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Ontario Reformer, 19 Sep 1873, p. 2

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ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, ONT., 11aDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1873, THE MELTING OF PARLIAWENT. | A FIT OF REFORMATION || 0,0 5, | 54", ot | THE GRAPHIC BALLOON. = Bew ddeertisements. | i mm The following extracts from the statute | 1i ne I receiv ok a commnniéation from | -- It has been announced, with what ff 'k ave prominent in every Tory onl M.ntreal. I am not saré whether it was Another Co 13339 and tao Ratesprise | A 0 4 amd } . legree of antherity we donot vouch, that |, from Sir George or Mi. Abbott or Sir Abanioasd. » inthe la 3 @rsnd Trunk Time Table. t is the intention of the Goverment ti] L - and ' Told : Hugh Allan, that Sir George had ex®ress. | vite i a SHAN AT A TH . . Tua} . * To receive any post letter i ed himself with regarl to all these enter | THE BALLOON BURST DURING } 1) OF OSHAWA | PERANA _-- CRI AWA TINY. xt a } a - me time: during | » » . knowing the same to have heen | 1.00 in a manuer-thas satisfied the Mon CONDUCT OF THE CRUWD x fom, No 384m n Heularly requested | i 30S wre, | octve ERT: next Mo : ¢ have the plodge of the felonionsly stolen, &e., »! nll be felony, | trea! interest, including Sir Hugh Allan | a i gat. Hn oof ig " te, PERANEST Y a.m. cla rmor-General that Pirlinment wonld | pinishable by imprisonment iw the Peni: | 41 Lis politica! féiendsin that city, % New Yorx, S 2A great erowd Tala latte : ut Fepress. , 3 / : 3 Se called together within ten weeks from | [Cntiary for any term not less than five may say hore that it was on Ih wring tl assembled at Heo h to-day Viteess VW: 1] tec the halloo ! FV -&tll pe : - : | the date of the outrage on the 13th of | 0M" any ermmunnieiti : pocting © o | the departure of t i: WHITBY STATION. August, and it rey ith hi Iv And thus likewise saith the law ;--- tion funds that go 8 4 I partad in | continued steadily u til 10 min, past Trains going Fast leave Whitby Statiea'te. | i a Sl uw viyy "To open unluefully, or willfully to | Ottrwa, he to go to Motrenl aud I to [Shen the balloon suddenly swayed to ho G yO D COAT MAKER ; " to say t sellenc . " alf wav rites earlier, and those guing West fifteer | » say whether or not His Excellency | koap, medrese, delay or detain, or nroenre | Torontar Of course, as loading bore ynerth, ripped half way roan, with a ent t ato nutes later than the abave. shali be enablcll to keep his word. Cer- | or suffer to be unlawfully opined, Rept or | of the Government, we were anxiobs for) tearing sound, and fell flat npon nor | The iminensd viiums of 4 a z 3 tainly, men who profess so profound a | detained any post letter bag or pos letter | the wucoass of aur parliamentary suppor | The HPHIBnSd VETTE 0: gins, HORNY 490, v wa, : Ba | ors on the election, and 1 said to him | 090 feet, which dad been pumped into it, 3 : 1 Prac The Ontario Reformer ing for the representative of the whetlior-the sung 2ame inte the fos- ] that the severest contest wonld he in On. | eeoaped pF ! sane moment, 'nearly WwW fa rown, as the Tories do, ought to be ex session cf the offender by finding or other expect to Fedmive | T sos who stoml beside it A g ITED, { . = y gas wise howsoever--shall be a misdemoanar." | tario, where we micht . : "1 7. | all the opposition which the Ontario ov. spoctor 3 ok, Mr. Goodsell, and Police : 3 Grbava. Friday, Sept. 10th, 1878. | [be kept inviolate, but experience has | h 8 Captain ! | ernment ound give to us and our friends. | Coumissioner Trizss, bad but an inant | AT ONCE, A_FIRST-CLASS COAT a : shall ha " t abow n that those lip-loyal gentlemen who oy the mean'sg lies in the apulieation I also said-to him that he og try an lar- | h Hote hil «l their pusitivne to the east kody fat er, a "4d two girls, *o ma a : 3 3 Tix ' | "" thereof," --eai 'ication iv the T. ne +h fands as he conll to help wu d, and t! aseaped heir vv Totior " 3 IH 37 YESIA FRUITS YE SEALL | carry their patriotism upon their slesves, jo pant, SH applieation 1 th Tory | Fang gueh funds 9) Xe 1 . 1 f 4 the a (i Y " ! 4A va The ero ! p 1 ! tr ( 4 Kk: hibition Z0W THEN." * [eye pointing to a cell in the Penitentiary | #% we were ening to have the chief i taginoiiing and eanvay, 7 . : 1 Arn lan ". Q HE a for Messrs. Holt Dori 1Y th re, and 7m utiond several y'ends'o general rush over the ropes with the | 21 tw. W , L ! 