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Ontario Reformer, 14 May 1873, p. 3

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Ovricr or Geo. cc Goopwiy a Co, 38 Hanover Street. Poston. Mz. Jawes Tu FrLROWS, 3 1 | ; After the Fire! |J0& RH.HENRY. Mave Resumed Business In thé Gallery lately cooupied by J. E. Hoitt 'In the Builling on the Corner of King and Simoos Streets, Where they are once more prepared to | Take Photographs, And wher Styles of Disturen 1a all fe Latest | Entrance oo Xie Street < Between Gllletts' and Dickle's Store. " Spectal sttantion given to enlarging and Coloriag. A | all L woos Pear Sin: We have been dealing in year Hypophosphites about two years, and although the price seems high (none | ! too high considering its vi rtues), we think | This. | %t has succeeded better than any other | Joniop r preparation wo have ever handled, and Lis bo iheerfully recommend it ta all-in need of 5 good medicine. - Yours respec ata 5 5 { GED.C GOUDWIN & CO. Hal council ha {i - Hr ard > 2 iid iags ao WHEELER'S COMPOU ND | DE Aixlf of Phosphates. and (lisaya eontains | elements absol we! ly essential to cetl-growth and | the formatiof of the system. Dr. Dusart, a eele- | haley + Blogs st, gl, Phais, sys that ™ Phos. ate of Limo is eminently an exciting agent of "he factions of no@itl ; in other words, a | puteifive tonic-t at ft ginduces the albumenoid | Batter to Assure the'celluinr shape, and that it controls she furmation of tissues. When taken | jato he sYSIOM more food Is absorbed, and the | wight of the body rap ily pereased, owing to | ON ta of yi Fhunme nokd inatter into avian Fefers from imperfect nu- Tan. as Mm scrofulous and tuberculous dis. pe will derive immediate benelll irom its use, Jor sale by all druggist, lm pe : argo AA A Provisions] 1 {he Powers of Nn, aidan AC ail Lone ~ Linthe pendent of the d Hel couue wi 'wing 9a18 of, "a + 02018 Lipomag mou 3 Cases Prints! ren WR redoyy A(Injeden oq [II '9JWOLIIUT 20° IJWI[OP, #01] JOU 3I¥D oA. AISA, 4 'HINVINHO J ; aad wo | '$0070 ANV STHOLYM NI YHOM TW 2 i Finest Goods in the Market, Na [191 wood 'pue ones 'poof dveys 1 A og AN real est alance or aman ¥ the Pune county to fe LA 1 "Ymnt uch balance the ve ties. shall assum, e 1 r on nnty be cha he: a8 may be ju »And Al estate, whips; / Nes + y | tik property Of the Naty Y Neapectively, qunt, and any ins 5 by the union Sic usive benefit of," f the prov isional : "un. auy part in the -- iy question affecting the jegotiation there. f 'PojUBLIBAA PUB Pod 4 AH Photographs tated from Pretarés, dnd enlarged Oshawa, Déceiner Sub 1872. Prospectus si 1873. ras AL DINE, y | Will be Sold at 4 York Shilling a yard, 'eed oy Sng UYOW om : gd » loweg je Spay uopaes pue pry pojiodury Co mney am, OSHAWA RARKETS sosvyoand Lue Surpnjpupe ea0peq spoof sry eo® pu [vo SAIALS jsorv; omy Jo phe : "VAKVHSQ "ISVE 1IIULS ONIY 'M0Q1g S,NOSTIM | Aue PT te pmos puv 'ssaupenq Sof pousdo mou sf SIH 1VJL IONAONNV OL FAVET DE" ATINALO pue § wy RI un ae Sig WH 1, ¥ bush hig t Fa hel, oon Sein; gv bushel, Outs. ¥ ee Pax ¥ he L 3 ue Fo Marrow-fat-Peas eye Arrowsfa ) sy ¥ bushel... Hutter, 3 n, . TIVISNIdEH M- sls q ore pue 3] "0% 'HITIMAN e = ul Iv, Oum Y withia one juned in seg. to determing 1atltersy herein. i respect to theip Topanty, such matters gu es them by ash 3+ vu sn Rus Wades f County of WHITBY MARKETS, pther chung - . {or settled y the Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushel, h amdungsl