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Ontario Reformer, 9 Jul 1873, p. 4

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ond Laat BH iia RS ---- Af . a * - RN x cra A RY bs a 4 ! § ! = moet nny all successfully. "held My Daas Bus, ~The negotiations rc- [--_ Confinued on second page.) a an getting $260,000 of stock, and threat- sas opposition if he does not get it. You willwemember, he is one of those I pro- posed us Directors. -1 will do the best 1 can, but I think that McMullen, you, and myself will have to give up some of our stock to conciliate these parties. " Yours truly, {Signed) "Huon Arran." . "' MoxTREAL, 28(h Feb., 1872 "C. M. Saura, Esq., Chicago. "Daan Sin,"--It seems pretty certain that, in addition to payments, the follow- | stock will have to be distributed :-- LL. Macpherson, $100,000 ; A.B. Fos- ter, $100,000 ; Donald A. Smith, 100,000 ; | 100,000; J. J. C. Abbot, Mclunis, $50,000 ; John Sheddes, £50,000; A. Allan, £60,000; C. Gaowski, $50,000 ; George Brown, )3 A. 8 Hincks, £50,000 ; 860,000; T. McGreevy, $50,000; ,000. To meet this I propose i we give up of our stock as follows :-- Smith, $250,000 ; C.. W. McMullen, 000 ; Hugh Allan $350,000; total, ) Pleage esay:if this is agreeable | af I do not think we can do with | ad may have to give more. I do pk we will require more than in cash, but I am nct sure as AV ho am I to draw on for money | it is wanted, and what proof of will be required ! You we 3 Cannot get receipts. Our Legisla- | on the 11thof April, and I "already deep in preparation for the | Every day brings vp some new | theKituation I satisfied myself that the de- ty to» be encountered, but I hope "" Youu Bull, Bigned) "Hrow Array." garding the Canadian Pacific Railway are now approaching a termination, and 1] heve no reason to doubt they will be favorable to us. I' have been given to understand by Mr. McMullen that he has rogularly kept you informed of the pro- gress and position of affairs. Henco I have not communicated with you as often | as I otherwise would have dome. No | doubt he has informed you that thinking as I had taken up the project there must | be something very good im it. ~ A very | formidablé opposition was organized in | Toronto, which for want of a better, took | as their ery, *" No foreign influence ; no | | Yankee dictation'; no Northern Pacific to | | choke off our Canadian Pacific," and | others equally sensible. So mutch effect | | however, was produced both in and out of | Parliament by these cries, that after con- | | sultation with Mr. McMullen, I was forced | H. | unwillingly- to drop ostensibly from our | organization évery American name, and | to put in reliable people on this side in {place of them. J and I differed a little as to the means to be adopted to influence tle government | itself. Two opposing companies, desirous | to build the railroad, wers formed. The { one from Ontario baving the greatest | number of names while that {row Quebec | had the greatest political power. Mr. | McMullen was desirous of securing the {inferior ni embers of the government, and | 'entered into engagements of which I did | | not" approve, as lithought it was only a | waste sbpondarand shot. On a calm viewof | | cision of the question must ultimately | | was Sir George E. Cartier, the leader and | chief of .the French party. This party | { kas held the balance of power between It will have been apparent | | to you that at this point Mr. McMullen | ONTARIO JUEECH MIE, OSHAWA, WEDN ESDAY, J uLY 9, 18/w. Hats and Caps. . WILLIAM LANG INVITES INSPECTION TO HIS SPLENDID STOCK OF 'NEW SPRING COODS! WHICH 18 COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Clothing Made to Order WITH CARE AND DESPATCH. Gents' Furnishings. 'Buiyio|g spew-Apeay Boots and Shoes. HATCH & MEARNS, Hardware, Tin and Stove Dealers, KING STREET, OSHAWA. | Beg leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on them during the post year, and would solicit a continuance of the same, We have on hand the Largest, Bost and Cheapest Stock of HARDWARE, and &ec. Ever offered in this market. Our Stock comprises part of the following : 500 Kegs Cut, Shingle and Lath Nails, Write 'me | | be in the hands of one man, and that man | 50 Boxes Pressed and Horse Nails, | 200 Boxes Glass, " Star "and Diamond Star," . James', Walker & Parker's, and Brandram's White L ads, English and Ameican Colors, P. 8.