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Ontario Reformer, 8 Nov 1872, p. 3

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USUAL] a Lote' Sucosss ! RST PRIZES 0. EXHIBITION, ELL, & Cg, ELPH, ONT. rs Stitt Gulp cess, in dn 4 Yr edal, Piplomas, and 12 First Prizes, Instrument ia the 'opinisn of incomparably *uPerior 1g + and Manufsotarers of ihe RGANETTE, a ner's Patent ani the greatest be greaicn Toment ke rk ros {ho Rad heir ingbility to compete t fall; arva Cataibeur hi contaning wa isiruments, W.BELL & Co, 15) HE BEST. ALL AT LINGTON'S SIC ROOM, "eet Fast, Oshawa, fri ND EXAMINE ng D LARGE STOCK NOS! and Melodeons, some of the most warranted for five years. W azd TERMS EASY. i on monthly paymedite. Also Aruments jo rent. ning attended to Promptly. R. WELLINGTON. ith, 5g. ar 1 1872, SPECTUS OF THE rence Bask, i Act of Purlisment] 4 $1,000, ARES oF S100 EACH. FFICE, TORONT FONAL DIRECTORS: ; | H, Es 2q., Toronto. = y i. Esq., Toronto. Y. Esq., Toronto. DICK; Toronto. EN, Esq., Clarke. Teri_per cent. on the Of k is now due and pa) psit the amoumt gs Sv K. F. LOCKHART. Cs iders desirous of doing v the whole or any po ra Dry Goods J . All Parties indebted to the Subscriber are 30 or before the 15th October next. I would : tT otherwise especially © FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. n ud will be illus] s by n rel ho will contrigite are- Hans Bushnell, F. stom, Froude, 3 p Hu ning Harte, Macdonald, Mitchell, Miss Celis Stockton, $oddard. Wilkinson, rs. Whitney. The old Cabinets" Lper oo conducts the 3 selenee." The me awd Society." and . * will engage the coB- sere of pens on IA a X itchman and Be opti y for ember dic ates a meedless Le posit year" Pelee in #4 a year, with speck tedchers + and postmaster. ary Inducements v subscribers : For $5.50 1d, or any bookseller or Bews- i the magazine for Of ~ uvmwbers of Vols, TIL ad TVs p! hesrinn n the rst s to Dealers Clergymen-aod -N RIBIWER & CO., 651 Broadway, N.% Es € ONTARIO 'REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1872, Giving up Business, CLEARING SALE COST! HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING: DE. TERMINED to give up Business, offer his ! "GROCERIES, : "Boots & Shoes, AND CROCKERY. As the whole Stock must be cleared out before New Years', - -- Fall Trade FAIRLY OPENED AND Things Worth Remembering ! (| -- pl THE PLACE FOR GOOD TEA! At STEELE BROTHERS, THE LARGEST LOF OF NEW WILLOW BASKETS, At STEELE BROTHERS. The Greatest Variety of New Fancy Basksts At STEELE BROTHERS, fro 0) mn. Great Bargains will be Gicen. Sales Only for Cash ! | requested to settle at once. SAMUEL WOOD. Oshawa, Oct. 3ist, 1872. 2 Cash for Wheat, Barl a, Os , Oats, Pease, Rye and | TEE SUBSCRIBER WOULD SAY to all indebted to him, either by Note, Book account or otherwise, that the same must be paid also add, that after the 1st October next, my business will be done wholly for cash, without arranged. J. W. FOWKE. 221 Oshawa, September 11th, 1372. FOR SALE. HE PROPERTY ON SELINA ST., consisting of a story and a half Frame dwelling house, with stone foundaiion. There is a stable and driving shed attached, and a good eu with a number of choice Fruit Trees on | ; also, a mever- fujiing well of excellent water. | For terms and ether particulars apply on the Premises, to WALTER FOGG. March 1, 1872. ant FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY. 