J ' ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, isig, | ie mint] © FOR "SALE. | Ontario Commercial College, : I i 5 o | | HE PROPERTY ON SELINA ST, H ntlemen, onsietian of a story and ga half Frame Belleville, Ont. ur most obedient - dwelling house, with stone found mn. There is humble sy A a An Sond THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL INSTITUTION FOR BUSINESS + 1so, a neverfailing well of excellent water. | <2 CHARACTERISTIC of the age, where young men and Boys can procure an 2. 1872. T.P WhlTE, Por pa die Be apply on the | suited to the wants of the times. ar promises, to $5,000 REWARD! : ; The charges are moderate, the risk nothing, the result unvariable, and the opini- 1 SO : - WALTER FOGG. | ans of the Press, letters from AB Bebe. the united d admission of hundreds of and Nutritive Toss, Tonie, | March 1, 1872 4Ttf | our students are the gi of and offered by this ian of POPULART PULARITY op ° SUBJECTS TAUGHT. ' ND CALI ARA is FOR SALE. Book: -keeping--by single aud double entry, 8 simainbip, EE, WEST HALF OF THE SOUTH | Arithmetic, Correspondence, Commercial Law, Phon 3 Tok ¥ in bulla \ elegraph- e 48 Acres, in the South-east co f the |} i eam Driechuin "ox Sa Seren, 18 Ae Southeast eutuer of Whe ling, Railroading, Steamboating; Mechanical and ial rs ah, it fhe Fiharal hb thereon, etc, a heak i Also, 16) acres in Grundy Co., Iowa, U. S., ten ete. ng, 'He ed ~ iles from Codar Falls, 4 miles from N i 1eticad eachers. : 3 IR or, ao Rarttord Village, gn the Tiinois © Sontral R. ® A Staff of Seveh Practical and Experi T , | the dnevs 70. acres cultivated; frame house and stable Those who ean devote a f ont! study t ve SONS TO EBUCATF y wit in marina: fuliead: thereon. The Wad pha di Ag heap, those desizous of a thre resent oscupaii oe Soot Ting ore Jueretiva; or to quality cay' irritability themselves to conduct thei n business call; vantages wi ¥ awe h inevi SE Prats 4 Oshawa. cannot be obtained yp Ae ld aystematioally, will Sat the Pepsia - ---- && Specimens of Penmanship, and Jour) containing all particulars sent free of charge. --TH EIR-- al ty and are una unaby Sie 10 arouse clicate constituting rem -------------------------------- PTI ot nd a = | Fresh Fish, Fresh Fish. | -- Bains BG DEATTY® oy Buln. DESY | smaTot, NE WW FIRM! N HAND AT GARTH'S, THIS unereial, 1- $) MORNING ; and twice a wack during the : eer lf em = 1. ee J SHINGLES. 7 -- : , { HINGLES .OF ALL KINDS FOR g ? ; sale'st my Mill, Lot No. 8, 4th con. Darling- : , --OF-- Bou. Shas: 4 Sale ENG G JF.'B LA MEY : | March 1, 1872, a "BL8T PPE PIB pas RATEPAYERS OF THE VIL- ! LAGE-of Csharia, having lately Joted the j above reifard for the int ction of a . | manufacturing interest in our midst, it hy sven = ) & great impetus to the building of Houses for 'SHSSAUT MIAN | industrial §lasses, | In order fo give greater facilities for the = | ay of rew buildings, the subscriber aid in a 2d LARGER STOCK HARDWARE 1 { =< | thaa has ever before Geen offered in Oshawa : consisting in part of | 1600 Kegs of Cut Nails. O | THE LARGEST AXD BEST ASS50RY. OPAINTS, 'ard) SAAOTH MIAN '51402 ANY SHVTI0) MAN 'SIIVT MAN 'STMVHS MAN i » cecovsce~B se3nEsSE 's.ayvNUVE 'PF "OLA 'SAO0D XONVA MAN "(old THE Cand Florence Sewing Machine, | TL Soes vii vc curried on heresies in the naime of 0 rromirs THE bo PE N 1 N G, FIELD and GARDEN ALL AT JOHN POST'S MUSIC | STORE, in the town of Whitby, and see RescsEty TTINVIN MAN SINIUd MIAN -- = © w bX ' SLL iia ei be "emBUSQ "0049S Buty] . 