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Ontario Reformer, 19 Apr 1872, p. 2

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) y OR We so oi a a PF | | rns -- oe -- { WE are pleased to inform cur readers | - n | that the Orange Y. ung Britons of thia | - » : = Rp Ra ly. | place intend giving their second Annual RAXD TRUNK TIME T Soncert, on the Queen's birthday. They ABLE | have engag.d tha beat local taleat, as well ubSawa STATION. --OsHAWA TINE. | aa some of the bost talent from Kingston, ie wey TT { Port Hope, Toronto, and Bow saville for | ava > | 00ING EasT, { the occasion, and intend that this will be 3) TAS am, Mall, . ... .7i50m | the best cone rt ever hold in Oshawa r * N:BSam. | Mixed, . . . 32 : hs + + ~52p.m. | Express, . 5 PB. | Mr. Robinson, M. P. P. for Ki igston, has TIT, © 7 IR paid Passenger, - - 727 pan | Sobsented to favor them with Lis presunc., Hi Ar gin Sunday mom- | which we have no doubt, will boa groat . = MN 4 ? WITTHY STATION | attoaction, We wish the 0. Y. D's. suc Trains going Fast leave Whitey Stelion tn cess iu their unde: taking. fanies carier, and those going West fifteen | tantes Iatcr than the above, | clected member for Algoma, duced ard took his seat, The address, in reply to the Speech from the Throne, wes moved by NE. ! Nathan, of Victory, B. C,, and seconded | by Mr. E. Carter, of Browe, Quebee;-and f Urzawa, April 11, This day at 3 o'cloek jy, i. His Excellency |, the Governor-General | ocesded in state to the Chawber of the Senne in the Pai- lawent Buildings, and took his seat npou the throne. 'There was a larg at endauce | F i the galleries and nu the for of the | Mnendinent. Senate. ' The Ponators from Britisn Co- lumbia and Mmitoba were iotioduced, and took their seats, The wenibers of the Seuate beng asscinbled, His Excellency was please E20 command the a tendance of the House of Commons, aud that louse being prescut, is Exeelloucy was pleased allow ug ubers to attend thanksgiving services on Monday, over an hour ou Tueslay. | Mr. Muckenzio, returns were ordered to | be brought down regarding public Jands Lb ok ion of the First Par. | 1 « Manitoba; the prog«sed Pacific railway; 0 ] fe hgh « { Cound wih | the Fenian iavasion of Manitoba, aud the Lowi g 8, cechsfrom the throne: | Licut -Gov. Archibald's exchange ' . ¥ erurtesy with Riel; the Lieation of the St. Hon. Gentlemen of the Senate, Geatl.men I / Cinir Flats «anal. of the one. 0) COmBiow,,-- "thea spicions recovery which the mercy of Pinade. e: voucas ded from the vel Mz. F. J. Daw loft O hiwa on Tue - | day last, for Cobourg, where he has outer- : NJ ERCliaxTs AND OTHERS ARE | J into partnership with Mr. Stoddard, TN to call at our Office and ex- | for the parpos: of caceying oa thy jewel. Pecimens of Plein "and Fancy | ery business. This is the sceond partners | yeh wortai i Lie 8 of the Prinee of Wales, { ship Joe has lately entered intr-- ae till cated forth a auaversal expression of joy P R 1 N T I N G { * life do them part," the other so long as | and thuiktuluess turonghont the Empare, it ity . Fo we . At ciasses of the people testitied their pl : it ple 8 them, We wish our old friend de p seuse of relief frou the auxieties of orders promptly attend. d te, and | Joseph every success, ¢doag and painful saspease, by joing | Batisfection 'Guaranteed. | Ee SS thelr beloved Queen laa publi tasuesgiv- > 3 | Masa. --+* Now ti FR CLIMIE, . . PROPRIETOR. Lier he | erninent intended, during the present ses- ! siom, 10 1 troduce a measure for the smal of con'rwiorted elections; and being in- | formed that it was ou'y contemplated 'to d al with the question 8» far as 10 make the present law applieableto Monit l a and for the trial of coutroverted eclectiuns thronghout the Dominion. your uiedicine | ing, which proved in vastness of att ud- Ou We lnesday, ths sossion was prinei- [like a good girl, and when you get well, report to the House on the (xtent and «on. Motion granted. Tre last session of the first Parlia: ment of this Dominica: was commenced | ®ith the uswal formalities ht Ottawa on ~hursday of last week, a report. of which will be found in another colun:n, (fovernor's speech is if anything more void of prowised nrevsares than such 'erances generally age. © pritant publie Yefore the wagos for a less amonnt of work, Among our more go-ahead neighbors, wi see that new contracts, | correspondence as can be wade public | Nathing is so sensitive as capital. As was Ox Tuesday iast, the frecholders of | "Without injury to the interests of the Eu. long'age remarked, not unly change but pire or of Canada will also be at «noe sub- tS. fear of chia cts it Inthe ls mitted for your inforuation, and yoar at- s eal of Changeatucis lr. 0 Ae. ang. tention will be invited to this fwpuitant | Wage of Milton it says, ** Where Liberty dwells, there is n.y country." And should : a workmen appear to po: sess themselves by Septewbir last «nn the subject of immaiygra- | _. . tion; at which the Governwen: of the D,. | Violent measures of the Lody of their de- Tue ladies are now sure that Spring in { yiiion as well as these of eve ry |Tovines { mands they nay find too late that the soul all its glory is here, by Chishola having | were represented; a sch me for joint and | has fled. In the sam: way, thy most in- his windows dressed with new willinery | several action was provisionally arrang. d, telligent ard incuetricus of 'he working 3 te hick ¢ Viril . suitable for ths season, Look at thew, |" which Linvite yvoarattention. Jdonot| 4 | doubt that you will be iuclined to make | ample provisions for the encouragement of immig-ation, witht e maintenance and ex- | that event the pahappy conatry, bereaved subject. A conference was held at Ottawa, in expatriate themselves to other lands. PICKERING COUNOIL. DOMINION PARLIAMENT. | On Friday, Mr. Cumberland, mowly' | vi iayv) The House adjourned until Tuesday, to The House was in sexsion fr a little | On motion of of | British Columbia, he gave notice of a Bill | | ance and vuasimity of freling the grand- | pally occupied with a discussion upon a | N ¢ a WPTCSELVE .