7 AY North AR Was niglon j . : : < w * 2 = -------------------------- YY . . eT re hap a : . y f St. Cloud . ' | nrinytn OF sep on Selig) ADMINISTRATION NOTICE BLAMEY & BRIGGS ~~ |PROF. WHITE, L by the allowing '3 , of Fo 3 vr. TN -- ' -- it will be seen how he © files of Fort Garey. i | nO SUANCE OF THE STATUTE | Ql © | ['EACHER OF THE PIANOFORTE # «Now John, suppose there's a load, of oot sec. 27, notice is Norcty ven, that. ai ® SINGING, ete., Organist Com LON IN WARHINGTON, TA hay on one side of a river, and a jackass a and ilies Persons ving any debt pt. '9.--This moni o on the offer side, and no bridge, and the Jf cting = ' of the Centr Known as this Otfies or J { de. and no bridge EES oe ronek o ARE NOW OFFERING S U MME R deme lov ; iver's too wide to ws s can the | [F he of Durha: eoman, ' . Zi pe n Nev York arrived in fucka got to the hay!" "I give it up." | MARCH. Jas" About the SEV ENTH DAY OF ] " : 2 re required to send | nd proceeded to Vell, that's just what the other jackass rCinima to his Administratrix, LUCINDA ere he S3prused doubts ¥ did. SHINGLES. 1, at Enfield Post Office, Ontario, on : : QHINGLES OF ALL KINDS he exp : NERA Tube FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER HAVE. PLEASURE IN Teas from 10 to 20 per ceat. Reduction, : ©) sale at my Mill, Lot No. 6, ith con. Robi 1 i nl n orrester} but AN enterprising Deleware peach- wer | Administratrix Tero hich day ne suid : - E wn, Ata 4} miles fron Bowmanville, a -- yind the : has sent a present of choice preacher to of the said deceased among ALSO BOWMANVI LL Mar JONATHAN STEPHENS, 1 Tn ed." It was at Queen Victoria. He. is now watching hal thy hE = sh), 1578, "ye ® ik Jade ® ke every express for a gold snuff-box or some a wes « rescue; but afterward ; equally graceful and remunerative token. as effected with thera | -% A moo wavkilled the other day at the | notice in hetchy recut tar distribute Wr Offering their Oustomers| A GREAT VARIETY OF GLASS MACHINE & IMPLEMENT | Lumber & Shingles to To anitants i i the said Kstate that rment must be forthwith . . > Provincial Penitentiary, Kingston, which payment m w at 10 o'clock this morn. weighed 766 pounds. made to the said administratrix, was placed aboard LUCINDA MITCHELL, FRUIT JARS 1 MANUFACTURING COMPANY. £ the : » N 8 2 by Farewell & McGee J ed, both hand and foot, . Tee juvenile Tories of St. Thomas Dar Sone : > r ¢, with Detective McEl. played a return match of base-ball against | Dated this 19th day of September, 1872, re} k, y. and Farley of New the Grits of Aylmer on Friday last. The ith him for New York, - [Grits came off victorious, Saab . ; ALUABLE PROPER : pr -- | Consisting of the Gem, Mason, Clamp, &c., VJ ANUFACTURERS OF ¥ TY fr CALE. said, when asked what : : ..__ | Oash for Wheat, Barley, Oats, Pease, . had with th N Ax Indiana hog, with » taste for min'ng, RB d Ww 1 ! 4 hi ¢ sale his property on Wiliiam street, consist- nd thay lately rooted up four silver watches, two hyo au oo BENEFITS All of which will be Sold Cheap. fron and Wood Working Machinety. | [Jha 'tix high. well drameds and. is stats of if He got to New York® Drest-pins and some other valuables. TEE SUBSCRIBER WOULD SAY Circular Saw Mills, ' wood cultivator, ith oy x start on the re- Tae change of political sentiment in | account or othervise eB Se ; 0: Shingle Machines, | Also, that fine property in Prince Albert, now x. orrester seemed Ottawa Free Press is looked upon in on or lore the 15th October next. 1 would ! the Olan . favourablé omen of the also add, that after the Ist October next, my occupied by Mr. Wilcox, Bailiff, Grist Mill Machinery, : " « v business will be done wholly for cash, wil NTIAL EVIDENCE, change of political sentiment in the capital, | otherwise especially arranged. . : Self: Nenpeis. HUGH CARMICHAEL. : nimens he capital : ew FRESH ARRIVALS OF Mowing Machines, Oubawn, Jumped, tat of 'the train last night, and foreshadows that t inistry w J. W. FOWKE. : cing, with a hed a defeated. Oshawa, September 11th, 1372. 