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Ontario Reformer, 9 Aug 1872, p. 4

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ii nT 331% ER 3 5 ------ g TEE. EF Bi0 | | REF en rae. : jealously, and eat thou up with the teeth OY PP PP. S LE ta A FASHIONABLE PRAYER. }* omy oun. puis. Strengthen mi husband, and 'may hiz | faith and hiz money hold out to the last. Draw the lamb's wool of unsuspicious Swilignt over hiz eyes, that mi flirtations may look to him like victories, and that bills way strengthen his pride in me. Bless, O Fortune, mi krimps, rats, and | frizzles, and let thi glory shine on mi paint and powder, When I walkout before the gaze of vul- | gar men, regulate mi wiggle and add new grace to mi gaiters. Destroy mine enemies with the gall of of envy all those that at mi style. Let the lily and eo strive thier in mi cheek, and may mi neck swim like a goose on the buzzum of kristal water. Bless Fanny, mi lap dog, and rain down the bezome of destruction upon all who would hurt Hector mi kitten. Smile, Oh Fortune, upon Dick mi kana- ry, and watch over, with the fondness of a | mother, mi two lily white mice with red eyes, Enable the poor to shirk for themselves and save me froin all missionary beggars. | Shed the light of thi countenance on mi kamel's hair shawl, mi lavender silk, mi point lace, and keep the moths out of mi sable, I becheech thee, Oh fortune. psn} f-------- WHEN Artemus was very young, he and a companion got hold of a pack of cards and learned to play euchre. Artemus was perfectly fascinated with the game, and played it as often as he had an oppor- tunity; but it had+to be done on the sly, and he had to hide his cards from his parents. So, when he was looking out for a place to hide them, the boys thought the safest place where they could put the cards was in the pockets of the minister's | black gown, under the very wgis of the church. 1 don't know what mgis means, but it's a good word, and 1 supposé it's | all right.. Well, the old minister was cal led upon to baptize a convert, and as he went down into the water, wearing the | gown, the cards began to float. The boys, who were on the bank watching, though in great fear, kept their eyes on the cards. | As it happened there came up first two bowers and three aces. Of course the « wore thrashed, and an old aunt of Aswanus proceeded to lecture him on the enormity of the crime. ** Why," said she, " just imagine how the poor man must have felt when he saw the cards coming | up; I should have thought he wopld have fainted, and I don't see how he got out." " Well," said Artemus, *' I don't see how he could help going out on such a hand. Irism wit.--There is abundance of true | wit in Ireland, with a flavor all of its own. | Few theological defimitions for instance | could bear the palm from that of a priest | whe, having preached a segmon on mira- | cles, was asked by one of his"ogregation, | walking op his way home, to explain a little Oo Mrlly what a miarcle meant. "'Isit amiracle you want to understand!" said the priest. "Walk on, then, forninst me, and I'll | think how I can explain it to you." The man walked on, and the priest came | behindshim and gave him a tremendous | kick. | | "Ugh!" roared the sufferer, "why did | you do that!" "Did you feel that!" the priest enquir- | "To be sure I did." "Well, then, remember this, it would have been a miracle if yon had not." Tue late Edward Jackson of Hamilton, has left £10,000 to endow a Theological Chair in Victoria College, and £10,000 at the disposal of his wife for the same pur-| pose if she so wills it. This in addition | to the £40,000 contributed hy Montreal | for establishing a theological School in | that city, evinces the earnestness of the Wesleyan Churchi-in the' cause of minis terial education. _ Tom Davy, the Tory candidate for North Perth, is a cool customer. - He recently ve a grand address. The Stratford Beacon shows that Tom has cop- ied verbatim George Brown's great address | delivered at Quebec in 1865 in favour of confederation, by printing the two in par- | ° allel columns. Tom evidently has "taste" if he hasen't brains. i ------ ti -- A crowp of * Horse Men," and others, daily throng the stores in country and town for Sheridan's Cavalry. Condition Powders. They understand that horses cannot be kept in good condition without | them, and with them can be kept on a much less quantity of grain. \ THe relaxing power of Johnson's Ano- dyne Linimiént is truly wonderful. Cases are 'already numecious whefe bent and stiffened limbs have been limbered and straightened by it. When used for this | purpose, the part should be washed and | rubbed thoroughly. Apply the liniment cold, and rub it in with the hand. ° | | Cavriox to Purchasers of the Peruvian | Syrup (a protected solution of the protox- | ide of iron). Beware of beilig deceived | by any of the preparaticns of Peruvian Bark, or Bark and Iron, which may be | offered to you. Every bottle of genuine has Peruvian Syrup (not Peruvian Bark) | blown in the glass. Examine the bottle before purchasing. Dip you ever think that what is termed a common cold, when systematically ne- glected, often leads to that most fatal and istressing di -onsumption--but when attended to at once is generally easy of cure. If yopare troubled with a cold or ccveh. "Bryen's Pulmonic Wafers" will be wound to be = st efficacious in re- moving it. They give immediate relief; and generally effect a cure when used in time. Sold by all Druggists and country dealers. Price 25 cents per box. Pourricar life is a study. In England the most dazzling prizes are political =the crown of life of the must illustrious in rank and riches is political distinction-- and in English -- of fiction political success is re nted as the greatest | triumph. But we think nogreater triumph has been achieved 'in modern times than | the production of the " Canadian Pain De- | stroyer," 'for removing pain from the system and curing colds, coughs, rheuma- tism, neuralgia, bowel complaints, &ec. For sale by all Druggists and country dealers. Price 25 cents per bottle. IxpEED.