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Ontario Reformer, 8 Nov 1872, p. 1

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LINE ACENOY. SERVICE) an Governmen nd 1 © 8! Mails, - Rt W i Y TO LONDONDERRY EL ASC Ow NYS LINES ARE ull Pow ' araships : & Sarm; 3S 250 tons, ian, &, Capt Ballag. 5, Lae ut Dutton, s. Caplain J. Tons, Ca Fin A. tain a « 2.600 101 Me, Tao x Ger mati b- raham, 14 verpool, onan, Que- en'G ASR w, Quebee x PASRAGE nderry, : entifal supply SS Served utd b way. y 1] the First Cabi $30 n, $1; Inter T Sx months, ig. : ger Certificates are arties wishing to E gland, Ireland op e Mor al Ocean Ste - or Steam, PORTLAND, passen- "iy ial charges of carn. onarrival of the Toronto. and all ities afforded to NE ¢ cannot be sur is and every informa wd from Liverpool FROM PORTLAND 2nd Dee, Nth 16h, 2d 30h Sta EAM , QU EBEC, AND «TREAL. ERs ETA ALEY'S LINE. from 3 issued W. SMITH. AN LINE . -STEAMSHIPS; gon ----3 Queenston and verpool ! HaLIiFax, DURHAM. E5diys and Saturdays | th River] Steerage. os gold vg P - 35, * * at moderate rates fur their friends. For t e Company's MTTH, OsHAWA. 153m ry WY) bl Y kal PEW'S iL VETO. ¥ Li IS. FRANCE. an ersi- dé as discovered 8 tive, as well ar merit of ¢ Congestion, ver and all the ether in young of vn vf womanhood, 'ictory haso BO pata, Liver Hladder, r Mega lati ng the ess, Jeadache Mick H : and gevers we rggists & Dealers. (PTIVE PAMPHLET. ACLE..S , SILLS & CO, Bath, Ontario: » b I ------ Ghe-Gataio Reformes PUBLISHED 4 EVERY: FRIDAY MORNING, § po WM. R. CLIMIE AT THE OFFICE, SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA, OONTAINS THE LATEST FOR- he Provincial X sNews, Los 1ocal Intellt- noe, NN - oy a ipairiciive i meteial ~$1.00 per annum, in advas 4 id hin six months--2.00 if not Lo dnd of the year. No paper srg ary are paid, except at vp opti a d parties Sarin up will be held respon for the sori iE 3 until they comply pg the rule. A rs addressed to the dito must be mast judd, othe oi, otherwise oe may not be taken from RATES or ADVERTISING: @ix lines under, das six F TO Each @vet ten Business Directory. A A I AI Wi. FREDERICK MeBRIAN, M.D, M.R.C. 8 4 4A HOSEITAL, ) JORDON, ENG- w, a ar pu Th. SURGEON, AND HEUR, King Street, Oshawa. Residence and Offfce--Nearly Opposite | Houta Hotel. FRANCES RAE, X, D., : HYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCH- eur, and Coroner. King st., Oshawa. 1-2 C. 5. EASTWOOD, M. D., RADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY of Toronto, at present at Black's Hotel, Oshawa. 1-2 EB VERGE son, ICENTIATEorDENTAL SU RGERY. Office over the Grocery of Messrs. Simpson . King St, wa. All operations preformed in a skilful manner. Residence in the same building. PURE MT Veterinary Buraery anit Brig Siare, ENRY'S BLOCK, KING STREET, bre ne. Sari pom A a i on the Pro- --~W. G. FITZ MAC RT E, late of Her 8 7th Dragoon Guards and Horse Arl- y ery. FAREWELL & McGEE, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SO- LICITORS, Con veyancers and Notaries Puli: sbawa, South-East Curnerof King and "gr oNEY to Lend. Mortgages bought and | J. K. FAREWELL. @ R. McGez. §. Hi. COCHRANE, L.L. B., J Enc AUCTIONEER, OSHA- wa. All orders left at this Office will be promptly attended to. PF. BR. HOOVER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses WHITEVALE. OSHAWA LIVERY STABLE, H. THOMAS, iL Se @ First Class Horses and Carriages EEN AC 2 ©. W. SMITH, re Go PATENT, INSUR- neral Agent, Simcoe Street, ro the Inman of Steamers ow Dork sud and Li l. REFER- od ki Gib . FB. Glen, Esq. - (2 Fairbanks, Esq. 12y DOMINION BANK! \ "WHITBY GENCY. \ J. H. M CLELLAN, Aent DR.CARSON'S MEDICINES. le Greatest Public Bemefitof the Age ND FOR WHICH, NOTICE THE Testimonials, 1 (a few of them enclosed in around each bottle, oo. who toni le persons' names, who i of his vari Ointment, & above Medic ines can be obtained at all 22-3m Aberican Organs! wre Agen HE SMTH AMERICAN | ORGAN Co. pare sow completed Sr re year of with a constant of diy Te aoafatio is one of th , it alsoranks among country. Deing the manufacturerghey have # TRbacity of the the instruments, | 1 fl Hr = Onli Refor ---- VOL. 2. BE GONE JOHN FROST!