mowing. All our maleate | yank) Ia the list dy in hy P par a of het | castings, where they are subject to much strain, have been country, for further sup lic ud each testifying as to the univer: At ex, The Canadian Pain Destro; ir fails to| NEW LUSTRES, NEW COATINGS, "Twice annealed, thereby rendering them both tough and strong. | Two officers were | give immedi te, i ine. Pealer j ! 3 { Swot she has opened a New Store on Clothing Made to Order on Short Notice. ! OUR JOHNSON RAKE KiNG: STREETS Eat] family wi CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, Is so constructed as to raise the cam so far above the Grain Table : i - Price, only: Twenty r FuLLER particulars of the outrage in the ro : by W. T. Atkinson anil Dr. Dears | 1} tam ie : a : that the Grain does not interfere with the machinery of the | § Musa | A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. : = oo Rakes or Reels. Lately Occupied by Mr. J.J. Hall, SHUTTER LOCKSTITCH: where she will carry on the business of 1 OY in by Jckn Wi iTren, | DRESSMAKING, MANTLE MAKING Sewing. Machine. Sold in Bowmanville "by J. Higginl b and the making of ». T HAVING COME TO OUR KNOW- 3 NEW PRINTS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, RCHITEOT a 'B. Fairbanke. Eg, OMINI 7 WHITH streets of Rio Janeiro, upon some officers aud sailors of a° German frigate, have in- |. creased the indignation the first intelli- gence caused in Vaterland. A Berlin journal demands an apology from the Bra- | ziliapgovernment, 'and a liberal indem- nity to the parties who suffered from the lawlessness of certain citizens of Rio. GROCERIES, |- 1] The Great Female Remedy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to. which the female consti- tution is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. J. W. FOWKE. #Z#&- One Farin of 70 acres, 3 miles East of Oshawa; 50 acres, 1 mile North of Harmony ; 108 acres, in Snowdon ; 126 acres, in Letterworth ; and some village lots | in Oshawa, which would be exchanged for other property. Also a quantity of first- class Brick. J W.F - Oshawa, Sep."21,"1871. 1- Pr. EH. AR Ms' {NEw SsaurtLE or L.ock-Srti. cH SEWING MACHINES, FAMILY USE AND LIGHT MANUFACTURING We make the above machines in two sizes: D, Stott, and all me a cine dealers. No. One, large size, for Farmers who have a large amount to reap CHILRREN'S "CLOTHING. so. dd HO ledge that unprincipled parties are peddling 0 of JIOOF SKI Se Mach tl h th ountry and re- v ys N . . d © | presenting hem to be the ~AMMS SEWING | No, Two, medium size, for Farmers having more use for a Mower sctory--King Street, than a reaper. ~IN THB Latest Styles PY Fashions : asked a promptly How many genders are there!" schoolmaster. " Ehree, sir," , replied little blue-eyes, " masculine, femi- nine and meuter.". " Pray, give me an example uf each, said the master, "WW hy, you are masculine, because you are a man; and I am feminine, becausé I am a girl." " Very well, proceed." *'1 don't know," said the little girl, "but I reckon Mr. Jenkins "is neuter, as he's an old bach- elor." 2 MACHINE," this is to caution parties not go be | deceived if pure hasing the same. 2 genuine Arms maclijnes have the words ARMS, Manufactuipr,' stamped on the oct Plate of | Having had a} experience « In the bus 2 ach hie. With the exception of difference in 'size, Our entrusted to by of suiting 11 orders ei lish hy ae gg » a or ni Bc yd No.2 Machine su lied want lioreto fore "nfilied, ied, led --A Rem Sei Det wenn on the Jun, wer and | 1 er wi be Sxcouied with 5 Impostors, and have therefore made arrange- large combined Machine n size and price. solicited. Vacancies for Apprentices their merits. - -- ---- a-------------- aay ah March among our Agents, that intending purc Co may vy rR an early opportunity of Soles in C. HIGGINS, And we guarantee that all Machines shipped this season shall be HIGGINS' IL Lt Mill and Simcoe Streets, | equal in quality and finish to the samples exhibited by