--Some of those skeptics, who are never siling, are surprised at DR. DEPEW'S MLDICAL VICTORY so sud- denly becoming a theme of conversation, | and already esteemed so Wiihly for dis- eases of the lungs, liver, kidneys and blad- der, and prized for rheumatism, neuralgia, biliousness, and general weakness and de- | | | bility. Yon will not be surprised if you realize that health depends chicfly on the | condition of the blood, and tliat DEPEW'S | VICTORY isa REAL BLOOD PURIFI- ER. Ask those who have suffered for years, from costiveness, female weakness and dyspepsia, in spite of other treatment, yet cured by the Medical Victory, why | they prize it. To Owxers or Horses. --It is a well | attested fact confirmed by the &wperience | of thousands that " Darley's Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy" for horses is superior to anything of the kind now or ever known. We know that it | has been used in. many cases where the horse has been considered almost worth less, with the most satisfactory result, the horse having been restored to perfect soundness or so much benefited that the complaint could searcely be observed. -- Many such horses have been sold for from $50 to $100 more than they would have previously brought, and were well worth-thie difference; let all interest- «od consider this. Remember the name, and see that the signature of hurd & Co., is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., proprietors for Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers. | One dosecnres common Sore Throat, ' has cured Bronchitis. | all aver the country say: | a medicine that has given such complete satis- | | faction as this." | and is believed to be immaasarably | fering and many dollars of exgen: | one or more dealers in every | circulars are found. | are | duing the | traordina | and incon | yearned after | Northop & Lyman, Newcastle ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1872. No Risk. Thomas' Eclectric Oil! W wth Ten Time its Weight in Gold. Do you know anything of it! If not, it is time you did. = ~ DAIN CANNOT STAY WHEREIT IS . used. Itisthe cheapest Medicine evermade, One bottle Fifty cents worth has cured an old standing Cough. One ortwo bottles, cures bad cases of Piles and Kidney Troubles Six to eight applications cure any case of Excori ated nipples or inflamed Breast. One bottle has cured lame back of cight yearsstanding, Daniel Plank, of Brookfield, Tioga County, Pa., says: "1 we irty es for a bottle of your Oil, which efle erful cure of a crooked limb by six applications." Another ,who has had Asthma for years. says: "1 have half of a 3 cent bottle left | and £100 would not buy it ifI could get no more Rufus Robinson, of Nunda, N. the voice where the person had not spoken above a whisper in five years," Rey. J. Mallory, of Wyoming N. Y., writes: * Your KEclectric Oil cured me of Bronchitis in one week." Dealers " We have never sold It is composed of six. of the best oils that arc known. ® as good totake as for external use, superior to yu auch suf Is sold by where these Why not anything ever made, Will sav pla 1 Price, 23 cents, buy it to-day? ' Prepared by 8. N. THOMAS, Pures, N. Y., And NORTHROP & LYMAN, NEWCASTLE, Ont.. | Sole Agents for the Dominion, NoOTE.-- Eclectric--Selected and Electrized. For sale by W. T, Atkinson and Dr. Deans Oshawa; in Whitby by J. H. Gerricand J. Byrn | | n, Brooklin by John Warren. Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT Bowmanville Ontario. Canadian Pain Destroyer A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT I) ell and favorably known, relieving thou ands from pain in the | Side; Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruisgs, Crasaps in the Stomach, Cholera Monhus. Dysentery, Bowel Comiplaints, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, de. The CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER . has now been before the public for a lepgth of time, and wherever used is well liked, never failing in a single instance to give permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction, where the directions have been properly followed, but on the contrary ah are ph oh « with its operations, and speak in the highest - terms of its virtue « 1 magical effect. We speak from experience én the mat! °r, hav- | ing tested it thoroughly ; and therefore tuose who fering rom any of the complaints for which it is re mended, nay depend upon it being a Sovere medy. { Th ticacy of the Canadian Pain the diseases for which it is i ts wonderful effects in sub- irous pains of Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervous Ailections, entitle it to high rank in the list of Remoda Orders are coming {in from Medicine Dealers, in all parts of the | country, for further supplies,.aud each testifying as to the universal satisfaction it gives. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to ve immediate relief. All, Medicine Dealers eep it ; Physicians order and use it;'and no family will be without it after trying it. Price, only Twenty-five Cents per tle. For sale by W. T, Atkingon and Dr, Deans shawa; in Whitby by J. H.'Gerrie and J. Byrne Erooklyn by John-Warren. Sold in Bowmanville by J, Higginbotham and D, Stott, and all medicine dealers. The Great Female Remedy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. \HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female consti- tution is subject. 