| re JO a German Gentleman i Sable, Austrican & Tiussis Dog Skins, To protect his men in the i leon has forwarded a FINE ASSORTMENT ( OF FRENCH CONIES. Queen of Great Britain has tendered to her loyal subject, BRITISH "CRAPE, MUFFLERS AND SCOTCH CAPS. And Donald Smith or Rell, from the Hudson Bay Company, have sent the finest lot of | BUFFALO ROBES," MINKS, ERMINE, &c., p THAT WERE EVER OFFERED IN BOWMANVILLE. M. MAYER, thankful for the Qistinguished el him, ha these Wearing he has no doubt of bof sdminlierins" meh, Fyre mA to he upstart, that he will 10,000 Volantéers, La Ladies and Gentlemen, Wanted Tor the Campaign. M. MAYER repairs and alters dama, Si 8 highest price Jor Raw Furs. (x Jig M. MAYER. Bowmanville, October, 1872. S72 HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE INHABITANTS OF Oshawa and surrounding country that he has received, and is still receiving well assorted stock of Spring Goods, at the usual Low PRICES. Dress Goods, Coatings, » Cottons, Prints, Poplins, Tweeds, &c. Clothing Made to Order on Short Notice ! 5" | The Usual Supply of Groceries, Crockery, Horses, Wagons, and Anything else You can Think Of! All Kinds of Produce taken in Exchange. CLOVER, TIMOTHY, OROWN, soso: AND RAED ROA AA ht BARLEY FOR SEED. Oshawa, March 23, 1872. NEW SPRING GOOD Sy |, WM. WILLARDS, TAUNTON. Grateful to a generous public for past liberal patronage, I beg most most geayectinly © to announce that on account of Increasing business he has been obliged to enlarge his store almost as large again, and it is filled, Every Shelf, Hole and Corner! With an Exceedingly Choice Assortment of Dry Goods of Every Description, COMPRISING Goods, lish and Canadian Tweeds and gr of all he Goods, Ties, Shirts, Prints (an excellent assortment) Hosiery, Collars, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Trunks. Also, a choice assortment of GROCERIES, &¥ SECOND TO NOME FOR QUALITY AND PRICE. .@% Call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. CASH PAID FOR SHEEP-SKINS AND WOOL. TAUNTON, April 11, 1872. 53-3m. STUBBORN FACTS over $20 to exchange: HON. J. SIMPSON, Bowmanville. do. do. JOHN McCLUNG, de. i | RICHARD SHAW, Darlington. J. P_LOVEKIN, Clarke. E. BEMAN, do. J. BELLWOUD, do. i | 8. BORLAND, Orono. "| A. LOCKHART, Clarke. | THOMAS McCLUNG, Bowmanslle. M. D. WILLIAMS, do. i | REV. R. BOYLE, do. "| R. R. LOSCOMBE, do. MRS. BROCK, do. MRS. C. G. HANNING, Bowmanville. W. G. PERRY, do. W. E. TILLEY, do. WM. EDWARDS, do. MR. LUMMIS, Cartwright. R. T. WILKINSON, Newcastle, '| MRS, HILLAM, do. MR. BARFOOT, do. MISS HAMBLY, Port Darlington. 0. W. SMITH, Darlington. | STEPHEN CLEMENCE, Darlington. WILLIAM CLEMENCE, do. MATTHEW COLE, Tyrone. JOHN BURN, Manvers. And a great many others. 'garding the merits of these machines. R. & H. OHARA. Bowmanville, October Sth, 1871. TFRRIB A A is RIBLE BATTLE BETWEEN A FELLOW BY THE NAME or NEW SPRING GOODS {ths re is a great deal of misrepresentation regarding the merits of the different sewing machines, and many persons have been misled by these untruthful statements, we give be low the names of a few of those who tested the Wanzer Machine and who afterwards exchanged them with us for the Lockman, Osborn, or Raymond--some of them paying us Intending purchasers, can enquire of , any of the above, r The following beautiful lines were foustd pen- cilled by a convict in one of the books belonging to the Library of the Provincial Penitentiary. -- Kingston Herald. MOTHER. I've wandered far away, mother, Far away from my happy home, And Jeft the land that gave me birth, 1n other climes to roam; And time since then has rolled his years, And marked them on my brow, Yet still I think on thee, mother, I'm thinking on thee now. When by thy gentle side, mother, Thou watched my dawning youth, And kissed me In your pride, mother, Taught me the word of truth. Then brightly was my soul lit up 'With thoughts of future joy, Whilst you bright fancy garlands wove, To deck thy darling boy. I'm thinking of the day, mother, 'When with such anxious care You lifted up my heart to heaven, Your hope your trust was there. Fond mem'ry brings the parting glance, Whilst tears rolled down my cheek, That last long loving look told more Than ever words could speak. I'm lonely and forsaken, mother, No friend is near me now To soothe me with a tender word Or coolymy burning brow. The deatvst ties affection wove, Are all now torn from me; They left me when my trouble came, They did not love like the. 1 would not have thee know, mother, How brightest hopes decay; The tempter with his painful cup Has dashed them all away; And shame has left its venom sting, To rack with anguish wild, But still I would not have thee know The sorrows of thy child. 