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Ontario Reformer, 27 Sep 1872, p. 3

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hlisk hia name to = ity to learn in th ; H.' C. Caswell,' Oshkosh, Wisco a a , the February, 1572, in etter, says: a" | i | ADMIN ISTRATION NOTICE hae pobitG Hypophosphites is doing good work: here, I: N PURSU ANCE OF THE STATUTE lity or myself and wa have already dispored of a of the late Province of Canada, 20 Vi Match, ° large quantity. It stands the test, P. 2N, see. 27, notice is he gen Bon teria Kia rates everyday people express their praise Cr re and other Persons having any debt virtues. Uuar physicians are "prescibi ng a ORGE MITCHELETcing the Estate ) E MITCHELL, late of the)Townsh it, and we have good accounts from on, ip the © ounty of Durh SA ip of Michigan and Illinois. by BLAMEY & BRIGGS ARE NOW OFFERING PROF. WHITE, TfACHER OF THE PI ANOFORTE r SINGING, ete., now prepared to known at this Office. Oshawa, June th, 872, and of its Steele Bros. 34th Batt. rnals west, disposed to R. Parker, d.. because influence as Reform Can- in South Brant. les not appear used: any unfair advance the politi- An in whose 1t appear that as to become, nufacturer and jadices, against udate "ury scribes get "R Parkers nunister, not a r town, of the Tory profes- thd Gibbs- th anything id possibly ve Minister 1 h, gave concernin bled his he: ' or aired las as ** after the any aliases, 'alias "Pat if a party to ne | know are hérds of their Tur Avoive for October is a brilliant number. lt opens with a full page draw- ing, by Victor Nehlig ; a graphic and spirited representation of a professional bray o and his employer, and the rival who is about to become their victim. This is followed by ¢ Hallo," and * School Dis cip line,' by John 8. Dayis--the former, a § impse. of boy life in the ountry; the boy i in this instance being a young urchin who has stolen into the Wwe Tt his dog and gun; the latter a view of a village school house, in which a girl is doing penance enong thé boys, probably for missing lesson. F. T. Vance takes us into the heart of the Adiro ndacks, 'of which he gives us "three: views 'The Glen," ¢ harming bit of oeatad scenery, with a little brook falling over rocks into ,a still pool; *¢ Preston Ponds,' "and Lake Hen- derson," a moonlight glance at that moun tain-girdled sheet of water, From Paul Dixon we have ** The Hills of New Eng Jandy' and "Evening," twa, characteristic and admirable drawings: "Then comes * A Sericus Case," Ernst Bosch; * Temple of Canova," and Last Moments of Von Wel and last, a group of ' Snowbirds,' bert Burling. . The literature is as readable as ever the most notable arti cles bei 'A Las "Visit to Leigh* Hunt," by Janu: a pleasant reminiscence of that g essayist; ¢ Painted Boats on Pi vy Se by Hirani Rich, a scholarly essay dr from a wide range of reading; * Octoh a pleasant tittle of out door hie, by WwW. W, Bailey, and the ' Heart of Adirondacks.' In the shape of stories we have * Princ Ber by Gil Yeo d on'or about the SEVENTH DAY OF x 1, 35k are aru by required to send in claims to his Administrasrix, LUC ND; Mire HE L, at Enfield Post Office, Ontario, or before the FIRST DAY OF NOV EMBER NE immediately after which day the said Ad stratrix will proceed to distribute the s of the said deceased am ong the persons tied thereto having regard to the debts and « s only of which she shall then have had Y and the said administratix will not be li- able for the assets so distributed to any person of whose debt or claim she shall not have had time of such distribution. And no i ! given 10 all parties indebted to tl ic ite that payment must be forthwith mad he said administratrix, LUCINDA MITCHELL, by Farewell 8 McGeo her Solicitors, Dated this 19th day of September, 1872, HAVE PLEASURE IN Offering their Customers ALL THE Bw Cash for Wheat, Barley, Oats, Pease, Rye and Wool ! BENEFITS FPYHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD SAY 1 H T S toa lebted to him, eithier by Note, Book ' a nt erwise, that the same must be paid ' the 15th October néxt, 1 would also a th after the 1st October next, my b e wholly for cash, without therwise especially arranged. Jo W. 11th, 1372, FOWKE. 