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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Dec 1928, p. 9

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vg THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1926 PAGE NINE Suburban and . -Qatliéred By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents. District News Re 4 Vigra a Mrs. H ¥ 5 Mr. an . H. hs ovi pes ends at Oakwood id Little 'Brittain. ; by he Elizabeth Bigelow is visit- ing Miss Tucker Couch of New- stle. Mr, and Mrs, H. Strong, of En-| a and Mr, and Mrs. James ead, " Hoga Elva Virtue of Bowmanville visited her mother Mrs, Laura Vir- tue. Mr. and' Mrs, Albert Hills visit . ell her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Wilkin gon at Victoria Road. ¥ Mr. and Mrs, H, Strong, of En- field 'visited at her mother's Mrs, James Aldred. . Misses Jean 'and Dolly Thomp- gon, Mr. and Mrs. Percy McCoy and | family and Mr. Garnet McCoy of Toronto visited at Mr, Simon Me- coy's, ORONO Orono, Dec, .--Mrs, Gordon Hol. den, of Oshawa, and Mrs. George Allen, of Peterboro, recently visited their mother, Mrs. Allen, Mr. Charles Bedford of Oakwood spent the week-end with Mr. R, 8, Corpforth, Mr, Robert Foster was in Stratford recently assisting in promoting a stock company to operate a cream- ery for that district, Mr. George Moore, Mr.' D. Craven and Mr, and Mrs, H, Hugunine and son Harry of the Hunt Club, of To- ronto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Percy Pitton, Sunday last, Mr. Oscar Scott attended the fun- eral of his cousin, Dr, Dumble, at Toronto, last week, who in his early day resided in Orono, his fa- ther carrying on a tailoring business where the late Harry Hooper shop is. This was seventy-five years ago and the family will be remembered by very few, if any, of our citizens. They moved from here to Peterboro, Dr. Dumble was & recent visitor at the home of Mr, Scott, In a recent letter received by Mr. R. J. Hall" from Mr. Fred Honey, Redlands, Cal, a former Orono Pr: he speaks of the serious iliness of his mother, whe is in the hospital. at Santa Barbara, Mrs, Honey hasj hosts of friends here who wish' for}. her a speedy recovery, Lang Mr. M. L, Lytle, of the staff of the Bank of Commerce, is holiday ing at his home at Brecken, Mr, J. J. Brooley of Toronto is relieving him here, Mrs. Alfred Chapman has returned home after spending a week or two with friends at Wendville. , The Women's Institute held their monthly meeting on Friday last, An interesting program was given, Mrs, 0. W. Ralph gave a well prepared paper on "Thanksgiving;" readings were given by Miss Walsh, Miss Cobbledick and Mrs, Rowe. A well rendered solo was given by Mrs, Roy, plano solo by Mrs. (Dr.) Col- ville and Miss Viola Noden, and a humorous reading by Miss Betty Rowe, Roll call was answered by |' "Gems of Thought." At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the committee, Mrs, Hall, president, was appointed delegate to the con: vention in Toronto, The Biblical drama, "Queen Es- ther," presented by the Young Peo- ple's League, in the Town Hall, on Friday evening, was a spléndid 'suc- cess, well presented and although' unfavorable weather, a good crowd gathered, The stage settings were symbolical of the splendor of the great Persian Empire, and with the mighty King Ahasuerus seated on the throne and Queen Esther with court attendants in their brilliant costumes, presented a picture long to be remembered, The characters were well selected, taking their: re- spective parts with credit to the directoress, Mrs. 'W. M, Sterling, and this organization of young peo- ple. The president, Mr. Colin Taylor; gave an introductory address and in verse of his own composition, pre- ABOUT WHAT A DOCTOR CONSTIPATION KNOWS £4 There IS a way of overcoming the tendency fo constipation. And here is how you can PROVE it. The next time your bowels need any assistance, don't take the first laxative . that comes to mind. Take one the druggist can assure you is made with CASCARA, Just as ef- fective as using force, and it's good for the system. Indeed, it helps make good blood. For Cascara is nothing but the bark of a tree. The Indians chew this bark and live to an old age without a day's sickness. What happens when you Cascar- ize the bowels? They will usually function well for SEVERAL DAYS. Drie more dose, no larger, and per- aps smaller than the first--and the els function of their own accord | CASCARE { They Work While' |v and "Silence under Difficulties." blyn's orchestra furnished music be tween acts, . Hall, spent a few this week, « . ° een and Ellen Allen and Messrs. a humorous playlet entitled ous play Mr, and Mrs, Walter Sherwin re- cently visited with Mr. and Mrs, Lawrie Cole at Newtonville, a bh 0 Pickering, Dec. 65, ays in the city Murker, spent Sunday Mrs. Jv in Toronto with her daughter, Mrs, D, Callaghan, ' Mr, and Mrs, 'Boyes, and Mr. and and Mrs, J, Stork motored to Ham- ilton, 'on' Saturday to. attend the wedding of their cousin Miss Frans ces Fitzsimons to Mr, Neil Hopkins, Mr. Boyd Miller; of Hillsdale, visited for a few days last week with His brother, Mr. Murray Mill- er, of the Standard Bank staff. Miss Hilda Robertson, of Tor onto, spent the. week-end with her sister, Miss M. Robertson. Mr. H, J, Clark and Mr. Chas, Marquis were the guests of Mr. and 'Mrs, W. J. Clark on Sunday. The Ladies Aid Soclety of St. Andrew's Church, held its monthly meeting in the 8, 8, room on Wed« nesday afternoon, Dec, bth. Masters Bobby and Billie Heron, of Brooklifn' visited with Pickering relatives for a few days last week. The choir of St. Andrew's United Chuteh, assisted in the evening ser- vice held' at Brougham on Sun- day evening, and besides leading the singing rendered two pleasing anthems, Mrs, J. C. Stork also sang a solo, The Brougham congrega- tion was holding its anniversary services. Owing to this special oc- cagjon, St. Andrew's Church with- drew its evening J number of the members joined the Brougham congregation, service and a The Pickering Press which form- erly occupied the Dillingham Block is now estiblished in its new build- ing on 'Kingston Rd., and is doing business in its new stand. As a result of the inquest held on Tuesday evening, in the Town Hall, wright, into the death of Allan Bur- nett of Dunbarton, who was killed in' an automobile Nov, 21st, Leslie Bird of Toronto, driver of the car was arrested op the charge of manslaughter. He was allowed bail qf $10,000. While the community was tragic death of one of its nopular young men, a feeling of sympathy is being expressed for the unfort- unate driver of the car, before Coroner V, E, Cart- accident, on the shocked by The bazaar held by St. George's fa p-- AE sented Sach haraieh, also the help. i ort program | _. Fri a well rendered hum- -|-orous.quartette by Misses Bil Howard Linton and Carlos Tamblyn, Mrs. F. H. 1 t for a still longer time. Untjl vou don't feel the need of any aid of any sort for weeks-on-end. So the only habit you get from Cascara is that of natural and nor- mal regularity. How different from things one must usually repeat on the morroy.! Cascara is the ideal lax- ative; and the familiar little candy Cascaret is doubtless its ideal form. Children beg for these tasty tablets, and many men and women wouldn't think of taking ANYTHING else for the purpose. And EVERY drug store has them. 1 C t cecds of the to over one hundred dollars. Wonren's Guild in the Town Hall on Saturday afternoon, was a real success, The women had spent many hours transforming the bare hall into veritable fairy-land, by means of vari-colored tissue pap- er and the good for sale were artis- tically displayed. contest was held betwen the booth committees and a prize was given for the best dec- orated booth. This was won by the ea-room committee, who had ar- ranged the stage into a cosy room by means of white lattices and yel- ow. curtained windows. The pro- afternoon amounted The funeral of the late Elva Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Mitchell, who passed away at he home of her parents, on Sun- day after a lengthy illness took place on Wednesday afternoon to Erskine Cemetery. who was in her 21st very popular and her death has cast a deep gloom over the whole community. Miss Mitchell, year was She was of a very Your Pierce-Arrow. Naturally you want the endorse and use. protection these leaders in the industry To make sure you get it--ask for Pines Automatic Winterfront by name--and in- Don't Be "Sold" "A Substitute for-- "AUTOMATIC Motor Protection THs advertisement is published in - interests as a motor-car owner. Its purpose is to make sure you get what you want when you buy a radiator shutter. You know what cold can do to your motor. You know .the leading manufac- turers who have taken steps to protect the motor by equipping their cars with euto- matic motor protection. They are