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Ontario Reformer, 29 Dec 1871, p. 2

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ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1871. ws ---- ros ee on side road between lots 32 and 33, in TEE BOYS. . Uxpua the head of a : Novel Cure for 2nd con. ; Win. Hoy, $2), for work oh the Imlianapolis Evening vio | -- a -- MAND TRUNK TIME TABLE| THEPRINCE OF WALES. : BC | The "Ontario Reformer®' -- : What shoals 6f boys are on our streets | Jou lishes the following: "'A young : | 8 | CS ES 2 a ---- BE gr { | WEEK OF PRAYER. | PIGEON MATCH. ORMAWA STATION. CEHAWA TIME. | The Prince is slowly but surely recovef. | Acordia 'a awoke, a0 alier text - ; i bo lots 26 and 37, in the : i 3 GTe'y v6cEive. ; * : bee nested to publish an | side road botweon lots by 1 'Rolick- : th 1 ! _ ©OING WEST. | GOING EAST. | ing from his recent severe illness, and we : will bo dleeved, the world over, as a We hae oh. roll ak pase took | 1stom. ; John Sides, 89, for gravel ; Mrs. | after he wwial hous wl filo) Polis lady of this city, wick with discaso of the | 18 no wommoda'n,}N0 a.m. Mail. . « : . 708 | are sure the fact will be hailed with joy by vock of prayer. The Evangelical Alli- | . h 1 last Thursday, but | Post, $13.28, for gravel ; Michael Kennedy, (ns good-natu e 'ows : | Jungs, was told, that if sho would get a . X m. "Mail, 7:05 a.m. . . | place at Brook's hotel ursday, yt oF ; s too fond of strong expressions, ahd. playing | ooo and raise it, the dog would : Nrresa.. - -0M5 sa. Mixed, - - - -248 p.m. | our readers. We never have had any sym | ance has furnished a programme of topics | we must positively decline to do so; and $10, for graveling on sido road, between | 5 : havink i: bers the | young puppy ; , the dog wou Onl 0 N E Doll ¥: ot iz tia pm. Bre x oi p.m. pathy withthe attacks made ou the Prines's for exlwortation and prayer, as follows : we should think that a fecling of shame lots 14 and 15, in tho 6th con. ; Arthur | padi jokes } but Y vy fit {take the consumption off her hands, and y ar The morning a - gee snap 0 A character, believing them to be almost te- || SU¥DAY, Jan. 7,--Sermons. Subject : | would come over the participatts in such | Gallagher, $11.93, for lumbar and repair. | materials ou wn , | she would get well. She did so, and as 4. but not or Monday. tally without foundation. If he ad led | The faith once delivered to the saints, a an affair upon secing their names in pfint, | ing bridge ; Jas. Smith, 84, for building tegrity, Sutelligones ad oil ight be i the dog grow it was noticed that the an- : Per Year Cash a pd WHITIY STATION. (a life one-quarter as dissolute a3 some | Universal and everlasting bond of union in | po 0 practice of slaughtering and maiming | culyert* Brown & Pattorson, §14, for Lwo | made, And yai 1 ok dem ah . | imal acquired a hacking cough, while the | 5. 3 / Traisa going East leave Whiby Station ton | journals have represented, his constitution | the Christian Church. The duty of its | = re om of money is utterly un- | ro h scrapers ; S:naca Palmor, 810, for be idlo and thrift Rp a HHhing use" | young lady grew rapidly better. In the nutes carlicr, and those goihg West fifteen | 1c inevitably have bean ruined ; but the | defence and 'extension Vinding on all be- Fe iable and ernel ; and reports of such | gravel ; Jas. L. Palmor, 814, for lumber , ful --aiming at nothing noble. méantime, however, she had become very Advance. inutes later than the abeve, ~~ z i iri i f Sh i" i 5 Eaubinh ssnakocsibn eo BREUER F- | fact that he has safely passed through his | lievers. " Sport" will never appear in the Jadob Stalter, 82), for repairing bridge at | The cause? The cause, my déar Sir, or { much attached go'her canine benefactor, | and did everyth ng that could be done for 4 we y Tg . 3 ii . ; : { is idleness. You give them no- POST OFFI T SMIAWA, | terrible illness, while others who caught | Mowray, 8: "Thanksgiving. God'sun- | 1 ne of the Reroruer. On the day in | lot(7, in 6th con. ; Thos. Purvis, 819, for | Madasrié ar sch yy I . The mails close at this oMec as follows, Post | the fever at the same time and place speakable gift ; for morcies, personal and | question a wounded pigeon fluttered work on 20d con. road, at lot 25 ; George | Ying y © 5 A 5 % 't | nim. 16 was of mo uss, however--oon- sik gi oy East: | Golxa West: | have died from its effects, furnishes con- | relative; for national fuateies for the} against a window in this office, and then Long, 87.32, for putting two drains acrosy | hurry ows Srv 5 Ho Jy a 3» nowy | smntion, 'he Soll dettzoy br, ad Sasbenokt! Peok, Guo, B. Boos: will give & : Morming Mail, 630. Phos ali Mail Ts clusive evidence that the Prince is blessed, | 'muintenance and restoration of pease, and | foll down in the snow. One of the work- highways ; Wm. Sharp, 815, for work on { there ia not ing or gh hod When lie | upon poor Jack's vitals, and a few days | tions in step dancing to Misses and Mas- Jeruiine Mall, Su. a or Shug Nai ; I | with a sound and vigorous constitution--a | for proservation, frém famine and other | oy wont outside and brought it into the | roafl, between lots 23 and 2, in 2nd con. | gets home. Oh, but," you "Bay, he | since ho passed in his checks. The young (ters at his Academy, Hyland's block, every i! he est eve » : : ws - H a) " rt | i * . IE J Bundes mornivig af 8.15, but none on Mondags, | fact utterly incompatible with the stories national calamities ; for mercies to the | office, thinking it was freesing, but a few Selah Orvis, $4.90, for Wors on road i W, i buts so ues to do at sch bol, it is really lady is in robust health, and firmly believes | Saturday at two o'clock. : Instructions will Gorthern Malls "are closed immediately | told.by American journals regarding his | Cliristian Church ; for the progress of | drops of blood on its plumage afforded Saunders, $124, for building bridge on | too togive him anything todo at home, | dog saved her life." { also be given to ladies at five o'clock P-m. After th asvie al of "i trains front Wodt, at | dissolute mode of lising. 