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Ontario Reformer, 24 Oct 1873, p. 3

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arirerhipl P EXISTING CF & SHEA having of Mr. Ragged. the iat he coytinues. wil, and hépes for * ge 80 liberally ox H3w, JAS. SHEA. ER MEETING he from 910-10 in the wmvited. Notice. BEGS TONOTI. te firws.of of RAG wats ust be pale The estate. JAMES SHEA. oer. )RS NOTICE OF PHOEBE 2pe Township of b-day of Septem he Shin jchis and © their Christian = ecription, whe full a stateroent of thew he securities (if tely after the he Estate them, shall not be pet thereof to any » shall aot have - or said Solicitor, at the said Estate are e forthwith, either N-FAREWELL, or SLI. the Adminis retore Sth. AD 157. BS TOF 1864. therets. ACT OF 1088. THE COUNTY urd of the County of io. In, the matier ent. On Wednesday ext, re nelersiged Whe said Court » HA EL FLETCHER, ey UPL 0 THE UNDER- MOOK ACCOUNT) oF » SETTLE ach indest T. OCTURKR, PROS o business fer oF THE PROVIS- a. 7th day of ESQ. of Ochs Nag it was de, and ull scovunis. ge lee the Su Pa uiars - thereof FOWKE, Secretory. ee A ---- ERATED Patent Machine, est Washing Ma~ T in use. { NED BEGS TO the above as secured a stand in ure ARCHERS F hp & Mearn's H rothers, ¢' nodite their i. : are now' ; p- REF [TTING. mises, snd wh isto their Stoel rd, will have em loin s few dayik . s An ; NEW. CHINA. splay of Ww CROCKERY. AMIS dG SLASSWARR mew ph 1873. a Raising, pr Dew op. 1878: and Japan Teas. pew crop, 1873, W SUGARS. ir business ining beyond an re offered to the lic. F be given on the yportations. please esll alities and +: E BROS)" re on Gentil, 1873. SON' . * # Love iaughs at Detectives. CURES Rheumatism, Scalds, Lameness, | Neuralgia, Burns, Soreness, Soro Throat, Boils, Wounds, Hoarseness, - Ulcers, Bruises, Headache, Piles, Sprains, A pleasant little incident cccur- red [here recently, showing how young lovers can defy stern parents even when, stern parents are aided by a he' power and vigilance of heavdhanded and lynx-eved law. Two young people in Philadelphia, | Toothacha, Colic, Old Sores, . handsorie, rich, and loving, desired . All Hemorrhages, 10 wed, but the paternal "authoii- ; iar, ies said nay. The prospect of wed- | ND ' ing till the parents should relent CHEAP r the lady come' of age was not sufficiently alluring, so an elope- ment to Chicago was planned. The | intended bride. made her way se- eretly to Buffalo, and there took cone of the Erie propellers for this city, while the intending groom came on here diret and awaited her arrival ith autores anxiety, becoming as ch apart of the dock at which |. the ~teamer wigs te arrive as the pest to which she would moor, at last the beat was telegraphed trom Milwafikee, and he ardent lover his- teed to the river side, but was hor- rified to observe, while cautiously reconnoitering the dock, the pa of / his intended, accompanied by a de- tective, apparently looking for the lady as anxipysly as himself though w Net A view. There was scanty time for debate, and re- tiring in good order he fled to the office of tire V.O.T. Company. In a few moments a little four by four- te orig Bes avi dy. walters o he river, belching forth unusual volumes of ~sooty smoke screeching under biidghs, and leav- ing a wake behind her. higher than he EES Ina few she Glassware, wih Dut in the harbor, and not long after was on _}ér way to Groose's| it the 'big propeller. DEPOT RV.CHUBB (SUCCESSOR TO G. HENRY,) IS STILL SELLING Groceries, + boat have bea 04 ad NTCA-SAGRIFICE Kerehigfs 9 gers "bh tépropéller, the tug made for the harbor, thiottle-valve wide | open, and steam-gupge up to "dan- ger." At thefirst dock a hack was scograrjand | the Joven - vanished. Half an hour afterwards the propel- ruaghed the dogk, Iynx.cyed parént' aitd "policentan "scanned the | passengers, but the missing girl did | not trip down the gang-way. They toarded the boat and found no traces of her. Then they questioned the UEEAIT HAMAS & Rady wi] swering to the description they gave hal beenon the propeller. Where | was she 7 Sh&left the bout for a tug just outside the harbor. Then there wis swearing in hot Waste amd 2 rapid search for the tug and the ckman; but the young Lochinvar { Lake Michigan and the lost bride hiladelphia bad made good their ewcape pnd have eliddd 4 etectidn in whatever paradise they have | found. Ww. 0 Aoqt 33 ¢ a \ SPECIALTY. - REMEMBER the PLACE | Henry' s Old Stand, opposite Blak' v | Hotel, Simeoe Street. rp LE Only gr Gif Distribution in the Cotintry. -$76,000 00 [IN VA BME IFTS, | DisTRIBUTED ae L., DSIN ES! SMSHINT 309. GROCERIES] Crockery, &e. &e. CHEAP, TEAS 'Cabinetmakers and. Undertakers The Mystery of Perfume. MoNTHLY % UNTAKIU KEFrORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, uCTOBER 24, 1873. BOWMANVILLE ORGAN FACTORY IMPROVED CABINET ORGANS. Se | GRAND COMBINATION ORGAN Encou rage Home Manufacture. The Bowmaavillé Organ Factory is now Manufacturing Instruments equal to the best imported, and at much less cost. ALL THE ATEST. IMPROVEMENTS! Our celebrated wy ox Celeste," " Louis Patent," ¢ Yor Humana," " Wileox Patent" Octav@ Coupler," the charming, + Cello " ¢ Clarignet" Stops, and Quality and Volume of Tone iy The Best Material and orkmanship, DARLEY & OHARA. Bowmanville, August 20th, 1873. FOR Good Bread GO TO Avgust 12th, 1873 McCHESNEY'S| BAKERY. Removal of Business, J.A. GIBSON and customers that he has REMOVE into his Badk, Simcoe Street, heir orders. Goods, Wall Pa brought. into AWA, Oshawa, July 3th, 1873 PROCLAMATION EGS TO INFORM HIS FRIENDS ow Block, next to the Dominien Where he will be prepared as usual to receive Having now 'elegant and commodious premis- es at its disposal, he is now showing a larger and better assorted stock of Statienery Fancy r, &e¢., than was ever before NEW LIGHT. 10} -- | JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF D J. A. GIBSON. ; %-1y Philip Taylor 1S NOW PURC HSING NEW FALL GOODS. BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THE RECEIPT OF - LARGE SUPPLIES OF NEW GOODS, --ECOMPRISING-- FANCY DRESS GOODS In great variety. Newest Stylés and Shades, _ Really Beautiful Gogds and Splendid Value, > SPECIAL. --A full vangd ip prices of the pretty celebrated © SILVER SHIELD DOUBLE W ARP PLACK LUSTRES, Best and Cheapest in the Warket / ALSO J NEW MANTLES, SHAWLS, DRESS SKIRTS, CORSETS, 'CRINO- LINES, BUTTONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, COLLARS, TIES, ete, ete. We have ali received new styles and patterns: of "Fall Millinery Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, ete., ete. ORDERS SOLICITED, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Special attention to the getting np of FAMILY MOURNING. NICE DAIRY BUTTER 18 CENTS PER POUND. S. TREWIN. W. WIGG & SON, SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA. -- ten Sideboards, | Sofas, | Stands, Bookcases, Bureaus, Cupboards, Bedstead Washstands, Chairs, Mattrasses, " Looking Glasses, and FURNITURE Lounges, Desks, Tables, In every, Style, Just Fashions. 'CASHT CASH! FOR WHEAT, BARLY, PEAS, RYE, OATS, &C, The highestMarket Price in Cash for all kinds of Grain, paid. AW. FOWKE. oF Wn. Lang, Is pow show ings LARGE S$TOGK Seasonable Cloths! di POR ei FALL AND WINTER WEAR! A FULL ASSORT OF EVERY DESC MENT OF Gents' 'Furnishings RIPTION. Hats' and Caps apd - Laloet L) A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF BOATS AND SHOES, Store, n's Golden Lion" ENT MEDICINES: | - and Eh | urhes, Combs, oot French went of ners! rUrEs «x BEST QU ly Gepnine; b, 173 i a xn 2.2070) bi TCIFT ENTERPRIZE. pa ais ia o.one has yet been able to ana- | | TBS drawn Monday, TO dsmonstrate the essential | Ono Grand CashPrizcof | 86,000 SOLD, Fou 5 on IN ILVER * creatures (the very monads | men sach fn Greenbacks. fio a i. Fria $1000 tc An 'Gresnbdacks Tia Prices 8100 pea fn Gescaee ka ! am 3006 Gold anSiiver Leaver Banting ME «a oy ¥ orth from $20 to $300 6 -Cdin Silver Vest Chains, Solid and hulle. at is that emenates from the plated Silver-ware, Jewelry, etc., etc., pouch ofghe musk-deer that fills 1 al Number of Gifts : fo, Tickets limited | * whole spare" for' years yd febrs | agents Zasea Sell Tickets, to whom 2 fumes will be paid, with its penetrating odor; an odor | oly fin hy Tiekets 81. Six Tickets 85, Twelve le : en on aks aft Tiekets $10, Twenty-five $20. reulars con ipiag 8 full Nat of Pier » des- , without diminishing it_in size and | reighit, and what it is t that the warth | a n of th er of ng, and.other sums Nevewin, Arbaigs to ug from' rolls Iso Of all kinds. and qualities kept constantly on_ hand. Agent in Oshawa for the ' iS Dominjon Noiseless Patent Steel Spring Bed Bottom, Clean, healthy, comfortable and durable, approved of Before all'others: by tliosé who have had