--1 think you will have to go it | {4 otlier factions. Tt has sustained and | | Blundel and Spencer's Béiled and Raw Oil, blind in the maltersf money-- cash payments. | kept in office and existence the entire | Fornitare and Carriage Varnish. I hace already paid $8,500, and have not a voucher, and cannot get one. $7 fi Moxraeal, 4th March, 1871. "My pmar Mz. McMoLLEN, "Mr. McPherson, of Toronto, and Mr. Brydges here, have both notified: me to-day that they decline to join wd in the Canadian | Railway scheme. Their reasons are that the Company is too largely American, and that they want to see it in the hands of Canadians. They tried to detach me from*the company we have formed and got me to join their's, which of course I declined. I don't know what they can do against us, but I intend going to Ottawa on Monday, the 11th inst, and will try and find out something about it." I will be in Ottawa most of the week." " Yours truly, (Signed) " Hoow Avipax." : - "MoxreEaL, April 16, 1872. "Dear Mz. McMuLrex : "" I must remain here to-might to write my letter for the English mail, which I have been rather neglecting of late. You might make use of your time in seeing | such of the Ministers as yon can reach, but I wish especially that yeu would arrange that you and I together should see Sir John A. at 11 o'clock on Thursday. Telegraph me to Proscott Junction to- | morrow if you can do this. I enclose a letter which came enclosed to me from New York this dey. When can be the matter there 1 I ought to arrive at Ottawa at 4 30 to-morrow p. m. (Wednesday). " Yours truly. (Sigued) Hvuenm Arras." : " Mo¥TREAL, June 12th, 1872. #@G. W. McMuziey, Esq., Russel Hotel, Ottawa tem " Deas 8i8,--I Lave this day received a telegram from you, dated New York, asking me to méet you in Ottawa to-mor- rowon businessof importance. {am unable to go, and if the important business refers | fo the Pacific Railway scheme, I donot think it necessary I should go. I believe I have | got:the whole arranged through my French friends, by means you are aware of, and | we have now a pledge of Sir G. that we | wiil have a majority, snd other things sat- isfactory. I have told you all along that ~--this was the true basis of operations, and else was powder and shot thrown y 2 - i away, and I think so still. You should | come bere and see me before you carry | out any important transaction or pay any money. 1 wantyou to get a correct copy | of the Government Bill and our own Bill, they will suit our friends, and we may have to go to New York to consult them. 1 will be in town to-morrow and Friday. I | will ke absent on Saturday, but will return here cn Monday and be here till Friday. Yours, truly, (Bigned) * Huon Arran." "MoxTaran, 16th July, 1872. "My ps2 Mz. McMuLieN,-- "1 feared you had got entirely lost in the depths of matrimony, but J] am glad "to notice by your letter dated 11th inst., that "you have got safely back. Sincel | saw you the "Canada' Pacific Railway, scheme, had gone through many phases. | Its present position is difficult to be des- | cribed. town for some dsys and I have had several interviews with him. He now that he dues not now, and never, tend to deal with either Macpher- son's Company or curs, and that be only allowed them to get incorporsted as a | of amusement, but he says he ays intended that the - Government PPwould form its own Company, would carry on the work under the orders of the Government, according to the views of the Government engineers, and with money furnished: by the Government. He says that be snd Sir John A. made up their minds $0 this long ago, but did not tell any of their colleagues. A kind of nego- tistions is going on with Macpherson and myself, relative to the composition of this Government Company, but it has not | 'come fo anything as yet ; meantime, the