3 there is ----- for Messrs. Holton, Dorion. and Yunny ait anply, Sir Hugh . Allah am» tention of tedring wp the ballon inte . . "+ exodous The Tory prints assert thab those gentle , gaid that Sir Hugh mall picees, and carrving them J ] BE ne credingly anxious that the Royal word |, Which" as Cantsin Bunsby. would ---- are ouly scrupalons as to the royal honor where their own interests are to be fur. | thered thereby, and that upom occasion, "a | | BEE BBE ER FELT =m We 30k occasion a short' time ago to f men have become illegally possésacd of a ric an, and greatly iuler {in | mo montoes ; but the &rong fores of police vy | i . a. New the Department of Immigration and Agri tha letter whigh exposed Sir Jolin's plot | 1° ries which nid raed and drove them i getting i 3 ; 8 that royal authority pir vo X] : suaine forse ord. and 1 therefore: cipect | ha ofnfe any sucessded ite ve: Ee i alnel: of its direcor, had. failed most | hority for which their von in referciics to yo Wontieal Floor In} he nying forged, and 1 ther fore ox k, bh io : > Inany ened FPYHERE IS A PRAYER MEER " B ment of ' i ) | eration is so great, they do not scruple . | od that ha i'd be willing to help us, | Mr, Stinner, who had contracted to Gil | Rpg on Sak vii finn anally to-avail ited of the magnificent to 'tiie their own . f snectorship, and that those tit-lits from | wien Sie 0 C viier had made it all | ball id it wold be all folly to at. | Son's Hall, All are eordially invited gti : -®° Se a - a e onrse, eve: ' pa . x apportunity, afforded by the Vienna E> x- | it sheild fupel 0 : ' re el 1 | the law bok are pertinent to the case. If right with his friends, Tent a communi- | tampt anocher ination, as bay was n ; Vs week. ha CA . ov Hp em on ofr " ™ mainses my or will he on An 2 naition, of giving practical evidence, bine, Mesars, Holton, Dorion and Young, have | ction {0 him, saving that I hoved _ Sir | not made of proper material, so the enter Wdie gi 2 dinste Al © Alibi " Tues and jud Hogh Allan and Mr, Abbott would not | prise is alas 1f » present, Those : oy % : ' . > e Jy ¢ ' a, of the v. d ver r 1 ' . he hourt of Europs, of the vast an - contempt for the peaple by burning Hovses forget onr interest, and that they would | having charge o ' idertaking have atile resourers of this new Dominio the The administrat f the Is . | so aon i E30 Winall . ors af 35 "5 To ! Tye' ; D. Fie i Fea Re. 4 . bie ow Pi =. of Parliament. Inthe present crisis, the Jiriga. . ie hralaiatss fs 0 She lay wre oy ond ine " fm iy for " hn [| made a great deal of money out of it, | NO TiCE- | SPE( 'TA L NO FIC EF. Ww [8 in y ite our patrons to fest : stoek © : s : stake of tiie Goverhimont is an groat that v y ania A the 3d NY, a nev the country there might have been in hav- duty if they do not indict these | reccivel a lotter from Sir Hugh Allan, | NJ OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 7 | FIFTY CENT Young Y which en 24 y m 8h ¥ . oe Hin ny | we have ne. antic ipmtion that the Mins: 1 : ey : 3 . J Rew | addressed to me at Kingston, stati "Ww that AMERICA ANH! MEWS. | A 1 will not be responsible Yor EN ua ve 8 Iyso Lo T E A, justi m. F or freshness and heaper ng the clinigte and soil, and their results of Ary. 'will risk wicolitiz the psonle's re gentlemen. The fact in, however, |] Io 3 RY t with Si \] b { ~nrred by my wife, Bermelia Wade. after this | fine flavor it is by far the bes ] | 4 pr ople's repre- | he had eome to an arrangement with Sir | | nib - | i S by far the best value for the price we have eve trade in EN ES rt a point out how, in ur humble jodgzement, | ih ede | when their schemes have ben banlked b tha Goverumen! weve om the gr Her Majesty's proxy, or to dee! 3 5 Jesty 4 p " » declare their broken the law, we say lot the law punish | BRFAERES: Fey i J f ]¢ . . (BR £8 L . . country exemplified atthe World's | sentative's until they have so manipulated that the charzes of thy Tor; jore als ar George Carticr. He did not send me QIN WADE | false, and' the public will see pi proof of | a copy of the arrangement, but said it | Xe Shore, Daringion. { been able to afford. Ar bers, if possible, as to giv g 3s | N members, if possible, as to give them a it by observing that the Government, who | had been arrived at. and had been re Very Latest by Telograph Oshawa, Sept, 15th, 1573, 21, : i Mr. F. | | Yair, connot be called a direct loss, still | g 2 there cannot be no doubt, that a grand | {hope of crushing what they so mnch : id i i H » ! S : meve proctanity of profit and advantageto the | driv. astarching vastightion tiie their |" wmld_be glad to ruin the gentlemen duced jn waiting: : He sent Ine were y i ah YAN IR IAT ON. > " : his i oantry was lost, and that the loss Was | conduct.in refsrenes to tha Pacific Rail- | amed, are not taking any steps, and dare th Vis. ; It was not in accordance go ith my New Yorx, Sept a A despatel dg -- 3 STEELE BRO : not take any stops, to punish a erime | tolozram of 20th July, and 1 thought was | from Fort Garry save Lord Gordon | wl NOR ADMISSION TO THE H1GH | otbaws, Sept. 18th, 1873. : Me which they allaza™ through the'r organs, | ekeeedingly inconvenient for me, as [| fled westward after the recent trial > hool will be held " §chool Mouse on | . a FEL LEEE magnified by the euterprise of the neigh-T way Charter, by the High Conrt of the 1 sring republic, which took full advan. Y +. , A nat'on. This view gains probability from ; rect ! t ve of the oppertnnity to display its pro- the fact that the whiopors n of he Gov but of which they dire mot accuse these | was in the heal of my election an 1 ro | Auerican officers for kid me un. hi Pa AY By) aia, y i h Pete et Al { Houses for Sale. | am 3 greet bi s anl manufactures, manifestly to our ernment, from Tupper down, are no gentlemen in court. Th " nee NTT on. T L y Tr y ! of Jun 8 503 wiles rived Fig ts for HM al re h He | rEYW 1 CASH | : I ek . N be) pe own, ¢ Ls - yack at onee tha Ov 1b agree to it! vtectives Ww i