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Ontario Reformer, 27 Sep 1872, p. 4

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denly er pi Sherd would they « Tur as the have ¢ by the faction and th Amn the Cr severa two © out), boots, carpet, Ira flat on let him it is sb fiowing itself tl troublec in thesi burns, | "bottle of which is plaints. | Some: pecular ent eye ¢ and gra his obed use, all « look at a - in the in it is to be us fail to g see that each pac eastle, C by all M \A cor Hsmilto Times as cle that time agc champio! of her ¢ writing 1 a space 1 piece. pen, aud On one (unaided Prayer the addi day to! " Praise transfers, to Hami, ell barre some of I think, | Lord's F an Amer, gistinetly and if su, & Nino seo Eta - Ci! OLE od oa a 0" ~ amounts trong dispeptic. * Live " answe! the friend. *" The fruit of in- dustry; and I am never troubled with in- digestion." Z ; A Lockrorr barber, the other day, pocketed his razors and decamped. Just as he was leaving he presented his wife with an old pair of pants, with the remark that she had always " worn the breeches." The woman wasn't sorry for his loss, and she did not weep - inconsolably, but she hung up the old pants and labelled them: '*' Wanted--a man to fill these pants. -- There has never been a man in them." The deserted wife is a peg ahead now. A MINISTER going to dine after a ser- mon with one of his deacons came upon the hired boy of hishost digging at a wood- . chuck's hole. The parson, who was un- known to the boy, checked his rein and ac- costed hint with, *'Well, -my son, what are youdoing there!" "Diggingout a wood- chuck, sir," said the boy. 'Why, but don't you know that is very wicked! And besides, you won't get him if you dig for him on Sunday." *' Git 'im! I must git 'im, 'cause the minister's coming to our house to dinner, and we ain't got any | meat." . : Tuar lron is valuable as a medicine has long been known, but it is--only since its preparation in the particular form of Per- uvian Syrup that its full power over disease has been brought to light. Its effect in cases of dyspepsia and debility is most sal- utary. MANY persons apparently healthy on re- tiring, die during the enervating hours from three to five in the morning. The life furce being lowest at the time, nature more readily succumbs. Individuals on the shady side of forty, and whose vitality has been impaired, are most susceptible. Fellows' Compound Syrup of -Hypophos- phites will sustain and 'tone the nervous system, and its use is a necessary precau- tion against premature mortality. Frou Paris, France, has started a most successful traveller, on a tour round the earth; he is to visit every city, town and village, and remain to convince the inhabitants of the value of his mission; he has reached the Dominion of Canada, and as usual, meets with unparalleled success. This traveller is DEPEW'S MEDICAL VICTORY, the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, actually curing all diseases of the blood, of the stomach, liver, and nervous system, and is an angel of mercy to those suffering | from costivencss, female weakness; sick. headache and biliousness. Gexius AND Lasor. --Alexander Hamil- ton once said to an intimate friend: 'Men give me some credit for genius--but all the genina I havelies in this--when ( ave thjeet in Land, study it profound- ly, and day and night ii :5 before me--I explore it in all its bearings, and my mind becomes pervaded with it.' " Canadian Pain what it is--the first of pain removing agents, and the best medicine for the cure of colds, coughs, rheumatism, neuralgia, summer complaints, etc. Sold by all Druggists and medicine dealers. Price 25 cents per bottle. : 29 The first approaches of consump- tion are so insidious that thousands re- main unconscious of its presence until it has brought them to the verge of the ve. The immediate nse of " Bryan's ulmonic Wafers" upon the first appear- ance of the cough, pain of soreness of the throat or chest, would generally preclude a fatal result: therefore, when you take a | cold use * Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers," and thus prevent the necessity for taking them in more dangerous complaints. To be obtained of oN Drie and country dealers. Price 2) cents per box. (ONG ECH) FIFTY 'A NEW SCHOOL DOLLARS Book, by H. S. Per- WORTH OF MUSIC Price, $7 0 pr FOR 8 3, dozen. Contains over ({UBSCRIBERS Two hundred new and MJ to PETERSSMUSICAL beautiful Songs, Duets MONTHLY are getting Will &. Hay their Music for less than ete., by S. Hays, i wocentsa piece. Those Webster, Thomas, etc: who have not seen this gvery thing isnew, fresh Musical Magazine and sparkling. Contents should send 30 cents for ¥ a sample copy. Th and specimen pages sen music is by Hays free. Sample copies Thomas, Kinkel, Pesr mailed free of postage ©. and other popular writers. to teachers for 65 cents Two beck: Runbers Liberal terms for Intro- tor 40 cents. Four bask uction. num bers for 75 cents, Address, J. L. PETERS, 599 BroaNew dway, York kins. Chronic Discases. R. JAMES ,ELECTIC PHYSICIAN, Would Tespectiull) state that he is now treating successfully the following disegses:~ Epilepsy, or falling Fits, in their worst form ; Consumption, in its various stages, (with Dr. J.'s remedies consumption is no r an incu- rable disease); Bronchitis, C % Gravel Dropsy, General Drope¥, &c., patients who have been tapped several times are curable under Dr. James' treatment ; diseases of the EYE AND EAR, Errors of youth, Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of indiscretions of - Fath cure is Children, Miseases, and Cancers cured without cutting, and little pain; Sore legs, Sait Rheum, and . Scrofula jn all its forms. y