-- A------ a ------------ ' Gg iota pm ----" L \ 1872. ee J es » §TAZRERS EET ENS Emery @rand Trunk Time Table. OFEAWA STATION. OSHAWA TIME. ete weer, Locomia n. 8:00 a.m. Caprosi, + +» "Sam Mixed: - - . « Euprom; : . Tw 1 § $00 up on Sunday morn- WINER . onday: 00I1NG malt. xed, - + - -2:50 p.m. Xpress, = - « 1% am. +30 pan. Puidengor, «= ~T20 po East Wave W Litiy Station ten manifestly calculated to prevent bribery | and corruption, ahd » system nbw passing | into law in the mother country. But as | RY : We are extremely anxious to 'hear what he ke ro i Jor subscription, Gaver - : ' . {ing or job printing, are particularly re- you can say in favor of Mr, Gabbe' pefhiss | $0" sultle the f rthwith, as wentary career, we give plage for ihe' ba em p---- "TES CAMPANN" The Pindicrtor, in an article Nesded | E-- "The Campaign, " says that "In 8 uth [MIF T. F. Waite " A World Man' » . i. ase 3 " Wh-- whey Nan a re | Boveral of the mechaaes of Oshawh have a, te warm, yory : asked us how Mr. White was on the ""nine- NOTIOR. #10 have not paid last year's subscription will obtaiff a receipt for Vols. 1 and Son " WHITBY STATION. faaten, ofiiitel ANd these goto Wot Adee: antes, Mer than the uhove amc - @SHAWA FOYT O00 The matis ue clued at ~ Mme as flows: GOING EAST, orning mal'. f° Dg wail, 3 N. B- There will be t9.05 every Sunday M cst, ai « 1 +. Quebec, i+ closed at 7.30 veniog. and via. New York , Foler, and Taunton, is every Tae dar ad Friday. Jd eledd 1D ndaates xka mani A ERCEAN IR AND OfHLRS Af | r Cnfiee and ex! invited to cal pt « ~ wmine Specimens "of Plain and, Faficy PRINTING. All orders prow pile attended to; and Satwfeciion Guaruintee ho! ceedingly for Mr. ON refer them follow 0, Shou ely Sees ir. Gibbs, befofe Nour" move. We to the § | Whe eninpmag oO : + i Tar .__ | ing, from the Whitby Chronicle: -- he [set paracogrdy : | NAY, + | hes Pah iia Saupaioy * There are somo of Mr. Gibb's snobbish | Wie SuNLIGROSE: A FUNOL WAS gener- | yun uoriers who affect fo sneer at Mr. iy arenlatod on, Moiday in both Oshawa | Wute's pretensions, because he isa wo:k- {and Winithw. that Mr. Waite was to with- | ing wan. ay dvi fulwans { draw. and Dr. Tucker come oud. 2 in- | mote orpamentul than useful,) wi J raw, and Dr. Tucker 2 out as an in | great'y shotked 10 learn that Mr. White : 7 | ie pot only» working man, but that he is civeulate 1! Not by Mr. While | geianlly proud of the fact that he ise ged no¥ ony porters. | Nom doubt the | hawic. '4s a working mam he editor of ths Findicator, with Mr. T. N. the Whip cvuncil of Pickering, and he yas ih 4° wien TORY council of Oatario, aud when ele- Gilden aud Ins sapp-rtors, oh ul with | vated to the Warden's chair it wade no pleswsets the wi'ldeswsl of Mr. Whitk. | diforince in his position. Ro, too, if | They #e¢thed very much pledsed, and | elected as the repres.ntative of South On- | chneked in Rei sleoves whea Mr. Whito | tario; (which we fully expect he will be,) | received the nomination. In fact, they | Mr. White will not bo found so puffed up a . with bis own importancs as to look dowa | lnghed errily; but now they find that | upon his former frionds, the workmen. ie laugh has.ovory prospect of being on | rieman P. White is one of the th other side; hence their eagerness to | tho Devple; 8 Sian whe ee not bel Apa | hg . White bdraw, ' those broad distinctions letween at are } ve a Er ee te ; | called the upper and lower classes, in the | The article eonchudes #2h | 'but the | oid ouuntiy. - Te believes in the dignity Linjori€¥™ (of she Rofdgmers) '¢ won't betof laborer, 1320 advocate of the Nine-hours' [rolled in ube md for hot tig," which ig systum, aid of giving the workingwan a | a fact. They havo been ¢ rol'ed in tho | Rods sown tor daily toil. He remembers | --'"Toil is Nature's plan"--' went candidate" Ry whom wos fund" lung enough, and are now deter- | +53 a 2a husband, was hung ye:'erday morniug at All. parties indebted to the publisher o 8.20 a. w., in the presence of about C0 persons. v Stephenson bought 46 acres of land in this 'the money is needed for office use. Those for which they paid $0,000, and laid it out fn lots. Oh Friday le they of $250. Send along #fe: mohey. sold by wwdtion thifty-severt, of ther lots, Payment z= of [ wood) Juseph Deacon. | tophez Ek. Thompson. Pape CaursrLy, fc r the murder of Lier A raw weeks ago Messrs. Garth and or abit éight scres of the lad, on which they made 81,370 more than thy paid for the Whete 46: Fhe remntisder of tho lots will be sotd by private sale, sud will no doubt bring good prices. We congrafulate Mesors. Garth aud Stephenson on the great success attending them on the sale of these lots; and hope soon to see » small village spring up on the land lately brought by them into the market. WHITBY DISTRICT. ~ - The following is a correct list of Minis- ters for the Whithy District of the W. M. Church, handed to us by the Rev. WI Scott, Chairman of the District: i Whitby.--J. E. Sanderson, }M. A., Thos. . : ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, PROROGATICN OF PARLIAMENT. [From the Globe.) Ottfwa; June 14. This da, af 3 o'elock, p, ni, His Excel: leuey five Governor-G .netdl State to the Chamber of the Parliament Buildings took his seat upon the Throne. Th§ member: of the Senate béing assembled, His Excellency tedsed to command the attend of the House of Commons, and that House being present, the following Bills were as. sented to in Het Majesty's fname by His Extell¢nicy the Governor-General, viz: -- Act to repeal the duties of custom on tea and coffee. Act to amend the act respecting the Statutes of Canada. Act to confirm an agreement made be- tween the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada and the International Bridge Company, and for other purposes. Act for the avoidance, of the doubts re- spacting the larceny of stamps. Act further to amend an act respecting the security $0 be givem by oflicers of Can~ ada, Act to eorroct a clerical error in theffict respecting malicious injuries to property. Act to make provision for the continual and extenaion of the geological survey of Canada and for the maintenance of the W. Campbell; C. Vand peranuaty Robt. Darlington, supernumerary. - Oshawa. -- Wm. Scott. Pickering.