€¢ Pull ¥ ) A y| o m. | . : Hear sim ost and 1uost pressive © Foaoly ever fo iD fale bY B11. Magi), oF pow: l mam unpopular or obnoxious. The Frehcl | V8 strongly ree miuends harrowing winter { mautiplyipg in every direction throughout "population of Lower Canada is becowiing | Wheat in spring as soon as the ground is of less and leas ennsequ:ne:, and from | dry enough to bear the tramp of the team {the P rt of Halifax, on one side of the | Withovt poaching the soil You much. | continent, to the Port of Victoria on the | states that ha tried the experiment of har- [uther side, the n:arly tive millious of -peo- | rowing his wheat in strips, leaving por- ple aro ésseutially Britith in origin and | Hons untouched, and that the harrowed | portiins at ouce took a start, and all thro | till harvest appeared of a darker gree n lish race ahen p'anted in a new region. | color, thicker with wheat plants aud moe | High tariffs haye ruined their commerce, b Paw ® Shan | vigorous in growth than those portions | Jestrogvd ber shipping, and { | enormums taxes upon thy agricultural It was | dition of thy mawuiactaring inturests of bn order | They cannot expect the same amount of | maximum of wages fur a minimum of work | { much of the papers and of the completed | in regard to the nine hour movement. | class, who sre tlie waking of a country, | In | At BAN | ink British Colum! ia therew.th, it will e for lwo olieuts with the view of obtaining the | 'mapossible, which would mave our citi nl policy that insisted on obtaining iinprac- | providing a direct water com punicwion of the children who would have supported her, will show all the n.arks of melancholy age. : We trust then, that a spirit «f mntua! fortigarance will prevail. of the working classes should be made as casy and as advaatagaens as possible, in order to keep them amongst us and tempt Lumigra- on; far they are needinl to build up a new country. We trust, on the other hand, that th:y will le too intelligent, to organize-labor leagues and agitate political suli:r, like San Francisco, from a suici ticable demands by extrenie and measures, . Were we sure that it would be advan- t.geous to the workingmen the selves, | who constitute nine-tenths of the commu. nity, we would heartily advocate the niue hour movement, as a reavaable compro. mise Letween 10 and 8 hours. But we The condition | ~ CANADIAY DEPENDENCE. (From the London Beonomist.] The difliculties arising out of the Al. bana treaty will a) parently have the iu- diree ly Leneficial result of . hastening a | passed the House without wuwtion fur grave reconsideration buth in Canada and al iuhly artific i { the | Wheat in spring. | here of the highly artificial nature of t 'Y adofiid to the ,/usposs than the harow, selves and the Dowitiion. For all practi- | aud dues a deal of benefit to the crop. Ii | economy fro the Free Trade Schools aud present nominal eongection between our- ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAW, FRIDAY,' APRIL 19, 1872. "Spring Cuiture of Winter Wheat, Iu England it is a very general custom {to both top dress sud emitivate winter wheut in spring. Most of the wheat is there sown by the drill, and they use a machine culied a horsehoe to cultivate the | especially with vefcrence to commerce, This ninchifie ie better trates the following to begin with :-- | content to recaive tisir ideas of political often quite remarkable. A rich juke vu perpetrated the other day by o In vat agridul:ueg and nuiufactures. A writer upon the officor who was: conductifig hig in the "New York 2rilume rss nes to | to the asylum. It appears from the ae, know all.about these uatters, ard perpe- | count given 1y the Albay Journ, that | Mr. Hogie, of Albany, was ¢ : "The Causdian per ple have hitherto been | to Punghkeopsie Denis. RR, Sheri | young lawyer reoontly taken insan the way, while engaged im conv Naw Yorx papers gst sone exéraor | dinary 8btions regarding Canadian affairs, N fe ds j ing, | wml y i lely, and eal "interests and purposes Canadas has | destroys the young wewds just stastiug; | jzopidbailis sul om rn Sheridan heard the handenfls rattle been twenty years entirely independent ; wise Confederation Act of 1868. = The people of these | countries--they are. ro i Mr. Blake en paired whother the Gov- | longer Colonies in avy intelligible sens. -- anost properly. manage their own affairs by means of a parliamentary government, | which exercises supreme control in every matter except the conclusion wi treaties with foreign Powers, the making of peace ar war, and the appointment of the high offier sent faom this side and called the ' Governor General, althongh as regards voting his salary cau in effect got rid of a { instinct, with the energy ard foresight which pre-ewinently disingunish the Eng- The natural allies of Canada are the in- habitants of the Amerigan States west of Lake Erie. Tu these States the St. Law. reuce is the shortest, beat and cheapest | "Ut 1 outlet to the Eurupean markets, with whi h they exchanges their raw produce of | i } " ol : [and that the idventi ge of hairowii gwas | Lo 0 |-s0 plainly n.auifest that he shall always in | ness affairs, of which he knows less. High | future perform the operation upon his | tariffs cannot bi nefit the former, because The harrow to be used | it is not the 'home market. gram and provisions fur manufactiires-and Eastern and tropiealioounu dities, It is not the least merit of Mr, Lowe, that for several years past he has lost no fitting opportunity of msisting on these | clean, round teeth are the best and least | pelied te hwy. have assembled hare to pi lai our Wa | iable to tear out the wheat plants. plain facts and these new conditions. _ For a British and Colonial force to a'tempt the defence of the thousand niles. « f Candia frontier a. inst such armics as the Aweri- cans gould send forward, is wholly impos sible; and not capable of serious arguuients | The contest would be between four aud a half aillivus of Colonists, assisted by a power thensands of miles away, and only capable of leading at thy unis, tiwsaty. or thirty thousand wen, and an antagonist miles from Montreal, shorter distances of several of the more | important Western cities, and further { wielding a population of ferty millions. Sir Alexander Galt one of the mot pru. dunt and respected of 'Canadian statesmen this live of reasoning ia the of an Indepewdent Party--not out