24 Common and Gang Plows, : oD © - ey : . i ow x " \ Chopping Mills me : oli Anes © Sintingdistied A ruasE of $20,000 is to be run for in STRAYED BR | G H % 3 S U G A R S, F R U | TS, Feed Cutters, : FEE WEST HALF OF THE S0CTH Slose caTY lorry, four mile hous, at New Orleans in the J ---- i : AN - . Lath Milla, ste pe tine al a rood he rriage, they drove ' spring, and 1s open e world. \ow AME INTO THE PR S wry D-- 3 th ? ALA pipe Bd : a tho Sime ju oy Sherptising Yatikes eo Whitne Subscriber 1.0t No 0 hconcemion Fas REFU bab DUTIES A. B. GIBSON, ! on oh hoes in Grandy Co., lowa, U. Sh H b © iL © one buy a horse in ng , and test e i y, On OF A out the ol ugnst , 8 4 eon im ape] apeon of tive endurance, with the | Rol Bin Sr he GENERAL GROCERIES. ke what he will "tell about "hance of making his putas. of nvm R. HARPER, JR. th the Nathan murder. 4 iles fi Falls, 4 il from MANAGER. | Hartford %liee. on Lhe 110901 Cont It. R, 70 acres cultivated : frame hone and stable . ; 1) PE N | N G Bowmanville, July 3rd, 1872. 134f | thereon. The whole to be sold very cheap. : 3 % " . (3 : . : i 1 A. M. FAREWELL, ~~ : minder Ld yaoi, says the Belleville Fat. | Bas Whit, set tm, i BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. ' ce wanting to prove aw gencer(Ministerial), that a number of our WE " FE SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR- ington, A. B. CAMPREL December 1, 1871. BT hs Fr Leffel American Double Tutbl Water Wheel, HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR ab : hich the murder was come ; . 5 1 : ab SE RB LT 1 en from Mr. Schenckls pemparsios wre sun tut heme | A. Rare Chance ! BLAMEY & BRIGGS: FOR SALE. avenue, - by Forrester, | who opposed Si ; ied : ol er . . f - 's PPC Sir Francis Hinéks in the | > Sig ? Ya ' HE PROPERTY ON SELINA ST. The two latter wersin (& . country of Brant, is assessed for over 8800, | | WILL SELL MY FARM OF FIFTY P.S.--Goods delivered promptly to Customers -in Town. ; Mr. Nathan was mupder, therefore he éannot qualify, and Sir Fran- | Tos situated in Lot XG. 31. 3rd con, of kr had the dog in his y 4 consisting of a story and a half, East Whitby, in lets of 10 of 20 to suit ¥ mS -------- EI -- 1 dwelling house, with stone foundation. hams i cas ei | itby, of ol acres, 1 ---- t together with the : cis will take his seat for that riding. This | purchasers. F R E E 1 R A D E wet togethe | - . - - a ---- -- & Stabile and drivin Whee attathed y vr) rd warden with a number of "choice Fruit Trees > rat "hdr lt hp | ESE td DIRECT IMPORTATIONS RENAE EER orrester's shirts covered * ment is no criterion as to the value of }{Wr-vatside of the Corporation of Oshawa, and 'many other facts which ry ticularly if prope is " | lying alongside the Gravel Road leading thereto. 2 made public, will make Proper y: 1 yor 3 For terms and other particulars apply on the premises, to 3 ; v ! 8 | On Ihe jiremices there is a House, Barn, and |- . ed in Brantford as it is in other counties; | Stables; apple trees in full bearing, and a sirongest cases of circum- the ONE OF THE WALTER FOGG. : gr 57 March 1, 1872. ae and secondly, even if property be not | quantity of Wood. F ROM EUROPE | 8 worth £500 sterling, it would require a |, To those who desire a home in a beautiful ; ee FOR SALE.OR 10 LETT |= c= FS Parliamentary committee to unseat him. | ing cae I would say examine this before purchas- | a ------ Eras 5 M5 mall HAT COMMODIOUS PREMISES YORKSHIRE - wn | ococupied by Mr. Samuel Hill: (of No gi Af 0) AH CATCH HIM NOW? of the defeat of the Ministerialists in On- | me mr Ee -- -- nd us Carriage Shop. The building ! tario, are