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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Dec 1928, p. 12

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rack Lwkive | » Ee THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, . Evolution of Canadian : Painting at Art Exhibition (By Canadian Press) Toronto, Ont, Dec. 8---Canadian art will be enriched certainly by the 50th' exhibition of "the Royal a- dian Academy at the Art Gallery here, even if no gems of superlative quality are brought to the treasure | chest, says the Art Critic of The Mail and Rn The somewhat crowded show af- fords an leresting study in the evolution of painting in Canada, Doubtless, no one will entertain mis- givings unseemly exuberance on the part of the Academy. Yet the visitor is struck by the new motes in- troduced here and there indicating Jacided Soncessions a Modernity, anything in the way e- trick ourish of course, is eschew- ed. : The exhibition, on the whole, car- ries with it an air of confident achievement and is Jrobably, the most representative of art in sections of the Dominion in the, history of the Academy. Toronto's "Group of Seven," pre- sents a limited showing. Notable "ab- sentees" are Lawren Harris, Frank Carmichael and J. E. H. MacDonald, Arthur Ligmer is "Cathedral Mountain," in which jag- ged masses, strongly handled, rise to an imposing summit. A, Y, Jackson has three characteristic scenes, "Indian Village," being the most striking. An outstanding work is that of F, S. Challoner, a dramatic presenta- tion of Fort Rouille, a French trad- ing post at Toronto, built in 1749, and abandoned and burned in 1 Indians form an interesting foreground group in the large painting, which is an admir- able example of subtle and well-con- trolled handling of color, "Loyalists Drawing Lots for the Lands," by C. W. Jafferys, is another picture in- | We Te owatry Shore BASSETTS JEWELLERS On Oshawa's !"ain Ourner PR ---- represented by Co i ies. R. Bo Ethel Williams presents the 750. | give revealing sited by arly days Jn SCamada. + "Autumn Tapest: , perhaps the most arresting of the four decorative pictures by Franz Johnston, in which ni g patterns - of variegated color are deftly handled. Warm lights play fascinatingly over a willow bank J. W, Beatty's "Early Ser n one of four pictures marked 'by the artist's sureness of statement, G, A. Reid's, "A Canadian Lake," is a skillful presentation of crossed paral- lels, The veteran Homer Watson is Tephestated by three landscapes. ost numerous among the porte raits are those of E, Wyly Grier, In that of Prof, George M. Wee the artist has been particularly success- , in catching the character of the subject. Miss Stella E, Grier shows a delightful child study, fresh in col- or and fluent in brush work. Diversified charm attaches to the ictures from Quebec. In A. Suzor- te's "Blue and Gold Landscape," a stream gilded by reflections of a mellow sky wanders and loses itself in misty blue hills. F. S; Coburn's gray 'horse appears with a brown steed this year in the team work es- sential to the replenishment of the 'Coburn woodpile, Paul Caron two watercolor impressions of habi- tant activities, G, Horne Russell shows two Nova Scotia coast stud- R. S. Hewton's portrait of Biss ene haired subject against an effective background pattern of yellow and russet leaves, Somewhat unfortunate in hanging, the two paintings by Andre Bieler impses of rugged scenes on the Ile d'Orleans. In rich- ness of color and structural strength they are outstanding in the exhibi- tion, Elizabeth Wood's head of Caeser George Charles Adamson's head of Franz Johnston and S. Frances Lor- ing's "The Cloud," are notable among the Toronto works in the sculpture section, Hebert Laliberte and Suzor- Cote are among the Quebec crafts- men represented, A fascidating collection of etchings, drawings and designs and cleverly ex- ecuted groups in wood in the cor- ridor, round out an exhibition which attains a new high mark in general AAA Ch, A Of German invention is a mach- W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 KING <TREET WEST Huni-eas of pet le wear with utmost comfort ine that sorts coins by denomina- tions into bags, counts them and re- gisters the total amount. A new radio loud speaker of the cone type can be erected upon a detachable base on a table or hung Hure's Fa Ic Lenses by cords on a wall as an ornament. 