'It moderates all excess and re- moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be | relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, oring on the monthly period with regularity. These Pills should not be taken b, during the FIRST THREE MONTYS of Prey- | nancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, he but at any other time they are safe. In all Cases of Nervous agd Spinal Affections; Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the heart, iy sterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed"; and although a power ful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, anti- mony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which shold be carefully preserved. JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, BOLE PROPRIETOR. $1.00 and 12} cents for postage, 'enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Neweastle, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will ir contalning over 50 piils, by return For sale by W, T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans Oshawa; in Whitby by J. H. Gerrie and J, Byrne in Broclyn by John Warren, Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT Bowmanville, Ontariga { a bot nail. In Memoriam. GAINST EXPENDITURES 4A in honor of the dead, Heaven has uttered no prohibition id Earth is not injuréd, but benefitted, by them. Ail those beautiful embiems which ad mn the many tombs around w hich "we |v to linger, assuréus wé'are in a world of warm and loving hearts ; the adorning of the 'sepulchres of the * loved ones" alleviates our grief wnd| soathes the wounded heat. It also cheers the be- reaved to know that an additional em- bellishment 'of the grave presents stronger attractions to arrest the atien- tion of the stranger, and dauses him to puting, and fear ihe name of one who as shared so largely in the love of others, by id S We take this method tb inform you that we can fill orders for decorating the graves of departed friends, at low figures, executed in the best style of workmanship . MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF AN & AMERICAN MARBLE --AND-- : SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, supplied on short ngtice. Everything pertaining to Cemetery work will meet with prompt attention, by leaving or- ders with C. BOUNSALL, Bowmanville. IT4 Stop and See. HE FOLLOWING REMARKS ON Testimonials of the most wonderful and ex- Sates in Canada by the GREAT IN- DIAN REME . They are stern, undeniable i¢ facts, sufficient to convince the most skepticalithat the Great Medical Compound for ages is. now accessible in the Great SHOSHONEES REMEDY For Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Di tive Organs, | idneys, &c., as well as Scro Er | the various Skin Diseases, Humors and. ail di se arising from Impuri f t " sedate areng toms Everio of the loot, ve it: BE EQUALLED.. Yhere was there ever j such a cure as that in the 7 aon of Wilson Storms of Brighton, Ontario, of onsumpti . that of Peter iption ; or V. Miller, of Ernes - rio, of Consumption, 6r that of am, Oita of Consecon, Ontario, of Dispepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of John Hosey, of Napanee, Ontario, of Rheumatism, who had actually been on crutches for years, in spite of all treatment heretofore, and is uow well. Scores of sueh cases might be mentioned had we space, £# Call at the Drug Store and get a Clreular ° unquestionable certificates on the GREAT SHO | SHONEES REMEDY end satisly yourselves. Price of Remedy in Large Pints, $1. A For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. Agents tor Bowmanville, -- Mes: Higginbotham, 11, Stott, Wholesale A mente Manhood, How Lost, How Restored UST PUBLISHED A NEW J edition of Dr. Culverwell's Cele : y on the radical cure (without medicine) of Sperma- or Seminal Weakness, In- voluntary Seminal Losses, Impotency Mental and Vlysical Incapacity, Im ments to Mar- riage, etc; also, Consumptivn, Epilepsy, and Fit, induced by self-indulgence or sexu, a nee, 3 by in a sealed enve| only 6 The celebrated author, ne is admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty jeams snc. cessful ce, that the consequences dangerous use of internal medic: plication of the knife : Polnting fe rid ae" pure at once simple, certain, and [mews of Iv hich Svery sufferer, Com , Ma; y, EH ET hy wade o eres . ure in lhe hands of every outh sand every man in th L 7 Gent under seal h oure ost stamps. Also, Dr. Culverw ells rice 25 cents. Address the Pillishers, Mo CHAS. J. C.KLINE, §. C0, no matter what " Marriags Guide, Bow y, New Yo. Post-Office Boy "686 Females | extrav- | without the | effectual, by | , in a plain envelope, to any ad- on receipt of six cemts or two i CERTIFICATE Sewing Machines in the village of Oshawa, mare. | Agerits for the sale of our Machines, in said Territery. | "One suiall bottle of your Eclectric Oil restored | rights and privileges of the trade, as though appointed by us. \ Signed for the Company, i needs to be seen to be apprecia Prices, $23 d. wanted. 24° A second-hand Grover & Baker Manufacturing Machine for sale chenp. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. to do good work A LARGE LOT [Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', Misses' and Children's, of all Classes and Sizes, | To be Sold at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent., ) IN ORDEC TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. \ FIYHIS certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our dul authorized Agent, for the sale of Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent Family Sewing Machines. This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of selling our The above Machine is one of the best F' OF BOOTS AND SHOES CONSISTING OF AGENCY. and that he is also authorized to appoint Such agents have all the J. J. COLLINS, St. Catharines, Ont. amily Machines in the market, and only without stand and 830 with stand. Agents Warranted OF (A share of public patronage solicited. L. PRUDHOM. ree "ee Caution!! Caution { To the Public of the British North America, Provinces of MOST RESPECTFULLY TO| ublic of the British North Am. that in May last 1 caused the 4 od 80, Maiden Lang New York, for the [0LLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, which | 1p to that time prepared by william Brown, ne cceased, to be closed. These Medicines were, 1 regret to say, from what has lately come | to my kanowledge, made up of such very ordinary ingredients as to render them almost worthless, {and therefore calculated to damage my good | CEORCE cou RLEY'S name Those who do not wish to be deceived by buy- ] | | ing spurious medicines, which are now likely to | emanate from the States or elsewhere, but to | rossess themselves of the genuine HOLLOWAY'S | ILLS AND OINTMENT wlll do well to see that | each pot and box bears the British Government stamp on which is engraved the wor "Horo WAYS P1iLs AND OINTMENT," and that the ad | dress on the dabel is 53% OXFORD STRERT, LoN- DON, where y they are manufactured, and in | mo other part of the world. 'I'he retail prices are on the labels in British currency, and not in dol- | lars and cents, | No representative of mine will ever travel through any part of the British Provinces, or the | | United States, either to sell, or to take orders for | | my Pills and Ointment, and as I have reason toy | to deceive the public in this way by persons call- | ing upon medicine vendors, falsely representing | that they are acting for me, and with my xi0w- | ledge and consent, | deem it advisable to put the | public on their guard against any such decey | | tions, | I most earnestly entreat all those who may | | read this advertisement that they be pleased, in | the public interest, to communicate the purport of the same to their friends that t may not be defrauded of their money by pv asing worth- less imitations of the genuine HOLLOWAY'S 1'1LLs | | AND OINTMENT, 1 would ask, as a great favour, that should come to the knowledge of any person that spuri- ous medicines gre being made orsold in my name, { he be pleased to send me all the particulars he ean collect respecting the same, that is to say, | | the name and address of the vendor who is sell | ing the spurious medicines,and like wise the name | and address of the House in the United States; | or elsewhere, which mag have supplied them, so | as to ¢ nable me, for the protection of the public, to institute proceedings againgt such evil-doers, and 1 engage 10 Perfunerate ve handsomely | any person who smay give mé such information, i the informant's name never being divu) . | Should any 1 have reason to believe that d by buying spurious imita- | in a letter, to the address at foot (which he | do at a cost of six cents in postage), one of | the books of instructions which are affixed to the | same. ' I promise to exsimine it and send a reply, | stating whether the Mediciues are genuine or | not, so that if spurious he may apply to the per-| son from whom he purchased them to bave his wney returned, Chemists and Druggists who desire to obtain the Medicines can be supplied at the lowest | wale prices in quantities of not less than worth (for which remittance must be sent in 2 i 34s per dozen , nett, without liscount, I have the honour to be, With great respect, THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 553 Oxford Street (le w.cC., e 214, Strand), London, September 1, 1571. 17-10, | 'Royal Insurancé | COMPANY. [FIRE AND LIFE. TEMPORARY OFFICES: | Corner of St. Paul and St. Francois Xavier Streets. | Capital... ..... y Annualin e over... | Funds in Hand over... +. $10,000,000 | i -- | FIRE DEPARTMENT, | _ All descriptions of property Insured against | Loss or Damage by Fire at moderate rates, | LOSSES PROMPTLY SETTLED WITHOUT REFERENCE TO THE HOME OFFICE. | LIFE DEPARTMENT. Assdrance on Lives granted om favourable | terme, and unquestionable securityi offered to Policy holders. Besides the Large Paid-Up Cap | ital of the Company, Assurers ve Additional | Security in the UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a | Wealthy Proprietary. The Special Life | amounts to Assurance Fund now 86,603,210. THE BUM OF 8736,200. | having heen added thereto as a result of the Bus- | | iness of the Past Year, after the Payment of all | Claims, Cash Bonuses, Annuities and Expenses | of every Description. {| Tables of Rates, Proposal Forms and full infor- | mation can be obtained on application to the un- | | dersigned. | H. L. ROUTH, E. F. BEDDALL, Chief Agents for Canada. ctor. ROBERT ARMOUR, | ; Agent at Bowmanville- | N. B.--The financial position of the Royal is in | no way affected by the recent Fire at Chicago, | A. PERRY, Fire Ins st this grent temedy fme NEVEEK | the Conipany having no Agent doing business in | This Ssen fea that City. 17m | nglish MISES n I S. | 0 | He | | TORE v ; Combs, Tooth Brushes, assortment of Dye Stuff --0 , Scented Soaps, French and E 1cmes Hair Brushes Next Door to COWAN'S. yeneral ' REMOVED TO NEW AND LARGER PI! and a ( Perfumery, ATEINSON'S DRU s, Patent Med » Everything of the best Quality and Strictly Genuine Dri | believe that attempts will very probably be made | ~ ponent of all kn | missionsiven | otler caemical pro NEW NG STYLES. SPRI |] Stock of New Spring Cloths fs now complete, and embraces all the LATEST STYLES! AGRE 1 1 | | | | MEDICAL VICTORY. G pent physician of foreign descent, ¥ ; . E. 