Wheat, Sprinz, do ET eshtom 3 Parley, ¥ iotiet wel, Raps + per La Onts, the Union, is dis- % Peas, do ppv ] »d for, like potatoes, do . , ue a wl Batter. ¥ B. mil of the eeunty Ril BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. T. "hv. 3 bo pa by senor or remain. Ras been paid or hend ox arbitmti » po LY AN AEN of SVRLREELLRLULT T 5 WOOO POO ORE ~~ CANO O=S TOSCO ~~ - v8 BBE RBES - 00 'sotovgoedg 20"pyeg-TeATIS 'Armor: Joquioujex opeeld TINO} P rivals of bia INE isa nique ad alone and ovsocc®w -- Oh - ~NMONT VY NEW STO( TK or | Pianos, Organs, Violins, Condeytinias, | Violin Bows and Strings, Sheet Mule, de INSTRUMENTS TO RENT BY THE TERM. | Orders for Tuning attended 0 promptly. r R. WELLINGTON, | Sign of the Book, Wilson's Block. } or cl volume "Wheat, Bust, s Oats, Clover Seay » push, . TimotLy yge ed, do Butter, ¥B... ... a eaal LATE COWANS ti slierd, one or "he; peace, a clerk 1 Teqistrar, and at of | the peace, and mmission "or come ents are to auties become JomoNTe ! MARKETS, & ae FQUR HORSES FOR SALE.| (3 7 ONE YOUNG SPAN MATC HED] : BAYS, suitable for - either Carriage or | nera" purpose ; and «One Span ef Feary | ught, Will sil either separatly or by the | span. ANCRW ANNIS. Ww heat, 3 vy bushel, PER Rye, wh 'Potatoes, por bag. Hay, §gon, Apples, ¥br KING STREET, OSHAWA: ~~ wioocce?® | 88E&=RAR, *ments ave made, mem { proclamation, A 3 New Dry Goods Store! | ALEXANDER & BRYCE Announces that they are showing a full assortment of NEW SPRING AND SUMMER DRY G00Ds, --AND-- MILLINERY. Wilsen's Block TUESDAY evening | ° ac Soiock, NOTE A FEW OF THE PRICES. | GEO. W. Good Dresses, 81 25, 81 50, 8 Beautiful Black Lustres (a speciality) on 20 cts. per yard. dispose Lumber for Sale. £ ® the belong : A 3 Good Light Ground Prints, at 8 cts. LARGEQUANTITY OF SESLON Table Linens at 30 cts, 40 cts, 50 cts, 73 cts, Table Napkins from £1 25 per dozen, to $4. and, in the lumber forsale at Meads' Mi). Reach, they may be ® ; A. B. CAMPBELL, Linen {Towels 5 ctd., 10 cts, 15 cts, 20 cts, Heavy Steam Loo: s at 8 cents, If you want to get ZiHoRSESHOENG OR House and Lot For Sale. Opposite Oshawa Cabinet Factory. HE HOUSE CONTAINS TWELVE _ rooms, and a good stome cellar. Will ac- comodate four small families. For terms, etc., | apply to Capt. George Farewell, ar to R. McGEE. . 2-101. FOR SALE. HE VALU: \BLE PROPERTY lately owned by Mr. Robert Gott, corner of Simcoe and Pine streets, consisting ofone quarter acre; on which there are two good houses with | good water &c. Also sane good lots for sale'on the Karr Prep | erty, the best in Oshawa, Apply to Sil JAMES wi 00D. T FOR SAL E. On. Bim / HORSE, EIGHT YEARS OLD, n 4 e b A Suitable for General Purposes, also BUGGY | nities, and shall totake efivet on the v nexy aftdr the end of ing g justices of v have any jurisdic *5 and the real n of the union v shall become tion of the 1 property or united wopkrty of the cor- £ county or united assets belonging he union shall be- riy of the senior n of counties + by separa. sed of by K RE OF ANY KIND DONE PAIRING mnty LO, Lodge, 888. SPECTAL MEETING OF THE | A, ove Lodge with be held in the Lodge ngs in any other shape or number of vi for ten time itacost; and there are the besides) Art Devartmaens. vi Notwithstand the increase in the subscription last Fall, when T'HE As assumed its present noble pro; presentative character, the tion vas more than doubled during the past Joar 'and that the yh i public o appreciate a will Such: a sincere effort in