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Ontario Reformer, 1 Mar 1872, p. 4

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si 25h, Coda a RE , 187' 1 48 ts 1871. ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, HADAY, 'MARCH { [THe Joep Medical Hall, DR. DEANS: AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS CARE OE 'HORSE' LI LEGS. Nor Qu ws So, "It is among the most | savage arid debased tribes only thet the has peewee who handle st Ee | | condition and comfort of the horse have iall been neglected, " but we believe there are y ia this the ease on Much | many in sivilized countries who are guilty LOOK OUT FO Good Photographs! TO BE MADE AT 2% ALL MACHINE WORKS Al, ONTARIO. | F Now, ell Gopls sis Sa meee. y a a a - om A --- - DE i Te _ 7 Gruwons's Grand International Musical time is spent of a morning in rubbing, | brushing and smoothing the hair on the sides and hips, but at no time are the "i examined and properly cared for. N be it known that the feet of a horse re- | quire more cave..than the. body. - 'They | need ten times as much, forin one respect | they ave almost the entire horse. All the. grooming that can be done won't avail anything if he is forced to stand where his | feet will be filthy. In this case tho feet will become disordered, and then the legs will get badly out of fix ; and with bad | feet and had legs thare i not much slse of | of the saute peglect, and without the ex- cuse of the former's here all may avail vl themselves of the use of an article which has done more than anything else hereto- Hore known to improve the condition and relieve the suffering of the horse. Those Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY, BROOKTLIN. BY HARRY TAIT, | who will not use it will be the 1 y their horses the sufferers: to avoid both use * Darley' s Condition Powders and Ar- abain Heave Remedy," and you will be | satisted with the in Remember the | name, and see that the signature of Hurd § Co. is on each package. Northrope & yman, Newcastle, Ontario, proprietors + Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers. the horse fit for anything, stable p are generally terribly severe on the feet and legs of horses ; and unless these build- ings can afford a dry room, where a horse an walk around, lie. down, or roll over, | they are not half so healthy and comfort- able as the pasture, and should be avoid- | od by all good hostlers in the country. In addition to the above, we would re- mind all who would have the care of horses, | © of the importance of freeing the feet and ankles from snow and ice when they come into the stable. Some are very particular to rub down horses when they come in, but givemo attention to their logs, and ankles, and the consequenee is they suffer much'and often take cold. A word to the wise is sufficient. A SINGULAR attempt to poison has re- ountly buen detected i in Paris. A man in ab Pp ted to the ierge of a "police officer a packet, containing a very' fine goose. The cook, supposing she was to prepare it for dinner, began to dresa it, when she found a feather introduced into the neck ; she was obliged to cut open the | bird to extract it, as it ran the whole length of the body. The cook informed her master, when he immediately suspect- od something, had it examined, and it was | found to be poisoned. = The police officer | declined to permit the servant to cook his | goose for him. A Loxgox physician, rendered suspici- ous by continuous failures in vaccination, subjected some of the prepared quills which he had purchaséd at » respectable druggist's, to careful microscopic examin- ation, and found that,' instead of vaccine virus on the quills, there was only a little starch, with traces of saliva. A CONSPIRACY is said to have beeu dis covered in Paris, the plan of which was to os bly by force. Three disperse the A late Emperor are said generals under to be the leaders. Taz reported cruel persecution of the { bs Jews in Roumania, almost surpasses be- liof in these days of religious freedom and toleration. ~The natives of that country appear to be actuated with the most in- tense hatred towards the unfortunate He- brows, who, ase constantly subjected to ny and vi Their h are at- tacked by mobs; murder is frequent and goes unpunished; and even helpless wo- men ard children have fallen victims. -- The authorities are unable to control the mob, and the persecuted Israelites have been compelled to flee the country and seek refuge in Turkey. & Arrangements are being made by parties :- at Clifton, for a grand buffalo hunt at the = large commons at the Falls, to come off on the 24th of May next. Several wild buffaloes are to be turned loose and hunt- od by Sioux, Pawnee, Kickapoo and Six Nation Indians are to appear in full war costume, and go through a sham battle, with bows, arrows, etc., in edd lading style. Tae Bill for the Registration of voters d by the Manitoba Legislature prac- tically excludes all new comers from the franchise for two years after their arrival | 7,1 Ne Risk. Thomas Eddectrie Oil! Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. Do know i of it! If not, it is time you did, AIN CANNOT STAY WHEREIT I8 used. Itisthe the cheapest ) Medicine evermade. | on e dose curve One has cared Dron Bronco oF | cured ured 34 Sd ata Stating Cot Six to t a) of ee eigh po Philip Taylor JK BEES THE LARGEST, BEST AND Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, ilver Plated, and Fanoy (Goods. Dect 4 iy Se ate A Boots aad Soe ranted PHILIP TAYLOR, Watchmaker & Jow lev, JSimoos Street, Os awa. Oshawa, April 13th, 1971, [2 THOMAS, Puzrrs, N, And NOR TITROP & LYMAN, Ngwcastiz, Ont.. Sole Agents for the Domini inion. Nore.-- Eclectr d and Electrized Ontawiin hoy by Atkinson and Dr. Deans Lg ~ wd AE H. Gerrioand J. Byrn arren. sold aldby 3 "HIGOINBOTHAX and D. STOTT Canadian Pain Destroyer 8 A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT 1 well and favorshly known, relieving thou | ands from pain in Sides Buck and Head Goth, Ootds, Sere roat, Sprains, ramps in the Stomach, Morbus, tery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, de. The CANADIAN A DrsTROYER has now before the been fora Jeauth of time, and wherever used &wei J akod, ns Le suff i hy itis being a &Sovireign Ramed ry | Destroyer ine recommended, an Tof the Canadian Pah | hy w the torturous of | Suing the Nervous Eatin, rank in the list of Remedies. in ne country, for further su; as to the universal sat. The Canadian Pain why + Price, only rventy: five Cents per FES A AS hitbyd rn woth azdJ. = klyn by John botham D, Ju and as dh gn ori | | > | The Great Female Remedy. JOB MOSES" PERIODICAL PILLS.| HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS unfailing in the cure of all those dangerous diseases to which the female consti tution is subject. It Mnodetette all excess es re. Moves al all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be on. It is peculiarly wuld. It will. tn a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. during the FIRST THREE MONTHS Brag but af any oer ing hey rcs ek In all Cases of Nertous sud and A EN | other means have valid ; i although a power- ful remedy, do not contain iron, iron, calomel, anti- TERT; Sanyo aghartful to the constitution. Full divectidns in the pamphlet around and, ajo package, which should be carefully JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. 1.00 and 12} cents for postage, enclosed to 3 & Newcastle, Ont., genetal | agents for the D minion. will insure 's bottle, in the country. Canadian residents in the Province are highly indignant. A NEW way of collecting ad debts has been invented in Brooklyn. A lad was observed, the other day, standing in front of a dwelling and supporting a large bul- letin-board inscribed, "Waiting for $3.37, the amount of the family grocery bill." A max named David Leith has institut od » suit in the Circuit Court at Sh. Louis against a p called Dx , to re- cover $100,000 for loss of his wife's love, 50 pills, by ret urn mall. oR NIT, Alken and I, Bosse AWA; In an in Broclyn by John W arren, Sold by J. HIGGINCOTHAM and D. STOTT! Bowmaatiile, Oatafio, In Memoriam. GAINST EXPENDITU society, service, fort ist and t, through the hinati of the defend ant. A sap affair is sported from Prince Ed- ward Island. Two boys finding on the road a bottle containing a poisorious liquid, drank of it, believing it to be brandy. -- The mother of one of the boys also drank of it, under the same mistake, and the result was the speedy death of all three. Festival, proposed for next June, in Bos- ton, is likely to prove successful. That enterprising musician has managed to get wealthy Bostonians sufficiently interested in the project to subscribe $200,000, the amount required, and contracts for the bailding will be given out immediately. ia the Dest style or} MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE on notice. E ng ts Seo St me ders with C. BOUNSALL, Bowmaaville. TO LET. Rep Hor Fins Bais Sxirrins ox Warzn.