045 LE MARKETS, or ---------- O an OILS, Se beautiful machine, which makes four dif- | VARNISHES, er Xinay of niches 8g seve Both ways, | | B M EY B RIG . ; rans very light and stu hose intending to J GS Gl Putt urchase & wachine, if they will send their ad- 1. A & / : Rz ss to JDHN S. M. WILLCOX, Whitby, will y . ass, y ' C., receive a full description of the machine, with ' . 4 - price list, ete. | iS > % IN THE COUNTY. N S. M. WILLCOX. . Whitby, Jan. 18. yon i privy | ah ONE OF THE aE Gi ea Admirers A SPLENDID VARIETY or" VILLAGE LOTS Spades, Shovels, Hoes, FOR SALE. hau | Thanking the Public for their liberal i ok in the past, they trust the new ', Seleections from Leading Growers in Britain Forks, Rakes, &e. AVING PURCHASED MR. CON- will continue to merit a large share of ! pubis confidence. ANT'S interest in the McGregor property, | . * ie ARGE STOCK OF : and the Dominion. A LARS Jone 50 for sale twelve lots on the west side of | | : Sesto A LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS LOCKS, KNOBS, LATCHES & HINGES. tion will advance one ove rh fans on ach | A G S [| rhe LARGEST evs ind | non : ibe lot a Besi hich they have ordered a Lot of the Croicest | : ; pei pedi | Te piven. ides which they v ¢ S | 4 0 BH AC E G R E E L EY, A Splendid Assortment of Carpenters For tu particulars enquire f Lyman English, | ARIETIES Irom Tools. . | Yr ----------r El 2 Sh a ag g cecccsenBy [ ] arise s' th | {nsuramce policies for the value of the lot and | Will be added to The already > stock in a fow days, of which due notice will --_-- F. W. GLEN. ' - Oshawa, March 7, 1572. wae BLAMEY & BRIGGS. : : . All kins of Paint, Varnish, / / ji { White Wash, Kalsomine, Shoe, awa, June 5th, 1872. . ' , » » HE NITROUS OXIDE Dh Beatin : a Vicks Celebrated Floral Catalogue, WILL DO 'WELL 70 Scrubbing, and other Brushes. ree --OR-- 'NEW DRESSMAKING ; : | A Lasgo Stock of Rodgers and othe crtisemeats, | __ Protoxide of Nitrogen / no J ; . Cutlery, Dixon's and other superior --- ine "ESTABLISHMENT F « : . MD MBC T AILORIN G To be along ih due time--all with a view to meet the : ; mil i 3 iki oo 3 og] MINISTERED FOR N- or Wants of the Country at Large. lated Goo : EPTONDON, ENG- DISISTERED FOR THE, pa | RE-OPENED! J g : of J. FERGUSON, L: D. S. over the grocery | BARG - . of Sis mson ros Ring St. Nos 0s Baws, : > : . A ' Buy a Light Hat A Jir st-rate assortment o Axles, Lat a AIN, 'ersons need not now, from fear of pain a RR ; Carriage Springs, Iron, Rope and tending the operation. of ettraction, carry for | \ 4 } . Chains. years in their mouths 3 niase of fiith, a fruitful 1 Qt ? --AND-- Y { he ( Ir cause of disease, which has not only ruined their M i S S R O | : ha é | | L cc O AGE PIANO, health and dest royed their happiness, but ip oh! kK A then objects « of repugnance to all who are so FERC8Es Co -------------------- A RR : : ing Tackle in the County. oa CHANGE OF BUSINESS! | | STEELE BROTHERS! | Drie Seder fe asec ref ire the lata grea ri ? last, 16th inst, > A po LA - ER A ND s ALT | And the best assortment of Guns, e t ra + | including Breech Loaders); Revol- Rhema 2 EE AVING RESUMED BUSINESS IN LAND g : adore { The whole®of the above stock was pur- JOHN B. HARRIS. } hegs £5 call the attention of thoss friends who at 3 ii as hi onnly, AR 2 Micncement m pusinces © and while thanking --AT= GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN. and will be sold cheap for cash. 'ah : them for past favors, solicits a continuance of | AY E D! ' hem r past la The owner can AYING DISPOSED OF MY BUT- 'THE 'OLD AND NEW METHOD | | WM. DICKIE'S. DIRECT IMPORT A TIONS ying costs. CHER'S business to Mr. G. N. Stephonson, | ¢ EWING. 