PAGE SI» THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1948 seni, Jr-- Wéman's Daily Interest SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co- operation of its readers in contributing items to this ¢olump. Send in 8 postcard or phone 35. City treasurer P, A. Blackburn "} in Sarnia attending a Masonle "at home." . 0» . J. Westlake, of Belleville, wale guest of friends in the pity this week. : Mr. and Mrs, H, x Smith 4 laude, 648 Carnegie avenue, iin the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, J. Mortimer, Toronto. LA Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon, Mrs. James Roonéy, Mr. and Mrs. w. E. Stitt and baby Gladys, have feft to spend the Christmas holy» days with their parents in England, * About twenty friends of Mr. Theodore Baresic gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas E, Stephenson, Aberdeen street, on Wednesday evening, to bid fare- well to Mr. Baresic, who is leavng shortly for Jugoslavia, The ev- ening was spent in games, cards and dancing. * * 3 The Sons of England held their weekly whist drive last night in the Sons of England hall. There were fifteen tables in play. The ladies' prizes were awarded to Miss Freda Perry, Mrs, M, Williams and Mrs, Bentley. Messrs, W, Ashton, E, Brooks and H, Gay won the gen tlemen's prizes. The special prize was won by Mrs, Bowen. Mrs. Percy Borden, of Ottawa, entertained Thursday night at a jouse dance in honor of Mrs, A. L. McDougall, of Montreal, There were about seventy-five guests pre- sent, among whom were Mrs. Erie Phillips, Park road north, Mrs. Reginald Pellatt, of Toronto, and Mr. Gordon Perry, of Toronto, out- of-town visitors at the Royal Win- ter Fair, in Ottawa. » "> * The choir and triends of Simeon street United Church spent an en- joyable social evening last night after the regular rehearsal. Several new members have been added to this already fine group of sincers and last evening proved an ideal opportunity for former members tv, become acquainted with the new. A short program of games began the evening's entertainment, after which all were invited into t. . boardroom, which was artistically decorated with Christmas wreaths snd bright red candles. Here re Ireshments were served. An interesting feature of the evening's entertainment was the presentation of a silver cheese and cracker dish to Mrs, W, F. Morri- gon (mee Lilllan Garrow), a form- er member of the _ choir, whose marriage took place during the summer, The choir 'also took ad- vantage of the fact that their leas er, Mr, J. R. Renwick, was cele- brating his birthday, to present him with a large basket of yellow 'mums, along with their best wish- es for "many happy returns of tne day," During the svening short speeches were given by Rev, Er- nest Harston, Mr. A. McDonald, Mr. R., Holden and Mr. A, E. Gur- ney, : : Much credit is due Mr, E. Flem- ing, president of the choir, Miss Jean Keddie, Miss W, Gordon and committees, carried out the ar- rangements so successfully. * ® Among the dinner parties held last evening before the Military Ball, were several arranged at the Falcon, Highland Creek. Those en- tertaining included Major Evelyn Allen and Mrs. Allen, of Toronto, who had as their guests, Captain and Mrs, J. W. Reddick, Captain and Mrs. R. M. Gray, Captain and Mrs, W. Crabtree, Captain and Mrs. E. M! Carrington, Captain Norman Fairhead and Miss Grace Pearson, all of Toronto. Lieut, Jack Me- Clain's guests included Miss Helen Fraser, Miss Marion Mitchell, Miss Grace Northwood, Mr, Graham Gibson, Mr, Terry Currie and Mr, M, PF. Merry, all of Toronto, Mr, B. Lindsay, another host, had as his guests, Miss Lenora Stott, Tor- onto, Miss Mabel Brown, of Paris, France, Miss Marjorie McGillivray, of Whitby, Miss Cozet Selton, Miss Lynnette Maybin, of Toronto, Miss Gladys Morris, Oshawa, Lieut, N, C. P. O'Sullivan, Mr, George Palen, of Toronto, Mr. George McGilli- vray, of Whitby, Mr. E, Armstrong of Windsor, Mr, P. Barrowclough, of Windsor, and = Mr, Ivan Kirk- house, of Td¥onto. Engagements Mr. and Mrs, Fred Baker Bow- manville, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Leola ' Marpuerite McMann, to Clarence Frederick Rider, Oshawa. Marriage to take place quietly on Wednesday, December 19th, 1928, at St. Paul's United Church, Bow- manville, at 3 p.m, SUNBEAM CHAPTER The Sunbeam Chapter of the Or- der of the Fastern Star met last ev- ening and the officers for the sea- son of 1929 were elected. The following competent