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Ontario Reformer, 29 Dec 1871, p. 3

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SE al 'ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, DECMBBER RR, 187 1. -- Reformer" | wT TR TT ~ | Dominion Penk ; i GRE AT SPECI Al SALE YN ! OTICE I$ HEREBY OIVEN, THAT i ™ MEN S E 8S TOCK . COAL [jz E Dollar § Ep a FALL 1 871. | Gshin ff PEELE BROTHERS! EE a. Fall and Winter Goods! | Omabs next, bo both days inclusive. : é nee B. H. BETHUNE, O § l | Toronto, nt pt., 1871. Cashier. y er -- a -- i -------- PRO BONO PUBLICD | mar mmeramer mae F PATTE J R tations for the present season, In extent, variety and value they sw those of any fon for- » ' .y mer year, and he can therefore invite inspection with confidence in his ability to please she and benefit the pockets of his customers. Comprised of purchases from th og As "TARES THIS OPPORTUNITY 22 chester, Bradford, Glasgow and Loon, selected with care and paid So Te cash, I rt ora th, inhabitants of Oshata xp A cial eis prepared to exocute Koy grgibanih ERY Lert itles | ffe Fresh, sound and At tactive Goods ! ing, Whitewashing, w" on t he shortest fi | tice and in firpt-class style. Orders left at Mr. | Tripps' Doot Store, e, Ris Street Fast, or at the | at prices which must 1 met the approval of prudent buyérs. Particular attention is invited { es Globe Caniaet Fi. fo, shdersigmed Ny he ail Mesurs: & he assortment of Dress Goods, wlich embrac ¥. PATTE, Eisen ar yard. Empress . Oshawa, Sept 25, 1871. : "5 XEN 8 Fisty farted oa all Botan d Burka Bas Batam otto Rian Goud Crap Siotaa, APPRENTICE WANTED [3 | And a Great Variety of Rich Goods, suitable for: Second Mournings, at Low Rates. WO ACTIVE RESPECTABLE LADS | nite, Sndms to aout & Calpain Sager, | 'LADIES' WINTER JACKETS. Bo rie rnd trade preferred. Good 'wages | | As unual. g full supply of the latest novelties has reached us from Evans, of onda, LAL W. MITCHELL, Beavers are just the article required for Winter Wear, com s a 208 1 OSHAWA sCHooL. ! > re will give struc- : ] / 'COMMENCING "THE 15th INSTANT. fo Misses and Mas- / ak : iy Lape _-- every : y IrHeti ns will JIT s at five o'clock p. m., n oyerd Shunde 2 The Whole of 'Their Enormous Stock esson--AGv't A -- 1s fell dead the other with his wife. When teen | FBESH GROCERIES, an Omaha couple in --OF-- armiage : : : ot he Tiktom PROVISIONS, 4 close on the st a 4 | zcomnicnce on the i the Bonet CHINA, CROCKERY, LAMPS, &C. langer. © The phy- "te was the fe- INCLU DING rol. Public appre- . Prine ov b- : ! Fiigse isucs 58 : $11,000 WORTH Fowke prepared 1s imawiem © NEW WINTER SUPPLIES! Comfort Elegance, at pricés much lower than demanded for the same goods by aE mt City Houses. Every Jacket being dissimilar in Trimming, € SYety lady can suit her own aste, and confine the style to hy = . Brock street, East End. 'After 6 o'clock apy evenirg. | O.liawa, July 8, Jor 1341 } Ee . : H Bx N =] SHAWLS. | ecu tors otice. | In ol the Yowitng Fashionable, Styles of Clan Tartans and Stripes Square and Long, at prices Certajn t¢ command a Rapid ; EALED TEN DERS, DELIVERED | d to the Execuors or their Solicitors, Messrs, Oo 8 Farewell & McGee, Oshawa, on or i ons. | FRENCH KID GL VE 10th day of Decemhber next, are requested for the | purchase of the following property belonging to | Our Foussie Gloves, which take the first place in England, have been before our customers for 16 ae estate of the Jate Samuel Hall, to wit : | years, and have given thorough