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Ontario Reformer, 15 Nov 1872, p. 2

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Fores 115 OF kindred diseases; are attrib: uted to a low state of the nervous system. ~ Owing to its hekeing effects ou taost eutl rr: ME al wom 1] Teas $rA7SEEIEERARRESRE BERIT ent eye: and gra his obed: use, all « look at a in the int but it is cared for or UDSOu exibit tl without 1 and Aral possessic to be us i tog i ---- 1 ---- we a A f a -- i Grand Trunk Time Table. s GOING EAST. 7.05 am. 2.50 p.m. . 3-10 p.m, ym Express Mixed'.. Passenger OSHAWA STATION. ON.--OSHAWA TIME. . 4.30 pom. nutes earlier, and those going West fifteen GOING WEST, . 8.00 am. ned, Spm. | w HITBY STATION. nutes later than the above. Le . S45am. Traise going East leave Whitby Station ten OSHAWA rest OFF te 'The mails are closed at. thisoffice, by Post Offices | Mme as follows: GOING EAST. Morning mail, 6.00 . Evening mail, 8.00 GOING WEST. Morning mail, 7.00 Evening mail, 8.00 _ - The Northern mails are closed immediately | After the arrival of the Train from the West, at 7.00 a. m., daily, Sundays excepted. The Eagiish mall, via. Quebec, is closed at 7 ° 'clock on hursday Evening. and via. New Y i at 7.13 Saturday Evening. The Mail for Enfield, Foley, and Taunton, is closed at 12.3 o'clock every Tuesday ahd Friday. Registered Letter should be Mailed 15 minutes before the hour of closing a mall. OFFICE HOURS.-- From $ o'clock a. m. until Tp om ae: Outi Reformer, | Oshawa, Friday, | Yor, 15, 1872. 1S OUR ME. JAMES BANKS, 4 au'horized agent for the City of Toronto, JARVIS STREET, All contracts made by him will be carricd ouiby this Office. Terrible Oonfiagration | Y GREAT FIRE AT BOSTON The Business Portion Destroyed! LOSS $200,000,000! ta -- Seventy Acres Rendered Desolate ! SR The Finest Warchouses Destroyed --en It is painful to 'record 'the terrible calamity that has befallen the important city of Boston. . We give the following as a full and correct account, as far as we can glean from telegraphic reports : The fire which commenced at 7 o'clock on Saturday evening last, first brake out at the rear end of a large five- story granite building, Nos. '87, 89, and 91 Summer-street, directly on the corner of Ringston-street, "this bujlding, sur- mounted with a high Mansar} roof, over. topping all the other bnildings in that immediate vicinity. Directly as the flames began to spread to the story underneath this roof, and before an engine or hose carriage was on the ground, great volumes of flames suddenly burst out'from the rear corner stories of the building, and in less than twenty-minutes the whole board facade, extending fully 100 feet along Kingston-street, was one sheet of flame, The heat was so intense 'as to force .the firemen away from that immediate vicinity. By this time, as a strong wind had sprung up, the flames began to sweep over Sum- mer and Kingston streets, and despite the exertions of the firemen in every branch of the department, the fire was communi- cated to the buildings on the opposite side of the corner of Kingston and Summer streets, as well; as to the great block on the corner of Summer and other streets, and in less than half an hour thereafter 'the flames were bursting out of the roofs and all up and down broadsides: Its des- truction had not progressed far before the flames and sparks arose from it had lodged upon all the buildings round about. Thus the five spread almost instantly in three directions. First to the adjoining block on Summer-street, than across Summer- street to the. opposite block, and then Kingston-streets. Here the reports describe the course of , and the manner of the buildings The sight was terrific. As usual te (en a engaged saving their property, and ing along laden with every variety of household goods; the: flames around them, bnrning up houses and pro- perty. A lurricane at midnight raged, and with the rain of hot coals and intense heat the buildings were heated as if a fur- nace. ard burned like tinder. 920 husi. ness houses and 60 lodging houses were burned. Bome of the finest, coscliest,and most substantial bvildings in the city have been dectroyed, and the fire hhs swept over seventy acres. The loss of life in connection with the conflagration is set down as forty, but it is feared that more than four times that number have per- ished. 'Ruffianism prevailed to a fearful extent as at the Chicago fire, and many the plunder. gn 8 New York 9 aid in severely suffered and the Boston 'insur- ance companies will not be able to meet their liabilities, also several New York corporations are reported to have suc- roaring = | He wished that J. | for party purposes; a sin to drink ? | Bruce a fair test, as his opponent retired before the close of the poll; but then he had a very good majority --over '1,600. hn A. Macdonald had carried out his threat to oppose him, (Mr. Blake) in South Bruce, then there wight have beefs a better test of the feel- ings of the electors. He referred to the impudence of John AS in useing 'the property of the country, viz: the gunboat, and said that he in- tended to take the sense of the House of dommons on the matte when it met, and find out who owned the