1 heartily recommend him to ihe patronage of OF TEACHING MUSIC Jess. the rooms ; -- veis, Pistols, and Shooting and Fish- Ey " CLOTHING ids Br ------------ | Next Door fo HOITTS Gallery ! | have so libe rally supported her since her com- | | ! : | § : oN i i ou) | Oshawa, January oth, 1672. HODDERS. 7. wills Gibbs. PREMISES OF : : pe i: ARR | : { My former customers and friends. | ested ; . B E A U T | F U L BEORGE HENRY, | Oshawa, May 3rd, 1372 -- VALUABLE PROPERTY for for SALE. VHE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale his property on William street, consist- HITE, rr c= oe oe me Miss E. Palmer, ihe FROM "EUROPE | friends that | shall carr® on the business at the THE PIANOFORTE, old stand, cor et of King and Chureh St { og of a block of four hanses and over all acre of { land. Ttis high, well drained; and in & state of | good cultivation, Also, that fine pr operty in Pines Albert, now occupied by Mr. Wilcox, Bailiff, HUGH CARMICHAEL. Oshawa, June 22nd. nu ALLAN LINE. OSEAWA A AGENCY. eels, T™: ACHES THE ABOVE METHODS, | 'rganist and Composer, is iv and after 3 A full stock of First . rthe latter, pupils can by strict attention | i oY . d puplis, Terms may be bor 9 MEALS 'of all kinds in the season, | ful" application, play efficiently, picces | #'vays be Kept on band: A wagon will be | of the ** GREAT MASTERS * and. answer any | ay run daily, "and all persons desirous of having it" question in the science of Music, in from 6 to 12 2 call at thelr houses will please leave word at the | weeks. . i AEB BR Ee + shop. A call is solict ted, as no pains will be | ATELY ) spared o pve satisfaction. | PUFILS MAY, PRACTICE ON TEE ©.N. STEPHENSON. PIANO 33% MELODIAN. IN THE 2 K Is now in receipt of a portion of his SPRING IMPORTATIONS. He Oshawa, Feb. 87 - 7 : : 5 . RSE. 3 YEARS % Feb 5; 182, $ RESIDENCE--MR. C. FRENCH. STOC S would draw particular attention to the following lines, which are offered | Ive 0 Ld arness S wi Witrox. | ; Thomas Brooks, | Bin? i Christian Chprsh, Newest Styles. FAR BEL 0 vy RULIN G » ICES 1 3 UICHER. © | mE ds IZ ; . . Gréy Cotton, at 5c. E BULL, 1° MR. GEORGE STEPHENSON HAV- A Large Quantity] 4000 y G y C " o 1 ISGAR! Br Tp i hie Bat fe | 2000 yds. White C. extended to him, and will do my best to supply ti 00K, WILL SERVE ht pen Sih Re bra | : F& © | EVER EXHIBITED IN | 3000 yds. "' Lin'g Cloth,1lc. i Grade Coe 3 ench ai Stal, a} orders Ten at the shop promptly | F | R S : o it A S S P A R A S oO Ls S y g ya. Kit br Kegs. fui ems sme sit ve | engi 'Plate Glass 2500 yds.Beautiful Prints, 12ic.yd. a WwW. BELL & Co.,| Of all Shades & Prices. A Large & Varied Stock of Dress Goods. hi TODAS ha £7 - . | TOILET MIRRORS, | && All who desiro Style, and Extra Value for their money, should make IGE. For the astonishingly low prices' of : Bret A Le their selections without delay. IRISTTANS HAVE 115 and 25 cents each, A ' ONE CASE OF FRENCH KIDS i | | brand 1 hich takes the lead England, d| on J 7 {8 Cah + €or of the Foussie brand--a glove which takes the lead jin England, an py of Gi, ; : joospie Lig' hi iy Hutjrare} Jy M I L. L I N E RY which has been before my customers for fifteen years in Toronto and | ad Ap) : Oshawa. Although these gloves have advanced seriously I still offer | past Togs clone ) : Em {Te WILLS Gi BBS', | them at the old price of $1 per pair. 10 31 wi GAA aA3z 'Lrowmyt 0) © pue ystifuy pu pug 'sdeog pouody 'SOUP JUNI] 'e8na(y /WINTER 'SERVICE! Under Contract with the Canfdian Government for carrying the Canadian and U. S, Mails. SU [eIOUd STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY AND CLASGOW. | VETS COMPANY'S LINES ARE composed of the pletuced! Fuil Powered, Double Bain xd Clyde Bully Polynesian, 4,29 tons fouildin g) Sarma 3,40 tons (building). Gaspian, 3,250 ton s, Capt.' Seott., Scandinavian, 3, fans, Capt, Hallan- . Prussian, 3.000 tons, Lieut, Dutton, LR. Auscdon, 2,700 tons, Captain J. » ian, 2,700 tons, Safrain a. fan 2,650 ms, Ca vian, 2 600tons; Theat" Smith, BR. N. R. --Ger A Tons, Captain J.C A | Forming a weckly line betw Lon donderry, Quebec and Montreal, tony n ue bec oy very Saturduss oh arrival of #) at ress from Montreal, Forming a w eekly line between Glasgow, Quebee - and Montredl, rend 1s3q al en} Of me "§NVYMOQ OF 400Q IX3N SASINANd HADHVYT anv MAN ol ATAONTT » 'SPMIS PAT JO JUdUILIOS 'Sosa YI00], 'SquIo)) 'soysnrg JCF] 0) Anois pucks F058 dAYd Sy ee Prize Mednl Simcoe St., Oshawa. FLOWERS, &C. + A Tatge and Well-Selected Stock of TWEEDS and CLOTHS will be | found i in the Gents' Department, and customers are [respectfully requested | ras rales oF Le MASSAGE. a CAB IN ET 0 R GA N S| | Remember the place Bak to place orders for Suits before the assortment is broken... . bin IF on Aa ondersy, Cabin from $81 to $91, according to accommoda- finest periodical pubs > A NI : Yon. Srecrase 83, including a plentiful su valgeither in Europe ' AND MELODEONS. | the Dominion B Ah i872. W. F. COW AN of will ok: od provisions. Lon oh by Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers ye Oshawa, May 3rd, 1872. wi r : Osnuws, Son, . | : . , shy x JSlaszos i TE abin, $71; Inter- N E R' S i" GANETTE, r | Me SPLEN DID rr | | Tie kata, , good for six months, is- ui, The Sk NEW NEW SPRING GOODS i a ------ kK 4 8 10 arved Attsation. Conia Sefer Patent Quabiyoy Tce STYLES. Dolly Varden fms fim ma ii ihe yy iiant Conclusion ' Awarded the he only Medal SPRING Black Lace Shawls, --AT " | The Steansships of the Montreal Ocenf'Steam- slip Cofypany land their passengers at the Grand . Lowell! P; > > =e py Back' Ever given to makers of Retd Instruments 2UInNuUd | Trank ,Raitw ay Wharf, PorrrayD, at Provincial Exhibitions, for | '| | ger hereby avouding the nsual as a Proficiency in Musica ramets, ( Only 81 26 Each. : WM. WILLARD'S, TOBACCO POUCHES Fs Ea on tin Ocean Ste mers for Montrea!, Tofonto, and Besides Diplomas and First Prizes at other . western points; and the, facilities 'afforded Exhibitions too numerous to spec ify Defy Competition / tat | pass engers by the ALLA E canrot be Se Our Instruments are acknowledged by mnsici- Ary the New Doraet- ans and judges to be the finest yet produced. passcd by any other La tia: d B 3 or through passage tickets and eve: informs i : | A | N | . O N (The Latest Thing out,) tion, apply to y ¢ : . g Steamships will bs despat from Liverpool em oy by Prof. Draper, Our latest and most valuable iulp rovement iy | GE COURLEY'S and Portland iy 3% ig patched Lv 'y jof Stories, Poems, . the "Organetie," containing Scrib ner's Patent r : ' y Soalitving. Tubes, the ete wot of Madan h are mt | FROM LIVERPOOL. FROM PORTLAND ) cents 'a Number. Learly couble the power, at the same tne Stock of New Spring Cloths is now complete, : | ad D ns received By ald : rendering the tone smooth and pipe Tike. By ws vd § HINERNIAN, - - 6th Nov. this wonderful invention we can make an in- | ath * uly all 4 rH, strument of nearly double the power of a pipe | Sree BOOTS & SHOES Grateful to a generous public for past liberal patronage, I beg most SAN o., Publishers, = organ at half the expensa. { LATEST STYLES I most ctfnlly to announce that on account of Increasing business