'DR. DEPEW, OF PALIS. FRANCE re; loud Remedy --a Purely Vegetable Compound --named by physicians, Dépew's Medical Victory, that ary kind of unhealthy Humor,and every disease that dependvon Impurity of the Blood, where the Lungs, Liver, and Kidneys, and other vital or. gas, rheu: 8 , are not wasted beyond the hope of repair, ' cure of Scrofula, Eryfipelas, Halt. For the cur Scald. Head, Sealy Eruption of the kin, Ulcers, and Fever Sores o all kinas, B ils Humor in the Mouth and Stomach or Eyes, Sore Ears, Eniptionon the head, sud Pimples or Flotches on the face, it stands Pre.eminently at the head of all other remedies. The fact is; Humors, Scrcfula, and Diseuse of the Skin. of whatever naneorn ure, are literally dog 4p and "carried cut of t «« m {n a short time, by' the use of this a hon vdy-- Jue bottle, in such cases, will convime (be BOs? 0. crndulous of its curative eflects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find #3 [2puritiss bursting through the skin in Praples, Evaptions, or Sores ; Cleanse it when Fo find it ob. tracted and sluggish in the veins; © it when #t a foul, and your feelings will tell you when Keep the Blood pure and the beaith of the system will follow 'ng Purgative,as well i {3.2.entio Regulat ng 2 ph. uliag ment of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion, ud Chronic 1nflagmation of the Liver and ull the "Visceral Organs. For Female Complaints, whether in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or at theturn of life, the Medical Victory has zo equal Complaint, and diseases of the Kidney, aul its effects are surprisiuy to all tiem, Dyspepsia, Liver Inthe cure of rhe K Bladder, For Regulating the wels, a curing Bibousness, Readac he Sick BO re Female Weakness, Nerv us ness, Pains in the Side, Loins and Back, and genera Weakneds and Debility, its curative powers aie | oud mopey and beyond ice, ITISTHEGE LoOD PURIFIER AND A LIFEGIVING TE "LE, rfect Renovator and Invigorator of Po fort i off all powonous matter snd Ke toring the Blood to its healthy condition Scld by all Druggists & Dealc™- SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET J The Stock is oue of the best ever brought into the place. GENTLEMEN requiring New Suits, would do well to call early and leave their orders. All Work Done in the Best Manner. LOWEST LIVING AND ~ Good Fits Guaranteed! Oshawa, April 12, 1832, 1-tf. The Science of Health. A NEW INDEPENDENT HEALTH MONTHLY. Devoted tothe preservation and restoration of Health on Hygienic principles, Health is the great want of the age.' Ttis the first need of the individual, the nation, and the | ing elseware. race. Hentth is long life ; death, Health develops body, mind and soul: | Disease dwarfs and paralyzes all. To educate | the people in science of life, which includes that relates to Preserving Health, and to the Art of Treating Diseas without Medicine, is the ob Jeet and purpose of this new Heaith Journal, THE SCIENCE OF HEALTH will aim to dis seminate throughout the a knowledge o Hygienic princi be the organ ¢ any person, be but an earn est teacher of th THE SCIEN: *h Health strength, Hay ay be ob tained by u i vitaliy 1 t ease, wz, Clothin cep and all n ' . TERN Published monthly at £2.00 a year in ad n Clubs « ten nt # opy toagent, We are offerin Local agents wanted s, and cash com- | Ts te Publisher, ¥, New York. pr ? th CE Sole Provrietors end Maanfacturers of the Cele- brated Victoria Carbolic Preparations. 1 a. tory and Wor, Victoria Hall, Melinda Street, Toronto, Ont. The following Genuine Preparations arc sold by | sure and ask forthe Vicromia | all Drugzists. PREPAIATIONS, and see that you get them. '3 TORIA 'CARB x LN PRICES CHARGED | Hi an Oshawa, April 12th, 1871. This Jer is most azrecable Beautifying the warivalled Houzhncrs, Tan, onzhne ociions. For Chapped tes and Sore Lips, it Price 5 cents. ORIA CERES - TOILET SOAP Roar Possess all the Well iown ouing Jropettics of Carbolie Actd, groeadly healthy stich on Zin, prevents drrltatiodn: Tnoves o effects of perspiration, and Jegularly used by fimiles. Cholera, Small; and Fever Patients hoald bewashed with d its use by terially prevent disease. Price 15 cents per Tablet. : aio) BOLIC #4 JF US cure for all Skin Disceses, Cats, wounds, Bra y Ulcerr, Ring- wi 0 po-8244 carative quali re paration. Price 25 coats. [A CARBOLIC: JURA A RCARYS og pe als GanaLs is the most reliable ard efle:clors a*d 11 sll cases of Sore 'Throat, Hoirscness, , oily Bronehius, Irri'ailon of the Brouchial to common in caangeab's climate, 3, Oontive Vireath, Tlcerated Gams, and Lx2i18 of the Mouth. - For Pablic Speakers Sugars 3 }* javaluable, The im edie nts (n- r » Luis Gergle are al Pu jane, Ba hao ire ofthe whovs attorder, rit A pular he Vilce 25 cata." she Nateris ---------- = pop EaRCR 3b et rus Lh SCTANT {88 sure preven'iveof T rrhus sod Tyohold cvers, Cholera Ts, nalipox, and i ll in. as diserees. It will preve t ¢ ont gion in le. Ttlsals) Invaluable for | ieinfactl g Water alos, Cesspools, Stab es, Slamoltes. id for destro ing nunsecus (filovia causoarisinz. It vill dnre away oth, Files, Cockroaches, &e. Mest, . e211 be preserved fr iirsticuonby ts 3 srbolic Ac1was scleeted by Her Majesty's Roywf 'onmiesioners, in preferenes to all otier prodacts, a+ the best Disicfoetnt for the reves. tion of infections discascs, Price 2ecacn, BRIA SHARPENING S LUNG PA BY" This PrEranaTioN is in its mpidity for Sharpening sand Poltehiag Cattery. Tab y and -huive:, Razors, Surgical Instrament Kuives, Plane Bits end Chisels, &¢ . Roth. Pg haa ever boea dl » sprang =o I I pyeane Xd aod ov ie wi op for ganeral usefulness. A P YOUNG, SiLLS &C/ ath, © Philip Taylor EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND) CHEAPEST Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, ilver | Plated, and