peried of the elections is drawing near, and unless the matter is arranged satis- poten abads, Six Qeage ors yg ge being: warned bh rey im ode © ultimate spault, bul i cannot be long put off. . {will advise yeu as sooh as anything positively known. " Yours truly, (Signed) "Hoom Ansar." The following is addressed to an Ameri- «ean gentleman in a very high pesiion in New York, whose name has bpen given | from "$0 ns, but which is for the present Nita 18 : " Mowrauax, 1st July, 1872. Sir Geo. Cartier has been in Government:'for the last five years; it | consists of 45 men, who have followed | | Cartier aud voted in: a solid phalanx for all his measures. | The Government ma- | jority in Parlistient being genérally less | ! than 45, it follows that the defection of | one-balf or two thirds would at any time | | put the Government out of office. It was { therefore evident that some means must | be adopted to bring the 'influence of this compact body of members to bear in our favour, and as soon as I made up my mind what was the best course to pursue, | I did wot lose a moment in following it up. A railroad from Montreal to Ottawa, through the French country, north of the | Ottawa river, Las long been desired by | the Prench in-habitants ; but Cartier, who {is the salaried solicitor of the Grand | Trunk read to which this would be an | op position; has interposed difficulties, and by his inflnence prevented its being | its being built. The same reason made | him desirous of giving vhe eontract for | the Canada Pacific into, shea ids of par- connected with! the Grand Trunk | Railway, and | to this 'end he | fanned the flame of oppesition t, us; but I saw in this French railroad scheme and in the near approach of the general elections; as others had to go to their constituents | for re-election, a sure means of attaning | object, especially as I proposed to carry it | through to the terminus of the Pacific. | The plaus I propose are in themselves the | best for the interests of the Dominion, and | in urging them to the public I am. really | doing a most patriotic action. But even | in that view, meansqnnst be used in in- fluence the public. 1 employed | several young French lawyers to] {write it up in their news. | papers. 1 subscribed a controlling influence in the stock, and proceded to subsidize | the Hewspapers themselves, both editors and proprietuts. 1 wemt to the country through which the road would pass, and called on many of the inhabitauts; I visit- ed the priests and made friends of them, {and 1 employed agents to go among the prircipal people and talk it up. I then led to self, making frequent them my speeches in French to thew, showing | them where their true interest lay. The members of the Legislature. This | suceeeded so well that, in a short time, I had 27 out of 45 on whome I could | rely and the electors of the ward in his | because we have first to consider how far | city, which Cartier himself repesents, | notified him that unless the contract for | the Pacific Railway was given in {the interests of Lower - Canada, | he needed not present himself for | re-election. Hé did not believe this but when he came here and met his con- | stituents he found to his surprise, that | their determination was unchanged. He | then agre:d to give the contract as re- | quired, in sway that there would be seven- | teen provisional directors, of which On- | tario would have eight and we nine, theré- by giving us the control. ® We at once | proceeded to organize the Company, and they named me President, D. McInnis, | of Hamilton, Vice-President, E. L. De- Bellefeuille, and Hon. J. J. C. Abbot, | Legal Adviser. We have advertised that the books for subscription of stock will be opened on the 15th" Jaly at the different | places named 'in the Act, and we have | notified the Government we aro willing to take the contract for building the Canada | Pacific Railway on the terms and condi- | tions prescribed in the Act. The mext thing to be done is to subscribe stock, which must be done by British subjects oity, and ten per cent of the subscription must be paid in