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Ontario Reformer, 28 Feb 1873, p. 2

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a dred diseases, are attrib. ; uted to 'a low state of the nervous system. Ii L TS -_ ov . Owin~ 4- fe vad on oe 7 -- TARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY £8, 1873, eT Bian | mber Yr. Grsen mn tains, the follow- | a hy-law to appoint t that the same b Carried. The stand ] and accounts brought np their rep recommended as follows: Ta The foe should invoke the aid of | above road was well attended; but in com ; Weg K. Brown r Prayer, song, ig porminittee to ¢ sequence pf Mr. White's sale, he, the : ? am, hiypm fo Wag , 1 : i Tang acriss 5 rock 2 1 Y 8 This sale ent, Bes Pa exsorted from § : 8 1' Char ld # . |B Borghi 'mn fhe ¥ | prevented others from attending. Sia "at or ieat: A avol | Port ta this Coupci fr, of which 7¢ 8,000 pond 119% wo ed to Jam i Valpasio, © and 145,000 - tamount of S0:ts >dptia, SW, 0 Non, to Ist June, A Ol Ea PACITIC RAILWAY. VEERING ROUND: When the Pacific Railway scheme was launched upon the country by Ministers at Ottawa, it struck all thinking men of every political shade of opinion, with amazement, and the question was frequently asked, have ministdrs taken leave of their senses ? The eastern section was to begin beyond | | Lake Nipissing, and, passing westward, | keep south of that lake, north of Lake story of the plot of Amadeus to effect a |g, vern by means of the | Pol FR " Yor Msi . ing scloctions of New Music, You can Monthly for 20 cents, or the M form Cr al 1! Moi Tax "Polers Ontario and Quebec Railway. ! Hexanss ores have adva White] - PS | Whitehaven (Fog) district Solr nlt | appear, the revenue fall off in consequenco rand corruption, Dut te If there is not énongh force in | the of the | ps, or Montreal, shoald It pleasant to think them in earncst when order might inv Ive politi- thiy" « meral blunder { things never go right in this world, you know, and henee Ontario persists in pros tic Quebee to do this, volunteers PUPLIC MEETINGS. buy the » HOW T per tun, sheet cand | ngand | Sa Fasten Grand Trunk Time Table. OSHAWA STATION. .OSHAWA TIME. he -- cal loss, for Saviour,thou art « Chorus, Danks ; Pretty E Hays: Gerald He Kiss'"d M t; Hear me Tue State of Massachusetts es v1 CYpeded 89.301,000 oy the H | and is now deliberating as wn control; a The meeting held at Brougham to discuss AF, 80 be called upon to aid [the authorities. The meeting held at Brougl : Eo Sie 2 | would be pering under the rule of Yeform | the question of granting & bonus to the Ge chorus, Fiske; Sie ad | chorus, | | Party. philosophy under cirenstances so trying. ood ¢ gate wowver, (rood gate, ---------- Spanish GOING WgeT, | Passenger Express Mixed....... 7 KEpress .. ... GOING BasT, S00 am. | Express. 3 Cam. Ix . A pom, | Sassen cer Sip. | WHITHY STATION. Trains going East lcave W hith; micales earlier, 'abd these guing West fifteen miantes later than the above, { His misery may last awhile, the people | Reeve, was not present. also Ex pour aria positively appearing to like their present With regard to the howl over increased expeaditure, it does not follow that becanse Ministers ask berior ind its way as best it could . " : werior, and find its way as by it co 5,771,000 for the carrot year, they will Tur to Tts mysterions- problem continues wife to the 1st January Parker, eon ner Som of tl " | 4 ro ome of the large Shefy 1d ton the wn of 34: wmilkers foeling the t (Eng me acceants be paid k hi Age the "onl ov p ; 5 veh, © have I make their own coh 1 1 r cleansing come and rwe:!, from 1 1 iy for t hl ttenti and disadvantages. My. J. Miller, Deputy-Reeve, occupiod John ¥ excite public attention, $ ed the ¢hair. Mik Fowler was pointed out the advantages to be derived 1 i mivsi ness has been materially increased by the dot digs the first speaker, and By 'cbicd uns ) : \ Uedat, aud h unexplored rogions---unexplorad ' \ i "wy wl for Bl igh unexplozed rogions CRONE resolutely ran through it all, The past | froufithis road : GEHIWL POSES Spanish 'politics appear as! dark, oo fap opr ilway surveying was not done | to Red River, thence away to Sascatchewan Valley, and over the rocky mountains to shows il is the fashion to keep well within ME. Glen then spoko in favor of the read ! " , \ . { "4 y i voskdes 1, an % he \ ! showlir t advantages to be derived : . nl, for oy » 0 5 th ¢ i \ 1 i wb advantag ! road § : ; Mm. A oh I the purpose gf yg W shohld be sorry, however, to deo a! fronfl it, He said, the questions were, : RAT . Fer oh ohh XOF Phating, S214). BY 3 Patent and plant "of the t= | ! f f h . da . } oXid 1578 3 for the removal ang d wnurionsness cha . pr i . i ' Orin 1, inorustation of Loilers, Veltiog o | reference aN 4 ; ; ww | at Laval University: L. CINIBLISION Xp he to¥a the applic ations fop Arrival at~Halifax of H. M. 8. * Hi 1 dane is one for g « but : " n Fininigration als tal, onator : Fhe le or cast iron can ie --~ Lieut. Outario at Belleville xi facility directly fromgy, re Practice of B. Battery, Quebce School of 0 either in a small or larg Y.;, 3. 'eivsr) a ji ar : | tith . "a guy Gunnery ; The Critics; apuldon III. | tax, 51.60; Trustees of Sc | tities of from one to a hundred tapy a ; Quebec Sketches, | No. 1; | 10, non-resident school tex, & as Eheaply ak Ly. the ordi ; , | No. A nary ' fronting on method, So or ; "Khitva-La:" ORIGINAL And ypur committee would recommend line st " : re Schoolmistres d Gov- |} : tof 215 to W. Cooper as par {Ine survey, made joi aad. A I'he Schoolmistrescs and Gov payment of y to per as part e and the Chillag oy. instead. F little doubt of the in ) Possihy : | ernessos of Charles. Dickens: Biaerantol 3 or koe : W. Forsyth for | L¥ communication Letw, } cific, The length of a as involved rb a hil wth The mails are closed at thisciliee, by Dost Oflioe and as sfispivicus as in th timo as fellows: 3 GOING EAST, forming mail, 6.00 wvening mail, £40 The Northern nails ard closed immediately after the arvival of the Train from the West, at laily, Sundays excepted. | te closed af 7.30 | belongs, and via. New York y NE : stinates. the re remiotor periods, marked by conspiracies, COING WEST. 7.00 so sanguinary rgvolts and dense popular | pric Columbia, It was a grand schenie wee. The present charge will pain- | | fully astenish the friends of the Italian Ie argued that it Of this he Ho was anxious to have conrdly will the road pay ! 