} SLABRSEESERTIE EER (FREE LE a FrrEes 3 i foltx PEILEFIILESED PRDCRDEGI RET Sa SR y > A mpm oA BA DAT ri, WARES Ta -- I LT 3 : » i) i " 4 of sors AEA RC SE ab only a a Baby. 3 0.4 LIFE ONE JUST 4 WATE OLD, Only a baby, RRL there. Only a pare Fae de ne two t little onc, Only a baby Teeth none at all; 'What are you here for, Xowlittle seold } , BABYS REPLY. ada y! ould I bet Lots of folks ' Been little like me. ABXdot any ha ROC ~ Wouldn't hav e ene; dinner n'a bone. Pa it t hat PU | here for? 3 TH mean ; better right, "Tever you've seen i What am I. dood for, Did you sax? yee so Many tings, bery day -- 1 squall sometimes, pe petints 1 baw! { 1 dassant spant me, aual'm so small, ond ahr] wo *N if you only could, You'd be one, too, "At's all I've to say ; You'r most too old ; Jk detinto bed, told. Much Ado about Nothing. A happy couplh, Todas resently maria, were returning from a shopping excursiom. They had taken a street car, full of gentlemen. Just as the lady took her , she maticed "a beaut: sully. worked | linen article fall around hér feet. It "might have been a handkerchief and the more she thought of it, the more she became corvinced that something given way arownd her waist. An awful fear took possession of her heart. Those ts would give wap sOuLe- tim! Ler, OWR had Proved filse what would she do? If she got up, the accident would oi The prespiration broke out im great drops on a face the cheeks all rosy with healtls and happiness, were fiow pale with dread. What was she to do! w them néarer home--she could even od oy pal ngs of the fenco-- | Henry was rising to ring the bell. ** Stop, Henry --don' ¢ dens ring, for mewcy's sake !" she whispered, as fugging | at his coat tails she pulled him back in the seat. "Why; what's'the matter? we are at! home !" "Oh! lL: know it, but don'tget out-- Henry please don't," and the tear-stained face wors an expression like an angel's, in Henry's estimation, turged so besgeéch- J4ogly upon hiw. * Bill the ear rolled, on, Butihe passer gers rather increased thin dimivished. Why, Belle, where are you going?" the impatient Henry. 'Oh ! dor't ask nie; sit still --Oh ! do now, to oblige me," Taltered the young creature, in accents so piteons that they wen directly to the husband's heart. ut, Belle, what is the matter #1 can't tell--Oh.! I can't tell; don't make me get up." And now the car hal reached the sta- andthe remryininey passengers began wl 'ta leave the yéhicle. ait just a moment," eaid she, eager- %, a8 the last gentleman was descend- ny the ons and then springing sudden- up, she looked euriously at her fuet. white substance fell away, disclosed He ¥ 's handkerchief dexterously spread for her to sit upon, but which the swee] P of her dress had displaced. . it's # handkerchief," she said, Ties that svigeld gatinse sar- pri | " Why, it's mine." W hat aid ; you think ii was?" (0 thanght py--my--" ge howe," And they went. , Aa Unaympathesic 1 Rativaad Official. "Your fare, if you please, Smad vine,' said the conductor to an elderly lady who Fad got aboard at a way station. The old 1zdy loeked np, avd drawing forth a letter . spoke with & voice that was shrill: --* Two } of Mr. 's children ig dead,' and 'they to meitoeome tatie Luryi g | 200 it $urgiblel Theeonddetor 1 looked as shockéd as possib le, and expross- 'ed sympathy. And, continzed the old lady 1 t to let ma ride free. I can't letiypu fide fapaunless you ave d returned the conductor. fumeral ¥ said the old lady. ' No madame, replied the eondluetor; Tn sorry to say th ab she nulepof ghe roal are vory strigh sud 1 am'hot allowed to discriminates) Well, I think you dnghtn't to charge folks that for going to a faneral, persisted the old la iy If veld) gras body going o funerals ke the glue tor, * it Bh ay : ides, it mould be en.' fragisy (he) Aueral a. ingaway cast a gloom over the v Bim -¢ et i Your