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Ontario Reformer, 12 Jul 1872, p. 3

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voyal Asiatic nd the = 38 8 2eaagents, { wrier of last how r leaving SN route ty ; n.by twe on. © track, and both "I's Were precipi. two loner ing. ¢ the latter were elitire train lively shaking fe monkeys cha. , the great rhinoe. Tw 21 Lhe ved a while the less th gir rate and elang ruers, refusin tf thar kee * to bs xecuted fapta 1 in the sawdust through the 53 to ocaps, te on WH ha ! Eireann exhghi. Hing" trapese, : PR execution, hat the funniest 'al sence of body of mind Gn thy Ve a practical , wine the old per. fave an exhibition v fbang not set down , the *¢ lightning" "Pe Oosiem in subtrag- wy, while Sawmmer- change" with pened abot two and the night was -- ~ulasion that reigu- ] or it cannot: ba Je- lisco erel that-a cage Lions was ul the terrified per- £10 ascertaunng that { the jungle were: hi 15 fact added to ad a \ stampede J J Prof. hon tamer, avd 1unnedi- gewments" t Hay be Suppo: an ordinary toward cashed brutes 1} them, bat 'near fo them a terrific roar r the stillness ful a id stariling , and fHew- ioness would «Kk furiously eaping late ifs retreat, . The r and eded In the male hon was securely ule, however, "her 'sex, cent loss zo tract: White's it her to _ rzer oré y cage sw, 'and 14ts secured 0a was with- ck the nmense ing their n some see an omen a. . 4 ira 1sstedt «1. counselling 1 the Orange WX publie in Journal = sa¥® old Petato- 2 president's alone, in the 3,000 tons to: say ick. it will bs rnoRes ; moved by a- t: Marristee,. the beach fully y ume before lispatéh "in , vighbou® € mare, re- ph: "Mare Z:thwna ua- IL eat some thumb to - As-the 9 terrible . Comreer- no doubt changed present of antry, , and the v coming r of the gave ' was Leader--the who, in thun- hat he had t, too, had ked. Next r him half a ced the rch made even his caucus dis- v1 ---- FS Fl RT IL eT ro 34 § 01 ., ELT ~CTORS OF THE 'H/ RIDING OF TI COUNTY OF ONTARIO. vy vr SOR NTLEMEN sooh. be tative to the House 1a, to serve xt Parhiame | VIHIIONS, the term you durin nt whoured nomination by the Reform vavention of the Riding, ¢ to aanour my » candid te for onition of your presentative te decide ) contider with the tution of as ours, cannot ol harmony I poli \ cutive Carrvi irs of Government. that the wi nts and wish. 1 with elections sho plary puitisliment, ane opportunity afforded fo biased exe » of the f holding of all the elections ia the ton on one s ? lay, under authority ishment « and ths trial of Judges, would, that result. for th £ bribery and ecorrapt pr contested election mmy opi While it is requisite ~ceuti mld Taw Rave cota powers, [ hold t piwers shou bee limit, ve sh the expendi moneys at the without the sur i, arlia first obtained to all particular gonnected therewith. We find that ¢ advatficed n material pr suits, and who has account the natural ad sess and 1mm resources to an almost Lakes, BREA un limite a extent, well as easy communi cation between ail part 1b Is my 0 ergy and ent directed, and tion and good tant when ou the first countries tent and variety manuf ac tured i P POC be such, rm ¢ ladvs, the t1 r Dom waging the « seurces, to, ¢ \ called npon to off OSIIAWA MARKETS, - Flour, Tewt - Wheat, Fall, ¥ bashel, Hagre Wheat, Spring, ¥ bushel ht he H SPECIAL NOTICE ! Nya... : y Ja'y 12, 5 5 7 9 Harley Peas, ¥ bushel, 012! 016 ! 50 50 | : Great Closzing § Sale - OF BOWIANVILLE MARKETS. vif | : : ao FANCY and STAPLE "bry Muetisements. " yi FOR 30 DAYS, GABE MEETING. rl " FIRE BRI SATURDAY alow BR! Commeszcing Tuesday, July 2nd, previovs "to Stock Taking, at J. BARNARD'S LATE J. CARMICHAELS, o Pall. THORNTON, Chief Engineer. King Street, Oshawa. Farmers' Produce Taken in Earkistge! BOWRMANVILLE * | N ITROU SQ --OR- Protoxide of Nitrogen | PAIN- tental rooms awa, July 1st, 1872, XIDE | iA MACHINE & IMPLEMENT MANUF FACTURING COMPANY. | Xtract a mass of fil ruined t h 16 3 € 2 their happin 3, but made » all who are so ie Machines, ated with them, as uke and quite harm- Oshawa, May, 21,1872. bi A Large Quantity 0 F FIRST-CLASS British Plate Glass TOILET MIRRORS, For the astonishingly low prices of 15 fell-Rake Reapers; Common and Gang Plows, Chopping Mills, Lath Mills, etc. > ' > Cy + 3: GIBSON, MANAGER. 