'CALL AT GURLEY'S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR Heo has just received his =~ NEW STOCK, Which will be found complete. Beautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. Ciathing of tll ins oes A CALL SOLICITED. CHARCOAL PIPES ARE THE - Sweetest Smoking Pipes Made, A Large Supply JUST RECEIVED FITCHETT'S, : King St., Oshawa: A -- A LARGE SUPPIX OF SMOKING --AND-- Chewing 'Tobaccos! |COAL OIL! + | examine the prices. BEAUTIFUL nh 'BIRD CAGES]| At STEELE BROTHERS, ---- 7 -- YOU GET Pure Spices! At STEELE BROTHERS. | | -- THE NEWEST DESIGNS IN Lamps and Lamp Shades, At STEELE BROTHERS. NONE BUT THE BEST At STEELE BROTHERS. wee $0 met » ALL MANNER OF PROVISIONS & GROCERIES At STEELE BROTHERS. ---- 1) nn And Cheap too | At STEELE BROTHERS. Fresh Pork WILL SOON BE IN, AND 14000 1bs NICELY CURED MEATS, MUST BE CLEARED OUT! ----0---- HAVE TAKEN STOCK, AND To meet heavy arrivals of Goods At STEELE BROTHERS. A FINE TIME TO BUY Choice Crockery AND GLASSWARE! At STEELE BROTHERS. ALWAYS UP TO THE SEASON IN Finnan Haddies & Oysters At STEELE BROTHERS. -- 0 "WANTED! Any quantity of Eggs and Prime Dairy Butter! OE THE PEOPLE SAY THEY GET } |CHOICE BACON! At STEELE BROTHERS. | NOW SELLING OFF! ' At STEELE BROTHERS: 18 FALL. 72 GO AND SEE C HISHOLM S NEW STOCK, NOW COMPLETE Flannels, \r Blankets, Tweeds, Cottons, Shawls, Silks, Dress Goods, &ec. &ec. &ec. CHEAPER &ec. Than last year, or ever before offered in Oshawa. For proof, NEWEST DESICNS MiLLinerY Tailoring Department ! reputation needs no puffing. for Clothing. ; Inspection Invited. } AM CHISHOLM, Gibbs' Block. JUST ARRIVED October 2nd, 1873. Under the management of MR. SOUTHCOMBE, whose | go See Fall Price List 2 IMPORTS FOR FALL OF 1872! W. F. COWAN 18 NOW SHOWING A CHOICE SELECTION OF FALL AND WINTER DRY @oODS OF HIS OWN IMPORTATION. '0: led consumers to expect a correspondin, ppointed when they ciewding ou known rs 3 to current in many of the ing Piles of ay hawls at old prices. of yards of Fnac prices. Lr Tbh fr hiss yy al irl Togas Hommel raed 0 ; re a na, 's nes, and olher ge a yincs, ilk nd Weel Fronch Serve --O The House Furnishing Department Embraces: formes Wool and Unicns, Feit, Hemp and Star. ts, Lace Curtains, Linen Table Sheeting, Towelings. and quality can i to the tnasi Prudent Buyers. | confidesitly recommended 10: THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is In pow fully stocked with the choicest West of and upon will ¢ s 10 Clothing. §& An early call respec vited. W. F. COWAN. 27 18 New Fall Goods. 72. Osuawa, Oct. 17, 1872. Direct Importation for Our Oshawa Fall Trade, HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INFORM HIS CU STOMERS AND THE Public, that he has received per Steamships St. Andrew and St. A LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS IMPORTED DIRECT, CONTAINING IN VARIETY Shawls, Mantles, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, and Millinery Stock, and Corsets, Skirts, Hosiery, and Gloves, including Jull range of Sizes and Colors of the genuine celebrated Jeovin and Josephine Kid Gloves, Which will be sold at prices much below the figures eually asked for these goods. Together with a large assortme: Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, 'Luatres, Alpacas, French Merinos, Scarlet, White, Pink, and Rose ; Saxony Flannels, Plain and Fancy Winseys, Superior Make, Carpets, Damask's, Lace Curtains, Table Linens, Oil Cloths, Towgllings, etc. To gether with a large supply of ts Furnishing, Cloths & Trimmings, Sys Made to order--Fits Guaranteed. MILLINERY AND MANTLES A SPECIALITY. LATEST STYLES AT ALL TIMES. | = S. TREWIN. . Corner of King and Simsoe sg Oshawa. Oshawa, Oct. 16th, 1572. oo & 0g de ot & Comprising French Merinos, Crape Cloths, Fancy Dresses, Shawls, Gloves, Collars, Laces, Fancy Goods, &c., Very Cheap. BLAMEY & BRIGGS. oy $22 Teas from 10 to 20 per cent. Reduction, --ALSO-- A GREAT VARIETY OF GLASS FRUIT JARS,].