22 STRAYED. VAME INTO THE PREMISES OF the Subseribe } Oshawa, September REFUNDED DUTIES 'Lot No.10,6thconcession East the 20th of 'August last, a spotted red and white. The by proving property and paying R. HARPER, JR. y, Sept/ 12th, 1872, A Rare Chance ! Teas from 10 to 20 per cent. Ratuctin, --ALSO-- A GREAT VARIETY OF GLASS FRUIT JARS! Consisting of the Gem, Mason, Clamp, &c, All of which will Le Sold Cheap. FRESH ARRIVALS OI BRIGHT SUGARS, FRUITS, --AND-- GENERAL GROCERIES. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. SUMMER, OPENING, G C BOWMANYVILLE MACHIE & 1 MPLE MET | MANUFACTURING COMPANY. | N ANUFACTURERS OF Iron and Wood Working Machinery, ircular Saw Mills, rist Mill Machinery, Mowing Machines, Common and Gang Plows, | Fanning Mils, A Feed Cutters, Leffel American Double Turbine Water Wheel, Shingle Machines, Self Rake Reapers, | Chopping Mills, Lath Mills, ete. | A.B. GIBSON, Bowmanville, July 3rd, 1872, MANAGER. Ri HIARe, 13-41 SHINGLES. [ § EAT ALL KINDS FOR sale at m Lot y YS. Sth can. Darling- { ton, about 41 an To 'STEPHENS, March 1, 1872. Tar ! ------ 'Lumber & Shingles | YOR SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR- lington, A.B.C December 1, 1871. AMPRELL. | VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE. M pnd SUBSC RIBER OFFERS FOR sale his property on Wililam street, consist- | ing of a block of four houses and over an | land. It is high, well drained, and in a state | of i | good cultivation, Also, that fine ope rty in Prince Albert, now ileox, Bailiff, | occupied by Mr. HUGH CARMICHAEL, Oshawa, June 22nd. laf FOR SALE. | IPVHE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTH 48 Acres, in the South-east corner of the o Troration of Oshawa, A quantity of wood thereon, Also, 160 acres in Grundy o., Towa, U. S., ten % from Cedar Falls, nijes frown Ne on the thinols Cential R. RE acres cultivated: frame house and oy ot The whole tu be sold very 38 adie A. M. FAREWELL, 45-41. Oshawa. FOR SALE. YHE PROPERTY ON SELINA ST. | consisting of a story and a half | dwelling house, with stone foundation. There is | stable aml driving shed attached, and a good I I garden with a number of choice Fruit Trees on D RE CT \ TPORT A TIONS it; also, a neverfailing 'well of excellent water. 7 ONE oF Tui : de ib sabaiemamndudy FROM EUROPE! : FOR SALE OR T0 LET] nr y. = HAT COMMODIOU 8S PREMISES at prese ccupied by Mr. Samuel Hill- | man, ang 'ar » Shop. The building | ° . - | is 40 x 21, 2} stories. There is also an attachment | 38 x 24, -one story, and a - Blacksmith Shop on the same lot, and well adopted for Mamufactur | ing purposes. Possession of the main building He | can be given on the first of October next. For | partic ular attention to the followi ing lines, whic 'h are offered | Haran of tC ner. othe prem FAR BELOW RULING PRrIcES! LARGEST |e edi "4000 yds. Grey Cotton, at 5c. yd. 1 2000 yds. White 7c. yd. SPECIAL NOTICE 3000 yds. " Lin'g Cloth,11¢. yd. 2500 yds.Beautiful Prints, 12!c.yd. S# LOTS ~ |A Large & Varied Stock of Dress Goods. &&" All who desiro Style, and Extra Value for their mone v, should make | their selections without delay. wre politically, and Peasant,' by 'Helen 8. Conant; * A a : Woman's Eternity,' by Elizabeth D. Leon- WiLL SELL MY ¥F ARM OF FIFTY a ard, and * Mouse Shdes," by Lolly Dink's Ar uated in Lot No. we con, or Mother. Gearge W. Sears contributes a | perctuacn F R E E TY R A D E haraasHistic fx em, ir the Woods," and It js beantif ally situated on a Tins of grodnd 4 8S. W. Dutlield