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Ontario Reformer, 21 Jun 1872, p. 4

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- HAWA, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1872. No Risk. , | AGL AL di +, ; 3 LOOK OUT FOR ; EZ , ye -- " | ~ dd $31 M { | ¢ Z How many times one hears a mother | Thomas' Eclectric Oil! Worth Ten Timds | 8 Ph tg wary coaX and Hfge Ker Baby 6 say Works its Weight in Gold. Do you know . me' i » 2.84 8 Good 0 Tap L Oo D oO N J Q U E B E C . ~~ ¢ somehow he has made up his mind hé ything of it! - Inet, | = : Ta pg | : {f! rd won't, 'or, if hd has not made up his mind, N the coaxing cates hit to! Ordinarily the Puy baby says the one word of his vocabulary | Un dole cupes common S hroat. Onebottle : : | : : ido cured Hronebitis. s worth----ting | ; a Ay 4 with readiness; but thié time the company cured pt Oneor vg bole bad page Pig od BROOKILIN is being displayed makes | Six to eich Anpiie 10n8 €Ure Any race of Rae we ; i = 3 : : : h . > eight applications cure any case x cory | " Give my love to the artist workmen of THE i ent, and he dods wot ated hippies or inflamed Breast," One bottle has Tn (A . a . t BY 3 A . ae Bog by *d lame back of eight years standing. Danie) S v4 : ' x 3 ALDINE who are striving to make their pro- i¢'when frst asked Then tho fie. | Plank, o fookarid, Tioga County. Pi ars] oP HARRY TAIT | fotos, worthy of admiration tor Senutk ge 6 © y miles for a bottle of you il, ic . A h ¥ 3 Fs 2 8," for the mother to stop. If she urges. him | acted § wonderful cure of a crooked limb py if || - ae 1 | -- : : TEMPERLEY'S LINE Beecher." DR for ar aonts. +r 7 applications," 2 : { i . - : VIE | 7 it is time wou did. TO BE MADE AT | axp | phiapmet $2 N° FIRST OLASS|h ruomasaueny, | monTREAL oad onde Journal claimed tog be the handsomest paper in the world. ¢ wa EP eT mw me ] . : ® . . Another .who has had Asthma fot while in such a case, when he is not inclined t Years. says: "1 have half of a 50 cent bottle left | larity. has noe of the temporary of timely D it wi =~ : ¢il] | and $100 would not buy it if could get no more? | - HE = 4 cd Composed of the following First-Class | rity, has n of the te rary of timel; SH fe) SLE » as - wJ0fus Robinson, of Nunda, N. Y,, writess| ">See g Tod Ri Rn > ™ A 7] ow Iron Steamers: | 5 characteristic of ordinary odicals, i 3 and strengthen he 3 4 e potmie Oil pestore ; : ! " ' re DWAY CTOR. | & an elegant miscellany of pure, Jight, and grace- i i : i ; e not spoken above : -~ | OR { . SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, HEC * collection of the with his strength," and will become ob- in UF yeas," on) Ky Toms \} "SEVERX. A al Skill AAT in Diack oc i Wyoming Ne Yo wiltes: Your Beige of | Af 3 a ¥ a 54 TWEED, THAMES, = . i ape she cannet peas- | cured me of Bronchitis in one week 7) > " . 4 ® 0 1 affords a Alt) nas Dh 0 rend, Theres to its the re: = and : ol all ov er the country say: * We have never sold : a r - -- . al 4 i The Steame: { this Line are intended to sail | To) d beauty of THE ALDINE will be wh there ne mary moral a medicine that has given such complete satis $ v-t " nh TF Y | " d ban from Que Pea ard Montrenl every Tuespay dur- hovunghi Bs Ar it has mn bound up at wrong than inhis refusinghis milk when he | faction as this : rbivi bi oe 4 y i { 1 ; . pro ' ing the season of navigation of 1872, and from | cines of the year. While other publications Yrs azaas sEETINRT Ld * ' Lad. . . 5 Cae It is composed of six of the best oils that are A . X rery Wednesday, calling at Plymouth | = 0 a i is not hungry. Bat this childhood is like | known, " s as good totake as for external use, D = P EE wr ' = y X x & atu Bhs Bi Phrowkh tickets fiom all | Soyclain Syverior clicapnces ss coinnared with a nd is believed to be immeasura superior to | ) £5 . i 3 Pp NS . Certificates issued | i > . hd ov soedtime. Mughmagbe done almost from | anthing ever made. © Will save son par ut M ED i £ AL Vi CTO RY wl Fo partica desirous of Drimging out thelr frends. | unidue Sad origital concopion-alone aad un earliest infancy. by inducing unconscious- | fering and many dollars of expense. Is sold by L ® . -~ For full particulars apply to the Company's | OF OF Charagter The possessor of the volume oo 1 4 one or more dealers in place wherd these BR - TT # . Agent at Oshawa, | Just ¢ leted cennot dupli the quantity of ly to the child habits of obedience, and greylans ate found, ! Zycents. Was hol DR.DZPEW, OF PARIS, FRANCE, sn emi. / Eon sd fw. SMITH. | fo paper and engravings in any other shape oF resenting their. opposities--thus making Pre ---- THOMAS Pm =| pont Peak an df fokeign dow aut, Jano uted s bi iL J 1 4, / { - number of volumes for ten times its cos . He + | N. MAN PHELrs, N.Y, 5 fh Leupe! y--a Purely VegetabloCompou 3 Y 3 - het ods The labor of getting THE ALDINE ready on the afterway far easier for both child and | And NORTHROP & 1.y MAN, NEWCASTLE, Ont.) | --uged by 1higvicidne, Depen's Medical Victoryye- 0 xi N LINE we Press os 00 Lom that reprinting bs out Of StH A" contest with's chil cah _ | Sole Agents for the Dominion. | arqgevery kindof unhealthy Humor,and every A I N M Al 4 AN 4 | the guestion. With the exception of a small . mn + A contes! c BD: | Nov.