fareds a do! arand a hol, madame." YW, rdsortéd the old lady. drawing ouf he purse, ' Ithink you mig oht loeb me yd fed, %pedally ss I'm going to a donble funeral. Mr 's* children is botlndead, theydl be bu ied ip- the iaegrase, regkon, Oh! 10s 0 turrible low' And the old lady, "wiping her eyes. paid her fave. As the conductor moved on, shie turned to a passenger and remark- el. with. seme indignation, 'These rail Bros unfeclin' folks 1 over £5 te ¥ ordinary smoker will spend enough mo uey for tobacoo in ¥ix months to pay paper; for a whole 'year, and mpuy there are -in wiinse houses and cigar. ¢ gcenpy the plage where it to be seen the local paper! Tue London Advertiser rema-keth Heid Juid reported from Fart Garry that Mr. Schmidt M. P. P., was so in- | Yaxicated upon the 'opening of the Legis | lature that he had to be removed from the House, Such a claim to political dis- tine tion should not be over- duke d. Send him 'to Ottawa, Ax Irishman was once iny eggs and reading a newspaper, en. "Ihe poor bird chirruped ag it went down his throat, and he very politely observed, "'B the powers, my friend, you spoke a little too late." Ata school in Green country, Towa, the 'scholars caught a skunk and but it in | Lie . scholma'am's = desk, thinking she would "smell a mice" and give them a JioBiday, She wasn't one of that king. She took a spring cloths-pin, fastenslii on her nose, went on wit and let she scholars enjoy the perfumery. Tire pair of short-horn heifers recantly bought of American breeders for the Earl oi Dudmore's herd, $5,250 each, arrived | eafauly at Liverpool, but a.fine young bull | purchased in Canada for $4,200, and ship- had ¢ noted by everyone. | Every moment | | warm water; bat | that has been said {pe but I am use pass, | 'Not to gotoa indul, ing in the very intellectual occupation of stick. | By al 'hance he contrived to bolt a click. | the in | hu FULNE:S isa qeruer stone in ctor. ) ans that you may spend; fast that yon may feast; but labor that jiu way live: run that 6 may rest. He that walketh with wise men shall be wise; but a con.panion of fools shall be destroyed. Brerrer than fame is sill the wish for fame, the constaut truining for a glorious strife. Tag value of horses exported from England last year was neatly a illion dollars. Ax old horsg left tied to a post in Guelph duriiig tiie recent cold snap was found frozen dead when its owner return- ed. , ® THE river at Sarnia has opened suffi- ciently to allow ferries to run'between that place and Port Huron and Port Ed- ward. Tue citizens of Cleviland, like those of Loudon; complaiwr"that. the contamina- tion of the water snpply by (he was'e from ! vii retineries tpoi.s the favor. of their whisbhey. Out of all the blockade runners, barges and iron-clads sunk in Charelston harbor during the war, only two remain under watar, the remainder having been raised or gemoved by the Government. Notice was given in the English Com- mons on Tharsday of Bills for th: abuli- tion of capital punishment and the legal. asation of marriag: with a deceased wifes' sister. A Wire. having lost ber hushand, was jive msolable. "Leave we th ny grief I she cried subli syvon know th. extreme comsibiney of wy hors es---3 mere nothing La upsets them ! At a meeting of West Highlanders, held dt Gidsgow on Fudsy night , the | Marquis « f Lorne advised them not to | enngiate ; Lut if they would] leave their | native country, he tl onglit they ought to g» to one of the British Colonies and mt the United States. * A pay IcIAN being asked bya patient 1 if he thoughs 'aditele spirits nes and then won hurt Mm mre, repli, "1 do not kaow that a little occasionally - would hurt you much: bat if you don't take | auy, 1t won't hurt you at all. AX ancient, vineger-fuced meiden lady, noticed - in the paper, the other day, the statewenl that "sparks" cond be pre. vetted