of dis- { loyalty to England, but ia obedience to the plain necessities of the case. This | party has already made solid progr ss, and the events of the List two months have | 'n proof of this | | (Eng.), Mr. ThomasCennolly (ston mason) | strengthened it greatly. the writ. r guotes an 1tic'e w Lich appear- | not harrowed. | i ifi | they nro, sing { i" " rig u hese i ir gue | wv fh i Paralysis aud ar ested and so h s the smaller Provinees--Novg | 2ob directly benelit the crop it a i i iti it to ge sd start early ii Scotia, New Brunswick end Pritish Col- enables it to geta go | ambin--now: happily united to her by the | wg aud checks the growth of weuds. | | Wit by rh roller has an «qually good effect. | : perism at home." | Whedt that has been sown by a drill isin | installa gan oe us the use of the harrow, followed much betuer shape to be benefitted mn this wanner thin that which has been sowh broadcast. Ou light aud friable soils, as | & general thing, the roller alone will prove | of beuetit in both, breaking the crust foru- | «d in winter aud at the same time com- | p eting into this svil those plants tha: | have been heaved out by the frost. We even him the. Canadian Legis'a'ure hy | notice in one of vur agricultural exchanges | that a farmer of experience in wheat gr w- the amvunt of one plant in one hundred, winter wheat. must be light and the teeth sharp aud In fact, the harrow should cut clean through all the stools of routs it crosses, and by so dividing thom mikes them stool out still wore. On Leavy soils especially har | rowing winter wheat is of the greatest | value, as they ure much more likely to have become compacted by the action of | | fre. zing and thawing, and mese apt to | | show the wheat lesvess heaved. When i + hei we i killing on the surface ap- | whose temritc stretches within forty | "U¢h winter killing P RNY ; and within hid ears it is nell to hamxow early and follow | with the roller. The best top dressiag for | wheat is a mixture of ashes, bone dusi and | salt, in the proportion of one part un- | leached ashes aud two of bine dust, to | which about 50 Ibs. of salt per acre is | | did not hesitate soie years ago to tuke up | added. Canadian Parliament, and place himself at the head | If clover and timothy is to be sown on winter wheat it should be done immedi- ately after the harrowing is completed and ! before the roller is nsed. -- + I -- en eee Lecture <n Cupada. | ing thro gs to the United States, tv avoid | industries, aud caused "'smpoverished | prosperous condition than it is at this very { moment. Every class of industry is thriv- | ing ; manufacturers are extending and { the country, that there never was u time { wh n farm Lowids were ia greater regiisi- He | ™ 5 | driven Asferican commerce frum the gio | inland Jakes. A these facts are paten | country. Caunda is to-day in all branches | of business, in a much wore prosperous | state than vue neighWirs over the lakes, He also says that he was | clase the ple. at first-afraid the harrow tegth would tear | 25088 of be Ar | poriion of the Awerican press fully ad- he wheat, but that close ubser ation | mit. What nonsense, then, it is for the | convinged him that they did 10t do so to | writer inthe New York Tribune to under | ble anti-suffrage letter thns :--*'I do not | believe that al iuen are so terribly false | and untrios to their marriage vows se some | would make it appear. But admit for a | moment that it is se, and why wust wo- | to men, and where would be the restoring | influences of public opinion that hold in. check many of th: "women of the pe- rind I You'may look st this in whatever | light you Will, but simmer it down, and it is but a quarrel with th: Almighty that we ar: no! all men." Parliamentary library and other buildings "in Ottawa struck on Sturday for $3.25 a day. The demand was aceorded to,and the { m:n resumed work. They had been getting | 82.73. strike is the fact that they compelled one of their nuwber employed by Mr. John lang. ford to stop werk until the increase Hoxie's pocket. The former asked developuent hyve shrank the sincws of | go 20d when his request Was 00s all their industries, wntil at kng'h the with, he Ripped thew uso his own J impoverish.d luberer are flying in alaru.- | They had progressed several miles fu: | when Sheridan adroitly turned the con. versation upon junatics and the wode of procedure in lodging them in an asylum, Mr: Hoxie explained that it was 1. ecessary | 1n order to coufiae a luaatisia aa ay uw, to have a coraissts of tad physicians that such a person was insane, aud a com. witwent from the County Judge. Sheri. dan, with the remark that he was a las. yer, requested to see the paper, to judge whether it was drawn up in doe form, Ag | Mr. Hoxie dew forth the paper, Sheridan seized it, and after glancing over it, alip. od possession of the cumuwilment sad shackles until shey reached Poughkeepsie, Whek they left the cars, Sheridau uisisted to the bystanders that Mr. Hoxie was the inssde waa who was erdosvoring fo es cape, -at thy sya) tia) exhivitug the- shackles and coulmitment in proof of what he said. The crowd seized Hoxio, nel withstanding his denial, sad it w.uld hay probably fared worse with him hd pot} hackwuan, wh) had focuerly drives him 10 the asyluin, been attracted by the crowd, sud recoguizsd him. Uf evurse i daa's dole was then at an end, he: was soon withia the walls of the asylum. ot, » Now, in suswer to the above, it is not nee ssary i: this latitude to say that in- st ad of Paralysis having arvested develop- went aud shrunk the sews of all their laborers #0 fly in alarining throngs to the United States, to avoid inevitable | auper- ism;" thé c ustry was never ina wore and that Canadun comme ce has to every waa in Canada who knows any- thing: at sll about the conditivh of the imposed This the larger take to lécture Canada 0. matters of politi- mo uy, of which he an evi nothing st all, vr on C cal ce ently busi- i : Me. Disnaset, whi is oa a vi.it to Man, shastor alirssssd a Couservative mimtiog ia Free Trals H J, ia that city, this eveu- ing. Mr. Disraseii begun by saying: "We Moreover, under a h gh tariff syscem he must pay wore fo: alniost every article be is cow- lution to uphold the Coustitution