W bed for e urth e wiblie \d TS - . less 'isd vantage iu the eyes of the Enropeans Pe * : detectives, ' rublic | 0 HOUSES JAXD Lots j ember when t) oIntvre or } ' i HN 100! pi i > fii ! busily engaged in feeling the pulie o® heir We remember when the. McIntyrs letter | at all and that 1 wanld gr down to Mon. | self behind the bars ' gd Lan y "x i nig oy Ho! ison Sale, situated « : : Tae ( Ha ving i Many arn A "ol wk upon thataffair asan expos late followers, and endoavoring to estrast | stolen from the Grey pastoffice, that the | treal that night or the next and « re them, | special term of the © of ) ooh' Sila a | thete ar Oh the rcs 8 8 Food well of wat FOR : A 2 "Whitby, {the comparative resources of different oi lodge, Hem. a sulicient nh of thisf was known to the Government, and | so that the re she " 'd ba no mistake or Bunch opened yesterday, for thy tr W. W. Taunryy |" pik : ip and choice fruit trece : and Teg symtries. i nenilers to tide them, over their diflic if the passages of law above quoted had | misapr thommion git rh s Appasra Rr An i¢ on Prius) ol arsed » th k i P ; a, Sept. 18th, 137] BLA rther particu ih Lins. bog 7 Noansd 44 A mors direct evil than the sin of omis- | | hat they will sustain the Goveramant in heen applied to that case by the Pust | i formed him that I ohje : 1 to the "are fo th Gy Jur od ts It ai ly rf -- : | t Sr uring Grain 22.4in-pd. WEE 7 i - : sion which attaches to the Ion. Mr. | ¢ riine the Royal Commission sham nnon | CHiee, the thief and the receiver of the | rangement ho hal mada and that unless | kidn apping. 5 clings $4 ent i tore: CS 3 A. WA. - A res 'Wilson 4 Pope's Department, is, however, now | no House as a erapléte exradration of letter would have met with prompt. pun | the proposals eontained in the telegrar | very | addis mate. It is ' Sewing 7} achi ne % Foterg lz PA Y UP / g { : © /krown } rominantly before the public, and that the. Gwgrnmmt, and as a final ishment his thief, however, was a spy the 26th of July were adhered . ' A y bill wil 2 J au . : : De. ! of the Tory leader i the Hon. M. C. would «yr down to Montreal and diser | a, who was este Le of t : i . + Ty - Supp i connected with 8 ®" | extinction of tha, investigation | © Ory. Jealers, am the Hon the whole matter with i n. 1 réceived | cogs ttorney: Genera Yorn AT HE *rol ul NE LL INDEBTED T0 THE UNDER. E Y tle deal partment which the public is LON upon which Paslivnont $aterel io Aoeil Cameron, glirying in his shame, sid of two tele arama in consequence of this, one i t ¥as introduc Yio Compt : und the mo acl signed b, HOOK 'ACCOUS = ~ ' Tuesday 1 . . . 1 [PN ' "LL "4 HETW Ese, are x hat - ¥ r . by . ' he stolen letter ne r _ ¢ ti FIRS lar the other a. or y . ah i P ce { w TTLE such fx t- ¥ raed;anore than ia any other, infiaving | If they sucess Lin'this project, thon t 1 otter, "knowing the same to | from Sir Huoh Allan. ar ip from [Ly | ) fenera : eu ' are, Incss, en or he hic 18% OCTORER, PR OXIMO0, town. othing but the strictest rognlarity, and | we shall Rave them hastinz to exnen 1Sr have heer fgonionaly stolen," that it was Sra ry # Cartier, dated 31st July th all 1 t N "the 3 Dasticity of Stitch, as | 1 ned to do businiss for cosh 3 ness OF ha ithe pri Msery "} Rad. it ut ha "lawl! crate ' "Verily olfo xine terms orisen wit 3 ror Austin Hiri .£ ¥ Helly : i 3 LR : 8_op/ ® most faithful uprightness observed. | Job's "clean hails befora the S » 3% »» t oh 2 hd of war. Yerils. b | Fram Sir Genres Cartiar. a LL A ma convaal : A self adinsting a 32241, J. W. FOWKE, H : thist tind : tanh " a \ - ann oroat » « H 1) > : " * . 3 Jd i ati ' 2 is a welancholy fact that the postal ! chair, and buriing to have the arch-eir dapands a groat deal to oar model, pure " Have seen Sir fingh Allan, he « Vauande } Dron n the hall he ry hi + health. rics of this country is in a most deglor- | ryntionists of the ace o 1, and virtnons Tory Government, *' whose | draws offer written von since von make | breel rel n; will arrive " Jeaves a 8 1onist 3 canonized aa political J iw ler A 1 » I ! . i 3 4 i » | ohjoction to i ar polio ww basis of ar- | y . , SVEN £52 Feb " no w om. . " sle state of inefliciency, and worse than | gaints. the most im nasal re .| OX is gored ohjaction to it, and relias for basis of ar- | row, IZ han simon A, witness, | gor i he ; a ae RYE, OATS, &C, : L. his lors: ta of th mire talaga ihat, is so utterly untrustworthy that no | Tha, again wa shall h i tha Fea y of hey Tr Yo Hy M | - . 14 ' y Fa . tGol COMPLIMENT TO THE WESLEYAN nl y Ls ge : H n 4 ah gd yr 3 asm ro i be filled-in two or three tw aS HT f . . : nama of Gd upon n well here n v are the s peeied it hie enters tha tow y+ Cana- | weeks withow vherrie LL aa i | The highest Market Price in Cash for d, grapes) ; BODY well hore Jw o owe ; ov ; : hest Mar 4 declaring that bid yon do not think t ol LY brand h \ rderer. «he on JUNG, The py pe "| kinds of Grain, paid. pd 20F PAT rat an as hooks --~ to coma down here ar me n . 1 of Th . ¢ . Sacturer, Terms libe:al on x ye v mupiait « hocking ni n nor ww = i" i sta 1 . ) 8 a x on apple ion | . sve bLoen grave complaints of shocking | their is not, nor ever vas, any founlation The Weslevan Methodist body in South | to wn ant of town on Sos : EE B.S shawn, . 