--Goo.. H. Cornish, (Groesii Marian. --F. E. Betts, David Catto nach. : ' Boymansille.--John Bredin. Darlington.--Thos. A. Ferguson, (Em uiskiilen) Jas. F. Metcalfe. \ Neweastle.-- William MeDonagh,' Chris- geological museum. Act to naturalize Anson Green Phelps Dodge. i > : Act to amend the act ragulating the is- sue of Dominion Notes. Act respecting the public debt and the raising of loans suthorized by P.tliamnent. Act to amend the act respecting the civil service of Canada. - Act bo amend" the act of ihcorporation of | the Cauglinawaga Ship Caoxd Company. Aot to amend the act to incorporate the Detroit River Tunnel Company, aud' for other purposes. ! Paton Cue of Ca amtaric Shipping BT aa Bost of Tred of rising to Bills of Exchange snd en ing the Canedian Pacific Railws; "Act to ainend the St. Francis and Me- gantic RailWay so i h Act resp?tiing' Patent of Invention. Act to incorporate the Banking Company. ! Act a avorporae the Manitoba Insu- rance Company. : Act to provide for the incorporation of immigration and societies. : Act to readjust the representation of the Honse of Caos: Act to i te the Manitoba Junc- tion Railway Company. ) Act to Ml The Lake Superior and Winnepeg Railway Company. Act to incorpo the North-Western Railway Company®f Manitoba. Act to incorporate the Central Railway Company of Manitoba. J Act to lincorporat: the Lake Superior and Manitoba Railway Company. Act relating to the Central Bank of Naw Brunswick. Act terincorporate the Quebec Pacific Railway Xet. Act to incorporate the Imperial Cuar- anteo and Loan Company. Act to incorporate the Canada Pacific Railway Company. Act to incorporate the Canada and New York Bridge and Tunnel Company. Act further to amend the act 31 Victoria chapter 33. Act to explain and amend the Sault Ste Mrie Railway and Bridge Act. | Abt to amend the aet to incorporate the | | Q P Bridge Company. Ac: to amend the act of incorporation of the Outasio-and Erie Ship Canal Com- "the term of the next Parliament. and wishes of the Parlisment and 'people of Caflada ; and I earnestly hope that the good fteNigence which Frovails between them ati the people of may. last constatit unimpaired for generations to come. jaan have the honor to bid those serious thoughts Which the word "farewell" naturally awikiens, With every acknowledgment of the many fourtesiob and the effective as- sistance which I hiavé redeived gt yoir hands," iad wich 5h hint chisfished sod ar dent WARE for the welfare .of the Do- minioh with which I rejoice to think that my humble name has been connected by an honourable tie for more than three years. : po Ta ELECTORS OF THE SOUTH RIDING OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. GE %TLEMEN : ; You will soon be called upon to choose w representative to the House of Commons, of Canada, toserve yow during 3 . Having been honoured with the nomination by the Reform Convention of the Riding, I now beg to annownge myself » candidste for the position of 'your re- presentative. And that you may be enabled Clover Seéd, ¥ bushe Timothy Seed, do a WE. FREDERICK McBRIAYN, ba XY : Gon mL Lom | WANTED; = ERVANT GIRL. Apply to to decide how far Imay be entitled to your 'confidende, I take the opportunity of stat- ing my opinions' on some of the political questions likely to claim more immediate public attention. 4 | mined t> get up, wash themselves clean of | and is one of the workirgmsn himself -- Act to send an act to incorporate the | all ecveuption by defeating T. N. Gibbs, | ¢ Who working thinks--aud never simks Prince Albert. --Alfred McCann, New , 3 Joop . v Tr tou Rill x . managers of the Ministers', Widows' and| His independence as a man. : . ios Orphans' Fund of the Synod of the Pres- Workingwen like Trnoman White have | Sorysg.--Supplied by the ministors of byierian Church of Canada in connection! made ** this Canada of ours" what in Prince Llbert. + |'with the Church of Scotland. and not the dressy snobs who are but the | Uxbridge. -- George Brown. . Att to incorporate-the Canala and New- | clogs upon the wheels of indastry."* ; : foundiand Sealing and Fishing Company. | 5 Broa cove F. Richardson, (Vroo: Act.relating to the Treaty of Washiny- mangon. . ton, 1871. Cannington. --George Leach i ns Actto amend the ct incorporating the Tlie history of Great Britain and WN. R. CL¥¥IE; - - PROPRIETOR. Western Insurance Company. | C nad: proves conclusively that good nk Act to amend he act incorporating the leginte:vicay #04 honest Simivistution, 3 Canada Central Railway Company. under the constitution o esponsible | 7 Act to incorporate Yo Thunder Bay Governuzent, such as ours, cannet obtain To Contractors, Silver Mines Railway Company. without a poses atinony " joolitjeat ; p Act to ineorporate the Pucific Junction opinions in the members of the Executive. T S WANT : : Bridge Company. : I am, therefore, opposed to all coalitions TENDERS A RTED JOR J Act to incorporate tlie Gananoque: end | of opposing politieal parties for carrying | &e., can be seen at the store of W. F. Coma Wilt:ie Navigation Company. | on the ordinary affairs of Government. until Saturday xt. : p / Oshawa, Juné 11th, 1872. Ww, Act to incorporate tho Iuteroceanic | Iu order that the wants and wish- Ha, : a : Oshawa, Jume 206h 1572, all eleetins as thair representative a man | Ee --n . a + f = == | who will be Hhite, tha emblend of purity. é ads 2 SINT --re---- ninio DLT, TER " HIGH JOINTS" ECHO. PME Ee pe ERIE ae Te | msm ea : : +nrpe Tiz Toronto 'Mail, thet | hizhvtoned, (1) REMOVAL. | Oshawa, Friday, Fine 1 1372. imnarii WL, {) fair-plar, (1) un-corruptit le, (1) | sr Ast to indemnify the members of the A SE ; Na A. 8s dietator, is pub- The Rrzrorver olice has becn removed | Beaverton. --Albert C. Wilson. : > Executive Government and otliers for the| By awothor colama will be found the » greatest pack of Hes that ever | 9° doer svwfh to the stand lately occupied | Stoufiville.