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Ontario Reformer, 22 Aug 1873, p. 2

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Bie hd SE BBEER BES ~~ ONTAR RT NR LUCIA aan LAT STINET RIT RR RY pe Bane i nd LIE TA LO EUY a1 4 SIREN Frans dr Ne hf tlantic Cable sald Dn . PEFTATRES 28 Ti "5 : FTIIE FI LREL ¢ iis hi . thy BERIREE ind por uutil Joha A's 12 ¥ oth h of Augaet: C 1 ' De 8 arran' for the air st of bot ' i al, Aur 20 s' 1a Forbes, s from fsepen ich, | Feotia 5 8 InaY } uurdersrs were bk ; - Was bl bury) ( Ma 0 nmerous I ; is floating T-- Rp A ---- OirAWE, Aug 19.-Yest about 11 oc | Lode was discover face aud chief and an ap svered by her bh spread the news to In a short time great ex- | | gvailed among the farmers in "10a , and Gu te a lorge erowd had reserved tru the sceno of the tragedy. wy surm sce as to the cause vou the appearance of the and apron tied arrad her 7 sothe that she had h ry y Hl if were Hi ment for Tug f Par 4 the action « a Royal C. fur this step also, would be thal Ler death I by atl pe Luan had moet g, bul whether with her by the assistance oi some end in hw A forin reusing! a mystery vv hen foand the bly was qnite coll and Jule appeared to have boen many honrs, partirans CW next place, owa-hanl on 4 Fwill Le ealled themealve extinet for | 0 i the clief Fal +9 +. ---- - truth at the Laura Keene denies that she is dying ef ersuciplior ly as reported, unless it 1 « neamption of calm chowder at the sea iore, \ grocer ab fiantes] i le, Ala., lato'y fell Tassos, be: wl down- ward, aad » waa. snviered helors be could ke'p himoslt. packet, | guilt, dike a then is a met | ness Niall 0 ------ . BLAKE AT LOW Se WAR XT content Hib) sans -------- SATISFYING KIS CUZIOGITY + Gon lge, a; Burpee (St ulus n pominated would be of course selec as they have baen. nore of the par on answer any question tends and ua witnosses, oalset, he had in view was ths f: as the Hose was prorogaed t's Samos with profs of thy Ministers hal to be rebirs rod to Me». Stara land is probably no} wd in arty ~~" a MS Byinviat OD ----- BOWMANVILLE T0ATII dn wre be t of tha mom. Ex- font + Ra ty whoso seals were 1z of the Riilway at Pan Maill Chip nan, McDonnell, Ray, John) Baspee . wgdon wsant pro. tell the un of punish ), due of the hi + hie sty iam int, subs' itnt « titutional authorities of the Don a i ivmen 1 In cho fest, tha Jadges | YOO te chief Ape public HEH 1 xX Lreusy (Me. Sith has bee ter of the X speaks as up to now 1 on uty to use Liss been infileto it is oar Lies ac { wrong be oaciiry. aud 16 say anything orto | Cae nl ¢ to crvuionte the gn partion are \ your Aas the w 6 failed to use every consti Lo thus 1] ation- Aaither li ) elon of 4 nat expect y despotic au of this uve Idd gq and 80 ct thy! as soon | ogy nan g {ioe bo sce 30 gi | teinpt to violste the Constitution of Parlid micat. To we ib appeared that the present was just the tase 1 which the Crown was upon ter uit ri ose its prer ur Lars wie. | The Cro : ted upen ts acecpt ad- Lace whan th ! F the rasult of HEP da a hays 8 wiivn on tle r vididication of § sist in the | own alfairs, { tho nineteenth century it will permit this Ritluw, : SHAW A, OD PURER SETI L 2 VED | J 4 co PETIT LTT LE I 2) nservative supporte: HS r I am suffer- rotes aC before weept the propozition, issue whom lie wa son l " i to allow tha iny with immediately, all he regnis Fi to was to have all wed matt td tuke th course, and not hava viol ths natio h tiday by i 1 . 