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Ontario Reformer, 22 Mar 1872, p. 3

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Post at (he Pr aid wo 1 things ; and in es. truths abe at women, I ns R onvertions, wi, notwithstanding sha rs, knhws her busin as, nas to > plas, I Wl hor ba 188 to vote, woman Te tees not real with pleasure ghisC the v the harmonies of lave yoathor beauty t she must have some' expression, or vou feel better dis. race to look at or listen vt as well as we do; and ifter you have been talk. Tr ¢ msciousness is did n never forgets her sex. 14K with a 'man than an -- 'The less A "oman, But ment Lagan the more take a real well dressed with hors.lf, net so a show and a sensa- . ied outside influences the! harmonic notes of mth airabout ber--and fe to compare with ome rchar ges of thought and hat make an hour. mem- eqnal her tact, her deli- f ap: rehension, her nges of tewper- rd cool (uifonts of At one nioment she ute ectual. critical t as an Jnalyst'y ar sympathetic as wot nethewind from vids i's wry to her hespatable soul of a rge's le is x strarcer, ral'avd truthful, at mismerized by vs: which make hic a bewildirment. ha 3s Le 1s 1 erer 'aming rer sible romarks, therttes Tomes, and recom- ir Oshawa merchants ;-- «nn Known that the wer- 'he 1n.0st.pubbeity to his ¢ his Bawe thoronghly fa- etple, 1s a stccessful man. enough for a merchant to ck. Lut it is swicidal policy th + best weans of letting the fact. A few personal w the advantag s of deal- nut the general public 'may pression that his'is only a ir In cous quence, "his + less complete or attractive mor: pr WING of by adver. he large t business, and 1av avy the business ¢. Nothing pays like ad- dvertisen/ent short ard te less water you have, the - lisplavel. Doa't allow it nged-too long. even if you t the vear: In fact adver- 1in all firms, as an essential part of foper ly attended to, it al- be one of the most import- [ererwts wishing to make 10 1 can aot fin | a better irongh the ecolumas of the 2 vin Ontarionsy be lated. So we alk of the Tory e two grect dis- Dr. Billington, of 13 now an oppon- that a Re- unknown, has letter to the Chat- h he expreisés him- with Mr. Blake Over sorsions th: Plinet and Press and the Ottawa »«d- journals are raving Two whole men gone nin three months. That h* per year, or thirty- tvo Is it to be = 11it M derate-Tory-Conserv vy crazed at such enormous cessions to its ranks 7 - Can irty endure depletion at suck : that, if continued, will re- h at the next genera! y half a vote in every a the Province? We eall . ou Mr. Mackenzie, on Mr. erybody, to do something diately, "or the Reform rashed out-by the Chatham ndon Free Press. -- Hamilion former, Second, lection time + curious &quabble hetweem Governor and" the French rusbourg. - The Governor in- II drawatic representations i in German, anfl the people the theatre shall not 'be so royrelded enough to allow a 117 to play one night in a wir Prussian rivals held the otlier six. The result 1s pachec a It is regardel tt. Onihe cthers it 8 , so that the Governor si d are slhwost the only attend. CGreruans tired of playing to ray of empty benches, bid ijen from the stage and the ¥ et § sweet. A widow won $90,- gauibler at Baden- a Freica general, whose Tay 4s uudymg, married his couatry, and the #V,- wertised for £60 teetctallers, the other morn- re, four" dclock in the after- 0 personal applications and This shows the scarcity of se of advertising, and the s of temperance Bupuiliosn New York 20 JIT NT h his show, wtually a considerable com- s betavcn France and - 1 of geod size and in g i fetch a shilling (twenty-tive snidon market sud dozen are worth £1 (£85.) Youmay red toads iv all the Yo the soil is moist, and the po gardeus cven prepare shelt- 1isey pay their way by cateh- y" crisis is impendin Railway affairs, whic Hints are given of posi] s 'dming the next session of horn side of Lachine: Raphlt s--~the first time in teen 1s twenty. -cight feet docp a , Idaho. s swinging np the circle again, on dross the heavy overcast ox has a Masonic lodge. This Jswpar referred to when he or 4 lodge in Some Vash | Compound Elixir of Phosplates und Caisaya | *. | Prints; : and bad habits Is irily extadini} _ Butter. ¥ 8, ~Butter, # B, Two or three weeks since, - i MARRIED : regidence of the bri 'e's father, a Js by the Rev. A. Ken- Davip Avwaxy, to Miss I8a- Ware seomd daughter of Mr. v of Pickering. DEATHS, on the 17th inst., , | 2H Years. Mrs. - AER | BANGING scROOL. Prof. Geo. B. Moore will give i strue- tions in gtep dancing to Misses and Mas- | ters at his Aca lemy, Hyland's bloc, every | Saturday at two o'clock. Instructions wii also be given to ladies at tye o'deck I and at seven o'clock p. mn" every Saturday. Terms---35 cents per lesson--Adv't. or. Whealar's Phanplatas. TERE IS NO D SEASED CONDI- tion of the body in which De. Wheeler's | may not be used with posiiive ben Chemical rood and Nutritive Tunic, it acts p) ws Pari in the same manaer as odr dist, i Perfects Digestion, Assimilation, and the a | of Healthy al. It sustains the vita supplying the waste constantiy ging | oa, of nerve and muscle, as the result of menta. and sical exertions, enabiing mind and body » great labor without fatigue. 1s uailding up eonstitutions brok 'n down Chronic diseases, by tast living Tnnied: Al hic ary, its etfect ate in energizing t organs of the body. Phosphajes being ausolutely essential Yo oall formation and ths go .vih of t bs, mst or lime be Nature's jcoat restorative and vital Sold by all Drusgists at a" Being a | Commercial, March 21. | $131 @ $1 33 vw 06s Wheat, ¥ bushel, Barley, do [3 Peas, do 07 075 Oats, do ' 015 016 Rye, do oN "ers Potatoes, do 03 033! Hay, Viton, : 70 32.0] Apples, ® bri, : . Is ani WHITEY MARKETS. | J Mach 2, | Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushel, Dann Wheat, Spnng, do. i+ 0 1:2 | Barley, ¥ bushel, 06 065 Oats, ds ,. 045 05) Peas, do 067 066 Potatoes, do (EY) [EH 013 00 MONTREAL MARKETS, | Mirch 21. | $1 35-@81 | [LI] [TI 05 057 | 0 80 oe 015 L B- OSHAWA MARKETS. mn March 21. $3 12 I' Wheat, ¥ bushel, Data, ¥ 32 Ra, Barley, ¥ 18 Bs, Peas, ¥ bushel, Butter, ¥ 8, Flour, ¥ cwt, Wheat, Fail, ¥ bushel, Wheat, Spring, ¥ bushel, Oats, ¥ bushel, .. Rye Barloy Peas, ¥ bushel, | Potatoes, ¥ bushel, LE Butter, ¥ B, rans B18 Lard, ¥ B, «rane v Eggs, ? dozen, 0 Green Apples, ¥ bus, 03 -Beans, ¥ bushel, 13 Dressed 11g» +0 Timothy Seed ' «0 Clever Seed ¥ bushel in AlsikeCiover... wien . 63 14] oH 0 05 06 on | BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, Murch n. | 120 al 5 06 yf 035 06) 06s 06 | 04) 00 ow 000 on 01 Wheat, ¥ builel, Rye, do Barley, do Poas, do Oats, do Clover Sced, ¥ busnel, Timothy Séed, do wa. FREDERICK MM: BRIAN, 2. D., nE.C S| UY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG. LAND. Hindes' Hotel Osnawa ¢. W. GARTH, BUTCHER, Opposite. Cowan's New Store, King | Street, Oshawa. | 1 ETURNS THANKS TO HIS | Numeious custuilLers for past patronage, | and begs to solicit a coulinuance of the same mm the future. The very best Meats of all kind . wiil, as usual, be kept on hand. | All orders leit at the shop will receive promp aitention. The cling wagon will stop reguldrly at custou - ere 'houses if required. Oshawa, March 22, 1572. Te 5 CAUTION! "HEREBY FORBID ANY PERSON Giving credit ta my wife as I Zhatl not be re- | 8; onsible fur any debts contracted by her, or any other person, aiter this date, neitherdo I give my concent to Ler disposing of any property be- | | lnging to me. | 'JACOB RAICARD, | East Whitby, March 22. 