-- Wm. 8. McCullough, M. | unavoidable expenditare of public money Railway Company of Canada. es of the poople may be faithfuly repre- | ad iress of T. P. Warre, Esq, to the elect. \ ihe aii of a dewspaper, not | 8 & boot and shoe store. Qur subscribers, | A Isaac N. Robinson. . tim -------------- Eri enn of pCa Bre sgn re 2 vk 3 20d 30 Vie, ute he Epp, inet STRAYED, v th Outario. the unanimous 4 rating abil oo or ots. Ag ar' i nc | e Seng, %. i pter 8. > | that fraud and intimidation in connection £ ors of Sou h Sao o Ass Gi iy isi . excupniag the New York Herald or the | and partios wishing Job W 95s doe, will {- Cartwright~--Alex. Drenrea,(Williams- | to Maritoba in 1871. : Act to amend tiie law relating to ad- | with clectionsshould be visited withéxem- M THE PREMISES OF THE J choice of the @ ur any C.ailon re ent, ¥ i now defunct Torom:) 7% legraph. ~The please rememberthe place, dire tlyapposite | burg.) Ac relating to Quarantine, | vertisements respecting stolen goods. | plary punishment, and' the most ample Subscriver, Lot No. 9, 4'h con. East held at Whitby, Mr. Whit» can conident- | Telegraph, in its most abusive articles. Shorit's Harue.: Shop, and between the Janvers.--John C. Wilson, (Ballyduf.) | Act to am ud the act relating to Danks | Act to amend an act of the present {opportunity afforded for the free and un- | 3 EWES--one with yoo] off heck and hehy t ly ask for the suffeazes of the pay with | ! oh ee ho ty elezranh Ofc: roa St. For IE: 1)BN rinancial Seg | and Banking. ., || session, and to enable the Government in | biased éxercise of the franchise. The | °0¢ lamb. Ahy heron Py ; y ap! \ pa™] NOVO gob au low dow: ral 4 | the two Telegraph Oiices, Simroe St. For | - Geo. H. Cosxisa, Financial Segrotary. Act ing the Grand Trunk Rail : A will lead tp tieir recovery will be which for a lifetime he ha: boon identitiad, | poral i a nT th n a 3 ig "the noatest ed ting inthe county call at | . | Wi rb op in Railway C oy n> | Council to Wo 2 uy wo Pin and | holding of all the elections ia the Domin- | warded, Information left at this office, @ wt & a Git ELA bo : | barefes o6.a8- the JM uil dpes daily. [ey | VC O7atest pr Pah n sak . . | a plain Lwaliws Ompan-| coffee imported from the Unit tates in | jon on one and the same da , uhder the . A and he is likewidy Justifol 3 aking for, | ciorideare filled with misPe resentat the Rerorxmn office. : East Whitby Council. 20s; i . || the case therein mentivned. "| authority of a stringent Ise, Tor the pun- | . OEORGE THOMAL | and expectin ; to receive, thd voies of a fiom begining to oud: ite. eds of ; a ------ | ig | Astto incorporate the Bank of Acadia. | Act to amend: the -eriminal law relating | ishment of bribery and corrupt Proctioos, Fast Whitby, Jun 3ed, 7 : Nepl be goodly namber who wer: in lncel through | ge ats i Blk fo. | TRE cooles: thingui the season : Jones's | * 3 Columbus, June 3rd, 1872. | Act respecting. the Toronto Savings | to violence, threats, and molestations. { and tha trial of contested elections by the THE PRIZE BULL 1 misrepresentations to support Mr, Qibhs | S005 82 be th abuso Dlessrs. Blake, Me- | The Council met. Mombersall present. | Bank. fon Juspscting Trades Uniona, | Indges, would, in my opinion, conducs to { | 4 extend the act 42; ., chap. | : to: ower these gentlemen in the A serzcr past of excursionists went to | wiketivn tesd nd conbrmed Consolidated Statutes for Upper Canada, Io no ie, chap. | that result. } e ntieme Q eting read ar onfirmed. { eleécti ) i none | eozie and Goo. Brown, and try, if pos- | | The Reeve in *he chair. Minutes of last | , Act to smend the act, chapter 47 of the | CT 4 the 3 of 1841. Theisen juss ) pon ; 40, and 33. Vic., chap. 20, to the port of | While it is resi ie tht the ex- ] ORD ] ISGAR! . (x estimatiow of the pabliz. That it is proy- | the falls to-day, per st.amer Norseman. | | entitled * An act respeeting rivers and i TONE It the exo; 3 { ice cream. enunciated by Mr. White will find a realy Sash j o Colliugwood. : A.commn ication was received.from.-the | streams: | ] : eeutive shunld have certain discretionary | BOO! T " its ® | . : Act £5 extend scriain Jaws relating to | ecutive shun ain d ry | WO 393 HERD BOOK, WILL SERVE TRE Oshawa * bascballizts™ weutdown | pron wiinigter of Agriculture, with en-| Act to amend the act incorporating the } an eters connected: with hill i tm { powers, I hold-the opinion that those N at Sydenham Farm during the season. to Bowmanville on Monday lust, to play a closures respecting immigration. A letéen | British America Assurance Company, and | Province of British Columbia. powers should be c-mfined to the smallest | Terms: Common and Grade Cows $1 Sach. 8 | wasread from Mr. C. W. Sith, one of the subsequent Acts atiecting the said | Act for granting to Her Majesty cer- i limit, consistent with the proper adminis- Nine of satyive; 1S tired cows $1 " Lond | Te : | Company. « ¥ . | tain sums of money required for defray- | iratios of the Government of the country. | cial Show, over 37 entries. Bull, * ; deo i the Conuciilors of the Ty: nship of Dar- Act to incorporate the Anchor Marine | ing certain expenscs of the public serviec | Hence I stand firmly opposed to placing | LA serve on Aah terms at tl 4 We are pleased to notice, in a letter | lington, enclosiiig a eopy of a resolution of | Insurance Company. [for the financial years ending respectively | the expenditure of large. sums of public . 8, 'Phillips, near the G. T. R. i : H a ph, Ss & A 3 i i A; i i » " AAs cirrupt as the | recaived [ium camp at Niagara, {that the | the Darlingten council off ring to graut| Act to amend the chapters sixand seven | 41. 