eash at the time of sub- scribing. We have the right of subscrib- ing nine-seventeenths at present, and of taking up whetever the other party may not subscribe at the endvf the month. J have arranged in the meantime that if | you will send a certificate of the equivalent of $1,000,000 geld, having been placed by Jay Cocke & Co., to the credit of the Mer- chants' Bank of Canada, Montreal in their own bank, in New York, it will accept the checks for the subscription, but no mohey will pass till the eontract is en- tered into, and then ten per cent on the whole amount of stock awarded us will have to be paid into the Receiver General. Be. pleased, therefore, to send me as early as possible, powers of attorney to subscribe stock, and Jay Cooke & Co.'s certificate atove mentioned. I have had several letters from se ro to take the whole esire to part with it, but Sori ¢ Ee wo pti ot i you wish any further infoi- = when Carticr as well began to held publie meetings, and atten- |. { scheme at once became popular, and 3 found a 'Committee to influence the | American, English, and ('anadian Locks; Latches, and K bs, Butts, T. and Strap Hinges, Screws &e., » | Spears and Jackson's and Sorby's Hand, Rip; and Tenon Saws, Chisels, Gouge's, P Irons, &e. American Socke er Chisels, Star Company's Fils, Bavale, Dividers, &c., Dawson's an: #plish Planes, Rodgers' and oth lish lish Cutlery, Plated Forks, S gl ong Tea and Coffee Pots, Ehades, Shovels, Rakes, a. Forks etc. tform and Counter Scales, Guns, Revolvers, Shot, Powder, and Gun Caps, Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves, Tinware, Lamp and Chimneys, Chandeliers and Brackets, EVETROUGHING & JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDEDTO | Cut Nails 85 per Keg, Cash ; other goods at. proportionate prices. HATCH & MEARNS, 1Kog Street, Oshawa, April 31st, 1873. - { OSHAWA ORGAN & MELODEON i MANUFACTURING 'COMPANY HAVE NOW ON HAND THE FIRST INSTRUMENTS OF THEIR | Manufacture, which have been pronounced Ly Good Jud to be superior, both | and Finish to any Instruments of the kind that h. 3 bt Onin ne | dnd Hiaishlo any Sastruments of the kin ave ever been Placed before the Public of Oshawa Men of: Practical Experience, Having a thorough knowledge of the Business; and, therefore. rties Purch: ments can rest assured they cannot be surpassed by any Staves in List ri | ALL OUR INSTRUMENTS ARE WARRANTED FOR FIVE TEARS, | | And parties purchasing from us will have a guarantee the y = imported, as the Manufacturer only is respon-ible for them, Soa t Mavi by pirchasing those Dominion will not be likely to take the respongibiTity on their own shoulders. We have now opened out Stop) n Mr, Wilkiasms State, near the mmercial he cry A We invite the publis to come and Ble our L Xing 8 | It te their advantage to deal with us, as they can save Ten the same time encourage home manufacture, DARLEY & HOSKIN. 1515. Sot, ia aa to purchase wii find Oshawa, October 8th, 1872. Ontario Commercial College, Belleville, Ont, THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL INSTITUTION FOR BUSINESS A | "united to the wants of the times. The charges are moderate, the risk nothing, the result unvariable, apd the opint. | ons of the Press, letters from prominent business men, and the united admission of hundreds of | cur students are the guarantees of comp y sad by this College. SUBJECTS TAUGHT. Book-keeping--by single aud double entry, Speficerian Penmanship, | Arithmetic, Correspondence, Commercial Law, Phonography, Telegraph- { ing, Ral Relpoading, Stenmboating, Mechanical and rchitectaral Drawing, etc, ete. . A Staff of Seven Practical and Experienced Teachers; Those wha cin devpte a few months to study; JSarents ts who have SONS TO EDUCATF | those desirous of changing their present ocenpation for something more lucrative, or to qualify | | themselves to conduct helt o own business yitemaucally, will find that the advantageswe offer | cannot be obtained elgew | £3" Specimens of Penmanship, and Journal containing all particulars sent fres of charga. dress, 8. G. BETY & Co.,Be llcville W. WIGG & SON, REMOVED