them, and sure to give satisfaction. Also sole Agent fcr PALLINGS PATENT BALANCE WINDOW BLIND ROLLER, A' first-rate article, Pictures in great variety. Frames made with neat- ness and despatch. Children's Cart iages and Porambylatare always on and. emo UN DERTAKIN G Special attention paid to Undertaking. Funerals attended to on he shontest notice. A splendid H furnished, when required. Coffins kept on hand and made to order, Terms reasonable. in urination in miner of to oat Distribution, flowers, nounan has yet been able | to any gf must Torr oO ar is 1.0.5 oh o. "to determine. So fine, so subtle, so v. iy st. impomd erable, it has eluded both FALL 0 ur otk le Jicate weights end mea Fenian Aid Sulenpese lenses. 'If | ne nf ARP ney ; : could come to the essénce of each | WwW IN T E R CLOTHING. olo have AW yi irl ety h i A in wank Bh ih would profit more than the an al LATEST STYES. profession if it could be as conclu- AND sively tha clay odar: ytd a cause, as we already know of uel pher, sulphiuréttetl Liydrogen, am- monia; and thie like, As it - is, no BEST QUALITY. ! one inbwh awit; and if the art of the perfiymer forms one of the --chigf delights jvilized senses, Lon works is a mystery solely une none. Pigs. ie ANers that "the are' Yas 'art. enfus Eke 1 paet 's--born, not made," which pr sdtiees fried pstatoes as delicious Ma fatiy' s dream. He does not give the récipe.. - §¢ No actor, aceording to she "Dan- Yury "News" sman, has yet been { 'oto counterfeit that expression of ay which a man shows when dis- tovering a , ten-cent stamp in Cf : CALY, AT G URLEY!S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING- He has just received his | NEW STOCK, Which will be found complete. 3eantiful Vest, and Pagt Patterns. Nothing of all kinds made to order on | the shortest notice. vy 4:4 This i is no humbn, es SACRIFICE SALE! R&A. SMITH] BEING ABOUT TO DISSOLVE PARTNERSHIP, desiring to facilitate an early settlement of Business, Lave determined to close Ani be 4 Fen Books on the ' FIRST day of OCTOBER made up_to that date, after which, the whole of their nnmense stock, $20,000 IN GOODS will be Sold out at Cost FOR CASH ONLY. As the whole must be cleared out by the Ist January and assorted this fall in all depsréments with entirely The stock has been filled up Rw gobilte | Foon Prints for Sr Rlely worth Ui And all their aecounts will be Dress (3oods from 10cts., upwards AND EVERYTHING IN PROPORTION. but » Gennine Sale, and buyers can depend on SAVING 20 PER NT}, by buying these goods during the Sale. All are invited to call and see for themselves. N. B.--Alll parties indebted to the firm are requested to call and settle accounts at an early day. R. & A. SMITH. . A"CALL SOLICITED. ¥ rs Fis wt bobapee, RUBBERS, &C., &C. Give him = Cal ~ your Winter Outht. First-Class Workman Employed ! Ottis, ho go Wy, ig " + PSYGHOMANGY, SVL ORAZ XING." How i her sex may fascinate and gain the love and fection of anf person they choose, in e antl This simp uire.nept all can s, free, by mal br SX togrt thet with Marriage a ricle, AO nin Ladies. ete. A age os, Tan os Fhbadeivitt, IIN FREES' To - be "published yin - November, 1873 Loni: GAZETTEER O® BRI. tish America, a the "latest and most authentic hp tions 4 six thou- Aand o LE +o wick, Lg 9 Island, Manitoba, British Columbi No tion, drawn fi omrind sources, as to the names, locality, extert, &c., of over fifteen hu dred Lakes and a i Table uf Routes showin the proxmity » d Statious, and ike god i js BS rio the Cie. ies. Town, ce Puce in ry Call, $3.75. Pl Su: s forth © work, OVELL, Publisher. iw Eo h ng.. Montreal, 9th A 3 FIRE IfFIREY Oghaws Coal. WOOD - "YARD! I HAVE ON HAND AND FOR SA a large quantity of Best « «wu J Beech & Maple, aver offered in Oshawa. Also any quantity of screened Lackawanna Lehigh Scranton Egg and Stove Coals. BLACKSMITH AND MOUNT MoRRis' SoFT COALS, delivered to any part of the town at lowes rates. he weather wed ote an det yr Ol or pois pefora deciding upon | ~OF-- ----() | em - LOOK OUT FOR THE EVE R BROUGHT INTO IN EUROPE, A NEW STOCK] WA TCHES & JEWELERY FINEST. LOT OSHAWA. FIXTURES, AT- \ BLAMEY & BRIGGS. -- en Try Our Extra Refined ORAL OIL. THE MOST i ON THE ROADS, ARE KNOWN AS BAMBRIDGES, VINEGAK BIT TERS urateiul 'Thousands proclaim Viv ©GAR BITTERS the most wonderful In- vig rant thet ever sustained the sinking ayetem, - - p > No Person ean {ake these Bitters