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Ontario Reformer, 24 May 1872, p. 4

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on 8 aa pal 2 | 04 2 i ay PAE a A PAA mon San Bs Wit, | Ne) AT HED | IF YOU WANT A | Some of our popular have a hard A ol ' £17 FL yy of ig time of 1t in resisting ealls, which pour in | cabo oi from, every quarter. * Popular men--as iT rs Se a ope toon Guid : T0 BE *ADE AY : ir | : ei g ar RN rAFIRSTOLASSY OCC vr, | © Qibhe 1 > ply. Our versatile, witty and: popular "2 Irishman . Gallagher, has bad a' ; i " ee he town oF Eiimbdih hod : BROOKLIN. | | 1.4 8 wmpleted o veg shorshly Baptist gic 3 Ta. dd I BY £ . ii : and the society wan . 3 ") hs * RRY TAIT, 4 : ny md ir Al PTANO HARRY TATE te vey as BESTE SR "| TEMPERLEY'S LINE, the parish, who has any quantity of land | . Xe ; to sell, conte™yted toward the salagy ,- | ie OR Cae pioiioseiny Firti-Olaas |, 1 while the church Taise | 47 NY Writes: oY. J. 3 : M SCOTLAN MEDWAY, HECTOR. 000 a i NI $2,000. present church, lotto be | cured me o ets In TWEED, THAMES, "seven. y . . Fe ot ¥ : out-done, raised Lis salary to the same 3, medicine that has given suc yz TWING 'a ky irit of riv com- Intion \ . The Steamers of this Line are intended to sall plane, Then the spirit of rivalry yi composed of six of the best oils tha h S kK eae Montreal every TumabAY dur- i totake as for external 1 -noed between the two, the pastor being ved to be mirably supers EPEW'S : N Dain ery oF Caner on ol eT Plymouth nearly torn to pieces and distracted. Last save Jou muc : \ : b Through tickets from week bo called his. oficial men together, EB .3 : ey as i x Tenn and gnnounced that he should stay with ulars 1 J " Bre 4 M A O HIN KE ); 1% Lo EK ET his present charge. The decision was tele- | Prepared by 8. N. THOMAS N. Y. as 4 JA AA N ~~ SJ : ©. W. SMITH. A . TH AS, Puxrrs, gemghed 0 the welfhy gootlomancf Eis | 433 SORTHEOE S LYMAN. Revita: T INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, beth, and he took the first train to New | Nore. --Eeclectric--Selected and Electrized. Yerr. On reaching the parsonage, they Oshawa: a Whior Rr JH Gertie and 3 BOTH YHIS SPACE IS $0, A%D FROM 2 left to show that oi, Bot Fe in dh Sib ame Ss SES Bl ARI PTLE Ered ad CALL ON Geo. 8. CLIMIE, AT THE rll minister under the charge of the | n Brookiin by J : found hy pense and | Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT a pission positively denied toeveryone. | ________ __ ~~ 7 0000 1 _But servants are human, and money laughs Canadian Pain Destroyer at locksmiths. Ad was 8 A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT I {through the basement, and' the persist- A rd Ixvoradly known, relieving thou ent committee man seated himself in the | T and Head Cold \ and i : y » y 'olds, a he haber of the 7 Tho interview | Su Ok Sh Hod Conia, Colds, Sor New and Second-hand New York, (Queenston and lasted from 4 o'clock, till 2 in the morning. the Stomach, Cholera Morbus, " RMER" | Sw and Seene- : fT: J : fi Ten thousand dollars salary was offered, Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, Wagong and Carriages . } Liverpeol I: . AMTWERP. oe HS wr evm® WELLS RIT Tey BAMBRIDGE i i I ¥ has always on hand i 'and a house and lot, valued at $15,000, > ads 2 rost be , ready wlien called for, v iven i 'the mimster, This » ti ae weid AE . ' City oF RICHMOND, Sul pa given foe A PE = » lefgtr of ¥ aT fe ap rider OF Fl CE. at reasonable rate Gry or [aceued a od his trunk, | nol een ,Eive Periuient lief when Sad Ghroais Tadammation. of the Lives and ab the Gin es. Repairing and Shoe- CITY oF Pani " . Gallagh: : of dissatisfaction, where the directions have . whether Is younger « i ttended