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Ontario Reformer, 14 May 1873, p. 4

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i PEE Tr TT rE PEEP ATREE LS FLEE) i Px " LEH ig RUPEES RPMS PE i ONTARIO KEFORMEK, USHAWA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1873 : Waiting. U the wintry skies, A lid and still cs the moon, The earth slumbering lies, Cl ound in her cocoon, In her shrouded and dreamiless rest, A a a Shar .C 0] m, Is dumb, cannot sing, But soen, at the to att Fiat thrills the bound! spirit beneath. She will wake, she will rouse from her trance, She will burst from her chrysalis sheath. * All palpitating in sheen of Jeaming rimple and fold, Fresh robed in sapphire and greets, Full winged with purple and gold. When the world, reawakoned from death, med ota hinge Tut, O then. wi soul, 1 Bas slumbered 0 Awake in the of wi Arise with the rapture of song. Tom Carter's Garden. 1 don't think anybody in the village of Grogfield liked Grundy Archer. He was wu surly fellow at the best, and sometimes he was downright quarrelsome. He had .his good . points too: He was sober and 'industrious. He prided himself particulaly upon his own cottage garden, in which, every evening, after he had left working for his master, he worked for himself. Grundy's next neighbor was a good temp- ered man, as industrious as himself ; and, : as their gardens joined, there was a kind of rivalry kept up as to which--Tom Carter or Grubdy Archer--should have the earliest peas, the biggest cabbages, and so forth! On the part of Carter, this rivalry was carried on with pleasant good humor ; but when he happened to get the upper hand, Grundy was as savage as a bear. > : One morning in March, Grundy looked out of his chamber window as he was dressing, and saw .a sight' which might ve made a Better tempered man than he cross. A number of fowls had got into his garden, and were as busy as bees, scratch- ing up a row of peas which 'was just ap- pearing above ground, and devouring them by wholesale. He. did not wait to put on the res' of his clothes, but rushing dowa stairs in a fury, he made a' sudden onslaught into the thick of the offénders, and scon dispersed them ; but not till two fine hens were gasping their last on the unlucky row of peas. . The fowls were Tom Carter's. They had made a bresch in their place of con- finement, and trying to make the best of their short liberty, had unfortunately strayed into Grundy's garden, after having done mischief enough in their owner's. Argher was rather ashamed of himself when the deed was done, and managed poatters so that the dead fowls were found in a field at the back of the two gardens, while he repaired the damages they had done in his own. And when they were found he pretended to know nothing about the matter. But Tom had his sus- picions, nevertheless ; and from that time the two neighbors and their wives were as cool as cucumbers towards each other. A few months later, Archer's garden yourown work !" i something to say. J] his brown, bonny hand across his face,and 'Why, Tom you are backward with 'Rather neighbor, but I'll soon fetch up. There, I think that puts thefinishing stroke,' he added, shouldering the rake. ' But, Tom stop a bit, Tom--1 have got I say, Tom, this is] '| very. kind of yon. I could not have thought it. And Tom,--I say, Tom, I J cant bear it ;' and Grundy Archer drew took it away moist. 