4 | Christ's kingdom and tho usefulness of the | | 10 grounds for believing that it | 9thicon.; James Mair, $10, for gravel. { And what do you do. 7 He gets six hours Ww | and at seven o'clock p- m. every Saturday. - if, daily, Sundayeexeepted. ' | Christ Ministry. ; | 3 ee : : ! over Lis books'at school. | He hasto ** put een a woman makes up her mi 54 , : Th Ta re wd Partial. fe re ------------------ Shris na Mimary, iain or nek had been wounded by one of tho ** Sports Accounts amounting to $396.67 were 0 i H i ok ' " fool le : op Wiadogali ie h i Yo Terms--25 Tents per lesson--Adv't. 8 o'clock un: Thursder Vem: any | JUSTIFIED. TUESDAY, 9.-- Humiliation. PCT | en" engaged in the pigeon match, and | ordre to bo vaid for ths aul of indigent | in" #8 he calls it, two hours more, morn- | ¥ g she is pretty sure to get it. : a | sonal aud national sins, weakness of faith, | | ing and evening, to prepare his lessous-- | Probably that assertion will not be dic. York at 9.15 Saturday evenings. . then left to die in pain. We repeat, we | persons. iti B : hail for Fafleld, Foley, and Taunton, is | disobedience and worldliness in the | wil] in no case, publish accounts of such | pe he following sams w 1 1 | eight hours every day, of head-work. | puted. At any rate, an illustration of its | A Citizen of Memphis fell dead the other e g 8 wera also ordered day while conversing with his wife. When slosed at 12 c'clock every Tuesday and Friday, | OF Friday last, Mr. Robinson, the tb Ohure Acknowlod: divine | : « |p p y " _ Soci i 1 Registered letters should be mailed fifteon | member for Kingston, arrived at that Church. Adknomiodgmente of Divige affairs, nor countenance them any way |, to paid : Trustees of 8. 8. No. 2, 83c., | Pretty well fora by Now, what more | truth comes from Cincinnati. The good will husbands take warning minutes before the hour of closing a mail. | place from Toronto, and met with a most judgments, con sso al un AalLh uiness, | whatever. for [non-resident school tax; do. No. 3 does he need, that he may not grow all to | dame of a citizen of that place could not | : 8 Ofte Bourg rots otlock 5. rr wie ti vim 3. and prayer for ths revival of religion in ee ---------- 8.17. do.: do. No. 4 west. 828 do R_ | herds. like a drum-head cabbage, and dic persuade her spouse to got her a patent! Tamer hours, and forty minutes, is the - | the past times. { Tax following is the prize list of the [vy i oi HW. Crawford, £2.50 each, | Off in his early teens! Why heneeds bod- | clothes-dryer. 8o sfie took the pole ouy | average time spent by an Omaha couple in z ® { : 3 ) { fifty sleizhs, headed by the Mayor, and | WEDNESDAY, 10.--Prayer{int>reessory). | Cedar Dale School, for which we are in- |; bervices rendered as Constables at the | iY ¢xercise--the play of th: lighter facal- from her old fashioned line the other |courting previous to marriage. - es h ae dye oun (g 8 ; ' y b A | For the sons and daughters of christian | debted to the Vindicator: _ties of the mind--something to make him | evening, and crouching down Behind the | --Tug Plaintiff's side of the Tichborne accompanied by the city brass band. A ' > os > Ti Court of Revision ; Timothy (Leary and . : | . ne -- | formal reception took place in the City | parents at home and in other lands ; also, |. General Proficiency--Senior Division-- Wii. Clark, 84 each, for sheep killed by | feel that he is working ; neither work nor | fence, screamed "murder."! In an instant | case was brought t> a close on the 21st de . 2 : Hall. which was crowddl. Resolutions | for those at school, at colleges and universi- | No. 1, Emma E. Small ; No. 2, Mattie | | play. True, he gets bodily exercise on the | her startled lord came flying out of the! inst. The defence will on the Oshawa, Friday, Dear 29, 1871. approving of his padlimentary course were | ties ; for all entering upon commercial or | Conklin; No. 3, G. L. Hovey and Geor- street ; but he pays too much for it--32 | house, was caught across the throat by.|15th of January. Lea Scasional dutios + for the 3 i . d ; ; The petition of Joshua N. Richardson | hae : : ; - unanimously adopted. =~ { projession uties ; for the iucrease of | gina Martin ; No. 4, Alicc M. Grandpair; | 4n4l others was laid over till meeting of | Parts with his polite, respectful demeanour | the clothes line, and before he could re- | © WE are glad to learn that the Prince of 'We wish our many realeri a Happy | Mr. Scott I'kewise met with ah enthus- | spiritual lifs in those that confess Christ ; | No. b, Eliza L. Stone. nex{ Council. | with his horror of profanity : loses relish | cover himself it had nearly sawed his head | Wales is nowout of danger. The ph New Year, and many refurss of ths fos | jac reception at Ottaw _A large num: for the SonyEaion of the waconverted ; Second Division--No. 1 Ellea A. An: Oh motion of Mr. Miller, a by-law was [ for, home pleasures ; and becomes, first | of. The next morning a sombre-looking | sicians assert that at no ea was = A tive oc asion. : { her of citizens, -inelu he Mayor and and for ths saactifying of afflictions both | nand and Nellie Maloney ; No. 2, Ella | intrbduced, read three several times, and | the onlooker, then the participator, in' | individual, with his neck zll done up in | yer beyond their control. Public appre- ---- nearly every leading citize, assembled at | to parents and children. h > | Stone. | passed, altering the boundaries of School | Scenes of riot, and profligacy. This is too | cloths and bandages, wes seen putting up hensson regarding the Prince isnow sub- AN EXCELLENT STORY. the station to meet him. | His course has | i Bb Phe Uplecoes). S wig riowr-w Ales Uredpal, Eliza | Sections No. 15 and 17. { much to pay for the privileges iy shioting { a patent clothes dryer in that yard. | siding: = ------ | For kings and all in authority ; for nations, | Stone, Ellen Annand and Ellen Maloney. the gymnasium of the streeta!" It way be | | Ia the first insu of tha Res BAED for especially those recently visitod with the | Reding --1st, Emma E. Small. intréduced, read three several times, and L400 cheaper at home. Duzido the visit of the Duke Alexi to Casu.