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Ontario Reformer, 23 Apr 1873, p. 3

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AD Ker OLNER, USHAWA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 283, 187s. 4 | New Dry Goods Store! SMART AC TIVE BOY, SR 1! : | » er qin So wok a Pi ALEXANDER & BRYCE Tavis knowledse of the ! Announces that they are showing a full assortment of ° NEW SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, --AND-- MILLINERY. Q NOTE A FEW OF THE PRICES. i Good Dresses, $1 25, $1 50, $2, $2 50, up. Beautiful Black Lustres (a speciality) from 20 cts. per yard. Good Light Ground Prints, at 8 cts, Table Linens at 30 cts., 40 cts, 50 cts, 75 cts, 81, $1 25. Table Napkins from $1 25 per dozen, io $4 Linen Towels 5 cts, 10 cts, 15 cts, 20 cts, 25 cts. and 30 cts. Heavy Steam Looms at 8 cents. | Our Grey Cottons are admitted to be the Cheapest in Town, A Splendid assortment of Lace Cartan at 90 cts, 81 20,8150, 8175 $2, 82 23, 88, £3 50, and 84 50. GENTS FURNISHING DEPARTMENT! Heavy Cotton Socks at 10 cts, Good Oxford Shirts at 75 cts, Splendid "Dress Shirts at $1, a full assortment of Straw and Felt 'Hata. | Clothing made to order on the Shortest Notice. By Tire | Call and sce the New Styles in Shawls at $2 25. On Time / MILLINERY! MILLNINERY! ' nTi | Our Millinery department is under the superintendance of a First-class And i Time / Milliner from Toronto and will be found replete in all the Paris and ! --~G0 TO-- New York styles. Call and examine goods and for yourselves. All BAMBRIDGES, goods Bod in plain figures and one 'price only. SIMCOE ST. NORTH. ALEXANDER & BRYCE. 1872.) 872 | Wilsons Block, King Street, Oshawa. AS USUAL! New Just arrived at the Goods. : Complete Success ! I0 FIRST PRIZES AT TWO EXHIBITIONS. W.BELL, & Co, . GUELPH, ONT. - Received Petry £ First Prize for 3 hh Mil ANTED TMM MEDIATELY. | ? eh "omog Ou te ™; A ase NExprea Co, : wrod by the Aq vet they {ng Otfice; ™ n 21s Hirm are Sf 1 asiness pre.err red. FORSME | Large e Arrivals | ¢ 00D ¥ RAME BU 1LD ING 32x30 | A suital ue for ¥ Jarn or Mab . | MALL, | _patL, 3nd conc cosslo 5-4tu-D. ~ssolution of Partnership | > y "low. FE LAW PA \RTNERSHIP F( | Certainly S R i ctwoemn the unde rsdgn : Na, na 3 Attorneys, Solicitors, oo is : OT an ; ancers, has been | Orsing up h 1 ) ony ossigly, nd 0 i J to the late firm are re- | hui... Mr. Mc heir accounts by p nent to fo Som thon id FarewelR3PS0 \{Flihy by payment to M gn" " Tel a INO. E. FAREWELL. heal Oshawa Ap. |. McGEE. Tras 52-3in : e on h C{osphites hag Wiustrie become ET or guano NEW GOODS! » How eit may Re HIN C snd ; affectio pate an A gain the lova | choose, in | If you want to get HORSESHOEING --OR-- REPAIRING OF ANY KIND DONE | | f ! Io wo sold. 2 : r, Ereling { Eighth St, | ee Founa." Sek FOUR HORSES FORSALE, | . ORE { Phe Vr ih Raid iy ota ix Firng,, 0 ONE YOU NG SP. Sed 1 pr, BAYS, = Up to Time | | (Idd MMHAN -- PAN MA'CHED | "Sin 228,000 Span eraE® oF af jo 1 revs wo by the | ANDRW ANNIS. FOR S ALE. DIVE GOOD MILCH COWS cone in early) f ir Sale, Apply to CHARLES WIITE, Harmony, FOR SAIL. HORSE, EIGHT YEARS OLD, « for General Purposes, a C sud HARNESS, apply to poses, also BUGGY repugnant t, E. FIELDING 0 the rp ---- > wal i LATE COWAN'S dual NEW STOC + HWAWA wm ARKETS -- ) Pinos, Jans, ling, Concertinas, Violin B. 1 Strings, Sheet Mure. de. nn KING ST, OSHAWA. | i " | | { | | bushp! 