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Ontario Reformer, 28 Jun 1872, p. 4

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& ® Ira flat on let him it is si fiowing itself t trouble in thesi burns, : « "bottle of which is plaints. Somer pecular : ent eye! and gra his obed use, all look at a in the in but it is cared for or unsou exibit t it | HT = AE : FE. TRETGENE EEfEcS w 5 do TARIO REFORMER, OS OSHAWA, FRIDAY, JU JUNE E : 28, 1872 1872, Tae editor of an Eastern piper 1 says | that many of his patrons would make good | wheel horses, they hold back so well. Tux fashion of throwing an old slipper | after the carriage of a newly married | couple is supposed to mean that the| chances of matrimony are very slippery. Ir small girls are waifs, are large one | waifers! * Certainly," 'at least the boys have the habit of ap- plying them to their lips in sealing: their VOWS, | The following are the dimensions of the great bridge now. being New York and Brooklyn: Total length, | 5,802 Teet; length of central 1,600; clevation above high water, 130 foet; width! of bridge floor, 80 feet; above hugh water, 208 feet; bass of towers! at water line, 134 by 56 feet. p erected between span, height of towers To Taxe A Fry rrox tur Ex: or ax! ANAL. --Take of strained honey in la spoon or anything convenient as new as| can be had, and open the eye and turn in| the honey, letting the lid close over ith Perform the operation night and morn' | ing, and it will cure in a few days. The| longer the film lias been on the eye the] longer it will take: never does harm. Easily obtained and | | A Svgeestiox. --We see it stated that a man was recently choked to death while trying to swallow a piece of Bologna sau- sage. So they say, but the probability is that he was choked by some foreign sub stance. The makers of Bologna sausage can't be too particular, while chopping up the meat, in removing the collar of the dog. People are allowed licenca in mak- ing hash, but they should take unlicenced dogs. : 2 | ADvice. If you well of - your neighbors, them at all. neighbor may be made a kind one by kivd treatment. The true way to be happy js to. make others hatpy aappy. Goon cannot speak do not speak of | A cross To do good is a luxury, t the end of the If you are not wiser and better a day, that day is lost. Practice kindness, even if it be but little each day. Learn | something each day, even if it' be but to spell cne word. Do not seem to be whet youare not. Learn to control your ter per and your words. Say nothing behind one's back, that you would not say to* his face. A Morvan ForBeARANCE.--That house wil be kept in turmoil where there is no toler- | ance of eaclt other's errors; no lenjty shown to failings, no meek submission to injuries, no soft answers to turn away If you lay a single'stick of wood upon the andirons and apply fire to it, it will g put on another, and they } a dozen and you will have a grand confla. gration, There a to] theg same condition. . Hf one member of a t family gets into a passion, and is let alone, he will cool down, and possibly g get ashain- | ed and repent. But oppose temper to tem- per; pile on the fuel; draw others into the scrape, and let one harsh word be ed by anot! hep; and there will soon be a blaze which will énwrap them all in its lurid | splendors. wrath. zo out; ! burn, add a h hal; | re other fires subject fi llow- | esse Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will give more relief in cases of Chronic Rheuma- tism, no matter how severe, than' any other article known to medical men. | containing over 50 pills, by return mail. "T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans | 22d cheaper than any other House. It is often remarked by strangers visit- ing our State, 'that we show a larger pro- | portion of good horses than any other » State in the Union. © This, we tell them, is owing to two principal reasons: in the first place, we breed from the very best stock; and in the second place, our people use Sherdian's Cavalry Condition Powders, which in our r advantage. judgment are of incalculable LD THovsaxps of Promising Youths, of 8 both sexes, go down to untimely graves, i. from general debility and woakrigss, who | might be saved by fortifying their sy stems | with Iron. The Peruvian Syrup is an Iron Tonic prepared expressly to supply] --this vitalizing element, and is the only preparation of Iron that will assimilate at once with the blood. Bryan's Warers; (The great