The pu' ishetd, anxious 10 Jugiify the pune bat on have exerted them- salvos to "the utmost to develo And my RE the plans he » bra the A monthly aes, Twill even the most sanguine friends of THE ALDINE. The publishers are authorized to announce d®: signs from many of the most eminent artists of America. In additio THR ALDINE will ce examples of he best f mast- era, selected with a view to the success, and greatest general interest ; av a8 have become familiar, th graghs, or copies of a unted plates, for 1573, John S. Davis Amit te to the plates in the issues for Jan 3 "April, July, and ber, would be alone worth the price ayeat's subseript ion, The Dapahis feature a cofficusly illustrat. ed "Christmas" nwmnb- i be To ich a valuable ome of the art world at a cost so trifling, wil Souand the Sullscriptions of thousands ino every section of the count t, as the usefulness and jitractions of of TER drDNE can be en fi the publish pe housed o ts upporte e pu i male 'assurance os sure," by wing unparalleled offer a Promaium Chromos for 1673. Every subscriber to Ths Aldine, whe in advance for the year Jord, will receive, wi r of beautiful oli Lal, next, th ipst., \Up toi Time | G ARTI, § Ww AM. i . Aga By Time : 2 &2 50, . ! oh ah As it is the dc ramon) of its con- And in Time i --G0O TO-- and HARNESS, apply to | E. FIELRING King Be. West, Oshawa. 81, $1 25. tr Toot her legal ; FRA roprietor. i ced in the ree ot - iv - ¢ per 3 ¥y or ungm of $5 to $207] RT ee of either sex, you r wy at work for us in ¢ time, than at anything Address G. STIN3ON & "FOR SALE. N BU GGIES, NEW. Ss. AMUEL WOOD, | 4 be equal to t samples 25 ets. and 30 cts. furnish Mg hk or the ni will be re- funded. The "distribution of pictures of this grade, free to the subscribers to "will mark an epoch in the hon considoting the nnprecedel apices of the price for The Aldine itself, the marvel falls little short of 'a miracle, even ta with the achievements iniproved mechanical ap) tions of these chiomos, gee November Yasue of THE ALDINE] Tho Litezary Sizartment od bo jeontinne under the care of Mr. Ric AS USUAL! , assisted the best wri - Complete Success 1 Re TT a 10 Fl RST PRIZES with jts artiste stones. AT TW, EXHIBITIONS. Tb os ae i su A There wi bg no W. B E ¥ Ls; & Co} 3 club rate: eath for subser to the publishers direct, of GUELPH, ONT. gel "Received Every First t Pr fore Aerts wanted! ¥ Our Grey Cottons are admitted to be the Cheapest in Town. A Splendid assortment of Lace Curtains at 9D cts, $120, £1 50, 81 75 £2, $2 25, 83, $3 50, and $4 50. GENTS FURNISHING DEPARTMENT! Heavy Cotton Socks at 1@#ts, Good Oxford SHirts t 75 ets, Splendid Co., South Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. » "Dress Shirts at $1, a full assortment of Straw ind Felt Hats. pr IMPORTANT TO = Clothing made to arder on the Shortest 'Notice. a : Call and sce the New Styles in Shawls at $2 25. Fruit Growers : AS THE DEMAND| FOR GOOD M 1 L, L 1 N aD R XY! ! M 1 Ls 1 N 1 N pd! R Y! varieties of winter apples is chustintly In the { Our Millinery department is under the superintendance of a First-class Cretaing. and a very late proporiian. 