according to directions, and remain ong unwell, provided theirbonesmre ot atroyed hy. windeal poison ot. uther ne wns, and vital organs wasted: beyond air. 3ilions, Remittent and Inter- mittent Fevers, which are so preva- lent Wm the valley of our. grea rivers throughout the { nited Statesyespecially those of the Missigsippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennesseey Cumberland jrian gs; Rell, Calorade, Brazos, ii Gr: dear], Atabama, M Mobile, Savannah, --. anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and Jomarkabiy so during sea- ons nig Meat 'Y) are. rs aridbixaceom aed a 4 de- rangements of the stomach and liver, andiother abdominal viscera. In their treatme it a purgative, exerting a pow- erful indy so vagious or- "gang, Mi esdertially a There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Pr!J AVALRER'S VINEGAR BITTERS, as they will go removo the .dark- 4 colores viscid 0; Lowels aro loaded, At the same time stinulatig the secgtfipus of ge livep, and generally restoring the healthy furfetions of the digestive organs, Fortify the body against disease Lyputifiiug all its fluids mith V INEGAY ( | WrrrERS. No'cpidemie edn take: bol of b system thus forc-armed. sition, Head- ache, Dyspeasia-qnindiggstio Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructaions of is Sion , Had Taste" the Mouth, Bifiou$ Att: acks® nlpita- tation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs; Pain 'in the region of the Kid- Fneys, and a hundréd other painful symp- Ln are tho of ings: of d)yepepsia. tthe will prave a.bétter guarantée of its merits than a lengthy advertise- ment. Serofala, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swe. lied Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations Indolent = | Thlldmmations, Me Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, ete. x these, as in all other constitutional Dis- ed Waitpums YofEcar Bitters have Shon their great. curafitaspowers in the most obstinate tnd cases, For Inflammatory md Chrénic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit- -4gut and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of Liver, Kido s and Bladder, these Bi ave no . Such Diseases are caused jated blood. liséases, -- Persons en- {S50 in Tu nd Minerals, such as rs, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as ey gg in life, are subject to ho dune of the Bowels. To guard take WALKER'S ViIN- BOAR pl For Skin Eruptions, Tet- ter, Salt- -Rbenm, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, lez, Ring-worms, Erysipelas, Itch, the Skin, Humors ob. 88d Diseases of thie Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dag up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and 'other Wore, 7 larking in the of to many th are effectually destroyed afd removed. No stem of wedicine, no vermifuges, no an- thelmiditics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo- manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonie Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Yitiated Blood when- ever you find its impurities bursting through $e skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstrueted und sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell vou when. Keep the blood pure, aud the health of the system will follow, Bw, Dynggists nd Gen. A San Francisco, Califoroia, aad vor. ol Wasim nd Pl EA 3 Wi th-which he a LE &S. NORDHEIMER 4 Lo FREDERICK NEALE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In id F 4 GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS SIMCOER ST, OSHAWA. Agent for Davies & Bros Celebrate XXX Oreo Ale ast Fs | Choice Brands of Cigars and Tobaccos always - "+ in Stock. 1 ™ | "THE TRADE SrRUER : "THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR DEALER IN Pianos and Musical Instruments 15, KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. 41 Hurrah for O14 No. 1 on the 0 rae | i Se wm, » Corner of King and Simcoe St J NOWpsesy' ) or | EARS, ouT SUMMER 81 TOC AT AN { {9 ALARMING SACRIEIE. = TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW FALL GOODST Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy Silk and ustres. BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTS. FURNISHINGS, GROCERIES &C, &C. AE LH 1. W. FOWKE, Oshawa, NEW LAMPS] STYLISH RIGS STYLE ] A SR THE BEST BARGAINS IN. TOWN I 0 "ut

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