y to say, diseases which ia, Liver Now a great | deal of study has been bestowed upon the | Destroyer" to make it | Thomas' Eelectrie Oil! its Weight in Gold. Do you know ! anything of it? If wot, yy | itis time you did. JPAIN CANNOT STAY WHERE IT 1S used. Itisthe cheapest Medicine evermade. ve dose cures common Sore Throat. One bottle has cured Bronchitis, . Fifty cents worth has C8, es Worth Ten Time cured an old standing Cough. One ortwo bott] cures bad cases of Piles and Kidney Troubl Six to eight applications cure any caso of Kxcori- ated nipples or inflamed Breast, cured lame back of Wo years standing. Daniel Plank, of Brookfield, Tioga County, Pa.. says: "1 went thirty miles for a bottle of your Oil, which effected a wonderful cure of a crooked limb by six applications." Another who has had Asthina for years. says: "I have half of a 30 cent bottle left, and $100 would not buy it if1 could get no more." Rufus Robinson, of Nunda, N. Y., writes: { © One small bottle of your Eclectrig Oil restored | the vi vhere the person had not spoken above n Yhisper in five years," Wyoming N. Y., writes: * Your Kcleet cured me of Bronchitis in one week." all over the country say: a medicine that has given such complete satis- faction as this." It is composed of six of the best oils that are known. Is as good totake as for external use, and is believed to be immeasurably superior to anything ever made. | fering and many dollars of expense. Is sold by one or more dealers in every place where these circulars are found. Price, 25 cents. Why not buy it to-day ! Jil Dealers Prepared by 8. N. THOMAS, Puetres, N. Y., And NORTHROP & LYMAN, NEwcastLe, Ont. le Agents for the Dominion. NOTE. Eeclectric-Selected and Electrized. For sale by W. T, Atkinson and Dr. Deans | Oshawa: in Whitby by J. H. Gerrieand J. Byrp n Brooklin by John Warren. Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT Bowmanville Ontario. A S A FAMILY, MEDICINE, IT 1 - well and favorably known, relieving thou ands from pain in the Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus. | Dysente ru, Boicel Complaints, Burns, Ncalds, Frost Bites, 'de. single instance to give permaneit relief when | timely used, and weshave never known a single been Dopey followed, but on the: contrary all are delig | { effect. We speak from experience in thé matter, hav- ing tested it thoroughly ; and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for being a Sovereign Remedy. The astoni: Destroyer in io the diseases for which it is | recommended, aud its wonderful ¢ffects in sub duing the torturous pains of Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervous Afections, entitle it to high rank in the list of Remedies. in from Medicine Dealers, in all parts of the eountry, for further supplies, and each testifying as to the universal satisfaction it give The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails ty ive immediate relief. All Medicine Dealers eep it; Physicians order and use it; and no family will be without it after tryis-{ Price, only Twenty-five Cents Ley Lottle, For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr, Deans shasa: in Whithy Ly J. It, Gerrie and J, Byrne Brook!yn Ly John Warren. Sold in Bowmanville by J. Higginbotham and D, Stott, and all medi | | ne dealers, In Mceinoriam. GAINST EXPENDJTURES «Ain honor of the dead, Héaven has uttered no prolubition, and Earth is not injured, but benefitted, by them. All those beautiful emblems which adorn | the many tombs around which we love to linger, assure us we are in a" world of warm and loving hearts; the: adornin of the sepulchres of the "loved ones | alleviates our grief and soéthes the | wounded heart. It also ¢heers the be- reaved to know that an additional em- | bellishment of the grave - presents l stronger attractions to arrest the atten- tion of t}:: stranger,.and causes him to use and learn the name of one who | has shared so largely in the love of | others. i We take this method to inform you i that we can. fill orders for decorating the | raves of departed friends; at low i | gures, executed in the best style of workmanship, | MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., ! OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF | ITA AN& AMERICAN MARBLE ) AND : SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, | supplied on short notice. Kverything | pertaining to Cemetery work will meet with prompt attention, by leaving or- ders with C. BOUNSALL, " Bowrhanville. | The Great Female Remedy. | JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. rps INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS | Une bottle has | Rev. J: Mallors, of | ie ( "We have never sold | Will save you much suf- | Canadian Pain Destroyer | Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore | The CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER has now | been before the public for a length of time, and | wherever used is well liked, never failing in a | caso of dissatisfaction, where the directions have | hted with its operations, and speak in | the highest terms of its virtues and magical | which it is recommended, may depend upon it' shing efficacy of the Canadian Pam | Orders are coming | | PROSPECTUS FOR 1072--8th YRAR | A Repr tive and ¢ of | American Art The Aldine: | A N ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY Journal claimed to be the handsomest | paper in the world. . |" "Give my love to the artist workmenof THE ALDINE who are striving to make their pro- festion worthy of admiration for beauty, as it | has always been for usefulness." Henry Ward | Beecher. | THE ALDINE, while issued with all th | regularity, has none of the temporary of timely | interest characteristic of ordinary periodicals, It | & an elegant miscellany of pure, light, and grace- | ful literature, and a collection lps os, the | rarest specimens of artistic skill skill, in bldck or white. Although each succeeding number affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real value and beauty of THE ALDINE will be FIVHIES SPACE IS left to show that BAMBRIDGE most appreciated after it has been bound up at close of the Sea While other publications | way claim superior cheapness as compared with | rivals of a similar class, THE ALDINE is an | unique and original conception----alone and un- | approachd --absolutely without competition in | price or character The possessor of the volume | Just completed cennot duplicate the quantity of fine Raper and engravings in any other shape or | number of volumeslfor ten times its cos | The labor of getting THE ALDINE ready on | | the press is so pat that reprinting is out of | the question. With the exception of a small | number specially reserved for Binding, the edition of 1871, is already exhausted, and it is now a scarce as well as a valuable book. NEW FEATURES FOR 1872, ART DEPARTMENT, | The enthusiastic support so readily accorded to their enterprise, wherever it has been intro- duced, has convinced the publishersof THE AL- | DINE of the soundness of their theory that the American public would recognize and heartily support any sincere efforts to elevate the tone and standard of illustrated pnblications. That | 80 many weekly wicked sheets exist and thrive | is not evidence that there is no market for uny- | thing better--indeed the success of THE AL DINE from the start is direct proof of the con trary. With a population so vast, and of such | | varied taste, a publisher can choose his patrons and his apes is rather indicative of his own than-of taste of the country. As a guarantee of the excellence of this departmant, the publish- ers would beg to announce during the coming year, specimens from the following eminent American artists; W. T, Richards, W. Hart, W, Beard, G. H. Smillie, Aug. Will, Granville Per kins, ¥. O, C. Darley, Victor Nehlig, W. H. Wil. cox. James H. Beard, J. D. Smillie, R. E. Piguet, Frank Beard, Paul Dixon, J. Hows These pictures are being reprodechbd without regsrd to expense Cy the very best engravers in the country, and will bear the severest critical comparison with the best foreign work, it bein the determination of the publishers that THE ALDINE shall be a successful vindication of American laste in competition with any exist- ing publication in the world; LITERARY DEPARTMENT. Where so much attention paid to illustra | and get up of the work too much dependence on | appearances may very natugally be feared. To | anticipate such misgivings, it is only necessary to state that the editorial management of THE ALDINE has been intrusted to Mr, RICHARD HENRY STODDARD, who has received assur unces of assistanee from a host of the most pop- | | ular writers and poets of the country. | THE VOLUMN FOR 1872 | wil contain pearly 360 pages and about 250) fine | en uary, ¢v Commencing with the number for | Jab ery third number will contain a | beant!ful tinged picture on plate paper, luserted as a frontisplece, The Christmas nvmber for 1872, will be a spleudid volume in itself, containing fifty en- ravings, (four in tint) and, although etaifed at | 1, will be sent without extra charge to all jear- | ly subseribérs, - ' A CHROMO TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER | | wasya_ very popular feature last year, and will | be répeated with the present volume, The pub- lish¢rs have purbhased aud reproduced, at great expense, the beautiful oil painting hy Skis, en- titled ** Dame NATURE'S SCHooL." The chromo | is 11x13 inshes, and is an exact facsimile, in size and appearance, of the original picture, No American chromo, which will at all compare | with it, has yet been ofiered at retail for less | than cost price asked for THE ALDINE and it rogether. It will be delivered free, with the January number, to every subscriber who pays for one year in advance, One Copy, o il Chromo, -$5.00 "ive Copies, id iy - 2.00 Any person sending 0 names and $40, will re- | ceive an extra copy gratis, making. 11 copies for the money. Any person wishing to work for a preminm. can have our paemium circuler on application. We give many beautiful and desirable articles offered by no other paper. Any person wishing to act permaaently, as our agent, will apply with reference, enclosing | $1 for outfit. rT = SUTTON & CO, Publisher Aberty Street, New York, STEAM BETWEEN "LON DON, QUEBEC, AND MONTREAL. * unfailing in the cure of all those painful and | tution is subject. It inoderates all excess and re- | moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be | relied om. i l TO MARRIED LADIES | is peculiarly suited. It will, in a®short time, | oring on the monthly period with regularity. | These Pills should not be taken > Females during the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Prey- nancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are safe. Pains inthe Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the heart, Hysteries and | Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all | other means have failed ; and alghough a power- mony, or anything hurtful to the gonstitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. | JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. | $100and 12} cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return. mail. For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans in Broclyn by John Warren, Bowmanville, Ontario. | | | t incurable are now | hid his grateful nts are willing