--Ecleotric--Selectod and Electrized. diseate tat de perhiash L Butthol Sil oq where . | number specially reserved for binding, the edition i A re : | the Lungs, Liver, and Kilueys, and other v . y a os | Der 4 " . , th n 5 erally be prevented, and ought to be.-- FL sale BY We N Atkizson and Dr. Deans Bas, ate not pli bey th pe of repair. CALL ON OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, | of 151, is alls dy, exhausted, ahd tis now. mils CELEBRATRD MACRINE Temporal and extesnal obedience may be | Pfia Wa: in Whitby by J. H. Gerrieand J. Byrn cureof 8 ! J now been tested beyond all question aad th 2 . . ' n Brookiin by John Warren, 3 io of i t PJ o > ree \ TO AND FROM NEW FEATURES FOR 1872, -- ART DEPARIMNERT edict of the lie bo obtained by it, in some cases--though not ploldby J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT Buin, Ulcers, and Fy aU kinow) B iis 4 THIS SPACE IS | enthusiastic SUpPORE 80 adily seconded publi 4 - »wmanville Ontario. { rd $ h or Eyes, Sc MH .} r th x 3 . duced, has convinced the publishersof THE AL- always even hat = ut at whit a fearful : : ' : sples or 1) ees Geo S C l IMIE . Taft to show that ¥ NE of the soundness o their theory hat the N t ctl = M ; oa, HY . . ' k { American public would recognize ai eartily cost, Not only. ee Bia rd oy Canadian Pain Destroy er A Shin of nIetave pin - rr : | rT sincere efforts te elevate the tone - WEG Cea CRAP, | ME SAEICRE a | [Ti To rt amr mart BAMBRIDGE Tv | Samy weekly wicked shoots exist and three | 1 Stands without a Riva and never the same with as without it,and A cil and fdvorally kaw. relieving thou i8 & shart fh:06, br the usp of i1de Fil Kemedy- AT THE is mot evidence that there is no market for an bid . ao» os od. 3m] ; | bottle, dn suc' . nvitew 3116 208 18. - . thing better--in ie success C "' breaking the will, tas it is calle d, in ands froui pain in the 3 via Visor 0 jeri cyrtive pheete. Darr Nu 164 : has always off 'hand DINE from the start is direct: proof of the com: stead of trainingit, isa dire mistake. -- |Wide, Baek and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore | ale or 3 tiagod Bien: : " trary. With a population so vast, and of such : yr y . v t brough the sin bu Pimple " . y. J Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in Wor g1hrougl She No i FID al New and Second-hand variéd taste, a publisher can choose his patrons 4 { a > There can be no self-governing force, no : a 4 | Efayfisns or! 11 " ' y / nd his paper is rather indicative of his own | It is the niost substantially built, has the fowes the Stomach, Cholera Morbus. eracred and sluggish 10 the veins: REFORMER | t 1 2 er, 00 th of th Pe te of the'country part: design Anish. 4 "s . a. . a u - 3 " i arriaces . 4 » laste y. As aguarantee | working beaatiful in and - stability of character, without a resolute, Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, K EE Wagons ind C Afriages : / lof the excellence of this departmant, the publish- Han the Lost dvi: of a suttle, and by far the well-directed will. The young Wyee wea Scalds, Frost Bites, de. 1 ig . ready when called for, "rry oF RicHMoND. City or Aurwerp, |(6rs Would beg to announce during the coming LARGEST ROBBINS. It is capable of perform- | . 3 y ' ive, : "wind " SY ER :. ||year, specimens from the followin eminent Enow, must-be epruned.--never broken. -- at gaxamt AN (ALY DEsTROVER has now 33 | at reasonable rates nih or JoNThe ory oF JALTIMORE. American artists; W. T. Richai vg ing a range of work hitherto thought impossibl : : sen betore the public for a length of : a al A Ss. . 2 % : R . ot 4 : Tbe colt must be trained by gentle firm- | wherever used is well Lik wer fai tin erful ag ' Oo EFI C E " i rn | 4 dor ;. | Beard, G. H, Smillie, Aug. Will, Granville | t i Ot & fRepdirthe and Shoe TY op Hate. [TY OF Ja * | kins, F. 0, C, Darley Vitor Neblig, W. H. Wil- for Sewing'Machines. Pp : 14 | single instance to give J ane p vhe » A wepd £ ana shoe- RUBRELS. Sy Wu | cox. J s H. , J. D. Smillie, R. E. Pi ness, not severity. And immortal souls I a AW ro Jhormanent Te tel . lites Ri vesig or _itepainhg 4TY oF NEW YORK. Crry or Han x. | Sox. James H Boars J b Puillie. R E. Piguet, aud human hearts. needs no less - care and | case of discatistaction, where the directions have | | €or Famalo Qgmplais TT Sy . ing attefded to as ry or Loxpox, Cry oF DURmAN. ea or ams odo whe cbd. without ; = : : Deen Smoperly followed, hut on the contrary all, 0.0% REC epee Medical VtoroLas no Just Received & For Sale } oii 9 > | regard to expense Cy the very best engravers in I i A watchfuliiges. the highest SHR OF fe HDS and matical | sual usugs Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdays !| the country, and wii} bear the severest critical | [5 soldat about one-half thie i 4 + d-- ~ J re Aig _ ¥ az In the cura of Rheumatism, { ' comparison with the best foreign work, . etlect. Inint, and diseases of the Kid d : ' ATE TOL 3 Yer 45, Ne diver. e dete i p> i 2 BRUTE WISDOM. We speak from experience in the matter, havs| Complaint; and diseases of leguiati og the ATS (SIMCOE STREET, Fein Piet #5 North River the determination of the publishers chat, Fi price of thier Machines on ---- ing Vested it thatoughly tad the jefore those wig Bowels, aud curing B . A th D . F it Ww | ag 11 RATES OF PASSAGE, a Ameiissn taste in (oo mpetition with any exist. ORY > € Tom ' any. of th laints fo fearal Ww , Nerv. 5 , pehston "abin. Stee: ; y i i Tue Dubuque (Towa) Telegraph vouches | 105 $0 ommended, way depend upon 16, Headache. Neuralgia, Yesiaie W sakues, Nervous ominion Furniture arerooms ! OSHAW A. ToQueenttonor = Cabin =~ Stecrage. | ing publication in the wor J for the following singular horse story :-- | being a Sovergign | the Canadian Paul 1X wb Deliv, jroty ! London, - +. 80% | gr LATERANY DEFARIMENE. . } . The astonishing of the { anadian Pain ris ; p March 2921872. 51-6mt Paris] «vs aC ia as " Where 50 much attention paid to lust ym-- : ! Om Momdny evening lagt aman whose | Destroyer in uring the diseases for which it is 07 5 IFEGIVING | » and get up of the work too much dependence on | THE PKICE OF OTHER MACHINES DOING ; : h recommended, «.-1 its wonderful effects in sub- merfoct Renovaio A ' . Tickets cin be bought here at moderate rates hy ys; " Es mame we could not learr-wasseenwonding duing (he torturous pains of Rheumatism, and in om caring of OTA iH D N ' on I wiring Fbing to rons i For ey utugully De leased. To! THE LIKE WORK. Is equally at home on his way up Julien avenue, leading a mare | FEC Ing Nervous Sections, entitle it to ol the Elgod ta {14 healthy Conds . . ; Be ; & further igformation apply to the Company's | to state that the editorial managemeni of 7/7; | eather uson fine goods, ' Has carried off prises a ' . . |] rank in ae St 0 wv medies, . ™ e dare comin . iat - * a. Agent, . ALDINE has been intrusted to Mi R] CHARD over the Howe, Singer, Lockman Wheeler & by the bridle.' He was badly intoxicated, | in froni Medicine Dealers, in all parts of the, Drugyists & Dealers 3 . C. W. SMITH, Osawa. | HENRY STODDARD, who has pete ed assur: | Wilson, Wansef, Raymond, dc. #ar A Perfeost » d it | : SENS. [OR 2 {PTE PANPHLE h A July 20. 15-3m | ances of assistance from a host of the most pop- " . so much §o-that he" staggered, Indy was) Fhe | , oe CO YOUNG, SILLS & CO Noi | P t + St | : ular writers and poets of the country. Machine Guaranteed er no sale. sometimes more than he could do to main- | 3 y 3 ie Danlers Bath, Outs oiseiess atent A ee : . CONDENSED THE VOLUME FOR 1872 tain his equilibrium. The mare kept a | keh { bidwuiciaps rdeciand wif i: as no 4 > : AR sn tituveps ope RIC BATH! wip Soutain neasly 350. 2ages ind abou! 350 fhe : close watch on his movements," and when- | Price, only Twenty-five Cents per bottle. 4 Spring Bed Bottom Lhe Pantry in AT M 0 S P H E R t| Jan Tats, third number will contain & SAND alli ; For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans | as ¥ Ty? : : iE -- * beautiful tinted picture on plate paper, inserted GUELP A ever he came near falling would grab his haw in hithy by J. TH Ge ane. Boral The Greatest Invention of the Age, as a frontispiece. THE E i k klyn by John Warren. a, - Ti Chri V f 73, Wi a coat collar between her teeth and hold him rooklyn by John Warren NOR THE CURE OF ALL KINDS OF oh fistmas ber Lo as. al be a AND TREADLE MACHINES 3 Sold in, Bowmanville by J. Higginbotham and / "df ada al yoa get t up. She @id wo noes thangdezen times 3 nodicine dealers * | ey 4 ! 4 - Diseases, both acute and chronic. Prof. vings, (four in tint) and, although retailed at do presence of several spectators The D. SM. and all iadiciue deniers, | AS oe I CLEA N EST, EASI EST, : [ i ' Stone would announce to the people of Oshawa | $1, will be sent without extra charge to all jear- | pO And for durability and simplicity has no cqual, Ho 8 3) 4 | Bath is now in successful operation in Ophawa, Sronies man fell dows js the street Stes The Great Female Remedy. ) | and he {a ready to treat all disoascs on the prin | A Ving byimy ie : 0 sooner had he done so than ACs Sr | i | | ciples of Ajrpathy, or a condensed Atmosphere. as a vi Po] r feature year, and will ut : the back of his t and JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. TO WHOM IT MAY CONOERN . a He has p ifled and disciplined it to b one | be repeat with the present volume, The pub- | are the best made, simplest, more durable and animal gre ha cod' a | . . gry 18 hi» y recommended to Ta tes aa of the greatest sanitary Agents of the age, and lishers 3 have purbhased aud reproduced, at great reliable than any other single-thread machine.