1372. 503-w-pd LEAVING TOWN. \ | BARRET HAVING SOLD | ® out to J. O. HHIENRY hé wiil leave | his gallery on the 2)th inst: ; dnd HOITT'S | Gallery will be closed on the 3rd of April. i GOOD BY, BARRET! GOOD BY, HOITT! | No more cheap pictures in O hawa. In { the meantime, HOITT Lopes to sce many of his cid patrons, and any new ones | who wish for good picturcs. { BEDIRS FER PAINTINGS RESPECTFIELY | SOL.C.TEDR. | { ! H | A larzé assortment of Picture Frames on hand, whicu must and will be sold at prices much less than ever before offered in Oshawa. dlso, A CREA r PRICES FOR ALL § i1x vi SCHPE LOTS FOR SALE. y i AVING PURCHASED MR. CON: ANS interest in the Mc Lireg r prope: ty, vider for sie twelve lots o » west side oi Centre Street. Terms: One-thi by eash ; baance on mortgage, with interest at eight per cent. To parties wh) will erect a house at once, 1 will not uire any paysions down ; butin addi- tion will advance one humred dollars un each ot, if {they erect a house thereon, soning not ws than $000, and take a arst m wil jasdrance policies for ihé value of the Jot in the amount advanced. For full particulars enquire of Lyman English, Barrister. F. W. GLEN, "wir Oshawa. March 7th, 1872. LARGE AUCTION SALE Farm Stock é Implements. HE SUBSCRIBER RIBER HAS BEEN IN- EFRUCILED by . B.J. ROGERS,Sr., Tas.1s. about retiring from business, to sell by | suction, un { 1872, MONDAY, MARCH 25th, On Lot N». 7, $nd con. Fast Whithy, the the follow- ny, vie wi aged LAR te Ld Yours hi | roid oy ye ob did Aor ~-wheeled, 2 opel sy. } Light 1 Cadden, 2 paic 40 Howe, 3 sets Harrow. v 1% we Manos, | pack ui Dake, niflosiees, ~ockyukos, 4. GMOE Se diiss WD BUOY men- toa: 0 Sale 5 comet J al und v'elack, vrai TERMS: ~ 4d suas of §1) and under, credit will be given uit the 7, t i hos wi wii becharg- aly. | | well assorted stock of Spring Goods, at the usual Low rr: E si fg | TORONTO MARKETS. § ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, WARCH 23, NEW SPRING GOODS | | T]HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS: TO ANNOUNCE TO THE INHABITANTS OF Oshawa and surrounding country that he has received. and is still receiving; & , comprising 4 Dress Goods; Cottons, Coatings; Poplins, Tweeds, &ec. Clothing Made to Order on Short Notice ! The Usual Supply of Groceries, Crockery, Horses, Wagons, and Anything else You can Think Of | A! Kinds of Produce takeh in Exchange. : JW. FOWKEL. CROWN, MARROWFAT AND COMMON PEAS AND BARLEY FOR SEED. CLOVER, TIMOTHY, Oshawa, March 23, 1872. TEMPLE OF FASHION! NEW SPRING GOODS! STOCKS COMPLETE! sews! We are Now Prepared io Show a Very Large and Beautiful Assortment of Seasonable Goods. NOTWITHSTANDING the extraordinary advance in all classes of Fabrics, my Goeds were bought Early, and on such Reasonable Terns as to secure. beyond a doubt,' to the Patrons of the Temple of Fashion, all the goods they may require this season at an ave ori of former" prices. Pur friends are solicited to call at once, and obtain for themselves some of the special lines now offering, in : | BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, 'BLACK LUSTRES, FANCY DRESS - GOODS, KID GLOVES, CORSETS, ETC. SPECIAL NOTICE --To all w'» require to furnish their Dwelling) ow | anew, or replenish the old Carpets, D tm sk:, Curtains, Oil Clothe, Mate, | Sw | Rug, de, we offer such goods much below their present value. S| TREWIN, Oshawa, March Corner King and Siupon Streets, Oshawa. 