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Ontario Reformer, 22 Aug 1873, p. 3

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Faylor \y ROP E, LANSING STOCK EweLLERy h S0UT I.OTF INTO AWA. E1 IVEN THAT Tae JULY pn i 3rd com, A? vi N SHOOTER ey Sill ne rewarted ty 17-2 w-p LET! : TEREMENT, WITH 1 #y be require nery and {D BUGGIES, IN COBURN. | SA 1.1L. YEARS OLD; HHT I uso BUGGY West, Osawa, t For Sale. OO nie ph Te akon ¢ Calimet Teciey. AINS TW ELVE ¥.-11ELDI NG. ale! BY | ING OF TH "RID od Ei ast W hitby, Il be given. Bow ST-CLASS 'ne Operators MA NUF ACTURE oe &Co's the Karr Prop JAMES WOOD. WOOL Ww FOWKE. AT EY"D # ORDERS roR WER C rome, and traffic will be in Oshawa next we gave two and Moye tear the NG at Wan, Dy 5. went of New and Fushi ed to Reports of the Rail and Fire Inquest, the Outrage at Ot will be found Daseg Dan will play the way Ex¢ ry, aid « 13th, wh on the first paz awa, on the the fourth page. The Diston leavers of Noweastls, , Gloves, 1s, Hats 3 Shoes, reldy wade Cl Jothin : Valises, &c. Tuflori ssuur. --Oa Saturday morning list, passenger train boys 1d east on wl d Trunk got smas yunpivg off the track a Ton miles west ( Port Hope. i ed up badly | by f Nobody, was hurt, but travel weie delayed until nearly aht that evening, waiting for th track regnfar ion with the Met! 1 this place, wi Preaching at 10.50 Hutton ; aga James Curts, I'. the s.w., by the Rev, Me. n., by the Rev. 4h, the Sacrament of Lor V's Supper will be administered. in at whi iLway StatioN.--The Grand sud soon to erect a new station , and have secured the land It is badly needed ; whi this station Las the largest freight bus - 7 Detween nto and Montreal, it New Ra Toro as one of AN We have been reqgue attention of the proper a large stones left unbecken Strect, and which greatly en e- safety of conveyances an 1 r over. Indeed the h driving to do, prefer gois 1a Street. Whithy is to lose 18 "actors, which is to be moved to Eightiot, ou Mill Sireet, y, owned hy. Mir. John Heke, ce ®; pithy estate, have of the b proceeded "with, about d {ne ercction at ounce 1g been coatracted for. ve, DNwiKILLEN.--A ved bets ween amd the ball was pl iL of Club, of B ymanviile, stars, of Enniskillen, | 1n nm Saterdxy last, restiliing in ye Union Stars by four Yuns and ini ngs to spare, six ion ing having y Maple Leaf and%f five by Stats wlien the game was Ealled. teen Ila Caden 3 Cricker Ar Cransons.--The young men of Cl wmelusions on 3 in the gwne of ¢ icket, Saturday Oth August, resulting ins vic- tory for Clare ets. The roure stocd [70 to T4. Lumrrie and W. Stevenson of Brougham | and T. White and P. Digby of Claremon wide some cxeellent playing, the three he litter ranning into don ble figures. Tl _ bowling of the former, of the Claremont and in this respect dub wi ry One bi Ba Sun t cdwmntegs over its that efub had o grec opron tr, { qnarter ¥i rs : ae The pri the pe orest buildings along the | mont . snd, Brougham tried | { ont by 4 runs and 9 wick- | formers aro uelaj . H. | tions by stopping wo: k to thresh bar ¢! will not be until the end of u nei UNTARIU RitFURM EI, I ITT LS TN DT OSHAWA, Lao FIIDAY, i AUGU ST %%2, igen apn New Store. SHOWING A LARGE CANADIAN. ; i 3 i ri : [5 a) an we a. 1.OT OF } ' ££ pp (. \ - po se of Commons Fl "i W : C Mr G . Ar. George Flint was l Tr} 'i : . chair, and Mr. H. Johuston acted 3 n named Kewis Dison, who, oi ond | Suitable for Fall Dresses, which are being offered at about half-pric Cretary, . monty emmmtliou a a ed! regular price 45 cts, selling them off at 25 5 pay CAILT AND SEE TEM. tort 50 me ¥ PIS DAY THE FIRST CONSIGNMENT CI OUR FALL IMPORTATIONS (Ex S. S. atiang 'onsisticg of Ashtan's best Dark Prints 3000 yds Steam Loom A full range of White Quilts, Aug. 20.--A lad tunate tra'n tl at m tton yester FOUR HORSES FOR SALE. | YOUNG suitable f 0 NE SPAN MATCHE, BAYS, r , i he,! Pan. 45-tf. Wil & | eit her soparat! ANCRW AXNIS, DCAMLET CLOTHS" © Ll 'heap Crapds for One Month, . TREWIN. | "Balance of Stock cleared out before. 1st Sept. S. TREWIN. 