satisfaction. in fit and wear. - Although the price has wit Part of hi 12 and 13 in the 4th con. East : eerionuly advanced, it is our intention to continue them at One Dollar. per 4 poo hs Vhitby, about 0 acreg, and all the timber | pair, as before. A case of them is now overdue, and dally expected ereon. | 2nd. The Mill vilegc Complete on the "Gam- { ble Land," uat hs the corporation of Osha- | R | B B Oo N S . wa, 28 fi nd fall--the best privilege on the Oshaw hoa lus | We advise the regeint of the very wide Sash Ribbons, in Black and Colors. These Goods are 3rd. All the tinber on the balance "of the { very fashionchlc, Is constant demand, and qififenlt to obtatn, 'Those requiring "Gamble longing to the Hall Estate. | them are invited to call before the assortment is broken. being part fof Linaie 2 and 13, in the 3rd Con. East | ith tors. do not bind' themselves to Ao: T A P B E G Lo) Oo D . cept the hi; chest orlany tender. For furth | 2 lon % ots ticulars apply to the ne or their sotici. | We show the largest stock in the country, invite comparison and defy competition. by = A. FARHWELL, L clHA wa HALL | EXECCTORS. iB L A MN K [ f by S. Oshawa, Novem x 15, 1571. 32 | English and Canadisn, ordered from the Mills in July, before the advance in Wool. vertisamsnt in the TO BE CLEARED OUT praia TT 3 ercial. a DURING THE MOLIDAYS, snafn § 04 068 #12 4. AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL. LE MARKETS. d S E BEG TO INVITE THE ATTENTION OF OUR FRIENDS | isp] hig : in Town and Country to some.of the leading goods to bedisposed of | i 1 > gr: :- ) Teas A good, well-flavored Tea for H0c. to 60c. per pound. EXCELLENT | (¥) 06s. from 89 cents to One Dollar. 00 ou : Young Hyson, | Brea akfast Souchong, v0 00 mperial Gunpcwder, | Scented Orange Pekoe, 000 000 { Finest Congou. { Uncolored Japan, crop 1311 017 018 8 : : = SHOYAIYgGNVI *.*Oshawa Vindicator insert three times. Owing to a combination |___ _ ir --e of finers, Coal Oi lendid All-wool ad, A N NE L S. in the same Dopertion, 1 | AL say advanced greatly i mn price, A I. LL Al N 1. 1 N B= | =p Customers will please bear in ind that ph wre reaping tho full benefity of our > . carly purchases, and that-we cannot ourscives 3% the dal many of and is still rising. Now ---- 7 the lines at the prices we arc yow cutting them is the time to buy your OSHAWA ACGENOT. winter's supply. STAPLE COTTON i i White and Grey Cottons, Tickings, Denims, Sheetings, Prints, &c., &c., at prices to sustain the { reputation of the house for Quality and Cheapuess. a Aad HOUSE FURNISHINGS. : 9 00 BAR RE LS WI N T E R g . R Vv I C E! 1 | his gnd Striped Wool Reps for Curtains, Damasks and Moresas, Table Linens, Towslings, and White ; Quilts, a Fall Assortm 4 Under Co wi 0) Ta Sara tiag Gorges | CARPETS. AT A LOW FIGURE. BUY YOUR STEAM VEEKLY TO Good Tapestry at Seventy-five cents per yard. Crossley's Best ditto ut One Dollar, Imperial 3-ply LARGE CANS AT I LIVERPOO 5, LONDONDERRY | Supers, F elts and Stair Carpets, imported direct from the makers, retail at wholesale © prices. AND GLASGOW. | - MERCHANT T IL RING D PARTMENT. HIS COMPANY'S LINES ARE | Theiuainess in this branch has steadily increaindiunder the able superintendence of our Mr composed of the undernoted Full Powered, + LREeapwin. To meet its requirements we have imported full ranges of the newest and J Double Eagined ¢ ly e Built Iron Steamships: | Most Fashionable Foreign Tweeds, principally in Suit Lengths, se' that Polynesian, 4,200 t (building). Sarmatian, Gentlemen ordering Garments will not find themselves wearing 3,400 tons toaiidingy aspian, 3,250 tons, Capt a general divery. We call particular attention to our Scott, Lsandinay ha i tons, , Capt. Ballan- | ! 