24, 1872. NEW AND "IMPORTANT | STEELE BROTHERS | 4 HAVE THIS DAY MARKED DOWN THEIR. NEW YORK = 55 TO SUCH Low Prices as will Suit Everybody. TO SELL OFT THE BALANCE OF THEIR STEAM BETWEEN AXD MONTREAL. 'TEMPERLEY'S LINE, Composed of the following FistClass Iron Steamers: MEDWAY, THAMES, SCOTLAND, TWEED, "SEVERN. from Quebec and Montreal every TCESDAY dur- ing the season of navigution of 1372, and from London every Wednesday, calling at P.ymouth | on the way out Points west at reauced rates, rties desirous of bringing ont their friends. Agent at Oshawa, C. W. SMITH. CHANGE OF BUSINESS! apg) CHER'S business to Mr. 1 heartily-recommend him to tn | my tormer customers and fricna GEOR GE HENRY. patrvoaag? ul OsLawa, Fob. 27, 1872, | IN reference to the above [ bog to say to my friends that 1 shali cairy un'the Business at the | old stand, corner of King and Caureh Streets, on and ater, Friday neat. A full st ckot First- | class MEATS of ail kinds in tue season, wid always be kept on hand. A wagon will be | run daily, and ail persons desirous of having it | call at their houses wil please leave wood at Lhe shop. A call Js solicited, as no pains will be | spared to give satisfaction G. N. STEPHENSON. Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1872, i > ~ -" a A ST 'Ppl yore y N cL ISSHUAd MIAN SAACTD 'am T IN c | | Ee '100d1S Tor ONIHdS aN (oXd AIAN 4400 ANY SHYT100 MAN 'S3IVT MAN STMVHS MIN d INITOd MA y . N =< C| r - 'S.A YNUYSE °F "OLA 'SA00D XONVE I"TINVIN AA I wo wn FOR SALE. HE WEST HALF OF THE souTd 43 Aces, mm the suvuth-ca:t cother ol tae cw porativn oi V:hawa., A qasntity of woud theieon. Als, 16) acres in Grundy Co., Iowa, U.S, ten miles from Cedar Fads, 4 ules irom New Hardord vidage, vu tue luinols Central Li. R. iv acres culuvaied ; frame house and swble taercon. 'Tue waule to Le sold Very clieap. M. FAREWELL, 45:1, Oshawa. For Sale or to Let. | H | erected at Ushawa. «required to send in EXCELLENT STOCK | be fortawith male IN A SHORE TIME. ' Call Early for Choice Lamps: " | v | ments. | Continued Bargaius in China and Crockery. First-class Provisions Groceries, and Everything in our trade, Reduced to the Lowest possible scale, tu CLear Out our immense stock before seed time. STEELE BROTHERS : . GROCERS : AND SEEDSMEN. i Oshawa, January 5th, 1872 | liabie for the : | half story fram: | Wave by | Honry FTMIE SHOP AND DWELLING NOW eccupied by I. Bass¢ t, hard wate meichant, hang Sibel, Bowmanuvid ¢. Apply t» SAMUEL | NESE Bow anvilie, or to Mics. THUS, £Ca, Usliaw i. February 16, 1372. Notice to Contractors | Pars AND will be ready for your inzpection in a few | ways of a Factory ani other buildings to be Main ouilding two storeys hig and about 3w feet frontage by 5) feet deep. MACHINE. MADE H HA Cu. Forouta and Osha va, Oshawa, Feb. 23, 13 a FOR SALE. HE PROPERTY ON SELINA ST., . consisting of a story and a half Fu. ame awelling house, with stune foundation. Toere is a stable and driving shed attached, and a good garden w ith a number of choice Fruit Trees on | it; also, a never-failing well of exceilent water, F. oe terms and other | particul lars gpply on the | premises, to WALTER FOGG. March 1, 1372 Tu | HOUSE AND LOT For Sale: ITUATED ON Th: house is new--built last tal. Well of grod water, and a Cistern on the premises. For further particu lars apply t apy ty CIL4S STIEN. n2s-dw-pd. oh the pre nises, Administrators Notice. N PURSUANCE OF THE STATUTE Of the late P.ovinece of Canada, 29 Vie, Cap. %> See. 37, modce is hereby