3 QQ) R vw ELLINGTON, : ® coccoom. coos » pon -3 TIBET LT IIRL, Sle EzeRIRLLYLS 4 whoo ose NEW FIGURED BALERNOS, NEW STRIPED SATEENS, NEW STRIPED POPLINS, NEW LUSTRE SERGES, NEW BEACK LUSTRES, NEW PRINTS- fiom the nessistand --nine woos He ITSY MARKETS, | | i | fon § 5 T i > | premises a )ccupied | VI1GG-& et, a Ji ors West | ve #4 1 . i 2 | < | J Oshawa, April 150 3 # ¥ ® evccccw usasen Organs & Melogoons At the Provincial TxbLibition, Iiamilton, au Centre Exhibition, Guelph. AVO, F. NOTICE. *ILLE MARKETS, HE MET ING OF THE FOR EST. i oi ¢, will be in the new Hall DERS RECEIVED AT THE 'ommi ner of Crown sazvanay, is vd ct id asxt, For the cor etipn of the BUCKHORN ROAD, { From lis present terminus naar the Scuthern be ? the s grand success, In "addition to last year a o y Silver Medal, 3 Diplomas, and 12 First Prizes. Prove that our Instrument In the opinien or Sompstent Judges ure lucomparbly superior te all others. Sole proprietors and Mdnu'acturers of the ORCANETTE, - Containing Seribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes acknowledged hy all to be the greatest improve ment yet intrody #1. Their superiority is con ceded by other makers from the fact that st Guelph they withdrew from competition, the acknowledging their inability to compete wit} RR GEpusy I - LE] 2x SRERen guggay 'We have a splendid stock of Black and Colored Kid Gloves at the BEE HIVE. J. BARNARD, BEE HIVE, King Street, Oshawa Osuawa, March 27th, 1873 A. LAWLER, & WV ATR N ING T HERERY © AUTION TNE PUBLIC | A NOTE FOR $300 Purporting to n a . 11*}h Feb. er t ry 1° Soccococ® dd wed Tow SHIP oF GLAVORGAN, { North Ward te the Soutl.erly boundary of tho | TOWNSHIP OF Dy SART, | about 12 miles, Also fer ay ation of the Methuen and Chandos Road - NHYVO aNv RES » Lowel Je SpIIs WopIesy pue pRLY pojioduiy soa | ol 0) » AVE do] jue Hoop Oshawa, Aw ira eng A "0% 'YINAMIP UINVINHOLYM VES FOR SALE. PROPERTY | IN them Every Instrum nt fully warranted for nt years. Send for ca'al : containing fifty dtr ferent styles of instrumerts, W. BELL & Co. JOIN DALE, Brooklin, Guelph, Oct. 22nd, 1372. 1-y $5,000 REWARD! e After the Fire! 2 JO&RH. HENRY, Have Resumed Dusiness in tle arino Or te u eto Rent bo HOUSE AND LOT, OX at/fhis effes, Sav. s Ie poly to sale®n the Karr Prop JAMES WOOD. | | at Gallery lately occupied by J. E. Hoitt | | DrrarTs El) Af : x rs. Lasos, | 1 In the Building on the Corner of King and Simcoa Strocts, Where they are once more prepared to - Take Photographs, | And other Styles of Pictures, in all the Latest Styles. House, and Lot For Sale. ED € ARBOT A AND Oppesis Psbawa C2 Cabinet Factory. Le best half-degen % x B HOUSE CONTAINS TWELVE - I BROTHERS, ne rota. BAA 5 Foss 211 comodate f anil fa 3 Te 'rms, "ete. { Apply to Capt. George Fron: oll, or