-- jh i 3 INV IN 3 bs i "pa-zuon for the Toilet. For srhaps ofthe world. As ac eases, 3 \ bea 3 ng £n- D #ethim on MF feels When a little beyond HIS INVA HUABIE MEDI INE IS! : : . i «Sapa on, and rondcriog 1h | moa Tinquestionably hold a place as far above titled ** DaxE NATURE'S SCHOOL." The chromo | L4T8er and work with great ease. Will do ele f: he cure of all th a TE th le i hotel proprietors kinds of domestic sewing perfectly satigfs McNulty's house, the owner of the mare de ling in ties urs of ail tiose | ba nd cpalgusd Bote! Ro Sen : : « doar, and free from i yncea, it 4 Gther Shifatite sad sanitary afents as its re- 113i inshes, andls 46 ETAL fac utile in size of do se ns ae L ASCs C th « . - : L i. wl quicl ve a. i? J a e . PP y 2 manner. Has taken where a int e of his who was also | tution is subject. It moc rates xcoss and re- § Ph il 1 P Taylor Bed Bottom, and we are satisfied it is the best vos a1 re os, Dio, aie hic 0 produ tad, to science. Acute diseases, | American chromo, which will at all compare yor exhibited. pein met acquamy - 5 ti | moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be 2 Spring in use, and recommend jt to consumers 1% r+ happed Hands, Chilblains, Frost | such as Searlet Fever, Typhoid Fever, Bilious | with it, has yet been ofiered at retail for less drunk, MiThey engaged' mw, conversation, | relied on. and the trade: i ' Lips, It csunot be surpagscd. | Fever, Acute Inflammation of the Lungs and | than cost price asked for THE 4 LDINE and it : : < i c : ._, TO MARRIED LADIES ; EPS LARGES CST AND | Bowels, Dysentery, with all other forms of Acute | rogether, It will be delivered free, with the and while talking, bumped against each | is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, ¥ EEPS THE JAR : r ST, BEST AND | TECUMSEH HOTEL. - - London, Ont. Da fin ve cured in their early stages in a | January number, to every subscriber .who pays to fell. He 1] oring on the monthly period with regularity, ! GREAT WESTERN TTOTEL, - Windsor, Ont A RR ~~ . very few hours without fail, so if you or your | for one year in advance. . otlier and the man alluded These Pills should mot be taken by Females | wr i : SS VIIIRY HOTEL" idsor, On EY -CARBOLIC NOS: | family are attacked with any acute disease TERMS FOR A812. " was immed bly picke-up by the mara | during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Preo.| Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, ilver NR AVIRLY HOTEL Rochester. NF y tht come to the Bath and save the suffering of a long One Copy, one gear, with Off Chromo, 0 |AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE as . | nancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, 4 RL aks = - aester, N. ¥, 4 ET protracte ness. e cure is sure and certain 4 vy " hy Apis B08 and just as soon as she had finished he: but at any her time they are safe. ag 1 ed F: d Fa hd 8, GLOBE HOTE > gos SyracuseyN.Y. ~.T0l L gf: | as above stated, which others can testify, who Kive Copies, x 20.00 SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS, » A a : ont dy AL WICY . Ly y ey y, ' Debut LJ Bred it ' Any person sending 00 names and. $40, will re- job, she turned round and let her heels fly paiall Cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, do VANDERBILT HOUSE, - " " - ' 5 Sars cll fio wer Faows AA ted It. ot has been thoroughly tested in | Ceive an extracopy gratis, making 11 copies for wi ains in e Back and Limbs, igue on ~ ~ ~ Nn > > vd 3 APF POSS - B " * in e! theman who knock- | exertion, Pal a ane! tho Loar le] os --d GLOBE HOTEL, BE Albany, N. Y. p car il ufeeting properties of Carbolle Chronic ssets wis the Sreatest ay ol wishing to work for a premium. | | Mast d Fortunittely her | Whites, these Pillsoagll effect @ cure 'when all OITY HOTEL: howd BE ee Lat Comal rm onuroat. Brot | cn ve Or Pact citevie oh ae: : 3 gther means hiv e ff ed : and althor a power > AMERICAN HOTEL, - - - Troy, N.Y. : dls: Fitation i oy ot hy Catarrh, Nervous Affections, Nervous Headache, | Hi give many beautiful and desirable articles | or terms, samples of sewing, : 0 rdy, do not contain iron, cs p A Aiea edn NX 3 : . > , ) 4 tions, che, | F : y , apply heels missed te mark. mony, or anything h al to the constit SNYDER HOUSE, > 2 Waverly, N. ¥ og Dad with this 8 Rees aiients fan . ps, Droper: Tjscascs of the Tiheumatisin} : ? Fob BS ich Re to. act permaaently, as | GUELP SEW INGRAGH TE BF. WNT SRE ] Full directions in the pamp ack . . . sallow FY i FOIDS 43d 1% UFe bY tor TIE Mi Sta 1 . | our agent, will apply with reference, enclosing | GU] p 2 > wa . Pp y A 'ection will materially rrevent | sumption in its Early and Middle Stages, Insan 3 ng | . GUELPH, CANADA I> Anodgme Linineent will give | package, which should be carefully ed. | He is the sol r Russell's Celebrated Ww. Wigg & Son. 132 a Price Boents nel Tariersh | Tp alll Female Difficulties. He has never | ¥1 for outfit. an . ! | AD moré relief in cases of Chronic Rheuma- {Jom mosis, xew ¥ SOLE PR 2 Watches ] cted Specta- : i : made a failure of a cure, where he had a reason- | JAMES SUTTON & CO., I . - | and + . . cles, and goods made Oshawa, Jan. 18. 