consoling themselves with the | C A x) 1 I ON ° PY z * are at their wits'-end, : thooght: that the cities and towns sup- | y * Tas of the Government, in view | Oshawa, Sept. 12th, 1572. EXT - , nck ih Shop on JOR FATTENING AND BRINGING ted Sir John, and that it was only in | vE THE UNDERSI( NED HERE urposes. Pomession of the building into Condition Horses, Cows, Calves, Sheep, f 2 1 "oro \ T S © N : | by SIG) 5 - . ug - - the first Octob t. For and Pigs, ' «H ome = x rove The, 2 | Be country places, where the people are ig- A! BY caution all parties from negotiating Is now in ipt of A i rtion of his SPRING IMPORTATIONS. He far 5 articu 310 RICHARD WADGE el coming to | ald morant, and do not take the slightest interest | for & note of hand made by us in favor of Mr. b would draw particular attention to the following lihes, which are offered H : nd of John Al's to remind ' tla : " | Morgan for the sum of $200, as we have not re- . 4 ven and promises broken- in political questions, that the Re formers | ceived value for the same, and will not pay it. Lcering one, thopgh they securéd any majorities. Sompliventaey | Harmony ; or to C. H. Honey, on TORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER | A R E S RICHARD WEDGE. jamsed ahd Teeommended by Heap clan brecdors, N CUERY I Oshawa, September 11th, 1872. Stock fed with it have always taken First Prizes, tr : | JOHN COLYER, FAR BELOW RULING PRICES make the best of it. In its to the rural districts, certainly; but as J JOHN CULYER. 1 A Milk Cattle produce more milk and butter. : It Fattens in one fourth the usual time, nto organ. falls hadk the organ can cnly be expected to know.| East Whitby, Sept. 10th, 1872. 24f Y . ot absurdity that Rielis -- 1 / the intellectual condition of their own - A ri it must erence is made . : 7 4000 ds. Gre Cotton at 5c. d. And Saves Food. a Hop Caria tn the Torin in shone sections. London | First-class Village Lots y y ' y SPECIAL NOTICE ] ook Tice 25 conta and £1.00 per box; a dollar box os Lk 2000 yds. White * y |S pa [am buquy op Westie Wigiaze FOR SALE! yds. White 7:c. yd. HUGH MILLER & Co, yan Liberal, in giving anae- oe sword ui the famous Sosteh hero, IEE SUBSCRIBERS STILL HOLD 3000 yds. " Lin'g Cloth,11c. yd. ; Agricultural Chemists, . L Riel's meetings, with that _ / William Wallace; was recently conveyed | SUBR gong L 4 . * , KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. vo" ctamcerte ul] | hobo nid ping pln fn Londons | ur ohe Tu" STE) 3 a FEEES 25800 yds.Beautiful Prints, 12:c.yd. Great Clearing Sale| v. curv au trees evermore. 0m ng * seemed ragher in favor © doun. "This sword," says a Glasgow | THESIE LOTS . frm arbres Sl RE ha be peered i Lowdown hi A Large & Varied Stock of Dress Goods. ora RARE CHANCE. sted by the Opposition as five years back, when it was removed by | { && All who desiro Style, and Extra Value for their sy, should mak . TY : red a Blips the Inte Marquis of Hastings to his seat in | HIGHEST and DRYEST | | 9 Con ¥ie x ue lor their money, should make FANCY and STAPLE Splendid Business for Sale | their selections without delay. rmerly declared: that Mr. Leicestershire. On the death of the | Within. tae Comporotiod. y . i ca dol f the coun marquis in 1368, it passed into the po- | sith drs. ol ie oy y i 5 whined : he -- of Justice: 4 2 | session of the present countess, who +A As no more Lots will be offered for Sale, parties oO | E CA & E OF F R E N C H K i D S HE UNDERSIGN ED BEING Sealy amos so cuich the Just brought it back to. its od home. | 0 Nang j Ka to tte rom, the CABINET and EC at found out-to have 1t will be remembered that the mother | of the Foussie brand--a glove which takes the lead in England, and pone of his present Inge and Teontabic hu iices murder" but at the same of Wallace was & daughter of Lond-un, and |. GOCD PBUILDING SITES which has been before my customers for fifteen years in Toronto and | i Oo N r. Blake had deprived him that on the death of his uncle. Sir Regin- bh : at brine a ert puta shed eller Saurteen hg . . n and w h affords an boc Sppurtin y ¢ of ever enjoying the satis- ald Crawford, of Loudoun (hanged by | Should not tetthis opportunity pass. FOR EXAMPLE, Oshawa. Although these gloves have advanced seriously 1 still offer any one rd to ies L§ h a business. d for. And now here is : the English at Ayr), Waliace Lad He 7 = E . Title I Li tabl : dispgsed of 6+ Burin snd bo Sauy Sorina, The me SL aan | ferns Suzy. | {es ndsspuiatie. A Large and Well-Selected Stock of TWEEDS and CLOTHS will be | FOR 30 DAYS, Ea one. cuore, ply di: Wie Fe 3 ith To Attorney 'son. of Sir Neil Campbell. of Argyll, and | ATPIY 0 SAMUEL WOOD, or found in the Gents' Department, and customers are respectfully requested Mretuisie to W. IL PARK. if he sent up to administer 1 was ancestress of the present Countess of JAMES WOOD. : to place orders for Suits before the assortment is broken. : Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1372, var faring the Lieut. Governor, Souvduun, the heridifaty custodian of the | Oshawa, Sept. 10th, 1872. 2 G od to Vv Choice W. F. COWAN Commencing Tuesday, July 2nd, previovs ----an emp ----n---------- - minee of the Cabinet, to lay & sword ol Wi aan allace. ---- > pei 0 ery o I, N. ' to Stock ing, at .. while Sir John does not foie RICHARD WHITE'S ESTATE. : Osuawa, Marca, 1872. 51 : VILLAGE LOTS ses not the Attorney General BIRTHS. . : aking : HARES SRI 6 FOR SALE. wl rds with the mur- In Oshawa, on the 10 inst., the wife of Mr. Pan- | LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE fight a duel with him 3 hurst, of twins sons. above are required to make payment with- a ' B E A U | | F U kL. ' AVING PURCHASED MR. CON- hose warrants over the issue ~~ In South Oshawa, on the 11inst., the wi'e of Mr. | gut delay:and alt those having elains Against the ! | \ \ O \ G $ oS 0 0 J. B A R N A R D S longing Rad Cameron Wm. Bone of a son. Estate sre Pe Eo PLN MCO RR. y od 1L RI J : ANTS interest in the McGregor praperty 1 offer for sale twelve lots on the west side of ; Solicitor for the Estate. 5 Seniro Surept. _orins: Gue-thitd east; Tuiiios) and the Parliament of On : DEATHS. Oshawa, Sept. ith 1572 24w wortgage, ght fer ice so enthusiastically, and be i el : | 3 To parties who will erect a house av 1 1 a key? In Oshawa, on Wednesday Sept 18th, Walter rein ena re ' - . LATE J. CARMICHAEL'S, will not require any payment. down i but in ade i I under lock and key F. Barclay, son of J, and H. C. Barclay, aged | eAKD--- { ) ) pe i tion will advance one hundred do! 'on Gach If he were an Opposition : 19 years 5 months and 18 days. F. J. DREW w : ' i | 1 | «1. 3 oy om hy te DE -- Morn ul} 5 not be dune esha RIEL ratritive Tonic: | WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. | ; ; ' : | immurane plies tor (he vaiue of the lot am z sajd will be tha peanut : A Chemical Food and Nutritive Tonic Jewsliey made to order, King Street, Oshawa. ro moun vanes eC " me. a Cleat Grit, for ) 'PHOSPHORUS NO 28 Pearl Street, St. Paul, 03 For full particulars enq Lyman Englls and that Archbishop Tache- WITHOUT PH ORUS NO Be yixsesors. | Now ffom 40 cents to $1 per Ib, . arrister. . W. GLRN. 3 mscally td So he dd, no action, since Phosphorus and its gui] Sete SE RE aed Oshawa, March 7th, 1872. "® 4 Av candiaal v tl . vom the candidatuse ind mas wren Tos coins. CAUTION! BEE JL ATERATERS OF TUE VIL. tors in Provewucher are of nai 3 the material of the hu > pent them at the old price of $1 per pair. 