7 sa in aod deli ' hy cause then the NX was ; gone on taking wha to ths Oaths Act 4h : ob to} A "| the disal rgandy ! . . . 1) 1 f ' 4 + , ¢oHursy 1 tae or » pr : and for the of Commons to | U + Ho thea g» tale metion th ren lowanea (iovern ment done P n. I believe th That at the adjourn have and So gdusituy Me nst t House to \ : J everything iu | ju May last it r power to ds slay inquiry, , thts ; eive rl of the C 11 Lelicve oe will : it te, vas nul Lge t and ther | Pen r. tuiy » : a 3 y of Parl wold be ouly a forn wi : provog nn of er (oud cheer Af il claimed Mr. G who was + of the late Hon. Jos que of the Miristry, a } of oudge, > Committe pointe 1 ly be Hore is what } p sitting of t When the Hous tinctly 4 in answer to a do ' ruin y but req "ner } tat + | the regsssembling, which as'any of the House : . er, tl nitliar to me, wit my duty ry usage ki no u we M to you that I can reat deal of for the adj veral yenrs ; < eatin Ligisla- a of prorogaion is th late Hon, able to vbaerve msibl 1] is n 1 oy oh of th he people of Neva Scotia " / 2) thos ho are now | * logical fighting fhe s 1 tHe in this Prova It | #ay : will be reine I, too, that the inter The Opposition, after having killad tl fercmee of ith the »ights of the | Investigetion by the action of {18 ¢ sinture wotia led to the re- | Dorion and Blake, cxlling of Bir Colis ell, who side of the ease before the i Bon Vinee, the hope of prejudie the Govern vights and privileges to by | position issned his call to his supports pon by the arbitrary coxereise | attend the session with the inte nt ve. They will Sd ad p age of the feel o stand by fi mn the d lana of th wiry and the absence who fough? the ballle of Beform in Nov a | of the Government to defeat the Adi Beotin, sud who gained the victory after a { stration and drive it from power, just re struggle. I believe thst Paviimment | the sae Ja ty tricked the Jolin Qundl has the excinsive right to investi ghte its | Macdoanld Administration out 11 do not believe that iu | Frow those facts two deductions nataral'y The prorogation of tha House « Wednesday lass was simply the carryis is equivaler House ) 3 tement that t mad, 1 may say would meet for despa enter lit tain » this matter with a tolling, ns Mm t 4 br iS A eT an asgun one way or a natur ition, Le goes on wn w was | I can » people of Canada will country wi yg the case agai The leader of the ( nent, ol the support wey vagion of its' freedom, presenting Manitoba, w hich gave the Premier at the May adjous Government a vhited » py rt during the | appointment of the Cora Mr. Cunningham: speaking is the direct 2udseqnence of the Comm ote | Ma lfeable of th IWE patch of bus ent | NNIVERSARY wl A be ¥ {TT 1 N al an oe "REV. J. KENNE R, proceeded to lay one st " 'ved at 6 3) p.1 of ullica. opt of the announcement made by the | Fired : ymnent, and the | Which i acre m of Judges | 1 H y Ag + 18> RTA ER SST AT he | es RE DESIROUS OF H supplying good an r 'They h | "HRUB, gles for Sab. HAS ON AND | dll near Utica, (lat lnwber and suing AMPBELL. Card of Tha nks. LY TE NDER R MY in» TR ik ¢ ou the w oiping of C. IL. HONEY. Iwepd A. S- WHITING | Manufacturi ing Company. | | pun ty GENER AL MEET Be held at the sn