1873, C1 4 2 - Son's © | | he Canadian § fidence whatever can be placed in its | {he Dominion with the parations. For over a year past there Llaevhemons line." rularities in this department. In Ot. " b-allowns iy . x E i rogularitic ep whatever, for th llsgntions of the Hor. Ontario, may cortrinly claim that the | romain hers if yon TayCEs fornitu . . . : . % 3 3 i cially desire t » | anbear ir ot a witihe y , Osha pnt. 9, 1373, 2241 AT +wa, Alutreal, Hawiltor, Toroato, and | Mr. Huu wm, avd thet if ho dil deaw Government and their organs are nnder | me. Anawer. | ve :) ard thicre who have sworn to shoot Lim WA COAL DEPOT | SHEA - J- - FOWER - jor stoc sewhore, it i notorious fact t} t- What far + " . . | 4" y \nTIER xii1 & t | pe -------- - slzewl, 3 4s an 3 fact that it- | on Abbot fpr nd mare,"it way | some oblizations to them. The Leader, - . 3 rie f :D MY FULI OS HAWA i emp ancrable letters, ck containing sma' " BT of those cas } : : * * - eae LED M LL - : of thasa casuzl transacting | the other day. harine occasion to mention ' ' 1 am pt red supply steel Seuitisatet be Dott Jolpies hate ares ich Mr. McTnnos :wearaare "the wsual | the Rov. Danie! M-Mullan, fathor of W. dim a CANADIAN DANTON, B40, £ICVE ANT gr. 30s ITs |PACKING CASE FACTORY the bac isally disappeared," and bees he rd of no - 1 : i a 3 : vm p i ay CISAp : . rer. the report. M-Mallen, alludes to hin in its eonr- | | have already me ned, wl 1 } op BELLY vere ; esunod dav ; in cof She SEAR Ha SE 5 BA 0 ¥ Lay : # verso to his wishoe, ons and happy style, as "an imbecile." artior wer nw ta h tial, |. t r ' ' 1 ' t quality @ : Wp SUBRC RIBER 18 PREPARED Gero post offices av been hing #} Sm \ ¢ \ : we wpe ie yout i lave DEEN | last thing nay he hoked for will "a fonl," and nis son as the "rever = ad Iw 10 supply at reasonable Prices, any = Jewrh th ya : , : 3 : , and' his sor whatever hs a Besuuiarity fom cast af th hibition Parte of Sonth Tiaron . ~ r ~ An Tity of Euinber, Shingles, ; -ostroyed t Twn aw i by i, meeting of Parliamant. Coma | gorit'eman's breed." The Raverend York , ly , ap | : a H : : : es A SS We 1 L =O N a & . ber cud | Mdving aud Flage &e. has be 3 clerks deeming | wien it uy nas ' ' : . : 130 Nradud Ast , Y 3 8 + Wi vig! ve Sung vik. - Ne and promyitly delivered, : : , 12 [when it uty, sooner or later thers mus! ads Beatty says of the Wexleyan ris ) at the time of my own election, | 1 ites, wall and de +d without w Pr YG : Se BH M ATCHING, MOULDING, sad weeks i them of not sufcieut importanes to iuter- | ha 4 moat f a SR RY ' : : ! A A NUMBER | dui to order on the shortest notice, i ere with their eass and Zowforts, In liave uote. Lo otters in the Metropoli- Rt a nant » J le he ; ' Duxps Iho 77th I 1 to return (hanks to 1 rks to n is, for CHARLES hope soc ty of will be ready to "h (Rov MeMallon) harin 5 4 highs » bot ve i and four Lin i ' ty l hipe tor Ap YATES 3191y u. oer. : 2 behind t ne 'or two cases the theft « tisterc indicate the ni . f Parlinvisnt. bony "eslevan Minister, is ng vey same- | © 8? rod 00, to help the | 3 , y ' ' ning le. oo jaws, Sent. 9. 167 L mn friends Cra no uch magia ae | sii ie pnt mp Some who {rit 0 en Gos Meta, | fey) Maris Se bole wad © we en LN ER BA LIVERY STABLES bran x Ennio the ofliclals, ' Lagan add ny i and Aiud ' ' ' ach ANY N ng "e . £5. PI 3 rn iis Ll El I Lie ty HOUSES TO RE : il thicse cases, the evidence has been the most hei . ! Mh Mash is wonderfally, in fa FSW : i he mony 3 ae Shin i en Awa, rept. 1:83, 3th, J NT. | SMITE & M'GAW,' Couxt Sharia " . ot v ' . wy vine 3 3 wee, : - --_-- Sabena " nk = he Vindicator think of row. | 10 fi in M1 enmp areatgenrents seem ut. Th y " LO RENT, ON THI CORNER ir esto sive tag, re HOSTS I 1n3 Pepartonly " AB x #8) tat fd Lids fair ui £8 ] Mary and Agnes streets, a new commod orses to suit ravellers. , 3 . A ) ' v n be iL ¥ 3 {lie y A n » ' a d hi ditibonss - or petavas acting under their n; i ttiedd if CAVE ; : a Top Cap. i sa best in the Pioviuce, ; Ai . - hetstrat Tig : iC "The atte ia the great majority of cases, th : ne rome 3 J Fras ater tha Liald. whine owt ' r - Tha wal 5 ny 3 : four rou ach, Apply ta $y ¢ Iigs, Carriages, Omni and the it 1a the rent Ta FS ' . . ¢ satside of this cy f a Mot ' wer ng hold, x ) YLATER ' i" ee : ig 408 Vv HAL Jia l for Breuer Jes : "% Yo cui oye of the Hon. the Poshaster' | or v. My Mullen the father i a dona t : : ranothor : . e was « 4 2 : ; hii ne tter 3) : v p or. | hodist pars sas the san . : le 4 hele - ONY PO 3 "+ | The DES ST STYLES, and as " Ss sueral P - anwibikingly at fraal ' A Ney wo , ! i Fool wi i . 1 « \ 1 3 } JOIN 3 py sutral a gazed uawihingly at fronds Hans +H : hd Tory, flaz of crazy ball; ha : » west nada 3 ! Y headwan . ia i gent, Oshawa. | gonsistent with a modest hey Foi whic ought luny since fo have cansed a fo' (0 Ri " | he r ca Le sie organization ws io ito th : -- SMITH & McGAW, ne MR : ne, The brother identified in « R. Beatt) { course neithsr imbecile | = 2 thay Rave a a ang { | Ries Riony "i i x A -a d i = Ul | Stolen or Strayed. fw Ost San, August y 187 * pertivent. The extent of these pecula-* correanamdenens in evidence, andanid | nor x foul + but he id 2 torus. avd his by § nagipg the elections, : Water nally : ws a a ; bi } = Taury : i think this garcia that (3 d reosived . : {« LA LAN + tl sot these [n " IT hon ! ' " ' . 