--Mr. J. W. Fowke prepared is 1872, the publication of a story : for the ; { calamities of war; for tha prevalance of | " riting--1st, Alice Grandpair and Kate | passbd, abolishing School Section No. pg A boy will not lay dowa work for play | 3 carnage factory in Bridgeport, Conn. | to pay cash for all kinds of grain and farm family circle, "entitled: "Ths "Hogsicr | ENGLISH REPUBLICANISM. |pcace in the councils of statesmen; for | Whiting. J Vonatiand adding tise same to the adjoin- | if it is the right kinl of work. A new | under escort of Governor Jewell, he cx- produce: See new advertisement in the Schoolmaster," will be. commence, 'and Wo his 1 deal ht | ri hteousness, harmony and goodwill | -Grammar--1st, George Hovoy and Mat- | ir Sections. ® | knife is'as good as a visit to tha circus ; | Presced great astonishment at the intelli- | next issae sat a foo dea. hoYacays concern anonrg sll classes ; for the spread of sound [tie Conklin. di : !and a box of tools is Worth a whole sum- | gence of the workinen,and at the fact that | A { ing ie spreadeof Republicauicx' tu Eg: | d On motion of Mr. Miller, he Treasurer Jib humbers. The stery abounds with ereal- nd go a Sopiblisise Jn Pog { knowledge, and for God's blessing upon | Geography--1st, Mattie Conklin. was [ordered to pay to Richard Ward the | mers horse-play on the strects. Boys aro | they could gst elected to public offices;| ° Commercial, ent pictures of -day life, and toache ea : 5 s scial eff i ogre in- spelling -- A S a a TR ally m3:Sanic iva " { where Jov pw i ites 8 octutuoronn gusty ont pictures a evasy iu ie ot i . Jedgeliby reting necovols of heir mock Special efforts to resist the progress of in Spelting : 1st, Emma Small, : sum |of 830, for graveling on side road be- | naturally m> *aaaics. Give a boy a well | > MSTERPOH Gov ernor Jewell informed < TORONT® MARKETS. lessons that cannot bat prove beneficial Inge ---which are ttle mare tia Fomcim fidelity, superstition, intemperance, and Composition--1st, Georgina Martin. } vwedn lots 4 and 5, in ths 9th con.': and | sharpened knife, and ask him to show you | him, with a mild display of the spread | Dovembor 9 : a: ir -- E PC : : 4 : : ' : * has " 3 ; cacle s him i : , 20d ng} Fuctive, J Soul Jo bio ad | of personal disputes and cts dis- | other kinds of immorality. | Mipping--1lst, Alice Grandpair and E. | to Sinclair Holden, $30, for cutting down | how good a ship he can make--and you | cagle, that ho himself" was once a tanner. | Wheat, ¥ bushel,....|...........S1 2 @81 2 young members of the family group.-- ! ; I Fripay, 12th.--Prayer (interce 2: 'Guy. | SO : t'have w i . 2 eveni _ Alexis opened his cyes, and wi |Barley, do ....|.......06 Tell your neighbors to subscribe sand | closures. During a recent eating a dis- rayer (iatqiemoryy; GRY | a hill opposite his place. | have weatied Lim from the evening eon ; . 4 hie-will open |, : 3 ti Be as : : : : { : Peas, « do ....... ...08 >" lap J . + s _ . - > = . ' kf y y ° . Bo ti cater of This Toccata | pote arose concerning financial affairs For he christian church; fob bishops; | *ngties History 1st, Emma Small. 0% motion of Mr. Haight, the Collector, | Tuption of the streets for a weck at least. Femail wider when he comes to Chicago Oats, do | : os h neaing ph e ' te issi i085 1 *hilosophy-- A . : . | "Wek 4 relve. ve " at ever % . - " " neni RE a 3: ne when it leaked cut that a bed-quilt had presbyters, pastors and missionaries fur] ilosophy--1st, Eliza Stone and Em- | wo Hubbarl, was allowed till the 1st of | We knew a lad of twelve years old, who | 3nd learns that even saloon-keepers be- | Rye, do 065 ont Aolist nv sar, 3a advance. during 1872 beer raffled for the benefit of the editor ! translators of the Holy Scripture into vari- i ma Small. Man made a little 'wooden printing press for | come Aldermen, hatters become Boiler | Potatoes, do 050 a a i | Hay, ® ton, ........ pa mevesnnens wd O00 . of the newspaper which the would-be | ius . : | ) eal > jo : | Apples, ®brl,.........[.............. 2378 + 38% m-------- overthrowers of monarchy had attempted | itiees, Sociatios, ad authors engagad in t Small. . { siongrs do now produce ths receipts of the did wonders on it. Another who studied | the Peace.. He will learn that. in our | : THE NEW GOVERNMENT. to estab ish. At a subsequent mecting a ! christian work. .. | Arithmetic--1st, G. Hovey. | unexpended balancs in their hands at the | Morse's Telegraphic Alphabet, and passes | great and glorious country, and under | BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, {vow coctrred Lecacse thy tronsurer, Mi. Sarvapar, 13. Prayer. : Fora larger Regular attendance--Ellen A. Annand | meeting of this Council, b2ld on the 13th | Many a quarter of an hoar, telegraphing the gis of he rite healed eagle, profound | Wiad budel.l I outpouring of the Holy Spirit ; for the'in: | ae CE A ----n | of Fébruary last, and that the Council <o to this father from the next room; by rap- | inonnes 1 no = to political advance- | Rye. do. 060 oe crease of christian love and holy zeal ; and | Tea MeemiNoa.--The anniversary tea ping. Teach a boy how to make a wind- | ent.--Cheago Tribune. }Barley, do .....1.........).... 4353 058 DANCING SCHOOL. A ------------ ES -- A ~-- ee | enthusiastic reception. Ile was escort through the city by a procession of over id 8 been almost unanimously approved. Oh motion of Mr. Brown, a by-law was ee a TS ET a-- will be continued in several succeding AA AA gE us h for the return of the roll. i | : h ous tongues ; for office bearers and com- f Physiology--1st, G. Hovey and Emma Mk. Brown moved, --That the Commis- | himself, with home-made | wood type, and Inspectors, and junk dealers Justices of In the Legislature of Ontari a, oti Thurs- day afternoon last, Hon. Mr. Blake an- | nounced. the completion- of the task im- posed upon him by the Lieut.