1777228 o. 17/7300 iv Ap TIME TABLES CPR, TIME TABLE, N en Schedule, eating effect 1201 am Going West om. Daily. p.m. Daily except Seturdsy, 12.09 a.m. Daily, 12.2) 8.m0. Daily, 4.44 a.m Daily. 5.28 am Daily 5.45 a.m. Daily except Sundsy, $7 am Day except Sundey, 07 a.m. lo 2.06 p.m Daily except Sunday, om aks except Sunde pm 7.14 pm. Sunday iy. ' 8.45 p.m. Daily except Sundsy, i kEssatsttE FRRRREEEREEE Senuanul PAN A= a8 seg l : FREERRE HED i ASA ANS HN FINRA BERERRRERREEDD 3343993414 1111111111113 jit eect) NIE iT fy TRESS i I ml RREREES Hg Fite tart Hi bis qn ie i esueest i fen ft [Rests 1 | ii i V ph Shs MOVINE ANYWHERE Ba Vp - [ HIGH GRADE EQUIP: MENT KEPT IN PER FECT CONDITION MEANS RELIABLE SERVICE Phone 82 LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES and TRUCKS ALL MAKES Quickest Service and Lowest Rates Avail able. Solve your ready cash problem. Greer & Humphreys 24%: Simcoe St. N. Phone 3160 Open Evenings Felt Bros, 7 he LEADING JEWELER TRAIN BURIED "BY AVALANCHE Innsbruck, Austria, Dec. 8, -- An avalanche in the Arlberg Pass bur- ied the railroad station at Langen and trapped 80 passengers in a train. . "They were liberated 'Wednesday after the train had been partly cov- ered for 062 hours. Buried with them were two circus vans con- taining wild animals, : A standard bumper height for motor coaches has been planned so that,-in event of collision, bump- ers will meet face to face and lessen the damage done. SEAGRAVE » ree -- 8 ave, Dec. 6.-- The bazaar a Now England supper held in the 8. 8. room and basement of the United Church on Wednesday even- ing of this week was'a decided suc- cess in every way, although the at- tendance was not so large as other years, The nicely decorated booths were in charge of Mrs, 8, Reynolds, has | Mrs, B, Butt, Mrs. F, Watson, Mrs, H, Wannamaker, Mrs, J. Shunk, Mrs, L. Scott, Mrs. R. Scott, Miss Illa Moon, Miss I. Spoffard, Miss L. Mark, and Miss V. McLellan, Miss R: Stone, Miss V, Pickard, Miss I, Reynolds and Miss L. Pick- ard having charge of the fish pond which made no end of sport, There, was an abundance of useful and pretty things that go to make up a Christmas bazaar. Home made candy was In great demand and nearly everything being sold out by nine o'clock. The supper was served in the basement and was all that could be desired, making the evening a social one as well as ben- eficial. Donations for the bazaar came from Toronto, Bowmanville, Lindsay and Port Perry which were much appreciated, these people be- lieve in the old saying do onto oth- ers as you wish to be done 'by. all helping along a good cause. Proceeds amounting to nearly one hundred and thirty dollars. The ladies Aid and girls club wish two thank all who made this bazaar a success, On Tuesday evening a meeting of the 8. 8. Committee was held' to plan the Christmas tree and concert to be held in the United Church on Thursday, Dec. 20th. Our 8, 8. will be assisted by Miss Michie and her pupils of - Bethel School. A good program fis being prepared. Mr. Wilbert Stone and Mr. ElI- mer Clements are home from the West, their many friends are pleas- ed to see them back. Mr, and Mrs, H, Wannamaker, Mrs J. Wannamaker and Mrs, I. Ir- win were in Lindsay recently. Mr. 8, J. Woolridge is around again after his recent illness. Miss Marion Eagleson is confin- ed to her home through illness. Mr, and Mrs, R. Braden of Cam- bray visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. Clarke on Sunday. On Thursday night last thieves broke open the bouzer belonging to Mr, 8. J. Wooldrige and took a quantity of gasoline, On the Tues- day night previous two five gallon cans of gasoline were taken from the store platform. The Provincial Police are investigating, and the thieves should be punished to the extent of the law, as there are simi- lar cases reported, Some more look- ing for a soft place to spend the winter, Our mid-week meetings held in the 8. 