Fancy Goods. J) e is the sole agent for Russell's Celebrated Watches, Lazarus & Morris' Perfected Spectad | cles, and Meride Silver Plate, best goods made | wd gvery thing in his line made to order. It will pay to examine his Stock before purchas Alt Goods and Jobs warranted Disease is premature | and cheaper than any other House. PHILIP TAYLOR, * Watchmaker & Jew ler, - Simcoe Street, Os awa. tf. JUST OT dy AQ IST" 'sooud oqqesod 3samoy oy je lO MOOLS LSADAVA AHL £3 SAWVS 'OTY4VINO 40 ALNnOoNaHL INT Cavan nag] iy any H 'IY Surges pue}isuteyed jo Ljouea woal y sueamjovjnun OY) Woda) 100ITp POAIOA ISI SONIONVH diaddVd Money to Lend A ~AT REDUCED RATES. AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND | I | A. any amount of money, on the security of G | Farm or Productive Town Property, at "ihe oad | { | Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, | sums and manner to suit borrowers. Principal | LI VERPOOL, LONDONDERRY | can be re-paid by yearly instalments, sum, Investments made in Debentures, Mortages, | or in one | | and other securities. {| SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND Dou SOLD. | For further particulars apply to a4 JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &e, Office--McMillan's Block, Brock St., Whitby vpril 13th, 1871. | sued at reduced SAUTION, --All genuine has the name Syrup," (NOT " Peruvian Bark," blow. in the glass. A Jomphlet son free J.P, Dikunomn, , #4 Dev st. New Tork. Sold b; ggists . @ | issue | briny | Seot, to part of Canada. The Atcamah ps of the Montreal Ocean Steam- passengers ELC DO A LR t re! av us! v | gem Y avol ding charges . YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS! PIANO SEWING MACHINE, CALL ' ON} 'Geo. 8S. CLIMIE, | AT THE | "REFORMER" OFFICE. | | | | | H 81 'qigl (dy 'wegsQ DONIAV pV ASTHOUN pay ueny 'sbniq pt AY Jey) oyqad ay) woul pnom 17101 dHL d > SUI ada Ha Pus a) JoquowayH aos Foaqg oy) ug PO SUN] "a r, ~~ {IILY VY L BH [BOIPOIN Savon | JO JUSUTLIONSY [[N) ¥ PATIO sul NV PO ¥ NOSNIHOH d0 SSANISONI HO¥a "IDRS 'sing oh 'hseunfioy asoddo-~ SHOU ATIVNOSVEY LSONTAHIELV.TIAS TIM HH HOIHM MOH S9putH '1L81 $e, | ASK Fon IT-IKSIST UPOA IT-BUY NO OTHER hd 1] ol Tr" ONLY s 1 2d PLAECLAE LR -------- i DOSE OvLY 50 biuas, HIS SPACE IS left to show that BANBRIDGE has always on hand New and Second-hand Wagons and Carriages ready when called for, at reasonable rates. "Repairing and Shoe- ing attended to as usual. SIMCOE] STREET, I OSHAWA. March 29,81872. 51-6m G. DB. Stock's Celebrated Extra Machine 0il | TS NOW USED IN ALL THE PRIN CIPAL Manufactories and Mills in Ontario | and is giving entire satisfaction, and ail unite in | saying there is from 2 to three hundred per cent. saving over all other Oils, and as the quality of this Oil is well known, it is unnecessary for me to state the reasons why it pupeicedes all other Oil, as it is a well known fact that it will neither gum nor get thick in the coldest weather. TESTIMONIALS: THE JosEPH HALL Mac HINE WORKS, | Oshawa, Ont., April 14, 1870 GEO. ie STOCK, Esq., Broughant, DEAR SiR,--We have been using your Lubri- cating Oil for the past four months, and can say without hesitation, that it is the best oil we have ever used. Itis 0 cheap, and lasts longer than any other oil ; we have run ovr large 14 foot Iron Planer 7 days wilh one oiling. It keeps the tools clean and bright. We do not want anything better as a lubricator. Yours truly, F. W. GLEN, Pres't. I will run Stock's Oil inst any other oil in the Dominion, and I prefer it to either Sperm or Olive oil, or any other used on machinery. A.HexpErsoN, Foreman Joseph Hall Works, 1 find Stock's Oil to be the best oil I have éver bad in my Flouring Mill for lubrica nek, I A | 1 had used olive Rrevious to vi Be | Moses Syrra, Duffins Creek, Ont. | | ¢ Btock's to be the I would rather have Stocks Oil than any ever used in my experience of 20 years. GEORGE BLAKE, Foreman for Brown & Paterson, Whitby, Ont. used Stock's Oil and I find it to excel manufact ily previous to Stock's Oil. I JACOB STALTER, Greenwood. ler Stock's Oil to either 8 Olive, or er oils ever used, for shows it. SpalGHT & SoN, Markham, Ont. T use Stock's Oil on my machinery, which re- volves about L000 times pot minute, and find it the only oil that gives satisfaction. . \ J. CnurcneLL, Bangor, Ont. ' Oshawa, Feb, 7, 1871. GEO. B. STOCK, Esq., BIr,--Your extra machine oil comes nearer to Jetfoction for lu? jcating purposes than and ing used, so far as* known to me, it w neither gum nor corode, and wares satisfac . Very truly yours, A. FAREWELL SOLE PROPRIETOR : GEO. B. STOCK, Brovemam, Ost. AGENT FOR THE DOMINION : STOCK & WEBSTER, Box 1314, Toronto. / T.GIBBSOhawa,Ont, We any ot No CHANGE fF LEILL y ReQUisil» eal) SD CURES ALL FORMS 67 3 J INDIGESTION AT ONCE. - t SOT RY AL LI TRY IT Seda | Pro Bono Puablice. A LI, KINDS. GF CANCERS AND Vs T'imors taken on' and 'eur *d without the nse of the knife, by DR. B. PAT) £RSON. The best of references given in Bowmanville and eleswhere, OFFICE ~Chureh & t , Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Feb. 2 872, 30-1, Chronic Discases, I R. JAMES ,ELECTIC PHYSICIAN, Wonld respectfully 'state that he is new ing suceessiully the following diseases : , or falling Fits. in their worst form; sumption, in its various stages, (with Dr. J.'s remedies consumption, is no longer an. incu- rable disease); Bronchifis, C Asthma, Gravel Dropsy, General Dropsy, &e., patients who have been tapped severa es are curable under Dr. James' treatment ; diseases of the EYE AND EAR, | Errors of youth, Nervous Debility, Premature | Decay and all the effects of indiscretions of youth--a cure is guaranteed; Dyspepsia, Liver Diseases, and diseases of Women a Children, Cancers cured