80.1 June, 1872, and the S0ih June, | MONEYS atthe disposal of the Ministry, THOMAS GUY, sheet i & great many nuubers of) Y. B fifo w inrove the Town line | 1 the Statutes of 1871, relating to savings | 1373 and for other purposes relating to | Without the sanction of Parliament being | port Oshawa, Juno 15th, 1872. 4 te Ale ees sat So lbartion: ec | onal Re i Rove U | banks. pabiic seeviees. | flust obtained to all particulars and details | . oe been saat te Pp band lias received great Letweeu tie two Towaships oppasite the | At to incorporate the Thunder Bay ||" Af foe imposing tonnage dues and }ounected thomewith. R , io a Tors Goverment. Ww ha Toe pen it os an insglt, avd who from band wasters, and his been | 8rd and south half of ths ¢ con., of Dar- | Silver Min.: Telegraph Company. centralized ad, vee ve will pot Lae iY as a gift. Oas person who { : Ws g °F "yond the controling vce of the received two Siumbers, foldsd them up, response in the hearts of the great bulkof . Ee fit eT ite id : ° . (123 a misemile failure ia this, will be the electors of Bonth Ontario, an {are Qi- | : . : 85 io Ww re «. o. | Seen. at the approaching olectivns. Net | ametrically wed many respects to x AN +3 > " Op . Yl able to*gr: subscribers to this libelous g me of base b. ll with the *' Ecaver "clab the ideas of Mr. Gibbs, as mad» knowa by ©, > : . . i You 20 : i ©! sheet, copios ara beiag cirgwlated ** free. | uf Newcastle, aud were beaten by 36 runs. his votes in the Home, Mr Gi hi wants " ve : : gratis" samoug the working men, hoping tacreby to masa t an election law with as few su: «neds 4: possible 2gainst bribery, mad also wisho: 20 soe the distribution of padi won-ys ard lands and the location of public vhs drameband is progressing | th. gam of 323 to i so wail. Th pacpie's blishing C limited inthe na¥igation of the St. Lawreu.» be- | advanced most in national grentness and - ¥ lav ah' ** ineads™ ublishing Company, limited. : : vi lay at ** ness, ) : a 1 Put thei inns small box along with the re : | V ALUABLE REAL ESTATE : # desires 3 Jaw tint | fof customs and excise, and certain acts | suits, and who have timed to the utinost | : i ) veen N bee. material proweritware those whose people | grant an equal su. | Act to ineorporate the Canadian Railway | tween Montreal and Quebec I weritware those wh i MN secury| oo = . Glb:, sad enclosed a not:, saying the e . a purity of election, the free aud impnr- iy of 1 th Yk 4 oh 4 relating fo customs and the revenue, to | account the natur-l advantegos they poe: | FPVHE FOLLOWING VALUABLE al was mot wanbed, thai they wou | the Province of British Columbia. sess, "1 ines Ch S the estate of the. ais : : : ' | wharfng es. to meet the cost of improv- We find that countries that have | AUCTION SALE. { requosted by the Adjutant-General #0 | lington, on condition buat this Township | P Act to ineorporaie the Mail Printing and OF . Tepresentatives. On. the contrary, Mr. | f it. ter eX 2 Canada tari of 'es | al gaged in t liversifiecd puc- . Tre Oshawa Divisioniantend celebrating Onmotion of Mr. Lick, secoided by Eqripment Company. Act to extend the Canada tari of dut'es | are engaged in the Hpet diversified pu: the 1st of July Ly holling a pic.nicin | Mr. Mbthersill, this Council granted the Act jo am md the act incorporating the h : tc To 4 ~ at y io r the Mntual Life Associat'on of Canada. -chased expression of the peopl :s will, and | . Annis' Grove. All necessary arrang. ments | 825 to weet the sum granted by the Dar- A WT ertain Agreemen : MACKI ve sol Ly public tie enttoios of the ardsubtod Fiikts of tnd the nunbers they had sent, and also: are being made, and'a good time is ex-1 liagton Council, aud appointed Mr. Jacob Act to legalize a certain agreement en- || 4 4 to- amend the act respeeting Copy- | y pul oe a foe | a Glohe to take care of the Al4ilin the box,. | "x the people at large, by their representa | aud sent #ho box, per expross--uipaide-- tives, to diroct and sanction public expen- | to the pablishers of the Muil ditures. In the limited space of au ad- its. 3 Yi | "d Sis im ible to Tah Ain nk The Mail is mos goiag up quite se fast {public qugstions of importance; but a; o- | as tha Telegraph did, bat it is generaliy : Ty hy moh able] sipeciad that it will cole doen a. great Wrsetings, we bewpeak Tor his sontiuants | 0 faster. There has besa sro in phe | Aloughttal coneMocrtivn. nil crsoar oo, | OOP of Dunciors, and some of then . with the acts of hie ha for ® ce vol IEW roa the coil ha aBorethen,. on "ben a tail-piece of a Ty 57 Ea w'unyit btus: Musars, vid McKonzie, and the wayiic nes. Rua ------------------ 1 i = ---------- uts things generally. As it sows. ida Possessing, as we do, in eur fer- | tion, at Hinds' Hotel Oshawa. on 8 { tile soil, extensive Lakes, and immense July , 1372. at Two o'clock :--Sp Act to incorporate the Anticosti Com- | rivers, natural resources to an almost un. | Harm. comnrising olla Nol jac an 4 inted a of salt: a | Con. of East Whitby, two and a And also appointed | ation of the town of Galt; and for other | limited extent, as well as easy communi. | Oba at Wish a Os Pridhy ovening lint} the Oshawa | Mr. Smith and Mr. Lake to meet Mr. C. | PU puscs therein mentioned. Act to mend the Interim Parliamentary | cation between all parts of the Dominion, | the Dominion), and six miles | | . : . : Act to legalize and confirm the lease to | : : hy i | on the Kingston read, co Tompleseceivola visit from tioie brethren | W. Smith at4he time appointed by him Wo Sto Jog ae one ae Blietions Act, pmL Posie Yanda ovis itds my Jig conviction that, with the en- land, more ov less, which | and cisters:of ths Dufling Cheek Lodge. to devise the best method to evade the | 'of the lines of Railway of the: Northern Dominion ne nao { TE ne Subetprise of air people properly Lert 52 meros on ¢ With speeches, recitations; singing, etc., | hill on the Townline opposite the 