our Agents. J = S00 H OSHAWA, t STORE, TO MARRIED LADIES It is pecu ligrly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. These Pills showld not be taken b. Females daring the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Preg- nancy, as they are swre to bring on Miscar riage, but at. any other time they are safe. In all Cases of Nervous and Spinal AfTections, Pains'in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertiop, Palpitation of the heart, Hysterics, and | WhitesPthese Pills will effect a cure when all | other means have failed ; and although a power- ful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, anti- mony, or anytlung hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR, NL and 12} eents for postage, enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., gencral agents for. the Dominion, will insure a bottle, containing over 5 pilis, by return mail, For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans Oslfawa ; in Whitby by J. H. Gerrieand J. Byrne in Broclyn by John Warren, Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT Bowmanville, Ontario, Le») oY Two Forvies.--First, to eat a hearty supper for the | l2asure experienced during the brief time it is passing down the throat, at the expense of a whole night of disturb- ed sleep, and a weary waking in the morn- | ing. Second, to try all the remedies in | existence for rheumatism, pains in the back and sides, coughs, colds, cramps | -- Spcaiis, bruises &c., before trying the 'Canadian Pain Destroyer." Sold by all medicine dealers at 25 cis. per bottle. For} he sale of our machines. We invite «the public to withhold giving their orders until they have had an opportunity of Tue Arms |{IMacuixe makes the Shuttle or nspedting our Machines, as we believe they -are unsurpassed by any "other Machines ever yet Lock-Stitch, e on both sides, and which will | (e.0q on this continent. not RIP, and! has a full and complete outfit, | without extraleharge. The ARMS of HINE will sew from the finest My > Muslin to the! heaviest Beaver cloth without | We also offer among our other Machines : ) change of eith¢r tension or stitch, The Arms MACHINE never has "fits," | glues ready (@ sew, and never skips atch or | PF OHNsSON's Self-Raking Reaper,improved forl871, with two knives, smooth and sickle edge, and malleable guards The Arms MACHINE has only about one-fourth | Woop"s Patent Self. -Raking Reaper. the parts in its construction that are in other machines, It ean therefore be only one-fourth as liable to get out of order, The ArMs Mac NE will FRINGE, FELL, TUCK, CORD, BIND, In Memoriam. GAINST EXPENDITURES 4X in honor of Jhe dead, Heaven has uttered no prohibition, and Earth is not injured, but benefitted, by them. All those beantiful emblems which adorn the many tombs around which' we love to linger assure us we are in a world of warm and loving hearts; the adorning ¢f the sepulchres of the "loved ones alleviates our grief and soothes the wounded heart. It also cheers, the be- reaved 10 know that an additional em- bellishment of the grave presents stronger attractions to arrest the atten- tion of the stranger, and causes him to [ruse and learn the name of one who 1as shared so largely in the love of others, We take this method to inferm you that we ean fill orders for decorating the aves of departed friends, at low J executed in the best style of AND COMPACT. = South Oshawa. | BuckEYE Reaper No.l, with Johnson's Self-Rake, | Buckeye Reaper No. 2, with Johnson's Self-Rake} ld vir | On1o Combined Hand Raking Reaper and Mower. hee aL Sern fi We}, be. | CAYUGA CHIEF, Jr,, Mower. ae Aus M JCTIXE runs light and rapid, ha | : BuckkYE Mower No. 1. BuckeEYE Mower No. 2. MILLINERS, BaLL's Ohio Mower No. 1. A MaXN who had fought *' mit" Sherman was caught in one of the late Wisconsin - prairie fires, with no means of building a back fire, so he imitated the gophers. Cut- . ting a huge sod with his hunting knife, he