Ofilee, lar ile, on Th lay, the teu 70, at 2 o'dok fa the ANNUA This Con August 10d, THE OSHAWA i} AL G JENERAL MEET \ be held a V hava, on "Monday the 14 , 1473, at 1 Yeloek in the fo considered a wik of tue weand doliars, rg e "R. J. COWAN, Hecyetary OSHAWA +d PACKING GABE £Aplony and Floori promptive MOT LING ron the shortest noid CHARLES H. HONEY. ' hg MAT Le Come to ord } 3191y. Anniversary and fea? | SERVICES WILL ok V.) in the M, E. Ghareh ha wa, on Sab hast in Herm rE . swmarket, ¢ to 10. ABBS, 0 nme, and 6. 3 p.m, 0" 1 at 2.30 p.m. th A Ten by tha yanneg begivenon MOND m. Tar and music in the Cliiech, dial Hy invited, Tie aureh regal n FO R. ne men of the Chareh will V.EEPTEMBER ut, fter tea, speeches The Padi are eor- 'roceeds in ald 2 cents Zin, SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR { VILLAGE PROPERTY. Prd NO. 4, fon of the ¥ of Hy "| IN ™mE '8 | ETI CON- Township of Wollaston conind 100. ACRES, of under cu'tiva'ion. Remain. McGee, vy der woud, Datst SINCERE | Iron Company,' ne pre by | WHITE WINE VINEGAR, 'ea | ER RY TT I VICIC PIANO FORTE = Zan Vi TELLIN a cent for Oshawa. STRAYED. THE Philip Taylor IS NOW UROPE, PURCHASING NEW STOCK "lO WATCHES & JEWELLERY @ INTO wh pay pe . JAME < BURNS, Colum! h, 1573 A tour sun Ear ALL, KINDS OF FURS CLEANED And Made Over, FINEST LOT GLOVES 'CLEANED. EVER BR ova HT INTO Plynes Cleaned and Curted | OS H AWA df Mii Stats 1 y N O T I C El RY STABLES. nN TEX & IM Cn ATW, iy 4orses {os uit Tra Doub LOOK OUT FOR THE OTICE 18 HERE B ¥ SIVEN THAT ediately valiers uardian of ELETTA. "LAVINIA A DUFFY, of the said Township of ¥, yc of Prick tomas be City of pireal, in the Pros J ul Traveler, deceased: R ICGEE Solicitor for Applicant, 1 f August, 1578, 83a; TY, OST! » 4 Y 1. AST, JULY 318, Ch 1 and 3 GIVER. hem Read, & EVEN SHOOT . finder will be re the tame at {ny Utlice. wasled bf TO LET! 1FIRST-CL ASS TE TENEMENT, LIE any number of Rooms that ma Also rooms suitable for pH fy and smaking establishment, Appl kx LLOGG, over McRae's Store, y= { . FOR SALE. TWO SECOND HAND BUGGIES, I¥ good condition--chenp. WM. COBURN. S A LE, Lhe BEST consist theap vs SMITH & MGAW. | d heathy FRUIT TR OF VIGOROUS REES GROW "TH, hos n hand « HADE, OR VERGR 15-4w FOR | A .JORSE, EIGHT YEARS Suitable for General Purposes, also Bl and HARNESS, apply to E. FIELDING King St. West, Oshawa.' They ageuts € authority Lewmade § 14f . k= | House and Lot For Sale: Opposite Oshawa Cobimet Foetery. SHE HOUSE CONTAINS TWELVE 100mis. and a good stone « . Willse il cumodate small families. Fog terms, eley | apdy We Capt. George Farewell, a to ' R. McGER, S401 FOR SALE ONE. HORSE § } SPRIN NG WACGON, good and cheap, for cash. CAPTAIN G. FAREWELL FOR SALE! ¢ pn AT DES RAL LE HOUSE AND Lot on the corner of Mary and , At Jresent oe vied Ly J. Barnard, is 6 wie vy ram IMS ie. FAREWELL FOR SALE. OUSE AND LOT COPNER oF i H Loyd and Monk Strect. Applyte otf E. FIELD] SO. For Sale! | R! A) the County of Ontario Is, and has sale in Lump, I think the individual he rein ought to be sold as well, 1 therefore offer for Bale the South Lot No. 5, Broken Front, East Whit! 5 Act The South Part of Lot No. F ront, Fast Whitby, about 190 A North hall Lou of No. 13, Ist con. | 10 acres: Reasonable terms of payment will be gives. DANIEL CONAN Eest Whithyl 8th July, 1573. i -- | CHRYSTAL PICKLING VINEGAR "1 FIFTY FIRST-CLASS Sewing Machine Operators WwW ANTED, TO MANUFACTURE ladies dey. ~wear, ey om 2 o | fugaiohed And fs Blocks over MéRae & Cos Store. F. _ } Oshawa, June 2nd 1873, Lo PSYCHOMANGCY, EOVL CEARMING." 