9th coun., | Extension Railway Company. A en tha Tren, fn 'Siotker nf the l toe en rat Si be Jegiala- | There is on the n-most pleasant eveniuyg was spaat, The | East Whithy, Acttoamend: the act of Incorporming | fou, "it Com uous midrimast Ais Exrol Oohaws hedus intend returnimg the hg Orchard ¢ ian Los "aut when our Dominion will rank among | Brick House, A petition was presented signed by Mr. | the London and Canadiaa Loan aud Agency | joncy the Guveruur General ws foiions : AL vist in tite courso-of w fow weeks. Company (limited.) | . the first countries of the globe, in the ex- a Tn tidings "suitable | W. Buith and nine cthers asking assistanes | ~~ At to eitable the Great Western Railway | May it please your Excellency Ms. 8. Thrworhas been askod if he has | for Mrs. Lapham. tent and variety of her agricultural and | This farm | Company to extend and improve its con- | | In the name of the Commons, I present | Manufactured products. Our policy should | ak raaly n ios he Rei: | A petitionsigned by Mr. Hiram Taplin, | nections. | he Mill business-- thut de- » | given up the Millinery and others, waepressatod asking the Coun. | ; | to your Excellency a Bill, entitled an Act | be such, in my opinion, thet while = | ith scarcely any brok do i At 1 imorporat 1. Dominion Wate | x rain Her Moje cortain sma | A608 th derelctment of vue nate vo. | 1 NSE Hovabioe wo bo ram Ft In tiextiise , partments. by an oversight, mat ing | Works Company. fi | 4f money required te defray cortain ex. | *OWFeeS, 10, x sd 3 9 eT of *i Five per cent. WVRAT zahng GURL? i 4 J 4 : 1 He a} " ential ih his ks oN out cil to grant & sum of monszy to pay the Act to na #e the Inland Mhrine | fenses-of the public service for the finan- | Urotaitien hy levying a duty fora portion | ir A fen BA When a peoile is ariel to bestow a &° 1 "Ibe Will lowsein the end. "Bu at His Millinery. braoch ia stil ! house rent of Richard Foley, who has been ond "ire Insurance Company vEGuuaidy. | cal, yaure fading apuelsvdly 1873, to | event puiped, Up sue ia punt favor, or mark of réspot © : falls stocked and. atiractiv oa. | ® long timewiek, which, ou motion of Mr, ct to incorperate the St. Catherines | LT oo 30th June, 1873; to s { fully stocked and attractive. Ladies, | who, from ay emus, has lecome promi ments, with interest at Seven per cent. attishn os most advantageously | further particulars apply to Mrs. kie, on the ea iy (Ontario) Board of Trade. { Which I humbly request your Excellency's | Produced and manufactured: in our own | bib 3a nob : . PONDENT in thre less. issue Of | wake © pote of it. Lisk, seconded hg Me. Luke, was ordered Act'to aniernd the nt ©, incorporate tho | assent.. country. nent,it 1s wwrearonn lle to ktitat thd D . « inquiry, "Why shoal! we doso? what | | . tered into between the Grand Trunk Rail- | Fight. . pected. All friends. of temperance are | Cronk, commissioner to oversee the :xpon- & i way Company of C.nada and the corpor- | | reapested: to attend: ' | diture of the sam. [ pany. OA perso A Coxne | \ WILLIAM FLINT, the Vindic dor uses a few words which. we | ire Oshawa, June 17th, 1872, : words: "In useless withe:t brains and hands to direct DR. WM. MeGILL } 0 utors.. 7 COATS RATI 4 Canadian and European Telegraph Co, To this Bill the royal 'assent was signi- As ail our natural ady; I'u3 temperance moeling on Sunday) by-law was then introduced and pass- | Aei to inosrporate the Bank of St. John. | fied in: tho followix Fier 3 has he done I" Mr. T. N. Gibbs, and his his o "gan, the Vindicator, ask the elec or: of Soath On- tario to favor hii (MF. Gibbs) with a seal in the Commons of "auada for the next five: years, and 0 show their respoct for the man who dimes his supposed political friends in *' EHesincre Hall," by again returning him to Parlinnent. Hut the electors. Me says: "" Nu that "the elee- tion approaches tha enemies of goud gov. ernmeat are ning evory lieans at their command to influened ths cloctors of this among the machaaies of our town, dircu- lating the bhascst falsehoods, should be commend to Jie ewefil persal of all | it was nob so well attended as uswals ' town," ete. And further on in tho article | he says: the sehomsrs who are at work : ? I'ed by the evuncil to: expend the sum of oping, we believe, to the fast that proper F12560 for thes: mt of Roads and i notice had not been given of it. The Rev. | Bridges the present year. Mir. Haston, M. E. Miuistor, officiated, | "0 1qq(iqn of Mv. Smith, seconded by { and gave a short and beneficial address. | Mr. Tike, thie Rueve was instructed to call Mr. Vem, Rundle occupied the chair. 0 Richard Foley and grant him such as- A 62A%D union pic-nic of Oshawa and | sistance as he may require. {-Whithy wili be held in Annis' Groves on On motion of Mr. Mbthersill, seconded | Act to insorpooate the Marine Bank of the Domisiomof Canada. A t to incorporate the Bank of Hamilton. Act to incorpcrate the Exchange Bank of Canada. Act to incorporate the Quebec Frontier Railway Company. Act to incgrporate the Canada Agricul. | Act to incorporate the St Lawrenco Bank | Majesty's name His Excellency the Gover- | mor-General - thanks her loyal subjects, | accepts their benevolence, and assents to this Bill.". His Excelleney the Governor- | General was then pleased to close the fifth | session of the first Parliament of the Dominion with the following' SPEECH FROM THR THRONE, Honorable Géntlem:n of the Senate > and apply them, we Shetila make use of every proper means to induce immigration to our commtry. The defence of a country like ours, | | having thousands of rziles of inland bound- | | aries, must rest mainly with the brave | hearts and stout arms- of 'her people; it therefore should be out sim to cvhtivate a martfalispirit in the people, and train our rv aatidote whore the shim own town. | of the finest sites in the villag». utruth to receive | members of this Division are few; but with Gk The fact