boat, John A. or the Government. There will likely be in the | this question is brought up. House when Mr. Blake said a few words in reference to the man- which John A., McDougall, and others had been talking of hum in his ab- some amusement © ! ner in | sence from the country, and his reasons He oould ted the | he wished, why John A. .was absent, very ; often, when he was wanted on important for going. reasons, if but would not do so. Blake referred to the intoxicated -- business, | pose Mr. times 8 with "Will aust We sup- has been Mr. » r John Ssuccess," inn the frozen The late Sapndfie 1d Macdonald a patent was abont #4 Rsne to MoD ngall, thr ot of t f nigh his son-in-law, for Superior Mining little grme was stopped by the advent of the | Blake-McKenzie | Islet was to he in the wR] por at land Oietrie ary, when the Government; Silver included in the patent. The Island contains ahdnt one quarter of an acre, and is supposed to be worth, for the silver contained thereon, aliout £5.000.000. This. according to the patent, McDougall wonld have received for the sum of hirenty-five The Blake- | MéKenzie Ge ins wo before sta*ed. nt a hero ahise Mr M-Dongall elected for two cents! rnment, stop to this "little game, tha of thes gentlomen by In referring to his being Mr. Blake of A comnrittee, and wonld advise Reformers of Durham to do the and let the two ittees confer together, an constitueneoes, said he had advised Reformers Sonth Bruce the to "appoint the SAM em 1 whatever they thought was best for ithe pil do, he will do was ing Bat he very much to remain tha West Durham Mr Blake about an hour and three quarters, t ned to with thagriate ast for hin' t to by their sion, would lik member and was li interest, being freque ntly On the platforni were, Simpson, John McLeod, Fsq.. M.P P A. Farewell, Esv., M.-P. P. Henry Munore .#x-M. P. P_ for West Dur- Ww other prominent he mesting was grac anplanse, ham, Reformers, »1 with the pres-nee of geveral 1a'lvs. A. Farewell. M. P. P., John Ross, M. P., now metibe er for East Durham, and Mr. Randell, of Port Hope, remarks. We were pleased the made a few to see so many of our friends from this riding present, and only wish | that all eonld . have listening to Canada's greatest Statesman --the Hon. Edward Blake. the pleasure of THE TEMPERANCE MEETING. The Sons' Hall last Sunday afternoon filled. Mr. Larke, editor of the Vindicator occupied the chair, . The Rev. Mr. Hutton, who had previously heen an- was nounced to address the meeting, was pre- sent punctually at the appointed time, and delivered a forcible, practical address. He in substance remarked as&ollows :-- His motto pn the Temperance question in its present aspect before the country " He firmly be- lieved that there should be a legislative was 'Legal prohibition. enactment restraining the manufacture and sale of intoxicating drinks, except for This was the only honorable and trie position an intelligent christian man could take medicinal and artistical purposes, i consistent with Lis principles and profes- sion. Moral snasion, without law for its support and strength, was too weak alone to stay the terrible evil of intemperance. If Government has a right to grant license to the traf should circom- that to doa eirtain o, stances License jing {renve" shonid wi cond is encouraged and evil suppres were to sweep over the land, Boards of Health would be established and savitary laws and regulations enforced; and yet there is that in our midst whoae power for destruction is 'a thousand fold greater than anv' pestilence, that ever visited the lan? --and that is inteinperance! Take in your hand a sparkling ! how lovely! Did net Gad, the «sof wine, how Is it not harm- less ! eternal, make A, "2! Can it be So many our reason statements may be false, appearances may he inflnence of wine? t deceitful. What is the effect of the | He who instigites to numerous | spoke for erected 'with ronnds of Senator quickly | 'care--here is my license. I am safe! Money I make ! Away! What care I for the teackings of your Bible or for God, of whom many doubt his very existence ! He (the speaker) stated the power to remedy this evil was in the hands of the pe ople. accomplish it ; the preaching of the Gos pel will not do it ; christians by profession, will not do it; the majority of men, education will will not do it; the policy' of ** Let every one do as they please," will not do it. Many say, show usa precept | in the Bible forbidding the .use of intox- | | icating beverages ; how very precise ! Can you find in the Bible a precept enforcing you to combe your hair and wash your face every morning ; anywhere commanded to eat three times a day, or wear your garments of any peculiar fashion. What are the teachings of the Bible? Do | thyself harm -- Abstain from every appearance of evil: Love thy neighbor. Read- ing that, can we countenance that which sends thousands annually to a drunkards grave. Legal prohibition is what is wanted, --wanted for those who have not the | no Blake referred tos power to resist the evil. ani the Silver Islet Mr. Hutton concluded his address in forty-five minutes, it was fu!l of illustra. | tive incidents ; and from "the beginning to the end of his address he had tHe