frum dor g o mage ensivst by | "spraynczzied lose." She stared im- mediately for one of our diy goods stores, and induired for a puic; Theiclak faint. | ' I ~ » | WHAT's the reason we can't all be rich. | George Peabody," the TUE milliviteire, j at the age 6f 11 went 1to a store. Ou his returu from a visit te kis guadtather | about this tine, he had to stay over night | ata gaeeT Lhaviig ro maey, he saved wood for his lodging and breakfast. He gave away ght of ten wilivl. | f | | A PERPETUAL paste can be made by | dissolving vue ounce of alu iu a quart of | when ed, add fuer en-| "ough to make it the consistcnay of cream; | then stir into it hil a tesspoonfyl of powdered resin. Boil it to a | Koper consis ny stining all 'the time. It will keep | for twelve months i d when dry way be softened with water. A Wirty Reriy.--.\ recent German | paper coutwning a wirty reply from a ciery iid wou was travelling, and "whe stopped ¢ hecol wach frequented by what are eS ed 1 we sinercial parlance, | "dronacers." The hoa, Lot bug ase to have cleggymen at his tabi, loved at hin with sur vise; the Jerks wsea wd the | artille their low wit pou hia, wich- out eliciting a remark mm self-defence. The worthy clergymen ate his dinner | quicily, apparently without obrerviug the wibes ana sneers of lus neighbors, Que of thé at last, in despar ag Lis forbear- ance, said 'to Lim, ** Well; 1 'w under ar your patiemce ! Have you net heard al | gainst youl" "Oly, to it. © Do you nat | now who 1 am I" No, sir. Well, I wiil inform you. I wm chaplain of a Junatic | me. A Proprest.--A young man distingn- ished for his- mathems wal attainments, was fond of challenging his feiiow students #0 a trial of skill in solving difticuit pro- blems. One day a _classua'e camo ito his study, and fy g ao folded pape before him, * There 1s a; roble I wisi yon would help me to tonne," nnd luued wntely left the rane The paper was "eagerly unfilled, there traced thei lies: * What ¢: profit a man if Ke shall gain the whole | woild and lose his'\e wn sou; or what shali | a man give in excnange lor lassoul?,, | With a gesture of 1 paticice, he tore | the paper to ato.s, aud turned again to his books. But i. vain he tried to 3 ake off the impressions wf the solid words he had 'read. The Fly Spirit prised Loni. 'his omvighions figuic apd du pv, ho could fiid no peace, hil he found it in believing in J sus. Ile sul. sequently Fecane a uivister of the Gospe he one: despise | and his first seruon was from the words, fo eminent » blessed to his'own soul : " What shall it prodt a man if he gain thy whole world aad los. | hisown coull" © an shall 1 | ExcitenexT AT FoPr GaPRY --Atabout that howd wher | 11d | twelve o'clock midught, we klow graves yawi, adi, on the inst, the miduight silence wis broken hy thi shrill wates of the bugle at Fore Carry sounding the Assewb Iv, and with muck wondering, more winblis 8 and a great deal of prayi' g, the force of sleepy war wan being at. his post exadtly | miffinites after;the first call souny d, High were the hopes. in many a satin Lrson that 'at last something in the "shnpe of ac tion was to be secn, and mai y a kestre: | | eye flashed in the expieted eonfiict Sud | | | sad ! that such uilitary ardor |slagpld be | damped, but so it was. It was buta false alarm, sounded for the purpose of secing | how quickly the meu were capable of turn- | ing out 1, case, of any. disturbaice, a d it | { is but justice ta say that wu. thing ehuld be | more rapid than thei occasion, the officers to have so well disciprined a force. After a short bunt complimentary | speech to thie mew, Muyo Tt ine dismissed | them to their slombers, 1 uot covergo with military glory, at least with thee blankets m=Manitoba Free J ress. v PowzrrFoL ARGUMENT.