0 PAPER BLINDS Milliner from Toronto, and will be found replete in all the Paris and bearing AS BE nothing but , New York styles." Call and examine goods and for yourselves. All how they 'mdy thange their poor apples td good nats goods marked in plain figures and one price only. R. WELLINGTON"S | SN ALEXANDER & BRYCE. ED cides, 1C. J. Jou. Wilson's Bloek, King 'Street, Oshawa. MEDICAL HALL an experienced Grafter, from Rochester, N.Y. and any person ha pear or apples they wish DR. DE ANS grafted can get it done, and warr anted to be | » ESPECTFULLY. INFORMS THE according to contract, and 'at the lowe:t pos. siblo rate, on) applying to Geo. A. Masson, Public that the MEDICAL H. ALL is REMOVED to " PSYCHOMANCY, SOUL CHARMING." How either sex may faséinaté and gain and affection of any person they « stantly. This simple mental acquire neni all | can possésa, free, by mail, for 25 cents, toget | with a Marriage Guide; Egyptian Dis cle, Dreams; Hints to L dit s ete. A anes T. ox book, 100,000 sold, Addre T. WILLIA a § AS NAUVH dNV dIdl : | SSSI ! | BAMBRIDGES, SMMCOLE ity is separated he he ad and il of the rs, by laws, 1 liabilities 1,shall be the meil, and the contracts, pro- enew cor- u'arz free. and, Maine. r A 1872) | ST. NORTH. $5,000 REWARD! (1872, 1} eT WO GOOD OPEN "0 be sold cheap. r - LARGE ASSORTMENT OF = RO OM PAPER AND mn of conn- thie rill of any Proceeding upon ion or service y pi any writ of n Ks hands at the or pf any renewal went or sapple- 18¢, or in the s from exe- c¢hrveyances ihe acts of all half hall be and be egal and valid same extent n place.but no agent, withon! Xe Ha br ture feels he hs yen: Agents Wanted. Any pe-son, vvishing to7act permanently as a local agent, will receive full and romp Infor. ation by applying to JAMES SUTTON & CO,, Publishers, MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. Scribner's Monthly. Sertal DR. HOLLAND: Br rev MAX: HDL LiL, padi {RAY of CON UAE sims CLA VEE B00 on Fu gxoopt w bearing t gg aie Ls Tox & Co. HE RATEPAYERS OF THE VIL- LAGE of Oshawa, having lately voted the above reward for the introduct®m of a new manufacturing interest in our micds?, if has given a Sroat impetus to the building of Houses for our industrial elassca, In order to give greater facilities for the rapid finishing of new buildings, the subscriber has laid in 3 LARGER STOCK | i HARDW A pp OP 82d = At the Provincial Exhibition, Hamilton, and Centre Exhibition, Guelph. Oshawa, 0 wiil take note gf such com- i 'and send Mr. Redinah to do 'the work. We only claim pay for what! grows, and we warrant our stock to be just what we represent it to ie. Please get your treesjgrafted as we cannot buy sweet apples and tri he but will always pay good prices for good fi Serd on your order. Yours, &e., i GEO. A. MASSON, Oshaya, Ont, April ist, 1873. #12m NEW MUSI PUBLISHED BY tim of a union Z an action, or ye in which the f | the union, the of pro ceeding is has anthority An 'Immense Stock , by consent ' ed to cogs, and papers. officers of 'WILSON'S NEW BLOCK: NEAR THE POST OFFICE, Where he has opened ont a NEW STOCK of Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi- J.L. PETERS, 599 BROADWAT.N.T, And mailed, post-paid, on receipt of marked price ee. than has ever before been offéred in Oshawa comsisting in part of 600 Kegs of Cut Nails. This ecord o Silver Medal, and success, in addition to last years & i Decorations. R. H. STODDARD on Authors, Ressstisny Sulemas w So- Cg PAGES FOR $1.00! &e, &e ublishers 2, ig Hoe gi 8 NMosnmy, in ale pectus Just aide for the ensying car a more A the v a, xe its be finer | Bation, n any Which h have oY hastitienls in oh fore De year, the or w hey be ant the 1 fe eniidl bt Ths J id. and will i eine oF the mane GIO probleme of American Life. It-will be commenced in the November Number. There