un- of the In his closing remarks he urged all to sign devided attention audience. the petition that is now being circulated to Parliament at session in behalf of a prohibitory liquor | to present its next | law. An Infant Found in a Water Closet. | No little excitement Oshawa, on Saturday was cansed last, the announcement that an infant had been set on Bond Street on Bell, who took the case in morning by found in a water-c! the premises of Mr. by Constable hand, and soon had the perpetrator of the crime in cusfody. The girl, Mary Feuster, denied all knowledge of the affair, but finally | confessed that she was the guilty party. Gurley, in On Saturday Coroner Rae held an inquest on the body of the child, and, although the. examining doctors, Coburn' and Me- Gill, well satistied that the child had lived and breathed after birth, the Jury exonorated Mary Feuster from blame in the death of the child. No were examined, as the girl mad+ a full to which she made were witnesses | confession, oath as | follows : "Iam the mother of the male child found on the 8th day of in a water closet on Brook St, th the premises of Mr. Bll, the November inst. belonging butcher. It | was born at of Colin Me- Lean, on the night of Thursday, the 24th October last. 1 time, except the prasence of a little residence day the girl was alone at four years old, and she was asleer bed at the I left Mc) ca morning 'and 'went. to Mr. Isaac Frenchs, I left McLeans, containing the body of the infant and my at Mr. , then went to » in the time. 18 next on foot, my trunk at Frenches Alfred until I went ont I remained half a Hugins', clothing. about Oshawa ; remained there Sunday morning, 27th Oct of that day, and came back to Oshawa the same evening "at Huggins' till Monday when I went to Mr. Bells, and | have remained at service, housework. 1 got Mr. and wagon a day or two after 'I entered his service--I think on Wednesday, and went down to McLeans for my trunk, which I brought with me to Mr. Bells. On Saturday ont, a week ago to-day, I wraped the body of the child in a cloth and took it out and put it down into the water closet, where it was | found last night. The child born dead. I never heard it make any noise.' In the sworn statements of Dr's. Co- burn and McGill, they gave it as their opinion that the child was not born dead. rtheless, the jury brought in the fol- lowing verdict : home, |east Raglan, I remained evening, there since, doing general Bell's horse was Ne '" That Mary Feuster was the mother of the child ; but, from the evidence, it does not appear that the said child came to its death by any violent means what- soever ,on of the Feuster." The piimoner was then discharged, and the part said Mary left town on Saturday evening, a ead, and, is to be hoped, a wiser girl. OBITUARY. if soie terrible pestilence | Another of the original settlers of East | Whitby has passed away from our midst. Thomas Kerr, who emigrated from | wickshire, England, in 1832] settled on { Lot No. 5, in the Tth eon. of Whitby ; that portion of Whithy was then an un- | broken forest, with the exception of a few st-aggling pioneers, who had scarcely | begrn to try -their axes on the stately | | trees that so thickly covered that now | splendid agricultural country. Mr. Kerr Scotland Bone ne -- Paving leit his wife y seal f the new world had bi full share of he hardships of a new settler to encounter; Jer- ply pure milk to all wishing it. advertisment. Moral suasion alone will not | ol thes, Fancy Flann: Goods, Blanke ts, and | alias Clifton. | and Shoes at 177, 1 Tt is very suzzestive, L 12th inst, | Mitchell | for holding the annual m-etings | Grand Division. |-sary to leave their pla | constantly recurred to him, | made in the by Mr. Smith, order on named for the following amounts, Reap Mr. | Mg. H. Taruas is now propared to sup- | Read Lis | ng 5 at NW. Pidiia dds, Woolens, Dros general Dry Goods. . | First-crass Tailor Society of Whitby | prepara- Tux St. Eudraw' s | and Pickering are waking great tions for their annual fe: sstival. Mg. T. B. Panpee, the new Provincial Secrctary, has been re-elected by acclama- tion. ' Next Sabbath Mr. dress the afternoon te All are invited to atte mparan Taylor will ad- re meeting. nd. ThE two burglars, ard Green who nt up" Larard's Jowell ste to Penitentiary for Pearson were breaking into have both been sent two years, More than the usnal attenti Misses and Children's B Dickies Valises, Sat n given to Gents, Ladies, oots Trunks from 1 50 to £16, Collars, Ties and Gentlemen's Haben | dashery. We have ased that we can been nm sated, p! give to our readers this weck the practic delivered yesterd 1a av, il and el quent dis the by Rev. full of and worthy of a careful perusal, Preshyl Hutton onrse in C Chick. Mr. informatic eo for of THE nomination wresentativ the County of W the Commons, to fill the vacancy caused by far elland to House the death of Mr. Street, took place on the Mr. W. A. Thompson was nominated in the interest of the Reform party, and Dr. King in the interest of the U. Prog. Messrs. Blake, Tupper, Wood, Mel all and Mr. Blake gave "yy un the best dressing he ever had. A run particularly reguested at the rem meeting , of the Oshawa Se of Temperance, « evenwg