MCGEE. pouado amon £1 31018 £IIIMOL Mau d4 AT10410dds4 'SHOO0TTO ANY SIHOLVM NI MHOM TV 50 020300 §POGS IY 948 puv [wa tv wry 0a13 o 304 £p! Yq 1 1 eslJ 0, '#3 sooud puw enqea pool f dvayd st (vy jug BE TENDERS | Wok. BE RECEIVED XT THE go ee, of the Commissioner of Crown s : atime ot to enl Lands, u pecial attention ven [2 arging | | TRURSDAY, the 8th gsy of May sesh ! aad Sutacisd. Tr Eh fe oon Toad 18 | pyograpt taken from Pitores, and snared 0 |NORTH- WEST ROAD, | Oshawa, December 24th ' thé Prolongation of the gama from its pre. eco tern. 'uve at five miles fram_Parry Sound vin age, in a north-westerly direction, five miles ; . { further, NORTHERN rom its present van River, ten miles 249-1, Spring ( Goods! | Entrance on King Street | Between Gilletts' and Dickie's Store. HE RATEPAYERS OF THE VIL- LAGE of Oshawa, having lately voted the above rewacd for tho introduction ef a new manufac toring iftetest In dur midst, it has given t impetus tv the building of Houses for ou ia ustrial classes ANNUAL MEET. 3 bine oo RB izsde "will be E a in mw FRIDAY cvening next, 3 TE ARE NOW OPENING OUT 4 | large and well assorted stock of )100 PINOM PUR 'ESIUISIC 'aod oy 9 0} punoq aa% pus ssoutsnq usomt om . MAXWELL ~ Brigade See, Millinery and Ladies Underclothing | Parties requiring the same will do well to cal | 459 examine if before purchasing elsewhere | ye sud Quality and Price we | 'beat = { RS. BROOKS | LADIES FURNISHING STORE, Simcoe St., | six doors north of Site Osha ste. Ny © 6 'WOOM JNU JUOWIISIJIOAPY © pur SHTX WIN §1 1001S ST 9% '2151 Mos] SIR] oq ma 'ajeornyur 10 ojuedtep ao Jou IVI OA) {1 CORN, a portion EB. A CAR LOAD OF / J. excellent. EELY. BROTHERS, ; ie -- pA ) LARGE ASSORTMENT OF er ROOM PAPER ; 11 RECEIVED : PAPER 'BLINDS. 2 of PRES- seen R. WELLINGTON'S FARM FOR SALE. One Hundred Acres. FIVE EAST HALF OF LOT NO. 20 t f ih the 2nd con., of the towhshi » of Whitby, E 'E ite > nai road about h FIFE PREMISES OF a Trans Ths ead Mt C a quality, a Ee also upe LID HEIFER, id ; Also pe ucsted to pay Ale ur saw ous Auv ora ne 1S LV: SHAS "VMVHSO sv 1AAULS ONIY '¥MD01g SNOSTI POIUBIIBAA PUR poaredoy Alinjoaey | soromaond 20 '0)RTI-I0ATIS SAITOA0 "SI[00TD "SOIT M, HHOLS KUTAMIT MAN FHL 2quOmIL Osea] J ICAL N { | RS WILL OFFER WOOD CUT and SPLIT at bc TRA CHARGE. And the best assortment of Gun; (including Breech Loaders), Revoi- vers, Pistols, and Shooting and Fish- ing Tackle in the Co In order to give greater facilities for the rapid Jaishing of new 'baildings, thé subscriber has OF "Also. for the copstrugtion of & Bridge at dol [See has ever before been oifered in Oshawe shore paged point. of nMmencement, actos 5 - oy consisting in part [ERE TE ii or CD DR. 1 EANS | : Sioa Aen | JRESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE 1600 Kegs of Cut Nails. wri Teen lie that the MEDICAL HALL is | RE MOVED to es | THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSOR okt, hm nov | WILSON'S NEW BLOCK. MENT 0 Ld J.P. COCK} 3S RTO PN HIUR Fl fhe nd prORE 4 NEAR THE POST OFFICE, {| Tenders ma ¢ &iher 1 ft sum per | WlLare he has ope ned out a