3, tons, Lieut. Dutton, 1 NE A MARKETS ' 8 {OUR GRADES OF SUGARS ARE UNIVERSALLY- KNOWN. | December 1. + ugars WE BUY THE BEST AND SELL AT THE LOWEST FIGURES. mann Yellow Refined No. 24, i Ground Sugar, 0 : : » do. do. 3 * Extra Ground do., Crushed A. | | Maple do, : pe re Dry rushed, - i 3oldén and Amber Syrups, Molasses. | 03% 040 i : va. nm : Coffees | FRESH GROUND EVERY MORNING, AND THE GENUENE | s ETS . offees § ARTICLE, T00. 7& ALL WHO USE ATTEST THE FACT. i KETS. ans in ae December 2). Government Java Coffee. 1 Willison's Furkey Coffee. sisal Best Laguyra Coffee. Dandeloin Coffee. ex AU French Breakfast, i 055 057 : 0 ose 17 SUBS po 8109910 SSRIS S. HDODAdIYHdINVdH 2,700 tons, Captain J | New Double-Breasted Oxford Coat. " New Double-Breasted Lounge Coats. r $1 %tons. C aptain A. | New Stylish Pea Jackets. Surtouts and Sacks. aon: Licul. | Punctuality, Despatch, Style and Fit Characterize this Branch ss Usual Captain J. Graham. Tons, Forming a weekly line| bet n Li 500], | 8 vg donderry, Quebce and an leaving Tog OSHAWA, October 8, 1371. id i | } Please note that the Beading Brands given he low are PURE Vi irginia | 3" or Jobaccos | { Leaf, imported for our customers direct from American manufacturers | MARKETS. : . Gold Rod, | Golg Bar, | Little Giant Twist, | Prince of Wales, December 39, ! Victoria, \ Royal Gem, | Solace, Yellow Bird, | Killickinick, '&ec. $1228, l 13 13% ° ° . bec every Saturddy, on arrival of t Night Expresd from Montreal. Forming a weekly line bet ween Glasgow, Quebee | and Montreal. 129 00 + OUR-GROUND SPICES ARE FROM ESTABLISHMENTS CELE- 035 LE J Spices | BRATED FOR THE PURITY AND EXCELLENCE OF THEIR MANUFACTURES. 9s om Mace, | 200 Jars Colman's and Taylor's Mustaxd, ;035, 93 Cloves, | Cases Keen's London do, i oes ow Pimeto; | French Mixed do, ew 'wn Pepper, | Wix's Flour of Mustard, i > | (XL N Ser ' 13 ho Cinnamon, Nutmegs, " J 016 ois / 83% / 9 : of this year's crop. Z2~Nota box of Old Fruit in our store." 3,000 lbs. | 15 we ; Fruits { prime new Valencia Raisins at 7 cents per pound. New First-class | $50 pe! Currants at same price. OTHER Frurrs CorresroNpINGLY Low. | . 07 it ® 00 120 Boxes Valencia Raisins, 500 lbs. Seedless Raisins, 28" Layer do., 13 barrels New Currants, hE 12 "" London Layer, do., | 850 lbs. » Prunes, crtisements. 13" Louse Muscatels, do., 550 Figs, ; ) THE BEST TO BE HAD. THE PRIZE MEDAL Thanks. Soap, Starch, de RICE STARCH HAS NO EQUAL, and having it : * © imported directly for our tradd,- we can afford to sell ESQ at the sme price as the ordinary starch sold elsewhere. iturl Insurance Co. ilver bar soap, |" 1,000 lbs. Prize Medal Starch, . Watertown, N.Y, rl a | €12 ¢ Royal Laundry Blue, THROUGH THE . Imperial, do., Castile Soap in bars and cakes, 8, s . £it on behalf of the Pocdlom. 00. Todlet Soapm Melntyre, wo return my : ParaBine Ca-dles, Glenfield and Satin Face Starch, Brown's Corn Flour. vod Ir ors of your can. to manner ni: by Hho Le } At no time have we been better able to supply J a D. HOITT. | 4 Provision Department | the wants of the people in this pula than now. Large supplies and everything cheap. 