1 know you would not chide, mother, You would not give me blame, But sooth me with a tender word, And bid me hope again. . T'm lonely and forsaken now, Unpitied and unblest, Yet still I would not have you know How sorely I'm distressed. I've wandered far away, mother, Since I deserted thee, And left thy trusting heart to break, Beyond the deep blue sea; Yet mother still I love thee well, 1 long to hear thee speak. And fool again thy balmy breath, Upon my careworn cheek. But ab! there is a thought, mother, Pervades my beating breast, That thy free'd spirit may have flown To its eternal rest. And as [ wipe the tear away, There whispers in my é&r A voice that speaks of heaven, mother, And bids me seek thee there. ---- -Felections. AnAAA, AANA AAAAAAS RUNNING FOR PARLIAMENT. BY MARK TWAIN, A few years ago I was nominated for Legislature from the great State of New York, to run against Stewart L. Wood- ford and John T. Hoffman, on the inde- pendent ticket. I somehow felt that I had one prominent advantage over these gen- tlemen, and that was a good character.-- It was easy to see by the newspapers that if ever they had known what it was to have a good name, that time had gone by. It was plain that in these latter years they had become familiar with all manner of shameful crimes. But at the very mo- ment that I was exalting my advantage and employing it in secret there was a muddy und rent of di fort *'ril- ing" the depths of my happiness--and that to hear my name bandied about in familiar connection with those of such people. I grew more and more disturbed. Finally I wrote to my graudmother aboutit. Her answer came quick and sharp, she said, ' You have never done one single thing n your life to be ashamed of. Look at the newspaper--look at them and compre- hend what sort of characters Woodford and Hoffman are, and then see if you are willing to lower yourself to their level and enter a public canvass with them." It was my very thought! I did not sleep » single moment that night. But after all, I could not recede. 1 was finally com- mitted, and must go on with the fight. -- As I was looking listlessly over the papers at breakfast I came across this paragraph. And I may truly say that I never was so confounded in my life. " Peryuny.--Perhaps now that Mr. Mark Twain is before the people as can- didate for Governor, he will condescend to explain how he came to be convicted of perjury, by thirty-four witnesses, in Wakawak, Cochin China in 1863, the in- tent of which was to rob a poor native widow and her helpless children of a mea- support in their bereavement, and desola- tion. Mr. Twain owes it to himself as well as to the great people whose suffrages he asks, %0 clear thy master up, Will he do itt" 1 thought 1 should burst with amase- men! Such a cruel charge--1I had never scen Cochin China! I never heard of Wakawak! I didn't know a plantation patch from a_kangaroo! I did not know what to do. I was crazed and helpless.-- I let the day slip away without doing any- thing at all. The next morning the same paper had this--nothing more, " S1axir1cant. Mr, Twain, it will be ubserved, is suggestively silent about the Cochin China perjury." [Mem.--During the rest of the cam- paign this paper never referred to me in any other way than as the *' infamous per- jurer, Twain."] Next came the Gasetle, with this: "Wawrzp 70 Kwow.--Will the new candidate for the Legislature deign to ex- plain to certain of his fellow-citizens (who are suffering to vote for him!) the little circumstance of his cabin-mates in Mon- tans losing small valuables from time te time, until at last these things being in- variably found on Mr. Twain's person or in his * trunk" (a newspaper he rolled his traps in), they felt compelled to give him o friendly admonition for his own good him on a rail, and advised him to leave and s0 tarred and feathered him, snd rode OSHAWA, ONTARIO, ), FRIDAY, N OVEMBER 8, 1872, permanent vacuum in the place he usually occupied in the camp. Will he do this!" {After this, this journal invariably spoke of me as " Twain--Montana Thief." 