20d, will t le tuilt? had noldonbta, The 1H i 1 ny Y tole, | Mon HK mail, Office or wit vem to look at, and scemed -the projection of It Jacked but two | things to wake it a complete success, Governm nt, "in to any | would, : -" r 'fai A y IL somo mighty genius. h of the public service, parti Fast Whitby To Wi ; Jots i t Prince, and of the family to which he Ho is and comparatively inexperienced, and as he olorization roads, bonusd§ granted large enough to have the of the ably money should be spent on promising | would Have the effect of making the Grand Trustees hool secti No. 2 Ment school "Yi non- of sident school ion No, young, however, | cash and common scuse, considering the | circumstances of the esun'ry. Without these, most human undertakings come to | enterprises, particularly when people 'can | Trunk | N . 1 { afford it. nece buildings. Unquestion- | road #n south "ridges," as it 7; Trustees sary a: 7.13 Saturday Evening, The Mail for Enfield, Fo nd Taunton, is olosed at 12.30 o'clock every Tuesday and Friday, Registered Letter should be Mailed 13 minutes before the hour of closing a mail, Y OFFICE OURS. From 8 o'clock a, m. until p.m, 001 oct) lived in an atmosphere of intrigue, anrong people whose lives were passed and whose hool s put on more and better cars, and He then shipwed how the Grand Trunk man- | Articres : grief; and so has the Government schemo habits were formed under the system of | {or building the Pacific Railway. Some | Bourbon vice and ahsohatism, his disad- | y50 has poked his pen knife through the vantages and temptations were consider- | grand balloon, and it is strongly suspected able. It could hardly have been with his | Father's knowledge, or council, that he not | give th public better accomodation. applicable to the means "of Ontario and the above objects? No . { needad to show that it isdesiazble t to be some of Sir {ugh Allan's capers, for | he announces that the cas { must stand still at present, that the west. 2 Of ic vhic > had gene . | , | Tee constifition cf which Jue ad ge merally i . | the votes are judi also spdke of the Company buying and ex- Osi ; tf he ( i his fa'l content to use the Amor can lines. and | not tenditiggthe P, W. & P,P. ond. Mr, | O00 'OT Te ment ¢ » not a mi > £00 8¢ vibe sdRiver fre » Lowi | . " : | or or retirement came not a minute too soon, | witch off to RodRiver from the br undary, thorities, having the benefit of all the past | Glen spake ably and to the point. ' M. i sl and others spoke in favor of the road run- | 15 Who will say this rule' is arcnment is | agers thicd to prevent Sir Hugh Allan met f, {ity of railw Atlanti proposed railway miles, of made. | I~ -- =~ == ~~ = ---- ~. -- Onimio Reformer. Oshawa, Friday, Feb. 28, 1873. { log on wn irom * of » Han, Cooper's | Dr. Carson, Forsyth. ¢ Your ef future wh 1 up and eoloniza our back conutry, and to | the ific rod. Me. Glen said that la Scientific Subjec sundance on said spouws, Whirlwinds Sprouts, Ais Opi section | 1 provid ul ! of the tern ' : of ti or ER s Piogmanhv: ix v he 1 shi ting money in England to build | [7% Hon. } R \ : : 4 oh y tic Alex. Vid the smn of B10 to would be a which nearly titutions for the care and cure necessary It is claimed in Towa that it 3 ember of the | to send grain from that State conlley i i Ch to oy 4] and F would conspire at tho overthrow of . the x t that. in on do something for the road 1ous8 helpless and afflicted. Only soe that | Bowmaville would give £100,000. He : pe uls 'not! ern end must ditto--that wo wast be | iously | been made the head. M applied. 1% is Chureh Osha o an unreasonable to agsume that the an Plans ant ;- SELECTION wid Dictionnaire the) Quel (Queens 3), i Trade. (( the large | 5g LLANEOY sin the township | aud Queries ; Tug Pourbons of Franca havirg refused | : i i such attendance via the Mississin ig to unite, the 'Republic stands a better | and "his reputation is blasted for life. és * Jus : tendanee. od p hat TT roi LL be almer moved that the Reeve : id X60 Lort ¥] anthorize the treasurer to pay to each of the Auditors, Messrs. J. M. Macnab and | Joseph Monkhouse, the sum of 88. Carried. . Brown moved tl William Hub- | bard be refunded the s : i ) " shoiee o . . . ' ; | leaving the British Columbians a choice experience in these matters, beine bound ssrB. McCraight, Green, Johnston, Graz The recon the -constitntional committee include | chance of suceers. of ministerial responsibility, and the creation of a second Chamber, M. Thiers is flatter- ed in terms, but evidently feared at heat. wndations | Such 'a peril would be likely to unite | reli sithe ALAS or) oor | . . Eyes. epted. « Sida I lh i yu | traveling either by ¢ WA ove oo oF | to the Province by orizin, interest and Eyes te Instantly a ne partics posscesing any yr 8 'rancisco. What a - i 0 ' > Ano eas Fob. I I " use the vld path by Ban Francisco ka sympathy, naturally delirous of acquiring | Bing through Pickering, as Qahavwa Foh do { their best to get value for the funds din- 4 respect for free institutions, and to nar | colapse from a'schomo befitting a mighty British territory, to an insignificant switch from honor usually recorded sncecss, will number of water privileg Notes J S------ J 1 3 bh! = Insol | Y . 1d i rOTV or explode," by sudden discovery, the a > : > \ | Courrier des Dames ; News of the Wee | empi eo, traversing only genuine 2 bo browzht into use bv'it Ween fos oll" scheme of the despots. The plot has Wesl2 be brought {nts use hy it, Tur famons Bessemers The ow 1 Ir was the Governor-General, it secs, |! who re-opened communications with the Govérrment of Prince Edward Islaud, | the with a view to effect its entrance irto Federal Union. The "delegates now a Ottawa want the Dominions assumption of a debt of three millions, as a condition precedent. tory land claims of long standing, the Island a railway and effect other re- forms. The Islanders that without this gift they wonld sufferin the This would remove proprie- give imagina failed, while probably! suggesting other similar enterprizes in (lifferent gnarters. The Carlists are still active in 'insurrection, | 'while the friends of Isabella aiid her son, Montpensier _included,| are reported to | have vnitéd to put this youth on the | throne. Meantime the national troops are | fighting the Carlists with apparent vigor, | the Cortes and strengthened the Repulilic by electing a and have | confirmed 1 ; - lw | new Ministry, containing able, honest and | The may excited and distracted for a time by ineans | patriotic. men, country be | the correct | veering round. one of the Railroads of the great Republic. | We painted out at the time the original plan of reaching Red River and Columbia was proposed to Parliament the utter im- and pos«ibility of carrying it out, we foreshadowed the only modd te felt to be and attainable one, To our plan, with a variation, the ministers are We showed that Canada, before we had railways or were able to get them, used its water communications until the close of navigation for imports and ex- ports. We stated that to open up for bursed. additional bond, or gatarntee the noble example of Have wo not, as an wisdom and purity stpplied by the Coali- | too near the Grand Trunk, and was not | tion Cabinet! Sarely, should be the last to undervalue the Conservatives fluential effect of such exhibitions, Malace and stupidity apart, no canlid man can consider these figures without a feeling of patriotic pride at the flourishing position of Ontario, aud of confidencein the charseter , and talents of the men at: the d of her poblic affairs. in- | Messrs. Birrel, Sherrard and Percy op- | posed wanted by Prekering, two to one was { by-law for the granting of a bonus. The tended. meeting at Drooklin was 1s sceretary. Mr. Fowler, in a long and able speech, showed tho necessity of a second road from Montreal by Ottawa, through Tor- granting a bonus, as the, road was | On a vote 'being taken, a majority of | in favor of submitting a | are In powerful religf against the well ¢t- J. J. Bickel, Esq, Reeve, in | the chair, and Mr. H. Derby, of Myrtle, Magdalen, By Chap. XX. ollins. Walkie Chess. th avery ' rm, hy I'he black rugged clitls meon kan ol ken cle I light, bursting t and reflected f eh the! nds L every ripling wave, Hroak: br brea On thy cold, gray . Osea !™ | But there is one ship whidah ¢éan never go on to that bh under the battered hulk tells, of a scene when old Ocean was in a far different mood. ro bably the most purely artistic cut that ha Its ever appeared in THeALNg is t of £2.21, being | amount of Wm. P. Orvis' taxes on person- | al property, moved to 7 nedi assessed in this township, ely after being and he having id W. P. Orvis having re- | certified that he! was assessed and paid taxes for the s er of Uxbric { The Council s adjourned till Satur- | the 20th day of March next. | a me i ETects of Intemperance, ume profferty to the treasur- I y stan EXQUIRIES OF THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITT nmittee appointad to en quireinto | hi econ. - ered a rival in the PAA en ied © by a Russian, The construction jg 5 much the same as that of the Ing but the cabin, instead of bein ito a pivot, literally floats amide tween the engines. The been tested by she Grand Du stuntine, and 1s deemed successful, Tur nogotiations for the ement | the miners' demands in South Water | failed, and the strike continues jindef | nitely. The disappointment is s bi one for thousands ef families who { on the resumption of work, and the B Ia tho Ceug Canada Province of County of Us N MON ( of April -ply to the Jud under the said est gloom prevails in the min i ing distriet, | Das dy late "h . \ Ht ESIRING imulate 'home # dun White Birehesof the Saranac, the working of the Tavern ahd Shop | in St. Louis, a journal of he ite The wonderful fidelity of every detail | Licence Act of 1868, and also into the obsérves : * Mis " aly § ) 4 y deta C 8! Missuri sends abroad fe i r convinces us that we are gazing upon ne | best means of suppressing the use of | millions of dollars worth of railroad mil ] roads already built, ranning north, into | tual portaits of these venerable monarchs | intoxicating liquors as a beverage, have | locomotive engines, agricultural my the interior of the country and others yet | of the forest, drawn by one who knows | held several meetings. A Sub-Committee | chinery, tools, nails, boiler iron, x to be built, which would bg feeders to the | *' D loves hes well. Fhe engraving, | he Shpointed se trate wl % rations fron, *3d Steel ai of which can be wads | g wigth truth ully renders every varying 0 besen » various persons throughon lore cheaply here thag : r she nd > . \) y ying i . 1 3 1 I 3 any w : Ontario & Quebee road, le stated, that, textira of bark and leaf, a thy io it tee has reported, | ih thédand." Y whers dn S : the ac- | fpr every dollar paid-in bogjuses the public | specimen of the talent of ! 3 ¢ f questions have | | pros the report of the C ited quisition of the Furniss property for the Would receive in return twinty-fold. He [engravers--the elder Li which will without delay | 3,0 award for 'Steam on C »3 H co ile 1 - 3 . " A . « t 3 . am on 3 these are settling push your railroad on | Water Wor could not be effected with- the es this read wonld Sanon of this ent has beep on towing persons : appears that the Committee, wom i | and survey other Townships, and go of out secret cArrupt neqotitations, with a Rave over the Grand Trunk » in New ¥ : Yo Estent of the evils of | years' study aid examination of the wb. \ 1 i : 4 2 ¢ n f. -| ject 3 be varions : it's 3 This ' view to the rallegislators © flortéd on beth sides by a richéand fertik t other mn ot est juet and of the Jat) bas devices in inves. © intoellizenc : . b . Seba l iC bes tows, are as yet 1 I d dB inte lligence. | plan accords with the common sense. Tt | and unserupnloas gol Mr. J. If not all rich in agricultural ill be hard to sclect a single | remedy therefor. | of anybody to the coveted S10 right of a natia choose | : i! In) Sites D 3 : p ill d i ne | vi ! . " ght of a nation to choose { was practised by the Americangy.and is | E. Smith, the collector of cust ma, Las | Hroducts, it was rich in mineral deposits Phe ar h will do m re to win for Toe | . Police and Stipendiary | success of steam motive power om fhe | the very plan we follow in our own _Prov- | been placed in a very bad Ti) ¥ the 1 | Arp ihe 3 spect of the whose eulti- 2 portion of the | Delawars and Raritain Canal reems fo fic to 5 ove wt enables: 'them i ha ; aE ri ® or bo only Low ranning thréugh