'Ican't bear it, Tom ; to think how crvoked I've always {been with you. Them hens of yours, Tom.' ¢ Never mind about them, Grundy.' ' Twas I that killed 'em Tom.' ' Never mind,' answered Tom Carter, 'they shouldn't have got into your gar- den.' ' Did you know I did it, then? ' Well; I gave a pretty close guess ; but what matters I" 'You've beat me,' sobbed grundy Ar- clier ; * you've beat me out and out. . God bless you for it, Tom! and he held out his hand to Carter, who shook it with a hearty grip of good will. Tom Carter had found out one way of doing good. ' * Be not overcome of 'evil.' Volunteer Drill for Single Men. Far. ix--Love with some good and in- dustrious young woman. ArrENTION--Pay to her faithfully, and respectfully. Rionr race--In popping the Question like a man. : Quick MarcHE--To her parents, and ask their consent. er Fue r1cET--With Yer to Church, and go through"the service of matrimony." Harr--And reflect seriously hon the | duties you have assumed and then perform them. Ricur asovr race--From the haunts which' you frequented when single, and prefer your own home. Apvaxce arus--To your young wife when out walking with her, and never leave her trail behind. Break orr--Staying out at aight, and other bad habits if you wish to have a happy home. A Pair of Brides. Recently "at the Syracuse House, I breakfasted with & pair of brides, and a pair of bridegrooms, a sort of bridal quar- tette. They were from Cortland, I think, in the country. I knew they were. just | married from a variety of reasons. ' First, | when they alighted from the omnibus to eater the hotel, both young ladies took the arms of the gentlemen, who said, * Dear | let me carry your satchel. Just behind | them came some old married piople.! I 'knew thay had been married some time, | | for the men bounced out, starting baggage | in hand, straight for the hotel, leaving | A WORD OF TIMELY WARNING TO THE - FARMERS OF ONTARIO. GENTLEMEN, we are only manufacturing five hundred Broadcast Soeders this year,and three hnndred of them are already gone, all wh) wish to getone had better do 80 at once, asthe demang is 80 great, those who do not 8 look out in time camot be served this ssason. We would like to supply all wants near home first, If the peajile about home neglect coming in early for thelr machines, 'we will have to send she out to other parts of the country, where they are being qalled for every ay, as we have no room te store a uantity at once, and we must finish them up and get at ourother work. Please eal as soon as possible and get your Machines, We [euarantes them to do . all they are recomnighded 10 do in our imon Neede one man and team al rough seeding, Jriuted sent omials. The fiel that oo coor Ahan the usual war, makes it quite a loss in one season for every farmer that falls to get one, . Yours, &c., F. W. GLEN, 103 me . The Easterly Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator Combined, . st Agricultural Implement for the price ee Jat Jfve worked thee Be, he vt ey and does the grok better oan the aaa) WAY. The facts of the above any person can ascertain by asking the following pred N 1. W. BURK, Darlington, NK i' BOWMAN, King, HW RK, AR. AGH Wl. ES ers, fy SION TAT Soi BYE bree CANON Tein QR VAS BROTHERS, Pio kestng. p.WEST: West Gwillmsbury, JAMES M)ZELY,Aurora SEND IN TOUR ORDERS EARLY. Oshawa, January 29th, {873. ' HATCH & MEARNS, 423m Hardware, Tin and Stove Dealers, | tis of si kinds made to order on KING STREET, OSHAWA. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY. - CALL AT GCURLEY'S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR «A FALL AND. WINTER CLOTHING. He has just received his NEW STOCK, Which will be found complete. 3eautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. A CALL SOLICITED. Beg leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on: them during the post year, and would solicit a continuance of the same, We | have on hand the Largest, Best and Cheapest Stock of HARDWARE, and &ec.,| Ever offered in this market. Our Stock comprises part of the fullowing : | > | 500 Kegs Cut, Shingle and Lath Nails, : 50 Boxes Pressed and Horse Nails, | 200 Boxes Glass, " Star" and " Diamond Star," James', Walker & Parker's, and Brandram"s White L ads, lish and Ameican Colors, ' Blundel and Spencer's Boiled ad Raw Oil, ] | nrniture and Carriage Varnish. é Faria lish, and Canaflian Locks, Latches, and Knobs, | u . and Strap Hinges, Screws &ec., ' ] | ge mo de Sorby's Hand, Rip, and Tenon Saws, Chisels, Gouge's, Plane Irons, &ec. American Socket Firmer Chisels, a Star Company's Bevils, Squares, Dividers, &ec., Colin | or link ka tak Cotl Rodgers' and other ish Cutlery, Platod Forks, ng B. M, Tea and Coffee Pots, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Forks ete, Platform and' Counter Scales, Guns, Revolvers, Shot, Powder, and Gun Caps, Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves, Tinware, Lamp and Chimneys, Chandeliers and Brackets, EVETROUGHING & JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED T? Cut Nails 85 per Kog, Cash ; other goods at proportionate prices, NEW FALL & WINTER GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY, just arrived at TAUNTON] THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT EVER OFFERED THE PUBLIC. We have an excellent assortment of: English and. Canadian Tweeds. Tailoring done on the shortest notice, and good tila guamnteed. OUR GROCERY, DEPARTMENT Is well assorted, and our TEAS are A No. 1. GOODGREEN TEA at FORTY CENTS, Our Dust Tegis we are selling at 37}, by the five pounds, BOOTS & SHOES in GREAT VARIETY. Also, "Nn excellent assortment of Rubbers and Oversho™$, Which will be sold very cheap, Trunks a4 Satchels. And, A THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN THE PROVINCE, THE 'ONTARIO REFORMER' Only 1.80 a year, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING BY THE ONTARIO REFORMER Printing and Publishing Co. SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. 10: EVERY DESCRIPTION OF | PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING 5 CONSISTING OF Posters, All orders left at the L's will ba prompily stemtel Mazshall & Basegly WOOI) OUT and SPLIT EAERA, ut d ALLAN LINE OSZAWA AsENoy WINTER SERV] Co carry ie aie Canadian rir STEAM WEEKLY ae .| LIVERPOOL, LONDO AND CTLASGOW, . HIS COMPANYS : Tp te a re Pol «4.200 tons (b hi Smith, BR. NR. Gos + Clad Y y Tons, Capta 3: Grand Formi ween ee ieht Por Forming a Weekly line b from and Monirent "eS ant Samehipe wil be despatched trom Livepest FROM LIVERPOOL. ROM PORTLAM HIBERNIAN, - -. 6th Nov, MORAVIAN,- 16th * SAMARITAN, "cB NESTORIAN, Dee. SCANDINAVIAN -14 = Orta H. & A. ALLAN, L PETRA ngs HYS(CI AcCCOUC Residence Hotel. PE their wives. with small satchels to fullow began to wear a neglected look. After | single file behind them. At breakfast the the Autumn crops were gathered in, it be- | brides appeared in bridal lavender--laven. came more and more of a wilderness. | der dress:s, lavender hats with lavender ge in fact, everything tha! belongs 10 a General Qouatry Store. {Call and examine our stock and! INMAN LINE Blank Forms, OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, HATCH & MEARNS, LE i eB 1 Weeds overran the empty beds, and there strings and lavender gloves. was no attempt to eradicate them --no King Street, Oshawa, April 31st, 1873, If ever I get married, Mrs. Perkins | | prices and satisfy yourselves be- fore purchasing elsewhere. TO AND FROM Si , furning up. the ground to prepare it for | ghall wear (if she pleases) a suit. of plain | | Cash Paid for Hides and Skins fresh crops. Winter came; and the goose- | black;and then we can enjoy our honey- | 0 S H AW A 0 R GAN & M E L 0 D E 0 N WAM. WILLARD. ! berry bushes, and currant bushes, and {moon at peace. : . | Taunton. ; . apple frees were left uncut. Spring was | The young husbands both wore broad. | MANUFACTURING COMPANY om i PE Business Cards coming on ; and the garden looked more | cloth svits and black slouch hats. Both | NOW ON HAND THE FIRST INSTRUMENTS oF' THEIR | SONG forthe PIANO % > desolate than ever. | wore paper collars and cuffs, and one wore AVE NOW. OF have been pronounced by Good Judges, to_be superior, both in Tone ' 3 Grundy Archer had fallen from ths top | ® paper bosom. Alas! what a shock such | and Finish to any Inmtraments uf the Kind that have ever been placed before the Public of Oshawa | Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price. of a waggon, while carrying corn at harvest | 5 deception must be to a young and guile. We plnie aurnelios Yelors the | Durling, I am Lonely Naw, Song and Chorus, | time, and had broken his leg, and two or | jess wife, In my opinion & paper collar is Men of Practical Ex perience, | Der Sette Nar oit, ong and chorus. | three of his ribs, and for months was lying | more indicative of a real clothes line. At| paving a thorough knowledge of the Business: and, therefore. parties Purchasing Our Instru- lost and Saved, ballad, Donniker. 