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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Dec 1928, p. 14

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PALE FOUR Laan "Darling!" exclaimed a mother, in that tone of patient exasperaton one hears sometimes, "you must not touch!" And she gently unscrambled a fat, brown rhinocerous from the child's blond hair, The counter with the cir- cus animals was a little high for daughter to reach, but she had man- aged to bring one animal down--into her hair, as it happened! To enjoy visiting a toy store, one must take a child along, The more imagination the child possesses, the better, A little girl, who started the day pleasantly by inventing a game of her own--of counting all the blue velvet coats she saw--was a great help. She had one objective--a doll ~the price to be within a dollar, She wanted a small doll, anyway, she said, 80 she could makes clothes for it, Do Your Shopping Early This sort of excursion must be con- ducted early in the season to be truly enjoyable, One couldn't have near so much fun later, when the aisles are crowded and the salespeople are weary, After stopping to admire some very beautiful little music boxes that tinkled little bell-like tones, and a glass case with a village, and a whole railroad system in it, switches, a sta- tion, street lights, a stop and go sign and a train, of course, it was decided to go and visit the dolls immediately. There were just ever so many dolls to choose from, even if one's pur- chase was limited to one precious dol- lar. They ranged in size from a tiny person who could hide under a stamp --at least under a Special 'Delivery stamp, all dressed, too, in a crocheted costume, to a large fat baby doll with a mild blank expression, all of twelve inches high--which was mark®d "Spe- cial, 95 cents." Take Your Thoice in Dolls There were just a few dressed dolls ~most of them were waiting for a small, loving mother to clothe them. How very difficult to choose! There were ever so many sizes of small, jointed dolls, some with eyes that shut and opened, real hair and little painted shoes and stockings. Here again a careful selection must be made--dark hair or light--blue eyes or brown--four little costumes to choose from. * Having chosen z sweet little brown-eyed girlie with a white hat and a red dress, and white shoes and stockings, then, that im- portant matter being settled, one could visit the other dolls at one's leisure. The young lady often was very much interested in some lovely dolls from Italy, . They had pretty "char- acter" faces, fluffy hair, cunning fuil dresses with bits of bright felt for trimming, and carried most animated expressions. Then there were other American dolls, in quite modern dresses, pretty little corn' colored or- ie frocks with hand work on the ront and tiny, fitted hats to match. The organdie costume came also in rose and apole green. Dolls From the Funnies There were the cartoon dolls, too-- characters from the funnies, made of stamped, pebbled oilcloth, that should fast for some time, even with the most energetic handling. Oh, yes, there were doll things to look at. Little trunks that would close and lock. When opened, there was the doll and all her wearing ap- parel. Some of these supplied brush and comb, and a tiny bar of soap and 2 wash cloth and towel. At another place, one could pur- chase a complete outfit for washing dollie clothes. There was 2 tub on 2 little table, a real-for-sure-enough children's typewriters, too, These ey | make useful fg Here Musical T If a young person is inclined to music, Dad and Mother will find all sizes of pianos at the toy shop for =, this person's use, There are cunning small @nes for her doll, There are larger ones, the size of a packing box, that will really play, Then there is one still larger that is a really truly piano and has a complete key- board and all, It stands about three and one-half feet high, This would be admirable as a gift to the child who cares for music, With her doll and her beads and a present for her older sister, she was ready to go home and tell Mother all about it, She was to do her Christmas shopping a little later and felt amply prépared by the day's visit, not only to do her own shop- ing for gifts, but to advise, expert- y, any member of the family bound on the same errand, UNIQUE COLLECTION OF NUTS AT WINTER FAIR FROM CANADA Amongst the varied and excellent exhibits of horticultural products at the Royal Winter Fair, was a large ' &% collection of nuts grown in Canada and the northern United States, This o exhibit was staged under the direc- tion of Fruit Branch, Ontario Dept. of Agriculture, and was in charge of | § Jas. A, Neilson, Extension Horticul- turist, of Port Hope, Ont. The dis- play consisted of species adapted to northern areas and included many varieties of walnuts, hickories, chestnuts, hazels, pine nuts, al- monds and other interesting but lit: tle known species. Amongst the specimens of interest were excellent English Walnuts from the Niagara District and British Columbia; fine heartnuts form Ontario and British Columbia; hickories from Ontario; chestnuts from the Lake Erie coun- ties and the Niagara district, and |@ hazels from many parts of Ontario and British Columbia, A large collection of varieties of |} Japanese walnuts, hickories, pecans, black walnuts, pine nuts, chestnuts and heartnuts from the Northern United States was also shown in small jars and formed a valuable and : 8 He ~EiRRE TRypdetiy Be phaols Lil | R & ) oF 1d 5 R58 Be i 8 | ; [HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1928 NARCOTIC RING 15 UNVEILED Over Two Millions in Drugs Seized Following Slaying of Rothstein New York, N.Y, Dec, 13.