the front townships. ceiate the highest . NE Jnvisdy tJhavs attracted re aj proval from the - : : J 3 ults of intemperance pmunissiogers than any of the inventies Oshawa, Fe ' mate r ces 0 "ar Smile 3.1 y 3 " to ostimate his own services, but to ap- | 1 ie g » you consider licens- | utended for our State. : ; | rn praise Ald. Be Whether the {ine the nse of intoxicating drinks as a RECENt adviees fro alos 3 3 ucts ( s in ng inks a YE rom Wales | Quebec road are projected, passing through | Jatter could have been purcha lictive of crime? What | reat strike contain these items: The A Valu bors, afrai ke c i f Wbors, afraid of the con- | wnaceomnudated, well settled sections of and the others for the HSL InTemperance | colliers are the unyielding faction ; fhe fb st in present | mnindrs are in great part disfggsed togo bi ter of its example ; but, | os ta & 2 vr 1 ILS as best calculat ! work, and the ir. m-worke I's asa rule ane anxious to resime work on the mastenw' terms, but without coal little can be done, Tha only trads now flourishing isthe ses eal trade ;the making of rails and bins al . almost suspended. At Dowlais not afm' - " > of rails has been made in a week. Ontef © N 16 furnaces 12 are damped down ; the fas © Bessemer mill is descrted, and offe © LL PAR mills are St zest. The chlliers in onl © Estatnnt 1 mines inother parts have divided ther Toqueated 3 rork with some.o howd + tonth, stherise fellows, could not be pinned in the stooks | te wnships, he, speaking advisedly, would work with some of thosc on the strike. _ «THOM! 3 Oshawa, Janus? the. rod 2: sox Shiau, ; ntifhat 4 ple: a yo! . pos : : It isnot very creditable to the stat T ; - Hamil le id d . hi i manship of Cor arces that the Presides that it would be commenced next fall has felt obliged to send a special message BU" tA King St to remind meinbers that the Fishers Lill ouglit to Le passed. That he em sidered it his duty to go down to the Capitol and use Lis personal influence in Keapeonstant's Meats of a' Peddling W hi © favour ef the bill is, perhaps, a matter d bE Pay up Union, since they could. not benefit by | of civil war in the North, and disorders | emigration the Red River country we formarited by foes' of order and of the ought to vse tlie lakes and rivers up to the THE TORONTO TAMMANY. - onto, and west. He slibwed how such a various iniprove nents, sich as the new 10 Toronto people have discovered wo In being Lot There aa k premises, Fos railways and canals for which they would | Republic, but the intellizence, courage toad would be supported hy the numerous bo taxed. Bat, even<df-the . dition wo anted, wehave no assurance | aJord hopes of its early: sneccss and pro- pls would be etisSed. - Al longed existence. ready they are eowplaining they have not | the royal hous:s feel discomposed and been consulted about the present deputa- | anxious at the turn things have taken ; tion, which is looked npon with snepicion. { that would be natural, The Prussian and It isnot likely any attempt would be ! Italian Governments are roported particn- made to ring in the Island without the, | larly displeased, and they possess not only consent of its inhabitants. We have been | decided tastes but tanght a serious lesson by Nova Scotia | However, the in thir kind of business. Bad enough to pay exorbitant prices for the luxery of | concced without being pected to the additional annoyance i end of lake Suporior, begin your railroad | ; they, too, possess, if not a Tammany or- above con- | and vigor its leaders have so far shown, | there, and span the portages with it, using ganization, at least the requsite material { water and rail alternately until you tap | for one. Old Turner's revelati ms, a few LH) Port Porry S and send ac't 14 To Rer OT 33. A dlington, of which ar house, barn, or failing stream ¢ Terms liber Sottht les b . A Doubtless several of the Sascatchewan valley, the great field for scttlement. ships on each side of tha road, and when nights ago, produced a sensation, and no Then survey blocks of town- | wopder. Snch a transaction as ' list i n, showed advan ' ex . rk, where 1a3 won the by being sup ¢ aes i Won, SN \ J 1 Irmnkene ble cause | filling the country with i itants. 3. Resnits of int ance. 4, Shery of muni keen tweens, dbuntry. its owg n of constitution is generally it, as the ra- | He fever 1 these days, through crowned "who knew not ute south of the ridges, ed » g an / Our of art. James sketch) of tha to Aix; and 1 + etches by : | ince of Ontario in dealing with our own nay dispute the principle, and I of | detest the prac The Republic may | intense hatred, and revolutionary agitation. | have to encounter the secret kastility of x . pacious ** colonial fellowship, sub- ads 1 tion lias been t! veople in railroad matters, : In what respect . vl simwing his soat, lic was loudly and justly | D. When sach railroads as the fin Ontario and 1d others. a;plauded {or his able and convin.ing acl We all know how small communities can | some of it fcech. hate, and whit great outcrics they can raise, s uci i et : Fave r. which Jr. ti'en ably a The Fox and Gray 1 oT apd showed, by his knowledge of railway specimen of that p most hap opinion of them argwes cither a very low matters, his fitness for a direct r, and the | style, and is a tri pictorial 1 5 Altogether we ¢ he publish- ers upon thei Eg ment of ght or nine 1 5 of lars | congratulate our ny the road, that the of such a American tast ex« than articles story, a man of solid chi racter, kiown by all his | ¢ fair and liberal bonus was given by these | The T : : sums sct J scd the mecting; our country, to these, if economically con- speetively, is s mystery, hut ulty should Te IT . . . Sar. sont 1 t internal union, this i structed and wisely managed, we ean give prove EH atid external | our unjualified support, calt them by what enmity might help to fuse all parties, and nawe we plea o, whether Canadian Pacific Lot us have such roads as advance the value of our lunds and person 2 ACRES corner of! tho Village of U I ------------ nsuperable a ) . d conception of human nature, or a personal = wits cheice made by the company in knowledge the reverse of creditable to the parties concerned. Ald. Turner has vin- dicated himself, and put Ald. very tight place. Chief of Is and What proportion ted befora yon as cruminals ns of intemperance ! 