is. such staunch and true men as our old ts of the vis ? | en, in A ha py day of pleasure and amusementanay De Sxproie; No strong drink allowed on the W. BEALL, T Clerk. Company, and to grant certain powers to | benefits of this Dominion, pe giving y oung men to be ex in the use of war- . a YE fran the col shoulder i | Friday mext, 28tk inst., at which all kinds | by Mr. Luke, Mr. Smith was instructed | tur:l Insurance Clo. Gentiemen of the House of Commons : . mY and pen uy UNION PIC-NIC | people ask, *" Why should wedoso ! what 2 te owider bY «Yory Tudor. | of euitable amusements will bs engaged in. [th enquire into the case of Mrs. Lapham, Act to incorporate the Si. John Board I have much satisfaction in relieving | peut should offer HE eg Bh Act to incorporate ile Board of Trade | which cannot fail to be inconvenient to | that purpose; and not se hitherto, by de. A hut ABER | 9 A Mr. Gibbs has bes des Pailis Gibbsand his electioneering fiiends s%h- will Ue welcome. The Lacrosse boyswill | following accounts to be paid: of E. Nan- | ciety of the Wesleyan Metiiolist Ghurch | tihue and aélention which you have dili- ather questighdy | In the Grove and Grounds of Mr, Annis, west A itlage thy. thinker in the Commons." But vif hoy | [0 PS the Meallunics, Trade. ry, 1 shall, Jirevious to the election, have i wing, ¢ ill | iraudidlen king of J ize. i bY i ble in tl i : elected ? at him: point his or evident in. | opened on Friday next, the 23th inst. The | Reokenshire, repaifing. the. root of Duill | iraidident wazhing of merchandine a ew emorub Ju ihe sunal) of conclusion, I may be perm to add, 2t him point out --!st his orgen indigent, 83; of Mrs. J. Burns, I cord of | lists for elections to the Floase of Commons f , 83; LJ. i | ) n i be any of the laws of the Lominion ost | trees, drawing and planting at Town hall, | Act to incorperate the Detreit River | ation to share tlie fortunes of England. Should you honor. me with your cont. ) . ' Ha | Rail Bei added st h to the h : ee, of my humble sbilities endeavour to de- 10 the Grounds and Dinner 30 laboring classes--the to lings «wets are so cheering, that | friend Mr. BH 8. Derby, in the cause, a ailway Bridge and Tunnel Company. added strength to t ght ble position > ? The Council then adjo 1rned to Monday, | ince Line Railway and Bridge Company. | Eippire add the United States. I am, Gentlemen, . "bid 70 ta keep their courage up. Now | success. -May large numbers be added to | bas he done toward prevantic Act to incorporate the Bank of Manitoba | ing a railway to the shores of the Pacific, distinctions and broad lines of da:uaroe. | rid of missspresentation by Sir John'g | fold. to that of the Loan and Landed Credit | I trust, be productive of the most essential Te a : Lor . 2 'which obiaic Sekeo a Rn. the said Company. : facilities to trafic of all deseripfions, en- | Orgs which appeas in another cylumn, | emperance and Musical ry 1 Some: aummteien! | Loding revolver cariridges by striking | Wxare often abked for a prescription Act to extend the. powers of the Mon. | hancing the value of the public lands, Ee | T. N. Gibbs has been such a subsirvient | Geo. Thompson, while passing on his way Act to incorporate the Superior Bank of { : ! " : sufficient induce bas he dono tha} we should thas favor! i om im hc jo} gn Lubor's guadrille band will be im attend- | and grant her such assistance as her ease of Trade. you' from an attend in Parli ments for devoting time' for v Se ion. ie { the firs wiation wa anply LN. : x : : : and honor him! Ayo, the:é's the X, I weap OLX ast furuish music for those wishing to | requires. : : | of the Towa of Lo vis. many of you at this season of the year. 1| pending upon the municipal councils 'to | by % erally." The soennd: quotation we \.. | datice. A happy timo is expected;.and all | The Céuneil examined, and ordéred the | Act to inen te the Missionary So- | thank you, therefore, all the mare for the | make the deficiency. - \ {On FRIDAY, June 28th, years; has his orgru's 0.1, Wa hy rN Boainy A . a 8 being a clever man, and' tine " irofonndost ly Tse ®ho ure seatlaling the Mi show a little of their dexterity on the oc--| kinvell, repairing the Bridge n-ar Mr. of Canada. a gently Belfowed, i tio discharge of your | having reference to the welfare of the coun. on the road 40 : rau Shap « | Bickell's- mill, $30 3% of De. D. , Act to incorporate tite Sorel Board of | public duties. interest and impor- : hn ------------ { carsion." Particulars in another eolumn. | Bi . y. $A 3 a ol h ™ gy - jance of the various questions which have | an opportunity of disemssing with you, at done . oc . jeas: of al feet ! . 1 certai # : - « 1 der i d i : : " 4 power! orien : 4 pus : be = un Vinticitor should guard against Tus new Son's Hall, at Myrtle, will be | Yosema ng RG igority; v | Act to amend the law relating to the en incusied nd. Suid wil souder public mect aud otherwise. And, in haa | Shed : of J. Joyat.. Ii , | Act to provide tor the revisal of voters the country. Your ddoption of the ing * manor born," y in this Viilage point t» 1 Trt thi i overdose ps | building ic a very handsome structure, and | 998, 490; of J. Joya, Leued of wood to | article' of of _Wash- Br Riding oi ; ila; i » the eff .rt this a i sertai Ate |i p ichs i ¥ » hf 4 i foton Sat ab: 1,000, and is situated on [ he 3 in a ceriain- electoral district of the County | ington which: affects Canadian interests from profound thinker has: made, so to amend White's friends | cost about § ne Jaane a i wood to indigent. $3; of W. Jocks, for | of Victoria, Nova Scotia. y thas placed in a-clear light your determijn- ats ate nse Joura, and that, 3 { oh dence, and charge ms with the du'i f wphold, maintain and protect ths peonle's $8.25; of Mr. Smith, reli.f of several indi. | Railway Company, | Th: generous disposition evinced under | your representation, I shall to. the attoat up? ccially ni : beoy gents, $14.50; and of John Howden, relief | ct to incorporate, tha River St. Clair | the trying circnmstances of the tinie has Adiisston nier. I~ 8D C he t | Sod hy TC " : ) | iv dim ] 1 ! serve the one by a faithful discliarge of | Children half price. An Ny A indcbicd 3 be, Kis orga and drummers, are | few men can accom lish great things. We of an indigent, $9. Act to incorporate the Coteau and Prov- | of Cannda, both' as ards the British the other. Ladies and Gentlem: whom we are all indohod for y ah ge » Zs to Tie : Covi a? Oren e Reosssarior and Ipserics of Li ; with very wry faces in the en- | Wish thislittlo band of temperanc: overy the first day of July next, tomeetat 10| Act to incorporate the St. Lawrence | = The vast project, of which you have so Your nest obedient . . i o'clock a. 