FURNITURE WAREROOMS, TO THE NEW BUILDING, Opposite Quigley's New Hotel, SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING: LATEST STYLES AND I BEST QUALITY. CALL AT GURLEY"S SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING- He has just received his NEW STOCK, Which will be found complete. | eautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. ' | Jlothing of all kinds made to order on the shortest notice. A CALL SOLICITED. Scribner's Monthly. A Serial Story by DR. HOLLAND. AXE HOLM, ts selling for them in the | per cent. ou their Money, an? at | CHARACTERISTIC of he uge, where young men and boys can procure an education | 30. | * Harry's Polka, Pol New Jor by A Ls ory From BR ARTE. BRILLT. y N 74 ARRAY of CONTRIBUTERS | CLA ove 2 Furniture RENCE 000K | RB. 1. STODDARD on 4uthors. | Extra ubscribers ; 500 PAGES FOR S100! &e., fe. The publishers of ScrisNEr's M LY, In their dle tus just issued, ollie" as" 'the ensuing year a more brilliant a of le tors, and an increase in the variety and beauty of its illustration, already conceded by the critics to be finer than any which have hitherto appeared in any American magazine. | Dr, HoLLAND, the Soh wil will write the serial story of the year, which w thie hical in form, and will be illustrit y allock. It is entitled Arthar Bon a wil deal with some of the most difficult ys Rh of American Life. It will be commenced in the November Number. There will be bes pew story by Saxe HoLy, The One Legged Danter. BreT HARTE, the best writer rt Soles now living, will contribute a chard! Erotic con | entitled The Epic of Fiddletown, which will illustrated by Sheppard. R. H. Stopparp will writes aie of ente- | taining papers about Amuthers, their Personal | Characteristics llome Life, Families, Friends | Whims, and Ways, A series of Portraits of Living American Writers, is also promised. Clarence Cook will write about Furniture fan the Decoration of American Homes. These papers will be eminently practical as | well as artistic, and will be illustrated with de | signs and sketches by numerous artists in addi- | tion to those which the writer himself will furn- isl inson. Tish Huntin Harte, n Hay, Hi. H. Macdonald, "hh I, Miss Phos, a Stockton, Stodda Celia Thaxter, Warner, Wilkinson, Mrs. Ww hitney, besides a host of others, The editorial control and direction of the M. | azine will remain iv the hands of Dr. Holland, Shev w oh Sunlinue to write ' The h the N. Y, Ind, hes oe, fe | Hie hE quoted than any similar papers | in ony American magazine. Walter Gilder will write ** The old Cabinet 3" | as hitherto, Prof. John C Draper conducts the | Department of "Nature and science." The departmonts of "Meme and Seciety," and 'Culture and Progress," will engage the con- { Jributions of more than a score of pens on both | sides of the Atlantic. The Watchman and Re- fcctor says : " Seribuer's Monthly for September 8 belt? than usual, which indicates a needless ! Bo of editorial brains and Pubiisher "s mon- | ey. Jor the Magatine was good enough before I" And yet the blishers promise id make it | still better for (he coming year." The subscription price is $4 a year, with - al rates to clergymen, teachers, and postmasters. The following | . Eztrandirary Inducements are offered to new subscribers: For $550 th Publishers will send, or any bookseller oe, news- | dealer will supply, the m ard the twelve numbers of Sutaining 0 the beginnin; Se t His Gates ;" + for $10.50, the Magazine and the 24 back numbers bound (4 hh on bound vols. paid. This will ve pages of the choicest Sh reading. 3 the finest {l- strations Jor | 10.50, 500 pages for a dollars! and wil enable ( every subscriber to ob- tain the series from the i term: Dealers Clergymen and Teachers. IB Or. 1. SONG for the PIANO Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price, Darling, I an Lousy Now: Now, on | ad Chorus, Danks, 30. Grate Sesion May. song dod ¢ orus, Danks, well, Gp we Mest, Rs wD re Faia Dar yi ab is BO Mother Stewart, 30. Recollections of tone son; , 30. Thou art no ballad, Danks, 30. Hear me m; Wille and chorus, Pratt. 