to gs y board of a Cunarder, 'and has | Seen p followcd, but on th all prey of womanhood, mgm 5 , 3 ! or Repped on board 5 Se A ied wih hy operations. and speck | See rmmn ss Thee Sei vir ems | Just Received & For Sale 1 Ort on Lamon, Gree oF El {1H fl i «4 fy li if 'gome abroad, leaving both churchés. in a | fre ® xh is ope BUG, pear on a 'stow. The matter has gome into Wall jefeet | Nase gf Rhoumation, Dyepepela, Lis AT TBE YC eC Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdays ! Street, and the betting is 60 to 40 thai ing tested t ARrOREhIY Avg thermo aor, hav- | om BY eT SIMCOE STREET, Mom Piér 45, Nort fiver. Pon rurodaben me fs sold at about one-half the price of thier Machines 8 1 h ; : | | Liver Elizabeth wins. --New York Letter. which it fo re dA oe Sa) fw nt Ears 4 ey vey a Dominion Furniture Warerooms | OSHAWA. - : RATES OF PASSAGE. y mem, Pains in the Lotus and Back, sad santa) : . 4 Ra T $$ being a Sovereign Remedy. Steerage. March 29, 1879. > Bev Ui Sura. ' ; a Pass, = » : "yall C.H DUNK'S LRA ANY . VITTORIA © NEI ti aes 4 universal a It gives. : * vi C i ir C iy C. W. SMITH, Osmawa. 'those who have there hands much is wat- Th Canadian Pain Dests yer never fails to YOUNG, siLLsacg. : Noiseless Patent Steel ry. CHE MI AL July %. 153m er. A few drops of Johnsons Anodyne | [ee it; Physiciana oNder Bnd ose i Dealarg th, tario. : Fis itimas bind over hn bani tho poe aly vu en ne en yt ie. Spring Bed Bottom SONG ECH()| TFTY three times a day, will keep them sof For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans . AX tan Th 5 white," Pishesaen, Sars and olhers | shawa in Whi by. W Gerri and J. Byrae (R = Tan oe Genuine Proparstions are sold by ANEW SCHOD J : AND TREADLE ma ms will do well to remember thi Sold in Bowmanville by J. Hi Druggists. Book, by H. 8. Per WORTH oF MUSIC HACHINES ; ; D. Stott, and all medicine dealers oo ond : CLEANEST, EASIEST, dni aso ik Jub got kins. Price, # 0 per] FOR $3, es 4 ' ] ig Blagd Ges ita rod calor 10 wigute | --} #) 3 : And for durability and simplicity has no equal. | | BEAT SOL IA | comco. Contains over A UBSCRIBERS globules which float in that fluid, andcon- | The Great Female Remedy. ir y bcp | U R IN EJ [ LLY Two hundred néw 10 PETERS MOSIOAL tain, in a healthy person, a large PRE Irrtee : a NL TAT dod 3 beautiful Dats [Mo of iron, which gives vitality to the blood. | JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. TO WEOM IT MAY OONOERX. . a nth Music for less than The Perutisn' Syrup supplies the blood IS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS ats Smut ie Mghly recommended to Tadic go @ | 76s BF WHI 8. HATS. iy ents piece, Those : < bg Fru Supp unfailing in the cure of all those painful and E the undersigned hotel proprietors, the Be eae To Webster, Thomas, efe"|yho have not seen this ; with this Sia] demeut, and gives strength Sangetous diseases to which the female consti. Baa have in use the Dominion Steel Spriug fo, Clor 224 Toe from it | Tvery thing isnew freshiM usical Magasine " subject moderates all ex: and re- LS Bd Bottom, tisfled in ort N . anki " and vigor to the whole system. mores all obstructions, and a spoedy cure may be Philip Taylor Spring in use. and recommend it to : : and ip Str oot ™ American Tax Times says Dr. Walpole has lost 2 MARRIED LADIES : SRE 2 - and specimen pages sen music is by Hays ai " is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND | TECUMSEH HOTEL, - - ) Oy Gee.' Sample . hisbeautiful chesnut mare, She died #84- | oring on the monthly period with reguianity | JR enies roi E Stock of ETA GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, - sosed Tica. Kinke, ou Fouig mae ; . Pain | Weakness and Debility, its curative in hich IT i] MzissoNizn, the oelebrated French Te Somended. 