30. Fare- ig bed helpless. { e partie | 'well, Darling; till we Meet, Rosew ig, 30. Think | | breakfast these young husbands didn't | ments can rest assured they cannot be surpassed by any esta in of me, Darling, song and chorus, Miers, 3 I : | 2 h Ho was pretty well &ired for by his | help shemselves first when they sat down | ALL OUR INSTRUMENTS ARE WARRANTED FOR AVE BARS, | er 30° Hosattoetims of ind Ba gy: master and the parish together, but his | at the table, but they turned to the brides And parties purchasing from us will have a guarantee they cannot have by purchasing those Show Bills, ¥ J. Hames © e RCHITE New York, Queenston onl roy ER Sour .iew Liverpool A 2 *O¥ Patrons, Visiting Cards, HC " WHOL Factory King 5 Bill Heads, tone song, Danks, 30. Theu art no longer Mine, 2 hr ppt LSE (ks 31 "i with a curious expression of countenance "at Tom, who was raking over the onion " bed. Everything was neat and tidy as .. seeds sown and planted. garden, and the pride of his life, nobody | in lavender, and said lovingly, '* Have a | cared for that. 'I can't bear to see it 80.' said Tom Carter one day to his wife. 'Tisn't doing a3 we would be done by. [('ll take a spell at poor Grundy's garden mypelf." ' He dosen't deserve it, though,' said Mrs. Carter who was thinking of her two | deal hens.' ' The Bible tells us to bear one another's burdens,' said Tom. ' Grundy wouldn't have put out his little finger to bear one of ours,' said Mrs. Carter. : "1f yo do good only to them that do good to you, what thank have ye I' answer- #d Tom, quoting a text we should all do well to study more, and to follow as well as etudy. : ¢ I believe you are right, Tom," returned Mrs. Carte: ; but there's our own garden wants as much work as you can give it. ' Look not every man on his own things but every man on the things of others, re- joined Tom, who seems to have studied the Bible to sonie purpose. Grundy Archer was sitting in an easy chair one'evening, in no pleasant frame of mind ; for he was getting better ; and they say that whon a man gets extra cross it is no sigh that he is mending. The doof opened and in came his neigh- bor Caster. 2% 'How d'ye-do, mate 7" said Tom kindly. 'None the better for seeing you,' Grundy would have said, perhaps, if he had spoken his mind. but he growled out "a half civil reply instead. =~ ' About your garden. neighbor,' Tom began to say. be What about it I" Grundy asked quick- ~ 'Tis in a terrible mess.' ~ 'Could havetold you that,' said 'the ick man, = 'I want to put it to right a bit, if you'd let me." ' ' You," 'Yes I; why not? There's. them goose - berry-trees, now , they want cutting.' 'I know they do," Growled Archer. Tis time to think of putting in seeds.' 'Of course it is," replied Archer, testily.' * Anda good ' many other things want + seeing to,' continued Tom Carter. =' You needn't tell me that,' said the man leg and ribs. *¢ What {dr said G y Tean't pay for it, if you do." 4 o * 'I doft't want you to~ may I doit. "4 If you life replied Archer. A month later, and Grundy was in his garden, hobbling on with a stick, looking ever. Trees and bushes had been trimmed, weeds burned, dug in, ndy looks | ing again without o sar, and without the roll, dear I" Then they put som® butter on the lavender brides' plates, and they | | looked up and said, " Thank you, dear," with a smile too happy to describe. When breakfast was over, one of the young hus- bands smiled sweetly and said : -- ** Now, darling, caa't I smoke just once --you know you said I might." 