1 go to picking up papers apprehensive- ly. Much as one would lift a desired blanket which he had some idea might have a rattlesnake underit. One day this met my eye: -- "Tax Liz Nawsp.--By the swom affidavits of Michael O'Flanagan, Esq., of the Five Points, and Mr. Kit Burns and Allan, of Water Street., it is estab- that Mark Twain's vile statement that the lamented of our no- ble standard-bearer John T. Hoffman, was hanged for highway robbery, is a brutal sand gratoitous Liz, without a single shadow of foundation in fact. It is dis- heartening to virtuous men to see such liamotul means resorted \o 'achieve politi- cal success as the attacking of the dead in their graves, defiling their honoured names with slander. When we think of the an- guish this miserable falsehood must cause the innocent relatives and friends of the deceased, we are about driven to excite an insulted public to summary and unlawful vengeance upon the traducer. But no-- let us leave him to the agony of a lacerat- ed conscignce-- (though if passion should get the better of the public, and in their blind fury they should do the traducer bodily injury, it is but too obnoxious that no jury could convict and no court punish the perpetrators of the deed.)" The i t had the effect of moving me out of bed with de- spatch that night and out of the back door also, while the "outraged and insulted public surged in the front way breaking furniture and windows in their righteous indignation as they came, and taking off such property as they could carry when they left. And yet I can lay my hand upon the Book and say that I never slan- dered Gov. Hoffman's grandfather.-- More--1 never heard of him or mention- ed him up to that day and date. > (I will state, én passing, that the jour- nal above quoted always referred to me as Mark Twain the Bodysnatcher.) The next newspaper article which at- tracted my attention was the following: -- A Sweet CaxpIDATURS. --Mark Twain who was to make such a blighting speech at the mass meeting of the Independents last night didn't come to time! A telegram from his physician stated that he had been knocked down by a run away team and his leg broken in two places--sufferer lying in great agony, and so forth, and a lot more bosh of the same sort. And the In- dependents tried hard to swallow the wretched subterfuge and pretend that they did not know what was the R241 reason of the 4. of the \ A - 1 Warden. cour had inflicted upon me, nine tly tod- dling children, of all shades of colour and degrees of raggedness were taught to rush on the platform at a public meeting and clasp me round the legs and call me I gave it up. I hauled down my colors and surrendered. 00 I sent my withdrawal acy, and in the bitterness of it, Yours truly, | Once a decent man, but now Mark Twain, I. P.,, M. T., B.'8., D. T,F.C, and L. E. ft VEXATIONS OF A FRONT YARD. We recently moved 'into a house that has a front yard. We have always lived in houses whose front yard was the street. play in the yard whether After two or three of them had barely escaped being run over by the teams that insisted in run- ning through our front yard, wife said she must rent a house that hadn't any street So we did. But, gracious! the children dop't make any account -of it. They are in the street as much as ever, ac- cumulating their daily supply of narrow Children will there is a street to it or not. in it. escapes. 'Wife said the yard looked bare withou shrubs and flowers and vines. and I told her I knew a little grass wid ow on the next street, if she would do. I retreated, followed by the rolling pin. One morning as I was going away, wife asked me to bring her a few " annuals" I wondered what she wanted with annuals as I rode down ih the street car, but I am accustomed to blind obedience to her requests, so when I went home at night I brought her some annuals. There were "Dr. Jaynes' Annual Alman- ac," I remember, and *' The (dd Fellows' when I came back. Annual Offering," and a " New Year's Ad dress," for 1862, and the " Birthday Gift," and numerous annual addresses before ag- "" Good gracious!" exclaimed Mrs. Boggs, (she never swears like that, except under great excit whom they denmominate their standard- bearer. 