public -remedy,) have now been in use over twen- ty years, hence it cannot be said that they | are on trial. tried, and pronoynced (on the authority | of those whose lives and health they have preserved) to be a sure, harmless and em- ) inently salutary preparation, and if taken | in season will invariably cure colds, coughs, sore throat, and all Bronchial affections. One fair trial will convinced the skeptical. Sold by all medicine dealers, at 23cts. per box. IT was Cicero who said that men were | | | | never so like the gods as when bringing health to their fellow men. With a know- ledge of, and fullest confidence in its in- trinsic merit, DEPEW'S MEDICAL VIC- TORY iscoffered as a reliable cure for dis- | eases of the liver, bowels, kidneys and "bladder. The frame that this Broop Puririer has acquired for the cure of cos- | tiveness, female weakness, primary con- sumption, biliousness and gentral weuk- ness and debility, is without a parallel in _medical history. Owxers Or Horses Resorcixg.--A why not? and who knows but that their horses are rejoicing as well; who can prove the "contrary! But their owners rejoice because of the astonishment and almost! miiraculous effects on their horses of "Dar- ley's Condition Powders and Arabian Heave remedy." were lean and poor having no appetite, others would de- vour their food ravenously, benefit from it; with rough and shaggy hair; others had severe colds and coughs; many had the heaves and other complaints peculiar to horses; on all it operated as a charm, the disease or complant was speedily removed, theappetite and digestive organs corrected, | Some yet derive no some were hide-bound, the skin softened, and a sleek shining ap- | . pearance given to the coat all without any danger to, or preventing the horse being used. Remember the name, and| see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, castle, Ont,'proprietors for Canada. by all Medicine dealers. Tae ¥urvRe oF TeLEGrarHY.--There seems to be practically no .Jimits to' the possibilities of telegraphic communication Already the transmission, rapid as it is is found too slow, and many ingenious minds are employed solving the peoblent how the speed can be increased. But we | believe perfection has been attained in the *' Canadian Pain Destroyer," and that it is the only reliable agent for removing pain, and curing colds, coughs,rheumatism, | oC | Thomas' says sweet sixteen, h | ted nipples or inflamed Breast, 3 applic ations." { a medicine that has | ands from pain in the | Side, { been properly followdd, but on the | Pains in the Ba wel k and Limbs, | in Brocly They have been thoroughly" New- | Sold | No Risk. Eclectric Oil! Worth Ten Times its Weight ia Gold. Do you know anything of {tf If not, if is Lima you dad. DAIN CANNOT STAY WHEREIT 18 used. Itlsthe cheapest Medicine evermade. 0 ose cures common [Fore Throat. One bottle as'cured Bronchitis. _ Fifty cents worth has | cured an old standing C ough. One ortwo bottles, | cures bad cases of Piled' and Kidney . Troubles Six to eight applications pure any case of Kxcori- | One bottle has cured lame back of ¢ ight years standing. Daniel Plank, of Brookfield, Tioga Connty, Pa. says: "1 went thirty miles for a bottle of your Oil, which effected a wonderful cums of a crooked limb by six Another ;,who has had Asthma for years. says: "I have half of a 3 cent bottle left, and £100 would not buy it if could get no more. if Rufus Robinson, of Nunda, N, Y., writes: ** One su: LU bottle of your Ecleetrie Oil restored the voice where the pe: ron ha ef not spoken above a whisper in five years, Re v. Mallory, of Wyoming N. Y., writes: Yon: Ee lectric Oil cured me of Bronchiti in oe week." Dealers all over the country "e have nover sold giv fen hi h complete satis- faction as this." It is composed of six (if the best oils that are | known. s asgood tolake as for external use, and is believed to be ime asurably superior to anything ever made. Vill save you much suf- fering and many dollars of expense, Is sold by one or more dealers in every place where these circulars are found. Price, 2 cents. Why not buy it to-day ? Prepared by S. N. THOM And NORTHROP & LYMA? | Sole Agents for the Dominion. Note. --Eclectric--Selected and Electrized, For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans | Oshawa; in WW hitby by J. H. Gerrieand J. Byrn In Brooklin by John Warren. Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT | Bowmanville Ontario. AS Parrrs, N. Y,, NEWCASTLE, Oat.. Canadian Pain Destroyer AS A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT I well and favorably, known, relfeving thou Back and Head, Coughs, Calds, Sore Throat, Bruises, Cramps in the Si (Cholera Morbus. Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, Scalds, Frost: Bites, The CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER has now been before the public for a length of time, and wherever used is well liked, never failing in a single instance to give permanent relief when timely used, and-we have never known a single case of d tisfaction, where the directions have contmary all d with its operations, and speak in st terms of its virtues and magical Sprains, mach, dee. of are del »ak from experience in the matter, hav- mg te: ste d itthoroughly ; and therefore those who are suffering of the complaints for which itis nen . may depend upon it being a Sovereign Remedy. The astonishing étfigsey of the, Canadian Pam Destroyer ineuring iseases for which it is recoinmended, &.o fits wonderful etfects in sub- duing the tort: 1rous p ains of Rhe ums atism, and in | i Aflections iitle it to high | "of Re medies rs are coming | i all parts of the and ea h testifying as to the universal sati isfaction it gives, n Pain Destroyer never fails to All Medicine Dealers ans order 'and use it; and no | without it gftex trying it 1 | Price, oaly Twenty-five Cents per bottle. For sale by Wi T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans shawa; in iitby by J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrne Exc »oklyn by John Warren. Sold in Bowmanville by J. Higginbotham and | D, stoi, and all médicine dealers. The LH reat Female Remedy. | JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. | rps INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS . unfailing in the cure of all those painful and | dangerous diseases to which the female consti- | tution is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obstructions, asd a speedy cure may be | relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES (is peculiarly suited. It: will, in a short time, | oring on the:monthly period with regnlarity, These Pills should ro! } " Females during the FIRST THR. ~ MON Shemales | WT nancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, | but at any other time they are safe. { In all Cases of Nervous dnd Spinal Affections, | Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means | have failed ; and although a power- ful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, anti- mony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around cach package, which should be carefully preserved. JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. $1.00 and 12} cents for' postage, enclosed to | Northr p.& Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., general agents for the Dominion," will insure a. bottle, e-- "For sale | EW Oshawa ; in Whit by by J. H. Gerrieand J. Byrne n by John Warren, Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT Bowmanville, Ontario. * in Memoriam. GAINST EXPENDITURES in horior of the dead, Heaven has uttered ng prohibition, and Earth is not injured,, but benefitted, by them. All those beautiful emblems which adorn the many tombs around which we love to linger, assuge us we are in a world of warm and lovigg hearts; the adorning of the sepulch: of the "loved ones alleviates our ief and soothes the wounded heart. It also cheers the be- Feay ed to know that an additional em- bellishment of the grave presents stronger attractions to arrest the atten- tion of the stranger, and causes him to ause and learn the name of one who as . shared so largely in the love of others, We take this method to inform you Abat we cap fill orders for decorating the graves of departed friends, at low gures, executed in ¥he best style of workmanship. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE ~~ AND SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, supplied on short notice. Everything pertaining to Ceme tery w ork will 'meet with prompt attention, by léaving or- ders with C. BOUNBALL, . Bowmanville, Stop and See. { HE FOLLOWING REMARKS ON | Testimonials of the most wonderful and ex- | traordinary cures in Canada by the GREAT IN- DIAN REMEDY. They are stern, undeniable and incontestable facts, sufficient to a vinceths | | most skeptical that the Great Medical Com yearned after for age Great SHOSHON NEES REMEDY For Diseases of the Threat, Lungs, Liver, Di 3 tive Organs, Kidneys, &c., a8 well as Scrof the various Skin Diseases, Humors and all a seases arising from Impurities 'of the Bl boldly state that this great remedy has NE ER BEEN EQUALLE Where was there ever / such a care as that in the Fo son of Wilson | Storms of Brighton, Ontariosof Consumption ; or that of Peter C. V. Mifjer; of Ernestown, Onta- rio, of Consumption, or, that-of Ambrose Wood, of Consecon, Ontario, of Dispepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of John re , of Napanee, Ontario, of Rheumatism, who had actually been { on crutches for years, in spite of all treatment heretofore, and is now well. Scores of such cases might be mentioned had we space. | £4 Call at the Drug Store and get a Circular o unquestionable certitica G RE AT Ho | SHONEES REMEDY a ¢ Price of Remedy in Large Pints, o1. £€ For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers fn | Medicine. Agents tor Bowmanville, Messrs. J. Higginhotinm, D. Stott. Wholesale Agents, - Northop & Lyman. New Custis | Manhood, How Lost, 'Restored UST PUBLISHED A NEW . edition of Pr, Culverwell's | Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without ope ine) of Sperma- | torrheea, or Seminal Weakness, In- | voluntary Seminal Losses, Impotency Mental | and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to- Mar- | riage. ete; also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and | Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual cxtray- aganve., ig in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, in this. admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty )ears' suc- | cessful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the + dangerous use of internal medicine or the ap- plication of the knife : pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by yneans of which every sufferer, no matter what Tis condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, | privarely, and radically. This lecture should be 'in The hands of every | youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad- dress, post paid on receipt ofsix cents ortwo i ug Culverw ¢I's !' Marriags Guide, How neuralgia, summer complaints, &c. Sold by Tall Druggists and country dealers.-- Price 25 cents per bottle. Hos Hounds. a the the Publisher: | od HAS. J, C. KLINE, & CO., 1M Bow y, New Yor k Post-Oftice Bor * 5% di gy | Ho is the sole agent for Russell's Celebrated [ Watches, Lazarus & Morris' Perfected Specta- cles, and Meriden Silver Plate, best goods made and every thing in his line made to order. | ing elseware. All 1 can be re-paid by yearly ipstalments, or in one sum. and other securities. | SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND ALUSCOVERY. | MEDICAL VICTORY. DR. DEPEW, OF PARIS, FRANCE, an emi. o foreign descent, has discovered a Purely Vegetable Compound «named by pi ans, Depew's Medical Victory, that curesevery kind of unhealthy Humor, and every disease that dependson Impurity of the Blood, where the Lungs, Liver, and Kidneys, and other vital or. . §ans, are not wasted beyond the hope of repair. For tho cureof Scrofula, Erysirelas, alt. rheum, Eczema, Scald.Head, Scaly Eruption of the Skin, Ulcers, and Fever Sores of all kinds, B ils Humor in the Mouth and Stomach or Eyes, Sore Ears, Eruption cu t 3s bead, and Pimples or Blotches an the face, 1t sta Pre.eminently at the head of all other remedies. The fact is; Humours, Sevnfula, and Disease of the Skin. of whateve: naineorn are literally dag ap aad carried ont of toe in a short titue, by the ase of this i Joe bottle, in such cases, will convinew (i ersdulous of its curative eflects Cleasse the Vitiated Blood whene fs Inpuritiss bursting through the skin i Eraptions, or Sores ; cleanse it when you 4 stracted and sluggish th the veins; cleanse it when it 4s foul, and your feelings will tell you when Keep toe 'Blood pure and the health of the system will follow Jt1is a Gentle Be 'gal at' ng Pu as a Touic, &¢ Po se rrgative, as well & iar uerit of Congestion, and ull the Visceral Urgans ¥or Famalas Complaint oll, married or single, nt 1 or at theturn of life, ti equal Ia the curs of Rheumatiem, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, an Ldiseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, its etfects are surprising to all. For Regulating the el aud curing Bilicuswess, Neuralgia, Female Weakness, wiber tu young or wn of womanhood, al Victory has mo 'aiha in the Side, Loins and Back, and genera Be skool ad Debility, is curative powers are be ond racuey and bey snd price, IT ISTHE GREA BLOT D PU RIFIER AND A LIFEGIVINGFRIN CIPLE perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the SLE, carry.ng off all poisonous matter and les toring the Blood to its healthy condition Sold by all Druggists & Dealows SED FOR A DESCRIPT'E PAMP! LT r YOUNG, SiLLs & CC *Philip Taylor EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST Stock of atches, Clocks, Jewellery, ilver Plated, and Fancy Goods. It will pay to examine his Stock before purchas Goods-and Jobs warranted PHILIP TAYLOR, Watchmaker & Jew ler, <3 1Simcoe Street, Os awa. Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. te. @ Just received direct from the manufacturers. A great variety of patterns, and selling 1-1m, ARIE, GE Family(Drug[rtere, Whithy* OF ONTARIO, JAMES H. EST STOCK OF] 1 i PAPER HANGINGS INJiTHE [COUNTY at the lowest possible pricss. THE LARC Ey GILISH 'Money to Lend --AT- ~ REDUCED RATES. AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND any amount of money, on the security of Good Farm or Productive Town Property, at the *s i now accessible in the Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, r n sums and manner to suit borrowers. Princ; Investments made in Debentures, Mortages, SOLD. For further particulars apply to z JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &ec. Office -McMillan's Block, Brock St., Whitby vpril 13th. 1871.. : Il genuine has the name -- (xor * Peruvian Bask, 8 A pamphlet san free or P. ¥en Proprietor, 8 Dev st. New Tork. Sold by all Druggists. AY TE the undersigned hotel proprietors, | IF. YOU 'WANT A FIRST- CLASS! PIANO SEWING MACHINE, ' CALL Geo. 8. CLIMIE, ON AT THE "REFORMER " OFFICE. 3 Just Received & For Sale AT THE Warerooms ! C. H. DUNK'S Steel | Spring Bed Bottom CLEANEST, EASIEST, And for durability and simplicity has no equal. Dominion Furniture Noiseless Patent TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. have in use the Dominion Steel @priug Bed Bottom, and we are satisfied it is the best Spring in use, and recommend it to consumers and the trade: TECUMSEH HOTEL, GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, AMERICAN HOUSE, WAVERLY HOTEL, GLOBE HOTEL, VANDERBILT HOUSE, GLOBE HOTEL, CITY HOTEL, AMERICAN HOTEL, SNYDER HOUSE, W. Wigg & Son. 41-3m. London, Ont, Windsor, Ont _ Rooliestér, 3 «¥ © Syrac use, %. -Y. Albany, N. Y. Troy, X.Y. Waverly, N. Y Oshawa, Jan: 18. ' vy | 848 187 OF ROBINSON & Co &e., Teen < ™ ' ~ RN E MOST 'REASONABLE PRICES. T ARTICL WHICH HE WILL SELL AY THE Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug Store. Pégember the stand, nearly opposite Hindes' Hotel. A Medical Hall. would inform the public that he has just received a full assortment of TOILE AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS | Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, | Oshaa, April 13th, 1871. H | Pro Bono 10 Publico. : LL KINDS OF CANCERS. AND 4". Tumor: taken out and Sd without the use uf the knife, by DR. B. PAT1 £RSON. The best 4 of reierences given in Nie and eles OFFICE--Church Street, i Bowmanville, Bowmanville, ] Fob. 21st, 1872, 30-11. AUCTION AXD Commission Business. tt HE SUBSCRIBER IN RETURNING his sincere for the many favors be- stowed on him since commenced the A Auction on bogs Teas (0 Sahat he is still pre- parce tos to Sales wherever desired, and Be Cina, io, Sled wh leased the Store be- longing to A. Farewell, at Harmoney, for the purpose of keeping on hand ali kinds of MACH LN ERY AGRIOULTURAL "IMPLEMENTS, SUCH AS THE CLIMAX DOUBLE CYLIN THRESHING MACHINE, Manufactured by Macpherson, Glasgow & Co. hich is the hes Machine ever introduced into tario. also the LITTLE GIANT THRESHER AND SEPARATOR, for a Farmers owh uae, made by Joseph Shar- man, Stratford, JOHNSTON SEL _RAKE REAPER, THE BUCKEYE COMBINED, THE OID COMBINED W 00D'S ELF-RAKE, THE CAU a JUNIOR MOWER, THE FAR FANED PARIS GRAIN hy "DER CULTIVATORS, GANG PLOWS, AND ALL OTHER PLOWS. ALSO CLIFTS PATINT LOOM MANGLES THAT TOOR. THE FIRST PRIZE AT TORONTO, AND FANNING MILLS, And a host of other things,and last but east, 'having bee! been appdinted agent for the sales JOHN McDONALD'S TOMB STONES AND MARBLE, MADE AT-NEW. CASTLE. i Blow Points mod Land Lo ids ent Ake a Spek All kinds i ther}ind of TON. A public patronage solicited. To OOK-OUT FOR || Good Photgraphs!