--If you throw a fow grains of that derful subst called potassium on | A The Pump Shop WITH HORSE-POWER & & LATHE, th the surface of cold water it will at once | 'burst into » beautiful rose colored flame, and skip from side to side in a wonderful manner, . There was a terrible snow storm in the State of Nebraska last week, and a num- ber of persons are reported to have perish- od. The storm was one of unezampled severity, and coming on suddenly, few of those who were at a distance from shelter escaped. When the storm began the snow was soft, but a severe frost eettivg in, became as ice, making travel through it |g almost imposible. The destruction of eattle was very heavy. Visrus. Virtue rarely passes unrecog- nised by the world. A few distorted op- tics may fail to recognize her features, but it would be as easy to concesl the face of the noon-day sun under & mask as to hide her resplendent features. And so it is "with the ** Canadian Pain Destroier:" every one who usen it. speaks in the highest terms of its virtues and pain removing qualities. For rheumatism, neutralgia, colds, cholic, | eramps and summer complaints, it has no worked Eat PC Only business of nd In town oF eh ae stom--rare chance SILV. Sea bape May 25 1971. 1. SILVER. Bricks! Bricks! OR SALE, MACHINE MADE PRES orks "SRS Wi soN First Prize Cultivators. B SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT Sri & very short than hy th 20 5014 4 Jowest races Spiny Witty ad IRON HARROWS of a superior kind; also on hand. BUGGIES AND WAGONS Chelscom 18 Mom. GS Tamil) Prug Store, Whithy JAMES HEGERRIE, fiat thei wes. possible prices. THEGLARGEST STOCK OF IN THE COUNTY OFJONTARIO, * Just recéived direct from the manufactirers. A great variety of patterns, and selling ENGLISH PAPER HANGIN NEW DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OSHAWA] MISS ROOME, (SF TREWIN. gn in porn he inhi to yo a Store on Yagy Wa KING STREET EAST! IN THE STAND Lately Occupied by Mr. J. J, Hall, where she will carry on the business of DRESSMAKING, MANTLE-MAKING and the making of CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, &o., &c --Ix THE-- Latest Styles & Fashions Having had a long experience in the business she fs Sonddent of of suiting all. All orders to her will be executed with "eure and taste A $hats of Jatronge HIGGINS' | GROCERY STORE South Oshawa. JUST TO HAND, Choice Selection of NEW TEAS, NEW SUGARS, NEW COFEES, NEW COCOAS, NEW CURRANTS, NEW RAISINS, Everything New! PRICES THE LOWEST. Goods delivered to all parts. CASE PAID FOR PRODUCE. ScUTH Oma Wa, Sept. 8, 3871. Brick R SALE, ON W Eo ALE, BLLINGTON [ESTABLISHED 1851. TheJoseph Hall Masutuctusing Company PROPRIE ORS. WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION TO OUR NUMBER ONE AND TWO BUCKEYE COMBINED: REAPER AND MOWER, With Johnson's Self Rake, Improved for 1871. We believe this Machine, as we now build it, to be the most perfect Reaper and Mower ever yet offered to the public of Canada. Among its many advantages we call -- to the following :-- It has no Gears on the Driving Wheels, Enabling it to pass over marshy or sandy ground without clogging up the gearing: thereby rendarin It less liable to breakage. It is furnished with] Four Knives, Two for Mowing and Two for Reaping, one of which hasa- sickle edge for cutting ripe, clean grain, the other a smooth edge in cutting grain in which there is grass or seed clover. It has the malleable guards both on thejdower Bar and Reaper Table, with best cast stee Ledger Plates. It is also furnished with our New Patent 7 ilting Table for Picking wp Lodped Groth. sd Outfitting Establishment. HE SUB! ht RETURN. IBER, IA HH gahaty bd to fpr rm pon { Giving Up. the Ready-Malle Branch of his Business, To enable him to devote more time to the HAT AND CAP! ~AND-~ GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. In order to do this, he will sell a large stock of Readymade Clothing at Graatly educed Prices, consisting of Mens' Under and Overcoats, Pos, Pants and Vests, Touth's and Children's Suits, At Priccs ever before offered in Oshawa. My stock of Felt and Fur Hats and Caps, ¥ F will be found and be sold as oh as the cheapest. CALL EARLY AND SECURE DER. G. HODD Michiael'd Block, Siete R.. Oe¢tober 98, 1871. INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM his 3 the only really valuable Tiiting "Table offercd on any combined Reaper ard Mower, | 12 Table can be very ensily rated or Tovar 2 D bh Wilaou $ This is one of the most important improvements ci ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL Can be wale to act as Rakes at thé ortion of the Driver, br a Lever readily operated br his foot. The Cutting anuaretus ;3in fi ut of the 5! chine, a=! therefor: whet. Neaping or Moning, the ! entire work of thc Machine Is wud the Li. 