next, dong others were present. the wandering renegade, frozen," the attendance of members Division A ms nm Mond as the following important subjects will be disgnssed: The se; of the Grand the National Div and, will be advisable to make Toronto: the permanent of the are ot Division of ft} ision of the Uni States; whether or not it These questio great importance to subordinate and a full quested. Fue expec Irwin's Patent far beyond his its heating qualities b per cent. it yields, ac to Prof titty-seven and ording Ses, per cent. Last weck anothor I this fuel took place in the Town H when a large size About hund present, I base burner was two red of our citiz wore and all 7d with the public meeting will be Hall this eve ' taking as satisfi results « held in the pur; +} nthe man Town for the into considcerati this fuel. All who can, are re {ues attend. The hall be a d the patent fuel, which will ; have not will yet seen it| an seeing it burn. To commenc \ + VE are sorry to hear it Mr. Farewell, mtn member of the Assembly for South Ontario, sive he 1 seat in the 18 a} 7 find it necessary to resien his Assembly, on account of the of the where the Assembly docs its work. wretched ventilation Chamber It last ers found it neces- will be remembered that during the session, several mem} :s for'a few and seék air and home, and that pure recuperation at at the prorogation of 2nd March last, them found their health v much im- paired on account of the impure ais farn- ished them during the winter, House on the many of We well remember hearing Mr. Farewell say at the close of the been so ill during an he session, that he had never entire winter since could remember, that the question ' How long car you endure this foul air?" and. that great improvement foi be ventilation of the ( unless very hamber another session he could not re- main a member. before We hope the Govern- ment will see to it that whatever can be done to render Ontario Legislative Hall a fit abode for the choice men the coautry sends there to deliberate for the will be the well-being of a noble "Province done epeedily. s mr -------------------- East Wlitby Towrship Council. Corvmsu 5 , Novem! or ith, The Council ne Minutes prot INE: ting read and "¢on-' G; t! A grant.d his ¢ the parties being hd) or Eotion of Mr. Mothersell, seconded the Reeve the Treasurer to Willara: 8 new - advertisment |v which appears in a "hother column. fr i for | hels, Mats, Caps, | the | war's terrible slanghtor and snf cumbed to the exigency of the demands upon their capital. The conflagration has excited for the sufferers a deep feeling | of sympathy, and praiseworthy efforts are being made for their relief and com- fort. During the fire and since much aid has been received from a dis:ance. Basi. fess is temporarily paralized, but the old spirit of enterprise is not dead, some of the merchants having put up a canvas tent on the still smouldering ruins and have commenced afresh selling goods. -- MR. BLAKE AT BOWMANVILLE. On Thursday of last week, Mr. Blake addressed a large mumber of the electors, in the Town Hall, Bowmanville. He and about thirty of his friends dined at r. JohnMcLeod's, M.P. P., from whence ey were escorted to the Hall by a large jon headed by the Bowmanville t Band. The Hall was soon crowed- ; and Mr. Haines, Chairman of the pointed Chairman. Before introducing Mr. Blake, the chairman called npon Rev. O. Barker to read an address, on behalf of the I-" ~~ electors of Dur bam, to the hon. gentleman, after which Mr. Blake was intreduced, amid rounds of applause. Ile briefly thanked the electors for the very flattering address presented to kim, and then referred to the different public questions of the day. He alluded to the good results of the late elections, and to his double election. He fo ~l}, the contest in South Tvewe T.GIBBSObaws, Ont, | evil is worse than he who does the evil | deel! Millions would never have been | murderers, nor rohhera, it not for intoxi ating drink freely they partosk. In the | United States there dies ve arly 400,000 | | | drunkards. over 6.00,000 40 sovereigns placed on every verse of the Bible would not represent the amonut annually spent | for intoxieating drink. Were anyone (saad | the speaker) to come and reason with me | on the evil of the traffic, and I were the | keeper of some low grogery, I would take | and auswer him in his own words. I were the spirit of evil in t of which In Gre drunkards. | would tell him the Parliament. has the care of the cruntry--they know what -is right Yon tell me the intemperance ! The I will tell you 1 but here is my license --t ¢ and what is wrong! fearful of harm I do to society ! evil know. it ; Town Council ad the Parliament give me license to make drunkards ! license to hinder the evangelization of the world ! te mar the glory of tle christia to undermine health! to over virtue ! license church ! throw to spread to fill the coun'ry with crime, immorality ! wretched. ess and beggary'! I tell you those whe have the care of the wall-being of the country, know what is right, and they have given me the liceuse to sell and make money ! | Don't talk to me of moral responsibility ! I know that three fourths of the crime perpetrated in the