13-tf and 25 cents each, at. the nent of mpletei with Vr A NTEN Hardware 4 a FREDERICK McEBRIAN, W. D., M. R.C. £. T. WILLS GIBBS, having thon Aries, mus hearts and si therefore sh it a martial spirit people, and tpain our young like wes: ment sh ments for « that putpos pending upo ¢ make > hating try, I's} an ORfoTtu public meeti ennclusi N that bei ing my property ests are insep should you hon me dence, and ¢harge me with th your representation, I shall to of my humble '2bilit ion endeas serve the one bya fui tafa the other: fam, G » Rid in the s mp yours, at Tinie fre 1 discharge I. P. W VHT TE. Ww hite vale, June, 1871 Frou P aris, France successful traveller, earth; heis to visit « vill and ren habit s of the value of has reached the . Dom and, as usual, meet success. * This traveller i ical vactory, the Gr wan to of the stomach, liver and gel of 1 ing from costiveness, and bill msn is an an sickheadache On Monday, th son-in law, HALL, aged 66 years. Ia Oshawa, on the 11th inst, T ye onze st dauzhter of Mr. months and 11 daya. The funeral will take pl Ome o'clock. IN Oshawa, on the 11th aged 6 years and 3 nlo The _funer Saturday. al will take pl A Chemical Food and Nutritiv rPNHE GREAT POPULARITY OF WHEELERS COMI WIND EL > PHOSPHAT AND ¢ ALISAYA- its perfe ir onic is not followed by:a relapse Commercial, WHITBY MARAKLTS. Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushe!, do $13 12 060 045 06 LRH 015 'Wheat, Spring, Barley, ¥ bushel, Oats, do Peas, do Potatoes, do Butter. ¥q. TORONTO MARKLTS, Wheat, # bushel, my inter 1d that with your confi nt VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. LONDON, 1 Oshawa, 1 UY"S HOSPITAL, EN( X LAND. 1 les' Hate WANTED! 8! RVANT Gil La to MR Simcoe St., Oshawa. Remembar the Ln Oshawa, May 3rd, 1872 Bank. 4-11 HARRIS. . JOHN BE. 1 WHITE, THE PROF. FI\EAC H ER OF Pr NOFORTE, TAILORING | omposer, is 1 | | Goods Consisting of the Gem, | | BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. 1 ha place directly opposite | BRIGHT SUGARS, FRUITS, { found in the Gents' Departm OF I'Aili0 RLFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, JULY 1%, | BLAMEY & BRIGGS | ARE NOW OFFERING Teas from 10 t0 20 per cent. Reduction, --ALSQ-- A GREAT VARIETY OF GLASS FRUIT JARS, Mason, Clamp, &c., All of which will be Sold Cheap. FRESH ARRIVALS OF --AND-- GENERAL GROCERIES. BLAMEY & BRIGGS P.S.--Goobds delivered promptly to Customgrs in Town. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS FROM EUROPH ! ---- = W. BF. COWAN Is now in receipt of a portion of his SPRING TMP( RY ATIONS. He would draw particular attention to the following lines, Which are offered | FAR BELOW RULING PRICES! 4000 yds. Grey Cotton, at 5c. yd. 2000 yds. White © ¥ic. yd. 8000 yds. "' Ling Cloth,ilc. yd. | 2600 yds.Beautiful Prints 12!c.yd. | A Large & Varied Stock of Dress Goods. | | 825" All who desiro Style, and Extra Value for their money, should make | | | their selections without del lay. ONE CASE OF ~~ 'of the Foussic brand--a glove whi which has been before my custom Oshawa. Althongh these gloves have them at the old price of 81 per pair. FRENCH KIDS| » lead in England, and} n years in Toronto and anced seri I still offer 'th takes th for fifte adv rs asly wk of TWEEDS and CLOTHS will be int, and custome pectfully requested | he assortment i oken. | i \ | | | A Farge anl W ell-Sclested St to place orders for Suits before the ; W. F. COWAN: Marca, 1872. 