Hupmo- bile 8, Cadillac and LaSalle, Chrysler 75 and 80, Dodge Senior Six, Lincoln and L-- as good" or same kind of sale. Hlustrating the Cheomlet epupped with something represented . being "just like" Pines Automatic Winter- front. There is nothing like it--there is no - other automatic shutter manufactured for Only by demanding the original Pines Automatic Winterfront can you get full, sist on getting the original. Don't be con- positive, automatic protection against the fused if you are offered something "just destroying force of cold. In Your Own Interests Buy Your Radiator Shutter by Name PINE S ommm-- Say ANRTERFRONT --Ls OSHAWA BATTERY SERVICE SHAWA BATTERY SERVIC 37 King St. W., Oshawa - Automatic Phone 1184 Sn ih -- ) OPTICAL GIFTS A useful Gift of distinc- tion may be found in our Optical Dept, for discrimin- ating shoppers. We have a large assortment of Gifts now in stock including . White Gold Frames, both plain and engraved, from $7.00 up, Modernistic Silk covered eyeglass = Cases at $1.00, Opera Glasses, both plain and Mother of Pearl, . from $4.00 to $20.00; French Readers at $1.60 to $8.00; Barometers from $6.00 to $10.00. A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas: JURY & LOVELL OPTICAL PARLORS Phones 28 or 20 happy disposition, and her ever ap- parent good-ndture, drew friends to her very easily. The large num- ber of floral tributes, and the long funeral train showed the high es- teem in which Miss Mitchell was held, Her parents two brothers and a sister survive, Born--to Mr, and Mrs, E, C. Jones, on Wednesday, Dec, £, a son, .. At the monthly meeting of the Women's Institute, held on Tues- day afternoon, at the home of Mrs, V. E. Cartwright, interesting re- ports from the Provincial conven- tion held in Toronto, last week, were given by Mrs. W, B. Powell, and Mrs, Jos. Cowan, delegates. They were able to give to a great degree, the message given by speakers at the sessions. A remark- able feature of the meet'ng was the display of two houses, made from foods which were exhibited as the "Safety House," and the 'Danger House." The Safety House was con- structed of such foods as are ben- eficial to our health ani "Danger House" was comprised of the tasty dishes that are detrimental, The houses were very interesting and instructive, and should be shown to a larger circle than the Insti- tute. HARMONY _ Harmony, De¢. 7--~Mr. and Mrs. Garpet Wright and family, of Black- stock, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Oke, on Saturday. Mrs. Somerville, of Port Perry, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. Fer- guson. Miss Ruth Barber spent the week end with Miss Dorothy Hogarth. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kellett and Mas- ter Gordon Kellett spent the week end at Pontypool and Blackstock, Mr. N. Hind spent the week end with friends at Cobourg. Mrs. Rodman and Miss Reader, of Port Perry, have returned home to Port Perry after visiting with Mrs, Chas. Mackie and Mrs. F. Jefirey. Mr. and Mrs. W. Clancy have moved to Newburg. Mr. and Mrs. L. Edwards spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed- wards in the city. Mrs. Fice, sr, of North Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Terwille- gar over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. Peterson visit- ed with friends at Little Britain on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bickle, Ebenezer, visited Mr, and Thos. Oke on Sunday. Mr. ind Mrs. J. Sates attended the band concert at Bowmanville on Sunday evening put on by the Citi- zens' band of the city. Mr. L. Kellett, of Pontypool, visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. Kellett. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gimblett and Miss Vera Gimblett were at Myrtle on Thursday. 