2, oficial records, tion, puint to a bever- | Tur Government should be pread of rnc the success that has fritherto attended Marden their resolution £6 maintain their their caterprizos. The House, by a large ights and latest politic al handiwork. for an | ---------- { al property and Mr. : | 17 is no room to doubt the retire. { taining Lis service He slowed that this pectors ~Qebawa, Feb { or any ether. spendin - " in a in build mazii majority, © endorsed the schoure Incbriate Tardee made ont a good where thoy can be nsed by eur people, but let us have no f He Ulames the Globe's two or th-ce cents per bus! the pay r of a bribe; but surely | on the bonus asked for. Ie said, that if - . it Asylum, at llam 1 . ; Asylum v Wh attacks for the low estimate of Lis charactir ~g well as yo = | thg use of u "| age as productiv alone would more than pay r own obs xicating drinks us » of erime 3. case for such an | ! tish en- | Went of Sir F. Hincks from We ! and " | projects that pass throngh uninhabited Cabinet | 1 involved in the of t the experiment, by reference. to Bri wilderness, even though pro: osed hy men FO H L$ n y * ; x H an) ro i {4 4 a. } appears sent ery 11: J niries and American aclieven.cats, wa ippears at present ¥ { callingthemselvesstatesmen. Suchschemes diferent about the honors of office, pro' and. prizes a'rea ly won. ®t some men Jose 11} { : : : all Xaew that some men lose health load us with taxation witheut correspond. | of suspicion by one calaminator, however this would be ' bw say, the route. of . sing to be satisfied with the laurels | ing benefits. iv by the passion of drink, and that the Indeed the Scry number and urgency of the temptations knight would have us belicrathat, of late. = wits, not to speak of propor and. time fluentinl. Mr. Bell's silence, so long. his | and . ) | wy abont P ilo A 1 | and Rf , Gaol Sarceons, Ov and Henry Richard and other char- { Short d Pithy I.# lewts of Poorhoases. i : ¢ . which are in Mr. 8 of those who Lave come I..N. Gilibs, Esq., M, P., was well sat- | , A Fow Ti + charge have been the victims isficd with the fair manner in which Messrs i and his Riders, Lite f | o rates ! 2, How fardo yon con t! o | sider the hea the intemperaie to be wee + + 1 1 f ws lial meas cst! subsequent attempis to prevent the Major's | and would be completed in from two te > : ey . { exposure of the matter, andhisconcealment | four years. | He concluded an able speech abroad render ib exceedingly diffealt to | he has had no relish for public life, onc of | THE FINANCES OF ONTARIO. of facts tonching the "cpmroaches™ : : conquer or materially restrain that pas. | the main objec i dC . g amid loud applause. cts, if not the only one, in RE, : an «. A} 4 toothers, rtion | all wear a damaging look.. Toronto's Coun- ne ini i f 1 AD ing in it, ss long, boing the settle . s cil needs purific tiow from liquor, care, and go d healthy | ment of the Pacfiic einse firan m.. Now experience shows that se | Femai | The subject of the financial condition of ey . tion as well as NewYork's | Ontario, raised by the speech of the Treas sili bidid vay scheme in a : a fact that should teach ws mode able to realization. - He wall i gly uttered his testimony in behalf of mde ns less clear respons . The Home seems to ave taken the "x centive repro to heart ;lit passed the bill without much- ado, though a Mes achnsetts man thought a a treaty concluded by the executive" branches of the Government was a matier & of little moffient to the House of Repre- sentatives N..Y. Tribune, Tar action of the British Conservat: sive leaders shows that they, are disposed 4 to'make the policy of Mr. Gladstone en £ dict have enabled thousands to outlive this craving, aud direct their thoughts . . and 'Fowler andi Glen had laid thei arcr, Mr. Crooks, on Friday last, is ¥ rs 0 1 o i gg : dion , caution in criticising foreign conan Cwhefor the rid payers, anl gave ther naturally undergoing discussion, at presen i i PR) y and i: A * ' ' > Lucre seems to | at deal of ¢ iishness in setting and energies with worthy, useful chanaels. conspicnous | from differcug party stand points. Let us o vr ) rH. Allan's evening, : s ; : . nature" in ot 3 83 we tions of Outario having no place where sce what the position oi -the Province 3 On the our credit with . x 3 i . York, where, if the bribes were enormous, | was rermiredin t quires | championship, the in saying 0,007 Montreal, needed for the land and buildings, and a which people will differ. Tt was, howere large portion ¢f the fmturc expenses may to re ment or discipline cn be appl 1 WW you as 1st December last, the sun A . is the means and opportunities correspo. ded | He was rsona the value of the Provincial | . 2 Sil PoBced | Pe hall : 5 1 proportions. | being built on this side of the ridges; and A ------------------ was gla one. The coantry can afford the #1 gs inaddition, about { | 'of over five millions, showing an increass y H I cri \ M: rch Avping 1, notwithstanding our differences | he 1 ed. price Bell and | , | works eonstructed, reached the large total t intemp SUTres Aarau \ ! t vers embrage tl no sensible nark that no. stupid cry st {Let your answers embrage three acy, at the su 1 authorized bo & im pol in thesi burns, | "bottle of which is plaints. Soe: pecular ent eye ¢ and gra his obed: use, all « % look at a | in the im but it is cared for | or unsou i exibit t1 #H without 1 be thrown to the lignbr trade, t : of the Institation, or their friends. Muc good may thus be done by a modest expenditure. Of course this need not lead the way to that ran upon the Exchequer, pretended to be feared by many of the Opposition, for the Ministry understand the extent of our means, and the exceptional, pr: « mature of this partic lar claim. The debate of Tucsday will have done no harm in the manifesting the thoughtfulness of t'e majority in regard to a necessary improvemen the one hand, and the general indisposi- | the much further in the path of public benevolence or expenditure. ----------i tion, on other, to pr ceed Tue Quebec nominations for the Local Legislature have furni snd scandals. shed fresh tragedies The amount of mischief to hfe and property occasioned 'lg the con tests of armed, infuriated mobs has been Lamnentably great, and the jut thus produced should stimulate the awdliorities and all