| TO BE MADE AT | Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY, BR YO LIN. HARRY TAIT, J hi SPACE 1S left to show that BAMBRIDGE hag alweys on'lignd' Now afitl Second-hand, Wagons and Carriages ready when called for, at reasonable rates. Repairing and Shoe- -- ing attended usual. SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA March 29,§i872. to as 51-6m aa Preomration s. ead ask for i 1seo that you g --~ } mp'exion, avd ren 7d +. (ear, and free from Dryness, it wll quickly remove a | ltedness, * wlireckies, Pimples. and cider im- §, 7 happed Hands, Chilblains, Frost 8, it cannot ba esurjarsed. P possesses all the well ep nfeeting properties of Carbolie en ; , has a healt PY aciinon oa 71 atIO moves the effect LEA Shou War: ¢ go. ny ascd by £rialindx and Fever Patien i with this Soap: ad its nse bh feetion will materially preven ¢. Prico15cezts Sper Tar ot. * 1° arap'd cure for all Skin Disease, Croises, Barns, Sores, icars, Ring- Eczems, Scald Head, henrv % Filuples, ae It possesacs allt ° igus cid, vergwhers ed is an "Price 28 cor y 1A CARBOLIE 1 RR RI CARTS! This Gansie is the most reliable and cHerclons Remeds 10 ail cases of Sore Throat, Hoarsen Diptheria, Rronchigds, Irritation of the Bronoe Tubes 0 common in this ciangeable climes: Asthma, Off:nsive Breath, Clcerated Gama, all dissurcs of 0 sfougtoaniol For Public Fpegkers aod =p, io redients ¢n- tering i Ps ail Physicians, and for the Cp © ihe Qiscrders arn now, vndo 'tedly, tho most popula: ia the Matmia is i vile o 23 cents. TANT {sa surs prove' oof Trius . vers, Cholera, 8 , an 1 lh! Thiy fp Sa, far for fo entn Poeket + muh n gacral useliin 6. B. Stock's Celebrated Extra Machine 0il 8S NOW USED IX ALL THE PRIN- 1 PAL Manufactories a4 Mis a niavio an ving el iisfaction, og, = an saying Thert enpie. dred per cent. over all other Ola FL as e the quality of is wel} Ll d 48 wna ox ne to state the reasons wh ijerasdes r Oil, as it is a well known Tov the t it will a gum nor get thick in the coldest weather, TESTIMONIALS : Tus Josten HALL MacHINE WORKS, Oshawa, Ont., April 14, 187. 4 GEO. B. STOCK. , Esq., Brougham, DEAR SIR,--We have been using your abet: cating Oil for the past | four months, and ean without it is the best oil we ohare ever used. Itis a , ong ter ron ay ght iW our. Iron v 8. Ml the tools clean and t. w a do, not want anything better as a lubricator. e F. W. GLEN, Pres't. Yours truly, - will run Stock's Oil agai } afaik ang other (oil in he Dominion, and I prefer it to either Sperm or Olive oil, or any other used on machinery. A.HENDERSON, Foreman Joseph Hall we bad Shocks i, tobe she best oil I have ev in my Flouring 'or lubricati poses, Fre 0 Stocks, ng vy used oliv i, revious t St s to be the Sars, Dufiins Coeek, Ont. 1 'would rather have Stock's Oil than any ever used in my experience of 20 years. GEORGE BLAk Foreman for Brown & Paterson, W hitby, Ont. I have used Stock's Oil alia it to excel all oil I have ever used in turing LON DON, . QUEBEC, MONTREAL. | 8 TEMPERLEY'S LINE, Composed. of the following First-Class Iron Steamers: SCOTLANT) GER EDWAY. TWEED, THAMES, fn Steamers aon io Line are intended 4 fone Quebec DA - yom Qu jontre: oa of 1872. Pee oy y on the wi t. Throu ints 'weet at reduced oh Certificates issued ROUTE of K : their po | partic: rs apply" to e Agent of Oshawa, . W. SMITH. - HECTOR. "SEVERN. INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO. AND FROM New York, Quegnston and | Liverpool Cry oF Cry or City oF RICHMOND. ITY OF MONTREAL. CITY OF BROOKLYN. City oF Paris. AMTWERP, BALTIMORE. BRISTOL. LIMERICK. DUBLIN, Crry oF Harax. | NDON, CITY OF DURHAM. CITY OF WASHINUTON. Sailing on Thursdays. and Saturdays ! From Pier 45, North River. RATES OF PASSAGE. § ueenston or Cabin. Liverpool, - $75, gold. dom, + - . ) boi Paris, - - -|- Tickets can be bought here at moderate rates by persons wishing to send for their friends. § further information apply to the Companys Agent, " C. W. SMITH, Osnawa. July 20. 4 15-3m {CONDENSED ATMOSPHERIC BATH! The Greatest Invention of the Age. R THE SURE OF ALL RINDS OF oF Diseases, To Steerage. $30, currency. 