-Governor, of forming a Ministry to manage the af- fairs of this Provinse --the following :gen- tlomen haviny ascepted offica. and been W. Osborne, complaiued of the smallness | of the contribulions made by the republi- | vin -- 1 5 | now {resolve itself into Committee of the { PI : y ; . . | Peas d ! 000 piped Car 2 1 of c ie union of telievers in prayer and effort | Spe i i 21 3 | Whe reo 'arrie mill, a kite, a sawyer, a jumping-jack, or { hy 0 ERIN ORR cans. It seems he had been asked to pay | for Gols alors pray | meeting in co nection vith the Sabbath Whole thereon. Carried. _ ; a »a) hi 2) . 1.| Dio you hear of that chap who attended | Oats, I SERRE 0 oar a printer's bill* for £17, and other small S £ Phy king School of the-Christian Church, Oshawa, | THe Council in Committe of the Whole, j* acto toy WPRilure - aid You. have 8 the sale of a hotel racaatly, at a town in! C10VST Sed, ¥ bushel, . aos; 00 amounts, while a bill-poster was at that| , UNDAY, 14.--Sermors., vy king- | will take place in their place of miceting | Mr. Brown in the chair. Committee rose | Most set him-up for the winter. He wants | Tr "| Timothy Seed, do | .. cee. 000 | C000 > as on 01s oT i 3 , . | Ohio? ' ot ip hi ¥ moment waiting in the room to obtain dom come, Thy will be done as it is done | this (Friday) evening. Addresses will be and geported p-ogress, and asked leave to | tools; he wants a workshop. There is | iio? He hadn't a cent in his pocket, | Butter, um... in heaven." Matt. vi. vii. | deli Soyer] | sit agai | often a little pantry, or bed that ; haymer r : dot } | vered by ENer G. J. Somerville, of | sit again. { often a little pantry, or bedroom, a . " 3 payment for work do he. | The poor. ian | Services will Us disld tn tils waco asl elivere y de 0 , of | # 4 on i Als. Brow he O 1 { 14 De given over. « shop. ™ with eight thofisand dsllars." It was knocked . WHITBY MARKETS. President of the Conncibwithobt! port. | was doomed to disappointment, as the ) el als pi Illinois, J: E. Farewell, of Bowmanville, 1 motion 'of Mr. Brown, the Council | could be given over for a *' shop, " with- down to Hin, and when th " | December 3, Sob \ r Republican treasury did not contain suffi | follows .-- ; . | and the resident ministers. Tea servel | adjourned till the 30th Dec. inst. out interfering with any uthor arrangement keds ** Wir bo the oe quem a was Wheat, Fall, ® bushel, ....<.......$1 28'@ $1 33 SHO) Meh. AEC No cient funds to liquidate said accounts ! A | Moxpay, in the Wesleyan Methodist | from 6 wntil nine o'cleck. Provision will | . Two or three dollars' worth of tools would i 1 m= 13 par:hasar I" the. | Wheat, Spring, do |. ae TIE 19 Treasurer--Mr.; A. 'Mackenzie. mg Church ; address by the Rev. W. S. Pat | do f > boy to begin with : or evea for | dudacious scamp replied; * The Peansyl- | Barley, ¥ bushel,...... .. .....000 062 Ae AC | powerful organization, truly ! joaured ; address by the Lev. W. B. Yal- | be made for 500 persons; and we feel sure Cost of Living in Manitoba. © 0F 3NY HOY LO begin Wik) ; OF eveA lop | i 3) " Of ie lo Attorney-General --Mr. A. Crooks. y terson i ; . ol Living 0 | bow ¥ 1d add ) { vania railroad," - Of course hi was not | OM do; .. ~04 0 Commissioner ot Crows Lands--Mr. R I ------------------ son. that all who attend will enjoy themselves a couple of boys. They could add to them | Poas, do... ee 06s INTCIPAL Tro 3¢ | Turspar, Presbyterian Church: address both mentally and vhysically. Tickets 25 ] : | afterward- from their own funds, once they | in person required to put up the money {Potatoss, do * 1... il 0% em . W. Scott. ! : MUNICIPAL ECONOMY: by the Fev, Mz. Myers | mentally and physically. Tickets 25| THe Red River correspondent of the | from an imparial buyor like that, whereby | Butter, 8®..........f........". 018 018 = | Ww B bl Ch {re London Advertisr, writes as follows: -- What ) 1 to of his | he was able, in the eoursa of a wipe otl 3 . Co i { 1 : 'EpxESDAY, Bi istian Church ; 1 f in Winn A : ; hat a pleasure for a boy to presant his | "° » Ursa fe Xic Works--Mr. A. McKellar. | At the late public meeting held in the 33dr " by Rev i oh an Arch DuxpartoN.-- Western Star Temple, I. | Rants in Ww innipeg are very kigh, much tle its a fancy aval EY ior | days, to sll the whole t) axother party | . MONTREAL MARKETS, a dresy by ev. Dr. Thornton. 0.G. T., intend holding a sccial in the | higher than in London. Wood sells from J | December 2). Go Mr. Scott having placed in His Excel. ing candidates for the offices of Reeve, address by the Rev. Mr. Scott School-house, Dunbarton, on Friday even- | Fa cord and soft poplar wood at R lency's. hands his resignation as Speak- Deputy Reeve and Councillors, many mat- | Frroay. W. M Church : adidrons by | ing, January: bth, 1872. Addresses will | that, : Hay 92 Yuly scares wd deat, large or of the House, and Mr. Blake having ters were discussed by Mr, Hamilton in| pp Ms. Kennor. : " | be delivered by the Rev. Mr. Ballantyne A 1Uantities haviag been burnt by the prairie rack for her spools ; or a baby-house, with | Mr. H : 2 Batter, ¥®, ........... 0M er. been directed . to roquest that ahother | a manner which showed he gave consider- Screices ih oT ends covering at 1 of Whitby, Rev. Mr. H. idge, and Mr. | Yoren which 'were exceedingly Rumsfous ph a gl EB Day rghion, F 3 £ Sea ni in ona of his ad-| a a. } Joba ; Bunting of Duffizs Creek, and Mr. Juck- | and destructive. There beirig no market, ig Cp ressess to the farmers of Minnesota, re- | OSHAWE MARKETS. hal-past seven o'clock. | Gold but he stood up and bid boldly. Twenty | ------------ or -- eworn in as His Excellency's advisers: -- | had learned the pleasure of using them. i | | | ; | | Commissioner of Azricultura and | Pub- ---- | | for 835,000, and clear the difference. The | Wheat, ® bushel, ..................