30. song and ch ; ERIE ail 8 H ge i ; a song it dat Ticklin Me. Song pn fei always find me true Hays, 35. * Dead, but not chorus, Hays, &. *M Jleet me JoSiom, chorus, Hays, * Lay me no whers m Sleeping, song od chorus, Stewart, of All, hdacred song, Panseron, 50. ------ i INSTRUMENTAL music | Antumn Leaves, Second Pensee. Meodique, C | T. Frey, 35. Belisario, Fantasie, Kinkel * Rustic Beauty March, Kin! is: . Sunbeam Murch, Skaats, 35. * Johnnie's Mareh, 3. * Bertie 's Sehottisché, Kinkel, Schottische, Kinkel, 35. *Hattie's 35. * Sweet Sixteen Waltz, Kink Zephyrs Waltz, Pacher, 30. Ww alty, Young, 20, cS iteh ofr * Kittie's Poll Polka, Pacher, 35. frites i i # rr ' Wal Kin inke el, 35. ening Bird of beauty Galop, Young. y of 8 ne Salon, Feine, 50, * Eda ict Bolen k Iker = 0] - ho mel, 35. Bialle of Beauty lka, Y , 20. Pieces marked thus * have'picture titles. An iece mailed, 'post-paid on | Pn A ey Address, Yecelp: » J. L. PETENS, 909. Broadway, New York. RARE CHANCE. Splendid Busines for Sale HE UNDERSIGNED BEING about to anq Which ards y one w 0 engage in a business. The Premises and whole Stock in. trade rr het Bury id Gu eaay te ad the L] run of custom excellen ar well . the For terms and other | Particulars, apply on the premises to W. H . Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1872, 5 PARK FARM FOR SALE One Hundred Acres. THE EAST T HALF OF ROT NO. 20 in the ., of the iowabip of Whithy, a Set meen nam road Ushawa and Whitby, The lshd quality, and is aa ity ia also upon it. Title the 4th con., of W. wi Perr Mhrn th JOSEPH BIGELOW, Swopd SHINGLES. MINGLES OF ALL tom, out H rigor Ln KINDS FOR |: No. 6, ith con. Darling Simcoe Street, Oshawa. ER 9, THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN THE PROVINCE, 'ONTARIO REFORMER' Only 1.80 a year, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING BY THE ONTARIO REFORMER Printing and Publishing C6, Induosments to Now | : Onders by Mail Punctiially Attended to or al "Yad for sale 35 ace Skat : SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTIN G NSISTING OF Posters, Blank Forrhs; Show Bills; Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, Circulars, AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF LETTER-PRESS PRINTING FROM A LADIES VISITING CARD UP TO [- LARGEST SIZE POSTER, EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AT THE 'REFORMER' OFFICE. Bll SU GALL énd SEE SPECIMENS. HH REMEMBER THE STAND, Next door to the Montreal Telegraph Office; 3 hr ik bo Ol I Song Aha C Rapa, stay Home. 528 god Cora Save one Brigh birighs Crow for mer wit Chou Weep when Tam Tow 1 W, Only for Our Little and OE -- by Kinkel, cts. ; "oe + Lo nen fons hi, beam, May Hampel, W An ots. ; and nk ARCHES aah Belle of Saratoen. wa LTIES Clarita and Maggies.) a a e { ic | [FOUR NANDS.--A lis, 50 cts ; Pol 35 ets. ; pitts I rn ry ir. Danes SALON PIECES. o> Rileon, Sects. ; prey oJ RA reed Kink Fiche. k Tonel, 40 ots, kel, i ni or Bacabeds, Toot Any of theabove malied. i ros pdm rei of Rodeos; 3.5 PETE ue Broadway Oshawa Coal: WOOD DEPOT TUE 5 SUBSCRIBERS #36. T0 a hand at Nan Ne Bile Shas in nat COAL and CORD Woop Georgetown Lime, Al ordery lefts the office in the Yard} will be promptly atténded to. - Mazshall & Bescoby WOOD CUT and SPLIT at EXTRA CHEN, INMAN LINK OF MAIL TO AND > Liverpool ! RICTIMOND, MONTREAL. BROOKLYN. Pans, IRUSSELS. NEw YoRk. City or LONDON, Citx or CITY oF WASHINGTON. Sailing on Thursdays Saturdagg { Frofii Pier 45, North Fiver: ; RATES OF PASSAGE. Cabin, HYPOPHOSPHITES] ra, and certified to ey el For the frevention end cure ef PULMONARY CONSUMPTION; valuable Medicine. HENRY H, On H, CROFT, Price $1 per Botte son Sold by all Dreguiies Price $1 per Bote, Sold by all Dragglit VICTORIA LINIMENT! "THE KING OF ALL LINIMENTS." ERR BUY IT! TRY IT!! PROVEIT!!! VICTQRTIA SARBOLIC SALVE EERE Price 25 Cents per Box. _Sold by all Drug VICTORIA CLYCERINE JELLY " EMINENTLY THE LADIES' SEEDS a i and Sore Lips. SIMCOE STREET, OSHAW A. Tare Agricultural Salt} New York, Queenston and : bi above Disorders, convinced of its pre

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