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Ontario Reformer, 14 Jun 1872, p. 3

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The ca ET ; mmercigl Ee -- ~ SMOKED HAMS. | Belleville, Ont. TO e- A Taomoog ROUGH AND PRACTIOAL INSTITUTION FOR A Ted MORE OF THOSE othe SASL RISTIC of age, where young men and boys cas procure an ~The charges are moderate, unvariable sea RTH Roe Sired Smoked ly ET En i point athe Sn LT RT air SUBJECTS TAUGHT. keeping --by single aud double cp. Spsontian Penman, ns ; Raading Hes Comordal La ¥, Ehonogiaphy. Teleg och. het Albert, mow WG A Staff of Seven Practical and Experienced Teachers. hem tomar | PE PR A ty, oe ch ef seen 'we offer bt. vance thts 2 the adv: PH 1K : 6 hens of emma, Jor nal cies ss eof hare. Florence Sewing Wechiv, iN 1 NEW FIRMI --HAVE-- 'Snag : Aoumpiof 'SOWIDIPAIN Jue NOW OPEN 'soysnag JOH * -- i Q---- 'S.NYMOO 01 400Q XIN : sasaad 4FDUVYT anv MAN OL aIAOWAT a | WM: DICKIES: fil E15 "Bs '|PMIS 04(] JO JUOUILIOSST [wious)) ¥ puw aa VILLAGE ae. Gq F. BLAMEY HAY ING PURCHASED MR. CON- Ee mea Him he naman, gui me gon FIELD and GARDEN OPENING, HL | Le PARASOLS BLAMEY & BRIGGS. | E&fets | | S E EDS l + Of il hides & Prices. 'sonsmug OO, 'SqUIO)) ysuSuy pus rus] 'sduog paIuRdS TYOIS PAYA S,NOSNIZLY SPRING SHOW - [pREss GooDs HS Ajorng pue Ajend) 1s9q oso Buryileeag Newest Styles: Rl ---------- L] - AGENTS poy rrr The Ligh IRAP Kis Rats, quick as its name Store. =i a . 1 -~ a . fas oe gm to agents, by Express, one dollar, Thankiag the Publi for their liberal . | Seleections from Leading Growers in Britain : NE Bp : Telegra h a SCISSORS be Be to merit ay a" Folie at; ty Seat how Sen - g .. : M I LL E I N E RY - Sharpens al oes and ockiias instantly, and ; and the Dominion. ia : pg ey dey be Foi bv wail ay any cents. (Semple, post ECE ERE A LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS = EE Bhai SER Will beaded to te slready Begs Sock in 4 Saw days, of which due 'notice will . NITROUS OXIDE | OR BLAMEY & BRIGGS, Protoiide of Mioge frp I wn Cs DRESSMAKING| ~ RE MOVAL. LARGEST] Tove Besides which they have ordered a Lot of | the CroicesT VARIETIES from SPLENDID B81 "PT PIU Vioks . Celebrated Floral Catalogue, ESTABLISHMENT RE-OPENED! |TRIPP & SHAW, MISS ROOME| HESS HAVING RESUMED BUSENESS IN BOOTS & SHOES «| Next Door to HOITTS Gallery | fe Jey spi Bev Sr a es rd to order ou the anton But icu. to call the attontidn f Dione friends wha have so fiheraily su nes hee come | G00d Fit Guaranteed. mencement in business © oy or hite tha them for' past favors, solicits a continuance o Oshawa, Feb. 16, 1872, the same. To be along in due time--all with a view to meet the : ent R Orily 8i 26 Each. Wants of the Country at Large. BOOTS & SHOES Of Every Description. LAND PLASTER AND SALT. 'SININd MAN 'SESSTUA MAN SAO0O0D AHA HYNIYdS MAN STEELE BROTHERS GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN. Oshawa, January 5th, 1872. EN 's.advNuve 're "ord '52000 XONVE MAN ¢plE 'ard SHAOTO MAN 's44n- ANY SHYTT0D MAN 'STIVI MAN 'STMVHS M3N 541 Oshawa, Dee. 8, 1871. 5. -Royal Scarlet Chapter! typ OLD AND NEW METHOD| tu. ao. | HE ILLUSTRIOUS ORDER OF | oF TEACHING MUSIC. e mirers Setzin ilk or iy tle vil dl Tdi Ng omic a, | FROM EUROPE I BMBUSO Te 0041S Bust 'STTINVIN. MAN Royal on the I4th inst the fst, Unie meting Tusecay evenine. ve 10. | MiSs FE. ". Palmer, govern Lue acco! 3 : . 3 £5 as : 3 LY prim EW ARD 'my b+ 1 W. STEPHENSON, | an at bapils anya its en 4 R , ©. W. GARTH, Seribe. Knight Commander. nd tal thiul il ape Ci Fr rg fic} aly, Bh : : . 2 ; Oshawa, June ith, 1873 * 2w question in the sience of Music, in from § 1 by . - ~_ i. ) 5 ea} re CHANGE-OF BUSINESS | Forts JAY Roster, / ALLAN LINE. |} now in receipt of a portion of his SPRING IMPORTATIONS. He . - ot " : : would draw particular attention to the following lines, which are offered . RATEPAYERS OF THE - RESIDENCE--MR. O. FRENCE'S. |p OSEAWA AGENOT. | A LAGE of Oshava, Fort 5 riser eo coin ours HORACE GREELEY a FAR BELOW RULING PRICES! Ea] fo om : 0 yds. Grey Cotton, at 5c. yd. HE Frnt Hons serie ciime| A LargeQuantity) .. |WINTER_SERVICE! 