41-3m. . able time and a regular attendance. | ishers, 2 ty Ste 7 - Jin, 5 Muster BOW spvere; than an} other wii and 1 Lyma le, ( » ; | and every thing in h » order. awa, Jan. 18 + ham " N He would invite all those that are suffering | Publishers, 23 Liberty Street. New York. | icie known medical men. agents for the Dm , It will t cami § / v i | ny oexa »efore purchas . so: containing over 5 pi by return mail. ing else All ( 4 1 Jobs warranted Ir is often remarked by strangers visit- | Con aining i. | ing elseware, : warranted y y For sale by W. T tkinson and.Dr. Deans und cheaper than any other House. ny our State; tht we show a larger pro- Oshawa; in Whitby 3 by J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrne PHILIP TAY Ry porti ¥ oo a than any other | in Breclyn by John Warren, Watchmaker & Jew ler a Uni 5 00 i 0 Sold by J HIGGINBOTHAM D. STO treet . State This, we tell. them, obo din Uh HAM afd D, STOTT trect, Os awa. is owing to two principal reasons: in the | -- -- AES 4 | 1871, 34 first place, we breed from the very best - . : : stock; and in the second place, our people In Memoriam. use Shbrdian's Cavalry Condition Powders, GAINST EXPENDITURES whi our judgment are of incalculable | . LA inhonorof the dead, Heaven has uttered no prohibition, and h is NB ot . vi itage. injured, but benefitted, by All advan those beautifil emblems which adorn peti Tuousaxps of Promising Youths, of | | the matiy tombs around which we love ) - 3 to linger, assure us we are in a world of - : both sexes, go down to untimely graves, Sar and loving hearts ; the 'adorning pops. from general debility and weakness, who aleviac to Viel anil ogihe nes sense, = t foi wounc . 1s0 che Int might®e saved by fortifying their systems reaved fo tat hn ada ttons 1 reg with" Tgon. The, Peruvian Syrup is an bellishment of the grave pr ness, H - stronggr at{ractions to arrest th Iron Tonic prepared expressly to supply tion of the stranger, and causes 0 ge this vitalizing element, and is the only | | faese and jearn the name of one who ie 1 prep aration of Iron that will assimilate at Oe take this method to inform you 4 i once with the blood. ' t at we can fill orders for decorating the and it i : graves of departed frienc at iow . ' > : figures, reuted the best style of remain DE (The great publi Anes, Siete in the ty e's wemédy;,) havé gow been in use over twen- | | MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., Ira ty years, hence it cannot be said that they OF THE FINEST QUAIATY. OF flat on -areon trial. They have been thoroughly | | ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE i : : aka --AND-- Jot him tried, and pronounced {on the autharity SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, it ssn of thase whose lives and health they have supplied on short notice. Everything Soviet) wo nur Sam and on | [En OR ST itse ineptly salutary preparation, and if taken ers wit rs a + C. BOUNSALL, trouble in season will invariably cure colds, coughs, Bowmanville. in thesi sore threat, and all Bronchial affections. . burns, : One fair trial will convinced the skeptical. * "bottle ol gid by all medicine dealers, at 23cts. per which is box. --* plain It was Cicero who said that men' were SoxE! never so like the gods as when bringing pecular : health to their fellow men. With a know- ent eye: ledge of, snd fullest confidence in its in- and gra trinsic merit, DEPEW'S MEDICAL VIC- his obed TORY is offered as a reliable cure for dis- ase, all « eases of the liver, bowels, kidneys and J TRS as 'Money to Lend look ata'. bladder. The frame that this Broop . > Cea rines. AT IAL Me Sd SUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO'Y pe ; : > Sto See . 2 . . i . L ufactories and Mills in Ontario TE SEWIN NE )'Y, | graphical . - $n the in i Puririer has acquired for the cure of cos- ping . b and is giving entire satisfaction, and all unite in | = + Sq Lh BE | 'TERMS, In Ad Single C butit is tiveness, female weakness, prin HE FOLUOWING REMARKS ox| SEDUCED RATES. Commission Business. mn ving over all otmer Ope. moet tre Pei FUER. SAAD. gee? ove, Content Sin: Even Coven or cared for sumption, bilionsness' and general . . Testimonials of the most wonderful and fx i AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND i] i Sa. J. & A. SMITH, 16; 18 THE | and the country at large that his condensed Air | ly subscribers. > con from diseases of any kind to call on him and in- | - ------ ik & 3% HARM, Whdienis yobs vestigate his princip®s of cure, or any inquiries | ' 3 0S N M EST ! e Counties of Durham, Ontario and Victoria. ) relation ne nt and cure by letter will | I'H E BEST AND C HEAPEST . oS CATA ovate a hongstly and promptly answered. iy --r 3 y ro for all Skin Diseases, STONE. | WINTERHAS COME! anuary 18th, 1871. ° aris, Sores 35%) § Oshawa, June 15, 1671, LONG EVENINGS ARE HERE! . deurvy, It possesses ull the PROSPERITY ABOUNDS! : 4 ET l Guelph Sewing Machine W AND tory SoS Se_g FOR General SewingMachineAgen Cy «sl proparation, Price cents. T H EB 0S BO R by : INA GEE Rural New Yo iY | A Cars ARYS Lock-Stitch Sewisig Machine! ical ow Yorkes RTI tna KING OF CANADIAN han TYE 2 { 3) » | Krveside We N This GanoLs is the most reliable and efiesciots sEwixG sacuixgs | £07 © and Fireside WW eekly. TARKET BUILDINGS Ramed; in all cases of Sore Throat, Koarseness, > TNT ME ANT ~ . Diptharls, Bronchitis, Irritadlon of ihe Bronchial KING OF AMERICAN 'ubes so c n se le climat AAR ENE ~ rE Asha, Of:nsive Breath, Cleerated Guna, on SEWING MACHINES | La diseases of tho Mouth, or Public Speakers ree | 3 TQ T igen ne, Tis Bagchi | IEOUSANDS THROUGHOUT Ca. | VIS FAMOUS JOURNAL HAS FOR vob rig a 