wo testify, No Calomel, no mercury, no Mineral Poisons, will be adminis- tered in any form, in any disease. The aff , who cannot obtain relief from other sources, are particularly invited to vall and sce m. £4 Office in Neilson's Hall, Belleville. Office hours, lla. m. to 3p. m. Yours most respectfully, . H. JAMES, M. D. Royal Insurance COMPANY. FINE ANI TEMPORARY OFFICES: Corner of St. Paul and St. Francois Xavier Streets. apital............5=..... Annuall come over Fands in Hand ove $10,000,000 4,000,00 2,50 © FIRE DEPARTMENT, All descriptions of property Insured against. lossorl by Fire at moderate rates. LOSSES PROMPTLY SETTLED WITHOUT | REFERENCE TO THE HOME OFFICE. LIFE DEPARTMENT. | Assurance on Lives nted on favourable | terms, and unquestionable security. offered to | oy holders. Besides the Large Paid-Up Cap | ital of the Company, Assurers have Additional Security in the UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a 'N ealthy FPropiet . | The Spee 1 Life Assurance Fund now 86,603,210. | THE SUM OF . 8736,200. having heen added thereto as a result of the Bus- | i of the Past Year, after the Payment of all | Bonuses, Annuitics and Expenses jon. posal Forms and full infor- ation 3a be obtained on application to the un- H. L. ROUTH. E. F. BEDDALL, Chief Agents for Canada. A. PERRY, Fire Inspector. ROBERT ARMOUR, Agent at Bowmanville- N. B.--The financial position of the Royal 1s in no Way affeoted. Mthe recent Fire at Chicago, vl the Campany no Agent doing business; n ' | stop -- : HE FOLLOWING REMARKS ON Testimonials of the most wonderful and ex- | traordinary cures in Canada by the GREAT IN- DIAN REMEDY. They are stern, undeniable and incontestable facts, sufficient to convincethe most skeptical that the Great Medical Compound earned after for ages is now accessible in the ireat SHOSHONEES REMEDY For Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Diges tive Organs, Kidneys, &c., as well as Scrofula | ious Skin Diseases, Humors and all di from Impurities of the Blood, we tate that this great remedy has NEVER EN EQUALLED. Where was there ever such a cure as that in ihe pefson of Wilson Storms of B+ i; n, Ontario, Consumption ; or | that of ['eter VY. 1 rio, of Consurn of Consecon, the v Miller, of Emestown, Onta- ion, or that of Ambrose Wood, ntario, of Dispepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of John Hosey, of Napanee, | | Ontario, of Rheumatism, who h actually been | he. crutches for years, in spite of all treatment heretofore, and is now well. Scores of such cases | | might be mentionéd had we space. | aa Call at the Drug Store and get a Circular o | unquestionable certificates on the GREAT SHO | SHONEES REMEDY and sat'sfy yourselves, Price of Remedy in Large Pints, $1. 2% For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers in | Medicine. . Agents tor Bowmanville essrs, J, Higginbotham, D. Stott. Wholesale Agents, -- Northop & Ly.nan. Newcastle °° Manhood, How Lost, How | Restored Js ST PUBLISHED A NEW | J edition of Br. Calverwell's | Celebrated Essay on the radical | cure (without medicine) of Sperma- | torrheea, or Seminal 'Weakness, In- | voluntary Seminal Losses. Impotency Mental | and Physical Incapacity, Im iments to Mar- | riage, etc; also, Consumption, . Epilepsy, and Fits,induced by self-indulgence of sexual extrav- nce. ice, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents, ! The celebrated author, Ta this a mirablo essay, | clearly demonstrates from a thirty years suc. cessful practice, that the alarming consequences | of self-abuse may be radically cuted without the | dangerous use of internal medicine or the ap- | plication of the knife : pointing out a mode of ) pure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by | means of which every sufferer, 80 matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, tivarely, and radieally. | This lecture should be in lhe lands of every youth and every wan in the land, Sent under seal, in a plain envejope, to any ad dress, paid on receipt of six cents ortwo post stamps. i Also, Dr. *" Marriags Guide price 25 cents. "Address the Publish re, | CHAS. J. C KLINE, 8: C0, | 127 Bow , New Yo k Post-Office Boy 58 Culverwe 1's In all Cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, | ful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, anti- | Oshawa ; in Whitby by J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrne Sold by J. HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT ete. | 0 INSTRUMENTA L COLLECTIONS. j S2agerous diseases to which the female consti- | 'TEMPERLEY'S LINE ron Steamers: 3 JMEDWA Y.. GER, THAMES, SCOTLAND, N TWEED, ic, MECTOR. "SEVERN. The S®amers of this Line are intended to sail | from Quebec and Montreal every TUESDAY dur- itig the season of navigation of 1872, and from | London every Wednesday, calling at Plymouth | on the way out. Through tickets from all points west at reduced rates. Certificates issued | to_parties desirous of bringing out their friends, | For full particulars apply to the Company's | Agent at Oshawa, | Cc. W, SMITH. | | | INMAN LINE| OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM ! 1 1 | { | New-York, Queenston and Liverpool ! Ciry or RicuMoND, Cie oF MONTREAL. + C11 OF BROOKLYN. | Crr¥or Paris, | CITY OF BRUSSELS. City or NEw YORK. Crry or HALIFAX. CITY oF LONDON, CITY OF DURHAM. | City oF WASHINGTON, | Bailing on Thursdays and Saturdays ! From Pier 45, North River. | CITY OF BALTIMORE, Crry or Braste Crry or Limerick. | City or DUBLIN, RATES OF PASSAGE. To Queenston or Cabin. | Liverpool, - $75, gold. . | London, Steerage. $30, currency. | Paris, '- - - - 9 * 38, " { Tickets can be bought here at moderate rates 1 by persons wishing to send for their friends. | further information apply to the nds. Box Agent, | C. W. SMITH, OsHawa. July 20. 