he has F : T C H E T J id S| PRUSSEAN, Iirondway, New: York. 5 CAUTION | y been ol to enlarge his store almost as large agpin, and it is filled, SCANDINAVIAN -11 % " : . aks { Stock is 0 bi ht in y c. LPN Pi H. & A ALLAN, I SALE 7 ners tars purchased the ole sight of mag, | The Stock fe one of Deheh ever wong ie) 46 puapy Description. | INSPECTION INVITED. rs fs lh . . the Dominion of Canada, we hereby caution all | ' «Sif : 3 | Orto a Agents, parties frog urchasing them elsewhere, as Every Shelf, Hole and Corner 1 | JUST RECEIVED | L. hor rT i EY : they will be fhe to prosec sution. We have GENT | EMION i . I "AL ESTATE na. ORE ANETTE ! Oetiaws, May Sth, 1972 With an Exceedingly Choice Asgortment of uiring New Suits, would do well to call early . A LARGE SUPPLY OF | The Science of Health. i VALUABLE For our instruments containing this wonderful jes 8 Cand leave their arders. | Ti « 2 P #4 / E . D of ve esc iption, | ' A NEW INDEPENDENT HEALTH MONTHLY. G aL ab LE prove ment, En Tonuloc ue or infringing on ri S oe ca usion. I" y { } X X is BE I ) 1 1 Devoted toths p IeTY bie hh i col Panic ae PL be Bresestind Al Work Done in the Best Marner. PP 7 ry : : i | Heath on Hy va. on Saturday " Mustrated Catalogues furnished by addressing Lodi on aad in Gontlemen, read the, a. a=) COMPRISING | £5 i th : . it LOWEST |r oget A M. CHISHOLM SMOKING WE . Wy | The beat of stock he keeps on Dress Goods, Fine English and Canadian Tweeds and | ORAVIAN, § AN, - +3 | o'clock: Springdale W. BELL & 'CO., Guelph. Lot Ne, 1, 1st and 2nd EE mami NCE aud a half miles fre e Serprising towns ja ~ REMOVA b.. Bowmaaville, 7 nta ng 175 acres of be sold in two mes 8 TRIPP & SHAW, peopl le in so , Kid, Calf, Kip, § Test a best of Cloths of all kinds, Laces, Mourning Goods, Ties, Shirts, Prints : or relates to Pr LI ING PRICES CHARGED > (an excellen rtment) Hosiery, Collars, Boots and --AND- ct and p azo if thisnew Ho as AND ive good understand i Shoes, Ru Trunks. Also, a choice hesortment of a if i | feminate th roughout the world a a : y&ienie princt » A good two stor: on Barps, one wit v ¥ person, pa. Aan: Br FAL RestovED To THE STAND | 000 Fits Quarantéed I sd GROCERIES, Chewing : Tobacoos ! SEER ox. tivation, the 4 King Street, Oshawa, where they will, as usual, ponent of all known means by which Health, , A OY, ring 2 keep constantly on hand a splendid stock of | Oshawa, April 12,1832. 1-tf, | | strength, Happiness anfl Long Life may be ob Eo hak ors Jowelry Sore OCR && SECOND' TO NOME' FOR. QUALITY AND PRICE 23 | OF THE BEST BRANDS, | Fichs isi isilcats sui Fostumt ors sds A BOOTS & SHOES| BUTTER. $1828 BLOCH, | peluding Ale, Light, Temperature, Bath- ; | fag. Diet, Clothing, zorcivy Root. laep a ent. of money day of i' sud 4 "wiith they | ; Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. z sum in one month en ents' wear, and w | eran] mpl al ell male £5 Srcri mine: init tid shoes "| PORIME DAIRY BUTTER, AT 1t | normal agents and hygienic m. order om the shortest notice, | 3 | -TERMWS,.-- Pablishe ont a ga AJear | King St, Oshawa, | Baivsncs: nse suber 3 cote. tlifeat Good Fit G Cod, ¢ &NT8 PER POUND, & FoR SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR-| CASH PAID FOR | SHEEP-SKINS AND WOOL. | g Sts Eo turat : : od Fit Guargntee TREWIN'S. anC s Thy . (rs i} spin Steve. Fob 1 1 ser! Onde va, Dee. 1,197. Mt! | Decombert, 171 AMFREY | ommAWA; Apis, 18TY TAUNTON, April 11, 672. Em 1 . , yen per cent. For » Mri. Mackie, on the '| mission 1. Address all lstiers te, wAMOER, WELLS. Publisher Oshawa, May Ith, 1972, | 3% Broadway, Neon York, i ad =