civilized christian world are done under the in. fluence of intoxicating drink ! Morally guilty ! of course I am! But what do I 127 Bow , Now ave | Dritain the o 8 iritdin there dre { lor's ha'l till his wife joined hin the fol- | example of continnpus toil, | days--when thrashing- machines had no roads had the :n 'been openel out, and | the hardy settlers of those days had often [ty carry on their own shoulders wheat to the mills at a considerable distance to | procure flour for family use. Mr. Kerr | erected a shanty by the bank of the stream t'iat crosses his lot, and there kept bache- lowing year, when female hands not only smonthed ap the rudeness of the woodmans hanty, but rendered effective assistance in the harvest field; or occasionally in other outdoor labors; he was himself an often in those not invaded this part of-Canada--might the sound of his flail be heard at midnight, after having spent the day in the severe exercise of chopping'; a b low from a « nip whilst so occupied, very much irjared the | sight of one of his eyes, and latterly the | ther sympathized so strongly with it, as to render him nearly blind; notwith- standing this infirmity, he could find his way to any part of the farm, and he | might frequently be met up to within a short time of his death, footing it to Columbus, or returning from thence, for he was of a social character, and enjoyed a chat with a neighbor ; he was also of an obliging disposition, and never refused to, | lend a neighbor a helping hand in a pinch. In the latter part of the summer he was affedted with diarrhoea, which left him weak. He had in former seasons at this time of life been afilicted with gravel, from which he suffer «dl very severely, and this returning on him in his weakened state was too mue 1 for his nautorally strong frame, and on Friday last, the 8th inst., in his T4th Joes he presed to his rest and reward, is purtner having preceeded him by more | than seven years. | for errors in the Assessment Roll the pre- sent year: To Isaac Thody, $3; James Fewster, 8; Wm. Hutch son, i FR Glaspell, $1475; J. O. Guy, $5; and Levi Annis; #4. Messrs. R. Harnden, James Burn 3, and others, adéaessod the Council in 1 to the proposed alteration of Sections Nos. 5,7, 8 and 9, when Swith, seconded by Mr. 1 That in view of an entirely n went of the School Soctions of shis at an early date, this Coun onsiders it unadvisable to ake any, alterntions in the School Sections for the present. Carried. Mr. Luke, .secondod by moved. that the By-Law td ¢! vest fin Messrs. Thos. Conant Guy'a nat of th: road al Lots No. 8 and 9, in Conce sion, South of be now read a third sizned by the Roar corporation, Carried. Mr. Moth raell, see one led by 3 moved, That 810 be placed int! Mr. Junes Ross, for the relict of Gresnley, being #4 to expend at 21 por i week, and 86 to assist in the erection of [ honse, whieh if not built, to be returne | to this (@uncil., Carried. Mr. Charles Farewell addressel this | Council in reference to the road between Lots 4 and 5, in the 2ud con. | Tha following accounts presented were wxitined and ordered to be paid: Jmke | ,, & Bro., for a colin for the late Mus. C Nolan, 83; Hiram Taplin, rent for house for in ligent, ¢ ¥90. Gurley, constable services, $5 ; Thos. Taps m, for gravellin: 7, £19 25; Jpmes Nokes, for Work on culvert, 815; I. Smith, relief of several indigents, £20. The Council adjourned to the 1st Mon- day of December next, to meet at 10 o'clock, a.m. School Mr a iz { je Mr. ne Smith, up and J. 0. between tho Broken Front the Harbor Road time anl passed, and saal RET +4 with the | , Lick 1e hands of Wi oo PN w WM. BEALL, Tp, Cle! | the '«d by country r hardships endured by ths w wrthy fathers and Sourigaou pionesra of our land. ©» ' , ni oh ny #0} h y moved wit of war gr » not affect | Bast rn world, { fieal h lion only pesca? purposas, one of statement attrilvitod 44 apa tino on the rev ors of ay ment, aconitted hefor: this Province for : are over TH! Pres ad to rN OTDIY NESGIVING STRMOXN. ; for What a world of thought, food for the mind, and strength for the soul there is in these three short words, * He | He, whose name gh uld be spoken the deepest revere co ast and unscarchalye nt and Rloricus 18 the universe, 13 good. within is good." with ; whose ways are WOTKS ar whose teniple id hi habit jon eternity God is good! Those erro tea gladsome feel and send a e thrill of joy into th human mind. » words repeatod by the chris ian, not only in th erons hour, but when in the fufhace and the flood time When the nataral man would ra the standard of rebellion. As a des minister plaged i grave : the body of dressed his people s "In wy Iversity I oft ] rood. No d was § ans ken frofn yortunity ever have, I wish i good." Cme of how great is his unto all and his over all his works." 