15-3 PETERS Musical Library CONSISTING OF | FIFTEEN VOLUMES FILLED WITH CHOICE PIANO MUSIC. VOCAL COLLECTIONS. A choice collection .. Hearth and Home, Fireside Echoes, and Sweet Sounds, Three Volumes of easy Songs by Webster, Persley, etc. Golden Leaves. Volumes I. and II. The two volumes contain all of Will S, Hays' Songs. Priceless Gems. A collection of beauti: ful Ballads by Wallace, Thomas, Keller, players. Fairy Magie Cirele, and Youn PI ans volumes of very, easy Music for you usical Recreations, | Pearl Drops and Dance Music. Two collections of moder- A: difficulty, Pleasant Memories. A colléctio beautiful pieces by Wyman, Mack, Dress: er, ele, Golden Chimes. A collection of i- | ant parlor Music by Charles De Meili | Brilliant Gems. A splendid collection, | by Vilbre, Allard, Pacher, Kinkel, ete. | Price, $2.50 per volume, elegantly bound in cloth, with gilt sides ; $2 ix : $1.75 In boards, LR) | Address, J. L. PETERS, | J 599 Broadway, N Y, We would call attention to The Opera at Home, a collection of over one { hundred beautiful opera songs. Pri. in cloth and gilt. Trade price 1, > #8 | GEO. B, STOCK, Esq | structure and functions of the human CITY OF AMTWERP. | | recognise | ed the J aryest Circulation of any Newspaper 0 | are Numerous, Varied, and Beautiful, | of the paper, | and Friends. | than H. r's Weekly,) printed from New Type, | and Printed in the h hical Art. has always on hand New and Second-hand Wagons and Carriages ready when called for, at reasonable rates. Repairing and Shoe- ing attended to as usual. ® SIM 'Ej STR EET, OSHAWA. March 20,11872, 51-6m G. RB. Stoek's Celebrated Extra Machine Oil S NOW USED IN ALL THE PRIN CIPAL Manufactories and Mills in Ontario and is gi sntire satisfaction, and all unite in saying tl saving over all other Oils, and as the quality of this Oll is well known, it is unnecessary for me to | state the reasons why it supercedes all other Oil, DAY, SEE 'F YOU WANTA FIRST-C LASS PIANO OR SEWING MACHINE, CALL ON Geo. S. CLIMIE, AT THE "REFORMER" OFFICE, is from 2 to three hundred per cent. | as it is a well known fact that it will neither gum nor get thick in the coldest weather, TESTIMONIALS: Tuk Joseru Hart Macmine WoRks, Oshawa, Ont,, April I, 1570 GEO. B. STOCK, Esq., Broughani, Dear Si cating Oil foFthe past four months, and can say without hesitation, that it is the best oil we have | » ever used. It is also cheap, and lasts longer than any other oil ; we have run our large I foot Iron | © Planer 7 days with one oiling. It keeps the tools clean and bright. We do not want anything better as a lubricator, Yours truly, F. W. GLEN, Pres't, I will run Stock's Oil against any other ofl In the Dominion, and I prefer it to either Sperm or Olive oil, or any other used on machinery. A MExpERsSON, Foreman Joseph Hall Works, 1 find Stock's Oil to be the bes! had in my Flouring Mill for lubr 1 had used olive previous to Stock's, and Btock's to be the best, Moses Surv, Duflins Creek, Ont. sil I have ever ating purposes, find 1 would rather have Stock's Oil than any ever used in my experience of 20 years. Gronck BLAKE, Foreman for Brown & Paterson, Whitby, Ont. 1 have used Stock's Oil and I find it to excel all oil | have ever used in 40 years manufacturing experience, and have used Castor and Olive Oil, principally previous to using Stock's Oil. JACOB STALTER, Greenwood. We prefer Stock's Oil to either Sperm, Olive, or any otrer oils ever used, for experience shows it, SpraleirT & Sox, Markham, Ont, my I use Stock's Oil on machinery, which re volves about 4,00 eS Per minute, and find it the only oil that gives satisfaction. J. CHURCHILL, Bangor, Ont, Oshawa, Feb. 7, 1871. Sin, -- Your extra machine oil comes nearer to perfection for lu icating purposes than and thing used, so far as® known to me, it w neither gum nor corode, and wares satisfactory, Very truly yours, A. FarzweLL SOLE PROPRIETOR : GEO. B. STOCK, Brovemam, Ost, AGENT FOR THE DOMINION 3 STOCK & WEBSTER, Box 134 Toronto. T.GIBBSOhawa,Ont, THI S4th VOLUME! 2 For INI2! THE ILLUSTRATED Phrenological -Journal, | A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY MAGAZINE. Phrenology.--- The Brain and its Functions: Location of the Organs, with directions for cul- ture and training, and the relations of Mind and Body described. Physiognomy, or the * Signs of Character with illustrations, and how to Read them," is a special feature. Ethnology, or the Natural History of Man, illustrated, wil be given. Physiology and Anatomy. The Organization, ody ; with the laws of life and health. What we should eat and urink, how clothed, and how to exercise, sleep und live, in accordance with hygienic prin- ciples. Portraits, sketches and biographies of leading men and women in all departments of life, are | special features. Parents, Teachers and Others.-- As a guide in educating and training Children, this magazine has no superior. Much general information on the leading topics of the day is given, and etforts are spared to make this the most in sting and instructive as well 'as the Best Pictorial Family Magazine ever published. Established. 54th Volume. It has steadily inerecased in favor during the many years it has been published, and was never more popular than now, Terms.--Monthly, at $3 a year, in advance. Single numbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten or more, $2 each, and an extra copy to Agent. Waare offering the most liberal Premiums. Inclose 15 cents for a sample number, with Pictorial Poster and Prospectus, and a complete List of Pxemiuss. ddvess &. R. WELLS, Publisher, 339 Broadway, New York. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST WINTERHAS COM LONG EVENINGS ARE HERE! PROSPERITY ABOUNDS AND NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR MOORE'S Rural New Yorker THE GREAT NATIONAL FAVORITE Weekly. Farm and Fireside PROFESELY ILLUSTATED. { FPYHIS FAMOUS JOURNAL HAS FOR near Twenty-Five Years been Leader in its Sphere, and has attain its Class. It is the standard authority on RURAL AND HOME AFFAIRS, and concededly the best combined Aicultural, Literary, Family and Business Weekly. UNEQUALED FEATURES! THE RURAL'S EDITORIAL STAFF is the largest and ablest of any Journal in its gphere, while igs Illustrations, Typography, El are superior. side the writings of the conducting and as- | Be: sociate Editors, its ain of Contributors is lar- er than that of any othpr RURAL AND LITERARY | | PAPER--s30 that MOORE RURAL is the Organ in and through which great and beneficial efforts toward IMPROVEMENT originated and communicated to thé people. In the Future, as in the Past, the Rurav's Mot- will be * Exelsior!" except in price, which h been reduced making it the Shane Ra- and Family Weekly in the World THE RURAL'S ILLUSTRATIONS Indeed our aim is to render the whole T exception- ally Valuablé and acceptable. Phe Roma's Re- wrts of Markets, Crops, Finances, etc., are full and reliable, and alone worth double the price Indeed, next to your local paper MooRE's RURAL 18 the one for Yourself, Family STYLE AND REDUCED TERMS. Each number of the RURAL NEw-YORKER for 1872 will comprise Sixteen Quarto P; , (larger on extra fine and lioavh per, and Illustrat ghest style of the Tyo- Brapl TERMS, in Advance ;--Single Copy, $2.50 ar Fron Copies yh a] even ire Yor ; Ten es -on| COPY. eral Premiums to all form Ear gy +4 Numbers, Show-Bills, etc., sent free, d D. D. T. MOORE, Rural New-Yorker Office, New York City, We have been using your Lubri | "The Journal" has reached its | new 4 4H 'HOIHA | 4S TTA 1 110.L Ti AT AHL AFESAHO x A [BOTPAIAL THILLV HI I (d LOK HILLY I 'sfImg ahiq 'hiownfiay 'sautdipayy juspy 'sbnig 'PURIS OG) JOQUIOWIR \ SANISOE NV Jou A, [S eH 5) ~ | | Bo | #1 SADE HTHVNOSYH OH seputH Lasodidoy 4] [KX FOR IT-IRSIST UPON TRY IT! RL | mi 5 ALLAN LINE.| 0SEAWA AGENOT. "TOR | - WINTER SERVICE !| Under Contract with the Canadian Government | for carrying the Canidian and U. S. Malls. STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY | AND CLASGOW. | 3mm b HIS COMPANY'S LINES ARE] composed of the undernoted Full Powered, | Double Ensined Clyde Built Iron Steamships: | Polynesian, 4,200 tons Smilding, Sarmatian, | 3,400 tons (building). Caspian, 3,250 tons, Capt. | Seott, Scandinavian, 3,000 tons, Capt. Ballan- tyne. Prussian, 3,000 tons, Lieut. Dutton, | :.N. R. Austrian, 2,700 tons, Captain J. | Wylie. Nestorian, 2,700 tons, Captain A. 1 * Aird. Moravian, 4650 tons, Captain | Brown. Peruvian, 2,600 tons, Lieut. | Smith, R.N. ¥ Germatiy 50 | Tons, Capta'ny J. Graham. | Forming a weekly line Bio pen Liverpool, Lon | J Quebec and Montreal, legving Que- ery Saturday, on arrival of the Night Expressfrom Montreal, Forming a weekly line het ween Glasgow, Quebec and Méntreal. RATES OF PASSAGE. | Oshawa (to Liverpool and Londonderry, First Cabin from $51 to $91, ocordug to accommoda- tion. Steerage, $30, influding a plentiful suppiy of well cooked provisions, served out by the Stewards IONE to the Company. ! Oshawa to-Glasgow, First Cabin, mediate, $45.90 ; Steerage, $20, 4% Return Tickets, good for six months, is- | sued at reduced rates. Prepaid European Passenger Certificates are | issued at Reduced Rates 10 parties wishing to | bring out their friends from England, Ireland or Scotland, to any part of Canada. 'The Steamships of the Montreal Ocean Steam- ship Company land their Jossenpers at the Grand Trunk allway Wharf, PORTLAND, passen- gore thereby avoiding the usual charges of cart- ng and handling of © he F, 'ortland on arrival of the | 71; Inter- | xpress Trains leave Ocean Steamers for Montreal, Toronto, and all | western points: and the facilities afforded to | Pasdengers by the ALLAN LINE cannot be sur- | passed by any other line afloat. | For through passage tickets and every informa { tion, apply to Steamships will be despatched from Liverpoo: and Portland as follows: FROM LIVERPOOL. HIBERNIAN, - - 6th Nov. MORAVIAN, + 16th * SAMARITAN, - - 23rd ~ PRUSSIAN, - 30th ** NESTORIAN, -- 7th Dec. SCANDINAVIAN -14 * H. & A. ALLAN, Agents, Montreal FROM PORTLAND Orto| . IL. SMITH, Agent, i Post Office, Oshawa. HEAD OFFICE TORONTO. Capital Stock, Lo 8400, oo sSarplus Funds, ew LL. 208,369 64 Receipts for the year ending) - gn 30th June, ISL, ............... 5} S88 26. Hox. J. McMugricH, President. B. HarLvaN, Managing Director. Fire and Marine INSURANCE AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. Special Low Tariff of Rates, cowerin Insurance for one or three years, on Detach Dwellings, Churches and Schools, with contents, in Cities, Towns and Country places. These rates and terms of policy particularly favorable to the Farming Community, FIRST-CLASS MAN WANTED for a Travelling Agency, for the Townships outlying this Town. Apply in writing, with references, to the undersigned for transmission to the Head Office. R. & H. O'HARA, | ing elseware. | and cheaper than any other House. s 18 AGREAT Migethbovove.. | o iL MEDICAL ViCiORY. W, OF PARIS, FRANCE, au emi. wb DEPEY of foreign descent, bas discovered a Great Blood lewedy--a Purely Vegetable Compound --npamed by pliysicians, Depew's Medical Victory, that curesevery kind of unhealthy Humor, and every disease that dependson Impurity of the Blood, where the Lungs, Liver, and Kidneys, and other vital ors gan, are not wasted beyond the hope of yepais For