interested in' the maintenance of order, to efforts for the discovery of the authors and abettors of these outrages. | The telegrawus to the Liberal press accuse the friends of the Local Government, Mr. Langevin' included, of responsibility in | this unfortunate and discred;table matter, An iowesti ation will probably be held, to clicit the truth, which should be got at # possible, without delay. Why! Because the natural tendency of city niobs, unde: high political exciten.ent, . to. riot and violence, is already too str. - past experienc: of Quebec proves the ractice of sti.nulating rowdyism, as als its dangerous rusults. - Now when we have wo military in the country, and only « fsndful of policemen, it is both improper and peficus to excite ths masses to dis- orlér on oceasions like this. Toliticdns, | Tilley is porhaps tho bst available sne- | estimate and programme by the Treasurer. whether in or out of office, who will resort te sud means for success, are not oui and needs | repression ind ®t enconraement. The against the Americans, as contractors, or builders, should be set up, as we should sbenefit by help from any qnarter. We are certainly, likely to need all the assist. | ance that may be volunteered. As to the | negotiations and private transactions that { resulted in the formation of the Company, and the award of the contract, we have Sir F. Hincks naturally trieg to justify all the The ensuing session of Parlivment may elicit | little or no information as yet. Government's share in the matter. { such facts as a proper nuderstanding of the whole business demands, Meantime we have to contemplate the retirement of this gentleman from the Cabinet. Nobody can deny his talent for finance, his exten. { sive experience of affuirs, his industry and {emergy. It was not strangd that the { friends of the Miuistry took credit for his | labors and abilities, and certainly they | were very useful to it at times when the | display of capacity in other depar'ments was sadly awanting. Apart from his opinions on certain subjects, and his par | ticipati m in somz transactions neither | neficial to the country, naged the finances with skill and of | the silver nuisance should be remembered i tolerable success, and his suppression te his credit. He was eroclictty at times, hot-tempered and extreme, hesitating not to defend any kind of cqgduct of which | his colleagnes might Le or. Yot it will | be hard to replaces kim in his skill and bsence. These wiecancies will be scram: | bled for by Sir Joka Macdonald's | | followres; hardly '® man of whom but thinks kimself fit for the Treasury or any other department. | ! The Premier now, | however, Las but a sorry tail of third-rates from, whilst his opponents | increase in strength and confidence. Mr { to choose | | ces r to Sir F. Hinks, but- the contrast | | between them is likeiy to be marked, in | | ; | in the year of 21,479 504. | withia view to its judicious, systematic | lin 1872, Of this J7,979 was invested, 2,901 | cash, and $1,475,427 stood opposite public gate o4, La agyre- | works; 8372,786, however, had been dyawn from the railway fund. Allowing $1,627,- 214 for that object, there was a elear | balance to the eredit of the Province of | 24,871,970. This, certainly, represents a state of things on which the country may- well congratulate itself, The estimated revenue for the current year is 83,089,000, .including $1,054,900 Dominion subsidy, and 81,441,000 from Crown Lands, timber dues, and so forth, The total receipts in 1872 reached $3,060,. 7 sogthat tho above estimate does not appear hazardous. Tle next important point to consider in appreciating the financial picture is the estimated outlay for 1873, which is given at $2,771,028, or £450,000 more than that of 1872, and £200,000 above 1871. How does the expenditures of the various year, compare ! In 1868 81,183 852; 1860, #1,- 444,608; 1870, 82,580,663; 1871, £1,816, - 366; 1872, 81,847,956. The grants to rail- ways are not included in the latter tota'. The excess in -the estimates for this year as compared with last is Bivided among the following chief services: Colonization Roadk, Administration of Justice, Public Works, Asylum maintenance, Linmigrations l Education, Fund Crown Lands. Colonization roms receive The Municipalities and $146,300, against 797,05 last year. expenditure. The excess for Justice is mainly owing to the item of 839,070 for the payment of witnesses in criminal trials Immigration receives £55,824 more than | of which $30,000 will mect the | bonuses to Immigrants. Such, in brief, | is the sketch of the Provincial situation, | | Attempts bave already been made not only to mar and depreciate it, but to support 3 fuols, but men unworthy of public counte- | various respects disadvantageous to the | the mistatements'put forth with this ohjec nance. The charges against the Local Government party may Bave some founda- tim, and, if so, the respectable citizens, Government. Who will replace Tilley or Tupper! The problem, however, may | | | 1 | | by argument. The enemies of the Goy- | ernment are unhappy to find our finaneial | as expected will doubtless want their sense got plenty of material like Pope, or Walsh, | they suffer as critics and prophets, and | of the eondust of the offendess wn the | good enough to stop a gap, or vote yea, | their political opponents gain in credit and | pulling dag, if allowed to vote, The courts { but wholly incompetent to make a respon. | power. Far better, to some men, that aud Parliament, #f nocessary, should also | sible appearance' in positions of 'public | their country should lose ground than take action to prevent the establishment | trust and importance. of wob rule, with all its demeralising and throatening influences. The mob that escorted Mr. Knot to the polls, did net get bludgeons, knives and revolvers and | Twexsy-rwo members of the Port | Perry lodge they, themselves, be stultified and frus- trafed in their designs We condole with [ the dejected Tories in their patriotic af- fliction, hoping, at the same time, partly of I. O. of G. T, visited the | for the further exercisé of our emotions, WELL DONE osha. A Dailding Society hasbeen organized it are the leading men amonast us. It is Mr. Glen waited upen a few gentlemen in the Village about a Week ago, and in 3.or | ers against being too liberal in giving | To. the Elitor of the Ontario Ref 4 hours obtained their sicnatures for over £100,000. Stock required is £250 000 in subscribed the books will be closed, and | Wo feel assuzrd the canvass of a day or two | will result in the whole stock being taken within this small municipality. Who will beat that ? The advantages that a society of this | kind coffers to the lender of money are: Ist. It will pay at least as high a rate of interest to him as he can get by lending | personally. It will be less tronble to him, | for the Company will find investments, and it will be absolutely secure, because tha no money will bo advanced except upon undoubtedly safe real estate security. 