- Consisting of. the Gem, Mason, Clamp, &ec., ARE NOW OFFERING All of which " be Sold Cheap. HO ne. FRESH ARR IVALS OF BRIGHT SUGARS, FRUITS, GENERAL 'GROCERIES. BLAMEY & BIRGGS P.S.--Goods delivered promptly to Customers in Town. gt Begend Busnes Cok sod Opn | Be BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. F. J. DREW 'VWWANCHMARER AN AND JEWELER, Jewellry made to order. 8 Pear] Street, St. Paul, MINNEEOTA. Lumber & Shingles RA SALE AT MY MILLS IN DAR- A. B. CAMPBELL. Er December 1, 1871, PROF. WHITE, EACHER OF THE PLANOFORTE at SINGING, ete., tc Orenlst and Sun Compenar, t ¥nown at this Offs. al a. Way Oshawa, June 26th, 1872. FOR SALE. IYHE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTH 48 Acres, in the South-east corner of the on of Oshawa. A quantity of wood Also, 160 acres in Grundy Co., lows, U, 8, miles from Cedar Falls, 4 wiles from Hartford vi in the TiliaolsDents py ru The 7 gary and A. M. FAREWELL, ew R. stable 45-41, Wa. RARE CHANCE. Splendid Business for Sale HE UNDERSIGNED BEING CXDERTARING NG Business has dectard to a pose of his tl ot Prince Albert, on easy terms. The stock in a i and well assorted, and the run of custom excellent. For terms and other culars, thy Phe a part apply on the W.H. PARK. - HAY Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1872, VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE. | AVING PURCHASED } ME. CON. ANT'S interest in the Mc( offer for sale twelve lots on ihe we west oie of of Centre Street. Terms: One-third on mortgage, with interest at i per om To parties who. will erect a house at one, I will not Jelaire any payment down ; vat Py addi- tion will advance one hundred do'lars on each lot, "if they erect a house thereon, costing not Iurance pte tor he vee at surance es for the unt adv L Yilue of _For full particulars enquire of Lyman English, Barrister, y 1 Fw. ae Oshawa, March 7th, 1872. First-class Village Lots FOR SALE! FE SUBSCRIBERS STILL HOLD , Which they offer for Sale, ® ihe, Karz Property THESE LOTS ARE THE HIGHEST and DRYEST Within the Corporation. As no more Lots will be offered for Sale, parties wanting GOOD BUILDING SITES Should not let this opportunity pass. Terms Easy. Title Indisputable. Apply to SAMUEL WOOD, or JAMES WOOD. Oshawa, Sept. 10th, 1872. 2:4 ONTARIO MILL. GRISTING. CHASED the heretofore known as BEAN'S MILLS, about three miles north of Oshawa, and having put in New Bolting Clos and otherwise Ihproved the facilities for ly solicit ing First-class id patronage of the people d Tempe and surrounding townships. No effort will be spared to give WILCOX & FREEMAN, East Whitby, August 6th, 1672. ~--OR-- Protoxide of Nitrogen Ape FOR THE PAIN. raction { not I eget £ pain at TI operation of extraction, y for tend n their months a mass of flith, fruitful unfort as to oes uide by pleasant to take "nd quite Oshawa, May, 3, 1872, GREELEY CAMPAIGN 'MUSIC. WITH A PICTURE OF CREELEY & BROWN. E Good-bye, Ulyses. Song & Chorus. Corham 35 cts. He always Wea Wears an Old White Hat. Song Mosury » " Th Pasmed af 068 Chu CI n, oa his Wa, "Sons oy » Higgina., a3" G So und Brown's Galo to the 'White reeley a: op ne, House, - Grecley's Grand Mareh. - Smith. 