the cureof Scrofula, Erysipelas, "alt. wi jo sus Scald. Head, Scaly Eruption of the Skin, Ulcers, and Fever Sorea of all Humor in the Mouth an? Stomach or Ears, Eruption on the bead, ot on the face, it stants Pre eminer all other reraedies. The facts; | and Disease of the Skin, of whatev are literally dug up snd cared in a short fim: Gis gop of thou K Jue bottle, in cases, will coriyin. credulous of its curative efiects Cleanse the Vitiatéd Blobd whenever vou fud Ws [mpuritiss bursting through th bin Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it cb. structed and sluggish in the veins: ware it when it 4s foul, snd your feelings wil I vou when Koep the Blood pure and the heaith of the system will follow It isn Gentlo Reg as a Tonic, Ee. Powe acting asa powerful u in sui Chronic Tnflammation of 1 Visceral Urgans lat' ng Purgativ., as well wis the pas uiiar merit of gestion, wil wll the reliaving Ce e baver 1h oroung or van ood, al Viggury bas oo tt - or at theturn of Ife, the Ma equal, 4 In the cure of Rheumatien ¥ ot, and diseases of the | ness, Pains in the Weakness and De yond money and BLOOD PURIFIER, CIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Juvigorator System, carrying off all pomsonons matter unl bos toring the Blood to its hiealthy condition Sold by 211 Drugyists & Teco END TOR & DESCRIPTIWE PARPHLTT YOUNG, SILLY & © | RETA Philip Taylor J BEDS THE LARGEST, BEST AND {EAPEST| Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, ilver Plated, and Fancy Goods. He is the pagent for Russell's Celebrated Watches, us & Morris' Perfected Specta- cles, and M n Silver Plate, best goods made. and every thing in his line made to order, It will pay to examine his Stock before purchas All Goods and Jobs warranted PHILIP TAYLOR, Watchmaker & Jew ler, Simeoe Street, Os awa. Oshawa, April 13th, 1571, tf. C oad Eng ! N,| aap pe AL THE INTIS HIST IH) d0 MOOLS LSADUVIRAHL i] v . nun ary uo 3 'S12AN00 weotad apqussod jEOMO] a3 Sppiany SANYVE 'OTHVINO 40 ALNNOOY SONIONVH HAdd'Vd H . a8 pur 'smaogyed Jo fpourea wal y Ci Tw rns dang 'Argan " Money to Lend REDUCED RATES. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND any amount of money, on the security of Good Farm or Productive Town Property. at the Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, n sums and manner to suit borrowers. Principal can be fe-paid by yearly instalments, or in ome sum. Investments .made in: Debentures, Mortages, and other securities. SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. For further particulars apply, to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &c. Office McMillan's Block, Brock St., Whitby vpril 13th, 1871.. « --All genuine has the name wSAUTION. - (wor * Peruvian Bark,") blow= in the glass. A pam fre @J. P. Dixsuors, Pro) Tr, New York. Sold by all Dru; ts. ® Local Agents. Bowmanville, Sept. 14, 1871, 7 Ema. CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY, HIS certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our authorized Agent, for the sale of Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Sil Family Sewing Machines, | This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of selling : | Sewing Machines in the village of Oshawa, and that he is. also authorized 10 ape | Agents for the sale of our chines, in said Territery. | Such agents have rights and privileges of the trade, as though appointed by us. ~ - Signed for the Company, MES J. J. COLLINS, St. Catharines, Ong, $ The above Machine is one of the best Family Machines in the market and ol needs to be seen to be appreciated. Prices, $23 without stand and $30 with stand, . wanted. 2 A second-hand Grover & Baker Manufacturing Machine for sale cheap, W, to do good work. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. : | My A LARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHogs CONSISTING OF Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', Misses' and Children) of all Classes and Sizes, . ik To be Sold at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent, IN ORDEC TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK, A share of public patronage solicited. 2 L. PRUDHOM, on - g ! 3 > | E LEARN THAT ! NEW | \ Unprin¢ipled | persons whe, cannoy m off a 'w i vorthl . " | Jessa uainted 'With the mere SPRING STYLES. [frMadie sma aeng for chines ; and offer to grant w. | with jutent to deceive. the 20 PB 4 pI OnS Who can grant warrants persons not employed by us, | themselves as agents, or offering to | rants, are imposters, and liable to be for fraud. The blic are hereby against such. a Ys | 'Bowmanville, ne endl OAR GEORGE COURLEY'S Stock of Néw Spring Cloths is now complete, and embraces all the LATEST STYLES! The Stock is oue of the best ever brought into | | i requiring New Suits, would do well to call early | | q and leave their orders. i Fa nC, s.YC E R | N E J All Work Done in the Best Manner, | T's Jetur is bighty recommended & . | gh Coinplexion, ad | Skin Soft, White, Clear, LOWEST Roneuncen, 7 nf A LIVING PRICES CHARGED | Bits "aad sore Liparie ~- Price 35 cen i) RN (TORIACARBOLE Good Fits Guaranteed! ~ 1OILET SUF 14£, | Ths Tower, Sead all the weil-knom antise] © an » = . | Acid, Ts ah healthy ag ons The Science of Health. mess. prevents imitation, removes | of perspiration, and regularly 3 families. Cholera, Smallpox Fever WEALTH MONTHLY. | should bowashed wi Soap; and ite y persons liable to infection will rially pa wn of | the spread of diseseo. Price 15 cents a Oshawa, April 12, 1852, A NEW INDEPENDENT Devoted to the preservation and restoratic Health on Hygienic principles. Health is the great want of the age. [tis the | (Ya N!1 first need of #he individual, the nation, and the | f R A CA