1 the uree y streams of mercy He "when he blesses bs, wood when he chastises his the rod of affliction, good trar sors the His goodness is ive of charactors ; ell dnly to repentant h re is no re; tance neo ml. E life. i.e the frui ose | ings, me, shall sod is "0 Hw the mig 18 g \ vials exten mer phurs on RYTON wrath, irrespaet d en mercy ly répent God's good of day, borne on nd nature its voice, and bursts t Iness, on } mercy. ness com 1 tie wings d moriing, no and dadness sence com wd on ice and swoet al happy re pose. Tt is seen in the ; in the lovely content ment of the aged weary pi who has come to the river and is waitirg for the boatman ; it is seen in the hope of the dy : it is heard in the anther f the 3 of in then If God's smile of infiupy Tim 108% 18 6 of than ice. What tian ec is nomy "he art tongue own His t to ] was and songs ha » will |} y PEDO 1 watch days | ngs we 7 es eci- 1 harvest and the continuance of 1 This is just and worthy. This Province, Ontario, the finest in the Dr. minion, has been and is a land of blessings. Eit rhty-one years ago, it said ""(jve me the goods that falleth to me," and like a young nian, set up business for itself : the population then was only 50.0) ; this day 2.110.000. Canada proper has o ler the protecti m of the Britis 112 years; in that short . period s have been wronght | How gr at 1 crease 'n n!ation, in industrial wealth,in commerce and political True our conntry has had a'ty nable nearly davs of adver by a'tyranical military « governinent of the most d our land in years gone we relentless war ; history thrill adventures ; our sages ; rernment ; notice by a cast. In ave had we have in onr country's 1g snd exciting romance and we have had our heroes and we have had in our privation and suffering, and bitter animos- itic To-day within onr borders we Prosps rity an i n lenty. 0, what gra itude Y ny are among ns, and am-nz 1at number the speaker numbers himsol if, vho know not the terrille siznification of he word, war! We know thing of : of 1; of find poace, iver. he death shriek of the b:tle in trewbling, dread, heart-felt fear, the thought of an enemy in our The preseit yu: 17 men of our ead as a fiction the and Ist. wronas he past year has not come rm--- oi has been sweep- Enrope, and marching | hg rides throngh Asia ; fumours not in the the same storm lojpds gathering as snapt across the poli- | »fwenty voars a i 1 who renr n. 'tin During the | powers have t fire hon dollars for mil'tary num twenty-one thonsand We rer laat nhl mh nr gar En ) ns 80," We sea ro. Ta firnal ind¢" vat ve an gTyeary mont « followi no the onr in's thh of hy kn ow »eonviot i uth "1 balios wid me nt ry, wh nwinent, within a mtinent will he overthrown by mflet of nat ne. When God ecamath vl riteth on his throne of national jn may onr Dominion and nation st hi m ! anol ly haritaee : wicniin non the host o tw Onrs is a the soil "al purpbse la there wars + 3,009 ater com: nunic ann milo ations nnsurna tha eanals alone costing20.009.000 Jn] this | miles, --as Troland ; than eightaen cities and tows 18, containi in the aggregate a 200,000 ; our climate is declared to be one of the most pleasant and h-althful, Provinea contains square lar Great Dritain and we havin this Province not} 121,26) a popalati ion not less ths an The i | revort of t! influence. | ; she has been ruled by martial law ; | cruel | midst | Bnt all these are things of the past. | { of the blood improves, Dr. 0. VW. Holmes if Horace | Greeley "has ever erred, it has Beenjin phur- suit of an deal object ; w hich it is bettor | to iuiss than not to aim at.' sgnt si rive st haa not as, d, but it is well N if not more go, ly the n:«¢ ah 5 fs*a go d Scotia 1e pro Tue Pos Hope Guide says the Town | debt is not néarly 82,000,000 and cists | around forsome means of taking advantage | of the Banlrupt act or the generosity of its creditors ix some other way. The consid- tion is very grave, A terrific encounter with bears at Pri Edward ldand is reported by the pap: the 4th instant: Five men and three vests | were engaged in the conflict. Two of the men were reported to be fatally injured 4 , , of men of sterl- ud of heroes and patriots a i of science and bricht tradi- Let Irishmen b ast of Erin, land ng ! Let English- land of fame, | : but let us as Cah- § member that Canada has been fairest brightest gem, ti hat proud and free Victoria's o mn wy, f eenius and wit and » proud of 1 and comn adi ns 1 dirvdem ! Men and brethren, we ask, what is the | the hour? As citizens and as | christians what is our nearest duty?! (1) Be true to God p2 God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty man." Let onr first thought be of and Christ, ther ; cherish t of charity: hid sectarianism die ; ly i blessings of the and as ye have Tue Losdon Times, in view of the great | increase df drinking in England, exclaims: ¢* Among all the writers,all the talkers, all the preachers, all the worker, all the name | we see daily blazoned in the roll of English | fanie, are there fone. that will set about to | abate this nuisance apd scandal---our national druskness. A Desperate Crrvrvan--George Grant, who is under sentence to be hanged at | Westchester, Penn., on Wednesday next |. for the murder of a woman named Spence, | a year ago, made a desperate attempt to escape last night, He attacked the keeper, | B. F. Haines, while the latter was going his rounds, and nearly killed him. Coop- | er, the uader-keeper, was attracted by the cries of Haines and fired four shots at | Grant without wounding him. Grant was | finaly foreed back into his cell and hand- cuffed. He is still savage, and-declares he { will sell his life dearly. He liad padded iis body with. blankets, and the pistol balls did net take effect upon him. Haines is in a critical condition. 