without cutting, and little pain: | Sore Legs: Salt Rheum, and Scrofula in al its forms. Dr. J.is happy to say, diseases which have hitherto been thought incurable are now rapidly yielding to his treatment, as his grateful | patients are willing to testify. No Calomel, no mercury, no Mineral P 8, will be adminis- tered in any form, in any disease. The afflicted, who cannot obtain relief from other sources, are particularly invited to call and | see bim. 4% Office in Neilson's Hall, Belleville. Office | hours, 11a. m.to3p. m. | Yours most respectfully, H. JAMES, M. D. ALLAN LINE. OBEAWA AGENCY. | | | | WINTER SERVICE! Under Contract with the Canadian Government for carrying the Canadian and U, 8, Mails. STEAM WEEKLY TO AND CLASGOW., HIS COMPANY'S LINES ARE col of the under Full Po vored, ble yi Irom Eteamships : Polthesian, 4,200 tons (building). Sarmatian, 3,400 tons (building). Caspian, 3,250 tons, Capt. Beott, Scandinavian, 3,00 tons, Capt. Ballan- tyne. Prussian, 3,000 tons, Lieut. Dutton, R. N. R. Auscrian, W tons, Captain J. Wylie. Nestorian, § 00 tons, Captain A. Aird. Moravian, £65 tons, Captain Brown. Peruvian, 2,600 tons, Lieut, Smith, R. N. R. Germatiy, 3,250 Tons, Captain J. Graham; Forming a weekly line between Live donderry, Que bec every § i. N "Bx; from Montreal. Forming a Weekiy between Glasgow, Quebec and Montreal, RATES OF PASSAGE. Oshawa to Liverpool and Londonderry, First Cabin from $31 to $91, according to accommoda tion. Steerage, $30, incinding a plentiful supply of well cooked! provisions, served out by the Stewatds belonging to the Company, Oshawa to Glasgow, First Cabin, $71; Inter- mediate, $45.90 ; Stecrage, $20. &# Return Tickets, good for six moniha, is- rates. European Passenger Certificates are at Reduced Rates to parties wishing to out their friends from England, Ireland or Lon n, ae- aturday, omwrrival of + Prepaid their ship C y land allway Wharf, atthe Grand PORTLAND, 'passen- of cart- | and ng ly | gy Sl Trains leave Portland on arriva] of the | Ocean Steamers for Montreal, Toronto, and all | Ort western points: and the facilities afforded to by the ALLAN LINE cannot Passed by any other ue afloat, 9 be sur. Forth passage tickets and every informa tion, apply to Steamships will be despatched fro erpool and Portland as follows Li FROM LIVERPOOL. FROM PORTLAND HIBERNIAN, 5 6th Nov, MORAVIAN 2 rh Nov ad Deo. SAMARITAX, - - id 16th PRUSSIAN, -.. 3th" 2rd NESTORIAN, . 7th Dec. 0th SCANDINAVIAN -14 * 6th H. & A. ALLAN; ! Agents, Montreal 0 L. SMITH Agent Post itfce, Oshawa, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST WINTERHAS COME! LONG EVENINGS ARE HERE! PROSPERITY ABOUNDS! AND NOW I8 THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR MOORE'S Rural New Yorker THE GREAT NATIONAL FAVORITE Farm and Fireside Weekly. PROFUSELY ILLUSTATED. HIS FAMOUS JOURNAL HAS FOR nearly Twenty-Five Y Leader in its Sphere, and has attain ed the Largest Circulation of any Newspaper 0 its Class. It is the standard authority on RURAL AND Sous Araya, dnd concededly the best com' ie ural, Literary, Family and Business Weekly. - hs y UNEQUALED FEATURES! THE RURAL'S EDITORIAL STAFF is the largest | wid abiest of blest of an Journal in i sphere, while is hy pography, tc,, are superior. a its Sad] of Contributors is ar ont - fo" Shan that any other RURAL AND LITERARY APER--s0 that MOORE'S RURAL is the Organ in and through which great and beneficial efforts toward ~~ IMPROVEMENT In She Fut will be * been and commun ain the THE RURAL'S ILLUSTRATIONS are Nui Varied, and Beautiful. Indeed, our to render the whole h per exoeption- ally Vi and acceptable, Reha ale and , and alone 'worth double the price of the , Indeed, next to local Moore's RURAL is the one for Yourself, 'Family. STYLE AND REDUCED TERMS, Each number of the RURAL New- YORKER for 1873 a (larger than s Weekly, printed from on extra fine and ds Re a Dia and Printed in h Dighost style. of the Tye TERMS, in Advance Single $2.50 Jar fave Cones for § 0; Hog Dd Tor pi Nib fr 82 | &per hy <4 a Numbers, Show-Bills, etc., sent free. 3 Sone D. D. T. MOORE, Rural New-Yorker Office, New York City, ER ah nt ee cei THE S4th VOLUME! For 1872! THE ILLUSTRATED Phrenological Journal, A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY MAGAZINE. Phrenol .--The Brain and its Functions: Locatiog of Bi Op wi Seetign rT Poy nd Srafning, an e re. 8 of Mind and Physiognomy, or the "Signs of Character with Srustruttons, and how to Read them," a) Eth , or the Natural Hist: f Rr 4 wil be given, ory of Mon, Physiology aud A on ¥: The Org fon structure unctions of the hn 3 wil the laws of life and health. What we' showid eat and arink, how clothed, and how to exercise, sion «tl live, in accordance with hygienic prin- Portraits, sketches and biographies of leadin men and women in all departments of life. are Teachers and Others.--As a guide in training Children, this magazine Much general information on the leading of the is given, and no efforts es i iaaven. ahd ho ang b as well as the Best Pictorial ever published, ics to ive Magazine uriablished.._+ The Journals has reached its olume. vor d the man ir Ras hocn DEiahed ang Wl Hever mare popaiat than mow? Terms. -- at §3 a year, in advance. Single numbers, 30 cents. tuba of ton more, $2 each, and an extra copy to t, - 'We are the most liberal Prem --- Plotasial and Prosp and a J List of Premiums. Address 8. R. WELLS, Publisher, 3% Broadway, New York, Musical Library The Aldine; N| ILLUSTRATED Journal claimed to be paper in the world. " Give my love to the artist : workmen ALDINE who are striving to make theip festion worthy pe ff wt for beauty, has always been for usefulness." Henry wMOTRLY THE ALDINE; while issued 'with | Jepulatity, has none of the temporary g in rest characteristic of ordi | ® an elegant miscellany of pure, lig) ful literature, and a collection of plet: rarest specimens of artistic skill ski] white. Altho rach su affords a fresh pleasure to its f) value and beauty of THE ALD, most appreciated after it has been bh close s year. While other pu Eay clim superior cheapness as comp rivals @f a similar class, THE 4LDING unique and original conception--alone approachd absolutely withgut competi rice or character The possessor of th ust completed cennet duplicate the q fine gaped and engravings in any other shas number of volumesifor ten times its cops phe labor of getting THE ALDINE re the press is so at that ] the 'question. With the Ra nym gr Speck oud RIIY Yeservid for piding! of 71, is already exhausted, and scarce as well as a valuable book, i» sc 4 NEW FEATURES FOR 1872.