threw the dry dirt out till a hole suflicient for his body was made, when he crawled in and rolled the turf over him and was speeding furiously on its way miles distant, then slowly he' crawled out of his living grave, heated fearfully, but itijured in no way whatever. JUST TO HAND; TIVINAd ANV LNAIOIJAA Cl «> Choice Selection of " IN HE MOST SIMPLE MACHINE IN THE MARKET--ONLY ABOUT ONE FOURTH the parts ia its construction that is in other Machines, therefore only ON as liable to get out of order. It n Purabie in all its parts, and every motion Te: Se rounTh der or four motion fa ~The beat i and will pass from the finest Muslin tothe coarsest of w without change of either TENSION "or or BTITCH. It makes the Genuine SHUTTLE or LOCK STITCH, alike on both sides, sofamous for its Strength, Beauty or Durability and WILL NOT REP. runs rapidly and uses a Short Straight Needle, which is por adjusted into place and not near so ble to break. - It is highly ornamented, equal to any of the high price Machines. It will FRINGE, HEM, FELL, TUCK, CORD, BIND, FRILL, G. ATHER, QUILT, BRAID or anything that any other Machine will do, SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE. IT 35 JUST THE MacuINE FOB gupplied on short holies, Eversthing I 1 PRIVATE FAMILIES, MILLINERS, DRESS-MA KERS, TAILORS, sxp FARMERS. TAILORS, | PRESSM AKE} AF. A RMERS, as it will do all kinds of work. Se the machine before urchasing and you will sa vie money, and ourseil a great deal of trouble a: annoyance \ereafter, Send for circulars and samples ofwe rk, or call and see the machines working. | Machines Fully Warranted. J. C. TODD, No. 7 Rossin House Block, Toronto. E. S. & Gi4IIGGINS, Agents for oshawa, FIFTY orkmanship. TONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETA OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF Ohio, Jr., Mow NEW TEAS, Tayl 'Never whine over what you suppose to be loss of opportunities. Every man who > zr i wishes it may educate himself. Many a | - jr iN 4 Mr shi ig servant has listened with attentic m while his master's children werc haying their let- ters, and by putting together what Je | thus learned, acquired the elements of spelling. If & man has a thirst for knoy- x ledge it matters not where his lot may be cast, he will become an educated man. - : ; The first step towards self.i improvement is TO LET. to leave off "crying éver spilt milk." Let the past go, and bend every, energy to the improvement of the present. 's Sulky Horse Rake. Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. Champion Hay Tedder ee 4 Latest Styles in | Gen. gt. N EW SUGARS, ; ; Y pertaining to Cemetery work will meet | : with prompt attention, by leaving or ders with a ar Samatet Latent Styles i 1A LARG en's Un \d r 1 1 Q # NEW COCOAS, | VER 2541. JON G ECH)) NEW SCHOOL DOLLARS Book, by H. 8. Per WORTH OF MUSIC Price, 7 pr FOR 8 3, Contains over S UBSCRI BERS [) Two hundred new and to PETERS MUSICAL C,BOUNSALL, ~~ 2 Bowmanville. 2 NEW COFEES; €Z" There are many points of excellenes about the "Macliine, Su seriof | to others, which we cannot explain here, but will be pleased to forward @irculars work et ery where on application, : DISCOUNT TO CLERGY MEN, and Samples 0 2& MACHINES FULLY WARRANTED. 5a &&" AGENT wanted in Bowmanville, and in every other Town where T h e P u Im p S h O P| we have not got onc alréady established. Larger inducements than any other company, WITH HORSE-POWER & LATHE, J. C. TODD, General Agent. At present worked by the subscriber, Possession, 0. 7 Rossin House Block, Toronto, Ont, 16-41 fren immediately. 