8, room of the United church so far are fairly well attended. Come out next Tuesday evening and hear the topic. "What a Christ- fan ought to be.' Mr. and Mrs, Melville and family spent the week-end with friends in Peterboro. Mr, and Mrs, James Harding aud son Frank visited in Toronto the past week, Mis Myrtle Cookman spent Tues- day in Oshawa. " Mr, and Mrs, Frank Harrison and son Gordon accompanied by Mr. Wilmer Harrison, formerly of Myrtle, of Latchford New Ontario. spent Sunday the guest of their sis- ter Mrs. Ray Scott. The December monthly meeting of the Ladies' Ald will be held in the 8+ 8, room of the United church on Wednesday aftbrnoom Dec. 9th a full attendance is re- quested. r. and Mrs. Orr Shunk accom- panied by Mrs. James Shunk visited in Uxbridge on Thursday evening. Miss Francis Graham of Shirley is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, James Harding, Mr, Bertrum Wannamdker spent Sunday evening at the home, of Mr. and Mrs, M. Stone, Walker--Frise Trinity United Church was prett- ily decorated with mauve Chrysan- themums and ferns on Saturday af- ternoon Dec. 1st, when Minnie Eth- el, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thom- as Frise, 103 Barton St. Toronto formerly of Seagrave, became the bride of J. Tom Walker, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Walker, Rev, Clifford Torrance officiating, The wedding music was played by Dr. Marshall and during the signing of the register Miss Dorothy Pudsin sang "All Joy Be Thine", The bride was given in marriage by her father and wore a period gown of white satin and silver lace. Her silk: net vell was trimmed with chantilly lace and caught in can shape with orange blossoms and seed pearls, She wore a rope of pearls pide carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses and lly-of-the-valley. Mrs, George Appleton as matron of honor, wore a gown fashioned with a bodice of shell pink georgette Do You Own Your Owu Home J Cs el eA] Money to loan at 6% per cent first mortgages. J. H. R. LUKE Phones: »71 931; 687W, Re is A St sr with the skirt of net frills of pastel shades. Her hat was of silver met- allic and pink tulle and she wore an amethyst pendant the gift of the groom. She carried a bouquet of Columgbia roses. The bride was attended by her twin sister Miss Mildred Frise, who wore a gown similar to that of the matron of honor with a blue georgette bodice, and skirt of net frills in pastel shades, Her hat was of silver metal- lic and blue tulle and wore a sa- phire pendant the gift of the groom, She also carried a bouquet of Columbia roses. The groom was attended by his brother Mr, Ed- ward Walker and the ushers were Mr. Geo, Appleton and Mr, Harold ception was held where Mrs. Frise received wearing a gown of black flat crepe and white georgette and' trimmed with cream lace, She wore a black felt and gold lace hat and a shoulder bouquet of American heauty roses. Mrs. Walker mother of the groom wore a rose beige gown with a lace hat to match and Williams, After the ceremony agre- | PHONE 716) |W. J. SULLEY. Auctiosee Loans, Insurance Collection ¥ and Real Estate EN REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Cutler & Preston 64 King St. West Telephones 572. 228 Night Calls 510, 1560, ZR --------- 4% Prince ST. Oshawa, Ont. a shoulder bouquet of Columbia roses, Later the bride and groom left for a motor trip, the bride tra- velling in an independence blue flat crepe and velvet dress, with a black kitten's ear broadcloth coat trimmed with grey squirrel and a DISNEY REAL ESTATE See these moderately priced homeg § large rooms, furnace, Ughts, water, Large lot for 0 keep poultry, OBIY ove. oenes $3100 EASY TERMS 4 room Cottage, central, Paved street, lights and suas ....... $1700 Owner moving, Phone 1550 for inspection grey felt hat. On their return they will reside in Kitchener, The brides Seagrave friends join' in" wishing them many years of happiness, [ By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb BRING'NG UP FATHER-- HELLO-DINTY- I'VE BEEN ' AWAY FER AWERKK- WHATS THAT GOT TO DO WITH YOUR BLACK EYE ? [rif 3 CAME ROME: ] RANG: BME OPENED THE FRONT DOOR - 1 T WUZ DARK- DO SHE, SHE HIT ME WITH A ROLLIN PIN AN' RANG THE BELL AGAIN AN TOLD HER WHO | WUZ- \ SHE HIT ME AGAIN AN' BLAMMED THE DOOR AGAIN - EY CLLR R RAE a OUY THE FIRST EDITION BY THREE DAYS. BOTH MAGAZINES APPEARED I JANUARY 1741. Famgy AERC a0 aziees © 1918. by King Fastures Syndisete. loc. Goest Beitnin rights reserved. DID THE OLD MAGAZINES - By Ruse Westo TILLIES DIARY SIMPKINS AND CO, THIS AFTERNOOM, BUT EVERY RODY WAS GONE excer) GOOD OLD MAC » ToLD MAC VD QUIT WORKING For BLAH A INC BuT HE DID! YT SAY HED LIKE To HAVE ME BACK THERE WHERE MR RoYCE 1S TONIGHT? Gef , et RUN OUT AND GEY A SODA WENT INTO I WONDER FEEL PUNK GUESS Ce EFTPEEEATELN

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