'A certain man was seen to reel into Mr. Twain's hotel last night in a state of beastly intoxication!" It is the impera- tive duty of the Independents to prove that the besotted brute was not Mark Twain himself. We have them at last! This is a case that admits of no shrinking. The voice of the people demands in thun- der tones: " WHO WAS THAT MAN?" It was incredible, for a moment that it was really my name that was coupled with this disgraceful suspicion. Three long years have passed over my head since I have tasted ale, beer, wine, or liquor of any kind. [I shows what effect times were having on me when I say I saw myself confiden tially dubbed, 'Mr. Delirium Tremens Twain" in the next issue of that paper, without a pang--notwithstanding I knew that with monotonous fidelity the paper would go on calling me so to the end.) By this time anonymous letters] were getting to be an important part of my mail matter. This form was comition:-- " How about the old woman you kicked out of your premises who was begging! " Por Pry." mel" " Annuals, Mrs, Boggs," said I. they are. Then Mrs. Boggs burst out laughing, and cried, *' Why you old "fool, you, (we have been married twenty years, but Mrs. B. calls me pet names yet), the annuals I meant are flowers, such as verbenas, pan- sies, daisies, morning glories, mignonette and the like to set in our front yard." Then she took all the annuals I had been at so much pains to collect and set them out in the back yard among other rubbish. The next morning she asked me if I thought I could get her some roses for the front yard. Told her I knew a man who had got a lot of early rose potatoes, but it wasn't the right time of the year for setting them out. (I had an idea that ground is much better employed in raising a potato than in raising as flower, unless it be a bar- rel of flour.) Wife said I hadn't a bit of taste. She then gave me a m er. the charge of poiso ning'my uncle to ge his property, with his imperative demand that the grave should be opened. This drove me to the verge of distraction. On the top of this I was acoused of employing toothless old relatives to prepare the food for the foundling hospital when I was I was wavering--wavering.-- And at last, as a due and fitting climax to the shameless persecqtion tha party ran- I was mot equal to the requirements of a Legislative in the State of New York, and Sait I hinted that a little grass would help it, too. She asked me if I knew where I could get some t), ' what have you brought You said you wanted some annuals, and here the back guiter. While she was gone, I Jew," which Thad purchased, for I began to see that Thad made a terrible blunder in filling that order. . (I have ascertained that " Wandesing Jew" is the name of a vine, but NoW'Wad'T expected to know?)-- Foc Conrtibulbiés Saturday Night. PAT AND THE Pi6. A cra an. Roving dill a-pig, 40d not wishingyto divide with his neighbors, as was the custom in that coundry, said to +} his man (whe, by-the-way, was a son of | the Emerald Jaleo): " Pat, if I give the neighbors, who have given to ma, a piece of my pork, I'll have none left famgnyself. Camryou tell me what & rH ** Bodafly sir," said Pat, 'it's myself that'can do st same thing." --- "Good," says the countryman, me what I am te do." '" Faith, sir," said Pat, *' sure and when the crathur is claned, just be after hang- ing it against the door, where ivery mother'sson of them will see it, and early in the morning, before any one is about, get up and fake in your pig and hide" it 'away. Thin, when your neighbors come, just be after telling them that the pig was sthole." "Capital idea, Pat!" exclaimed the countryman, "I'll doit, by George." So when the pig was cleaned, it was hung up outside the door, 85 that the neig- bors might see it. The countryman anx: iously awaited the approaching night, and at last retired to bed, but not to sleep.-- Pat, under cover of the darkness of the night, crept round the house and stole the t| pig. What was the astonishment of the coun- tryman, when at early dawn he arose to hide away his pig, but found no pig -| there, can be better imagined than de- scribed. Pat came in with his " top o' the mornin' to ye, sir," and giving him a know. ing wink, said: ' Master, how about the pig!" '" Well, Pat, the pig was stolen in re- ality." ¢ Faith, and that sounds just as natural as if you lost your pig," said Pat, with another knowing wink. " But, you blockhead, I tell you the pig was stolen." -| . * Faith, and be gorry, master, the sorra a bit 0' me thought