a pathetic fa 1 f the Corporatidn of Oshawa, anc he calla * The Two Lives. ; ver hi es there. gs «Honor, Dam, wd papers there are editorials on * Bchoel de trees in full bearing, and a Children,' * The Temple of Canova,' and of Wo d. ' Karl Von Weber. The subscription se who desire a Jome in a boautifal price is $6 per annum, which includes a SEY Xan tore superb Od Chromo, and thé publishers M. 8S. HALL. are James Sutton & Co., 58 Maiden Lane | BLAMEY & BRIGGS. | | |: P.S. -- Goods delivered promptly to Customers in Town. A. HW. OO AI---- - SORIAN. LY. DIED sept. 18, 1872, «on 3 quantity 2» mine. 3 To the | March 1, 1372, | | | YORK SHIRE CATTLE FEEDER. YOR FATTENING AND BRINGING into Condition Horses, Cows, Calves, Sheep, and Pigs, the | YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER | i" used and recommended by first-class breeders; | Stoek fed with it have always taken First Prizes, _ | Milk Cattle produce more milk and butter. | It Fattens in one fourth the usual time, And Saves Food, Price 25 cents and $1. 0 per box; a dollar box contains 200 feeds, HUGH MILLER & Co., Agricultura Sept. 12th, 1872. 2241 New York. J : sh - = CAT TIO. wm. Site 1a Ceder Dale, Oshawa) on the 24th inst., % .,TE THE UNDERSIGNED HERE- the wife of MrCAuros Hal, of a daughter. | ¥V¥ BY caution all parties fr om negotiating | MARRIED. for a puts a I ee os | At the residence of the brides' 'ceived value f we, and will not pay it. Reech, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. "FREDERICK JONN CULVER Dr. Thorrton, of Oshawa, Mr. James JOHN Ct LYER: BryasT, to Miss Doratry, daughter of | Fast Whitby, Sept. 10th, 1572 the late Jonny McGiLy, Esq., all of the -- V Township of Reech. , At the residence of the brides' mother, First class Village Lots East Whitby, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Thornton, Mr. C. A. Hacrr- | FOR SALE! HE SUBSCRIBERS STILL, man, Merchant, Port Hope, -to Jaye, only danghfer of the late James Mackie, We Esq., of East Whitby. , wii STEEN OT TE 1 h 2 Is now in receipt of a partion of his SPRING IMPORTATIONS. would draw" mother, 2-4 HOLD 1 Chemists, on the Karr Property ' - 167, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. Great Clearing Sale re sue rw a vrs everywhere. 10 RARE CHANCE. Splendid Business for Sale UNDERSIGNED BEING about to retire from the CABINET and i NDERTAKING Business has decided to dis. y pose of his p resent large and profitable business at Prince Al bert, established over fourteen years, | and which affords an exc eller nt opportunity to | any one wishing to en such a _businéss. The Premises and whole ha "s vio trade will bo | disposed of at « Bargain, and on-easy terms. The stock in hand is large and well assorted, and the " snstom excellent, FOR 30 DAYS, dE Tc aticulars, apply on the | i Premises to W. IL PARE, In the Roman Catholic Church, Akron; Ohio, on' the 26th ult., by the Rev. Father Scanlen, Mr. BERNARD Bovey, of Akron, te Miss MacGiE Sastry, - jomelydiOtamn, LC IHIGHEST and DRYEST A Chemical Food a and Nutritive Tonic A} FITHOUT PHOSPHORUS NO A though*, say the Germans, and they might add, Bo action, since ha hosphorus 'and it pounds are known to be the ¢ rry mervous and muse m. vou Lr 158 U [LDING SITES more than half the un ial of ©} ' bats bejng sound in every tissue, and 1 4 ne is Absolutely essential, as they promote ti wi letahis opportunity pass. version of albumen in the food into J . Terms Easy. Title Indisputable. --OF-- FANCY and STAPLE | ONE CASE OF FRENCH KIDS| ig of thé Foussie brand--a glove which takes the lead in Encland, and which has been before my customers for fifteen years in Toronto and Oshawa. - Although these gloves have advanced serious ly I still offer { them at the old price of $1 pgr pair. in the Corporation. | ill be offered for Sale, 'parties wanting s no mere Lots w |FPYHE FOR EXAMPLE, which is