$1 35 @81 80 | country is full of scamps buying hotels for | Oats, ¥ 32 hs.................. L038 ou ng , ON | ne Pennsiivania Railco: | Barley, ® 48 ms, |... 055 08 hr F dark evenings ; his sistera little revolving | the Pennsylvania Railroal. | Peas, 4 bushel, .......... 080 ose i MRE ce . i " wn . : . Provincial Sccretary--Mr. Peter Gow. | Court House, for the purpose of nominat Tavrsoay, Mathodist Episcopal Church ; the clock ; or his father witha dog's head carved on a walking-tick, for going out on mamber be elected to fill the vacancy, Mr. | able attention to Municipal matters, amd y's : 'i fores! Such a boy might s»>a erastruct | « i . Currie was unanimously chocenas Speak. ' which corclusively proved that the infu: {son of Newmarket. There will also be | it is hard to state accurately the prices of " i" : tesai > 1 No : hon . > commended that the wind which blew over | December 29, er, and conducied to his seat by Mosars, | sion of new, energetic, observant, inde- a vocal and instrumental ausic. Chair to | prod ice and stock, and any person wishing _ 2 pois ae : iy > 1 0 ae 1 : { their prairies should be utilized and made ody gy bushel... lr 1 a wma Blake and Pardee. pendent blood would be of considérable Tue Vinlic tor says that " numbers | be taken at 630 o'clock, by Rev. A. Ken- Bo buy, has to make a tour of i settle. ol on iwi yo eat a a 5 | i do nach of Sheir work. Fhe Cincin- Wheat, Spring, ¥ bushel, 25 Hon. Mr. Blake then proceeded to ex- advantage to tho ratepayers of this Vil. | have promised Mr. Hamilton their sup- | nedy of Dunbarton. Admission 15 cents. ments in order to get such articles, and BY any ser nati G Wzette suggasts that ti give this A- Oats, bushel, .....~. J... plain the policy, so far as matured, of tho | lage --of all parties, sects dnd creeds. port as a joke ;" and that " he has an ex- Sons' Bazaar.--Mr. Carswell informs thes oites eu) with disappoin ment ad i Ty al of mere Men a stant, Cougrant should Nr hs Administration he hal just formed.: Such No. point was touched upon by him with citable temper which finds vent in the uw that the Bazaar is a great success. exor} an, iy : ¥ wees of produce, ele, | mny yet nake him a benefactor of his race; | YY u fax of on2 hundred and fifty PEL! Peas, ¥ bushel..... . a short period having transpirod since he 1ore effect than that of the manner of | lowest personal abuse and insult." Such The Art Gallery attracts crowds of visitors are phout as follows : Ww heat (spring), #1 | i ast will steice hit] Michi mot of oat 38 = Toveigh wind to prevent its | Potatoes, ¥ bushel, .. "iad undertaken the task, it was not te be | raising the salary of tha Clerk, and the was not his conduct on the day, of nomina- it being the first thing of the kind in Osh. 10 #1} 25 pet bushel. Ne fall wheat grown | all b : > ib § ) sarer and i re i 3 i in Minnesota, lest our Ametitan Butter. 2 Beye expected that be could give in detail all | clear, caustic stylo in which/he c mmented | tion. He was cool and collected, and | _. : ig lin the country. Barley, same price as A beet BY 3 nearor and more hmme- | wind might be prevented from blowing, li os 3 ane is iv ' ene 3 Bi 4 . inwelf wa, but not by any means the frst In| y) oak Oats, none tobehad. Peas, ditto, | diate, he will bo growing betler as he g10ws | and to give this wind indust FUE Troi dosh, the measures which should receive! the 'at- | upon a sceae which, ny doubt, was never | conducted himself in a very respectable Gunada, as the Findicator statis: nor it | ? » brighter, and daily improving in qualities | whi Ee : SITY & growth, | Green Apples, ¥ bus, aes tention of the Government ; but lic pro- | intended to be exhibited outside the Coun- manner --much more so than we have seen | wou not otignated in Boston. The Baz. | Butt¢r, 40 to 50 cents and yery : scarce. 3 ge 0 a welfen i £ the Hd wd] Witich in time, might be able to ' hold its Beuss § pusbal, . DRE PRP mised that the s 1hservisacy of the Onta- cil chamber, clicited the frequent applause | his accusers#lb on similar o:casions ; and | aar will continue open for the remainder | Chote, 50 esita por pound. | Eggs, none. hand. Lilea »83 is the vont of vie. | se Poultry a ie r.o to the Dominion Government should | of the ratepayers, to the no small chagrin | we have, no doubt, from his firmness, of this week, and on New Year's Day { Fowls, none for sale ; turkeys, geese and a Le a2. .| Durie The debate on the address, | Clover Seed ¥ bushel|............. - 120 : now cease: that the constitutional jprinci- | of the actors. It scems the salary of the | acuteness, independenc>, and fearlessness, | « A freak of Nature " and a steam etninG dueky, none in the SOunbey.v ame onsy | honest and intelligent industry, whether | Mr. Grang, M. P. said :--The Goiern- ---- 3 28 ple of parliamentary control over 'public | Clerk had been $120 a year, and that for | a little experience will make him one of | will be added to the Art Gallery ont nl Al certain satus of the year h us oF iu can "will b3 el aid and { ment had done well in the matter of assy- Rew Advertisements 2 expenditure shou'd be returned to: that | extra duty imposed ¢we suppose from alt- | our most useful Councillors, which he is (Friday.) Lot all attend 2 f therq ave i; ig Wambars of wild ducks choo CEient to ol moral tie rq lums and 3255! laws, 'but he regretted Ln aA > ; the independence of parliament would be | eration in the Proviacid law) a bonus of bound to be. The Findicator will find F iis nt {on the lakes and rivers, but wild geese are Load vs A y (mor big | that their policy contained nothing with : more fully secured; th: introluctionfof an #50 had bezn added for that year {inly-- the universal support he is promised is no J Of genuine and stylish jewelry, call at | very rarley seen in this section. Beef by | © on. 4683T3PY., | reference to a prohibitory liquor law. It Card of Thanks. Income Franchise Act: a liberal arrange- | the extra work being confined to that year. | *' joke," for every one fesls that when the ohnston's, opposite Steele Bros. He has | the qnarter, 9 to 10 cents ; retail, 14 to 20 | was the want of such a law which necessi- ha ment with eettlers on crown lands, add a Our economical representatives could not | word *" no" is required in Council, it will a fargo and agoellently morte] stock, on centd. Flour, 83.75 to 84.25 per cwt. (I | A Great Ramway Prosecr.