--A few days | dgo a tall rough lovking mountaineer en tered the Union railroad ticket office at | Denver, and through mistake purchased a | ticket for New York via he Kansas Proi i fie line, when he wanted to go overilie Union Pacitie. He did not 'discover this | fact uatil after the tickst hud: boon pad | for, ard on asking the lady to chaige it, } the Lutter refused 1 to do so. * Youn won't change this ticket 'then, | won 't yon, | '* No, sir," rey lied the agent; you have | your ticket and 1'have the worey for ir and if you want a ticket for the other | route, you will have th buy it." Very quietly tha stranver twisted his | ticket into a small roll, very serculy he drew | from under his right coat tail a six shoot- | | er about the dimension of a mountain ! ir movements on thisd W. FF: COWAN aud it w) eake Yory highly fort Something for Christmas Britania Metal J Tea Pots. Blectro Plated Cake Baskets. Electro Plaled Cruets. Electro Plated Tea, Baskets, And Table Spoons, and Forks. Electro Plated Desert and Table Knives. Ivory Handle Desert and Table Knives, all First-class. JUST RECEIVED AT HATCH & MEARNS. Also another lot of the Celebrated M ansard Cook Stoves, Haraw HATCH & MEARNS, are Stove and Tin Dealers, KING STREET, OSHAWA. 0: hang, Decswber 19h, 1872. 8.4 Auction Sale | PARTIES WANTING DRY GOODS Blankets, Overcoats, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, W. DICK] &e, will do well to attend the Auction Sale, every night, at = A * He offers his whole stock of Goods Saved from the late Fire at Auction. J. 'Wilson's Bleck, next Door to Eeddies, Chiba" ol ot it ain't your--your--we'l i F asylum; such remarks have no effect upon. | = RNARD Offers at extremely Low, Prices, vo WHITE CLOUDS; FANCY CLOUDS, FANCY WOOLEN GOODS! : --ALSO--- 'Fancy Dry and | Staple Goods | riors mustered 10 the barrack square, every | eight | A FULL STOCK, VERY CHEAP. Oomawa, Decex.ber 25th, 1872. IMPORTS FOR THE WINTER | = IS NOW SHOWING A CHOICE BELECTION OF FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS |i Ti Ww find that The ww | rices Oi bast Year oe sh TLAk sae Wing OF HIS OWN IMPORTATION. ~ 10 m-- ie great advance in the ce of wool has led consumers to expect a cor espondin ier Goods. Lhey w TS agreeably dicappointed when they vi st oo wis om n Er Yan in cadin 1g Lines. Piles of heavy Stocks of Wou.can Shawls at Ol ._ A40USALGS OI Yurds of Licaps of Uress Gouds at old prices. Lots of Blankets at old pices, &c., LLY of Lhe YS al via at old prices. prices, * The Dress Gocds Department Contains | All Wool Faxon Cloths, a full assortment ; Me in», Sik and oo! Froach Se Kes, stripe 1 und Liuld; all Wool IL asportment ; all Wo 'l French " "irs Po, opin, Bonne:'s ceieb: ated Ly ons >liks, pure Silkk and Wuoien Bomoazines, and 0 hér Mourning Goods in great vate: y. D0) | -- ped ia the samo vessel, was nnfortanately | howitzer; cooly and deliberately he stuck | The House Furnishing Department Embraces: experienced on the passage. ¢ Madame, said a very a testy old lan lad sce proper to halp wyselfto this , is thero' any im- proprioty in it]' I don't know what you oan; but ily u mean to insinpate that lore is anyt nasty in give you to understand that hait i it, for as soon a Dorgthy nd fold :a3 that the est-was drowned nthe milk, 1 went sueuight sod azained i ver." The young nan | face, and # | doubt of his determination, sail; hat | you have | struck the wrong house. There ris. ta first consequence of the heavy storms | theticket into the nmzzle of that xix shoot. rors '4 | er, and sticking the wg'y looking thing lite traveler to | through ths litle squire | wind w of the ticket «fice, and almost in the agent's peaking in a tone that left no "" Stranger, thar's that ticket; take i ourself and change it, or 1 lc--d rn low it clean through you." The ticket was changed immediately, ' and witheut any more words from the sgent, and the mountaineer walked away, saying: "" I jest Jongh I could induce him to change his mind a lectle. | Carpets. - 'Tapestry, Wool an Unicns, Dut.asks, Table Covers, Sheeting, Towelings. Price and quaiity can be confidently recommended | Pab.ishers will «ead, or any hook to I Felt, Hemp and Star. Qui'ts, Lace Curtains, Linen most prudent buyers. 