the vitilizing agent of pure, hea They arc now coming into universal Europe and America in the treatinent of § ous, Consumptive and Venereal diseases, wh are caused by impoverished or poisoned bi and in diseasesof wome nsuffering fronrirres tes, obstruc tions and exhausting discha pale, puny children, and that condition of ner andphysical prostration resulting from bad h abits excessive use of stimulants and tobacco, a il that train of evils known as a fast life. t reliablity amd promptness in its ¢ fle immediately and rmanetly. restoring t devitalized constitution has made Dr WHEEL ERSCOMPOUND ELIXIR OF PHOSPHATES AND CALISAVA a great favourite -with the RTC. Pa 1to.les ith Physicians Bs ut public, So id at $18 00. ph i LEWELL & MCGEE, A Large and Well-Selected Stock of TWEEDS and. CLOTHS will be found in "the Gents' Department, and customers are re spectfully requested | to place ders for Suits before the assortment is broken, Goo to Very Choice 1972. Nn Osawa, MARCH, SAMUEL WOOD, or JAMES WOOD. Oth, 1372, es won by 22tf te Ne rtharn ] | Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1572, COWAN. Commencing Tuesday, July 2nd, previovs | 51 to Stock Taking, at | vi LLAG E LOTS FOR SALE. B E AU I | F U L J. B AR N A RDS AVING PURC HASED MR. CoN: TEAS, . LATE J. CARMICHAEL'S, req. yment-down; bub in add} REWARD i ; flan wi advance" hindred Gol SEE RICHARD WHITE'S ESTATE. LL PERSONS INDE reno THE al thor Lin og TAILORING SE 5 Solicitor for the Estate. | oh mortgage, with interest at eight per cent. -- ~ Commercial. lve, Sept 9, Bim | To parties who will erect a house at onee, I will not require any payment down; but in addi: WHITBY n ARKETS, Septembe ST - SUPT BR | Eman io | WH ATC Ee a JEWELER. | r. ANTS interest in the McGregor proj 1 offer for sale, twelve lotg on the west side wi less than 3600, and take a frst me | insurance policies for the value of = 5 . Jaa. Fall, ¥ bushel, roles sume Ki ng St reet, Oshawa. leat, Spring, do al : Barley, ¥ bushel # STOCKS Oats, Peas, Potatoes, : wn avin Butter. BB. ..c..oovaiiirninrn cane silver -cup -- mon, Canada. { and under 2, iville, Canada. silver medal '. , Canada. vears ly. R.C raig, Ed- Centre Strect, Terms: One-third eash ; balance the amount advanced. For full particulars enquire f Lyman Englis arrister, F. W. GLEN. yOshinwa, March eh Phy 1872. is NITROUS OXIDE --OR-- Protoxide of Nitrogen DMINISTERED FOR THE PAIN: loss © Stra 1 ion Stier) 3 atthe Asntel rdma of FERGUSO + D. 8, over the grocery of Simson Bros, King St. West, Oshawa, Persons need not now, from fone of Hig a tending the operation of extract years in their mouths a mass oF filth, fr causc of disease, which has not only ri health and destroyed their happiness, but made them ohjeets of repugnance all who are so unfortunate as to be associated with them, as Nitros Oxide is pleasant to take ang quite harm- ' loss, Oshawa, May, 21 1872. treet, S . Pan), 0 >. 0 MINNESOTA. -. 030 iH ---- R. Folley, f 06 070 | | | ended as a Now from 40 cents to $1 per Ib, =i sw CAUTION! 015 WY HER R E ASS ME PERSONS HAVE | ssing on the grounds of Wm. | , they aré- hereby warned | ny more, or they wi ill be pro- | teu to the utmost vigor of the law, TORONTO MARKETS. Septen $1 10 Wheat, ¥ bushel; ......c....oooenens Barley, do Peas, do Oats, do Rye, 2 Potatoes, Hay, ¥ton,..... Apples, ¥ brl, .. tor i. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. ' September 26, Oshawa, Aug, 28,1 Wheat, ¥ bushel, .... oon nreeneenn $1 30 6 Rye, do SHR Barley, do Peas, do Oats, do ' a Clover Seed, ¥ bushel, vas Timothy Seed, do Butter, ¥0,.. Notice to Debtors. LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO| Je 5 Carmichacl KEsq., are required to payment with yut de day to the undersign- F AR EWELL & McGEE. w. JLEICESTERS. land over, silver: aawa, Unt. 2 years, S. a awarded. EstERS. yer, silver medal i. Craig, Edmon- een 038 .063 010 . 