'Yes, Charley, just once." And the two brides stood and looked vacantly out of the window till their sweet hearts came back. When the old masried people sat down there was a different | scene. The old fellows scooped in their | beefsteak and ge, never looking up to know how their wives were getting along" and when they got up they shuffled into | the reading-room, and loaded up their | | meerschaum pipes with the strongest | | cavendish. They then talked politics, | expectorating on the stove, and around | the zinc stove-mat, without once thinking | of their poor wives who were left to | amuse themselves in a neighborly chat. ICan'r Arrorp It.--How often do we | | hear this plea from young men when the | | importantance of an education is urged upon them. -Maay of them ean afford to poison themselves with liquor, paying fifty or a hundred dollars for the privilege ; they can afford to educate the feetin the gayeties of the ball-room on like terms ; to attend sensational places of amuse- ment ; to stake this same money they could not afford an education in a game of chance, to expend money for novels, which would pay for libray of educational works, andin a variety of other ways useless to enumerate here. This is looking at it from a moral stand point. But let us suppose the existence of a moral young man who makes this ebjection, and yet wastes no money in the ways incicted. He "cannot afford it." But he can afford to remain in ig e, for the d of his life, of the most essential elements and principles of the busi that he wily be every day called upon to iransact.-- Exchange. Cure ror Bumws.--Scalds and burns which are oo much more than skin deep are instan| ly relieved of pain by using an application made of oil and ow hoy Pour water on the lamp of upslacked lime; as soon as i is clear, stir in sweet oil until it is as rez thick cream, by slacking, and : it freely at the time,and subsequent- ly asoften as any discomfort arises. If boiling water "is poured on the lime, rock, it will clear in a fow minutes. Good druggists always keep lime water on hand Families would do well to keep a bottle of the mixture always on hand , it will keep 8 year, and can be faken and used ata moment's notice, the natural skin grow. over the fence into his neighbors garden. inconvenient hard ¢ of flour, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. ported, M turer only is responsible for them, and Agents selling for them in the . 410s Mamiue not be Sikay to a the responsibility on their own shoulders. We have now opened our Wareroom in Mr, Wilkinson's Store, near the | yi}, Dead; sone mmercial Hotel, King S a 3 treet, Oshaw: We invite me and inspect | - ith th save Tem per cemt. on their Money, and at it to their tha pnhlis to on al Wi hu, as they can Je Te per « s Y. advantage to de the 8a CO! | chorus, Hays, 80. * Lay me where m: Mether's DARLEY & HOSKIN. Oshawi, October Sth, 1872. 16-1y. Ontario Commercial College, Belleville, Ont. A THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL INSTITUTION FOR BUSINESS b . Kin), CHARACTERISTIC of the age, where young men and boys can procure an education Rite s Polka, el, 35. "uited to the wants of the times. The ¢ are moderate, the risk nothing, the result unvariable, and the opini- ons of the Press, letters from prominent business men, and the united admission of hundreds of { our stud are the g of Pp y and offcred by this College. ; H ; SUBJECTS TAUGHT. | Book-keeping--by single aud double entry, Spencerian Penmanship, Arithmetic, Correspondence, Commercial Law, Phonography, Telegraph- ing, Railroading, teamboating, Mechanical and rchitectural Drawing , ete, ete. You'll al rs fl tre our instruments. Parties desiring to purchase will find | Hoos, 3" Dead. hut Fors and Lg Salon, Feine, 50, * Eddie's ayer, ballad, Danks, 30. Hear say my hi ic . Close the shutter, song and chorus, Pratt. chorus, Stewart, 50, song and chorus, Persley, 35, Quit dat Ticklin Me." Bong and Dance, Hays, 35, t pot Forgotton, so Meet me Maggie, song and | chorus, Hays, 0, Sleeping, song and chorus, Stewart, of All, sacred song, Panseron, 50, --C INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Autumn caves, Second Pensee Meodique, C. T. Frey, $5. lisario, Fantasie, Kinkel, 35. * Rustic Beauty March, Kinkel, 35. * Sunbeam March, Skaats, 35. * Joh! ihie's March, Kinkel, 35. * Bertie's Sefiottische, Kinkel, 35. "Jimmies Schottische, Kinkel, 35. *Hattie's Waltz, Kinkel 35. * Sweet Sixteen Waltz, Kinkel, 35. vening Zephyrs Waltz, 30. ird of beaut: Waltz, Young, 20. 