'R be k's nery Sto y --_-- pia 4 : 0 ms, and the esteem in which the servic mt GG. W. had Toe 1 820.000 for sur- | 1.0.41 character isahont on a par with , . bade ere Win *olock 1. Loe Steel, 3 d rik of the New Build { WN OR AROUI * FE 6TH I Me. A om e Ewe or County aaa Se iy Lay \ . senctimonions abroad." : thorough reerganization of the whole De ie hel R indaad fa N + rendering it Vihether the 820 000) was 3 I ; Leld, may be well judged from the fact received from Sir Hnsh Allin or was a | that of a certain' ge itiaman who is said to vere ; Ie 1 ion tng dan +, awountu } J any perso format a t : ; cial ; ' : eae : 1 of . 1 irnrus DY Dorsal Ri pe aa : 3 : oh at the Governor General has spe cial | bribe from tlie Opposition is in dispute," | have nrg:d on a strictly eonscientions can- f Outa i t the l by wee. ae : their recovery, will te sui : : : s6C0n srrangements made for the transmission | Vindicator. didate that his *'duty to bis country. and | OPPosition, to wer ra ymon phrase, w : An action for damag as been entered | USLAWA RY iaruiact: Jade .. had beel : i a an i i y - 3 : spending two dollars to our one, and ai he Oh me 5 i Sept. 10th 1873 - " { his private mails, being unable_to trust Week afte v " , | to his Gol" required him to spand mony | a Ho. & i: J | against the Qu nicle to the amount pan, ept. 10th 1873. 3.33 in. . what B th vith fidence to the ordinary el erk after week we are called upon to rods Mo 1 my efforts in order to get suh- | of wos 000. T : s heen based vm RR sa 1 hil hem with confidence to the ordinary chan- | the mistat #2 to corrupt voters, rather than be beaten sot the exizoncy . Dy ret a en based on 2 op | -- -. . . wxcel! wR mistatem nfs and disingen te i aten | geriptions to met e exigen f the | ho followin : wh article whidl GENERAL MEETIN nel of communication. And while morey 2 1 NERAL MEET! ! My { * J : leave un . . ons statements of th above journs Ly the Grits. | case. I wrote pressingly to M rd : area i ! TRIE Is Comrpar 011 be hele . bre GF + 1 i [witers, of vital importance to pour: people ws Sst go 3 1 the » v J anal, > 1 | Win was active ror Sic Hugh Ee Tl {er iia or I ea v Ee office, G rain Bags. King Street. efiipsed have been allowed to go astray without Ne Te" en any sy'enalion rei ributions to ths exto f | lames snding fro me : of officer roe Re d Te ; . ' the Tost et eng i Ty > contortion of the truth by which he en- THE JOHN-A. -POPE LETTER. £10.000 ench time. i. . frit : of ET nronia | busihcee f general | A large stock of superior qual- : ) . Tus A. Si PIHRMUY O11 deavors to do ** the work of his n inste~," R- The sams I got from Mboatreal § { y . man thi the Post Office Department, it seems that : a aly +l}: : Dus IR, 3 2. McGEF, Ls i L ai in deceiving the panple of thi inz, and The Teronta Mil publish ; exactly tho sums I have mentioned ; tie | {16 rove ev} Stati oy 1 | , > > F ' trance of the only contingency that was able to : PD V8 yiling, an . RIO publishes 's fa contribution of 825.000 [ got with the torch tH the | ' htt arr v wa, Sept. 18th, 1373 ~protem. | ity on sale CHEAT LOTHIN : a' x ih Tenbers hief of the | | begging support for public knaves and of the enclosure, from which Hon TA pr wl waked It ° 1 i Nol by e bhiLding ny, g a1 | <9 i 'being ry net! oo pa d a bo : : wroviously asked it. Ni al iy ir Whnost: tod Tt 231d, ; ' - - ol bye il 3 : a i hy sinners by painting them as political | Young received the now celebrated John: | on ation with Sir Hu pi . Ii 5 nt Ro 5 : WP at R. & A MITH'S {han the w e Mis-deilve 0, al rer nno- Nn pi 5 y " rivers y Hn Conlwection with 1 | . . - . * shi Ee y » / N P saints. / Phe idea >fthe writerof the above | A -Pope Letter. The letter was ad ressed e no donbt Sir George Cartier ask ter the Nes ote is publish - Ret urn & Fa re o// Vi t ae ar : = : Ay, 2 Toronty,| n r o ho iy ga i Ip = ops paragraph seams to be to create the im- | in this way: * Hon'ble John Young, him ' to subscribe. I got the br ti "Quebec, I8T3--8ir : 1 re L u Ue 18! A NEW STOCK OF IN ada. a y a eed r 4 . $ir Havh that he § sus dt! " r ME ST 8) % a : wpistle, ym we Bre to NAVE Te- | nression that Mr. M-Mullon had béen | M. P., Montreal." Now will any :ane | from Sir Hugh that he Lad sub : in yemter 8 Chronicle an art Lb | accus. = 4 b "A to the p form, now we shall seo the whole service bribed § J first amount, arl the other two st 9 i H 0k + f lig me d uj i t 1) Rr rs { he . trou} bir widert fala tions sonval. r 220.009 by the Op pent ition, to | man say that the Hon. Mr. Young was | 310,000 each he gave at my own request, | our aty of Levis of having commit «l the + Microscopes M Tagnifying Outfitting Establiiment x Enix sod in. anony itil the Tanah wiv tuencd surrender the correspondences allnded to, | not entitled to open and ascertain the | I wrote ta Sir George Cartier in Montreal | crime of arsony. This is to inform you ---OF Glasses, Reading Glasses! * % troupe . ite fa h 10 ne Std which, we need not say, contains the evi-.