2« Only business of the [ - ind in town plenty of custom. rare chance for -- = lane ---- Money to Lend tect it--it isa jewel as easily lost as vir- | a good Pumpmaker. E. SILVER. REDUCED RATES. and specimen pages sen music is by Hays tue, and in many cases as difficult to re-| Bowmanille, May 25 1871 AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND | free. Sample (copies'Th omas, Kinkel, Pesr cover. In this climate, and more partic- ; . - i "ularly at this season of the year, people | First Prize Cultivators. amount of , on th ror TY wa ane sseuri ty Of (food mailed free of postage ey, and other popular to teachers for &5 pants, Writers, A mew and are very apt to take cold and suffer from El ; HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT _ wore throat, coughs, spitting of blood and the attention of farmers to the one-horse and Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, { Two back numbers - wets Pricol Liberal terms for Intro. [for 40 cents. Pouy bask t h Iron Cultivat fac pulmonary complaints generally, which if | ivehomelron Cultival rn ri | 'not checked immediately lead to serious ; 7 manner Lo pel | Sanbe repaid by pried ns ngs, or jn one | duction. Wiig bers for 75 cents. J. L. PErERS 5 Bn BroaNew duoay, ¥ York AND OUR CELEBRATED HALL THRESHER & SEPARATOR beautiful Songs, Duets MONTHLY are getting | Greatly improved for 1871, with either Pitt's, Pelton, ay Naa oro on their Music for less than | POWer. We shall also offer for the Fall trade & y il a two cents a piece. Those - el Thomas, eté.\who have not seen this NEW CLOVER THRESHER AND HULLER, Every thing jsnew, fresh Musical Magazine Very much superior to any other heretofore introduced. al kins. dozen.| NEW CURRANTS, ._ 3 [A 'ow \Mén'sd Bo : .. oko Everything New! no PRICES THE LOWEST. Is health. worth having? If it is pros Plapst, Woodbyry, or Hall's 8 or 10 Hors N ATIONAL PILLS: The Best Cathartic of Any Age or Country. NEW DISCOVERY OF ME- DICINE, are composed of PURELY VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, being free from mercury or other poi- sons; they can be taken at all times ind under all circumstances, witho t rega to diet or busigess, They act on dan Liver and Digestive ns, giving them tone and healthy ac They are a genuine Blood and ato. mach Purificr, are mild, séarching and a Thorowy. wrgative, and nounced a all who have used be a first-class gi y pill, NEW RAISINS, acl itons go and sparkling. Contents(8h0u}d send 30 cents for ia sample copy. The el o I TRY Ea PILLS] a CRICKET ana plete TLL Catal a ica ttnes ts buing puslivin, ; : Goods delivered to all parts. us YY LACR at Proving Jal Jo Local hey are un- d will be ready for early distribution, free oubtedly the best implement of the k aig ' vonsequences. The question arises -- which and ill in a' ; . 3 ort time "more Es es is ir t the cienc 1 ell ia the quickest and most effectual remedy? So gh hod invited. Ay er "Brysa's Paulmonic Wafers have bee on be- tors now on hand for the sprint work, and will be sold at lowest rates, _Aore the public for twenty years, and have always given perfect satisfaction, and in- variably effect permanent cures when tak- en in season. Sold by all medicine deal- IRON HARROWS of a superior kind, also on hand, ors and country stores, at 25 cents per box. | All our Machines are wagpaptpd to give satisfaction, « and Purchagers will have an op- portunity of testing them both in Mowing and Reaping hafors they will 'be required to JSinally conclude the purchase. Investments made in Debentures, Mortages, and other securities. » yo SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND ahd well BOLD, | For further a" puruealany apply to JAMES hoor, | Official Assignee, Money Broker, &c. Office Melilians Block, Brock St, Waith April, , 187). % I CASE PAID FOR PRODUCER Sevan Pimiwa, Sept. 8, 1871. P) 3 Gg doar . . ril 2, 1971, { , BUGGIES AND WAGONS! worthy of & lak constantly on hand for sale. 4# THEY ARE SUGAR COATED. = o && All kinds of Blacksmith work done on the acai by ell druggists and medicine notice. A call solicited, ora RUFF, BEN y M 153441. L WESTEOTT, Bowmanville. ' Woop Procite oi Ont, Brick Cottage R SALE, ON WELLINGTON Cl El a Ny Fop further information address -- F. W. GLEN, Provident, 3 n OSHAWA ONTARIO 3 ----

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