1 of earth onportunity do good to all. "Jf men cared ass for wealth and fame, And i for battle § . " The workd wadkl be the batter for it. ks and lands, fraternal ; Tittle 1) all their d shad fewer rust te their kin ines alings; Perens' Musicar MoNtiLy for Novem- { ber, price 30 'Hiss, contains the following | choice coll -ttioh of New Music. The pieces are also publisk2d in sleet form at | the prices annexed. Save ome Bright Crown for Ma, song and chorus, Hays, $0 ct Asking a Blessing from Mother, rd chorus, Stewart 30 cts; Thou ! no longer Mis ballad, Danks, 30 jets; Lost and IA ballad, 'Don- niker, 30 cic; Lord, forever-at Thy Side, solo and quartett, Danks, 28 cts; A } Venice, Vocal duet, Lucan- Gracie's Waltz, Kinkel, 35 e the Rescbud Schott'sche; Beebe, with he wall | cts; L'Africaine, Kinkel, 35 cts; Canary | Sehottische, Rauch, DO-eis; You can | vet afl the above Music fdr'30 cents by | sending for the Novembér number of Peters' Musicat MonTtaLy, or the | her will sehd the last four numbers dress, J. L. Perens, J Brodway; New, York. A CoxservATIVE journal, the Napanee, | has at last lost patience with 'the of seurrility and slander which dis- cuishes the Toronto Mail, and proceeds, | ve that journal a piece of its mind. | : Beaver says "We have frequen itly wondered why it is that the leaders or editorials of the Mail have not more frequently been copied by art lmiation of the , he 35 ction O tari | Publisher, { ¢ Imperial Comniissioner of now in the © 1 » Clone tates, Province ; whether their low personal nat: | presseds other writers as they have us--if v have guess the rest. Ky ronto ritcensistent with to continually i slang and wvul ay hap litics. Take, ing of the Va } wondered, principally, to know hurch 'in | J $ri Af we can X mana lignitied nen vsed™o them in in uw th ibered that mor known as the i , cousistin some too lar 1 i LY a terri ic storm, arrisonel ia an in quantities of *bone thus dion an ok San Fran isco of a ho last spring set s: disaster, sc north of Behrin vched in July, when ic sun" wis on the | c msisted of { ybelonged | unct rarry that the m have f 1 use, at T is reported at F Tina £ Pe valk in theiry was in | en her Hh rats were lowered, | mand of an experienced pushci far ahead of thee coth- Lighted by the Aurora Borealis throu: th narrow straits and between fields of ice, the men of the Florence at last cawe | to the sonthern extremity of she line of | wrecks. Within 25 miles were found | | more than a dozan abandoned whalers | some in 1 eondition with "cargoes unharmed ; others-crushed by the se, and | some rendered complete wrecks. » shore | was thic wh under « of Abys maa A} him, between 80.4 are taken fr m Afri ¢ ranging from e to si n, and sent to Turkey, where they are brought up to'be good Mussulmar Tar. Pr H 00 and ica every year, a 1 (0 | parli g y I, wer Hi h the Upp : The } linister of resi nation; Le measure; accent 'the re is Consequently & " dead loc n. ~ It is believed the Kaiser m will bring the refractory Lords to' ssi0m. | the Tater ior account of | vessels ; bus of the greater part of the | fleet mo trace was found. They were pre sbably swept by wind and ice towards | the Pole, or cast upon shores still colder and blacker than those reached by the wreckers. the defeat of t » or refuses te ignation, Willi snbmi Hsu opium, aleohol and tobacco are | ------ rom popular poison whi ppear to concentrate . BIRTH. heir action HHO a rai an wo In Oshawa, en the 7th inst. their action upon the H rain, And Powerfel So ger, lg AR causes of nervons disorders in s perver- A : . >. | sion of th ( Anin lividual habitus : MARRIED in the nu f ft} s, Kinzston Road, on the 3th. 18 the use o " ie a J. Kenner, Mr. Wm, Bond, motion? , if not Ann Bowers, both of ak: | 1y too much destroyed may be repair- the potent influence of Fellows Flan» » ASHE ar ast he condition the wife of Mr. Austen by the R an, to Miss Vhitby. yeor PIED, JALPort Oshawa, on the 11th inet. Joseph H (( «© Wf Ss, oy q vears, 11 rifigqna son of T. Henry, aged 19 The funeral sermon will be pre ached in the ) Christian Church, Cshawa, on Sabbath next, at Tr notions re- 1 i 1d v a ative Eleven o'clock, by Elder Tatton. comld not Oriental Rocers had very specting poetry. The hi charm for him. e the grand peenl nr A Chem A | Admisily 5 Music | the smaller Conservative journals in the | dal venturing | valu: Whe | ly strewn with frag- | its and tin bars from the unfortunate ! 11 assorted, an - | GOOD GREEN | Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushel, ., | Wheat, Spring, do Barley, ¥ bmshel,. Oats, do | Peas, do Potatoes, do Butter. ¥D®,... LAR New Jewe PT) {E+ opened it in will be entire N ST Xs WATCHES & " Rye, Bd Potatoes, per bag. Hay, ¥tom,........ | ape! es, ¥ brl,. a= Pew Advertisements, WANTED] | GIRL TO DO GENE opt CA. WORK. Family EXERAL HOA oflice. ee ee -- REY Ww. STEWART, B.A. ons 1 ecture inthe Babtist Chureh, on Thu ho i. Lecture to Comme neh aid of Hund 100) C ay-S¢ a biumence 7.30 p.m, NOTICE. HE EXECUTORS OF THE Lamy M.