will ben new story by Saxi: Hows, The One Legged Da | er Ware, the ot writer of short storiés w contribute a characterist @ titled The ¥ of Fiddicion which 7 og n, will be R. H. a will wrife a taining pa Authors: Fade, Familie. Friends Whims, and Ways. A series of of Living American Writers, ad ralts Clarence k will write about FermMure and the th of tune These papers will be eminent) TE er nL RA | 8 ADC Tion 10 theo which Lhe Writer himeoif ish. AAD cines, Superior Dye Stuffs, Elegant Perfumes, Sconted Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Eair Brushes, Nail Brushes, Coombs, Trus- ses, &¢., &¢. And a large stock of Fancy Articler. | za His Surgery is in cor nection with the Shop as usual. Ochawa, Maach I2th, 1°72. 3 Diplomas, and VOCAL. Above nd Below. Sacred Song. B# Jureh. 0 Back te tbe ou home. Song and Chorus. Stewart. 30 Beautiful Form of my Dreams. "Stewart. 30 Unshing Jeep no. more. S ong and Cl horu®, THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORT. 3 DB 12 First Prizes, Prove that our instrument in ne opinigh 4 competent judges are all others. i A T N iy S,| rs nt ntact of hi OILS, : ¢ Cetin civil an nd tried z in this ed to affect two, fifty- Do wot "Weep 80, Sister darling. Song. i Don't fi forget to w rite me' Song and C hor us. seed in Xi " y-ninth and n of Her present » far as cedings 2 unty ro. ciain, shall f the junior MILLINERY! { men' vet introduced. other makers from fia deli TL Tg from competition, th wledging thelr inability to compete with instrumen warranted ve nod io containing aay ait- W. BELL & Co: JOHN DALE, Brooklis. Guelph, Oct. 22nd, 1872. . Ir Fold o 'our Hands. Song or duet. Boildie n. Gone te the H¢ avenly Garden. ' Chamber omld you 7 fomz. Shattuck. 5 @re we part, Stewart, Little Blind Neil. Song and Chorus. Macy. Little Dan. Song amd Chorus. Hays. VARNISHES, 2 ee Th, o£ Glass, Putty, &c., Pel me ean. sans Kino x IN THE COUNTY, A SPLENDID VARIETY OF Spades, Shovels, Hoes, ! Forks, Rakes, &c. | INSTRUM ENTAL. A LARGE STOCK OF If you were L ~ Kiss me Darl AHAHIS LV Sa BETWEEN LONDON, QUEBEC, AND MONTREAL. utes Or to 4 Oh ! Give me a Howe in the South. d to bail Oh, Sam ! Song and Caoras, separation nr i5, and Ji- le so im pri- v in which roceedings in any person bail. ha all founded on . shz1l be ears or holding to bail county as a sepd~ e the prc ceedings or county, all the c6to the case shall per ofiicerof the Our Little Pet. Song and C horus. Papa, stay Home. Tempera Save one Bright Crown fo 5 We pray you Siang that Song. Dolphus. Wilt thou Weep when [am low ! Walker. ee who etl contiotte are; Mand Hand aon. 1 Biko, Hum einige Hare ichel, Sed ry Stedman, Stockton, rr re Thaxter, Warner, Wilkinson, Mra, besides a host of others. The editorial control and direction of the Ma: will remaain in the hands of Dr. ollsing | { | | | | | | ' . Only for you ! Ballad. | | TEMPERLEY'S LINE pose f the following First-Cl lass oom i 'Tron Steamers: MEDWAY, HECTOR | NIANZA, SEVERN R.A McRAE & Co. ECOTLAND, DELTA, THAMES, $8,000 Worth of Stock N°" IS YOUR R TOME FOR CHEAP ded | to sail Steamers of this Line are intended dors the season of navigation of ir from |, London for Qacbee aud Montreal as follows: Saturday, April ¢ sth. 1 = John } a Half WX And a r other-porson he law' a 1mit¥gd to inuties, and isso! ved. or one crated from the r may notw ith- : Plihes oo Any. po tion 3 FAY - iect, IB cdnesday nos dissolution or hatirday, Ih do w ith out eom- Wednesday, 25th do or the