NEW STOCK of P A I Jy S, | cried Tih the Bpemanpt Be. ol Work | Pure Tugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi- WT i, A_plin and Specificat the Bridge gan be eines, Suegrior Dye Stuffs, Elogant ! $oeR at the Department ¢f vn Lands Tecrop- Perfumes, 8 Sconted Soaps, Tooth J ' . OILS, | The Commsetoner of Crown Linds rejerves | Brushes, Hai Brushes, Nail A J { the right of accepting an) ue of the Tenders Brushes, Cocmbs, Trus- VV R N {odered. % ~ ly = - | scot} 523, &6., 5. | MANUFACTURING COMPANY ARNISH ES, | Daearmursror Crows Laia, Lo | And a large stock of Fancy Articler- | fXAVE Now ON HAND THE FIRST INSTRUMENTS OF THEIR Glass, Putty. &c { - zur His 8: rgery is in cor Niegtiop withthe ad Fini Shp i BA aphid, re th have ¢ : £ i N ced I " ¢ the ab! of Oshawa | ' zg 3 35 y Shop as usual, Te place ourselves bef IN THE COUNTY. the 1th con of Whith » a - pail 'A 4 J. DEWAR, : JGSEPI BIGELOW, Oshawa, Maach 121, 1572. | ; 5 Port Perry, March 17, 145 Nd . : -i© Men of Practical Experience, 4 SHLENDIDPARIETY UF ; i" > ing n thorough 1 1ze of the Dustness ; refore. parties Purchasing Our Tnstru- POTATOES. : | 4 | Having a thorong he' 2, firvetore, puntos Purchsg Our Justra-] Spades, Shovels, Hoes, NI CELEBRATED : Oshawa Coal TENDERS FETE | ALL OUR INST RUMINTS ARE WARRANTED TOR FIVE YEARS, . Forks, Rakes, &C. y rd Seedling, : . { ¥ : i And parties pure! on us will have a guarantee they cannot have by purchasing those $ ' ' AND 'W ILL BE RECE 1 ED AT THE 2a ' "Fh { bmporicd, je the Manis * Rarer only fs ou wucibie tut thennil Apcius selling Joy then in the A LARGE STOCK OF _ . , DE POT MV Oitice of the Commissioner of Crown Ri | We have now opened our Wareroom in Ir, Wilkinson's Store, near: the ; L( )CKS KIN( )B W O( )] Ji UL TRURSDAT, Ota Day of May Nozt. | ho = Samara Hotel, King Street, Oshawa, g y S, f 4 Bt einvite hic publi to oon cet bur instruments. Parties desiri chase will find zo HT on River Moa | FUERTE ST TE AE LATCHES & HINGES HE SUBSCRIBERS EEG TO IN- Vi £4 I A rca { 46 selie dige end ay Loi % i e. a . FORM the public that they have now on lon an Bay. to "until its sad +3 0 | Al Y SE ROBIN SO . Asser 3 Bald a Lue above Yard, 8 large Gaantity. of | With tae akc Joseph Hoad about eight miles. $8, 000 Worth of Stock. | ASL DARLY. DARLE Wa. ROBINSON. | A Splendid men of Carpenter: | ¥ Re ad. Oshawa, October 9:1 . / Lake Joseph oa . October 9:1. ; Pitie. AF ws. COAL and CORD WwooD! ; {OW 1s YoU R TIME FOR CHEAP A as as fs Varnish, emits in the ow ship of Concer ard | J) : oi "hite Wash, Kulsomine, Shoe. Georgetown Lime, |... imines fret | WATORES, Ontario Commercial College, Shh cal i Da MAY 3rd 1873 IMPORTANT TO CAE nam) | CLOCES, Belleville, Ont. | FRAIL : ? : } % eis < M Us SQUOS H RoaD. | JEWELRY, ; Heville, n i A Lary Sk of Rolzers aid oth: ge Lots, Agricult ural Salt ! Fruit Growers | {foi coie : SILVER PLATE, THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL INSTITUTION FOR BUSINESS Outlery, Dixon's and othersusaries sm on the KERR Yard, ward he La . 