2009 Senge Ai dir |e | 4 ™ Te Gunmen hr HENRY. OF WILL DO WELL TO Usder Contract wit (he Canadien Government y 1C. y : ; . RARE, STOCK: Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1872. "FIRST-CLASS Lr ot 3000 yds. " Lin'g Cloth,11c. yd. EVER EXHIBITED IN Ix reference to the ahove, I to say to my friends that 1 shall am a the chs British Plate Glass : rivearoor, Loxpoxpeizy | 2600 yds.Beautiful Prints, 12:c.yd. . . -AND CLASGOW. : ~ HARDWARE 4 Li hs companys Lines ane | A Large & Varied Stock of Dress Goods.| TOILET MIRRORS, Buy a Light Hat Ter EEE iy atlas, | 62 All who desiro Style, and Extra Value for their money), should make | vi os ore ty on si . om aio ALR hat Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1572. F oo For the astonishingly low prices of : " A Bre Shaie aelostipna Wikhont delay® . ¥ i oy oi 4 600 Kegs of Cut Nails, a bo ' ad o 15 and 25 cents each, : ONE CASE OF FRENCH KIDS Fi THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORT: rol 5" I"homas Brooks, Comploto with Frames, at the Hariwsre it of the Foussie brand--a glove which takes the lead in England, and : MENT OF 51 : L BUTCHER. Pp Establishment of Tee ' which has been before my customers for fiftgen years in Toronto and v . very ht ald Yhest gloves | have advanced seriously I still offer F PAINTS, SON HA Nigh! M [ N nH RCE, STEPHENSON I ON HAY T. WILLS GIBBS s| AE te. them at the old price of 81 per puir. 4 the patronage hereot : 3 | i ee : A Large and WellSelected Stock of TWEEDS and CLOTHS will be | " 2 HARKER, qq - Ey or warn wih al es Simeos Si, Oshawa, HODDER Ss Osliawa to and First | found'in the Bo en oh istoticls Afe Yespessfully requested NE A OILS, ; obs pediiv , he ah prom . to pice orders for Suits assortment is broken. : E. Be ope reser a: ee Beamer tho Line Esl appre be, FEC W.'F. COWAX, VARNISHES, ELINA ST., eee wa. Jig , ; Osawa, Mazouw, 1873. un ie ' ew W. BELL & CO.,|mmmme \ RIE sev p| Do Verden NEW SPRING GOODS 1 (east, Patty, By 3 TOBACCO in WM. WILLARDS, | :o2 005 a (The Latest Thing Out,) ett - Defy Competition / Forts, Rakes, &¢. peizo Meds! |oconcr GOURLEY'S ren TAUNTON. A 1anas srocx of CABINET ORGANS ar ra Li ~~ |LOCKS; KNOBS, AND MELODEONS. . THT LATCHES & HINGES. i : > ITAX, - - 3rd : Gratetul to a generous public for past liberal patronage, I THE "ORGANETTE. , | LATEST STYLES! [FITCHETT'S. HO Te most + a fil sae An Auth & Sue' Containing Scribnér's Patent Qualifying Tubee. 3 Tame ronson pe Awarded the he only Medal GENTLEMEN JUST. RECEIVED Every heli, ole and Corner ! ) ; : ¢ L ASH. = 48 Ever giv of Reed Instruments i w Bae With an Exceedingly Choieé Assortment of REX Ln Pp. . SFE to ma hitians, for reqisiog New sats, wonid do wetto closry] A LARGE SUPPLY OF | xyw repsraxvaxr messrm uoszasy. * Proficiene in Musical instruments, | ; Devoted tothe preservation and restoration of Dry Goods of Evel ] Jescriptio i Fo 5% | All Work Dona in the Bost Mauer. SMOKING aah Ate Team, pie i ie ony ry 1, Jur Insta ments are ackn)wieds>d uiiislos- J . death. eal dovSlops 'bods mind and and wou; ; & $s ou lave snd man velable Im ret) is i. v WwW E S T x } D ons G 1 Fine E lish and Chitin Twe is Fi A: M. GH ISHOLM, Oreanane. ™ooutaining Scribner's Patent Fen ! i Fes; Shirts, Prints Aouaiying "Tuts. ther olcct of which as 0 | [TYING PRICES CHARGED ! --AND-- Cloghs rendering wie, the Hohn a pipe ike. mz! Boots and : spared to give THE SOUTH t corner of the zantity of wi Stock of New Spring Cloths is now com oe and ha racey all the es, The Stock is oue of the best ever brought futo y the place. - this wonderful invention we can make strument of double the powes of & AND Organ at half the expense. ES. : 1 SAUTION. ~ |@ood Fits Guarantoed[OBOVI28 Tobaooos | aks! - QROCERI ES, As we n hased thesole Tig of manu- KINDS FOR A facturing sc Seribors Patent unity ing Tubes for 2 Oshawa, April 131882. 142, a 2 3 i fou from of Cn a _-- more as y SECOND TO NOME FOR QU. N STEPHENS. 2 4 Bos Te 1 bie Ww » peosscatign. We have B U T T BE RB. OF THE BEST BRANDS. gh 3 bod Q ALITY AND PRICE. 8% Mme LX "naa TRy TERR Call and examine my stock before purchasing dséwhare. w B AT 18 hingles WY mente PRE PAR King St., Oshawa. pli; cop; right wil Le prosceutod. tes ahem CASH PAID FOR SHEEP-SKINS ANE WOOL. LS IN DAR~ . " Sain gu Wo BILE co. Gualph. Osbe iskum. TREWINS. Qibavs, May Bib, 152. : hi York. | hips ik Cg 11, 1872, J 533m. ELL. p. CAMFREL] hn oh SE ---- STR ge TT o

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