7 How either sex mag fascinate and ain the lord and affection of any person they choose, wtantly, This simple mental acquitnen can poss ree, by gil for cents, Lwith a Marriage Wulde, gyptiah Jie and, Hints to Ladies. ete. A ques book, 100, 06 we dd, Addresd T. W Golden Syrup Vinegar 1+ * | Co.. Fouth Eighth St, Philadelphta, Fa. ~~ FOR SALE. FPE VALUABLE PROPERTY Intely owned by Mr. Robert Gott, corner 0 Simcoe and Pine streets, consisting ofone acre, on which there are two g houses good water Kc. i | ¥ kno oni good lots for sale on the Karr Prop erty, the best in Osha w a. to nie JAMES WOOD ii fy 'W OOL! "WOOL STEELE BROS. to ' STEELE BROS. | WHEAT, WHEAT, { CA€HI TAID FOR any quantity of WOOL, WEEAT AND CATR 7 J. W. FOWKE ' : Q Al, 1; AT ETEIMLE BROS. GURLEY'S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS ron Cshawa August 39th, 1872, ' SPRING AND SUMMER C10 ; "INGE THE SOUTH RIDING OF - bowl The O EST P Only Profi _OSHAWA, CoNCERT give a Cenc jug. S. 8. Pic Schbol will on Wednesd EXPECTED Esq., sailed iust., by the will be nn O Bc HOO! LY was re-opens on Monday tendance of § THEATRIC gave two per and M ynday sustained an 818, Hunting, ** Is full Jewelle Hepinstall's, will Oshawa. Paravyric Story, of while workin received apa he has lost, Ax Excvr gentlemen in in order'to he Mr. Blake. TatLoriNG -- sortégt of New als, Ci hoes, a spe _very clhicap. orders. Ox Tue Ov ed to Reports and Fire Ingqu the Outrage at will be found Base Dam. will play the" that village of game Lo comme our Newcastle AT Lasr.-- for the Hat F gud are at wor the manufaet already done b Tue Massey Manufacturirg the purch Cstate, near Port Hope, as when removed Sommer Mus week to mentic take place on T Christian Chur suusical enterta une of the ple season... } AXNIVERSAR Church of this September 1st. times on Sabb following. Wi fateresting ting Yertiscment, SER, Sge-"T ell's celebrated a little cheaper men advertise before sending #2¢ those gods a ar Honicstalls Rexovar.--V ence of Parsols, erg, Dress Goo cost, and under. and Shoes, read, Trunks, Valise cialty, Suasuvr, --0 to paascngor Orgad Trunk ¢ runping off the Port Hope. Nu and traffic wef eight that eveni to be cleared wr Reuciovs, --- Mooeting, in conn Episcopal Chur held next Sabb s,m. by the Re 6.30 p.m. Ly t E. after which, Lorl's Supper w New Ramwa Trunk intend sol for Oshawa, an for doing so, 14 this station has fiess Detween T Lias one of the p line, | A Nuisascr.- to call the atten ties to the large Simcoe Street, ger the safety ofl passing over. I mbtgh driving to of Celina Street. Goixa, - Whit Clock Factory, w Prt Bope. Eid in that Town, ow and the Wallacd® purchased, and (a ings vill be at. o brick baring bee Bowsssvitie . mateh of base bs the Maple Lead C the Union Stars, Tatter place, on fisvor of the Uni one innings to sp Leen played by } Union Stats wb Cricxer ar C men of Claremor conclusions in Satarday Oth An tory for Claremo] ets. The scor Lamsrie and -W. snd T, White an wade some cxee te 13 ning in of the fu cob 520 very & that efub hat = ¢ opron ats,

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