R B UL! race. ' Heatth is long life ; Disease is premature : S ae death. Health develops body, mind and so JA LV nl Discase dwarfs and paralyze ] for all Skin Dises of Treating Diseas without Medicine, is the ob- | C3t% Woduds, "Baras, ; icons, | ject and purpose of this new Health Journal. | Wow awed Eczoma, Seald u THE SCIENCE OF HEALTH will aim to dis- cleansin: "and b of seminate throughout the world a knowledge of which , boen fi b n Hygienic Prine les. It i not be the organ of | {0 posses carative ites : A any person, business, or tution, but an earn- v not is est teacher of the Laws of Life and health, | utter chemical prepar 25 conte. THE SCIENCE OF HEALTH will be the ex-| IT hp on ponent of all known means by which Health. | § | C A R of gLIC Strength. Happiness and Long Life may be ob- [ \! ' tained by using and regulating those agencies | {3 A ¢ i. wv ( ¥.\ vitally related to Health and Treatment of Dis-! SS cARGA R IN ease, including Air, Light, Temperature, Bath- | [2 £ - ~ G ing, Diet, Clothing, Exercise, Rest, Sleep, andall | normal agents and hygienic om ogg | Tul Ganavr is the most relisble TERMN, Published monthly at $2.00 a year | Jed jah cases of Sore in advance; single numbers, 2) cents. Clubs of | Diptheris, Bronchitis, Irritation. ten-at $1.50 each, and an extra copy toagent, We | 0 anion in this chang are offering the most liberal list of Premiums. | Sima. Jensive Breath, Ulcer: Local agents wanted every where, and cash com- | fF is3gscs - B Mouth. missions given. Address'all lettcrs te a ho Iv. 181 jnvalusbie. The SAMUEL R WELLS, Publisher, = | {, io £3 this Gaigle are vaed bY roadway, New York. | nn453 tedly, tho most popular in the ol meme 1. 3, Price 25 cents. J |A CARBOLIE ORIA SINFE he le i ie f life hich Lb the people in science of life, which includes all | o, that relates to Preserving Health, and to the Art | This Saves fs a > 4 UnJao REL Mosquitoes, Moths, Fil & s., can be uso PII JUAN] "Bag | 'sau 10i-- 'S.NVMOO 0} 400Q 1XxoN sasivaad FADHVYT axv M3N OL AIAOWHY WIOSSE [RIOUDY) ¥ pu a disc more q t, in ay ho usefulness, Price 25 cents, 'sdeog poyuadg Caution!!! 1 BEG MOST RESPECTFULLY acquaint the public of the h A erican provinces that in May last, rd business at 80, Maiden Lane, New A sale of HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, ¥ william Bre I 'Squio)) 'soysnig JRE] gas 24(J Jo ud 'saysnag 4300, 8 ystpduy puv youd y o Ajog pue Anend 1s9q ay1j0 SuiyiAaa ZY0LS PAYd SMNOSNIILY and therefore calculated to damage | name, | Those who do not wish to be deceived | ing spurious me which are now emanate from else tes or i Joseoss themselves uf the uine Ho | LLS AND OINTMENT will do well to | each pot and box bears the British G | on w ved the NT," auinua | | | | 4 | 'words i and that the 8 533, OXFORD ¥ ona." The Teta pros Wi and , No thi Unit, ei ' ny Pills and tment, and as 1 have vv believe that attempts will very probably be '8 3 to deceive the public in this way by persons &8 -- ing upon % sig «3 that pon areacting for me, and with my Proclaim the Glad Tidings and consent, 1 deem it advissble on their guard against any - HAT THE GREAT SHOSHONEES he Eminent Indian I most earnestly entreat all those who Sl Remedy and Pills, of ¢ read this advertisement that they be pleased! Medicine Man, Doctor Lewis Josephus, of the | the public interest, to communicate the . Great Tribe of Shosh British Columbia, is | Of the same to their friends that they may yorking the most marvelous andl astonishing | defrauded of their money by - Cures the World ever heard of. Never in the | less imitationsof the genuine HoLLOWAYS | annals of Canadian Medical History has such | AND OINTMENT. | success attended the introduction of -any medi-| I would ask, asa | cine heretofore. come to the Xnowled | > ous medicines are WHY? he be |} can | SIMPLY because the numerous Valaable active | medicinal vegetable ingredients, (some of which | we will mention, such as the Extracts of Wile | Cherry Bark, Podophyllum, Juniper, Smartweed, Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, C | Extract of Colocynth," Jalap, Socotrine Aloes, { Caio, &e., &c.,) which enter intothe compo- { n of the combined icine, are such and so harmoniously classified and Pp led, that it | is made the most searching curative in the at favour, that ing the spurious medicines,and likewise) and address of the House in the United or elsewhere, which may have su them, as to enable me, for the protection of the puts to e proceed and I e t0 remunerate very person who may give me such any : the informant's name never being divu pod, ve reason to.b : Ne Dy) pers _ buying e vi y purio tions of these Medicines, he will do well fol me, in a letter, to the address at food can do at a cost of six cents in Dostageh ' the books of ctions which are same. I proi to examine it and send & stating 2 hiether the Mosticiues are the pe not, so that if spurious he ma apply Re son from whom he ay em to have ¥ money returned. . Chemists and Druggists who desire to the Medicines on supplied at Wholesuls n q So Ol £20 worth (for which ittance must be advance)--viz., 8s. 6d., 22s., and 3is. per boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, nett, scount. 1 have the honour to be, With great respect, 35 THOMAS HOLLOWAR 558 Oxford Street (late 244, Strand), W., C., September 1, 1871. in may be, or t will find the spot.ana manner in which ive Organs the various Skin a the Thir i Stage , © d St ber information, wi an the G1 eat Shoshonees Remedy ing testimonials and Certs be ol by securing the k, or the Almarac and pectable Druggist in the Price of Remedy inlarge Pint Bottl ills per Box 25 centy, ik a er

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