given that uw.) credit ors and 0 her persons having any debt or clalin upon or_aifecting the estate of John Dickie, late of the Viuage of Oshawa, in the County and Province of Ontaifo, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of Janvary, 18.2, ure hereby artic Tar oi Lhejr claims to his Administrator, John Dickie, of the said Vi lage of Oshawa, 3 evmsn, on or before the 12th day of April, 13/2, immediately after which day the said Administrat or wil proceed to distribute | the assets of the said deceased among the per- LONDON, QUEBEC, _ HECTOR. Toe Steamers of this Line are intended to sail | + Through tickets from all | Certificates issued | bo full particulars apply to the Company's HAVING DISPUSED OF MY BUT- | G. N. stephouson, | SYECIFICATIONS | ALBERT STREET, | | 3D SOUTH ef Lik: s Factory. . ~My the Frye and Indepond mt -CT THD VILLAGE OF OSHAWA. MENTLEMEN. upon in a few days th record your votes | Jor or against the granting of a bongs towards | alding the establishment of a large manufactory | amongst us, in order. to present a pleasing and I woul'l Fespeckiully invite you t) call and pur- | chase one o | "Marquis of Lorn" Hats, ONE OF THE "Grand Duke" Collars, AND 'A | | " Tichborne Scarf," | thien record ¥o1= = votes yea for the bonus thet | | prosperity may bec »m~ more I remain, Gentlemen, | Yours ver Trn'y, | GEO. HODDER. B Osha wa. Feb. 21st, prosperous. | 'NOTICE TO FAR) MERS | MARMERS ~ WHO WILL SAVE MONEY BY PURCHASING FROM ROBERT FITCHET. ELECTORS --As you will he called | respectable appearance worthy of the oceasion, | Sewing Machines in the villa ge ¢ of Oshawa, Agun's for the sale of our Machiies, rights and 33 of the trade, as thou ¢ Signed for the Comps The above Machine is ene of the best Family Machines in the market, and only needs to be seen to be apprecisted. | wanted to do wood work. Prices, $23 Satisfactory r:150a;5 sivea for 'A LARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES | ; CONSISTING OF I-n's Wear of all Classes, Lac lies', Misses' and Children's, of all Classes and Sizes, To be Sold at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent., IN ORDEC TO MABE Re ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. ! A share of public pat-oiag ro hd USE TOBACCO THE COMIN G WOMAN | bY 2 Just received, a large supply of Plug and Fine | Cut Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, the CHEAPEST ever OFFERED in TOWN AN EXTRA SUPPLY or IMEERSCHAUM, BRIAR ROOT, FRENCH' CLAY, AND IRISH CLAY PIPES. Do not fail to call and cx- amine stock and prices, and you will be sure to be suited. THE STAND Is directly opposi'e STEELE BROS. 4 Valuable Properts y $ For Sale. 6) ACRES, BEING Pad J CORNER of Lot No. in the Vieage of Oshawa. | ra to NORTH- EAST | 2n1 con, sit Fir terms, etc It J, A > THE Florence Sawing Machine, 1] MALL. AT JOHN TOST'3 / STORE, in the town of Whithy, this Geaniiiul machine, which ferent kinds of stitches, and s runs very light and still. Those purchase a machine, if they dress to JOHN 8. M. WILLCOX, W hit i receive a fu descriptionot the muchine, wil th price list, cte. Usha, M MUSIC and see four di.