900 .. 000 012 a wr OSHAWA, CHANGE OF BUSINESS REED ORGAN. sclected and arran, e rossly for this work. Kinkel's New Method will be malled, post-paid, on receipt of $2.50. Address, J. L. PETERS, 599 Boudwdy, NY. Edmon- "| OSMAWA MARKETS, . Se . premium. Nt Prem Flour, ¥ cwt, . $3 30 ¢ ; Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushel, . 13 ' 15° ptemn cars, y of 2nd 22 Chests Uncolored Japan, Newest Styles. AVING DISPOSED OF MY BUT- CHER'S business to Mr. G. N. Stephonson '1 heartily recommend him to the patronage ot my former customers and friends. over, $20, rie. Or second s anada., 1d, $15, 8. GEORGE HENRY. FPYHE RATEPAYERS OF THE VIL- Oshawa, July 1st, 1872, ie, acturing interest in our midst, it has given In order to give greater fac ilities for the pd KINKEL'S NEW METHOD FOR THE REED ORGAN rior to all others x he Sins by Teachers and simple course of instruction whereb; oy any is seus It will always be a favorite work ith - than has ever before bgen offered in Oshawa ness and systema- st udy for Pu for Pupils, and will prove amine of wealth THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORT- Wheat, Spring, ¥ bushel,............ 12 130 il) all G | ds . q Send 30 cents for the Intent number of SIR OILS Barley . as vive snnrserene G0 06 * . ------------------------------------ a ---------------- IN reference 10 the above, I beg to say to 'my Butter, no, enn nsenisesneane P A R A £ O L S THAT WILL the LAGE of Oshawa, having lately voted the a great impetus to the building of Houses for our So finishing of new buildings, the subscriber has i AN To ki Ott cuearer sy packace. | WM. DICKIE'S. (LARGER STOCK! EVER EXHIBITED IN = a wot hn OF one may easily acquire the maste this | h 0DS LAL FOR THE isis Toarrive shortly DRESS GOO me Amaia. on ou sek as MENT OF Ouis, ¥ Fishol,.....:...... oy : : AND AT Peters' Musical Monthly Peas 3 'bushel... 063, ; « 4 friends that 1 shall carry on the Susitions at rai Glass, Putty, &c., Dolly Varden 75 Barrels Bright Refined Sugars. id and: LATEST STYLES IN Farmers' Produce Taken in Exchange ve reward for the introduction of a new industrial classes, ' We would call the KINKEL Ss) attentio on of Teach ers and Amateurs to laid in a ptember First. The work is Protiounotd H A R D Ww A R E favorite Instrument, with a few mont count of it cleas- v tic progression ; more of an amusement than b 600 Kegs of Cut Nails. Melodeons, Songs, etc., that Mr. Kinkel has IN THE "Rye. 0:59 { . and you will get at least $4 worth of our latest Oshawa, Feb, 27, 1872. lis y and Pest Vocal and Instrumental Piano Munies, dtp © New Potatom.¥ bic, 'on VARNISHES, PRICES fd x : old stand, corner of King and Chureh St Eggs, ¥ dozen, serra O15 60 IN THE COUNTY. rO01 HEEP. lambs, $20, Janada. | © all at their houses will please leave word lat he = shop. A eall Is solicited, as no | smared to give satisfaction. G.N, STEPHENSON, , 1872 47 Of all Shades & Prices. on and after Friday next. A fill stock of Be: ¥ bushel". . paren 12 TZ ans, ush 0 S A SPLENDID VARIETY OF class MEATS of all kinds in the La FV LT I PPR TS J 075 Spades, Shovels, Hoes, will always be kept on hand. w will be { run daily, and all persons desi bus of havin Forks, Rakes, &c. A LARGE STOC ny Advertisements, 1 A -- - You can ge t the Music by sending 299 Droadway, er number, of r the pieces may print ed from the Oshawa, Feb 27 + if mI TT WANTED. MVE PANT, THREE VEST, AND TWO COAT MAKERS. Constant jm loyment. "Apply at F. F. McARTHUI S, Bows manville. 