of the Kingdom. We have come togetherto talk of a progr for fat ction which | will mot despoil churches, mor plunder landlords, Lut farther the interests of the great body of the people." He thea wend oa to waka an earnest defence of mon. atchy. To ths Th-oas, he said, must be ascribed the blessiugs which Englishwea enjoy. Tho Sovereign does exercise a real influence. Monarchy was an institution around which, in peril, and adversity, the people can rally. The English m« narchy cost less than of aay other natin. The expense of sovereiguty off the United States, 'which embraced Congress and State pe as well as the Bxe* An Iowa lady concludes a very sensi- wen ! ave the same rights! Let custom accord to women all that is now charged The sandstone cutters. employed on the cutive, was betwien £700,900 aad £3)),- 000 sterling-- louhlé the total of the Eag_ lish Civil list. He closed with a vindlica. tion of the a-ist y and a def al'the House of Lords, ag an essential «J.ment of government, is The oaly arbitrary feature in the Recently in Sarrey Chapel, London, ed recen'ly in the Quelre Chronicle, 0 | de ivered a lecture on the subject of emi which he comments as follows: -- * No languags or reasoning can be more to the purpose than this article. As the writer says, Capada docs rot desire an- nexaticn to the: United Stat s; but she desires independence and neutrality If Euglaud was once fairly oT the A nerican Coutinent as a Sovereign Power, the American soreness aid jalowsp ould be allayed, and the two remnaipfng republics | would-be left '0 grow togéthir--the one secure in its over powering strength, and | : the other secure in its neutral attitude. | viclent [Iti | wobable that some tariff arrange be tet up between the two countries, and the comwon use of rivers, lakes, fis .eries, canals and railways, would of course, be adopted from the outset. Until this Canadian difficulty be settled fear to drive away wsuufactarers from | the Peace aud commerce of the world will | this city 20 places whore peuple work ang. | Pe in jeopardy. Ts there no member of er hours. We also fear that if one-tenth | Parlisment exercising influence by reason 1s added to the price of manufactured goods @f his. character, moderation and good { he u | view of judging for himself the advant ges | Er ahd it posscased as a field for enrigration. He | Meat on hia the next thus io is sick, sha found beth Upper and Lower, Canada offer: | must be a very weak woman. | dued Ly the United States, should ths | meuts in the nature of a zollvercin would | course of events roduce a rupture bets een | travels and iavestigations had brought News says: and polirical description of Canada, whore | he had lately spent many months with a | ing the most tempting ind cements to the reeundant population of the mother coun- try. and believed ths Canadians would never forsake the British flag or be sub- the two nations. The result of all hy him to the conviction that Canada was the ylace for agricultural laborers, artisans, and hard working servant girls to go to. Wages were bigh--indeed fabulous--com- pared with was thay wers at howe, living was cheap, rent was scarce], known as our poor classes understood the term; but, on' the other hand, clothing was about 25 per should be given, though he was getting {33 per day. ; A Citzax of Lawrence, who'had bought gration to Canada. Oke London Daily [80 e pillsofa quick dito: in Boston, became nervously fearful that they might , natal iso, aad did mot take thew "Mr. Connolly, for "upwards of two |®2tailt pasos, aud » 5) g : ts, entered into a physical, historical, | but his wife becoming ill a few days after, , he gave thew to her. less, -he foolishly suspicions, and if his wife dosea't experi. 1he following was the sign he hung out: Dry gosls by John Smith, who wishes to get inarried." The sign drew all kinds of custom, The single ladies went, and the 'married pen all told their wives to gr, uuder the impression that they quuld easly cheat 80 great a fuel ! Funraer particulars of the 'earthquake in Califorma have been received. A letter yom Lone Pine says the whole of Omens' Valley vas poved southward 14 feet, Over i000 x) 818d ocrmied up to the 10th inet. Gulf of ri To tha Piblic of Canada. OFFICE CP-THE ) Joszrm Harr Mast racremixeCoumhpy L Ormawa, Cnr, Manon 8, 1872. J Being desirous of testing the merity of 'he ditteren: water-w heels now offered for ° sale in Canada, as to their econoniical ure of water, we as manufactarers of the Gane uns Jas: Less, Deumis Tonpine,- | make the fullo. jig challenge to the n.an- ufacturers of ANY WHEEL now made in Canada, whe'her it be nuTATIONS of the James Lerret Dovsis TURBINE of Suny - other pattern, the wheels in all cases tv be wholly manufactured by the competing patties. fe. " We will place in the hands of any reapon- sible party six thagsan! dollars 196,000) , and the party accepting the challenge to do the sate, the money to be held subject to the award of the judges. The - Is to be tested in a flour mill, drividg' the same rauvs of stone, grinding tho: same wheat, and having the same nuhber of 3 of oo. i der, the sumonnt water discharged to the measnre '+ amount used v a to choose une' Finding thew harw- exposed his previous A fellow lately started a store in Kansas Inter se waves rolled up he California, doing considerable | judge and the two to choose the third. " a owners of yin maney 40 go toward re ; « free library town % ada nnwed by the owner of the » 3 wheel . SECS nig bp » re dtl party to : ! bonds, to the Aci Fry thatthe § Pe | Joust shall pay the entire XIE : There are some wheels that give very | - 9 - damage. * Hay and 'ther frddir is so scasee in Manitoba, that cows have been rold for three loads of hay. ewl-- usually worth $7.50 pez load. | & great mapy Gatto dave died from starvation. The weather ia now very wild, dad plesghbitg has Leen cow- meuced. . cent dearer, with the e¢xéeption ef boots aud shes, which werv low priced, owing to the manufacture of those articles having bucome & staple trade iu Montreal aud | Quebee. He supported his stateuicots with figures, and declared that as a rule, while on his travels, his e#n bord aud lodging, which were always excelle.t, never cust more than lds. 64. to 15s. per | Ma. N. K. Famsaxxs, chiirman of the work. Tho lecture was full of anecdotes | Busploynient Co.umittee of Chicagn, says and humor, aud closed with a gricful that mechanics aad lab rers are making a allusien to the Queen, whose character | gruap. mistake in eonisg to that city in aud virtues he found everywhere ackno%- | search of work." The supply of labor of 'olged; Loth in the United States as well | all sorts is far in excess pf the dewand, | as Canada. As for the fogaky of Shela and will be fur two mouths to ome. ter, he had never sesu so way licus and X . unicorns as in the Dominion. A vote of re Sats Sah Jang 2 bo 4 auks was a corded to the lecturer, and imi ior. " [vo dlr. Maclay for pr.siding. ' of inivrwation: Tat the law fixes 1h b | \ | IQX. | | f | | | Government will ask you to vote for the and took thir seats: --Mr. Hope, Comp- ton; Mr. Nathan, Victoria, British Co- Fil buy you a nice dolly." | witnessed dn the Boiish capital, The chitd had heard its mother talking thought advisable to dufer the solemuity | the Dominion. Capital and Labor. will be anx.ous tr wiite ta celsbrgiiig the ee with the Presbyterian 8. 8: passel off | {val alacrity, i has a) ecial reser t 3 taest to ve from the siiecation of huperial as wed as CO lomal | ; moderate and ennciliatory comnsels will de- SE | vheyoupg Proviace of Mauitoha was | advertises u fail | A ment, yet they nust ce willing. to make countiy'ef late are but joc: | atock Sates, Prompt measutes for resis @ace | . Lovernment, as usmal, are *¢ without a | Cowan's new block. to reassure the people of the Province and | Mexsers of the Oshawa Lacrosse cinb, | wen, 0 be sont to Fort Garry. Nocwi he | in Brioklyn thay dsmand ten hours' wages izee to face with the large body of repre. | ance if requested. | the warch with enorgy and success, thus i We lave Leen request dt announce | turongh our own Territory. 'lhe w- | ecomomy is to have full support for no 8 peedily as possible. - With this end in . y attendance is requested | 20d Jun will be vequasiud ts puns a [Bill | ing the relations of capital and labor, of Lurrying the close of the uate. i hod Ir * session. But Mz. Waiter Bagciay proceeds to To- | ton last year bitwe.n Her Majesty the ! ses it noticed that in Toronto the Master- act be allowed i | : . : to remain untouched. appointment in the Outario Pauk iu that | titerest, will be laid bef re you. So | ¥ cal, are awake to the Necessities of the ! Cirector li i i -- rectors of public affairs or give to the and Bobcaygeon Railroad. The by-aw "very Lue if the winistry and their sup- | ple: but the aets of Government regard- thonid cave a verdict of nom-coutiderice tension of which the developement of the commenced, ard active work has scarcely adjournuent. Mombers all proseat. Miu. | |, Since List saison the union of British tahe part in your deliberation . " Our member" was not Present at the trick Le required to remove the curewoou go the speech from the Throne would conta » ' "| contain other obstructions he Wiy Lave lusala; Ogen. in ¢wmior aity with the terms of and which he, as a slavish i he, viah supporter of the Ar. Bruun mivved lor eave Wintouuce | AP 3 rdpciastion was male in ths last it won't do to vets for unpopulrr measures, dllowaice fui rad butwous loud wo 1a [ 2:01 diligaatly rascal, ail a resort ET ---- | & by-law fur 1he ciosiug up and dsié of wv | hiniing that «he long c m'emplated ine of their friends, assembled | at | Bae be NOW read th Lirst tivie. | md th iap race of eonpeting for, and Up alu estabashilig'a pubuig | od antl fociiita €1. 1 have toresqnest your lowing address, as a Ee ity Irae tipunse Ld A, § oi i ject, a ! merally by a change of hours without a | %n8e, who will brin; the subject before Crockhart, Sec'y Oshawa * Dreadna j1a the 2ud con., aud Ww the uorch haif ui | Bay of Fundy 5 . ught | N wu ay of Fundy. Ind, we, the members of the Oshawa Fire } May next, at whith tie the first. scasion vines originally constituting the Domine ; his prescpt-supplies. duplicate Sir Roundell Palmer. Are Cnicrs Healthful the connection between ns, mitted for your considc ration, ---- -- Lak friendly attachment to each other. and || Sik;--Au iustaucs of the unStuces of | /AMzement of the Puli: Lanls wd | September, 1871, to January 18h, 1872, | ~r-ofiie re ba d Ih occasion recoutly to wait oa the | lic health. : : . cers, yon hare been members of the | a Scan sutly to wais 0a th proteciion agains: swall-pox, thirty.iive | Posing them to bo healthy, wers atéicked 2% 28 officers yon proved yourselves skil- wewber of wy faany. Toe Reeve said | statement of the receipts snd xa Ci- | of every huudred attacked, who have been | 2re considered specific in allunake bites. manifested a readiness to assist in every had heard the statement of the pasty | nae Dor ths pst, as well as that for thy Mr. Jamas Ceockhart, and peay thas the moarassiu nt from the imm diate -¢ wm- inv overrule the wins arid waves that | had heard "what the Grind Jury would _ pany realize all anticipated joy. | Grand Jury hears the evidendd of the subjects, . | «ur association whose aim antl ambition jt he exhibits an amount of ignorance which | 1 Bave tho satistaction ia recurring to I'd 3 : Oh ief Fie * I have written to the Attorne, »General | the fortunate issue of the steps taken to : y assidaity as ia thy put to tie an | itants of this village sgice with tle Reeve | y P 9 Sagal | merous constitucicies and a wider sphere ~ble to return to Oshawa aud meet with | Iam, path of duty way be sn happily g-idel ag Fits inlialitauts, : A. P.Cameron.