50 side choice Cumberland Bacon, || 50 Cheese, Mountain Factory, the best "150 Hams, green or smoked, very fine, | we ever had, 12}e per 3 Lard, new tub at 124c per Ib. i: Blin Bo.,a rime "Trou, noe | i - Flour, Cracked Wheat and Corn, | arrels' of Salmon, Trou i pry MILLS IS Dake : Lo fi vgs . | . Mackerel and Herri 1 A . CAMPBELL No furthor space need be given to this head. We would only remind our customs it es EE CE 2 of & few of the requisites and luxurics in store for Christmas| week. T E R - The Cook's Friend, Epp's Cocoa, i - Twin Brother's Yeast, Cliveblate, I Y BUTTE LO Biscuits, oney. : I br nn "Best Sods Biscuits, Cunnod Teaches and Pers, 2] y q iscui Eleme Figs, T REW I N Se * ig ering French Prunes in jars, Fruit Biscuits, Choice Jams, AR Fancy Biscuits, Flavoring Essences, - Coffee Biscuits, Candied Peels, SS M A Ki N G : LJ &bernethy Biscuits, Marmalade, LISHMENTS Oysters, Sardines; Lobsters, Canned Sahnon, Mackerel, &e. ENED! ; Preserved Cumquats, from Canton, China., RG Large lots of new mixed and Fancy Candies | a. | RATES OF PASSAGE. | Oshawa to Liverpool 4nd Londonderry, First | Cabin from $81 to $91, fccording to accommoda- | tion. Steerage, $30, including 3 Pleatifu) supply | of well cooked provisi ns, served ott by the Stewards belonging to the Company. Oshawa to Glasgow, Kirst Cabin, $71; Inter. edi ; Stecregh, : $29. ckots, gb for six months, Is. | luced rates. | Ld Senges Certiflcates are | ed arties wishing to n _ their friends Hom England, Ireland o | and, to any part of The Steamsh! ps of the nd: ol Ocean Steam- ship Company land their passengers at the Grand | Trunk Railway W 2 Li Sir dy Passen- | 'Bunpor) EVERTTEING | | gers ihe thetehy shy Ryoiding thd usual charges of cart- a ras ob e Filana onarrival of the | Ocean Steamers for Montreal, Toronto, and all | western Joins | aad ik oliities afforded to | 3s by the 4 annot pe) any other line d4float. 7% SHENOY be sus. | For thi passage tickets and every informa. tion, apply to- Steamships will be despatched from LI 1] and Portland as follows : i " veiyey FROM LIVERPO FROM PORTLAND, ERAN. . Nov. 2nd Dec. AN. - v th * ) EF . rd | ESTORIAN, 7th 30th " SETIOHIAY, x. 1 \ oth Jan. | R.& A. he a a nts, ontrea L SMITH, Ag § zee % | BUTTER! BUTTER! -- = be ei Public A nnouncement | TL81 '|g 1900 'YAvESQ '$I000S dooming pue Jury] 1oudo)) 0 ONYM Lavaf] "510 ¢ WO) STU] POWWILL], 'CF 1$ WO) SOUR Soper 'spaeadn sy » 2 01 woyj s{edurp\ poor) ) "SPo03 MOYSs 0] J[qnOI) ON "§o03s QUIWITXD PUT [[¥d 0} [[OM OP [[IA SIOSBYD -md Suipuajuj - - used aoj deoyp pos. oq a I pia paek uo ¢ 'LLIATUD 'M ® 'H : | NEW | | rd "50 § Fi 'YOIYA 'SpaeA [Jets put 'sudey 'spreagy 'suojyngg -19pu[) SWAY) 'SON JH 'SUoqqIy Jo 00s [ny € 'SOUL youaay 'sug doojy 'seaopr) pue Liosopy 'spuuey] Aouv] put OYA "ONTOS "op Awa) 'sumo WOOT 'SHULL 'Sons youl + 'spooy) ssax(] Suisiuduiod 'spoox) Lif 103uip) pus Med 49Y) Suraieood are LIATIIO 'H ¥ M 'SULI) S[UIOAR] JSOW 9) UO YSnoq waoq Suravy. ' CHOICE BUTTER AT 18. PER POUND. d. BA RINAR D AVING TAKEN THE BUSINES | If" you want something | by Mn Janes Crnicuart begs to ior ihe | nice in the way of But- inhabitants of Oshawa andl its vicinity that he | i ee' St ne | VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. hE OYSTER BAY! RE-OPEN THE QLD STAND! TUE SUDSCRIEER OFFERS OR (ng of & block of our houses and over an acre of PEDLAR'S. ~ | Frosh Oysters land, leis b h, well drained, and in a state of f B03 Ry fon Aer om 29 FAMIDIES SUPPLIED. SATURDAY NE T, NOV. 25, | RECEIVED DAILY! es oe OEE CARICA -- wa JONES ENTIRE NE STOCK | SIMCOE STREET. OSHAWA. Sz { Of Fancy and S aple Dry Sold by the Plate o Can. - $500 REWARD. DRY GOO | Goods, Millin Y, &ec. CHOICE lot of Canned Foul Jel- 450Y E TEWARD WILL BE! DS, { L\ lies, etc., on hand and for sale. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CALL AND JUDGE ] YOURSELVES | The choicest Fruits, of all kinds, in their oF THE ik ate tnt a, ZO WESHIP OF WHITSE, Oshawa, Nov. 2ith, 1871. 15. | e highest price paid for . o choice Fruits. Zon wi an the who will give : 5 informacion a or 22 Sign of the Oyster Bay Lamp. x EE 8 {hs se night Oshawa, October 25, 1871. ios S wood isi Bot de B. | den Ad ROOME : : N DOTTHES.OF THE BEST PICKLES AND UMED BUSINESS IN Pickles, ete. | { FIFTY pozEX > USED IN THE DOMINION. i : ; ecent arrivals 1, HOTS Gallary China, Crockery, Lamps, ete. {Recent and Is Som Soro, n of. those friends who | ted' her since her com- overcrowd d-our premises that these and while thankin dnd - goods has: been placed at prices | olicits a continuance 0 which mest make a speedy clearance. a AS SAMPLES WE OFFER 75 Royal Stone China Chamber Sets, from $1. 60 per set ! { i | 71 Xa 9 : | : Tea Setsof 44 pes, at & per set! 2 MAN | = 23 "doz. " « Cups and Sancers, from 81 per dozen! | ¢ without handles for 60c per dozen! | 5 ) | 50 C C and sponged haube Sets, rai Sou pecast | nd Gold China Tea Sets per se " Le Srl we have the prettiest patterns of the British potteries.) | 300 Coal Oil Lamps--a beautiful assortment, from 35¢ a piece. | 40 bbls. Lamp Chimneys. 25 dozen Burners, 25 gross Wicks, A Nice Lot of New Door Mats, Prustas, &e. | . MILLINERY, soy 8MBY O on N a Ap SHOATUINVE. con Whithy. os nr RT $26 REWAR D | Ontario Bak. |wusmmm "Eh ] DIVIDEND NO. 29. Executors "Notice | £35 CHECK on the [ONTARIO | NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TH wi Ako PERSONS INDEBTED io THE i a dividend of FOUR PER CENT. upotrthe | 3 SauupL Havy, of Oshawa, Baik will be given to any| person. who paid Fo Capital Stock of this lustitution for the re requested to make Syme te Bo : sighed Executo Solicitors, will prove by Four C. t and Im- oun nt half Tear has this da both declared, ed, an Farewell & McGee A the First of hey y | Rajan use will 10 1 = ber next. Ali claims against the said estate may g partial Judges that on an be Prosenied v "FARE same Friday, the 1st day of Dacember Wext, AREWELL, CH H O | [ | : The transfer Books wiil be elosed from the 15th 0 HALL, i to the 3th of November, both days inclusive. Oshawa, Nov. 2, | By order of the --THOSE-- did pot exhibit the Best Phétographs at 'D. FISHER, Cashier. | . 2 | © the last Oshawa Tair. A is your | Baio 21st Oot., 1571. | y « | siz wort. | N TICE TO DEBTORS. | Sn e Yes Nore.~Justice is what is Wanted and whit LL PERSONS INDEBIED TO W. i : | | Fancy Goods | A STOCK OF GREAT NOVELTY AND VARIETY. Rich Plated ca | Children's Sleighs, Hands i Bird Cages, . 4 Gilt China Tea Sets, ancy Baskets, and China Mugs, &cs pe 8 Pleaso. call and satisly wn 10 sock and figures. -= Ux | \' WANTED, | Large Lots of Turkeys and other Poultry, and | ' ; 7 \» : good Fresh Butter, for which we will : S © give the Highest Market Price. NERATOR STEELE BROTHERS 1 Heater made. time. nothing more, by Horr. lhant o2 | t firm of | Sa3dSA | fp; MICHAEL) GAN, de requir matte | | LAO v on. ip * payment without delay to the gam > di | ql, AA fA v * Oshawa, Oct: 19, 1871, 2 FAREWELL & M~GEE. |lAL:0%-. 8 . : OSHAWA, December 1, 1871. ; : Oshawa, Angust 3rd, 1971. 14r $3910 ON ANE-11 KON 1S1SWI-11 ¥03 nS vl {ATC Cor, Chava, . 1 APPLIER FOR

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