execuitve wos elected: Worthy matron, Mrs. Grace Walker; worthy patron, C. Cliff; hssistant matron, Mrs. Brown, assistant patron, Harry Schelley, secretary, Mrs, Harry Schelley; treasurer, Mrs. Robert Sterling; conductor, Mrs. R. Weir; assistant conductor, Mrs, Charles Barnes; auditors, Miss Annand. Mrs. Hold- worth and Miss Langma'd; trus- tees, Mr, Schelley, Miss Saunders, and Mrs. Bone; scrutineers, Mrs. Hooley of Brock's chapter, Mrs. Annie Crichton of St. Mary's chap- ter, Charles Barnes. "I am now on my sixth box of tically gone." P and W, 50c Birks, 26 Wanstead Avenue, Toronto 13, Ont, suffered with Backache for several months, Hay- ing heard about your Dodd's Kidney Pills I decided to give them a trial. The results were wonderful, the pains in my back haying prac. She had Backache for Several Months Relief came after taking Dodd's Kidney Pills Dodd's Kidney Pils" writes Med, DODD'S SDL IA le all over Canada have successfully used 's Kidney Pills for various forms of Kid- ney Trouble, such as Rheumatism, Sore Back eakness, Dodd's Kidney Pills are a wonderful stimulant for Weak Kidneys. So don't delay, take DODD'S today. At All Dealers, or by Mail from The Dodds Medicine Co. Ltd., Toronto 2, Ont. Service of Sincerily EACH season makes its own demand upon man's ingenuity and resourcefulness. It is mecessity d his that has devel (2 You will hear that our professional ability and per-- sonal sincerity bring comfort to hearts that need it. DISNEY-COTT " »o Funeral Home 87 Celina Street, Oshawa . OUR SPECIALTY it your Waich fs not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian Naticnal and Osh- Rafiroads. Mr. C. Patterson, who, with their: Splendid Report at Closing Meeting of The Ladies' Auxiliary of Cedardale United Church held their closing business meeting of the year on Wednesday afternoon. Reports, showing a fine amount of work ac- 'complished, were read by the secre- tary and treasurer. The places ad- opted at the beginning of the fiscal year (March) of visiting the homes, monthly missionary programs, send- ing fruit and flowers to the sick in the congregation, as well as other ac- tivities, have all been well carried out, The financial report showed that $230 had been spent in equip- ment and assistance to the church funds, leaving a balance on hand, part of which is to be used in plac- ing a bulletin board on the church grounds, Plans were made for the special TA viaZa CY oa OTE I5 Clas ml Cy Ts DASHING SPORTS TYPE A sheer tweed in beige and brown tones that is always flatter- ing for sports wear ' is especially lovely in Style No. 147, with rever collar and deep French V, com- pleted with vestee of beige woollen with brown braid trimming. Plain brown woollen is used for rever collar, cuffs and belt fastened with brewn buckles. © It is a youthful wearable type, chosen for aaytime wear. Designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 Immches bust, and is made with 3 yards of 40-inch material with 3-4 yard of 86-inch contrasting for the 36-inch size. It 18 also charming for more dressy wear fashionet of printed rayon velvet with plain velvet, lus- trous crepe satin combined with dull surface, silk crepe In tweed pat- tern with plain silk erepe and plain velvet. Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefuly. 4 PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa' Daily Times 3 Pattern Department A cents. Pleage send patterns listed be ow: sesensssssrans se 8120 40ssssss Passes ssssssssnsssnnssesssens NBIDD 2srsersrssenssssrsnnser BAAYEES 2.000se0iresesssrnracs sesssssssnsssssssnns Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or coin. Wrap coin carefully. Cedardale Cuch L. A. missionary meeting to be Monday, December 10th, at 7.30. Miss Evelyn Mitchell of Torpnto Mrs, F, J. Maxwell, president of the Oshawa section of the al, will be present and will organize an Associate Society of the Woman's Missionary Society, Miss Mitchell, who is the travelling secretary of the W.M.8. will be the speaker of the evening. The Ladies' Aid of Albert street will be present and will take part in the meeting. The Sunshine Band will be represented on the pro- gram by Muriel McKinstry, president and Mildred McDonald, secretary, The Highway Travellers C.G.LT. group are presenting a sketch "Tired of Missions," : Christmas Recipes CARROT PUDDING Two small bunches of carrots, .2 eggs, 1 cup milk, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon grated fresh