--Cox. or prope ia fo a Luockdown. ! the diciburie claimart, . pearel in the | Quebec; Mr. Wallace, Vancouver's Island; i - to thy Court of Cuet's sone. Lhetrial| 1; arend that th y a0 anos ass lcGull was called in-and, Wty was a at the Governor's Ade © Naas gf thoul considered the I Six Cirrp. --'¢Please, my, have it al | iuvite you to follow the gool ex un- 3 , LS ! Dolly Varden." ple va the tiiteenth of this wouth, ' 9% | wand after the mecting of the Parlinuent, { about the Dully Vardens at Chisholis, sid 1 feel assured that the wewm ocs oi | TS Si-- { Coll and sce thew. "| tie two Louses, as well as all Hor Maj s: y's mm -------- | tasthful subjects thronghout-the Dowaion, { iE re-uvic ht ia councetion | g THE re-uvion last night ia conncetion ocdusien with wil becuinitg ubscrvnnee aid | [From the Montreal B itness. The vexed question of (rypital prd liber most successfully. The baren.cnt of th Your wecting has itseli been postponed church was well tiled with an appreciative | to a later season than aswal, upon cou- | printer's strike in Toronto and ninekour.: The | Hy whe ate els Sutaieiaed by Lilerest, and #t the tustaveo of Her Ma, joven nt in this city We rast that de- ose who took part ia the performance: csty's Government, : OE ------------ | prevail with loth classes. Workingmen The most im- | Reip W. T. Af<ivson's avapuacement | 14st ce tember threatened with an in- need time for rest and intellectual improve- questions which have beey! in another column. He vision of Luwloss peisois from the Usited | of Drags, Patent Modiciues, «iT | re wdopted | sal t ro Icersion MH thei Joyers derital's i i ' ' | were wdc oy tae local authouts 8 ang | corcensions as webl as their employers. dently referred to, evincing that the | Don't furget -that he his rewoved to | atteaded wich the best sesait:. policy" regarding the momentous meas. | ---- . | to prevent a fecnrreace of the outrage, | wes wherein they have so egregiously | TEP PE joidered a force of two hundred nilitia- bitindered. Si , 3 . : hi bg od Sir John, Bir George, and will pleas: romenher th mosoting at | standing the inclement season «f the ye r+ for eight hours' work. This principle of a associates, seem ill a: ease when brought | Hind's hot] this evening. A fuil attend. | the troops surmonated the ditticalties of | 3 tie Internationals have carried to a redue. seutatives of the . hah | proving not ou y ther own diseiplive ad ; : Tiki now appears to Soviet wed bs wis f Ee ---- | dnduvaice but also the value of the route | tip ad absuwrdum. Their aio in political onse | : 0 " £1) ) : 11 x 1 : : that a meeting of the tiie brigade wiil be | cn 's « 19 exp uciite uc astone] by | wark at all. view they ars ; x pe lit l por . av. Ja i i bi see ising just ag lit. | held ont Tuesday evening west. A jul) | U8 expelitior will be Lid b fos you There is also danger, by rudely disturb- a J : as 2881 . 4 Hy y: J san, | aud to iad smaify the Government, ' y tr Th ea oh : mm -------- A copy of the Treaty made at Washing- | driving away both fram the conutry, We ey at pi questions re. | quirin, i i on | Ini ; ot : : uining consideration and settlement will ronto next week, Le having received an | Queen, aud the United States ot Ameren, | Builders are cautious about undertaking { in which the Dominion his so great an from their neers uty Messrs. MacKenzie ~ ool C iy y Blake, and several city. cading champions of the peaple's country i : ; ton ua wil Sompel the Tory-Coali- Bowmaaville voted on the by-law grauting 1 T to fultl their duties as | a boaus of 810),00) ¢) ths Bivasavilie | count i . oe Ty a valid Tesson for their non-at- | yas carried by a majority of 127, tention therete. Of course it would be : porters could mn through the session without rousing the opposition of the peo- ing Manitoba affuirs ood the Washington Treaty 1aust be veutilated, even though it to be T-turued by the public against the | . Monday, April 8th, 1872. vast natural resources of Casada is so parties inplicated. he gession has only | The Pickeriig Gonuedl met pursuant to | VitHly interwoven, wn but 'w i . | ib : Solumbia with Caaads has been happily : h hr %00n look for intereat- | wey os nl fd aad ap pcav " { consummated. and h T ropres mtatives now Proceedin, . own a ved taat walaaw Hare In arder to open up ard s ttle ths fer- opening of Parliament, and did nh | he ry piled on the side road, o.tween | tileterritofies of thy Noe h-WVess aul to : il thi : lots 14 & 15 in the ¥ud cou. dorg eastward until this week. = Dil Le expect | the pe ie But Soh Sau ul ij re | necessary for you to miss povidiom ; Lrst day of January 1573, wna auy | the constraction of a railwa th ths Padi: uométhing which the Pajofity of the elect. ars ia South Ontario b fis i endorse road, such &s posts and Wwoer, Ge. vu ur | Hor Mo josty's Oelor in Conacil, uniting "| before the 13th d v7 of May asic. = Juceiog. | British Colwnbia with the Dowinion, Tmen in pow, wowd be compelled to vote ; imi i) g d vuln 5 : : | Session for th+ preliminary s.rvey of the iu duvar of 1. This being the last session, | * by-law for the closing op wa sale of ti | roate for th « riilway. Ths work has aad perhaps the shirking has al iy Gos. she 2ud cod, aud tual the sae Us bow | of the progr es achieved will be laid before weuced. We shall see. | read the fies tlwe. Uaitivd. | Yeu. Sl | pravaen' and exts sem of 01r system of Ou Moenaay evening last, tho members | aliowaucy for ruad between Ate 4 & dial ily on ght to Ye rt lv pr Ay the Town' Hall to prosent to Mr. Spott | Mr. Brown moved thas the Ji give! U0 Matus) ati thy ny a of Yo great a3d Mr. Crockhari--whoe were about | the 1 gal notices of a piu oscd | west. render it sec ssary that the mean token of esteem for | fuad across pais ul iow 12 & 1 10 use st | serious ee sideration of this sahject, and these two gentlewen ; con., aud for tue civslag up aud sale of | in connection with it the expediency of | change of wages, the same wages will just | the House of Commons in a manner befit- Hook and Lx Company." | Ist con. The dace 1 wir] cersns having han tak | buy Bu less, so that a oa {ting it+ delicacy and importance ! It re- Dean CowraDES, --As you -are soon to Ar. Green moved that the council dv 1ast ware, the uty of reatljiisting fhe repre | : y A Brigade, feel that we cannot allow yon to | : It Lion devolves upon yon now, sc oding to | depart withont an expression of the ro. | Vf M8 court of revision for the tuwuship | the terms of the Usiion Act. A measures hg "Wa atidress you conjcintdy bee a Anongother mesar & Bi'ls will bo vee- | Sqall 1 ied h in| A physician had forwarded the fullo . wpb jam anse we g 18 t mall pox has carcied to the grave in ys! x eo believe it will be agreeable to you both, | Correspondance, | ented to you ralating tr ths Judges of | Philadelphia, Pa, from the first day of | ing to the Now York Fazmers'Qlub: becsuss the sentiments wa shall utter are | the ii ove for tas ofize hs