0s, NADX are now using these Machines They | or Nes ty-Five + the . a a shave ditaders *Hoteria have been tested Devond all question, make the | remised Leader U4 tt Spier Toa has stain BO M \ N I BE Fam Pate - " avorite -stitch--alike on both sides, and are | ju ¢+ : 4 Ura vr 25 cents. Pronciaved su perior to any other machine offered Bs Clases phe sandad authority on Kona, tothe public, For wide range of work, perfection, | : : » A £ beauty and gxcellence of mechanism, adaptability, - unlined Wortural, Literary, Family and trength and durability, The Osborn Sewing Machine UNEQUALED FEATURES! i Tae RURXL'S EDITORIAL STAFF is the largest : has no rival. aud ablest of any Journal in its sphere, while its evere, Chole 3 na 4&1 mproyements have lately been made, en Beside the writ oStabhy, So. ale SupeFicE, It willjhre gion fr abling the manufacturers to claim it as the ne sociate Editors, its Corps of Contributors Bar 1 X Vol plus ultra of Sewing Machines. Hundredsof er than that of any other RURAL AND LITERARY | testimonials are being received daily from oldas ean that MOORE'S RURAL is the Oi nin well as new operators attesting its wonderful ul capabilities. Will do all kinds of domestic sewing and though which great and beneficial efforts from the finest cambric to the coarsest over-coat or upper leather. IMPROVEMENT Guaranteed to be as vepresented, or no sale | originated and communicated to the le. J In the Future, asin the Past, the RuraL's Mot- Warranted for three years. il be Eexelsiorr Sxcept in price, which has - i n recuced--making it the Thatnest Ru- OsBoRN OUTFIT is complete and readily Y, the Werld comprehended. Is sold at one-half the price and Family Weekly in w 3 ; & ~ = hitherto charged for machines doing a like ran, ' 5 rg §. of work the, manufactarers ing termined to THE RURAL'S ILLUSTRATIONS . v2 place it within the reach of every family in the are Numerous, Varied, and Beautiful. Ind Pro Bono Publice. country, our aim is to render the whole : This Pre>. ni i2 ally Valuable and acceptable. Fhe Honarts Be. ¢ AA ni Dre i . : : worts of Markets, C Fi , LL KINDS OF CANCERS AND : a The Guelph Reversible [ini iii, and sion won Sous ir, Tumors taken out and curd without the K \ 8: ud y of the papér, Indeed, next to your local pa use of the knife, by DR. B. PAT1 £RSON. The h boos Is pre-eminently the best Single Thread Machine | MOORE'S RURAL is the one for Yourself, Family. best of references given in Bowmanville and J ry ' . r ore the ins a A its marvellous success. | 3nd Friends. - | wiesvhens: hurch Street, Bowmanville h ' : . i Will do all varieties of domestic sewing. PRICES CEC 8 A . ' ¢ REDUC! > T Bowmanville, Feb. 2lst, 1872. 30-tf. - a HIS SE nal jpn " i Sab outst. $18: Teehd STYLE AND REDUCED TERMS. --------c---- - 8) J achine, wi oul . H re. G. B. Stock's Celebrated | ao. $17. fa kach Machine guaranteed. Each number of the RURAL NEW- YORKER for A { J ( } | 1 O N 5 1872 will comprise Sixteen Quarto P. (larger Extra Machine 0il AT Agents wanted everywhere. Splendid in- | than Harper's Weekly,) printed from New asp | 5. NOW USED IN ALL THE PRIN. | "men's 1 make moncy. 4pply to and Printed in the Meher stole of pa rased [ -- * Hotel 1871. ESS OF ROBINSON & Co., 11 assortment of Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, S, &rc., WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. ie, MRtiby GERRLIE, PROFUSELY ILLUSTATED. H. Tamil) bing ft mhber the stand, Poarly opposite Hindes' R JAMES Medieal Hall. TOILET ARTICLI EST STOOK QF 71. . THE LAR NGLISH "PAPER | HANGINGS Ch would igform the public that he has just received a Drugs, Patent Medicines, AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BVUSIN Dr. Deany' Office in the Drug Store. Oshaa, April 13th, 18 Whitby, April 13, 1871) { Al 4 Just received direct from the manufacturers, I 'en Copies for $20--only Tr copy. Lib- > -- this Oil is well known, it is unnecessary for me to eral Premiums to all form & wy PX Men. 3 i rig in: cures in Canada by the GR N- r amount { suri 3 NIN state the reasons why it supercedes all oth: il, N ors, S x oe. And en or Unaou ness and debility, is without a parallel in REMEDY. They are stern. nn dsnisiie Fa iaya cn saer-fl the security of Goad THE SUBSCRIBER IN RETURNING | iste the reasons why it s tit will Sher On, EE Agents fof Oshawa Numbers, Show-Bills, ete., sent free. Address a edical histo# fp le facts, sufficient to convince the his sincere thanks for the many favors be- | nor get thick in the coldest weather. D. D. T. MOORE, esibi ff | medical hstoty, pecs In now accamibio ln ihe | Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, | mason um since he commenced ihe ati pra: TESTIMONIALS : Chronic Diseases. +. Rural New-Yorker Office, New York Oity, without OwxEsrs ORSES end ay : 1 ia ai %: | pared to attend to Sales wherever desired, and 2 : a---- a - ax 1 ; i Ean' n sums and manner to suit borrowers, Principal would also state that he has leased the Store be- « THE JosErE Hari MacuiNe Works, R. JAMES ,ELECTIC PHYSICIAN : package why not! and who knows but that their can be re-paid by yearly instalinents, or in ome | longing .. A. Farewell at Harmones, for the Oshawa, Ont., April 14, 1870 Would respectfull state that he is now ASK FoR IT-IRSIST UPON IT-BUY KO OTHER and Arat horses are rejoicing as well; whe Tove | For higat, Lungs, Liver, Diges | 54m: uri e of WFR on hau off ind vi GEO. B. STOCK, Esq., Brougham,. ' ireating suceossfully the following disease : FT cv va ve] 8 :-- | BE ™ Ried] TTT ONLY posdessic : ¥ 0 d: as well a g 4 Investments mada in Debentures, Mortages, C E 1 E DEAR SiR, --We have been using your Lubri- | Epilepsy, or falling Fits, in their worst form ; 3 T: { S$ SUKECUKE | . the 4. But their owners" rejoice the um, S E i|and other sécurifhes, nA MA I'N Y Sating ON for the putt four Juouths. and Sun say Qonstusaption; in its Yatous stages, {with Dr. ' A DW 1) LL DOSE ONIT 3 n . > . NA TARA rey Ty : without hesitation, it is the it oil wi r .'s remedies consumption is no longer an incu- b Sp bom astonishment afd almost | se f the Blood, we | oy vpn AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND AND ever used. It is also cheap, and lasts longer than rable disease)... Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, lit EPS! Rohini] i mirs ons effects i rses of "'Dar- 5 'as there SOLD. any other oil ; we have run our la; 14 foot Iron | Gravel Dropsy, General Dropsy, &c., patients - ? " ci age on their ho a ' i r A a 3 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Planer 7 days with one oiling. yd the tools | who have been tapped several times are curable | ; ley's Condition Powders and Arabian i Lonsumption ; or | (For furth p y Slean and Dright, We do not 'want anything | under Dr. James' treatment ; diseases of the Hea ro " were Ernestown, AMES HOLDEN, tter as a lubricator. ¥ 3 ; Hopdy." \ Somg 8. 8 a Ambrose Wo Official Assi PEs VOLE Ee SUCH A THE ; Yours truly, F. W. GLEN, Pres't. EYE AND EAR, ¥ having Yo wppetite, others . mplaint, or that of Jol y, 0 Office McMillan's Plock, Brock St., Whitby | CLIMAX DOUBLE CYLINDER I will run Stock's Oil against any other oil ine] Errors of youth, Nervous Debility, Premature vour their food ravenously, yet derive' no ario, of Rheumatism, who had actu Voril 13th, 1871. a 3 THRESHING MACHINE, the Dominion, and I prefer it to either Sperm or | Decay and all the effects of indiscretions of : : rrutches for years, in te of all tres Olive oil, or any other used on machinery, outh--a cure is guaranteed; Dyspepsia, Liver nefit from it; some were hide-bound, ey A is Fahy wiry, ---- a diseases, and diseases of Women and Children, DN EMEDY : CURES ; a A TATE | | Sewing Maeéhine : i enti | pherson, Gl & Co. A. HENDERSON, F' an Joseph Hall W ! > v sutti i : : th rough ayd shaggy hair; others had | Sit be mentioned had wq space. which is the best Machine ever introduced into | oN Foreman Joseph Hall Works. | Cancers cured without cutting. and little pain PETER'S res of such case Manufactured by Mary * 3 OF Sore Legs, Salt Rheum, and Scrofula in all its . BF Call at the Drug Store and get 1 Ontario. also the 1 find Stock's Oil to be the best oil I hav ver r, diseases w ». 3 . severe colds ind coughs; many had the une uestionablo certs pate on the r Si 0 ! : ; had in'my Flouring Mill for lubricating pes a forms, . r Jif happy 10 say, diseces Mvhich ; 3 ; . inquestionable cer I : , rica have hitherto been thoug rable are now usica iorar cle that heaves and other"complaints peculiar to | SHONEES REMEDY sud satisty yourselves, | LITTLE GIANT THRESHER AND Lhiad nsed olive, S¥ions to Stock's, and 1 find | rapidly yielding to his Hreutinent, a5 nd grateful Y time age horses; op all it aperated as & charm, 'fhe | Price of Reuady in Large Pints, 81. | » SEPARATOR, Moses Sri, Duffins Creek, Ont. ercury. mo Mineral Poisons, wit ime], le CONSISTING OF . % 2 . For Sale by al 1zwists 1 o eR ] 5 ' - u i form, in an; ease, : a champio' Sisetag or Saplam pk speedily Tomovels Mice. atone or poriets and Dealers i / for's Fariier's wife. made, Bf Joheth Shar. "The afiicted, who canoor obtain relief from | FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED WITH i, the appetite an Ave organscorvected, | Higginbotham,. DD. Stott. Whole 'Agents, -- | man, Stratford, also the ge eR other sources, are particularly invited to call and ¥ of her ¢ Sapp'. # bd a sloek shining ' | Northop & Lyinan. Neweastle ig § | JOHNSTON SELF-RAKE REAPER | used ip my EC Baar RE see him. bi . CHOICE PIANO MUSIC. . . * writing { the: skin so terol, and a sleek shining ap- | gh COMBINED "™.| 'Foreman tor Brown & Paterson, Whitby, Ont. | , #2 Office in| Neilson Hall, Belleville. Office . me---- AT THR ? } E ] b, VOCAL COLLECTIONS. i : hours, 11 a. m. to 3 p. Piacoa joc the cea all withou} any f : | D NE 4 'S Yours most riispectfully, 8 space { § Manhood, How Lost, How | -- IRE OHIO COMBINED WOOI'S |. rnuvcused Stocks on aad lad it.-1o-escct WE, 4. shine chin x hai cueeion kl nd TOOK THE ¥IRST PRIZE A » YL EW I would rather have Stock's Oil than any piece. danger to, oF preventing the horse beg Restored ' 5 8 Epa all oil I have ever used in 40 years mahufacturing L MIRISE ON : and used, ¥ the = name, an - THE CAUGA CHIEF JUNIOR MOWER, | experience, and have used Castor and Olive Oil, Ea -- pen, soe that d ure of Hurd & Co. is on | UST PUBLISHED A NEW «CAUTION. --All genuine has the name | py FAR FAMED PARIS GRAIN palty POVIuS 10 Mo crs (iL od | € BO I FTY easy Songs by Webster, Persley, ete. On ois each kage. {orthrop & L, N edition of Dr. Caulverwel | bi Ta ne' bs yy gh DRILL, . 