--ART DEP, The enthusiastic support so to their enterprise, wherever it has duced, has convinced the publishersof DINE of the soundness $f their American phblic would support any sincere efforts to and standard of 'illustrated 80 many weekly wicked sh e is Hot Jy dence that phere is no thin, better--indeed the success DINE from the start is direct on a trary. With a population 5 vast, and varied taste, a publisher can choose his and his paper is rather indicative of than of the laste of the country. Asa, of the excelicnce of this depsrtmant, ers would 'beg to announce during year, specimens from the follow, c T. Richards, W. ug. Will, G § ; y itor Nehiia, W: > rd, J. D. Smillie, Piguet, k Beard, Paul Dixon, J. Hows. ™ These pictures are being reproduchd without rd to expense Cy the very best engravers the country, and will bear the severest comparison with the best foreign work, it the determination of the publishers that AibiNg shall be a successful of nerican taste in competition with ing publication in the ic. ay ete 2 LITERARY DEPARTMENT, the p Where so much attention paid to = and get up of the work too much a a, rances may very natugally be fear [4 anticipate such misgivings, it is only to state that the edithbrial n ment of T' = ALDIN E has been ifitrusted to RI HENRY STODDAKD, who has received assur | ances of assistance fibm a host of the most pop | ular writers and poetl of the country, i ~~ THE VOBUME FOR 1872 wiyl contain nearly pages and about en_uacy, feavacs Ev Comngioh uh hs mye a © number beautiful tinged bicture on plate paper, inserted as a frontispiece. i The Christmas nvmber for will be & spleudid volume in itpelf, SE kA i. vings, (four in tint) and, although a ih will be sent without extra charge to all year y subscribers. A CHROMO TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER De mooted aL oe totare ast Jear, sad wil $f hased aud re great rod: at is 11x13 insh d is an exact 2d in es, and is an fac-sitmile, r] of the original picture, red oy com) with it, has yet been ofie at retail Tor less than cost price asked for THE ALDINE sadist. rogether. It will be delivered free, January number, to every subscriber who pays for one year in advance. TERMS FOR 1872, One Copy, ome year, with Oil Chromo, Five Copies, pod ie 4 . Any person sending 00 names and 'will ree - ceive an extracopy gratis, making 11 copies for the money. Any person wishing to work for a premium, can have our paemium circuler on We give many beautiful and desirable articles oiafed by no ther Japer. ny person w: to, act , a8 our agent, will apply with oS emnaantly, JAMES SUTTON & CO., $1 for outfit, Publishers, 23 Liberty Street, New York. PETER"S CONSISTING OF FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED WITH | CHOICE PIANO MUSIC. VOCAL COLLECTIONS. Shing tn. A chole of beau ne Linon Son, Sholes eollaction, Hea and Wome, Firestde and Sweet Sounds, Three Volumes easy Songs by Webster, Persley, ete. "Golden Leaves. Volumes IL an © two volumes cputaiti all of Will days' Songs, Priceless Gems. A collection of = ful Ballads by Wallace, Thomas, Keller, ete. . 0 INSTRUMENTAL COLLECTIONS. a Fairy Fingers, Magie Circle, and o- Youne Plantst. Three volumesof easy Music for young players. . __Peari Drops and Musical Recreations, Dance Music. Two collections of ate difficulty. Pleasant Memories. A collection beautiful pieces by Wyman, Mack, r, ele, ol Chimes. A collection of brilli-"g ant parlor Music by Charles Kinkel Brilliant id collection, bound Gems. A splend! ad Puches, Kinkel, ete. per vi © in cloth, with gilt H ds: in boards ii Address, J. L: PETERS, 509 Broadway, NY. We be call oiention, - Opera at Home Ad hundred beautiful y io op : in cloth and gilt. price, $4. STEAM LONDON, QUEBEC, MONTREAL. TEMPERLEY'S LINE Composed of the following First-Class SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, HECTOR. TWEED, THAMES, LE, SEVERN. The Steamers of this Line are intended to_sall from Quebec and Montreal every TUksDAY dure ing the season of navigation 1872, and from London every W y, calling at Ply on the way out, Through tickets from points west St d 4 fates. Jertifl 0 esirous of hringing out their friends. ) full particulars apply to the Company Agent at Oshawa, ©, W. SMITH. INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, New York, Qactnston and Liverpool ! Crry or RICHMOND. CiTY OF MONTREAL. CITY oF BROOKLYN. Crry or Paris. Cry or BRUSSELS, City or NEw YORK, Crry or Havivax. | Crry or LONDON, CITY OF DURHAM. CITY of WASHINGTON, Sailing on' Thursdays and Saturdays } * From Pier 45, North River. a RATES OF FASSAGE. li London, - - - > 8, CITY OF AMTWERP. Crry oF BALTIMORE. Crry or BrustoL. | Cry or LIMERICK. Crry or DusLIN, k Steerage. - hy Tickets can be t here at moderate 'wishi send for their friends. Bon a apply fo the Company® ft C. W, SMITH, OsmAwA. July 20, 153m

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