10 e-- THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT DOW fully stocked with the choicest West 3 Bagland Twieds a Cloths jad Sree oatin'-e ives to requiring na Jo y Clothing: 44 An satly call ron ie dle ant Tas Js. abla W. F. COWAN. Osmawa, Dee. 17, 1872. Wew York, Queenston and 227) STEAM BETWEEN LCNDON, QUEBEGC, AND MONTREAL. TEMPERLEY'S LINE Composed of the following First-Class Iron Steamers: SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, NIGER, THAMES, HECTOR TWEED, BEVERN The Steamers of this Line are intended to sai! from Quebec and Montreal every TugspAy dur ing the season of navigntion of 1372, and from London every Wednesday, calling at Piymouth on the way out, Throngh tl Xets from al points west at reduced rates, Cer ifica'es issued ho ies Begins 'us of bringing cut their friend! full particu apply to the Cumpany's Ada at Oshawa, gs C. W. SMITH. INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM Liverpool / Crry or RicnmMoND, Crry oF MONTREAL. CiTY OF BLOUKLYN, Cry ov Pars. Ciry or Buusse 8, Crry u¥ NEW YORK. Cry ov Halarax, O17TY uF LONDON, Ciry oF DURMAN. Crry oF WASHINGTON. Sailing on ThursCays and Saturdays! From Pier 5, North River. CITY OF ANTWERP. CITY OF BALTIMORE City oF Busror. Ci11y oF LiskRICK, Cry oF Duss, BATES OF PABSAGE. To Queenston or Cabin. Liverpool, $75, god, London, -- Bh Paris, - - « + B " Foy - Tickets can be bought here at moderate rates by persons wishing (0 send tor their friends. For turther information apply to the Company's Agent, ¥ gen C W. SMITH, Osuawa. July 20, ALLAN LINE. 0SEAWA AGENOY. Steers, 8. curreney WINTER SERVICE Under Contract with the Canadian Governmen: for carrying the Ganadian and U. 3. Mails. STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, LONITONDERRY AND CLASGOW. HIS COMPANY'S LINES AR} composed o' the undernoted Full Powered © gdned Clyde Built rou Steams clan, 4.2% tons (building Sarmalian tons (building). Caspian, 3.250 tous, Capt, . 8 Katidivavian, 3,000 tons, Cdpt. Ballan- , 3,000 ant, Dutton, e. ye Brow n. Suith, R. Tons Forming a « dondeny, Quebe bec every Saturday, ody Liverpool, Lon led wing Que- al of the » Night Express 'rom Montrea', Forming a week.y line) e weeu Giasgow, Quebe« ane Montreal. RATES © OF 1 PASSAGE. Oshawa to Liverpoo! and Londonderry, Firs Cabin from $81 to § cecrding to accommoda tion. Sieerage, $30 nding a pientiral po of well cooked § ws, served out by the Btewards belongi he Company. Oshawa t First Calin, $71; wediate, $45.9 ; Steerage, $24 a4 Return Tickets, good for six months, is sued at reduced ra'es. Propaid European Passenger Certificates are issn at Reduced Rales to parties Yshing te to biing out their Niends from England, Ireland Scotiand, to suy part of Canada. The Steamsuips of the Montreal Ocean Steam ship Company iand their passengers atthe Gran Trunk Raitway Wharf, PokTiLAND, passen- avoiding the u ual charges of can Inter- Express Tre and onarrival of tk Ocean Steamers wutreal, Toronto, and al western joints; and the fa id'ies adorded to passengers Ly the ALLAN LINE cannot Le sur pas.ed by any other .iue afloat, For'through passage tickets and every informa tion, appiy to Steamships will be despatclied from Liverpoo and Portland as follows: FROM LIVERPOOL, HIBERNIAN, - = 6h Nov, MORAVIAN oth SAMAKILL AR, - «8d ERL . SIAN - 30th ** 2rd SE ns D: 3. 