- 3 bath ways, c intending io JOHN 8. M. WILLCOX. Jan. 13. a, REMOVAL. TRIPP & SHAW, AVE REMOVED TO THE STAND litely occupiel by Thomes Rawthorn, Kin Street, Oshawa) where they will, as usual, | keep gonstantly on hind a shi endid stuck of BOOTS |& SHOES | for Ladies' anl Gonfl' Whitby, wear, wlll sell at JowestFates, made ts order and which they Boots and shoes the shortest notice. | Cood Fit [Guaranteed. O:hawa, Feb. 16, 3 . "SHINGLES. | QUINGLES OF ALL KINDS FOR gale at ny Mill, Let No. 6, 4th con, Dar ing- | wn, sbout 4, mies Lom Lev naville, JONATHAN STEPIIENS, gf PRO BONO PUBLICO. .. F. PATTE, Jr, AKES THIS OPPORTUNITY TO | 4oform thé inhabitants of Ojhawa and VI. nlp that He is jrepare: 1 to execute Painting, ding, Marbling, Silazeing, Paperhang. ing, Wh lew ushing, &e., on thé shortest no-| Yeo and in first-class style. Orders left at Mr, Trips Boot Store, King Street East, or at the re: nee of the undersigned, opposite Messrs, Gibbs' Cabinet Factory, Hall's Block, will receive rosupt ationtion. » 4 -- F..PATTE, Jr. | 25-3m | March 1, 1872. Oshawa, Sept. 2, 1371. in SAC Ea Rd cs IF YOU WANT A sons en: itied theres, having regard to the debts | and ¢ a ms only of whic. he shall then have had notice; and the said Administrator will not be | s #0 alstributed 16 any person of whose debt or claim ho shall not have had nc tice at the time of such distribu jon, And notice is hereb y A also indebted to the said Estate to the SM % jutsu Dated this 12.h day of March, ae S01 DICKIE, Adulni Arator. FOR SALE. N COLBORNE STREET EAST, two Lots and Orchard, with one and one- buiiding. Also, two lots and two H ases wita Ocoh wd, on Brock Strect cast, the whoie contained in one biuck. 1ERMS Fa Cash Balance in yearly instal- or Present rental, $250. WILLIAM DE ANS. fen to all parties ! 0hawa, Fah. 9, 1872 NOTE LOST. LL PARTIES ARE HEREBY warned azsinst negotistinz for a note SAMU LL A. DEARBORN in favor of! sarbdrn, dated November Ist, 1371; due iu one year from date, March 1st, 1572. 7-2weod PRO BONO PUBLICO. LL KINDS OF OF CANCFRS AND | Tumors taken «ut ard, cured without the use of the kuife, by DIT. I, PATT! 0s of reierin ses given in dey and clerv have, ( rrice--Churel Stesct, Bowaaavile. Xaich1,13.8 ATL ment must | ERSON. The 4 FIRST-CLASSI PIANO OR SEWING MACHINE Is, CALL ON Geo. S. CLIMIE, AT| THE | | |" REFORMER" | : (@] F FICE. | LARARD'S IMPROVED HOT AIR GENERATOR | Cluiice to be the most complete #nd (ffcctual Prom Heat.r made. An Inspection solicited. R, LARARD, Box 155, or to Oshaws, CERTIFIGATE "OF HIS certifies that Se LOUIS 'PF PRUDIIOM is.our duly authorized Agent; for the. sale.of | 3 Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent Family Sewing Machines. This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has ths exeldsive right "of selling our i sail ' Territers £& A second-hand Grover & Biker Manufacturing Machine for sale cheap. = solicited, AGENCY. a and that hs is als) authorized to ap, Such agents have 1 appointed by us. int the J. J. COLLINS, St. Catharines, Ont. w theut stand and $30 with stand. Agents Warranted seling. L. PRUDHOM. Apply to p HATCH& Coe., Ohawa. 29~ PATFNT APPLIED "FOR. ALLAN LINE. OBEAWA AGENCY "omg | i i | NSS WINTER SERVICE! Canadian Gov ernment | lien and U.S. Mails, | STEAM WEEKLY TO EN ICKLORDIERY AND. CLASGOW. 4 LINES ARE ne ned bh all Powesed, THIS COMPANY'S don posed oi the upd Ul rnginad Ciyde 1 . 4,2)) topd ing a weekly ine bet terry, Qievee and M bec every Satur Night Expre ¢ Forming a veck y line t Glasgow, Quebec and M RATES OF PASSAGE. Oshawa to Liverpool and Londonderry, First Cavin rom $81 to 91, aciording io accowmoda- | tion. Stecrage, $v, wWpcinding a pientinul supmy of well cooked jrovisions, seived oul Ly tue Stewards be.ongin; io thc s Usuawa to Gaasgow, ¥ C , $71; Inter- Ps Return Tick 2c sued at radacsd rae Prepaid Kuropesn senger Certificates are issued at lteduced RE 'to_parties wishing to bring out their fiends from England, Ireiand or Scotiand, to any part of Canada. The Steamships of the Mou ship Company wand their pas se Irusk was ND, passen- Hs Laeret ng the usual charges of