--We were | tated the erection of- lunatic asylums and | TO JOHN BOYD, ESQ. settlement of timber difficulties: the dis- | find it ia their hearts, once given, to di- | be uitered by Mr, Hawilton without look- bracing all articles in his line. " Joe | have not seen any first-class flour since my | tha first to. announce that the Canada, central prisons. (Hear, hear.) The sale Agent Agricultur] Insurance Co. position of the surplas in the Treasary wil -miaish the Clerk's income, and Mr. Wall | ing for the Reeve's approval, unlike some Toa _eomplately secovered Jom his laid arrivhl hoete last. spring.) ¥ Millers take | Central Railway, and the northern end of | of liquor carried off every year more than Wiiertown, N. ¥, receive careful attention, and it is belisved moved, or suggested, that his permanent | of the present Council, who notoriously abirit-ed atipmpt lo go off by Spontaneous every sixth bushel for grinding. Fresh | 10 Brockville and Ottawa Railway, had | we gained by immigration. (Hear, hear.) S™® ~ pr THROUGH TE the award will be satisfactorily announced | #a'ary be £150. Another of our spirited | ought not to sit at that Board where men oumbustion, and will be found belind the pork] 13 bo 15 cents per Ib. ; moss pork, 25 | bgen leased by Sir Hugh Allan, in the in- F : Se as | estate of the late Ot Epi h behalf Sf the when necessary information regarding the | repres:ntatives,. Mr. Camer.n, not to be | of independence only ought to sit. i Sounter prepared to wait on all Sustculers | centq per'lb. ; smoked hams, 25 cents per | torosts of a now railway company of which | 1 ur mun In Russia Vote recently er doth sae pT Municipal Lean Fund and some other mag. utdone in liberality, thought the services | | with utmost good-na'ure. Don't forges |b. Cows ecarce, at about $60. Oxen | he was the principal projector; and we are | p pee > Ns of experiment In four beds which my claims for Joss and damage by the late ters isto hand. . In referring to the per of vur Village Clerk wae warth more, and | RR Se ; | Johnston 8. | about £150 to' $225 per yoke, Horses | yow in a position to state, from good au- | poli ae i ora patients had lain. They JAS. D. HOTTT. sonnel of the Administration, Mr. Blake he accordingly moved the salary be $175 | 8CHOOL EXAMINATIONS. [ Avisirto Mr. Cowan's establishment | about double the price in Ontario, but | hority, that it is the intention of the same | Sid pos kuow the Srurasior of thy bods.[ Othu¥a Bos - clearly pointed ont that th: government | Per anmim.. Now, we are advccates for "0s distribution of Gkiges § _ | will 'convince you that he believes we Cangdian horsesdo BOt seem to thrive well | panagement to push the C. C. Railway | - id not. sake the disease, They were : ..-had been formed on purely party princi | PAYing t5 our public 'servants fair, aye, | e istri bution of prizes in the High assuredly are to have a lang and severe | here| and many have died this season from through nert summer, not only to Pem- | jab compelled to sleep in new and clean Lumber & 9 los ples, pledged to carry out the views held | 00d relnuneration for services rendered ; and Publis Schools took place on Friday | winter. Shelves and countersaro crowded | the dffects of bad water, etc. Candles, 7) broke, but to the Mattawan River, a [C0 which they were lad to believe had | R SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR. and advocated by th: Reform party. {but we arc decidedly opposed ts oventax- | aternvowef las wee, The sitendancd | with all kinds of seasonable goods. Ladics | cents. Golden sprup, $2.50per gallon. | yiream which empties into the Ottawa | been ectupied bY Jutatmn ith liad died of | Od Following the explanations given by Mr. | ing ourselves that a favoured Clerk, for | was small--an orllinary thing for our can here procure genuine Mink fur sets | Coalloil, 82 per gallon. A common white { about one hundred miles above that town cholera, when three of them died within Decener 1 1871 AB CAMPHELL: - v , vl. | i on om . ow : : u Spie 058 o Tom p Clo 04s P Hu 000 'e) ou Cina om ) in IH ~ Fru ing into play many of those facujties that | |.¢ =sg8Etus LL EN EE EN BN NR RE Nd LER 2 8 3 And the converse is likewise true, that AAAAAS AN > ANA Sy R I Eh EE LS | Blake, John S. Macdonald attompted a | municipal, political, or other reasons. | school examinations. " The Bowed of Tres for 820; and a glanca at his advertisement | cup had sauder, 25 cents ; a plate, 25 cents. | 4nd whose mouth is directly oppisite lake | Tout Hours. 4 Sutious stanes of the second edition of the * doable shuffle," | pleasing. to those whom he may serve, | feds Was Fopresenied by Me. Carmishadl, will reveal to their notice many other | Coffde, 50 cobts. In fact, nearly all ar- Nipissing. The line will then be contin- Powe: of imagifiation. f MH and moved an amendment condemhatory | should have a sort of sinecuro created for | who commenced the procecdings with an | gpecialties. No lady in Oshawa should | ticles of hoffschold use and wear are just | yed in a wes'erly direction as fast as cap- | S1a Winsiax JesxEr, whose name is| B U T T B R . of the new Ministry, while the members him at the expense of the ratepayers of eYoollont address. The prizes, some of | fa] 45 call and see his stcek. | about doubig Ontario prices. ital, energy, and enterprise ¢an do it, and | signed to the bulletins | anounting the RIME DAI ITE were unable to be present and defend | this village. What are the Clerk's duties? ! *hich ¥ord Bend some hog elutes pe 'S8oxs' Tea.