34h AEANDINAY TAN - Gth 1H. Hy A. ALLAN Or to Agents, Montreal. L. SMITH, Agent, i Poms Vile, Or Fhawa Scribner's Monthly. A Serial Story by DE. ot, LAND. New Story by 8S. XE. HOLM. pr eh rg Bd ig 2 'ALTF. BEILLIANT Lk. ¥ of Ct A111, UTIRS CLARENCE COUN on Furnicuce and Decorations, R. H. STODD.. RD on tuthors. Exirsordinary Sacugm se to New Ludscrbirs; 500 PAGES FoR 81. oo 1 &e., &e, The publishers of SCirmNer's MoNtuiy, mn heir Prospectus just bsned, promise for the ensulig year a nuie biillian aray of contribu. tore, aia an increase in the vaiiety and beauty ot o ilastrn.ion, Cady oly Sued «he erties to be tlaer thau kny whic B We LitLeito appeared in uny Awerican magaziie. Dr. HotraxD, the Eu for wil write the serial tori (Be Fea , Which Wil Bean obi raphica Jo au; ahd i be is ihitbus 1éd by Miss Haliok Lis ealile rane aeastle. aud will deul with some of dif. jroble ns © American Life JF be comien.ed in the Noveuwber Mdumber, The e will be alhew sto: 'y by Saxe Hoy, The One Legged Dukeer. Birr TArTE, the best writer of short now iiving, wi of ivate h & enfitied The * pic of Fld ile tliustrated by Shepard. R. H Sroopanh will wiite a series of ente- taining papers abiut Awthers, their tie Porsonal Charucterist Life; Fam ilies, Friends ays. Ageerics of Portral's of Living American Writers, is als» promised. Clarence Cook will write about Furaiture and tue Decoration of American Hemes. These papers will be Mmineuty pra tical as Wola me Als ie, wo tov aed with des signs and sketches g" tion to those which } sh. Among thee SA il! eontrivuie are: Andersen, Bryant Binge » Bik p Hunting on, John Hay, un. acd nad. Phelps, tedman, Fockton, Toaxter, Warner, Wilkiuson, a host-orot The editorial Sv ihe | 1 directi wn of the Mag- FROM PORTLAN) 2ud Dec Sih 16th stories 1ewn, which wili be tum rons artisis in addi e wri er hilmse. wil turn Hans shueil, Egglest n, Froude, Brey Harte, Ais cheil, i 8 oddaid "Ha Mes. Whitney 8zive will 1emgin in the hauds of De. Hoiwud, . who wilkeo: tinue to Write * The Toples Time," vw Licu ci.e NoA. Jad pen ient says Sind wore wisicoy quote. (Lt any similar papers in any American may, sluc. Walter Gilder will write * The old Cabir et" as Liiheruw, Prof. Jolin C Draper conducts Lue Departieni of "Namie awd science." The wpal fonts of "Meme and society," and ture and Progress," will engage the con- tribuii us of more Lian wu score ol pens on boii sides of the Atlante. 7he Ji atchman and lie Hector says : " Ser baer's Moni Aly for Sepiember i. bolter tian wsuai, which indicates a need ees | waste of editcriac bla ns and Pub i her's mon ey, Jor the Ma, azine wa: yecw cncugl baforve * And yet the Fubil Leis prom »: 'eo minke It stlll better for the comity yeu." The subs Tiption price is t 4 4 yeur, with speei- al rates t) cle gymen. teacher, and ; 08 wasters. The following Extraaidicary Indusements are offered tv new sub criber«: kor $5,50 the lier or news dealer will supply, the maiz e for one vena CHEAPEST PAPER IN THE PROVINCE, --~THE- ¢ Only 1.80 a year, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, BY THE® ONTARIO, REFORMER SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING CONSISTING OF Posters, Blank Forms, Show Bills, Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, Circulars, AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF LETTER-PRESS PRINTING FROM A LADIES' VISITING, CARD UP TO THE LARGEST SIZE. POSTER. EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, |= AT THE 'REFORMER' OFFICE. J ard the twelve numbers of Y g «, HL on div. containing the nning of Diphant' 's ] Berial, " A' His Gates: rr 87 6 macazive ar one year, and the 21 back er: from the beginning; for $10.5), tue Mazazi e for ane year, the 2! k numbe = hou 7 {4 vols), cha ges n bound vo's. paid. This will wive v early 50 6 of the choicest reading, with the finest il- , Chit 40, or nearly 500 pages fora ollar! and will enable every subscriber to of tain the series from 'he fi +d Jo ob terms to Dealers Clergymen and SCRIDNER & CO } 4 Broadway, ¥. Y. | Teachers. REMEMBER THE STAND, Next door to the Montreal Telegraph Office, SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. 