'ding Lis team. This Tali ls { 08 constructed as to Gather the Grain into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it lin a mare compact form than 4ny other Reel Rake, 'This Table is attached * the 'Machine both in front and rear of the Driving Wheel, 'which e | abley it to pass over rough ground with much greater ease and less injury to the Table. The Grain | | Wheel Axis is on a line with the axle of the Drive Wheel, which enables it to turn the corners readily. | The Rakes are driven by Gearing instead of Chains, and therefore a steady unifornt motion, ic*the ey. ver while ve | # | Jains ues nich ow Soe to eosin ou usu elon ad fore copii ior BABBIT METAL. The Parts are all numbered, so that the REPAIRS can be ordered by telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number of the part wanted, There is no sids Draught in either reaping or mowing, and the Machine is so perfectly waiapoad that there is no ure on the horses' necks either when rea; wing. malloa ey are subject to much strain, have Dan Ping or Jor AY our ble Twice annealed, thereby rendering them both tough and tiv OUR JOHNSON RAKE Is so constructed as to raise the cam so far above the Grain Table that the Grain does not interfere with the machinery of the Rakes or Reels. y 'We make tie above machines in two sizes: Ope, large size, for Farmers who have a large amount fo reap | B Noi" Two, medium size, for Farmers having more use Jora Mower | o than a reaper. , 'With the exception of difference in size, these Machines are similar in eve No. 2 Machine su; a want hereto fore unfilled, viz :--A medium between the Tan Mowe i large combined Machine, both in size and price. We shall distribu. hmong our Agents, that intending purchasers may have an early opportu March ty of Hake y of examining | And we guarantee that all Machines shipped this season shall be equal in quality and finish to the samples exhibited by our Agents. Wo lave Go ppill to #1GBAN §iving thelr orders unt they have bad an opportunity of nspeoting our as'we belfeve they are unsurpassed by 'Any~other Msthines ever vet offered on this continent. We also offer among our other Machines : Jounsown's Self-Raking Reaper, improved forl871 with two knives, smooth and sickle edge, andjmalleable guards Woob's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. BuckeYE Reaper No. 1, with Johnson's Self-Rake. BuckeYE Reaper No. 2, with Johnson's Self-Rake Onio Combined Hand Raking Regpergnd Mower. |CAYuGA CHIEF, Jr., Mower. BuckiEYE Mower No, kL BUCKEYE Mower No. 2, BaLL's Ohio Mower No. 1 Ohio, Jr., Mower. Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. Champion Hay Tedder AND OUR CELEBRATED HALL THRESHER & SEPARATOR Greatly improved for 1871, with either Pitt's, Pelton, Planet, Woodbury, Power. We shall also offer for the Fall trade & or Balt or 1 Bam NEW CLOVER THRESHER AND HULLER, Very much stiperiof to ashy other heretofore intfoduced. A mew and m C: ail owr Haein ie ring publi; Sh WII be Jusily Sus Suery aseshunion, fron 6 all wpyliganty, AR our Machines are warranted to give satisfaction, and Purchasers will have an op- portunily of testing them both in Mowing and Reaping before will be required finally conclude the purchase, . ay - Por tir tors an £ ; -m i x FW. GLEN; CSMAWA ONTARIO bis ri . teen fhe Jun Sawer 2d Bo come to the Bath and ' honestly an New York, Queenston and Liverpool ! | Bailing on Totroiavs and Saturdays ! From Pig 15, North River. RAT "7? OF 1 ;/ARAGE. To Quec:.*on or "abin. Stee Liverpool rage. 9i, gold. J, curren london, - - - 8, * \ oy Paris, - * - - #0, " 38, - sin can be bought here at moderate rates reons wishing 10 send for their friends. For Ay information apply to the Company's Agent, C. W. SMITH, Osnawa. July 20. 