38 " tion in Oshawa, seases vid the lensod A diselplined it to A one th ta Sgents of the age. and perhaps a cure for diseases, thust gn Te hold a place as far above all other curative and sani agents as its re- A Representatize an Sud Cunmplonsay The Aldine: N ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY Journal claimed to be the handsomest paper in the world. ALDINE who are striving to make their pro- festion worthy of admiration for Deauty, jo 1t it has Aways been for usefulness." -Henry Wa THE ALDINE, "while issued "with all th ss t scellany of pute, ht, and -y 8 An el mi ful literature, and a Cr SPE ho rarest specimens of artistic i white. Alt num affords preciated after bo er 1 year. While superior cheapness (DIVE 1s an Sra Sta | similar class, PTHE - ALDIN Eis an ity paper, Pond bi ings opi her shape or volumesyfor ten Limes --_-- coe "The ho of getting TH, THE ALDINE ready on the press is so nting is out of His uestion. Fh the the Sxtoption of a small r Specially reserved for bi , the edition or 187, is already exhausted and it is now a scarce as well as a valuable book. NEW FEATURES FOR wr In DEPARTMENT. The enthusiastic sul port so readil; to their ente that the American public recognize heartily SuBpOS any sincere efforts to elevate the tone That so many weekly wicked sheets exist and thrive thing be! indeed the success of THE A DINE a i start is direct proof of the con- With a yopulation #0 vast, and of such Yaried taste, a s publ isher can choose his ahd ahd his paper per | js Fother Indicati¥e of his own than o the country. As a guarantee of the excellence of this departmant, the publish- ers would to announce during the coming year, specimens from the Jollowing eminent American artists; W. Ww. These pictures as being regsrd to ex) ve! the Country and. wii bear t! comparison with the best fo: determi! the of the pu ALDINE shall be a American taste in competition with any exist- ing publication in tho world. LITERARY DEPARTMENT. ' Where so much attention paid to ill a. and get up of the work too much dependetice on be feared. To it is uly of THE DIN. been i y RICHARD HENRY STODDARD. who hd received assur- ances of a ce from a host of the most pop- ular writers poets of the country. THE VOLUME FOR 1572 . wij} contain nearly 360 pages and about 250 fine en uary, ev Commencing with the Blimbe? for number con a beau (ea frontispiece. rhe ae Sia gine Jor IS IL will be a volume in itsel con = VIngS {fous in tint) and, although a pas | Ji be 2 seni, without extra charge to all jear- A CHROMO TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER Was a very po) lar feature last year, and will be repea the present volume, he pub- lishers have purbhased aud re; tary lation to animal life is above all other el heir early ages in a ery few hours without fail, so if you or your Amaily are attacked with any acute disease. pme to the Bath and save the Sutfering of & long rotracted illness. The ¢ and certain s above stated, which others can an test , who in ave tried it | sy ae ho treatment | hat een, ty ronic eart, Head oe Throat, Bron- with the Ea ons, evous Headache sadashe, shmption fry | ly and Middle Si nga: Con: ity, and all Female Difficulties. He never a failure of a cure, where be had a reason- able time and a régular attendance. He would invite all those that are suffering fiom di diseases of any kind to call on him and in- te his principles of cure, or any a rela on to treatment and cure by otter will honestly and promptly answered. STONE. Sensi. June 15, 1871. J. LS Guelph Sewing Machine Co. THE OSBORN Lock-Stitch Sewing Machine! KING OF CANADIAN J SEWING MACHINES KING OF AMERICAN SEWIN MACHINES f] HOUSANDS THROUGHOUT CA- NADA are now ust have been tested stad eyo favorite lock-stitch---alik EEL [ WINTERHAS COME ! wiser ig FOR 1872, One Copy, one re with oil Ch "romeo, Five Coples, = 7] y person sending 00 names and $40, will re- ceive an extra copy grails, making 11 copies for the money. An to work for a premium. Siretler or ona age ele, our agent, will a at refi os ik $1 for outfit. kei dion JAMES SUTTON & CO., Publishers, 23 Liberty Street, New York. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST! LONG EVENINGS ARE HERE! PROSPERITY ABOUNDS! AYD NOW 18 THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR MOORE' s Rural New: :Yorker THE GREAT NATIONAL FAVORITE Farm and Fireside Weekly. PROFUSELY ILLUSTATED. rps FAMOUS JOURNAL HAS FOR near] AND HOME Arrairs, and combined 4 The Osborn Sewing Machine has no rival. 