'ONTARIO REFORMER' Printing and Publishing Co, ? ;| printed fou, 2 I TET ek mJ Far the prevention and PULMONARY CONsp wd Also for the erro, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis Ast] petiie, Ceneral Leb CERTIFICATE 28 TO 1tiny Laboratory, ns A, uronte, To the Victoria (1 cmice. Go, Gentlemen, -- 1 Lave examined emwpiyed in the Victesin Clon je the preparation of the V fctoria vhosphites. The severa) Hyjop i ron a ard She fee rom any oul shires will hid, weary gh Wed bie Medicine, Ar HENRY 1. CROFT, Professor of Chemistry, Uv __Price $1 per Botlle. Sold by all Druggies, ,. aVIT ORIA CCMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTSNGP BUCKU & LVA Uke -A Specific I'emedy for all R'adder and KA rl Lier: fait XA Complaints by Ais (® Fon aie; ah Diseases of the Urinary Organs in either Try at once fur any of the above Dison and yon will be 1ully convi den, eminent virtues. Tari w iy Price $1 per Bottle. Bild by all Druggist, FV TCTORIA ELECTRIC LINIMENTI "THE KING 'OF ALL LINIMENTOS For k etn atiem, Gent, Neuralgia, Sciatia, ng Pains Si =e a. Ten age Nekipe pe fe by: pir se ol igs, BUY JT! TEY IT! ECE P.ice 30 C ice 30 Cents "énts per Bottle. So! d ! by all VEE SHA ~ " WORTH ITS WE'GHT IN GoLp> A Specific for Cuts. Weds, Bruises, Bums, Sca d , Boils, Pies, Piupes, ete, er Carat, Diseases of the Skin of eve y description, Price 25 Cents por 352. 8,11 by al Troggiste VICTORIA CARBOLATED. GLYCERINE JELLY. "EMINENTLY IIE L.A Vor th mdm fhe ct ot wr or Cathe < also or and Sare Price, 2 Cente ent Sold by all Druggists. VICTOR1A TOILET SOAPS. "Celebrated for tleir nftorm, , Purity and "xcellence of Qualit VICTORIA CALRICLIC SO. Pp. VICTORIA SULPEUR SOAP. ViCTORIA GLYCERINE, HONEY, ROSE AND WINLSUR. Suid by all Diuggists, YOR FAITENING AND BRINGING { into Condition Houses, Cows, Calves, Sheep, and Pigs, t TORELERT CATIIE IIZIIER 8 ueed and recommended Ly firt class breeders, Stovk fed with it have a vo) taken Firs: Prizes, Mik Cattle produce nore nik and butte: It Fatters in cne fourth the usual time, And Saves Food. i Price °ernts and $1.00 per Lox; a & coitiii 8 200 feeds. : 3 Tar box HUGH MILLER & Co, cultural Chemists, 167, KING *TRIIT EAST, TORONTO, For Slely ali Tiigrist eve Tv Lae. Tim . Prospectus for 1878. SIXTH YEAR. --- ; Tar AL DINE, An Illusiratzd Monthly Jourzal, unde versally admitted to bo the Hind- somest ser.cd calin the Werld. A Riprescntat.ve & chompie on cf dmir.can Taste. Not for sale in Book or News Stcie. THRIUALDINE, while. regularity, has none otf the tempo ary or time in erest charac eristi 1 of ordinary peri cals. Itisan cleguit mi celiany of pm dght wand graceiu. lite: ature; and a Soflection of Lettres, tiie ru est » pe dine ns ol an istic lak and, white. Although each te shill number affirds a fresi pleasure to its friends, the real value aud beauty of The Aldine wiil be most apprec uted alter it has bound up at the close of the year. While other phabiicaiions may claim super pr npared with rivals of a si Sahl isa uniq nd alone a lio ppg: IN out 'Compe few in Ly) Che posse sor of a comp ee volume pied plies ate the quantit ngs in any other hape or number o veinmes for ten times ils cost; and there arcthe chromos, besides! 