11 its wonder snes a sob PT A SRE painter, recently eye $40,000 for a relieving Nervous yy entitle if to high Breton uring 80 - malar sae all Druggists & 00 1 DESCHPTING PANPHLET ADORE CIPLE, painting fank in the list of Remedies. Orders ming a i i 2 ¢ ip een mM Am are coi edicine Dealers, in all parts of the sup Cuarrp hands are very common with wo: for further k Subplies, and each testifying hi i H i : £ iE ! il i 7 L i it i : ; Sh % fled' free of w. and other popular _denly in harness, it is supposed from bots | These Pills o be taken by Females : AMERICAN HOUSE, a - . A i . wri fing ¢ . ec pin worma. If tho Docter had wed | $5200. LST IRAP NON TAS wow' | Watches, looks, Jewellery, ilver | euvenis nore x. RIACARBOL! (P| KE AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Sheridans' Cavalry Condition Powders, he |'b%¢ at any other time they are safe. Plated, and F Goods. GLOBE HOTEL, -/ 3 - -Y. >To Lt SO! oriateor 1 cSHte. Four bask SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS. | would, no-doubt-have-had his mare to-day Pa Enel ervous and Spinal Affections, ] auoy JAxIEEbILY Hou, - ye ' = duction. atm bers for 75 cents. they are death on worms. Whiten, thes Pils wil sect o" yam. |. ) 1. Aer sat afectng 6 J. L. PETERS,599 BroaNew dway, York Tus leading factories and shops, aswell ogo AMERICAN HOTEL, - - - WN. : re I See See os ai : g F : ) : SNYDER HOUSE, - - Waverly, N. Y at : tani 5 terme, samples of sewing. des' Spall: as the builllers and carpenters in Guitiph | po; orgy ns hurtful i he' constitutlon. ; Fadiies. Cholers, SmaBpR La TA SST UES 3 GUELPH SEWING MACHINE COT have commenced to pay their employees | package, which should be carefully Ww. Wigg & Son. A. ; | 48 AT REA . - He is the sole agent for Russell's Celebrated ? JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. Ww. : ¥ x . ACE ONT > Dion to both. nape ant con | Shand 1 "conte tr pomngn, encom tn | Smet WATE, Mel Ecol OO | Gan Jun am 8 i 9 TAS TE JAMES SUTTON & CO. to both emplsyer and employee, Nom & 5 Bo easier Ont A staeral and every thing in his line made to order. oy 4 -- i Ha SE -------- Publishers, 3 Liberty Street, New York. and the best understanding exists. taining over 50 1 mail. "| ,_It will pay to examine his Stock before purchas - ; nd 0 BR : p ou ne veg beth 2 ing elseware, All Goods and Jobs warranted *® A new-fashioned bustle was found in ox aly i T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans | and cheaper than any other House. the Cricket Field, London, consisting of | in Brociyn by John Warters Ure 2nd J. Byrne PHILIE TAYLOR, i N' 3 atohimaker & Jew lor, several newspapers, three pair of old hose, pod by £2. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT dan I, two "quilted" petticoats (nearly worn -- | Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. tr. out), two old slouch hats, a pair of top boots, a bunch of hay, apiece of stair In Memoriam. carpet, and a cord about three feet long. A GAINST EXPENDITURES F : . - ea Bohér af the Sead, Joven a Worry or Nore. --For the cure of innrds "SE nedfls Earth § " Serofula, Skin Diseases, and every kind the many ctrl imbicra Th Yeolore 1 of Humor, Depew's Medical Victoriastands to linger, assure us we are in a world of per-eminently at the head of all other rem. | | Yam and loving hearia: the adorning edies. In the cure of Rheumatinim, Dys- alleviates our grief and soothes the pepsia, Liver complaint, and Kidney Di- Jeaved t 0 know that sb additional em _ seas, its effects are surprising to all. - For Stronger | Mttractions to arrest the tten- regulating the bowels, and curing Biljous- pause 3 he ptranger, and causes him to ness, Sick Headache, Female Weakness shared so largely in the love of %nd general debility, its curative power Be take this method to inform you are beyond money and beyond price, It fore y A is the Life of the flesh. Purify the blood, Workmanship, . uty! and it is hard for disese of any kind to MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., remain long in the body. 'OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF 4 ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE Ira person faints place him instantly --AND-- tots Tho Tir, © bods on his back, and oi OH ABERDEEN GRANITE, him lay quietly for ten minutes or so: To Cemetary, works will Bo os ny fainting §t, and the blood |. | 'dere win 7! "tention. by leaving or flowing on » level will speedily equalize had 2 =n GPT itself through the system. If you are - troubled with rheumatism, pleurasy, pain in the side or back, cramps in the stomach . 'burns, frostbites, &ec., procure at ones "bottle of the "Canadian Pain Destroyer," . which is a certain cure for all such cem- plaints. Sold b§ all medicine dealers. red. Sa :H 2 sound fu, bp at TA '4 h rifm st nN "Extra 1c aro 1 his obeRient teinper and his indispensable 6% : 8 NOW USED IN ALL THE PRIN. "use, all endear him to us. We have to Stop and See. DRESSMAKING Lapis and Mille in Ontario look at al is fin proportions, and take | FJVHE' FOLLOWING REMARKS OX Saint Tore s foam 5 JX in the inspiration of his energy and power," |-L Testimonials of the mest wonderful and ex- ESTABLISHMENT but it is only when the home is properly | TIAX RENEDY. They are stern, undeniable cared for --when he is free from disease skeptical that the Great seed IN OSHAWA | or unsoundness of any Kind that he will ---- exibit these points of attraction, and ME Gane og - 'without which he is of but little value. A | For Diseases of the Throat, Liver, Diges MISS ROO YA Edy oe nd a . ' a ; L package of "Darley's Condition Powders | jive Organs, Kidneys &o., ae x [£58 Gr THE SnApLEimAT) / ; ; Ey rpay a oagght. L PETERS ian Hes "should be in | seases arisi purities of the Blood, we S. ' the inha ofl 3 and Arabian ve Remedy, great icioedy has NEVER | anstof Oshawa and surrounding country that A have Musical Libra possession of every man v'10.owns a horse 3 A on ere was there ever | she has opened a New Store on o v k obtain relief ry = * Sa , 2 - | ; oe pit. Tmtnbe th sumer ad | B23 Fd: io soem | KING STREET EAST! wow _ med : wie y o ood, - { " / sce (hat the signature of Hurd & Co. is en | of mining hat of John, Hauer" of Napanee bie CLIMAX DOUBLE CYLINDER by, FW. GLENgRrest. . MITEEN VOL | each package. Northrop & Lyman, i on crutches for years. 1h spite of al seatmens | LGWEY coupied by Med. 7. Ball} -b wHRES MACHINE, i "| tne Dominion wt iio Shher Spun or + CHOIOE PIANO MUSIC, . eastle, Ont, proprietors for ht bo themioned Bad we spas, *TUehcRses | uirauhe wilieiery onthe Dethess Bt Mypuinsturss Qlaantep so.o. | I" S. oF Ah other wie on machines * VOOAL GOLLECTIONS. by all Medicine dealers. MXRING CE wl the vosl ever to] AMENDERSON, Forémas Joseph Hall Works: ! i , WOES AY 's - iid id questionable cortifoatos on the GREAT sno | DR KING, SANTLE-MAKING | Gutark. ais the - 's OI to be the best oil I haveyev A cormmsroxpENT signing himself " A | SEENERS REMEDY and satisfy youreive sad the making or LITTLE ' GIANT THRESHER AND |bad in my Flouska Mill for hnticating " & : . . . I olive previous to Stock"s, and § find Hamilton Boy," writes to the Evening | p.., of Remedy in Large Pints, $1. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, &o. & SEPARATOR, Brod be the bests. as follows: *" According to an arti- | - Salo by a1 Diugglet Deal EBay) aa, g Moges SnrTH, Duffins Croek, Ont: Times as § . ng fodicine. Agente tor Bowne. Moser. J. IN THE Joseph a § 5 ing oo YELET TY p : 4 ra ave k's an an, " =a) Newcastle. LatestiStylas & Fashions ee REAPER Jove Got in my Srpionss of Myo han S05 a i THE B CO. y : A . Having had a long in 4 ness | Woon Ffenipn for Brown & Paterson, Whitby, Ont, of her citizens accomplished the feat of | Miamhood, How Lost, How | "ying nt Tk 016 DOMBINE D'S . 1 SRE ow GRORGE Brake, the Lerd's Prayer three times in Restored her" - i : I sed Stock's Ofl and I find it to exoel Co rs | oe Fin 4 | SH VAC EIT | possum onmom | LSE it Bevin py in ty so agiom | J Si ert Money boy Lend fi ro ob. 00 SIO SRR On one of the enclosed I have succeeded | 1 In- ] ' --ATL : = WRC | ep Stocks Oil lher 8 Ditvac of (unisided by a glass) inwriting the Lord's spd Fidel Tela Mar. REDUCED RATES. 4; OLLI - Pi OOM ag ot oils Saar & Sow, oy I . : , and T AM, Now PREPARED | MANGLI / OR Fg 1 use Stock's Oil on my machinery, which re. day to keep it holy," "God is Love," Bro, ns sos caver ESTE cy. J a 3 Er 0 id eine 5 S¢ Pagiss' the Lotd, and = Amen." This RE {Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, AS x how of other (hinga.and ast but not leas, Wie Gniy ol that £iyon sabes transfers the championship Of Intet 3 sume and manner to sult borrowers. Principal | JOHN McDONALD'S TOMB STONES to Hamilton. I used a common ' 'Mitch- : can be by yearly ins or in bad " which accounts for mana i [AND SarEL dior Sew! oil hatred peu," being a little blurred. Sh 1. hak sed, [ 4 velope, to any ad- SOLD. J 30 For further particulars apply to GEO. B. STOCK, Brovemax, Oxr, Al Br. Culverw els "Martings Guide, . JAMES HOLDEN, ue i 4 ad a a Address the ! J 13 Maney Broker, : rack & ieren, tus #4 : WSR NARA, While sets 2 ae. rr ; . Ai iT! REAR > LONG EVENINGS ARE HERE! Pv on oe I TS Ja me LO 0 INE SnpENSED- PROSPERITY ABOUNDS! AND NOW IS THE TIME T0 SUBSCRIBE FOR ATMOSPHERIC "BATH! MOORE'S OLIC - jai V RIL i} CAR Baty Cc M \ The Greatest Invention of the Age, ~ Rural N ew. Yorker -- CARGARY. NA id oy Skit dou, and cironia, Prot ud apie raven MARKET RUILDINGS ole of ¢ : E008, MN 8, EE : A is condensed At | Farm and + Fireside Weekly. Bath is now in su operation in Oshawa, r > re A EE TT PROFUSELY ILLUSTATED. Bes: tad) A i e has purified and discipiined it to become one 8 STA A ¢ ¥ 3 add J of the greatest sanit ents of the and S ---- erhape of the world" FL a cure for Tey it Tn FAMOUS : JOURNAL HASFOR Na ev ne nies Sa Sl rt, BY EE tats BOWMANVIDLE ' testis iinnldh ] - - S, &., WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug{Store. ' Remember the stand, nearly fopposite iHindes' Hotel. Oshaa, April 15th, 1871. ANS al oH Ng IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, :D F ---------- FoemMly Brvgliicrie,V high lation to animal life is above all he ie ey od ! pice kuows 10 Scien ate" dinese ita Class. Tt in th on SIRYAL 14 AV AN! Ed JAMES H. GERRIE, Medical Hall D R. HANG PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Co., TOILET ARTICLE al Li Tr NN & fd » A AWE iad _ Nn 4 ; TRE is Smo 1 > "LocrMA at'the lowest possible prices. ! would inform the public that he has just Feceived a full assortient of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, THE LARGEST STOCK [OF ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS 1871. nACTL o Publico. : oPOLISHING PADI L a RUBALS ILLOWERATIONS is wr - yr 3 : g g 5 2 8 8 E § i 2 out via ig iil and ville. i L Just received direct from the manufacturers. A great variety of patterns, dnd selling | ! fi ch Sou hive a. SRI ~. SRLS ' Rural New. Yorker Office, New York City,

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