you could act so well, Just stick to that; its natural as life." "" By George," roared the now irate countryman, 'I tell you the pig was stolen!" "Och! be jabers," said Pat, 'stick to it, and yer neighbours will belave you and sorra a bit of it theyll get. Faith, I didn't think ye could do so well." A swarx of bees in' Newark, Navel located themselves in the brass ball on the top of the South Baptist church spire, and may be seen working very industriously preparing their novel home for winter. Dr. Stinimax, who: testified to Mrs. Fair's insanity, was asked if he. ever read Stobel on insanity. He said he had, and was then told that there was no such auth- or, Purnaxrarorist: * Now, my little man, do you really think you could eat a tart!" Object of bemevoleuce, contemptuously: "Eat a tart! Should think I could--forty dozen on 'em." Tax *' Helping#Hand " is the name of a new charity opened in New York, in a house formerly occupied as = dance-house by John Allen, * the wickedest man.", It is to be devoted to the temporary shelter of respectable men in destitute circum- roses she wanted. home I thought of the roses. "There is things which you have done | ing: which is unbeknown to anybody but me. You better trot out a few dols. to yours ffuly or you'll hear through the papers from " Handy Andy." That was about the idea. T could con- tinue them until the reader was surfeited if desirable. Shortly afterwards the principal repub- lican paper * convicted" me of wholesale bribery, and the leading democratic paper " nailed" an aggravated case of blackmail- ing to me. [In this way I acquired two additional names: "Mark Twain, the Loathsome Embracer.") By this time there had grown to be such » elamor for an answer to all the charges that were laid to me, that the editors and leaders of my party said it- would be po- litical ruin for me to remain silent any longer. As if to make thesppeal the more imperative the following appeared in ome of the papers the very next day. * BeuoLp THE MAN!--The Independent candidate still maintains silencé. Be- cause he dare not speak. Every accu- sation against him has been amply endors- ed by his eloquent silence, till at this day he stands forever convicted. Look upon your candidate Independence! Look upon the Infamous Perjurer! the Montana Thief, the Bodysnatcher! Contemplate your incarnate Delirium Tremens! your Filthy Corruptionist! your Loathsome Em- bracer! Gaze upon him--ponder him well --and then say can you give your honest vote to a creature who has earned this dis- mal array of titles by his crimes, and dares ak gon his mouth in denial of ny of them." * There was no possible wy of getting out of it, so, in deep humiliation I set about preparing to answer a mass of base- less charges and mean and wicked false- hoods. But I never finished the task, for the next morning a paper came out with a new horror, a fresh malignity, and seri- ously charged me with burning a lunatic asylum with all its inmates, because it ob- structed a view from my house. This threw me into a sort of panic. Then came "" Get a few geraniums, fuchsias, helio- bourbon, running rose, ¢ Prarie Queen,' golden tea-plant, vines, trope, roses, da of I was busy all day, but just as I was about taking a car for I referred to the memoranda, and found the follow- stances. Nasuviunz, Tenn ,Oct. 25.--The entire family of Isaac Rawls, of Robertson Coun- ty was poisoned a few days ago. Mrs. Rawls and a daughter have died. Mr. Rawls and another daughter and son are English ivy, Wandering Jew, seeds, etc." | intentional. I studied it hard, but it was slightly in- comprehensible. She had evidently got things mixed up. However, I went to a florist's and told him what I wanted. Said I--* Give me a few geraniums and a few she's, and--" "A fow what! asked the flower man, puzzled. I "A fow she's" said I, turning very red, |. I know, for I couldn't tell for the life of me what my wife wanted of a few she's about the place, as she never could live in the same house with another As the florist looked more staggered thin evet, I handed him the memoranda, when he borst into a loud laugh. " Why, man," he cried, "it's fuchsias she wants!" and then he roared again. ' Well, whatever it is give me a couple of yards of it, anyhow, front and back yard too." You see I was mad. I got the things the memoranda seemed to