2nd. 0 are men well known amor gst us as succes. | The board of Directorsand officers ful in their respective callings; they are all heavy stockholders, which makes it | their intores to look well after the affairs of the society, and the institution will have the benefit of their united business ex- | perience in deciding an investment. | 3rd. sire to convert his stock he ean sell any day and Should any stockhiold r vigor, and his colleagues lacked strdngth, | Province is to be divided into three see- ! have the use of his money; whereas as a ven with him, iet alone providing for his tions, Northern, Western and Eastern, | private lender it is impossible for him { | suddenly to get control of his capital with- | out considerable sacrifice, | Some of the advantages to the borrower { from such socicties are, that he can obtain | aloan for a long length of time at the current rate of interest, whereas to Bauks | he mnst pay at short dates. Persous of { small incomes can pay the principle and interest in periodical instalneiits, thus | rendering liquidation easy. The existence of institutions of this kind afford to persons not havingimmediate | use for their spare cash a safe place for | depositing it, at a higher rate of interest not appear difficult to a Premior who has | affiirs so healthy and promising, aince | than can be obtained from Banks. I ---------------- ATTEND the auction sale of Dry Goods, clothing, books, room paper, ete., in the | store eccupiod Dickey and Willox. Sale on Saturday night., Bar. gama will bo given. - by Messrs, Rise ax Prices. --All sshoool bool s have advanced in price,and will be sold in own and our country's good. | favored this reute. | Mr. W. Nichols cautioned the ratepay- bonus Mr. D. Holiday, jr., said that the ratepayers would never get back value | shares of 850 each. When that amount is | for the bonus granted the P. W. & P. P. of enterprise, which Railway. A vote was taken, but vc ry few voted either for or against it. The meeting at Coluiubus was well at- tended, and two to one in favor of the | Com. Er ------------ road. Loox at the Dee-hive tisement ; read the adver- i go to the bge-hive,buy cheaply, and becomo rich. WE direct attention to the advertisment of Mr. J. Arkland. Ho offers for sale 25 acres of land, sitnated in this village, It may Dehad at a bargain, ' Tue Rev B. L. |Hutton will address the temperance meeting on Sabbath after ! noon next. Letthere bea good attendance. To comimence at. the o'clock. usual hour--foug IT is expected that the Oshawa Divi of T. will visit thy Bowmanville Division on Tuesday evening next. A full is 'requested at the regular meeting of the Oshawa division Monday evening aext, sion S. attendance on to make ar- rangements, Tue tea mes ting in the M. E. Charch, on Tuesday evening last, was a decided The church jwas crowded : the were good 5 tho singing was splendid, ard the speeches were excellent, success, catables Ox the 25th, Mr. T. P. White, Reeve of Pickering, had a sale of farm stoek, etc. There was a good gathering of wealthy people, and prices ruled high. One cow was sold for ; of Horses brought between £400 and 2500. The remainder of the stock sold Com. well, Ox Thursday last week while Mr. and Mrs. Twowly, formerly of East Whithy, were driving from Pic kering to W hitby : they met with an accident which almost When padsing two te ns on the toad, one of the drivers cracked proved serions. 8, that we conld all unite for our | in s Chr » lage He stated 3 | that he had had a jersonal interview with | inour thriving Village, and atthe head uf | Sir Hugh Allen, and that he (Sir Hugh) He concluded a short | { already a success beyond any peradventure. | and able speech amidst loud applause. =| if inaugeratel in One span | 3 Sutton & 53 Maiden Line. N. Y. subscriptions received at tis office. 4 Correspondence. rner | DEAR Sir, There are parties who every now and then hit npon some new modes » with few exceptions, A proper spirat, w | tend much towards advancement in many Co'y.," Aately organized may be set down as among the most recent, and not least | important;but it sgeris most singular tome that some men never cans out upen anything having the mutual support of all in control and The result of the meeting on Saturday night has the management, appearance of bringing *' grist to the mill," and will tend Ffear toward preventing many from taking that interest, and g iving the corporation that aid it certainly other- wise would have been likely to receive, | | press { their dissatisfaction with the partizan manner in which the whole thing has been arranged for *' grist grinding at our mill." Yours, ete., Hexzy F. PICKERING COUNCIL, Saturday, February, 15th 1873. | The Pigkering Council met pursuant to adjourgment. Members all present. Minutes off last meeting read and confirm- | ed T= Petitiong presented: of Wim. V. Richard son, and ®thers, for open travel the Base Line across of Wia. Déinbar and others, ask to Jases Jphnston and wife; by James L | Palmer, of gavern keepers for certificates to) obtain tavern licenses. Mr. Green moved that the Reeve and clerk be anthorized to grant certifi for. tavern licenses to the following parties they being reported by the Inspector to have the required '*atcomodations,- viz Charles W, Matthews, Samuel B. Webb, John Bailiy, George Henderson, Mrs, Judith Sterling, William Cooper, Thomas Major, Mrs. "0, Seeker, Hugh Graham, Thomas James [ Cooper, Edward Der Fisher. Carried. Mr. Brownsoved thet the Reeve arant his order on the treasurer in favor of Win Habibard, for the sum of {109 for services ered as collector for ths year 1872 askey, sher, aud John 'arried. . Miller moved that the Reeve t respects. The "Ontario Logn and Savings | parties without displaying partizan feelings | { Many who have already taken stoek ex- | o| ters just published eont or aid | ites | To 3 rors, Owners and Masters of Vessels.