4&1 mprovements ave lately oon made, et ling man t as the ne plus plus "witra" of of Swing AE Hundredsof ng feosfved dai) y from oldas tots attesting i 4 wonderful ila as: re op do alt kinds of Busi: eekly. UNEQUALED FEATURES! sewi! a lt. finest cambric to the coarsest c sexing | low or upper leather. Suaraniesd to be as represented, or no sale 11 "Warranted Jor three years. OSBORN dd is sompléte and | readily comprehended. Is sold at one-half the price hitherto oh sharged for machines 8 Soiug Hike like fangs wor! manufacturers piace it XE the reach of every family in ined ta country, {The Gueiph 'Rgversible | the best Single Thread Machine hence ita marvallous sgocess of domestic sewing. Prices We do ri Farietios ji REDUCED; $12; Tread! YEE Mikkshne fuaran ada §it. teed. 25% Sens wanted money. Apply Siti as GUELPH SEWING MACHINE CO'Y, GUELPH, CANADA. J. & A. SMITH, Agents for Oshawa Jor -- Chronic Diseases. EQTIC PHYSICIAN, he is now EYE AND EAR, rors of Jour, Nervous Del cay and all the effects of jath--a Sue is Euarantesd; senses, and diseases without re Rheum, rms, apy ves hitherto been Bd incurable are now enka are Lig testify. No one mel, no o Minetal will be admunis- Rr IG aos obtain relief from sources, are particularly in vited to call and 2 Ofitce in Neflsan's Hall, Belleville. Office hours, 11 : m. tod ours ai FFP PE H. JAMES, M.D. ce, and have in Castor and Olive C] i previous to using Stock's Oil. JACOB STALTER, Greenwood. We etl Stock's OIl to & fither S$ any aber ails ever uses de cog s it FRY Sia «Fo N, 1 use Stock's Oil on my machinery, which re- volves about 4,000 times per minute, and find it the only oil thatgives satisfaction J. CHURCHELL, "Bangor, Ont. Oshawa, Feb, 7, 1871. GEO, B. STOCK, Esq., SIR,-- Your extra machine oil comes nearer Hostiof Jor} Jue than Re SOLE PROPRIETOR ; GEO, B, STOCK, Broucuaum, OxT. AGENT FOR THE DOMINION : cating purposes as' known to me, itw nei ARBWELL RR". A hia ACL El T.GIBBSOhawes,Ont = {4iberal terms for intro- one ECH[) FIFTY NEWscHOOL, DQ Book, by H. 8. Per-| WORTH oF MUSIC kins, Price, $70 perl FOR § 3, dozen. Contains over QUBSCRIBERS Two hundred new and beautifel Songs, Duets ete, by Will 8. Hays, | Webster, Thomas, etc: Every thingisnew,fresh Musical Magazine : a ists 'and specified pages sen | ojo mu Hays free. Sample copies Th omas, Kinkel, Pesr | matled 184 of postage/ey, and other popular to teachers for 65 cents Two 1 " 40 cents, Four back diy 7 Wc bers for 75 cents. JN PEOVEMERT Fry vy Fut asin Ta ihe Fast the AoA s ill be = For TEAK pe fa price, "which has and an ed Weekly in the World THE RURAL'S ILLUSTRATIONS are N s. Varied. and Beautiful. Eh ol AD4 Ne reliable, Aiatie Wo North double lo the StoonF Romar the ior or Yoursl' Famlly. STYLE AND REDUCED TERMS. Jrnbat of the RURAL Ly Be hd for GT WW pekily) oki privied from Sew Toe Sw 130s; and Printed In | ty a oe Tre BE Ane He gral Pron Show-1sie. . sent free. Re. Tesomen D. D. T. MOORE, Rural New-Yorker Office, New York City, 45K FOR Shs UPON Lg NO OTHER Musical Library CONSISTING OF FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED WITH CHOICE PIANO MUSIC. VOCAL COLLECTIONS. Eo i a oe 4s sere) a Som, Weber Peep ie The two volumes contain all of Will 'Gems. A collection of fol Ballads by Wallace, Thomas, Keller, A Give my love to the artist workmen of THE rity, has none of the temporary of timely | t Characteristic of his fresh Dumber | Value and beauty of Pinas NS LDINE wii be, o"oiber publcatlons is hot avidense flat there is no market for oF any- h I: rjuiis ce CELEBRATED MAGEE] "lot of The pattie a I Stands without a Riva - price of thier Machines are the best made, simplest, more durable aad reliable than any other single-thread machine. Larger and work with great ease. Will do ele kinds of domestic sewing in a perfectly satisfye tory manner. Has taken first prize whersy exhibited, SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS. For terms, samples of sowing, &e., apply GUELPH SEWING MACHINE COY, GUELPH, CANADA MARKET BUILDINGS » TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE AT THR 3 Pro vincial Exhibition ! Just held at Toronto, over the most remowne Sewing Machines in the world, among whick were the celebrated Howe, Wheeler & Wiesa dc. This is only a confirmation o the verdic or THE " LOCKMAN OVER ALL OTHERS. | STR. & H. CHARA, Wholesale and Reta Agents. Also, agents for Guelph Sewing Ma chine Co., Grover & Baker, Singer, Howeand Williams' Machines. We have also on hand a full stock of the LITTLE WANZER Machines x L. rErERSS EY BroaNew due, York Ci RSs witha rg a SL Py SAE change for any other inside of thirty days: Re- member R. & H. O'Hara's Is the szwiwe Max wm Dwvor. : BOWMANVILLE = previously rendered by the Great Canadian fo} Persons not satisfied with one Machine can | Is soldjat about one-half the Today Testion seth : 3 ha AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE +

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