3, very cheap, A full range of Colored Quiits, | hd » ' t of Wool Table Covers ' 20 picces of Scarlet and White Flannels ALEXANDER & BRYCE THE MOST 1 t 18. --=On on the Canada Bo ON THE ROADS, ARE KNOWN AS cutting Lid cheek thr part of ifs left ear Haurax, N. 8. 0c ed in bri uisty, on Sanday la to have lured hig» wile 1 her, and then sct lire to EEEEEE 00K AT THIS 1"to ti sof a human being, suppos en lus wife, were found in tl I HAVE OPENED A STOVE AND TIN SHOP ONE DOOR EAST O07 HOB33 HOTEL, KING STREET, WEST, Where I intend to keep a well assorted stock of STOVES AND TINWARL, Which will be SOLD CHEAP. ntion n paid to all kinds of Evetroughing, THE SHORTEST NOTICE. ont seven k of Dinm's cabine g room ] 1 at ter ; : Srecial atte wwii . E ON mn to business and doing every of the public patronage. P i DUC i 7. AK EN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS -AND WORK. D. PETCHEETIT. 1873. Hope to se ure a share Avrust 13th, 187g. "i873. FRUIT SEASON, N TONS THE BEST BRIGHT { OF ife of Mr. CR FOR A EBVING: TO BE HAD OF BLAMEY & BRIGGS. m------------ China Tea Sets from $4 75, White Granite Tea Sets from '$2 60, Wnite Granite Toilet Sets from $2 50, al Crockery and Glassware equally 'cheap. | 1! The above being bought before the receat advance, intending purcha. will do we Jl to call and see them, as we have a large Stock which must be sold to make room for other shipments now on the way. Affer a marc sion w The poi Tit is Commercial, | also t ok place o Gand ¢ groun OSHAWA NARLIDTS 's Hall. August 25 evening at Hol a of provisi 3 \ . bushel, 2 ater the i s brought to lose at, Spring, ¥ bushel, 5 9! sers The *' Tr 2 X : ' ' " out, and kod i1, indeed. Their new Bin hppa . ve ¢ ee bapner was I: ! Ji thot Green and Blark Peas whirh cannot be surpassed for quali oy or price _ 2,000 DOZEN EGGS WANTED. BOO ¥ Dobgon; Zn Species) WA Wa Cr QTYLISH RIGS i BAMBRIDGES TREWIN offers Great gains just now. | Clearing Sale until 1st Sept. Boots and Shoes and Groceries | Very Cheap, a TREWINS. ' Change of Business, Selling off at Cost. 2. TREWIN. Sacrifice Sale, before moving | into New Bor . TREWIN. thing in a workmanlike maunar and \ Cheap Woolens at Trews', for One Month. J. A.GIBSON | EGS TO INFORM HIS FRIENDS | and customers that he has REMOVED | Into kis | Wow xs, nIzt to the ' Dominion | Bank, Simecod Stroet, Where ho will be prepared as usual to receive their orders. Having now elegant and commodious premis- es at ita disposal, he is now showing 8 larger aud hettar assorted stock of Semtionery Fane, Goods, Wall Paper, &2., uli was over befor brought iato Oshawa. J. A. GIBSON. Oshawa, July 30th, 1873 161v { ORGAN FACTORY. ly or by the must be | DBar- S. TREWIN. D To nand This Day al the NEW BLACK LUSTRES, NEW POPLIN DRESSES, NEW JAPANESE SILKS, 'NEW PRINTS. NEW COTTONS NEW SHIRTINGS ~The Chapest lines in Japanese Silks, Poplin Dresses and Black Lustres, ever offered in Oshawa. J. BARNARD; Bee Hive, August 13th, 1873. TRADE SALE -=AT F. MCRAE & CO.. THT GOODS MUST BY SOLD The balance of Chisholm's Bauk- 'rupt Stock will he offered at a large discount on the cost, compris- ing Summer Dress and Fancy Goods, also a large. variety of Fall Goods of every description, We tannot enumerate prices of so large a List. Purchasers will do well to call and examine (Goods and Prices. | | | DEALERS IN Pianos and Musical Instruments: y 15, KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. AT WIGHTMANS 300 Pairs Ladies' Prunella Gaiters at 65 cents a Harrockés" White Cottons, fine, and yard wide,at ork shi 1640 yards Fancy Sttimer Tress Goods at a York Shilling a yard, regular price 20 c. and 25¢. Linen Grenadines and Tasso Linens, plain and striped at a York Shilling a yard. Fine striped silk mixed Poplins at 27c¢, regular price 40c. ' Fine Blagk Grenadines at a York shilling a yard. | Fine Chambray Costume Cloths, and plain colored prints in Pink, Lilac and Drab, at a York shilling a yard. | 16 pieces Heivy Cotton Canton Flannels at a Yor shilling a yd. + 60 pieces Heavy Grey Cottons