15-3m ONG ECH ; sore, oH) prey DOLLARS Book, by H. S. Per- . WORTH OF MUSIC kine. Price, 7 0 pr F OR 8 3, dosen. Contains over UBSCRIBERS { Two bundred new and to PeTERS MUsicaL beautianl Senge, Duets [Hae rt nis ete, by WI 8. Hays, (po; conte a piece. Those Webster, Thomas, ete: lho Bbave not seen this Every thing is new, fresh Musical Magazine]. and sparkliag. Contents should iva posh) and specimen pages 8D py yy gio 1g by Hays free. Sample - copies|'Th omas, Kinkel, Pesr mailed free of postage ey, sad other popular to teachers for 65 cents | Liberal terms for 1047. tor 40 cents. duction. Four back oT bers for 75 cents. J.L. PETERS599 Br BroaNew dway, York CONDENSED ATMOSPHERIC BATH! Yhie Greatest Invention of the Ace, © R THE CU; RE ( OF ALL KINDS OF EK: Diseases, heth. , and the country a Bath $ now in suc al ne nd he . uli treat all a8 0 3 le He has purified aid discloltned to become one of the greatest sanitary gens of the age, and of the world. a cure for family are attacked iliness. ve stated, whi Pave tried it. a trestment | bas See The' greates rons of the Bea Buy "read itis, Throa!. Bron: = {3 FRYE work FE a Ey = - ties. : never ity, A ur Female Diffie made a pa a Sute. Shere be had able time and & regular He would invite all ig that suffering from any kind to call on im and fn' te his principles of cure, or uiries rolp on to treatment and cure by letter will and promptly answered. STONE. Oshawa, June 15, 1871. Chronic Diseases. R. JAMES ,ELECTIC PHYSICIAN, Toaing ac respectiully state + that he is mow pri falling Fits, 18 in Bel worst form 's ption is tis 30 fms an incu- H Asthma, wRAYTY N. rr oe a BEE POMINION UNDEF" ING Two back numbers | would infortn the public that he has just received a full iin ROBINSON & Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye. Stuf TOILET ARTICLES, &.., i. EWILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES, | Dr. Deans' Office. in the, Drug Store. Rememberithe stand, nearly opposite Pines, AQ bia. C1871. dec un, ROOM PAPER ou ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPE D Een RA pei i Me ESF ULICHLY. To. I To, INTony. ik Spring Stock of Ep Hang To which he would call special attention. The over that of Canadian manufacture is univ: wall Seuinvne of ths dvloreand the extra width of others. The lish their preminence ovet Tareas of this clas of i Pouse can. offer Juduements, either as regards QUA OR ICE. HE HAS ALSO ON HAND A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF Books, Stationery, FANCY GOODS, and Il sole agent for the Little Wanzer Sowing | Ha ben ted ig FR Bl Ton Tl TT county. em the stand, directly o ite Hi <% | Oshawa. and, y oy ney Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. "NOTA BENE. WALTER WIGG & & 80 Su Benet Aa ans, haar anes OUR WAREROOMS, AND &e. considerable NEW STOCK thereto, a cordial invitation is extended to all to A soed Great Inducentry: ts he eld pr? 10 Hs phasing at our Establishment | CIAL ATTENTION GIV INTO THE - DEPARTMENT: | A SPE 'a i ERSE FOR HIRE. Coffins kept constantly on hand or made to orden. A choice lot of Carriages and Perambulators Just received Cheap for G Last, but not Least, is Paling' Ps Patou, Bajunce Window Blind (Lifter, the ' THE NEW DOMINION FURNITURE W ER0O) KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. Juuest, 1871. THE MARKET--ON LY that is In 3 a | HEM, FELL, TUCK, CORD, BIND, FRILL, GATH QUILT, BRAID or anything that any other Machine will do. IT IS JUST THE MACHINE FOR =~ af PRIVATE FAMILIES, MILLINERS, DRESS.-MAKERS TAILORS, AND FARMERS. && There are man t8:0f excellence abunt th Machi Sup Tn any prints orn it ce Maghin, § 2% MACHINES FULLY WARRANTED. ea §& AGENT wanted in Bowmanville, and in every other Town we have not got one already established. Larger inducements than any other company: J. C. TODD, General Agent. No. 7 Rossin House Block, Toronto, Ont. 16-41 HARD TO BELIEVE. True. Nevertheless! 0: SHGROCERIES VERY CHEAP. (ood 'Cooking Raisins only 5 cents a pound, and 'sti cheep er by the bo fa S$ UMMER Dey GOODS at cost' OTTON and Woolen goods are advan but you can C them at Elliott's, for a short time, at: cing is the time to secure what you feed. CLOTHING! (FENTLEMEN in want of a neat fitting suit should call® early at Elliott's Fashionable Tailoring Establishment. ~~ | sa Satisfaction guaranteed in all reasonable cases. Henry Elliott, Jr. Hampton, August 3rd, 1871. = . 1 NATIONAL PILLS. [The Best Cathartic of Any Age or Country. A BEY Disc DISCOVERY or ME.- rower Dba aged a a sag oke | Money to Lend. REDUCED RATES. AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND s,any amount of money, the security of or Productive Town 6 Lowest Possible Rates of Tote 2 suis and Vy 7 yearty losiaiments, or protmens made i SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. , flit s3ET hi:

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