'Switch-off Galop, Young, 2. , 35. Ray of Sunshine olka, Pacher, 35, Qlistening Stars Polka de olka, Kinkel, 35. * Harry's Polka," Kinkel, 35. Smile of Beauty Polka, Young, 20. ' Pieces marked thus * have picture titles. Any piece mailed, post-paid on receipt o marked price. Address, y J. L. PETEnNS, 309. Broadway, New York. RARE CHANCE. Father A Staff of Seven Practical and Experienced Teachers. Those who can devote a few months to study; Lehi who have SONS TO EDICATF | those desirous of changing their present occupation for something more lucrative, or to qualify emselves to conduct their own business systemati » will find that y tetas ves So sonduct th ) systematically, w at the advantageswe offer | 4& Specimens of Penmanship, and Journal containing all particulars sent free of charge. dress, 8, G. BETY & Co., Bsilaville | | and which affords an excellent opportunity to W. WIGG & SON, HAVE REMOV] THEIR 5 FUNITURE WAREROOMS, TO THE--«-- hay vel ' Opposite Quiley's New Hotel, : Pratoxide of Nitrogen / lendid Business for Sale T E UNDERSIGNED BEING A__about to retire from the CABINET and UNDER FAKLNG Busineds has decided to dis- pose of his Present Jarge and profitable business at Prince Albert, established over fourteen years, any one wishing to in such a business, The Premises and whole k-in-trade will be disposed of at a Bargain, and on easy terms. The stock in hand is large and well assorted, and the run of custom -excellent. For terms and other particulars, apply on the premises to : B W. H. PARK. Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1838, ee FARM FOR SALE. One Hundred Acres. FPVIE EAST HALF OF LOT No. 20 in the 2nd con., of the township of Whitby, situate on the main about half way between Oshawa and Whitby, 'The land is of the best quality, is well watered; a orchard is also upon if. Title i . For particulars as to prices and terms apply to the undersigned. Also for sale 35 of Jana part of lot 20 in the 4th con., of Wait EPH BIGELOW, ort Perry, March 17, 1873 # Sw-pd SHINGLES. HINGLES OF ALE KINDS FOR blip ty i TA, Roe Toh th con, 3 JONATHAN STEPHENS, ™ Fely NITROUS OXIDE OR March TERED FOR THE PAIN. Circulars, AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF LETTER-PRESS PRINTING | FROM A LADIES VISITING CARD wo | THE LARGEST SIZE POSTER, EXECUTED WITH 7 NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AT THE 'REFORMER' OFFICE. s---- A lc Remedy for all Diseases Bladder peg KK i Divnaicnt Complaints naidenis ts" Foals on "tony vinced and you eminent VICTORIA . COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTS OF Tr. 8 ones, for of the or virtues, ARB Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by all Dragsist. LINIMENT! "THE KING OF ALL LINIMENTS® EVERIO Headache, &e. i BUY IT! TRY IT!! PROVEITIN Erice i Cents per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Orders by Mail Punctually Attended to ---- i + CALL and SEE SPECIMENS. VICTORTA CARBOLIC SALVE. " WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD," " ig en fe a be Diseas>s of the Skin of every + : Price 25 Cents per Box. Sold by ell Drugx -------- REMEMBER THE STAND, oD the Com and 520 1 Choad C Iz. and Sore 4 VICTORIA =. CLYCERINE JELLY. "EMINENTLY THE LADIES' FAVORITE" Price, 3 Conta per Botdie.d by all Draggte. ; Next door to the Montreal Telegraph Offfice, Cshawa, May, 24, 1099, ¥ SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. N . VICTORIA TOILET SOAPS. : ES -- kia Milline For Style For Chez - Go Ladies' F Sipops St,

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