call for .at various places, and went *' Here, Mrs. Boggs," said I tes- tily, " are the things for your front yard!" home. "Why, what is this?" she cried, as thrust a iwo-gallon jug upon her among other things. " Bourbon, my dear. I found it upon A woMaN advertises in a Hawaiian paper that she has not seen or heard of her husband for nire years, and that un- less she hears from him within thirty days she therefore gives notice that she shall consider hifi dead, and- immediately marry another man, ConsuMprion,so prevalent and so fatal, is dreaded as the great scourge of our race, and yet in the formative stages, all pul- monary complants may be readily control- led by using *' Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers." They will relieve the worst cough in a few Public speakers and singers will also derive great benefit by using them. Sold by all druggists and country dealers. Price 26 cents per box. Ax ENCOUNTER WITH TEs. -- By the last mail we learn that, Her y's ship Nassau," Commander W, Chimme, had arrived at Singapore from Labuan. 'While she was surveying in the Salu Ses, 8 boat's 1 crew, with Lieutenant Gray and Mr. White, taking bearings on the north-east end of ts the memoranda. Pretty thing to set out in the yard, though. 'How long do you v'spose it will stay there with the neigh- |, bors we've got!" "Boggs, you are an infernal --; that memorandum was ' Bourbon Rese.' But what is this nasty little book!" hold- up a dime novel with a highly coloured page representing a gorgeous squaw on's ep phil "That! Why you ordered it, didn't you! That is 'Running Rose; or the Prairie Queen,' one of the Beadle's you know. My wife carried it at arms' length and threw it into the stove. Then she took the jug of bourbon and emptied it into a -- als WFR Tus new cable, which is Land's End to Halifax, is to be a dupli- a So asch ain | concealed Alexander Dumas' *" Wandering | wide-spread intense, relief is going forward from sll parts of Ttaly. ESE ASEAN 2 rubbing : ig 2 his hands, and looking at Pat. " Now tell avoided, and Reade's Co. will have a "soft" thing; but the citizens of Liverpool are wide awake, and don't intend to allow the month since a servant girl in the employ- ment of Mr. Ewen Cameron, Unachaf, while hanging out some clothes to dry, accidently swallowed a quantity of pins which she had been holding in her mouth for the purpose of pinning up the clothes. She informed her mistress of the occur- ence, and she immediately sent to Belford hospital, Fort William, where an emetic was administered. She then vomited three pins, snd as she was.of opinion that no more had been swallowed by her, she went home. In a few days, however, she vomited five more, and on two occasions last week she vomited 20 additional pins --making in all 28. The pins when swal- lowed were new, but when vomited were quite crooked. Strange to say, the sing- ular occgrence does not seem to have af- fected the girl's health to any perceptable extent. The affair is likely to form a nics subject for inquiry by medical gentlemen." - Tue friends of the late Hon. John Sand- field Macdonald, having obtained the con- sent of his family propose taking measures towards the erection, over his grave, of » act as local treasurer for Cornwall and vicinity. Mr. I. N. Rose, of Morrisburgh, Mr. Duncan Macionald of Alexandria, Mr. Chas. Leclair, of North Lancaster,and | Mr. W. McPherson, Deputy Reeve of Lan« i caster, will act as treasurers in their re: | spective localities, and lists will be placed in their hands forthwith. It will be un | derstood that anything like canvassing for subscriptions shall be voluntary; and no one be cupid to contribute but those who feel it a privilege to do so. The time for - closing the list has been fixed for the 15th of December uext. A ScarspmaNsay Rives. --A singuler discovery Las recently been ui te in Wash tou County, Indiana, being » -ubterrane- au river. Two mei, employe! tu dig a well, began digging i ina place where, a8 they thought, it would nut bo prabable te an obstruction in shuiv search in depth, and as clear and cold as spring water. Asan experiment,a lighted candle was placed on a small piece of plank and sot afloat. It started off into the darkness H is 5 gf 3] g Jit Hi Hall Uf L E : H ot it SPH EHHE iia Teng

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