Lant- ing and har lin £ ul baggage. Yr ws 4 rains leave Loy and on Mrrival of the ers tor Mor Coronto, and all 3 . uities all forded to | LAN LINE ¢ aunot be sur- y we adoat. For tarougn pass ge ticks and every informa- tivn, apply to Steamships will be despatched from Liverpool | and Portlaad a. follows: ND | six months, 13- at the Grand | NES. Olid . SCANDINAVIAN 11 in Jan. IL&A A LLAR, | bio to seats, Montrea'. L. SMITII, Agent, Post vince, Oshawa. OYSTER BAY! - Fresh Oysters | RECEIVED DAILY! JONES,' SIMCOE STRELT. OSHAWA, Sold by the 2 Plate or Can. | CHOICE lot of Can ned Fruits, Jel-| | VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. LX lies, ete. , on hand and for sale. The choicast Fryits, of all kinds, in their] SCASUL. Ming of a bi The highest prica paid for all kinds of! Dana choice Fruits. i 7&8 Sign of the 0 gstor Day Lamp. Ochawa, Octoler-20, 1371. | Just Recéived & For Sale | Noiseless Patent 'TECUMSEH HOTEL! - - ] -Produce taken in exchange for East side or Simcoe Street, Lumber & Shingles ji Oy SALE 47 MY MILLS IN DAR- | APPRENTICE WANTED n , rentice,'apd Li 6 W304 givilk App! ad ter s oclogk any cxenirg. | occupied by. Mz. Wieox, Bali "AT'THE | Dominion Furnitme Werarooms | C.H. DUNK'S ' Steel Spring Bed Bottom is THE CLEAN EST, "EASIEST, And for durabiley-andasimplicity bas no equal, » a TJ WHIM IT MAY CONCERN. W 7 E the und rsigned hotel proprietors, have in-use the Duminion Steel 8; Bed Botwom, 'and we are satistied iu is Spring Spring in use, and reccommend it to_consuu.ers and tke trae: London, Ont. GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, - W indsor, Ont AMERICAN HOUSE, li. WAVERLY HOTEL, - - GLOBE HOTEL. hE" VANDERBILT HOUSE, - GLOBE HOTEL, . ie CITY HOTEL, od, TREE AMERICAN HOTEL, - - - | SNYDER HOUSE, - - Rochester, N. Y, Syracuse, N.Y. Albdny, N. TY. Troy, N. Y. Waverly, N. Xx W. Wigg & Son. Oshawa. Jah. 18; ° 41-3m, Tripp's Poetical E fusion. Ladies and Gentjemen, 3 read the the news. Who stand in need of Boots and Shoes. At D. Iripps, Wyon do call, i: bist Ld ons anlall, '1 he best of d, Kid, a ilk, Kip, Oe oes on finest and best of nus, Hell mend your soles, if not your ways, Give good understanding to all he Says. He'll make your Hoots wi hout Seay, And it they rip hell ask no pa; 'Times are hard, ss Joual ahd ak kuow, Money scarce, dnd p A large stock on hry more coming.-- Stand. North of TrIPP & SHAW. one Laylors Jewelry Stare. ~ ae 23 A. B. CAMP; December 1, 5s, a Bs RR WO ACTIVE RESPECT ABLE LADS wanted, fom ec) ts A3 kid of br WARY rod Se, nds preorrad. Good wages 3 MITCHELL i strect, Edst End. Osbasrs, July 6381. 1340 HE SUBS: SRIBER OFFERS FOR sale Li property on William street, consist. k of four houses and over an acre of It is hiza, wall daalned, and In a state of cultivation, Also, that fine property in Phinee Albert, now Hoeu CARMICHAEL. Oshawa, June 22nd. 1141 NEW. DRESS MAKING ESTABLISHMEN RE-OI CENED! | MISS ROO ME, "AVING RESUMED DUSINESS IN |G the rooms Next Door to HOITT'S Gallery 1): bega to call 'the attention of thse frionds who | hive so Ubera.ly supported her siroe her com-| mwencement in ba H taco tor past favor the same. 5: and while thanking , Solicits a'econtivuance o | Oshawa Dec. 8 1571 ' | PRIME DAIRY. BUTTER, AT 18 BUTTER, CENTS PER POUND, A' TREWIN'S. Oshawa, Dee, 1, 1571, boi SA FIR ITAKSIST UPO4 IT-E5Y NO OT. [2 COMPLETE! EVERYTHING FOR THE SEASON, TH STAPLE&FANCY DRY GOOD A. M. GHISHOLM'S ! GIBBS' BLOCK. OSHAWA, September 10, SibTs AND FASHIONABLE A SC Re dr ER BWC we Bn. Be cis Sh es Yo oo HE FE . iy A i ed es A drip LH Co a pA

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