2 51} MsHAWA, QTE MD AD! BROT Hoi 0 el Oshawa, Jane 2 PIANO for 8 i SALE at a BARGAIX, | GHT COTTAG lard & tave, Brice FOR XE ' old: E PIANO, Collard, of Londo £100. Ap; ly "at this 2ipw-pd. WM. DICKIES. SALE IA iB HORSE, 3 Iver Mo CART YEARS nted Harness; lass. Apply to : JOLIN HAMILTON Oshawa, Jun » 1572 11-3w BUTTER. BUTTER, JUND, AT TREWIN'S. ~ Newest Styles AT 1% PRIME IN. THE D. CENTS 1 \ Ll IRY Pe va, Dee.'1, 1871. FOR SALE. PROPE J howl lars rn on the WALTER F 1, 1872 oy 18 86 OGG. Of all Shades & Prices. iE SUDS( RIBER OFFERS FOR 3 . a ed, and in a state of | Zlbert, now HUGH CAR ad 11°! MICITA EL. MILLIN = | FLOWERS, Salmon Trout, HAND AT GARTH'S, THIS e a weekduring the SPLENDID FOR SALE. 13YHE WEST HALF SOUTH 1) Acres, in he S Bi Fer of the OF THE se and stable old very cheap. A. M. FAREWELL, Oshawa. 'Only $1 25 Each: THE PRIZE BULL, LORD LISGAR| DRESS GOODS PARASOLS 'Black Lace Shawls, NOW OPEN --THEIR--- SPRING SHOW | OF | | FIELD and GARDEN | | Ww ~£) é ve i138 SUMMER, OPENING, ONE OF THE LLARGEST [BEAUTIFUL EVER EXHIBITED IN | | | | SS DS Seleections from Leading Growers in Britain and the Dominion. Besides which they have ordered a Lot of the CroICEST VARIETIES from * Vicks Celebrated Floral Catalogue, To be along in due time--all with a view to meet the Wants of the Country at Large. ) LAND PLASTER AND SALT. BOOTS & SHOES | cial Show, over 37 entries The thogough-bred Ayrshire Ba lan " will serve on the sate terms at the farm of Mr. § Plillips, near the G. T. R. Station, Oshawa, ar A r wana Yige :8 : : sR 4 -+fwa, Of Every Description. | STEELE BROTHERS! | - GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN. | Oshawa, Janney 5th, 1872. Defy Competition / INSPECTION INVITED. f i GIBBS' BLOCK. ORPAWA Anil 3 "87% | | jfeent kinds of stilches, | receive a full description of the machine, Taylor's jewelry Store. | A. M. GHISHOLM, OR SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR- | lington, Docember 1, 1871. T A. B. CAMPBELL, ut HB Florence Sewing Machine, ALL AT JOHN POSTS MUSIC / STORE, In the town of Whithy, and see | this beautiful machine, whic 3 makes four dif an runs very light and still, Th urchase a machine, if they w ress to JOHN 8, M. WILLCO both ways, e infending to send their ad- » Whitby, will with grice list, ete. JOHN 8. M. WILLCOX. Whitby, Jan, 18, AUCTION SS SAT E a QF we VALUABLE REAL ESTATE| HE FOLLOWING VALUABLE roperty belonging to the estate of the late JAMES MACKIE, will be fold by public ane tion, a Hinds' Hotel, Oshawa. on Saturfay, fur 20th, 1872. at Two o'clock i Spri 3 erm comprising partof Lot No. 1, 1st a Con. of East Whitby, two and a half mil Oshawa. (one of the post enterpr the Dominion), and six miles on the Kingston road, containing land, more or less, which will be s¢ parts, viz: 12 # on the north side of road, and 52 ac n the south side. There is on the farm 20 acres of good woc Young Orchard of « hoice fruit, a good two = k House, nearly new, twp Barres, one with stone basement, Rtables, Priwng Barna, and other buildings suitable for a t- This farm is under superior fences are good, it is well wat m | with scarcely any broken lan Pp i in November, ploughing may be done before that time. Terms of se : "Five per cent of money day of sale, one half of ro mainin m in ¢ he. "mic nt h, ments, with interest at * further purticulars apply to Mrs. Ltackio. on she | premises. DR. WM. McGILL, ) WILLIAM FLINT, Dans, June 17th, 1572, Tri ripp's Poeticak E fusion. Ladies and Gontlemen, read the news, Who stand in need of Boots and Shoes. At D. Tripps, if you do call, He'll try to please you. one and all, The best of stock he keeps on hand, Kid, Cal, Kip, Spanish, finest and Dest it] brands. He'll mend your soles, if not your ways, ive good understanding to all he says. je'll make your Boots without delay, oe Jf they rip he'll ask no pay. mes ave hard, as yeu all do know, Money scarce, and prices low, ; Exesutors, A large stock on hand, and more' ¢oming.