| contents of a letter addressed to him with respect to the advances, having | that if an ample aud satisfactory 1 tric. S andience > or pero > 2 is st dence of the guilt of the Government, { through the Post Office in that way ! And | heard oo wash : ay hi i a he -- F [ation Not pablisied Susu paper: to. I terercopes Stereos- wo: : Muskie | Hs ow ardy machinery ol Ro . . . . | side, and Le asked for it, Aid not know | yuorrow, | witl insti s with you an a - I N a » 1 . : Fistive ia Brosh 90s pRgY, wud x rarch Now, what Mr. McMullen actnally did | | yet Tory journals rant about a letter | until T saw it in the publication mention- a for i as ol 2 i ¥ ; an ER iN & THE BRENNAN S copic Views, etc. sion of t § swear was, that his brother received 82. ! being salen and talk of *' penitentiary' | ed. that he had written for a further sum ! su dieide Rog : ars of g ' ich the or mists | damages. Yoursc&e., Lonis H. ¥rechett. | - SCHOOL BOOKS 35 town in - hated » Sore i fhe teiding mat 500 for his and other's expenses, and a | for the whole Reform party. It is a dis- | of $10,000, altho ugh I asked him to get it > J. J. Fouts oe ob i Yoechels 0 4 JORS F SPLENDID STOCK OF # > tly dhs tee Tact > i Alpen. isan weque for 817.500, which cheque became | grace t~ the profession of journalism that {for ne. > Ye] 'The : y : P "- STAT TON FRY, - - Peay mee nothing. The public have to void on the contents of the Starnes packet | drivelling idiots should 01 allowed so 10 | Sar have just one or two remarks to make | he alif: 5 1s Fl that ictor dal nN asical ! A good supply at 4 i be thankful for small mercies in these : . : th respect to one other statement and | those who are not whifly 1 party wn . eing divulged, but was £5 hare been paid, | prostitute the calling to lyin 2, dishonest . > hn ! ' barti I reoarnic 1 ' < i ars, and if, for once, the adder nursed | ok Ee iin 20en J 1 I hte 'g to lying, dishonesty | injnstice to Hon Jol in Hillyard Crmeron, | izans, will recoguizag there are R. WEL {| INGTON, a is the a ot the D i | Ife kept the secret. Sir John in eross- | {na misrep resentation--for pay. | Tt is stated that at my instance Sir Hush | ve 3s when party "spirit must be Wi a : . in the hosom of the Department has stung | dining Mr. McMullen only: succeeded Allan advanced or discounted red, and the honor, as well as the ilaon's Block. 3 the hand that fed it, let us only hope that | [100 10 ot (hat instead of wainine or Mr Cameron for a sum of £5,600. | welfare «f the nation be protected, no And Qramatic Entortaizment, be the public will profit by ths steps that in eliciting the fact that instead of gaining THOSE "CLEAN HANDS." Her e is Mr. McMullen's = statem matter w the consequences to those in | ra TT | ave Yoho akon ts toroiaor dy comcedl anything bv expos"ng the Paciie Rail. | os outside the amounts which may have | or out of p i hoof th FRUIT & OYSTERS. - ee AND CAPS, J way Plot, Mr. McMullen actually forfeit « = heen: f hed by 8 John Macdonale minio her ad fnot, i oF 3: | TO 3, Ramble tit a ) ' ) | Sir John. has bee: t the box, weer. furnished by Sir John Macdona if ninion, whether adaptod or not, its honor 10 SN § H the chances of detection of Ministerial el the bond of 317,5)) which he held as ir J aim-lus bien SW1in the bus, and the chairman of the investigating com- mnst bs dear. Ho cannot tamely read LU» - I 4 A234) CHEAP erime. Of course, so much evil must the price of silence in referancs toss "in. | o Sl hee made his asa) hetors | mittee applied th x the Premier for R at ho s follows have ben bought | ® ; i ill be Sih = "| the Royal Commission. eo was allowed £5.000 af s elo s all | and sol . he Government. | polat to-aeanee, and that origm will be famons scheme, and not only . dees his y | loan of £5,000 after the elections were all sold, v with the Government. | found, ae has often an" oft: been dinn:d : < ai i to recite his own narrative, nor was he | over, and as an supposed he was | not consent to be the butt for the into the unwilling ears of the Govern i - Mutt was actually sossived | cross-examined on any point. Although | throngh paying, he objected, but after a 4 even of his fellow-subjee the MONDAY, SEPT. 22nd | | : 2 g ea a ; "| from Sir Hagh All: ot * i + | personal v f the wm Post- ter- | He mi mn | I | tro tho Oper i tn oe iy he was allowed not to sweat to asything FH PT Soon Pout as ag de sign -.7 |THE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON a8 i " t a PROSILIon, Hits i 1at, | that would eriminate himself, the : ' yom aadlursenl |e ejgramy 1 " i h : hand the very best of all kinds of fruit in | * as in other departments, appoint- | whatever be McMullen's motives, hs has | : ) : : yy Ig ny fol | and luttors of Sir John, who announced | ridicaled jus.iy. | arcs » ONE IGH 1 ON fps | BE SUR E AND CALL AT men's are weds mot with ragard to lowing extracts from Lis evidence will ba | that it was to he p us, the thing was | raed by a "clever v wat, bat his i i LY. | not been actuated by mercer " dor. |» s : nsreenary cons d i found interesting to say the least! 