4 Mrs. J. Terwillegar isin ill health and under the doctor's care. Mrs. Chas. Mackie was at Port Perry on Thursday. She reports there is skating on Lake Scugog. Miss Vera Cook underwent a ton- sil operation last Saturday. She is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. N. Wagar and Mrs. C. Mar- acle attended the Citizens' Band con- cert at Bowmanville on Sunday. Mrs. Christina Wilson, of Sterling, visited with Misses Irene and Gladys Oke on Sunday. . The Trail Rangers met at the us- ual hour on Wednesday night with nearly all the boys present. = The regular business items were conduct- ed and Scripture reading by Donald Hem. Two visitors were present. Several new games were played. The boys are greatly interested in the rink which is to be started in a few a0 abi 20th is the date for the Harmony school concert in the Har- mony Community HALE good pro- gram is prepar, The rain on Tuesday night made the pavement dangerously slippery for driving again and the Lars eas- ily ones into the ditch, although no serious accidents occurred. Mrs. Ted Marlowe, Mrs. Geo. Thompson and Mr. Geo. Marlowe, of Nestleton, were recent wisitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hunking. Following is the homer roll for Harmony public school for Novem- ber: Jr. Room, Sr. I--Helen Wilson, Mison Foster, Donald Sugden, Audrey Kellett, Jackie Sanders, Ma- rie Allison, Lyndie Powell, FEileen Luke, Doris' Petre, Eunice Chipps, Gladys Sugden, Vivienne Hern, Mor- ley Etcher. Sr. Pr.--Albert Rodgers; Cameron Smith, Edward Saunders, Audrey Terwillegar, Dorothy Ross. Primer A --Hilda Taylor, Bruce Ferguson, Joyce Powell, Tommy Hart, Murton Allison, Louis Black, Raymond Pickell. Primer B.--Kenneth Conlin, Leona of Mrs. is den, Floyd foe, Margdret Flem- ing, Warren Vance, Floyd Sutton, rimer C.--Ross Henderson, 'Paul Shelter, Annie Smith, Margaret Clarke, Earl Pickell, Clarence Black. # L. Mackey, teacher 'Senior room, Sr. IV--Ethel Dur ham, Donald Hern, Ronald Clifford, /4 race Grills, Stewart ackie, Laura Trim, Stanley Cook, Beatrice Jackson, (Gladys Wenn, Irene Vance, Nathaniel Etcher, Glenn Willson, John Pollard, Harold Win- ter, Louise Pollard, Roy Fleming, Gordon Trim, Lillian. Bradford. Sr, JIE ditt Rewards, Dila Teol- ey, Geor, unking, Joe Grills, Mor- ley Tone Henry Ford, Earl Wakely, Raymond Goyne, Vera Petre, Eileen Trull, Betty Lewis, Bertha Hern, Preston I, Timmins, Principal NEWCASTLE " / Newcastle, Dec, 7.--~Mrs, John Reid, of Bowmanville, and Mrs," Mc- Leod, of Newcastle-on-the-Lake, are at present at Willowdale Rest Home, Mrs, W. H, Cowan accompanied by her daughter, Miss Rosa, visited her daughter at Picton, over the week end. Mr, Arthur Bragg returned home from the Canadian West Monday last. He and Will Hoar and Harold Gibson got a car in Saskatchewan and motored to British Columbia about the time the most of the har- vesters were returning east. Mr, Hoar and Mr, Gibson arrived home about a week ahead of their companion on the homeward trip. Miss Beatrice and Grace Bragg accompanied by their friend, Miss Theresa McNeil, spent the week end in Toronto, : Mrs. John Dudley, of Colbourne, is spending the winter with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, H. W. Dudley. The C.GLT. held' an interdsting meeting on Tuesday evening, {when Mrs. J. C. Hancock gave a splendid practical talk, the first in a sefies on "Home Nursing." tr Newcastle United Church Sunday School will hold its annual Christ- mas concert tree entertainment on Friday .evening, December 2lst. Please reserve the date, United church, Rev, W. P. Rogers, pastor--Sunday Dec. 9th. Rev. W. P. Rogers is preaching a series of sermons in the interest of the Mis- sionary. and Maintenance Fund and last Sunday morning stressed the importance of the church's educa- tional program, in respect of both secular and religious education," Mr. Rogers gave the congregation views of the subject from several interest- ing positions and angles and im- pressed upon his people the fact that it was right and necwsary and ur- gent that the church should stead- fastly and persistently carry on a program of education, One of the first and foremost duties of the church is to teach. His text was Therefore and Teach All Nations," teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have com- manded you. Canadian Canners, Limited, paid out many thousands of dollars this week to farmers of Clarke and Dar- lington for corn and peas delivered "Go Ye factory and although 'their produce was all taken to Bowmanville to be, canned, the growers received their cheques in Orono last Monday. Man- ager Naylor, of Bowmanville and his secretary met the farmers at Orono on Monday by appointment, Two rants claiming to hail from Hawkesbury on the Ontario side of the Ottawa River and evi- dently of French-Canadian extrac- tion were taken into custody by Con- stable Garrod about two miles east of here on Saturday last' and _es- corted to Port Hope for a prelim- inary trial and later to Cobour, jail. Harold Couch took captor an Saptuted down in his taxi, Mr. P, O'Neil, CN.R. foreman, and the