--1. What proportion of accidents ean yon trace to the use of | intoxicating drinks, 'and what is the per- | centage to I | As between total abstainers | uid those workinen who use more 6r | of liquor as a hever » their com- parative e y anfl trust rthiness, or vesséls ! 2, To Man rers and Contractors.--1, | Is there any preference in favour of total al ners as agents clerks, foremen and ) wen om you pt | peet do you cot use of int i yi» {To Insurance Ce anies. | ence if any, do you make in regard What dif to | suranees on life ¢ between t ers and those who use nto as a beverage ? Also on fire insurances, what = differance, if any, do you make in insuring a vessel sailed by, {ers? ns -- <-- { 502,000 Subscribers wanted I~ - ¢ Thenew volun of will presput a 1 tributors, a wider and thorough disenssion | of the topics treated in its Editorial De- | partments, finer illustrations, and more lly good printing than y wl uniformally { has preceded it. The List of 8s nearly one ne i hundred of the brightest 1 ofr literature. Among the features of special interest will be--- DR. HOLLAND'SPLENDID SERIAL, *' ARTHUR | | BONNICASTLE," A STORY OF AMERICAN Live. | | Also a Series of brilliantly Ilustrated Papers, by Edward King, under the title } of -- 1 " Sot » THE GREAT TH, which will Le alone worth the price of the Monthly. * There will be a on £0 entertainis their Fria nd W : Papers on ation of rican Homes." h Portraits, of Living Also "The Best Short 8"'by the best of living writers There will be Descriptive Articles, Tales of Travel and Adventu choicest Poems, the most Brilliant ays torials, Review nd" Art Critigues, De, partments re ing to Home ond Nature and -Science, and Culture Progress, Amu and Intor chings, y prosentin pages. of the choi illustr by the Lest writers in gage Amer | Writers. { Stor Society, ani ting Kt r nearly ated Literatur inglish Lo NL, 1 lan \r more than national ro nthly has obtained some Nemition, Neribner's thing An eminent English author, ina he Publis) "Its amc wetter y Magazine 1 ums to be ** tho f wrs ng WCTO8S, s . the question of Education if Ireland the erty destroyed annually | { from these causes alone in your eon pany | less | 2 In what res- | xicat- | bevirage in these classes | In Oshawa, on the 'morning of the 38th iss. . {of Simcoe and Athold and marie | { a | which invalids noe 'consisnils sock ue apetit | captain and crew who are total abstaln- Sheu the food is impefeciy di es known to | | = y © Edi= fav) eat, Fall, ® bushel," 20030 | means for again obtaining control of the "Government. It is hardly likely tha the Nonconformists, however strongly they may be opposed to sectarizn legisiath will go so far as to assist. the Tories to power, althongh if the question wem between the Goverment themselves alone, they would bitterly oppose Mr. Glad: | stone's . policy. In the course of the { | | | 1 session, then the Premier may be inthe anomalous position of owing his safety from defeat to the opposition of the Conservatives.-- dm. paper. DIED, rederick- William, youngest son of | Taylor, aged 15 years, 1 month, 2 days. | The funeral will leave his late residence corner streets, Sunday noon, at 3 o'clock, for the Union burial gre THE STOMACH AND ITS DE IANGEMENTS are (he common osuse of {| the most of the Chronic Wasi'ng Disease 'milated the blood becomes impoverished, gans and tissues of the body de ument. This em manifests itself in some | sease of the Lungs, Heart, and in others by fulows 1 ers by §orc hy ¥ want of nouri 18 of The glands, 'erupiions of , ulcers of bone apd fésh, spinal ig tnrijies exhavsllaz @ischarges vaxier newalgie sod ch arise from de- To invigorate she S *stion, and the formation of eclers Compound Elixie of t Calisava is of great effieacy and ¥. being harmless te infant or adit, rompt and permanent in its effects. Sold by ol iaisi ntribu- Hy Commercial, OSMAWA WARKETY --l csooc0O=--- RISTHERCREIRIELRNE BRO =D weed . WILITRY MARKETS. t February 2 TE lovers Timothy 143 BB. BOWMANVILLE MARLIET SS. Butter, » Wheat, ¥ bushe', .. n tye, do SETI RITE b= ETAT ®seounts nit | over to ths bi M. DI{ request dune, to call at o settle the sar to go on with door t of Gi Oshawa, Dec. ony the STaTEAMA J Cash for W R HE SUY to all indeb account or othe on or before 4 also add, that business will he otherwise espec . Oshawa, Sept G. B "AS NO another I BOUus can nov supplied at the morning. All ¢ attended to. Oshawa, Dec. NE WO( TPE Sui FORM 1 Vicinity; that Sale of WOd SA LUM (1 Woon ALL MR. NEAL Will be authorized to arran ) managers of the asylum for the blind for the admission of James Miller, of White- finaly ran away, throwing Mr.and Mrs. W, | Valo, into the said instituticn, and to draw Xa 4 po dh » tres rer for the 4 ont, and smashing the cuter all to piccos. upon the treasurer for the amount Fog A ] + penses connected therewith, not to ottunately no eng was.huit, the sum of 32). Carried. zine of its class in the world," : Susie: 4 n Price £4 payable | Gries: © dof no. on 88 - Marsh + 00a Year; iver and Dror Nid, Tha Four feet Corl I Dsbawi, Jan, use them for nothing, the Quebec rough | Oshawa lodge en Friday evening last. | that the present canse of their trouble wil! being practical as well as unscrupulous. | Programmes had been arranged by both prove permanent in character. Doubtless We doubt not that Mr. Pelletrer the Op- | lodges, and were well gone through with. | the Provinee, by not going to the dogs, position a Liberal candidate, will be elect- Coflee, sandwiches, ete., were passed exhibits a boorish perversity painful and wl if thi law be maintained, as it ought around, and freely partaken of. , inexhaustable. The surplus should dis- Oshawa at the following prices; First Book, part 1st, Bc ; part 23d, lec; 2nd book, 25¢ ; dnd do., 40¢; 4:h do , BOc; Oth do., 60¢ ; Spelling book, his whip, which frightened Mr. T vomly's herse so that it commenced to Kick, and Ee 3 > ert rier to wll Subserile of ex- 30¢ ; threa part songs, 322. These ars Toronto priecs, remem exceed TIGHT BINDI

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