1t. : done. Tha note was dated January - 80, | 20120 wnust rise whe learns it is dis | - » went, iw the fact that in this fitness for the position, but from motives ations, or by monetary X 3 . EE Te EF : y ine ry or other pressure : ical policy, and as rewards for po | 1863, a ! H Tillvard ( } t. H : | Whon I was at Kingston Mr. Mac. | 1963, drawn by the Hon. Hillyard Came- |b Bn : Fo appraved itv 23 F h O t : from the Opposition. | pherson came: to Kiigion to see We, orl fv 1 aad endor, Sir Hugh Al an." ers nell » a Fd have loved Dr. | i Company will antear in an ehtire new | res YS ers ' intentio | perhaps he was at Kingston, 1 Yo 12 facts are simplythese. Mr. wed | Tupper or Mr. M:Dona bat the 0 KAN RAzem tt Irish Paginini % . rent aud others. This fact is undispit i Par at pi y "a ne NY a Jucger | Cameron, who isa « Erion mine . | former faults of tl } men wus JB em trie gir : i 2 ical Genius, | Py : . : . -~ "m v bg a, hi Id me ha and | vial whe pal s ciim : od, ob will ctglly Be soem THEI USUAL TADS. { we had a discussion about the matter, aud oH ya th rt 4 was vy : un and | Ww ti n compared with t cles now are now being received every day, and will be able to d how dificult i is fo the Sore found his ditliculty still existed about that he w anted some money ane le iy d | alleged against them, | - m had either Ly the can or in bik Curing We | Oshawa, Jay 2 29th, 1873. a Department to interfere even where the "He had contiibuted to the election | the Presidency. I then mode up my to get a discant. He asked me if 1 Tae Montreal Herald records this pro- | Wa nted. Sea French: guilty parti are | Ee tl 19F0 TA2 | fund as he usu lly did, but it had ncthing | mind that there was no use trying to ob. | ¥oul 1 dr Pa lino to Sir Hugh All oa to | ininent instance of s rutaing influence | Ice Cream, Soda Water, &e., &e EEE elected 1 a ws are known, when the same , 19 ol i A Rao 3 a Bed \ } T F a v. . RAAT. to do with ths railway.v-- Vindicator. tain an amalgamation before the elect ion, re y AY | of drink : ~The case Jom Foley and | QUOME ONE W2 V Stand di i V HITBY AND P. P. AY. He bas « cause that fed to their appeintment ¢omi- ™ he Vi a . f pd 1 determined on le aving it as | had ne nts' Bank. wate down and | 0 ike who wa re ct Q ho} NE a ¥ this NTED 70 50 ox A] Stand diteals opposite Reon Office h! . : ever im) Ov 3 the Vind rs wv i as 2 fo we liarjime a dis | 3 J . > gr : B_helghoh 1s MH 2 p pels the offences of the Department to cor « above is the ndicator's version o be nat the period of the conversation)? Al wm fo wae hin op J fo get a dis |, Gisordorly house urda shows Owen Sonnd 1s liberal apg " ly 103 A 4 Give me a call, i cune their officers and overlook irregnl Me. an Lines's evidence before the Royal | he tween Mr. Abbott and Mr. Macpherson. ie for the amount of 600, He got] alae Tpiai oy Oshawa, Box 78. fy JOHN GIBSON. until the, Ji 3 Hlcer d k egnlari- A z . x : m™ . y A uu ct wi drink obtains the el 1 3.22.2 5 Fe . : . sottnd t isa} ON -22-2m. : 1 Cranmission, It seems among the Torios | T telegraphed to Sir ( e Cart ir, in the discount. That is all I know about it aster er a woman. lt asserted - open his litical support froma members of Parlia- L they dare not punish ; an veigns supreme, and apt pupils learn readily to iaitate the corruption and un- | ; i to be the ** usual thing," then to contribu» | that scise ; my telogram is s3t out in thy " - san life in the for him Coue away with, We may expect just sich " 1 4 oF - - 1 And it wuat not be imagined that these donlit the desire not to interfere with this | Q.--1s t! nt th e telegram of the 26th | home from Rei 2 im awa. Ok awa Coal. | out in" Q raft is evidence ! A. -- } . ' ey} Yin nw 1 hin ibs anes: AR Su to defeat al ent de br ke ' g eA. the board b } rero sitrine, | a8 sl wey lived 1a retehe = ISRL pactweat; such is very far from the Seleat ol} ts made by Mr) Blake in the rough draft; it is in the ard on whicl t iY We LE : . {hei t eh ' 9 si : ; 'WOOI ) Y ; \ R D! | hing. 5 1 : Jose Mi Inland Revenue would think hiinself a |" Sir George Cartior, Olta»a ;-- | : ¥ a Th > 5 . a : EZECTTORS NKOTIC=. I HAVE ON H AND ANDFOR 8S az uaprivcipledl wiseonduct of which the } ag to Ont , concede any preference to | Lefore his Honour, Ju Soswell, at Co. | drunkenness, but anada ! rival'of the morning train from W that ay a ------------ eo country | 7 pr td that system of appointments shall be i { aflidavit of Sir Hugh Allan made in Mou- | - 1 0.600 sterling Sright Tros jeans 5 We anted.| I I k woney 4o buy up voters and shame : : ing, igh Bank. . honoeiv 3 re treal. At all events, 1 can put in the Surron, Sept. 15.--On Saturday even- : im. Arriving in Can Proceedings iu the future, romesty by ««ipen frand, and'it was no | ,rigial. '1 have here, a rough draft. jer dnt, 53 Had Bea orem. J TE gt. fe fell inte drinkins | TOT AKE MBER FLOM MY THROUGH LINE FROM Toro. Fin with Lis son and i mpany, and af v | : 14s July ? i N ' .B. CamraeLy. ~TO-- Sh irregalaritics are coufived to thie one do. | #00 ted custom that induced Jpn A. | JU E | se coral other part he stooped und fell |! : Foi) Mac, lei " Sopt. 8, % tf AND ag, ab ee \ " ' . . . | The waggon whee yassod over case. lu alist every depmtmient, as i fy a bj ot vent the hestis! prac. following terms : 5 I x urtg him so is died = abut r : te of James Mfalyen deceas so: [S0304TEEON, N, & FENZLON TALIS. ; Woodro = Hon. Mg, McDougall puts it, pacity [oe buying