'mn. International Bridge Company. | wisely matured the conditions, for earTy- humble serv Oshawa, June 20th, 1873. lishment, in this : gf : for 8 vaited efart on the part pf oppon- | theixtittle band, and may the good seed | A i , the | 1 h England as well T. P, ire 7 + band of fre abe ha A this ridiag will be | sow: by themasoring uo and: multiply tep. + ct to change the name of the District | will open wafer Eng ny w id At y A I thought and action, of those axistcc-atic | of corrupeion, aod this riding will be | row hy themspring ur multiply ten Permanent building 'Society of Montreal | in Apthw: theiEast, . ane "will, hutgtale, Jung, 1872. GRAND UNION tion betwen the working poor ard ide | 'nost humble servant. 1 Ox Wednesday n:orning last, while some | HOW To SLEET. Read the advertisement for Bell & Co's i . ----_-- rw v---- {boys wore amusing tlhomeolyes. by -- a TAR What has he done to insure to the poor | Eczcrons ! be praparod for an immes3i- 2 treal Telegraph Company, and for other | pramoting their settlement, and drawin en Ew, AE EX " (59; 1S. Od Jo) man his constitutional risht of a To Ja ate election, and don't be canght napping. | (hem between (wo stones, a son of Mr. i Rrvicivapusally wikeful poses. The h Hget P Pans, oloscr the ties which bind the sister rn In Oshawa, Zune a, Rev, J, Kenner. k Cl n I ous cf . bmn 2 ey their Hache | Fincut together, by 'easier access end | Mr. a ces Stone' rh ¥o- > Wbiatand cholos aa {a whe shunid othe 7 ;' 577 000 Bes0 goch 2 supe rvien Sool AT Canada a peoples dervant in (Parlivmont? What 0° Of the Zories that. Re can Rave the | to school, came very near meeting with a | abuse their bodies, begets an irritable con. ods. mu ex : : : has he done to nh tect the purse, the | South Ontario contest brofMftht off to suit | Sad accident. Ore of the cartridges was | dition of the nerves; and a morbid state of et 9 Fons WF the Toronts Corn a ave Bo. comidurad he gb Tu Oshawa, 'on Tonio Mr. Hugh' NIAGARA FALLS. . Isc, 1 . ' . . . ! : roRistic te i change Asscei on, i . % nrsday 1 i lands, the natural hud aquired rights | his convenience. If his present tour epy- | :xploded just as he was passing, the bal} | the mind, very attagonistic to quiet and re: "Act to divide pti poling districts in iw oO QAt A of pele i go vl ow Sanpbeil, aged 3 Jouts and 3 months, -- 'the fsheri "| ing out the land is deemed favorable for | of which struck him on the knee, eutting | freching sleep. Such persons will often 8! the County of I 14 ; by Prov ! wi i £ ton ; tage | The ingle! will e place this (Friday) after. | h ries, the y, and the hon | 100 gra; | in ' 8 | 10 bed weary and exhausted, but ciunot | V1. U0URY of Inverness, in the Province | the| possession of great navigable. rivers | Roem, at o'clock. i On Monday, June 244 ' of the people of this Dominion] Let Lim | his ratura, look for a contost within two | the flesh to the boils, Fad the ball 2m: | sleep; or sleep dreumily and fitfally; or of Nova Beotia, and to provide for voters' | like the Sc. Lawz-nge and. its Sribubaris | rm men mm ; i answes--what | Let his orzan point oat, | VPs. Let the watchward be ready ! | a trifle higher, it would have struck the | iie awake for hours, unable to sleep at all. ns bp Brid, ; od in thet Shebating. you igh ry Hou: | A Chemical Food and Nutritive Tonic THE SPLENDID STEAMER Eau | OU 1 ave-voudy! : > ' we a Win v Tike We have tried many expedionts to induce ch I g Bridges. in their improvement, and ip: that of | LL THE O a " TTI : 3 --Joo, Mr. Larke, you point!!! Perips | 27° 72045" 8nd Safeat ta the Tory eacties | knee cap, and very likely lamed the boy y 0 induce | 300 (0 amend the. Si naa. ah? : RGANS AND TISSUES | 6 RSEM bl kp prin 3 hi - a | of Ontario. for life. The boys should mot engage in Sew Nth mote JF Jon nace io avd have ¥ idly Rattner ey Si. Lawrence and | the auxiliary canals, is a safe investment. A of the body are constructed and nourishes NO SE AN, A : - . ea he as of o n be whic wed. Detter in L a Il Act. \ said to entertain, tha! this coy wry cannot | i sach dangerous sinusements. J Youipe F Be. Letior 1x CAPTAIN CARTER, ki ot th th Xe York Central Rail vay, will So - curity party to and rom the Falls, under the a pices of the Bow- . peedil M ; Y - EXCURSION T0 Dieory than in practice. Tio very bes Act to remove doubts under the act re- oh YEE ho Sanly ad 9 ols og BF hich ay ioh holds im soluion the materia be exactly right nalil tho Liboriag mm | IN 70. NIAGARA. asthod we have yet discovered is that of | Pot 6 the public wurke of Canada. has to accept fuweuty counts a diy for Li 4 ve, and aanville Divides ¢ of Temperance, . . Vo 3 Stone tiplied iniereonrse. Rian Littiejohu, both of Oshawa. -- : | TrzGatar Musica avo Disraisvrion The Bowmanville Division, 8. of T., in | CanNivarn. --Mr. Geo. R. Ellis, of Roche:- | down all the eclmnnels opened {fo its Sinribateatacion its og on. Ton ouuting, Breathe dacply and slowlvéwith. | . Ct respeoting.the shipping of seamen | course, for it will be swollen by the con- | there must be complete Digestion and Assimils Lat vavetr dul of #4 i tlowly(with in Nova Seulig fluepce of your