- RAGGETT, of the firm of Ragge ye in arranging Io affairs. ay accounts . must id mention owing will de settle at once, RAGGETT a SHE4, a. He Oshawa, Nov. 12, 1872, MILE, MILE TE UNEERSIGNED HAS MUCH leasure in announci the inhabitants of Oshawa that he has boug| Arde sell & Glass all their right and interest in Milk business, and that he is now engaged fn. the sale and delivery of that most { article, MILK, in its natural pure by a continuasics of ig business and pu ity in delivery, to merit aod obtain t| Patron age of all who may be in want of the same, a H TAPLIX, We the undersigned take Pleasure in recom hi hi to the inhabitants of Oshawa Mr, Tape kin, in our opinion, 4s being reliable in the the above usiness, and would recommend to want good milk to buy from him, co G. Henry. A. Ferrell, 2-31-6m-pd. J. W. Fowl Ww. Ld re had im- | We 1] Mail make BAMBRIDGE HAS THE IN THE "COUNTY. NEW FALL & WINTER GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY, just arrived at TAUNTON! THE CHEAPEST AND |! English and Canadian Tweeds. i! 'BEST ASSORTMENT; | EVER OFFERED THE 'PUBLIC: We have an excellent assortment of Special:atte! Watch ald 4 Je HE SUBSCRI} rge lot of CO Parlor Stov hich he offé B. K Oshawa, xl King eive mention. Port Oshawa, Oct, 23 ------------ : Insolvent Ad ameridme In the makier of wd, « TE, ei CREDITO menting eto of of Whitby, October 24t LOTS Fd EVERAL GO Shou lots Jor sale in GET TH CAL R. WELL « MUSIC King Street AND EX NEW AND Organs ana Selected from some makers, warra PRICES LOW Instruments sold on 1 Instrumd Orders for Tuning Oshawa, October 2it} CAPITAL. 10,000 SHARES HEAD OFFI PROVISIONA J. C. FITCH, Es JOHN SHEDDE? FRANK SHANI CAPT. THOMAS JOHN COW A W. F. ALLEN, I The first call of Ten Stock of this Bank is the Dominion Bank, O: will posit tl K. F. 2B. Sliateholders at any time nu the oo of their Dividend from day of . Toronto, October 22nd { Tailoring done of he shortest notice, and good ie : ts guaranteed. 5 Ea | OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT | is we our TEAS are A Nal Our Dust T FEW Fo Shin PR Lg ur Du ens we are sel rh pounds. | the five | BOOTS & SHOES in GREAT VARIETY. Also, an excellent assortment of Rubbers and Overshoes, which will be sold very cheap. Trunks and Satchels. And, in fact, everything that belongs toa General Country Store. {Call and examine our stock and prices and. satisfy yourselves be- fore purchasine <1 there. WM. WILLARD. Tauntod. lightni: to me " That's lectiops." | Disp Thir will, no doubt, people who receive such marked attention | hereafter. > 0 of the Old Tes and con- 1 shin note {i 16 J orb in i} lothed, with ha! to the 'That's nse," he said en, turning to the 11th pter »§ St. Sohn he pointe 1 tothe two words which form the o swept, poetry 's* Reco!- ha chit A Burorar's STRATEGY ish tells of yed upon a wn .--Th decidedly Strathroy cool trick ho reside near "hat It seems Histance v ning, and his f attendm as they w tell ant ag , eo HATY eIng ul dr ing it cot » kind in wrt vit to harm at com le there explair gent] had the nn Ww of the ] ad been recsiy- ana day or ont for the extensive ed in the matterof tickets, prove a warnigg to housa, 1 } two prov. : Clover Seed, Timothy See d; Butter, ¥n,., ical Food and Nutritive Tonic | - 1 2! WW iron, T PHOSPHORU NO thought, say the ( iermans, and might on, 8 horus and its coin- i tive power of the They constitute 1e huraan body, their presence romoie the con- ood into fibrine, Re nto t pure, healthy bloc d nto universal use in t tment of Scroful- ¥ FF¥1 LOF PHOSPHATES i'e wilh the WA MARKETS, November, WANTED. FX E PANT, THREE VEST, AND : TWO COAT MAKERS. Constant im- ployruent. Apply at F. McARTHU R'S, Bowmanville. 23 House and Lot for Sale ! HE SU BSCRI IBER OFFERS FOR Sale the House and Lot on William Street,at present occupied by himself.i The House is a t-class, one story frame, with a good well and cistern, and other conveniences attached. he land consists of One-fifth of an Acre, moreor re 8. ROBERT MURRY. Oshawa, Oct, Oth, 1872, 2-tf NOTICE S 3 HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLE ion will de made to the Legis lative A li .. of the Townk Y, and Jots No. 18, 19 and 20 in 1st con., of the Th wnehip of Whitby, as they are, aud for prope rly defining the same, DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR e 1 te te Dressed Hogs.., 671 COWIIANVILLE MARK ITS, November, 15. Ww Vhe at, ¥ bushel, . do in do do 0 69 i 035 | 00 0 1 Ke do ! bushel, do VALUABLE PROPERTY «land, occupied by Mr. Wilcox: Bai SALE OR TO RENT. YHAT 'FINELY SITUATED PRO- on { ie front Jrod, only 1} miles from Bhiaw and_3 1 from the Town of Whitby. ; Itai dng 64 rey With commodious house heoniaining 8 rooms with kitchen at the back. her ¢ isa good orglhard, barn, sheds, and cis n. For furthér particulars apply to Dr. Shor: 1, on the premisgs, for SALE. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale | hro rt \Z of & DIocI2 0 ont onan arb ee oh ears of It is Lich; well drained, and in a state of vod cultivation, Also, that fine property in HUGH car Oshawa, June 22nd. Prince Llbem, Sa. HE SUBSCRIB TERMINED to gi tock of : h | GROC D s Boots --A CROC As the whole Stock before N Great Bargain Sales Only indebted to

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