'he Premises and whole Stodk-in-trade w ---- James Carmichael Esq., are required to thaa has ever before been offered in Oshawa consist pl EAA ET 4 RTE RE ------------_-- Farmers' Produce Takenin Exchange | -- ---- + ------=-- being tissue, d their presence ov SE Quhawa. davin jmely ied the MN ITROUS OXI DE q : % p ce | . 4 for stiol nd for the same Teasoh. | is shsoletely eescutial as they promote the con- | WAT HEREAS SOME PERSONS HAVE ; manufacturing interest in our midst, it has Kiven Oshawa, July Me1a% ; holy and s thing in version «f albumen in the into furine, been trespassing on the grounds of Wm. --AT-- a great impetus to the building of Houses for our . --OR---- ath angus should. thus EE PC SE alc tit oh oid KINKEL'S zis oie : --at am eer . rom doing se any more, or they | T ve greater jes for the rapi a iaster of the situation, should aroPs and Atelica ih the troatinent of Sc men | *ecuteu 10 the uttiost vigor of the law, finishing of new buildings, the sabscriber. EE yt. Yuh crsand Amature to Protoxide of Nitrogen d. by - the Attoruey impoverished or poisoned blood; | ------------ a ' AND Maionmon, which we i. issue about -------- . + to that . s ret. " erinele | BREEN Notice to Debtors WM. DICKIE'S. [LARGER STOCK| EVER EXHIBITED IN |S Stee Hes fLVEa | A PAISISTENED Fol THE Ear 13TY pd , Ke Se > traction of teeth at the dental rooms ha fashion without anyome Jrical prostration tesulting from bad habits ON ] : . FERGUSON, 1. 1, 8. ove Krocory oounng that the murder.of | S3oeasive use of stimulants and tobacco, and all LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO oF ' os Bros, King St. We ONE the. up hat i he d i evils known as a fast life, ad® 3 ay ' . > Persons need not now, from fear of | crime. or that it was the er | Jos: eliabiity ang promptness in its tffeces in make payment without delay to the undersign ; ! 808 justite ibn devitalized constitution has made DR WH CFL FAREWELL & McGEE. H A R D WwW A R E 5 one of hat : s Sir John's man o ERSCOMPOUND ELIXIR OF PHOSPHATES | Oshawa, Aug. 28, 1872, W-dw, 0: 4 vince of Manitoba; and it AND CALISAVA a great favourite with the | ~~~ -- slider ith - 3 crowned by Riel taking Physicians and public. Sold at §1 0. he Council Chamber a the ¢ = ial . ing in part of ry Teady 30 give oe : smmere a : D R ESS GOODS Ny re fens whom be £9) WwW : f Shope + friends' whos ol ae == NE Toarrive shortly 600 Kegs of Cut Nails. a Purposes: WHITBY MARKETS. OSHAWA, I coifld catch him" cries | September 19. . 5 ' . THE THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORT- CHANGE OF BUSINESS t 1 cold catch hin, erieg "Wh Fall 9 ite oe) Hao IN ANP: % ter of the Crown. heat, Spring. o .- ee the criminal, * Catch Barley, ¥ bushel,..... ME : hought neces Outs, - & : ; : I : Nor a "- It is not thoug 9s - mailed, . an should remain in hid- Peas, do _ ... - M Lo A N Jd by S " orgs ie LY ba viait he settlement only by Potatoes, do... - Fall Goods ®| 22 Chests Uncolored Japan, Newest Styles. J bl Le PETE va broad daylight--thetobsery Batter, ¥B.........- - : . Send 30 cents for the latest number of AVING DISPOSED OF MY BUT- ¢ he walks on British soil, CS - OILS, recat ---- Liowledgzed to. be a murderer - TORONTO MARKETS. . 3 CHER'S business to Mr, (i: N. Peters' Musical Monthly |Learily recommend his i the haironags oF Y | my former customers and friends. , September 19. aw officer of the Crown; and pho ; = ; 5 | a hand for his arrest. ustioe : . Barley, - a ' 0: : : : VARNISHES, Vocal and Instrumental Piano M Oshawa, Feb. 5, 1872. apd drops her sword, and he - r GEORGE HENRY. Justice winks significant .- i 75 Barrels ight Refined Sugars, vey Rd de) pee PARABOLSg 6 Putty, &c, | Dolly Vara 11 V8. 