slightly damaged on voyage of wneral Block of Groteries 5 now comple le, including a new lot of Hy wre' for 01d No. 1 on the Corner | ite ie mn Just arrived, a large and well selected Stock, "SUMMER CONSISTING OF Poceking, Dennums, Shirtings, Gray - :, (ing hams, Table Linens, T able Nay Towelings, kings, Lace Curtains, Usinaske Black FOR Laud nd Colored Kid Gloves, Ribbons, Velvets, TEMPERANCE 'ASZO- Hoisery, Corsets, Sop Skirts and CIATION Bustles. rod] Bread ls, Broad Cloths Cottor Steamlooms, Prix CATHCLIC mr ALSO A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF At a special m istres from 20 cts. to 81 fit h Toupee gig PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS £000, te nd the Tem] emonstration 1 L Toronto on We Sept her 1 Me srs, ougenc 2 and Thos. Wal mittee to make 10, Black Silks from 75 cts to $3 5( | Cobcurgs, Ip O ug G sods. | Alsp the Largest and Best Stock of BOOTS and, SHOES ever to the Public. ments. pairs of Pr unellas at 90 cz. to 81 00. Leather Satchels and! Carpet Legs at all Prices, « ALSO A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF il TS FURNISHINGS, cre di ) i being made th the Grand Shen: Pat pany the A dueed fares. probably accom ay |} Tus Bantry Ma: XET.--~ A good many GEN | and Cuts, Felt, Sttaw and Panama Hats, Bowe} N Neck-ties, Efe, * Barlow There is as yet Bo 1 ark $s Jou barley, an Xt we AXNUAL Mexixa 3.--1 he ann Mi ing of th 0 Company will be he oid i mn offices, Oshawa, on Mond rox. The annual m & Whiting Mas in Firing Company Je!d ou: Tuesday the 2nd prox. get up Suits at the Shortest Notice. nal mest The usual dashery are still to be found at JW FOWKE, will bo J Ta 12¢h, 1978 GOODS" | Special lines in Ladies Prunellas, Glaze Kids and Seal Gaiter={} 500 | he ' Consisting in Part of White arid and Colored Shirts § in latest patferns i rdinary opera. lio 2 IR Y.| | Hoisery, Braces, Gloves and Unbrolfhs. : ! B A K ID R o | Having secured the services of a First-class Tuilor, ge are prepared to] stock of Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Carpets and Haber- OLD NO. 1 ON THE CORNER The Oshawa Organ | FACTORY! HAR ------ Paramattas, Crapes, and every description of ad ern | RemoveD | ----TO---- | | BOWMANVILLE! ! Special announcement fn a Few Days: Look Out for It. ] A few importation, at 10 c. a yard. | Yard wide bleachel Factorys, scoured and shrunk at a York shilling. | 32 inch bleached Fs actors; scoured and shrunk, at 10ec. 38 pieces marted Poplinettes, good cloth, nice colors, new goods, suitable forthe early fall trade, 18c a yd., worth 30. Moire Antique Watered Silk Poplin Dresses in. Blue, Black, Dark Gray, Dark Drab and L ight Brown, at $5.50 ; regular price £7,50. LA few fine figured Japanese Silks in Black, Drab, Brown and. Purple, "at 65¢ ; regular price 85¢ and 90e, A few fine Fancy striped Crape Silks, in Blue, Brown Green mixtures, at 75c ; regitlar price $1 124. | A few Fancy striped Silks in fine qualities, Purple, |. Browns, at 90¢ ; regular prics $1.35. A few Plain Colored Silks in Drab; Fink, Blue and Steel Grey, at 81 a yard ; : m5 rice $ | Fine Black Silks, a {ull range of qualities and 'widths, greatly reduced prices. 30 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, at 654c., $1 25, $1 and $2 50 a pair. Table Linens in White, Cream and unbleached. Table Toilet Covers, Antimacassars, Damasks, Repps, C Holders, &c. A few pieces Fancy Check Flan received, at 25¢. per yard. A few pieces Tapestry Carpets, fine patterns, at 80c. avr A few pieces Crossley Best Tapestry Carpets, registered terns, at $1 a yard. poy pe pat: 2 Cases Heavy Canadian Tweeds, all wool, just received, at 70 cents a yard. 6 Dozen Men's Fancy Jean Shirts, at 55 cents each Brown Linen Drills for Men's Pants at York Shilling a y: Gents' Fine White Shirts, broad Plaits, at 85 cents, Pare Black Silk Chaatilly Lace Shawls, le, 33 quality, will be degy £ ; id WILLIAM nM. WIGHTMAN, : (Late W. F. Cowan) Oshawa and Prinee Albert' nals, all wool, new Ld "« o "

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