aconmulating productions | tion.) When: these functions gre deranged there work! No! thank Ged! The man who, | conection with the Bowsarrile Soni ter, the manager of vie great musical Ls. | Ji brs. thas. ay Sy iratiun, Act respocting the apnointment and | with these ofyonr Western net: iibors. dissolved am: sie foo! Mili he imperfect in his contempt for laboring wen, could | Band, have arrangel for an excurfon to | tziliution carnival that everybody ims | ume persons will be asleop i is hi ntter that expression of insuls iu Coon] i Siagara, per steamer Norseman, on| Mon- | heard aad read soinach abo f, ie a gentle aing #i at thet place will 3 | dissqlved from insu: nt gast ie iuioe, the Woo before thaw | POETS of Commissioners of Pilots for the It] is highly satisfactory that the condi. is not likely to do so azain--eapc. | il jhocome. watery and Hedejent in fibrin th | :aa count §fty in this manasr. Othars will | S20 and harbours of the county of | 'ion|of the revenus is 8) prosparous as to | degener ion re porter tain Yiderg during an election contest. Perhips you | will not refer Lo Mr. Gibbs' persistent offorts in the Commons to prevent any improvement in the Election Law. Youn know, 'My. Vindicator, that Mr, Gibbs. o'talndd his election in 1357 by the most determined bribery and corrupt practices; sud you, knowing that he. ie indebted t | the potency of the purse--hid People's purse, secrct service j OF som other money, will not be so stat that during Mis "profound thiniiag i. Abe House fov five years, he determine. that the shestion law shold pot Le amen. ortie y | iay mext, 24th inet. This is the day ap- | maa of sterling reputation. He has bow | pointed for the grand review of all 'the | many yeats 8 resident of Rochester; ha volunteers assembled at Niagara, about { ove of the lazgest and moat elegant musi: 7030 in number. A good quadrille band | stones in the Sta'e, located ia Powers will be on the baat for the convenience of { Commercial Bailding. In that Mr. Ellis -hose wishing to trip the Ight fantastic gave agranl gift concért last March, not 00. "Tiekabmfor Bale in Oshawa at the | as largpas the coming carnival, it amount- Rumopymn office. For Full particulars |ing to less them $20,000, and thirty 108 | Ad artisement in another column, | thousand more tickets could have been 1 rrmm-------- s0id at that time if they had been issued, i eanmnl suniversary of Altons Di- | and it was so conduSted that everybody digg took place in was perfectly batisod. Eazh apttcle'tha: | Willage, on Wednesday of | was advertised fir the schemes was -draws | - Medical Vietory. For the cure of diseases of tha liver, kidneys and bladder. it is P. P-Wiite, Fsq., in ths am? dsiivered hits owner after the Traw- | For billiouaness, shenmatism, oat ten, twenty, and then forget them- Chatlotre. selves aud ceade conting. In such cases Uways comnence agairat once, Very few »ersons ean counts haatrel aad find ther. i selves awake; but should this happen ~ | chapter 3, rosecting the: loan for paymg reat the dose until cured. -- From Science Jf Health. money and price, and is an angel f mercy #> those suffering trom any or niérves. neurlgia Act to provide for the appointment of | | a harbour-iaaster for the port of Halifax. | Act to mmend the Act 34 Victoria. a certain sum to the Hudson Bay Com- pny. Act to grant certain additional powers tothe €'tawa, Vaudreuil and Montreal | Railway Company. - Act to incorporate the Dominioa Trust Company. Act to compel mewmbars. of the Local Legislature in any Province where dual representation is mot allowed to resign their seats beco ning candidates + Act t& incorporate the Banque Ville for seats in the Dominion Parliament. hy { enable you to advance the intorest of the | Jthe Liver, Kidneys, Haart and Lungs, wit ci nitry by esmmencigg the construction | of tess works at once without delay or | wisgiving. y Gentlemen of tHe Hrwe'of Commonss-- In Her 'Majesty's name 1 thank yon for the supplies whiph, yoa have so cheerfully granted. I heartily, congratulate you on the prosperous condition of the revenue, and ¢n yowr having been enabled by the repeal of the dupied on tea and ee to diminish the bupdens of the peonle. Hon.| Gentlemen of the Senate :-- Gentlemen of the. Hogs of Commons :--~ The joint Adgresa with which you haye Bini me, an, the eve of Hy dopa tame, Norvons ation and General Debility re "lt, and the gonstitution is broken down wit Wasting Chronic Disensns, Ta snah'e the Stom- ach to digest trod, and tosupp'y the wa (oe geis why rem mental "and physician exe dion, Dr Vheecler's Componnd Elixir of Phosphates an" Calisaya is reliable, and permanent in its effects Sold by all Druggists at $1. 3 Commercial, of able public men ;to be s: . y Tah, i Which: The. w hlo foray vill be including try, Cavalry. The Norseman will leave Port Hope at 3a.m., J{ewcastle 4.15, Bow) The Bownianville Cornet Band, | new her wis . foun, h es a rich intellectual and | ing hl talon place. Bo any who ma) od, because doing eo would lessen Li; | shysical 'supplemented with choise desire information Re regard to this ite icon all my lide the-e . alidnces fur re-election. No, you will noi | music by the Ashburn ard Myrtle Bras: | met, thay are rofesed to amy and all of | *™ ry , : SI ration Ask ok and esteem. I have waiched with deep i he even went so far as to vote agains | Band. Everything posed off hasmoni. th'best and leading Duasiness honsss aad intrinsie boon ever labi Wb the Jur ofl i808 i. . Jom SHticn inter capacity, the pro- Xe by Wallet, "--s system of voting ously. '- hoacrzlle gentiemen of Rochester, vaffering Kum vaity,.... a" dw | "Ye ppergpete meals the Ansident Tnan- | go otheryice a: ht "the a st agreeable to, my feelings, I shall, a hy fr) stands pre-ewinently at.| Marie, - ire you, hold in grateful reculleetion other Tomedics, and pone | AR Io inadrporabe the Canadian Yin] fo tf "fetal provement "ie dex AY a umn EE POOR COPY