65. \ ri ---- rr ; . IN. THE COUNTY. Olly varden LATEST STYLES IN ite hI 0: Of all Shades & Prices. m the Belleville Ontario.) : BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. pep rT w, 29, 4 PRICES A IN reference to the above, au J A SPLENDID VARIETY OF to the Tory papers, the /Op-, Septe mber 19, | meet next session of Pyshis< Wheat, ® bushel,....................81 30 @ $130 H A I S & # A P S ' Spades, Shovels, Hoes, barchs 65 gem : CPR Ey 0% : Lf -- ool wrength ofl © Benes, 40 # tn y | £ Forks, Rakes, &c. spute the figures; but let: us Peas, an .. - ° est Defy Competition !. m 'to be correct, what are the Su, a a Frcs A ' y he Session? Si five earms® lover ushel, .. .. 3 : . : rs inthe pnp, SA) Techie Go Tn @ghts' Furnishing, |IMILLINERY Iw Ir unity, way be ened UE anna TOBAGCO POUCHES (The Latest Thing Out) - BUTCHER, Fos LOCKS KNOBS R. GEORGE STEPHENSON HAV-* f uatched sR omawa MARKETS. : Thomas Brooks, ING sold out his Butchering 0: ' tely, #innniformed horde, bin y wl and dispirited Knight, SAT me, 1 bot to solicit the Baton heretotire a LATCHES & HINGES. mrs 25 on, SA FEE ten an d d Knighe oA OL ess ADE CLOTHING FLOWERS, &C. A Beutis Amsrimart, of Curent FIT C H E TT (| memal AN orders left at the shop. prompiy ficers, in the riotous le Fheat, Fall, ¥ bus! ad Sn 0 enters ' . a SE EI Stone Preserve Jars Bo 5 a (On whic | TRE King St. Kast, Oshawa, June 5th, 1872. 9.6 ung All kinds of Paint, Varnish, [NSPECTION INVITED : 5 y+ money! Can there Bases donna y " . » ' . J yout 18 ey roth As Ba iar ri ---- el om : hite ::1, Kulsomine, Shoe, JUST RECEIVED A Large Quantity wis to bund in She RTE Sy aa. Si] ihe Luteet Styles, for Mon, Youths : SPLENDID |Scrubbing,and other Brushes. wrched into the Kingdoms SF ml, Oe IN GREAT VARIETY. A avew sack of Boer 1st ota A LARGE surpLy of | FI!RST-CLASS and now carries every iil Betas bal. esert yee B00, 22 SATS Diseuss sai Sr akjutiar re fe | Black Lace Shawls,| =u of mera sat sume British Plate Glass ry ad samme IHODDERS, Tint 90% wa Sousa SMOKING] roier mirrors, ans before him The ER AND-- For the astonishingly low prices of A first-rate assortment of Azles, ray. knows its # ; a STEELE BROS. Only 81 26 Each. Carriage Springs, Irom, Rope and A. M. GHISHOLM, Ay sims in opp WANTED. BE SER ) : 15 and 25 cents each The Oppemition ie het [VE PANT, THREE VEST, AND TARIO MILL. And the best assortment of Guns, . | : inly oprcients the Sutsty ; mente Somiy oh ' Lu "MeARTHURS, ON -- . ) : (includin, g Breech Loaders), Revol- Chewing To baccos # | Complete with Frames, at the Hardware Ee Son Be ISTING.: : vers, Pistols, and Shooting and Fish- Sark ierdonly vi he waneD a] CGR1S + | GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN, hased before the late t ri ices, i : . A : pi gong "wife. The ; LOTS FOR SALE. Oshawa, and having put in New Bolting Clots o re the late great rise in prices, Simcoe St., Oshawa. ever by his . / _-- : : focal editor took sides EVERAL =~ GOUDSIZED TOWN: | lor oe wnshiga. No ifort will bo spared * the Dominion Bank rop Bast Whitby, Augast 0th, 1672. July 18th, 1872. Osuawa, May 0th, 1873, Oshaws, May 3rd, 8. OSHAWA, Apeil 5, 1875 - actor's wheat crop- 5 ---- ES ing Tackle in the County. nt eusty) ENGLISH, Oshawa. HE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING PUR- BOOTS A SHO otherwise improved the facilities for produc- : - : ins: ing Fira: Fi : A King St, Oshawa. Remember the place Zirectly opposite A bs with -¥ fobs Tor Sale. in a locality, 'Terms | surrounding townships. No effort will be spared : "ge Wills Gibbs. : oh icwed the cause iB Lf reasonable, s : No give sulistaction, > a anand feviewe + Oubuwa, May 29th, 1872. Oshawa, May 3rd, 1672. sr so / 2 9 Tow . : oF THE BEST BRANDS, | 1+ WILLS GIBBS', I was fined bya m ------ ee A i Th ae. ir arth. of Whole of the above stock was pur- GIBBS' BLOCK. : 1 : : and will be sold cheap for cash. / ith, 1 ing First-class Flour, would respectfuly solicit OSHA W A. of Every Description. eaeap lo y alluded to the y tato bug ateup every Bt WARREN Ls ASH. WILCOX & FREEMAN, Lg 4