bread- ¢rumbs, 2 tablespoons butter, Beat the eggs, add salt, milk, crumbs and carrots, partly cooked and grated, and melted butter, Butter a baking dish and line with crumbs. Place the mixture in this and put in a moderate oven, Cook until thoroughly set and crumbs are brown, PLAIN MINCEMEAT Three cups of suet (skinned and chopped), 3% cups of currants (washed and dried), 8 cups of rais- ins (stoned and chopped), 7 cups apples, (peeled, cored and chop- ped), % pound candied peel (fine- ly shreded), 2 cups sugar, 1 nut- meg, 3% teaspoon spice, and the peel of a lemon grated, Mix all well together, put in a jar or jars, press- ing it down as close as possible to exclude the air, and cover with waxed paper, CRANBERRY JELLY Cook one quart of cranberries and one cup of water in covered pan, five or six minutes, Press through a sieve and stir in two cups of sugar; and without reheat- ing, pour the mixture into a mould or jelly jar, Do not reiurn to the fire after the sugar is added or the mixture will not jelly, Tte strong acid of the cranberry in con- nection with high heat 'splits' the sugar and interferes with the jelly- ing process, d Ia al < S amt ow > NN MADE TC MADE TO "Je ORDER 7 ORDER WE MAKE AND FIT CORRECT STYLE OF SS AND GUARANTEE TO HOLD RUPTURE EXAMINATION FREE , ABDOMINAL BELTS 135 CHURCH ST. TORONTO 5 (ELECT OFFICERS - MEETING W. M.S. SIMCOE UNITED Mrs. B. J. Gay Chasen Pres- ident at Regular Meeting on Thursday The 'regular meeting ot the Wome en's Missionary Society of Simcoe street United church was helo Thursday afternoon, December eG. After the devotional exercises the business of the society was discuss- ed. ' The secretary's and treasur- er's reports were given, The Stranger's secretary reported sev- eral calls having been made during the past month, Mrs, T. H, Ever- son was appointed hospital visitor for December. It was decided that the books, "Drums of Darkness" be accepted for the study book work of the society for the coming year, NT, Lite Membership Mrs. Russel Perkins was pre- sented with a life membership in the Women's Missionary Society by the Ever Ready Sunday School class, Miss Marion Burns describ- ed some of the work of the Ukrain- fan Society n Oshawa. Mrs. O. M, Alger read the scripture lesson, which was followed by the singing of the National Anthem, Officers The report of the nominating committee for the election of offic- ers for the coming year was given by Mrs, T. H. Everson and was as follows: President: Mrs, B. J, Gay; first vice president, Mrs, 1, A. Everson; second vice-president, Mrs. A, M. Stephenson; secretary, Mrs, T, Henderson; treasurer, Mrs, A. W. Harding; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs, Uriah Jones; envelope secretary, Mrs, N. Johns; press secretary, Mrs. G. Henry; Stangers' secretary, Mrs, War- ren; Monthly envelope sec retary, Mrs. W, 'Scilley; secre- tary of systematic giving, Mrs, Bod- dy; supply secretary, Mrs, J, H. R, Luke; pianist, Mrs. Fleming; band leader, Mrs, A. Wilson. Erpect Good Year This report was accepted by the soc'ety and with this capable exec- utive in charge the W.M.S. should experience a year of worthwhile aec- tivities and success in the year upon which they are entering, Mrs. Alex, Fisher and Miss Jean Keddie contributed two vocal num- bers and the meeting was brought' to a close witb the singing of a hymn and prayer. The brakes on all four wheels of an automobile can be tested to- gether or separately with a new machine that takes into consider- ICEL ARTE | jwetshts of 1000 pounds, ation the weight of a car, An automatic fire escape for "use in buildings, an English inven- tion, is featured by a cable that has. been successfully tested with LEADER ARRESTED IN 3 PARIS SWINDLE Paria, Dec. 8.--~Paul Hersent, lef al adivser of Marthe Hanau, moving spirit in the "Gazette du Franc financial syndicate, was arrested yesterday on charges of participa- tion in the dealings that have brought woe to many thousdnds ot French "investors." A warrant was also {issued for Pierre Audi. bert, managing editor of the news- paper, but the police were not able to serve it as he is suffering from an acute heart attack, Experts who are trying to un- ravel the records of the syndicate found additional assets of $300,000 francs today, but this was more than counterbalanced by 'the dis- covery of new liabilties, The lat- ter are now estimated at about 260,000,000 francs, equal to about $10,000,000. The assets probably will be less than $100,000. The Gazette du Franc and all of its relat- ed concerns will be officially de- clared bankrupt on Monday. Broadway Sets New Hair Vogue "So many girls in my crowd are talking about the new way they're doing their hair, I just had to try it," says Miss Dorothy Connor, 737 secretary for a prominent New York City business man, "You've no idea how silky and gleaming it makes your hair, And I don't have to shampoo mine more than once a month, now, Danderine keeps'.it so clean. All you do is put a dash- es of it on your brush every time you use jt. It makes your scalp feel just grand. Your hair is lots easier to dress, and it stays in place wonderfully.' You won't wonder at the over- whelming way millions of girls are showing their approval of Dander- ine, when you use it, It quickly removes that oily film from your hair, brings out its glorious color, gives it lustre, It dissolves dandruff cleanses, tones and stimulates your scalp. All drug stores have the big 35¢ bottles, A fragrant necessity for the well-groomed girl. THIRTY REVENUE ACTIONS SETTLED Ottawa, Dec. 8.~Thirty actions in respect to excise tax, instituted against Canadian breweries and dis- tilleries by the Minister of National Revenue following the report of the Royal Customs Commission, have now been disposed of by judgment in favor of the Dominion of Canada or by settlement before trial. It is undzrstood that the total amount covered by thcie judgments and set- tlements is in excess of 250000. 1) cel Exchequer Court which were to have opened in Toronto on Monday next for the trial of certain actions brought by the Crown to recover ex- cise tav, have been cancelled, as the actions set down for trial were set- tled in Toronto today between coun- sel for the Government and the brew- eries, These actions were against the Riverside Brewing Company of Windsor, Ont, and "ronmiller and hite Brewing and Malting Com- any of Welland, Ont., both compan- ies agreeing to pay the full amount of the Government's claim for excise tax, CORK CONTRACT New Westminster, B.C, Dec. 8. -- What is said to be the largest cork installation contract ever awarded in the Pacific Northwest has been lct to the Spanish Cork Corporation of Algeciras, Morocco, by a local com- pany who are, building the Pacific Coast Terminals here. Buy Your Christmas Gifts Now A wonderful selection to pick from. FASHION SHOPPE Bergen Street, Brooklyn, attractive' 84 Simcoe St, S. Oshawa It is announced that sittings 'of the The contract "calls for 1,250,000 board feet of cork to be used in construction of refrigeration and other facilities in connection with the t -minals, -------- "There's nothing to stop you~" Any housewife has the privilege of conducting a laundry in her own base- ment if she wants to--but ~--Why: do it? This laun- dry does better work, cheaper work, and harms the family wash less. - Every bit of water used is as soft as water can be made soft. The soap ie the purest and best that money can buy. And we give you a choice of five different kinds of family wash, from our 'damp wash' to "semi-finished." All are moderately priced and are done without marking. Fh@ne to-day and let us tell you all about our new ideas, "Phone 788 434 Simcoe St. South Will present a Concert in G. M. C. Auditorium Yor, Mary and Richmond St, on Wednesday Evening, Dec. 12th at 8,15 pm. Chorus of 70 Voices Orchestra of 30 Instruments Assisting Artist, MR. FRANK OLDFIELD Canada's Premier Baritone Conductor, MR. LESLIE F. UNITT ADMISSION 50c Tickets obtainable from Members of the Society, or at Karn's Drug Store, Jury and Lovell"s Drug Store, Mike's Place, or at door on night of performance, CHRISTMAS WASHER FRE 12-1b. Goose WN Coffield Washer Purchased before Dec. 25. 12 Months to Pay -No Interest for Time IIH ii 1 --_-- TV] I | | | PHONE 1075 Dolly and Bobby Coffield Washer purchased before Dec. 25, 1928, we will deliver to your home a 12-1b. GOOSE FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER BOWRA ELECTRIC SHOP 70 SIMCOE STREET, NORTH THE KING AND Mis COVRTIiERS ARE oF THEIR WAY % Rescue Tis PRiNcESS- Dolly, Boppy AnD comgy, Too. FROM Taw GREAT Bic DRAGON, Tey Dip MoT Know ME WAS oT A Fiercs Dracon, Bul' only Apoor LonEsoMe Dragon An. ME BLE THE PaInCeEsSs JUsT TO Look AT AND FoR CompANY LisTen, DEAR DRAGON: if You Take vs Homs To My FATHERS PALACE = You cAN LivE sn THE GARDEN AAD NEVER SB LONESOME ANY Mons PAck-- Ane Tey Passes BY THE KO AND dis TERS JOST LAKE LIGHT SUNG ae ----