--Tho annual tea-meeting in | hee -- will speedily find a western terminus at condition of the Prince Wales, holds the CENTS DA By AT B, AT. themselves: This action was looked upo: | 1st. He makes an alphabetical copy of the Lael d MN 'Ki Xl 1. Mastor of | connection: with Bowmauville Division | Basie IN §cmoors.--The opening of | the Sault St. Murie, at the foot of Lake | appointment of Physician in Ordinary to TREWIN'S. as so unfair, that *he [louse gave both | assessment roll, which will take him, say Da a id Hie Hie J os | Sons' of Temperance, will take place in | schols with prayer, and the reading of | Superior. The new railway will then | both the Queen and the Prince of Wales. | Oshawa, Dee. 1,871. HAL John 8. and his amendment a decided |€ days. 2nd. He sendsa copy to Whitby, Soin need page mine Saori | that town on Monday next, January l:t. | the Bible thergin has caused frequent con- | command a great sharc of the through | He is a momber of thie Royal Society, and] ---- -- quictus, by a vote of 50 to 12 --or a major- | $Y 3 Ba. 2 a the paclia- | YE A rinatks Mr rn | Thode who attend will not fail to enjoy | cont¢ntions inthe stales, and a few weeks | trade of the continent and especially |of | was created a baron threo years ago. He N E Ww D RE S S M A K I NG ' hn fa ny Seidl soley. ") iy Waiir. # > rig i { | themselves. ago was the cuse of great difficulty on | the grain-growing Sistricts of the west-- | 5 56 years old. 3 . ESTABLISH o "giving an account of his teaching days in | Lo Island. I Child . | . y . i | . Ji © by | a good share of which now finds its way 3 i 1 L 2h Shia |:Oshawe -some £fteen years ago. | J. 0. Hexry has re-opened his photo- | O"8 Islan | Children, instructed by ag Me. Ma f Indi held he | 3 caused by hopeless defeat, the House ad. | makes a imunieipal voter's Ls', 2 days. i ial ago, > ._ | their t thy - { t Trunk. | MIL, of Indiana, on tot DL ®) u y hopeless defea : the ad : i ° days. | Ci hea Dg | graph gallery, and "now announces his | their parents others, tave refused to eastward by way of ths Grand Trun | 0 # of his gun wiiile ha Kicked the snow RE PE NED ! journed, to mect again on ths 10th of | 6th. He makes a return to government, 2 Tired of Greck and' Latin lore," | ability to furnish all callers with first-class | listen, 'and male disturbances in school, | ; rr air do { akys.. Tige will rake in all 15 dave: Bo HE nai ; Paris aNp Her Smameress Fasuions.-- | from his boot-heels. He doesn't practice A ; January. Just before atjonriting, Me: | y fing pe at the a v j dans jad laud many other things, teachers ami | Pictures at low rates. Remember the | *°™9 of Shonflinding ehele 5 he Paris has learned nothing, forgotten no- | on thepiano to any great extent at present. M I S S R oO Oo M E Blake resigned his seat, in order that his | ng tu 22.50 per day, scholars closed the proceedings with "God | Place; a f>w doors south of Gibb's block, | statipn house én account of their miscon- | 8: or ING RESUMED BUSINESS IN constituents in South Bruce iway have a pick wage : for *oy one Filing tion of vivo the Queen." | Bimeoe Street. duct| From the Brooklyn Eagle we clip Shing and she sole oa da y Styles of | Utah may have its plural wives, observes HAY rooms b : ol * his Focont | Clerk, we have the su cing | : : ing descripti | attire as sham i eir immodesty, Quilp, but other parts try | Na i - chance to pranounce upon 'his Fecent, A my ) being, as With the exooption of the following, we | THomse Ricms.--Two races under the the following description of one of these | sameless In ¥> | Mr. Quilp, but other of the coun | Next Door fo |HOITTS Gallery 1 ) : | RR rma oy movements. This s'ep vas not legally | We hold, quite sufficient for the services h b ble ; i 2 f the Oshawa Drivi 2" | scons :--*"An Eagle reporter visited Lon | vanity, prodigality and defiance of true | have v . Ink Glin. 8 gall 9 i o te ; auspices of the wa Driving Club, will | Pa 8 | oh: : i ry amg friends necessary, as no emolument is attached to | rendered. There may be other minor | SD = Se f hs HH - oy o take place in town on New Y day. "8100 | Island City this morning. The First | feminine grace as anything that scandalized i . De Tn a aon "grip A her _ his position in the Ministry ; but he did | datics' (and .we do not think there are), | d . , ok : pation, YW wi offered in prizes. Particularain handbills, | Warl School was opened punctually at | the last days of ths empire. She avenges Why do hens. almaps lay thir uggs ng EE la um Inot wish to give the least chance to find | Put. if there shouldbe, they are very | © 89 nex} Wee ; . which use. ; | mine|o'clock. Yesterday the Principal gave | herself vn the modern German women | day-time! Boca at night they are] iho same. dant on that score hence his Fésignation. | trifling. FOURTH DIVISION. { ON Wednesday last two supporters of | the Keys to one of the achool trustees, who with a book of fashions which is calculated : f roost-ers. Oshawa, Dec. 8, 1871. 35. ¥rom the explanations of Mr. Blake, it | Now, our Council pay him $175, and if | FIRST CLASH, { Mr. Blake's government were elected by | refuded to return them. A duplicate set | to ruin all moderate revenuzs, to put | CT loo | THE { appeats that there is no foundation in fact | We deduct the aboie $40 we have a bal- 1st, Albert Carswell ; 2nd, Harry Gibbs; | acclamation--Mr. McLeod in West Dur- | | chastity and sobricty to scorn, aud So drive se i . Sons | ham'an1 Mr. Hamilton in Prescott Co. | were] obtained in time to prevent delay. ; for the ebullitions of rage and slander, duce of 8133 in favor of the Clerk. What 3rd, Andrew Aitkin, | BoBERTEON. : o 0 i" Co | Wheh the school was organized this morn- | even queens into courts of law. Those whtich have been hurlell at the new Re- {dogs he do for this? He goes to each | SECOND CLASS. 10f the Toronto Telegraph, | : ; COMING WOMAN! | HE : ; ing, phe Principal began the| recitation of | prodigious trains, those senseless append- | form Ministry. ©. Mr. 