es. The Minjster of | "July 23th, 1872. | hours / 1 Mire ) a ---- x tos the : " WILL dows, ane | happy swan to wet his frie en " Have seen Macvherson. He has no Case or Bios oO Thursday | man. He he neve . al & large quantity of Begt HE STEAMER " ONTARIO cw Pry wet his fricuds to come for. : : ! , J 164 : n hursday rosa Q F OF THES ATUTE leave Port Perry every ) Monday, Wednes along wi ward and swear that i was a * usu al pr al ambition, but cannot, in justics | of last we k, Muy Ja Rash was tried | U Aides. r of his wile vrse th . noe fC a 29 IE) Beech & Ma aple, | day and Friday. at 11 o'clock, Sens Mr. Huy ue vit] ib riba . p p | 2 Re ) a ¢ ! . ! re > joe : Lsias"aPord so-many sud sacl | si with th in to subscribe money to | Quobee in the matter of the | residency, | ourg,on a chargeof big S46 waseharg. | proved the contrary, The ws ever off red in Oshawa. Also any quanilty of an 3 A as eabin «Xuplos. aid kis election; but unforty ately for | or in any oth r particular. . Ho says the edby herlawful hn ashand, W.J Rush, missed, but his wife was seit # mn or aliecting he Fa : : arr Railway, arriving in Lindsay at Pp. speedily o | him, be ally finds himself the victim | Aestion abo 2 Pre Division Street, with having a few tv | two mor ths with hard labor. About oue | Connty and Provikes of : aed whe ackawanna . | Bobeaygeon, at 3 pour, § Fenelon ERE sled ping . > i Prada . leit to 0 the 1 : . Under those ¢ Fenn §oago, married swan named John Elliot, f { o'clock Foley came back, and pa i Bra piamber, | Lehigh : Sturdy a6 am arriving narrowly taps hen the Sweth Outaie . ciictios | 4 anthorize you, te assure Allan L. swisanviile. It appears ¢ B | magistrate to allow bis two yo st chit | 1 A ! ner, Kin Post Scranton : tL t 8 a.m. and at Port id ston fn Szarvonta, §:pt 16. --The Reform Oon- | is 4 " vo Sy Whiciee of the Goverment will be | loft her tiusband's ros widke nce lait Tal, | dren, between two ox fee ye j Ufiice, "nto i d t ¢ ; it} yin corned vibng ~ Sarge Szaronru, Soy >. ¢ liclorm 0 | case-is Lrought before Durliawvent, ae it |e l cure him the, p sition of Pre. | in a short ti £7 } to be with their mothior i . ner telion - i us Ego and Stove Coals. y Gir nk nilway mixed GOUE son, tailod veution for the South riding of Haugen | 0 0 Ho : oh si ho uther toting to. boss arrest tb da cits, die SH el be witls their mot) lie 08 2 | diately afi the & d gs it local and going Kast. » i uict heveto-day. There was a large te! Wil 48 Wun ble: 50030 Yusumes ha Su. Muep! : 1 Aton is in ¥illaze e ». | e won | seed much distressed, aud be i hunas Vif o d, willpre- | BLACKSMITH AND Mount! From Tove » Bobcaygeon, = = 1 -B to the u de mos fof whith iY ' int a. Plog NB andi r " i et woel : : al x the he squid F1%i d thev hic 1 bu Lover RAF ceed t { ofthe | - to Lindsay . i. : prose: abation from all parts of the nding, | Guiry into the Pu Sandal, tae Am he A To | the he lot, an 1 they 3 but : Ho BOF ema ; that > 3 distr eis ofthe sald dee u 1 Morris Sort Co ALS, | Whyte b> Lindsay - » was, the lr, Avehbald Bishop, Warden of Hi Mr. Cibbe 1 virtavnsly "assert that of | ti oh were § : his euning to | he cond not send the two little children | f . i 8 RM Lady i Hobeaygeon ed. Oth bs : a HY ois oH ico of the Co ) . | ~S Es ' Rush, aud he having | to gaol elf, but recommended hi to i | Gellvered to any part of the town at lowes "Through Tickets can be hod "of the tmnt p % G1 vis The wisn vice of vols oe course he il money to secure his 1 3 " £ {hat . i a | te Yorn Gy cls so d . ' be wed A he $s iz; Sua. 2 Mr. Bishop is a well to-do fariacr, HY : : . : ( 5 stVa tl f 5 ef taal the r putt Wa Cur 4 3 4 the Govervor, an 1, perhaps, lie ¢ Pero: w . ur or claim they | y Sab ot your ( Toe woreh at low rates. for | 8 ; vue of the plone ks ui the Cou id} Teta il We : soiersonia BI Asrediiout. "Thi } a rect, innnidiately Jaid ation, and | would arrange the watter. |, | ABAD ok are al a a En m, they 4 n BO, - Pie >the Agents. by the' te ol he pi sees ¢ Louat "i Lbat will a a ty | MTOR r A ats 1s 'the oni 3- | Chiff .C able Couney i pa" en ' " . | {re bution. Au oy fir : y, akso, given | y sal oo rR : h hiss Bold a sat its the OoisutyCuiacil for | AVbott will swear that he das euitributed | (745 0 the difficulty, aad shoald | Shs ol a ib etal ae t ho dal: The new Mnister of Militia has arzived | ail parties indobie lg to tha said fstate. that | All coils weighed on town scales, Weight | Any fuurination canbe obtathed by srpiring Msdasy Fears, wind bees Doug besa a aust | to Mr. Gibbs election fund, ** who us Le arco ation , Sha elewted to. be tried before the Jad 89 | at Ottawa, at last a5 ¥ u made to \Lo said | 88d laeasares suufuniovd, » by Allan, A wer < i ar ainzed, ple a i | eutors, Jeu diiscinl sud ws:ful Rafa. He did," but it had golliiag to Qo witht TY Kuied) y | and on buiog ar * i | pleaded g . v id day of September, 1 . Alesea nA an Je ; ; ; 1333. | of this innocent biceding process. Por rane A I SE so A {and was sent to cight months iu on, Geo. Brown has returned ih Fw nf ow ws & geuocally very Buthilar, : raikvay, "OL no, of vod . Joy A Maicoexirz." | prizosment in the comaion gaol, Lip rope ads wad svund, '

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