4 FANCY GOODS, CHARACTERISTIC of ge, wheie young wen and boys can precurc en education | maks:s cf Nickel and Silver Ail orci left. « t hte. - he an 8 TH E DE MAND FOR GOOD | es &C.. &C uited (0 the yauls of the incs 9 Plated Goofs and Crusta e uaptl ide 0 jes of winter apples is constantly in ! " ] isk nothing, the resalt unv \ lt} fini. | : . ~ opp wll bo pros ate A vuite o viter opie wemanty bn | 36 ie -- The chars a mE opie A first-rate assortment of Axle Lots cannot be Jf this coutry produce nothing but | be built across th ka Liver s bove ur st "the ympeter ! sucees 1 by thi . : Carriage Springs, Iron, Rope and « otrash, b pybiic know | vow mn the uo ff Th : . i NF 2 » * t Two pm. Marshall & Bescoby es ant, cit poor ap, iim ave Hous a: ah to be bu} ing Phil 1p Taylor SU B. | J OY oT SS PAUGHT Chains. o & '00D. » - ones, 18 i yea afmental Specification No. ese 3 ; AL. : &.J. WOO , services of C. J. Repay, | ai the following fleces, viz: | Has commenced to seil Lis splendid stock at Book-keeping--by. single and double entry, Spencerian Penmanship, | fis - SCRE OF marten tel Wh 5 NB RS iE 1 GREATLY REDUCED RATES + rithmetie, Correspondence, Commercial Law, Plicnography, Telegraph- | : > LL . X fan 8 a ed ta be Jp, COCKBURN = § SHUT fitting + ng Railroading, Steamboating, 21 SR ny 2 od reliiteetural Drawing, | / + y ale R= -- N x d at ibid t pose [And dl-ahe Crown Land Of ? for Cash only, prior to his fitting up a Nev ng, hauro g, oaung, =aicchauical and réallectul awing, LOT . i i ¢ ; 5 ; ses, and visiting the | _c% to 0 Fo 8 : » Lis i vy ap ing toon Yep, oe ussot, A Plus and Spect fication for ze can b English, ¥ ret, fern: and Ls can't ark ete, ete. | 2 : © oN { ons and send edman do the Seen at the Crowr Le 5 an erers 8 pr 830 8 0 WEST, OSHAWA, ' EPR ES Eton |. munications and send M7. B or RG A tery ray o os 5 The best Juni asd 3 west paticras sy bor A Staff of Seven Practical and Experienced Teachers. P a} 0 \ S------ ama L t t what w nile 1 he road ut ed from the manufactirers ial artios Sere well stock : ; : Xn g in SR Plant, what wt HE Thor will save money Ly exaruii ids Thore who cap devote a few moiiths to study: parents who Eave SONS TO EDTesTy rece (Anply to : as we cannot t weet apples aud trash, but he Comiinissic v rig accept prives before purch sing e.sewlere. those desirous of changing their present ocenpation for somethi The whole o f the above stock wae pu i ehased 'efore the Jate i . - t { 4nd will Le ih JBI NSTON, or i { - i pen . will always pay good prices for god fruit. | ing way or uoue of thy das Oiler W ate ches, Clecls and Jewels yr >, lem Ses jo.conduch Whur awa busincss systematically, will Lu ta tthe adv Ta . } il. McGEE. $ : 3 i . Seid on your order. Yours. ke., ny soo, warranded on shurk nat cc, hiaper |, "LL se g | ih Will Lis (3x whi nitafton mel 4 fe Lo A. M ASI0N, Prlyvets Ont. | eran c La: mney a i thaw, any o'ke- tauos, 32 Specimens cf Popmanabip, and Journal erntyinizp AT pert! larg rent fess of charge. yy A = 4 [¥] of postion on 45 . 2x | Tereels Ma ap i 13% Crt aws, Marck 1th, Ba, drses, SE TY EC Petar iISHAH.LOY

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