sectionmen had noticed the pair around the tracks here two days be- fore and arded them with some suspicion, Then about noon on Sat- urdpy they noticed them coming up the railway bank from the direction of Mrs, W, M. Hunter's house which is closed for the winter, with win- dows all battened up, Mr, O'Neil went down to the house and took a peep in and 'was much surprised to find the: electric lights turned on. He hurried over to the station im- mediately and got Mr. Hare to drive wp to the village for the Constable, onstable Garrod and the section gang with their larry went then in pursuit of the par who. had gone castward along the tracks and caught them about two miles down, On re- turning to inspect Mrs, Hunter's house in company with. neighbors who had arrived they found the in- terior in a most deplorable condition, The captured marauders who admit- ted breaking into it had acted more like beasts than men, either of the tramp or burglar type, and had car- ried on a process of waste and de- struction from cellar to second story, The scene was past description. Fruit jars and their contents, flour and other groceries were scattered prom- iscously about the place upon floors and furniture and upholstery and much of the woodwork and pieces of furniture, cushions, etc, were hacked and cut with knives and axes. In fact the whole interior was in a worse mess than eyes ever beheld in a human habitation, Miss G. E, Hancock spent week end with Oshawa friends, BROOKLIN Brooklin, Dec, 6.--Mrs. Hunter and Mrs, Cooper attended the Institute Convention at Toronto last week. The Rev. Mr. Jull, the pastor-min- ister: of the church was taken to his bed with a serious illness, We all hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. C. L. Mackey and daughter and son, Hilda and Howard, and Mrs. May, motored to Detroit to spend a few days with Mrs, C, L. Hacker's daughter, Mrs, S. N. Grif- en. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the drama given by the Young People's Society, of Courtice, Everybody seemed to enjoy the dra- ma very much. The Rey. Mr. Elliott, of Port Perry took the service here Sunday morning. The young boys are getting up a the to their Bowmanville factory. Farm- ers of Clarke for the most part con- | tracted to grow corn for the Orono dance on December 14. There will be both square and round dancing. Come and bring your friends. - ing pictures, He'll Be Happy --if he gets a Brownie There's a fascination attached to picture-taking that makes a youngster yearn for a camera of his own -- makes him happy beyond words when he gets it. And it would be difficult to find a more interesting, @ducational and wholesome pastime for him than tak- 4 Make your boy's Christmas a happy one with a Brownie from this store. Prices as low as $2.25, i Karn's Drug Store Next Post Office p---------- ---- J VOTERS' LIST COURT Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of The Voters' List Act and that | have posted up at my office at 106 Simcoe Street South, on the 28th day of November, 1928, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection, And | hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 19th day of December, 1928. His Honor Judge Ruddy will hold a court in the City Hall, Simcoe Street North, on Saturday, the 29th day of December, 1928, at the hour of 10.30 o'clock a.m. to hear and determine all complaints which may be lodged with the Clerk. Dated this 8th day of December, 1923. F. E. HARE, City Clerk. a ] Table Crops LBBB IBIS PBI S BIBS BBS CBI SIDI S BFP SFB BB: The Greatest Selection our Toyland Has Ever Offered Constant Delight tor the Kiddies Christmas Joys for Girls and Boys. We specialize in the better oys Electrical Trains, Moving Picture Machines, Pro- jectors, etc. Mechanical Toys in profusion. Fire Engines, Dump Trucks, Busses, Street Cars, Aeroplanes and Dirigibles. : Automobiles, Waggons and Scooters. Velocipedes and Pedal Bikes. Doll Buggies, Beds and Bassion- ettes, Musical and Scowling Teddies, Merry Dogs, Rabbits, Cats, etc. ; Dolls more wonderful than ever, These need only to be seen to be appreciated, and are priced from 98¢ to $10.00. Laundry Sets, Stoves, Telephones, Gramophones, Dishes and Cutlery. and Tennis, Shooting and Baseball Games, Fort, Skittles, Ten Pitis. etc. Impossible to enumerate the half of the wonders -- | ; : 1 1 | | Grills, Gordon Kellett, Robert Sug-"}

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