'Scott is the * cye. | meeting of Council, say; at th outside, 15 1st, William Hodder; 2ad, Charles | publishes the most disgraceful newspaper pal begs i bea |! | the Lord's prayer. Ome boy said, ** That | ages, that huge sham: mass of dul hair, | PS Av aed sofe" to the dethroned Coalitionists, and | Meetings in a year, and he records the | Dingle. ' in Canada. ! d--d." Another, " What the h--1 | which no longer so much as affects to be NS of A i they wish to make it appear that Reform | Proceedings, etc. These meetings always JuIED CLASS ' | THE Vindicator is an Oppésition journal | does ean!" ; natural; the countless flounces and furbe- leaders are 'o'lowing in iy steps of t! @ "a take place at night, usually from the hour { 1st, Arthur Kirkpatrick; 2nd, John now. Happy thought --we'il support the fo 10 won Ji oe Sa { lows, scrolls and ruches, which are the | tent Combination. There is a wide differ- | of 8 to 19 o'clock p. m,, when our people, Dyer. Ministey. s that the recital of the prayer had to cease. | negation and the death of drapery ; the ence The members of John Sandfield's | Nciuding the Clerk, have nothing else | FOURTH Class. os Our Carrier Boy will call at your homes'| vy, Principal ordered three boys from the | hats and bonnets, which have ceased to be | government claimed that their's was a Particular to do. For attending for thess way? Borlase Warrun ; 2nd, William | on Monday, with his New Year's Address. | schodl. They refused to go, and showed | more than a lndierous caprice ; the piled | government belonging 45 no perty.--they two hours, a'sort of play for him, what, | "roRck. . . ! | had no policy in a, -- their sole | do the ratepayers think, does our econom- a I Anxirss, Teacher. BE i Ea nH kk math at { Pickering Township Council. | who ptood shivering outside were called mings--all those with high heels breeding | aim was to keep in' offite at all hazards -- | al Council pay hun? Why, only 89 per | SaTeRDAY, 16th Dec., 1871. | 1% #0d tho boys marched ouf. When | corns and bunions ; black lead under the | principles they cast to the winds. Mr. "ght for mulling graciously around the | Ma. Haxcr,on behalf of the heirs of the | The Council met oRnt ili ru. | Dear the door one of them thrned and | eyes, causing early blindness; and a tou! lake's government has beew formed on Council Board, as Mr. Hamilton termed McIntyre estate, acknowledges 'in this is- | ment. Members on pi oj dara. | threwia soft quid of tokacco afl the Prin. | ensemble which would make modest women | well defined party principles, | upon which it!! In making our estimates of the num- | sue the prompt settlement by the Agri- | Task Hooling ad ed. Sind 4 cipal which made an ugly spatter on the | blush, if poudre de perles allowed it--are | -- | a desire to quarrel. The four policemen | UP passementeric and costly inartistic trim- | | { | r-- | all ita members are agreed ; and the | Wr Of diya meciuary to mk out the | cultural Insurance Company of Water-| A petition was presented from Joshua | *oll-|l He wastaken to the Station House, | what we get from Paris, where so little | chief points of their policy hawieg been. | TePective documents 'we have statol | gown, N. Y, of hia claims for, losses by the | N. Richardson, aud others, for closing vj { The Principal has hereafter concluded to | apparently has survived excopt the curse announced to the public--the same princi- | ¥¢ speak advisedly, and can produce proof | late fire. The Agricaltural is one of the i the allowance Tor road in front of lots . it only such childaen as are known | which every honest heart prayed to see die. | ples for which Reformers have contended that they have been made out without the { safest insurance societies doing business | and 18, in the 2nd con | orderly." London Telegraph. in the past--by those measures they will | Pressure of hurry in the time named. an . | J g A | 3 It! in Cavada. Its assets amount to §530,- | Shier. | v | : 3 ! 5 re Janaia, "| A report was presented from John Shier k honest assessment, says the Loui ight i he | all. 'Whe > ce | Neds no lawyer to make a Vilage Clark, | : 30.009 hs tad] : : i » says the Louis- Tue Fight between the Jesuits and the | i) Tie stand or fa! 1en the House meet: ave | for we have had the duties (not long age) 000; and 850,000 have been deposited | P. L. 8., of survey of the road between | Ledger, commend us to the ** Doomed" | Free Masons in Germany and Italy, con- | ; 1 \ R D J ipicisatly discharged by a. Marks, a | With the Receiver General at Ottawa, for | lots 16 and 17, in th) 13% con. ity. | Only one-third of Chichago was des- | tinues to be very bitter, and tho latter ars | Coulition-Tory sheets are now busily | shoemaker, Mr. Dickie, a smirchant, and the benefit of Cinadian policy holders. It |} Soveral acconnts, for work ca the roads, | troyefl, yet the loss is estimated at $200, | backed by the Prussi 3; ql ! OR engaged in awisrepresenting and belicing We Sink Shen; a vw fe op Seren ouly farm proporty and detached | sapplying indigent persons, and sheep | 000,000, while, before the fire, ths while steadily sisted by porns wl IM PROVED HOT AIR GENERATI I Mr. Blake, and the Reform party. Give | 4 cuide if. without ths BR pried rasidences. John Boyd, Eec., agentat { killed by dogs, etc., were prosented. taxable property in ths city, and county | few days more will 205% grand lodge es |° Claims to be the most complete and effectual 'Drum Heater made. . the whipped torizs rope enongh anl they ' Clerk, it is high tice a smart: = t of men Oshawa. W. R. Climie, agent at Bow-| 1p, following accomnts wer: ordersd to | in which it is situatod, wo- estimated 2t | tahlished in Rome, under tha very eyes of An Inspection salicited. Apply to will hang the wave thke thoi plas, , mansiile, (yf Pid: Jas. Taylor, #119, for greve'in: | only §102.000,000, * offondet Pope, | | gab R, LARARD, or to HATCH& Cos., Ohaws. : 2 : ; ' ' Box 155, Oshawa, 20 PATENT APPLIED FOR. ' 'shall have fuller explanations.

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