con Wednesday and Saturday re of any SeCt- "Quebec for London as | of ¢ taining the ee ii RS WATCHES, : £ Hats and Caps. i ThaXEs, CLOCKS, WILLIAM LAN G INVITES "INSPECTION TO HIS SPLENDID | STOCK UF | 'NEW SPRING C00DS! WHICH 1S COMPLETE IN ALL ITS | BRANCHES. | ¢ Clothing Made to Order WITH CARE AND DESPATCH. ---- Boots and Shoes. i » Sa. : Jocus | JEWELRY, 7th oh SILVER PLATE, | FANCY GOODS, * &C., &C. Philip Taylor Has commenced to sell his splendid stock at GREATLY REDUCED RATES for O Cash on sad ec re prior ot tis = ands SLE | Eel and maar emt Sock te oi { ood a) quality apd chased from the manufacta es will save money by examimng n alternate And trom The following Extrac -- offered to - ape a wil send or subscriburst for S40 thd raday, Sth May Te osdny , 13th do 'Phursday, 22nd do Tacsday, "ard June Thursday, ah do . Tuesday, @th ii ornate Taesday and Thured ay | Rt aoe of pessage from Quebee 19] Hd Steerage, . $28; Through oF frre Walt | at at reduced gales. : ates s Hog ier Joeed 10 9: "Tiron n bie iv of Jain | tine ndon for of rs Co in inthe Ainiled 50 States iE) | troit, Milwaukee, © cage and pther point: the W est. c For frei rel - - & Co, flaps , or forte ™ TisMEs - = Severs . - - MEBUTA. =>. =i A= MEDWAY - SNIANZA * - » ¢ BOCOTLAND - and every thereafter, London, ¢ bin, Tickets from Any of the above mailed. post -paid,ona rre ee} ce. Rev ol- vers, Pistols, and Shooting} nd ¥ish- ing Tackls in the C aint. The whole of the above stock was pur - chased tefore the late great rise m Prices, and will be spld cheap. far cash, ©. Wilis Gibbe. awa, Jar. 3 POLK AS. Sunbeam, By Kinkel, 35 cts.; Belle} LOCKS KNOBS of Saratoga, by Victor, 35 cis, ; May Flowers, by} ' 3 Simon, 35 cts, ~ Happy thoughts, by Walker, 39 ets. ; I ~] LATCHES & HINGES, Wave, by Wilson, i0ets, ; Sunbeam, by Pacher, ! . 10 ets, GALIPR, Charlies and Freddie's, by Rinkel, J each 35 ets. ; Tools. 0 c's. ; May Morning, by: Schmidt, 50 cts. Sun- | x s § 3 beam, | by Hoes td Willie's, by | All kin 1s of Paint, y arnish, " : rp MARCIA Belle of Saratozs, by Baumbach, | White Wash, Kalsomine, Shoe. Ow iraen: (tari, Geongentactien, saties| Sérubbing,and other Brush rita, Geog ottie's, § e's y ) ( "Us 3. d Maggie's, by Kinkel, ¢. ach 3 cts. ; Lrops of ¢ 3 or es A Iarg S%ck of Ralzams aad otha Form Suanps --Amaryllis, 5 eta. o'ka, > cts ONC nase Ga D cols, Praise of Woman Polka- Masao -ail by Dress makds of Wickel and Silver 3 PO) ALIN PIECES. -- Dance of the Haymakers, td Goods and Crusts. Wilson, 75 ete, ; Love's Caresses, Kinkel, $0 cts; | Jirst-rate ascortiient of Axles Fleurs. Tonel, 4) cts. ; Whispering Breezes, Wil Carriage Springs, fren, pe and ua. Chain \ ; emit 3 (cluding Breech Loadery), ist X FOR -IKSST EPA | IT-BCY Bd or LE TF Pak x SUL Cia | Doce ent Y MAZURKAS. Awakening of the Birds, 50 cts, ! A Splendid Assortment of Carpenters SHOTTISC WES. «Fatal Glance, by Young, 2 ES Dew, by Allard, # cts, ; Sunbeam, by use, Cutlery, Dixzon's and other anperics May Blossoms, Rinkel, 50 cts. : Plate des| * And "the" best Ass rtnicn of Gung Address, J. L PETERS, 39 Broadway. NY 80 bLeins, sheriff of as arvested, and - hereof. i 1 next u eek.) I to th newest, patte patterns np FA Gents' Furnishings. re purchasing Watches, Clocks and J warranted on short notice, than any . other 'Camawe, March ig I S8uiyioj) epew-Apedy. CLUS ALL POT: = INDIGESTION AT ONCE. TRY IT!% RAMA | | lose EW a § 1 SUA H.LOY ar

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