-- Pa taken in ex hangy for goods, Stand East sie of Simcoe Strect, one door North of TrIPP & Sh AW, ih SE The Admirers 'Lumber $5] Shingles CHANGE OF BUSINESS ! AVING DISPOSED OF MY BUT. ( HES 3 ness to Mr. G. N. Stephonson, 1 him td, the patronage of wers and fricpds, GEQRUE HENRY. Jer Cust Oshawa, Feb, 27, 1872 PS above, beg to say tom: hal carry i the usineas at the ; and Chureh Streets, A full stock of First- kinds In the season, hand, A 'wagon will be to the rsons desiroys of having it i ples ase leave word at the J, as wo pains will be i. N. STEPHENSON. I'L T homas Brooks, BUTCHER. R GE ops IR PHENSON HAV. ¥ 1 do my beat sepply ea, the best meats iling waggon will call as ders Jett at the shop promptly t, Os awa, June 5th, 1872, 9-1. OF THE VIL ng lately voted the in rodiiction of a new t four midst, it has given » the building of Houses for our ive greater facilittes for the rapid finishing of new buildings, the subse riber has laid ina LARGER STOCK H A R D WA RE been offre 1 in Oshuwa nsisiing in parti 600 Kegs of Qut Nails. ' AND BEST ASSORT- MEN T OF : be hy THE LARGES PAINTS, OILS, » VARNISHES; | Glass, Putty, &c,; HORACE GREELEY WILE DO WELL TO Buy a Light Hat HODDER} | | | " Without doubt the finest periodical pnb- lished, having ne equal either in Eurepe or America." SCRIBNER'S FOR JULY, i Will Attract Deserved Attention. | From Lossing's delightful Article on West (profusely 1llustrated); the brilliant Conclu m of Wilkinson's-C: ritique on Lowell's Prose Warner's Charming Paper, a Sumunicr Bac # Study, the best of.the series yet published: | } Holland's Editorials; 'the Christian Sabbath Great Cities," "The Literary Bureau Again "Our President ;" * Indirect Damage tw Curious Articles of Popular Science, Thust A Startling Exposure of Smuggling by W and the means employed for its detection ; § ling Papers in the Old Cabinet; Growing 1. lence in Home and Society, and 'the New.Depart- ment of Nature and Science, by Prof. Draper besides the usual variety of Stories, Poecu 18, Essays and Reviews, &ec. Price $1 per year, or 35 cents a Number, For sale and subscriptiohs received by Booksellers and Newsdealers. SCRIBNER & Co., Publishers, 654, Broadway, New York all Dolly Varden TOBACCO POUCHES (The Latest Thing he) --AT-- : . FITCHETT'S. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SUPPLY OF SMOKING - --AND- Chewing Tobacco! OF THE BEST BRANDS. King St., Oshawa. awa, Wa= 2% (872 | AN kinds | White | A Ls IN THE COUNTY. SPLENDID VARIETY OF Shovels, Hoes; Forks, Rakes, &¢C. A LARGE STOCK OF LOCKS, KNOBS, LATCHES & HINGES. {| A id Assortment of Carpenters Tools. of Paint, Varnish, Vash, Kalsomine, Shoe, Scrubbing, and other Brushes; Stack of Dodgers and otle C.ilery, Dizon's and other superior" makes ¢f Nickel and Silver Platad Goods and Craots. wortment of Awles; : rriuge Springs, Iron, Rope! and Che ns. Jirst-r tte a And the best assortme nt, of Guns, 'including Breech Loade irs), Revol- Pstols, and Shooting and Fish- kle in the County. vers, ing Tacl The whole of the above stock was pur- chased before the late great rise in prices, and will be sold cheap for cash. TT. Wills Gibbs: Oshawa, May 3rd, 1872, | VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE. . HA PURCHASED MR. CON. sinterest in the MeGregor rOpoKty, ve ots on the ok de of One third ensh ; balance rest at eight per cent. ect a house at Snce, I yment downs but in nddi- 'one hundred 8o'iars on each ey erect a honse thereon, costing not loss titan $500, and take 8 first mo with ins n for the value of the lot ax | the ann ot i ac anced. For full particulars enquire f Lyman Eoglish, rister as F. W. GLEN. su SHINGLES. | guxaes OF ALL KINDS FOR sale at my Mill, Lot Nog, 4th con. Darling ton, about 44 wiles from gunie i JONATHAN STEPHENS. I offer Centre Stre on mort Oshawa, March 7th, 1872, March 1 152, af Fi OLD AND NEW METHOD | OF TEACHING MUSIC. 'Miss E. Palmer; EACHES THE ABOVE METHODS, y the latter pupils e wn by strict attention t 1 pigees A Wer any , in from 6 to 12 PUPILS WAT IDACTICE ON THE TTANO OR IMELODIAI. RESIDENCE--MR. C. FRENCH'S. Third door North of Christian Church. 53m Oskawa, May 9h, 1752. "REMOVAL. TRIPP & SHAW, HG REMOVED TO THE STAND ' cnpried ¥ Tho wae Pawthorn, v " will, a3 usual, he ) constar 1 stock of BODTS & SHOES or Ladies' ar will sell at) made to order Good | Fit Guaranteed: » d wh ch they

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