0 4 - Btrate. 40 " Greeley's Favorite Polka. - Any of the above mailed, post-paid, on receipt of marked price. Address, Send 30 cents for tha latest number of Peres' Musicar Moxzury, and you will get eight or nine choice pieces of New Music. 25-Bin. CHANGE OF BUSINESS a AVING "DISPOSED OF MY BUT- to Mr.G. N heartily DE Nim to the patronage of my former customers and friends. Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1872. DE a wa 1 Jo Oshawa, Feb. 27, 1572. Thomas Brooks, BUTCHER. . GEORGE STEPHENSON HAV. ING Ea Rh Mateos Business to FE East, Oshawa, June 5th, 1872 HE SUBSORIBEF ERS HAVING PUR- mad to harm Kinker [d ets Now Teed J. L. PexErs.:590 Broadway, New York. ha NEW Fall Goods! LATEST STYLES IN HATS & CAPS, Gene Furnishing, READY-MADE CLOTHING a ------ ' 2 bulb ao In the Latest Styles, for Men, Yautla, Bons just received at HODDER S. BOWMANYVI LLE WACHINE & IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. MANUFACTURERS oF - Leffel American Double Turbine Water Wheel, Iron and Wood W pic Machinery, Circular Saw Mills, Shingle Machines, Grist Mill Machinery, Fanning Mils, ; Feed Cutters, Common and Gang Plows, Chopping Mills, Lath Mills, etc. A.B. GIBSON, MANAGER. Berman. fue 1872. 1321 foakii 7 of WE would call the attention of Teach- Srvand Amaseurs to ORGAN KINKEL NITROUS OXIDE LEE » irs NEW HER : and simple a orks Instrument whi 2 adr Yor Pupnis. and w the Amateu~; lodeons, So FR for_this work. be mailed, post-paid, TS §- PETERS, 300 Brodway, N.Y. Send 30 cents for the latest number of Peters' Musical Monthly ial CP A $6,000 REWARD hE LARGER, STOCK HARDWARE than has ever before been : conaiating 1 part of 1 CUA 600 Kegs of Cut Nails THE LARGEST AE ) BEST ASS0RT PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES, Glass, Putty. &c. IN THE COUNTY. 4 SPLENDID VARIETY OF Spades, Shovels, Hoes: Forks, Rakes, &c. A LARGE STOCK OF LOCKS, KNOBS LATCHES & HINGES, A Splendid Assortment of Ourpents All kinds of Paint, Varnis White Wash, Kelsomine, She Scrubbing,and other Brushe A Lasge Stock of Rodgers and ct: Cutlery, Dixzon's and other superior makes of Nickel and Silver Plated Goods and Oruets. A first-rate serene 0 Calvin Springs, 1 Ty = = Chains. And the best assortment of Gun: (including Breech Loaders), Revol- vers, Pistols, and Shooting and Fis). ing Tackle in the County. ¥ The whole of above chased tefore Lhe great snd will be sold cheap for cash. T. Wills Gibbs. Oshawa, May 3rd, 078, Prospectus for 1875. alles Ter AL DINE: hor S27 | Not for sale n Book or News Stare. THE ALDINE, while « fompe with all the YORKSHIRE "x4 CATTLE FEEDER. For Ui AND BRINGING I0 Patten tn one fourth the usual time; "%" And Saves Food. , Fuich ShObi du 3100 Yer bus: a dollar box contains 200 feeds, HUGH MILLER & Co, " Kgrichiura) Chemists, 267, KEG STREET EAST, TORONTO. A Large! Quantity First. oLASS TOILET MIRRORS For the #stonishingl ingly low prices 15 and 25 cents each, Complete with Frames, at the Hardware T. WILLS GIBBS', Simcoe St., Oshawa. Oshiwa, May * 78. af. SHINGLES. SINGLES OF ALL KINDS V7 A sale at =v MU Lot No.6, dh on. Ie about 4} miles rv Bhim n STEPHENS. LL 4 Mash have Body fest-ah First Prizes. | more milk and butter. Fon Sale:lr. 68 Drugsiut every whare. 226m | British Plate Glass|® Remember the place Zireotly opposite | ¥ aii: Ds circtly opposite Any person. %.. Tubing | tn ap Dermanently as Yoeat ny & prompt | aor JAMES ds iI0ON & C0, Publishers, ' | 8 A AN

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