ho.ds ocurred Mines of th » Doing n Myiiths and | twu Shousaud persuis---evesy sivgle life a | yous 1843, in charge of ve hundred wa- | equally applicable to yon both, lately, aud deserves to be Fecinded. the North-West territoriss. anl for the | sacrifice to inexhaustable negligeace. | rines, with«holera among thew, I ubserved Brigade, . As privates wore obedient | Beove Lor tas piopass of obisiang a war- | Get! Cof tl Mons: | certaiul to those in antherity, and rronyt d | ran', with a Es i hav Se " ot bound | Ee 2a Tits yom y ill a yotidus ou} of every lundiod who had this Yi iially; anisms sud suv ouzod ; | : | 4 Pail Fear Wi. & | geass diad; now valy seven persons out | the bite of a rattlesnake .on my son, and £1, kind and' considerate i f i ; - : int tare of the cacrsat voar up to the close of | vocciuated, 8 as to show goud scars, die | I have foand four sejocats wi niss of In your private life your characters have | Be Wouid cuq ire into the watter, Qu | the last wonth, It Aro to we to ~ 4 v wood work, ; : | against whoa I wishiel the warrant, gud |-©WT21t yew, will be considerably in ex- In the illness; which is the conse of hx that he could ot Ue* troubles with uch | °* of wast was eatimat:1, axl that on broazes of his mative land may restore | hea:d "the ceidene he could not say | wencemeut of the contemplated public him to vigorous health. { wheter it was frivolous of note" Iu Jus | Provements, = vou may have a iy and pleasant Atlan- | decide on." ic voyage. a 8 -uni i 4 Vag ey unin with ra. | yy 4 wa lerstind the mat'er rightly, the | Hoping that you nav be spared to rp. Prosecutor or Plaintiff, not that of the turn to Oshawa to rejoin' our ranks and Defendant. | And if the Reeve kiows so | Hon. Gentlemen of the Senale ; - Gentlemen is to save, we bid you i ; i oh ' you an affectionate fare | would disgrace an old .oubtry cual | TOU counsel and assistance at this period, ai Shalt of the bei { inasmuch as [way congrain'ate Tou on . {aud acquainted Lian wich the nits of the | Unite aud consolidate the vast terri'ories .'BargeLL, ry NE : which uow form ths Dominion. I feel as. : labours which ths exigecie - able replies, thanking the ;enibers of the | iy matters Religivus, Politic: 1 gua Social, uo In brigade Yor the high compliment paid to they need nobihok dor -ustice Lug hot Of op:ratioas domad at your hands, and 4 La able to waiotain peace and justice in all.the their o'd friends. ; Respectfully yaovrs, '| borders of the lund, and assure the hap- Short addresses were also delivered by JAMES LROWN. In St Honed of Covimons the ; 'k the chair at 3v'ol-ok. - "Yr ------------ Qzsx Viarinis has returnal from her {19s no suiter, but he ihinks an = Gerwan tip, : | i ovemug last, Mr 8, Trowin | suai 3 Al Lis stable, breaking | X Mr. DsCosm»s, Pritish Colnmbia; : in dun:. or Roger hus set th ensured li; andy we re happy | 1 a Wie pace in Tr ot rT ag $0 ar. the patient is doing wells : Ar. Crown woved 10 deave'to Btroduce | Yom will, © eonine with ma. in of the Oshawa Fire Lrigaly, "witha fiw | the marth Bad of the st coi; and tae | The rapid not a cin the trade of Canady i : Vy-law jar: r+ port by water shop a Se cheap 'n= leaving this tuwn for Scutland--the fol. | the opening jot teadigut by eater Suid Jape Zo David J. Scott, Liewt., ond James the alivweuce fur ruad buiwesu ote 4 & & between the Gulf of St. Lawrence and ths leave us on a visit to your native Scot. | Low adjourn till Saturday, the 18th day of | ¥0tation in Padiumant of tho four Pro. aaa vill have to Po with-nine-tenths of-|- FU the gravity and wislow of sane tat ¥, gret we focl at a tempo cary sundering of vi Picscriug wild be held. for the purpose will accordingly be sub. | SMALL who'bave been marked fi the Eli! the die i tha Sterr Coats, th tho ragn'atio i r for your strong | 0 the Editor of the iefermer 12 Serre Con hn rag'ation and On ship! at Now Or in fhe For over two years, cither as yrivates | mend ueat uf ths Laws ralacing adds pa | pogo vaccination was found to be a | that *hoss who ate freely uf onions, sup- | nfo | i | untiring in the parformance of every duty over to keep thie peace for an assault ou a | ouce ba, laid before you, and likewise a | been irreproachable, and yon have ever | Wailing ou bow aguii, he stated that he: leavi Y deer " ise with | $s quatly thers is ne 4 ; ' "78% We deenly sviupathize with trvclous uatters, I said that until he | ir gia ti Logs ta apr dau We also pray that_Diyine Providence nsaally arrogant wanner Le sail that he tives and friends, an 1 in their lovely com | participate in the honors and dangers of little relating to the ev dence of the case, | 9 we House of Comma re: JP. H. Tror~tox, po | the general prosyerity of the entry and 3 : red you will continue to devote the same : It-would appear that urless 1 ¢ jthabe | oo Mr. Soot another brockart made sui. " R08 fubab them, aud hoped that they would agrin le | protection of the law. | Lvaraesly pray thit yoac eforts ia the piness and lasti ag welfars of all lasses of Messrs, W. Fi Cowan,.J. 8. Larke, and | Oshawa, April 16, 1872, -- de «Hath WE sae as Chisholm makes |. A Desratcs from London, says that pt a | a; » pecs; above and below 2gsinst biw, "Aho (ase Lus bee removed | Mr. Nelson, Now Westui:mter. y- | & i. ia be submitted 10 you, avd I trust you will | be of opinion that the supplies which my | service of Her Majesty can bo grauted | without inconvenience tb Her Cas adiun | The following members were intfodneed | Jmbia; Mr Carter, Brome, Province of | | of small-pox or of its wodided f. b: able to aanranze to you that th rev- | "Pos aro » form, If every infant is-waesinated in not less than four plages at the sg ue tiuic, the lia- bility to the dissase is largely decrensed; for if two of thy four take, only four out of a hupiired ever take ths disease; if the four vacioations take at onca and well, The estunates for the ensuing year will | less thn one'in a hpudred 1cko the dis ease. It isa fer, more effactive, and more | certan to fuk the matter diroct from the cow, though it affec's 'the human system more violently; 'but after the virus of the cow has been appliad to man, and that to another wan, fenr or five times, it be comes milder. Most persons have a sore arm from. vac- cination