0 (4 : Gol Leaves, mes I. and IL \ ' 4 - v . ~ ows p glass. e paniphle T ) | 2 . an 8 (unsided ° ach package. No Da od crm So Ae on tie rac free @ 3. 7, Dixawonr, Proprictor, Sh0ev 5t.. CULTIVATORS, GANG PLOWS WE eran Shae Bi Eaithon Spm Gibb. NEw scnoor,, DOLI ARS The two volumes contain al of Wins i _ Prayer § suatle, Ont, pf iy sor pad y } Wenkheos, Naw3ok. Said by all Druggists. » Fei) AID Ra Q Fan CE FR ever used, for experience shows it A by IL. 8. Per| WoRTH oF Music Priceless Gems. A collection of beauti-fW¥ | Just held at Toronto, over the most renowne the'sdd]' | V7 SU Madicivs Ed Phy cal Tncapasiy mbioicncy Meni vin : B= SEAGER Sox Markham, Out. | "Lily pou FOR 8 8B, ri 1 ar - ALSO CLIFTS - PATFNT LOOM I use Stocks Oil on my. machinery, which re. | | Kearth Home, Fireside Echoes, nd Sweet Sounds: Three Vo 1 Provincial Exhibition ! ful Baliads by Wallace, Thomas, Keller, Sewing Machines in the world, wong whic oat N oy . etc; also, Cons tion, Epileps ~ | TRS TPR " " i w [2 celebrated Wheeler Wiken - 4 THE FUTvEs OF TLmGRaYEY.~There | HF, i. are cronsy shileiey. and MANGLES THAT TOOK THE FIRST | voives about 4.000 times per minute, and find 1 | do%en. Contains over J UBSCRIBERS 0 I SULLICTIONS. pi { Aousd Ti : vonllo " : | sols to be practically no Jimits to the 3 ' &' the only oil that gives satisfaction. Two hundred new and to PETERS MUSICAL Fairy Fingers, je Circle, dec. Thisisonlys © the 4 pri " inhi rice, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents, PRIZE AT TORONTO, J. CaurcueLL, Bangor, Ont, : MoNTHLY are getting Youne Planist. Three volumes of very, transfers, possibilities of telegraphic communication, The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, AND FANNING MILLS, El beautiful Songs, Duets thet Basic Lio iting easy Viusic for Joung players. previously gendered by the Great Canadian o 4 = 4 : t Cl riy demonstrates from irty E ve re : 1 tA} v > to Hau, oF Already the. transmission, rapid ws 4 is como Penctice: tha the alarming Consequences = f z kA hag of other t and last but not least, EO. B. STOCK. E Oshawa, Feb. 7, 1871. te by W i" .. 4% ltwo centan piece. Those Dunce Moar Fa poe Lop Public, and proves conclusively the sUPERIORITY- oll barry | plow, and many ingenious | of 8 C8 bas internal medictn hyn fhe pr. havihg bea appointed agent forthe sale uf OR Vo extra machine oil comes nearerto | © oc PO © who have not seen this Pleasant 3 ries. A collection or THE " LOCKMAN OVER ALL OTHERS. some of minds are efhip ed solving the problem | plication of the knife i» pointing Jut a mode of JOHN M¢DONALD'S -TOMB. STONES on for In? jeating Jurposes than and | Every Sing lato, hepliitu sical Manasi jie hewaifel pieces By W Times, Mack, Dress- FR. & H. CHARA, Wholesale and Reta : ure at & oerta and effectual, " - ir - used, so as n w either fe should send 30 cents for 2 3 . : I Jouccy | how the speed.cpn be increased. "But we | means ror leRer, no-matter whe, . 5 AND MARBLE, MADE AT NEW. , | wm mor Joreds, and wares satisfactory and sparkling. Contents| a op Golden A Agents. Also, agents for Guelph Sewing Ma Fan: : : in | his condition may be, may cure himself ck y yours A. Farewrrs J I think, 1 | believe perfection has been attained in home gid fk c himself cheaply, . J sisats = a CASBLE: « ~ J and specimen pages sen music is by Hays ang poy A splendid collection, chine Co., Grover & Baker; Singer, Howe and { in Dest er." / ¥ | "hy ----; :} 8 lé co | . >, ' A Lord's E, | the * Candin Pain v and that I aoa ire ould ie he hrasige of ev ery) SE - I keep a Stock at Harmoney as Samples. SOLE JEUrMIEIOn Bt age HAN Shan, Einull, ow sce folazd, Facher, Binke Williams' Machines. We have also on hand an Amer, itis the reliable agent for removing | ° Sent under seal, in 8 plain envelope, to any ad- | " a ds of F} ana Hides dept | GEO. B, STOCK, Bsovemau, Ost. | writers. with gilt sides a full stock of the LITTLE WANZER Machines distinetly " colds, coughs rheumatism, ost stamps." Sd NY Sta of two Of Pubic Patrdmie ame AGENT POR THE DOMINION : Se ttashess for [65 pwr Two back numbers 4 Persons not satisfied with one Machine can and it wm, " summer complaints, &c. Sold Do, Dr. Culver cis Magviags Guide, i e : "DAVID BISHOP Cw ~ Liberal terms for ini {for 40 cents. Four baok 9 oady change forany other inside of thirty days. Re- od . La di J « e : % > STOCK & WEBSTER, XxX 1314, duction. num bers for 75 cents. ROH % is ; by and 0 the Pass. C. KLINE, 8: Co | Actions uandmm ission Agent Harmo: Toronto, Address, pena, member OHarm's is the Szwive Max Druggists eountry dealers , J, C. KLINE, 8; CO., yo Wil. fri T.61BBSOhawa,0n%, J, I,, PETERS,599 BroaNew dway, York ¥u Davor, ; Price 25 cents per bottle, : 19, Bow y, Now Yo.k Post-Oftice Bor ~,586 On Harmoney, POOR 'COPY

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