43% Dorvartmacnt, Notwithstanding the inc ease in the of subscription las. Fall, when THE BE assumed its presen' n bie proporiiods Te. Jleseniaiive po HL he: edith, nas haa ed amring A iF th ahd Ane! ad, col SY) pout, w since: e offer? in fhe cou ¢ rt. The publishers, ai xiovs t jus i'y tl e ready cons tl ence thus den.orstr. ted "hove Oeited tl ome selves to the utinost tee velo, ape grove the: work § and the p' for the eb Fur, as uni {ded by mon: lly "i Sues, Ww astonish ard del oh «va [the must sal; Wane lends on THE Alli. .. The publishers are authori kb to announce de- 0 the hues emi ent tls sof si. jon, gprs ALLIN KE will re rod ¢exomip ero the best f roign n ast eis, selected with a view to the highest artiste success, and greatest gens ral interes ; avoiding such a4 have bocce ayia, hig 10 or gbies « d 'be q plaies, for 13 poder re . Davis pith tu thet pearing in the ff and October, w » ul m+ worth tLe price nyear's sulscrig ion. N The popv ar featme a copiously iL@trat«¥N ed "Ch i-tmas' nun er will be contigfied. To orces such a yaluatis epitome of the v orld At a cost s¢ TING, w couunand the suli=arfptions . shousgnils nev: section ofthec $n ry tLe, Be & tractions of [Flr iL' INE can be en hanced, in prop{ition B= (0 the" nume ical ine ters, "tie putlisiers propose Qoubie : ture," by the following Rtesios fer 1873. Every subscrijdr to The Aliiae, whe pays in advance for ulycar 1573, vill reccive, widiout additiona chug, a pairo Leautiiul o i chrotiios, Abe endvent kng ish painter-- | 'The pictures, enffticd "Tue Vilige Bele," and *Covssingg tae: Moor," wre 14 x Zp del e erent plates, red i i dug Kk . piessions ana tind. to pepsect The same chrouos are sold for Sb i per iH ib tae am stores, As ibis the determi Bijon 00 itsiccds ductors to ke p Fhe Lilt e our of the rei cotupetition in eve nen, the ch vmod Win be (0 nd co p y can be vifeiel scriber will ie a cortices ture of the pubdshors, guar chromus delivered shall be equait athe samples furnished the agen, or thy woasy Wid 1e 16 funded. The ci-tiibuiic nol Lic! tures ot this grade, free to the subscribers toa 33 herod will mark an epoch in the history of # a considering the nnprecedented cheap: ess "of A price jor The Aldine it: the warve. fails fats L} short of a miracle, even to those es acqua nted with the achievem: ns oi inventive ge univ: aud improved mechanical app ance . (For illustra: tions of thew ¢ai0uIds, see NOvVewuer lasue THe ALDINE] Ths Litrary Dopartment will continne under the¢are of Mr. Richard Henry: Stoddard, as isted by the let wiies and poets of he dat, who wi. stiive to hyve the literature of TH A 1 INE a.wa)s in keejibg with ils artistic attrae'ions. Terms: $3 per annrm, in advance, with oll Chromeos free, THE A" DINE will. her eft rhe o' ta'rable orly by subscription. There wi' he no reduced 7 ub rate ; cash fur r subset: tions mut be gent to the pb ishars dire t, or haade! to the Jecal agent, without re pon ibility to the publishers, except in cases where the cor ifica'e is viven, bearing the fac-simile signature of Jamis SCT ToN & Co. Agents Wanted. Any person, wishing to act permanently as . { Jocarn agent, wi | receive fuli and prompt inform: ation by applying to JAMES SUTTON & CO, : Publishers, 38 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. ve ve: the signa wtecing tha the CAREOLIC SALVE. of fine paper and engrave 3 The Ont @VERY FR The Ontario B Publi HYSICIAN, S our,and C ° WH. FREDERICK Go: HOSPI LAND. FH residence, Simooe Si Jom Ion Al promptly attended to, ARRISTERS, B naw Oshawa, S ith mooe Streets. 1 JE MONEY to J. K. FAREWELL. ARR a J. E FARE OUNTY 'CRO Barrister, Attorne and Conveyancer. Off 8. H. Coe ne, dee GREENWOOD ARRISTERS AT-LAW, Solicitd bifc. 'Conveyancers, J. HANMER OREENWOO! cw RCUITECT, HOLESALE gioge akin used. e Factory King Street, ON the Jaolsted Risk Canada, 'oronto, a tion. Also, for Ls of M WHITE DOMINIO OSHAWA J. Money REDUCED I AM NOW PRE Issuer any amount of moneé, arm or Productive To Lowest Bossible Lua And mane re-paid ry Investments made in and other securities. BILVER AND GREEN soll For further Official Cfce- WM Millan's Yoril 1h. 1871. _ Philip Ks mae a Watches, Clocks, Plated, and Ye is 'the sole agent f: atches, Lazarus & M eles, and Moriden Silver and every thing in his lin It wi 1 pay to examine REE are. wl Goods - than any PHILIP - Wate /Sebawa, April 13th, 18; Butcher GEO. W. ETURNS THAN yMEROUS S Custome! tM