twice in a lifetime--in infancy, . {and at fiftsen, if vasciasted woll at tha age; this oug'it always to be done; if it ** takes" a second tiwe, it will be goud fur life. As a general rule, if (vaccication takes well once, giving a large well defined scar, the person is safe. The older, persons got after forty, the less iable d they bacome to small-pox, or vatio'oid,, of. say form of tha disase. Vao- 4 ciuation has been practised for saveaty-ive years, anl in all ths wmillicas of cases in which it hw takea, no educated physician | "has ever hos able to discover that scrofula syphilis, or any other form of disease hs! been conveyed to a vaccinated person; va the ceatrary ths mere fact of vaccination seems to render the human system less cenigal court on the i Oth inst., and plead. | Mr. Thompson, Cariboo; Mr. Hanghban, | ; 'aes : . od * 50% guilty," to w) the indcrimyta | Yaler Kat my District, British Colom: | Loe 10 341651 of ordinary diseases, just as parsoas wh are stroagly marked with swall-pox are more hsalthy than they were before, and ara less lisbla to other diseases; it 800.08 to harden the eonstitn, tiga, = Hall's Journal of Health, [ phYenomona cuunected with smallpox aad fever, ""% Ouion in rooms with small-pox rot 2. Rlisters rise in them. [ P. They retain and commmnicate the virus many weeks after the epidemic has sabaded. 4.F Applied to the feet of fever patients | they rapidly tara back. fp 2 5. They prevent the spread of suiall- | pox in thickly populated tenements by absorbing the virus. * 6° A wan with hydrophobia, in his frguay ate voraciously of onions, sd ree soygred. sis : From all these {acts it may be deduced. J. : That onions should not be: saten whén there is a prevailing epidemie. 2. That_ouisns sliced and frequently changed are good disinfectants: 8; That experiments shrald he made to test the extent of thir uewfniness, Fur niany years I ha eo opposed vagvination as erdizerily Core, and Lence hail with gatis- {action avy mesus.of mitigating the vires of this distempr. Way should men wear beards 1 B cause they are & great protection to) the throat aud lungs, and add much to 11¢i pe aal sppéaraiiod RY ihld we ase! Bry. an's Pulmonie Wafers?" "Pecjisg ~ sles used for coughs colds, tickling in the throat hoarseness, &ec,, whey act like a charm, Ministers and "Lawyers use them, physic. ians raconmend them, and singers ad public speakers say they are the very best 'medicine in existence for the once of such complaints. Sold by 3 cs pyr box, in thy mocaings tr lewra that they are feriay on a "4 -- » . Would it surprise those who go hunting liable "0 a/ fine of $30 if $hey shoot sobins aud the smaller class of birds } : M: Wg Phir ogg en aged Eaglish misc ry aged 84 yeas, Mg a noted charie- ter in Sai Fransitco, wag found dead yes- pile of rags in his roow in Dupont street, in that city. The room hal not. been swept in 14 years. Twalve tho sand pounds in English money was found ju the zoom. An Infliana woman firgt mrried 3- man named Robb. When he was gome sha ited with a p d Robbi No sooner was he entbmbed than sho agbured § sestain Mr. Bobinwon, and now he is ¢ad. Proposals for another par nership will be received, buf only for mes who gan go one better on R. binson. Ta eternal city Seems to bs tha wick edest | lace in the world, if the fullowing statistics are to be believed. It is said that in Rome there age £3. times as many chances of being mardasrel as in England, sad 3334 times mjore thea in Prussia, In Englard, itis shown that one murder oc- curs for every 178,000 inhabitants; in Hol- land, one fur 1€£,CC0; in Prussis, one for 100,000; in Austria, ene for 57,00); ia Bpain, one for 4,118; in Naples, ons for 2,700; but at Rome tlre is one Lomi- cidefo: every 7500f the inhabitants. Rome also cares the highest propomtion.of ilfle- gitimate children; the watio of bivths of this claus Yeing nearly €1 times greater in Rome than in London. It appears hed in London thete are for every 100 legiti. 138; and ip Rome, 240 on the backs ef cameis for use in India, is in cuurss of trial by a .elect comwmittes at Woolwich. d-has 10 bure, end is suki dtly Ught fo Detird feom a tripod without inguaveuience. mouey frou his brethren in Mississippi by introduced. . stating that Linculn's Ewancipation pro- clawgtioa was burned at Chicagy, and tha: a new one will cust a large sum; without which slavery will be after noiiciug for squpe ime the littering gold : claimed; * Aunt Mary, [ wish I had copper toed tooth, like yours. adults, Will leavd Ottawa i1 a fon days forth: Red Rivde setdpmsit, with gins span of hors:s aud waggons aud soe ag. riculturs liniplaponte, Paris, loth eceas'oned by the remorse of ths victims at having scolded their wives. have had seven wives ali named Mary. Like B Jo io rumored tt Fu-Goverunsan - bald will got a seat om the bench of th, Supreme Qowst of the Den inlem, 1 Xe 4. in Paris, POA rg i be od {e 'he rank of Major. = priew of solomnizing aud eeptitying a mar- " . riage by » udulstel at S135, while tu gut » divorce cops $50. without a Rivas in the WORLD IN PRACTI- CAL BESULES. he bi X Fox . More than 6,000 of thse wheels are now - 9 A Gatling, gut, proposed to be mounted one-sixth this nuwber. Our whl have been theronghly tested in Great Britain, ho. a 4 + ed seputation. it Oanpds and the United Siates as the pout reels ,ea.h 42+inch the back of the came A talented' negro is obtaining much , Ie ad We are now publishing a new tive erin 4 pamphlyt containi pages of valuable matters, which scot free to all applicants. For further information address, F. W. GLEN, 3 Oshawa, Ii N. B..--~Wae desire to-call attention to the following certificae:~ Srraxerizrp, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1868. We take pleasure in i the pu'» lic of C that we have and for. nished Mr. F. W.. Glen, of Oshaws & : Guages, and Sil uther 'nopéraary informs; = oo ion vo Tuild ume Giigbigted Devble Tur T'wo curious" suicides have take piace a, | bine Water-wheel, - in - by James... & ished. { H y A little girl uot Iar from Schenectady, tilling in her aunt's front test, ex. E- wv families; representing forty-dne A rosilent of Indiana is reported to » he 'Bad ** a fonddess far the

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