23-11 EXTENSIVE CREDIT SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, HE SUBSCRIBER HAS BEEN IN- structed Ly Mrs. Mackie, Lot No. 1, 2nd con., East Whitby, to sell by auction, on the premises, on Thursday the 10th of October, 15 the following property : | hay mare, 9 yenrs old : 1 heavy pho By mare, 7 years old ; 1 roan horse, 12 years old ; | horse, 10 years old ; « horse, Syears old ; 1 brood mare i yearling colt, by Bir Walter Scott; 1 colt, 4 years old, by Netherby ; 5 good grade mileh cows ; 5 Cana adi an, do; 1'steer, 2 years old ; 4 yearling ste grade ; 5 calves, grade; 30 zooll bree ling ewe os 1 wagon, wooded axle; 1do. iron do; 1 sing! top buggy 1 double buggy : 1 light single go 2 sets of BY os sleighs ; 3 good plows; 2 sets of barrows; 1 double roller ; 1 Wood's self-r ke reaper : 1 turnip drill ; 1 fanning mill; 2 « t vators ; 1 hay rack; i hay rake ; 2 sets 2 uni: trees ; 2 neck ye okes; 2 sets of team harness; 1 Nght set double harness : I set single do; 1 grind- slone ; 200 sap buckets ; 3 sugar kottles ; cradles, scythes, forks hoes. etc. A quant ity of bed: room and Kitchen furniture, ang dairy utensils. rin logy TA R I o MILL. Sale to commence at one o'clock, sharp. - G RI S T ING. TERMS All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that ant 12 months credit wiil be given by purchasers furmishing apy roved notes --w ith out inte rest if paid when due; if not so J ic = . 4 interest will be charged from date. Cash for |p VIE SUBSC RIB ERS HAVING PUR- urnips man golds and carrots. A ty heretofore known as ~ = BEAN'S MILLS, abont three miles north of | | Oshawa, and having put in New Bolting Clot LOTS FOR SA LE. and otherwise improved the facilities for produ - ¢ First-class Flour, would Foshectiuly Solicit " ' 7T » « tronage of the peopde of East Whitby an (EVERAL © GOOD-SIZED TOWN Cr townships. No effort will be spared | 3) lots for sale | in a good locality. Terms s ive satista .. ; i : : e¢asonable, : WILCOX & FREEMAN. t WARREN 1. ASH. Last Whitby, Augnst 6h, 1672, HATS & CAPS, TOBACCO POUCHES (The Latest Thing Out,) Defy Competition ! Thomas Brooks, BUTCHER. N R.GEORGE STEPHENSON HAY: ING sold out his Butchering me, I beg to solicit the sxle nded to him, and will do Jay bus ost to tors custo and new of ull kinds, The pedi wa a > A usual. All grders eft . the shop promptly 1T C H E T T S. | King st. East, Oshawa, June i ae | A Large Quantity K OF LOCKS, KNOBS, LATCHES & HINGES. A Splendid Assortment of Carpenters Tools. All kinds of Paint, Varnish, White Wash, Kzlsomine, Shoe, Scrubbing,and other Brus hes. OF In tlic Latest Styles, for Men, Youths, IN GREAT VARIETY. | A Largs Stock of Rodgers and othe A LARGE surpLy or | FIRST-CLASS ; Cutlery, Dixon's and other superior | and Boys, just received at | Black Lace Shawls, mus ef Nicks aad sive : British Plate Glass H MILLINERY Gents' Furnishing, kd AT FLOWERS, &C. F and Alto, in D., frem Hattie's ts: Un Ballo in 3 cts; May' 4 Octs; Four READY-MADE CLOTHING Stone Preserve Jars INSPECTION INVITED. CR RRA JUST RECEIVED 1 Fresc SPLIENDID 1 five back gintainming pt of #1; x Augusts HO. DDERS.| | Fused septs cue Sven SMOKING ToiLET MIRRORS STEELE BROS. | Only $125 Each. | Carriage Springs, Iron, lope and | Ae M. GHISHOLM, A first-rate assortment of Axles, For the astonishingly lew prices | > Chains. --AND--- And the best assortment of Guns, (including Breech Loaders), Revol- vers, Pistols, and Shooting and Fish- | ing Tackle in the County. 4 vay, N 22 rk. M mph 8 Ap- dered Bp cles . xception Js were wi Main le for- and th rived ¢ to pull vp ble. The a glance, imnmed forward bet. of Jirance, 15 and 25 cents each, Chewing Tobaccos ! | Frames, at the Hardware | Establishment of 'T. WILLS GIBB | Simcoe St., Oshawa. | Bemembr the place directly op e Dominion Bapk. | Oshawa, May a, 12, GROCERS ANDSEEDSMEN,| oo © cLOFS OF THE BEST BRANDS. The whole of the above stock was pur- : chased before the late great rise mn prices, and will be sold cheap for cash. T. Wills Gibbs.| King St. Oshawa. ©. hawa, May 3rd, 1 %2. OSHAWA, April §, 187% GIBBS' BLOCK. OSHAWA. Of Every Description. July 18th, 1873. Osawa, May 9th, 1872, @ Oshawa, May 20th, 1873.

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