-- The tortuous trail which may lead to the slayer of Arnold Rothstein, nection with the biggest narcotic ring in the country. Four persons have been arrest- ed, other arrests are predicted, and more than $3,000,000 worth of drugs has been seized here and in Chicago on information provid. ed by a search of papers in Roth- stein's offices. The prisoners, and the evidence on which they were taken, will be presented to the Federal grand jury to-morrow, Tuttle said, adding that he ex- pected an immediate Indictmewst and believed that a thorough in- spection of Rothstein's papers should throw new light on the motives and circumstances of the just before the train pulled out of the Grand Central station, They had been checked aboard by Josepn Unger, alias Meyer and Klein, who was arrested by Federal narcone agents on the outskirts of Buffalo. Unger had been under surveill- ance for some time, the Federal agents sald, and examination of records found in his hotel room here showed that he had been in telephone communication witp Mrs, June Boyd in Chicago. She- was arrested at a Chicago hotel on the same night that Unger was taken. Federal agents found another teunk loaded with $1,000,000 worth of narcotics in her posses- torney Banton and local police have concentrated on efforts to bring in Hyman (Gillie) Biller and those two legal straw men, "John Doe" and "Richard Roe,f under indictment with George McManus for Rothstein's murder, FEDERAL SURPLUS Ottawa, Ont, Dec, 11--The amount of surplus, whicy tie Min- ister of Finance will have at tae end of the present fiscal year, will not likely be announced until Hon. J. A, Robb makes his budget speech in Parliament, The figure of $60, 000,000 mentioned by J. W Rutherford, M.P,, in a speech at x WHAT ARE GROCERIES? Niagara Falls, Ont,, Dee, 11.--, Magistrate Frazer this week must settle the question: "What are groceries?" A test case is being taken against a local fruit for sell- ing "groceries," after 7 o'clock, at which hour a bylaw compels tro closing of all local grocery stores. There is, appaernity, no legal pre- cedent to govern the magistrate and the dictionary defines '"'groe- eries" as tea, coffee and spices." and It is understood tht the de- fence wil seek to prevent any pro- hibition of sale of any other are ticles after 7 o'clock, the underworld, big time gambler and power in to be straightening out as United States Attorney Tuttle marshalled his evidence of Rothstein's con. appeared today |gambler's murder, Two trunks packed with $2,000, 000 in drugs were seized Friday on [been delving into this phase of the Twentieth Century Limited, | Rothstein's activities, District At- | a substantial surplus, sion; While the Federal officials have Chatham {is presumably the estl- mate, Mr, Robb has public platform that there will be | health is still a secret.--Wall Street It is gathered from the many ar- stated from | ticles printed that . the secret of Journal, FINE TOILETRIE Beautifully boxed and in special holiday dress. "SHARI" | I the fresh- ness of early . blossom time, Its Per- Its fragrance and beauty cannot fail to charm. Shari Sets in any combination of articles ........ ....$2.50 to $35.00 Shari Gold Compact ............51 50 Shari Beauty Cream ............ $1.50 Shari Perfumes ....$1.50 to $12.00 Shari Body Powder ..............5$3.50 Shari ; Shari Shan Compact Rouge ..........51.00 Shari Toilet Water ........000s....$5.00 Yardley's Toiletries Carry with them the timulating aroma of the Lav- ender blos- soms of the "old land", Sets comprising bath ery- stals, dust- ing powder, talcum, compressed lavender blossoms, shaving lotion, shaving soap and brilliantine, variously priced at from $150 to $10. ing joy to everyone-- these large, creamy, hand rolled chocolates with out and fruit centres, cov- "CARA NOME" An exquisite odor with a subtle charm of which one never tives. Cara Nome Bath Crystals $1.50 Cara Nome Single Compact, Cara Nome Perfume, $1.00 to $7.50 Cara Nome Bath Powder, srie rin STD Unbreak- able Mirror $2.00 "DUSKA" The master perfumer's answer to that desire for something differ- ent--delfcate, elusive, romantic. Garbed in brilliant Russian Red this makes a beautiful Christmas gift, Single or in sets. Duska Face Powder ......$1.00 Duska Perfume ....75¢ to $3.00 Duske Compact ..............$1.28 Duska Bath Powder $1.50 Duska Bath Salts ..........$1,25 A ---------------------- LAL SU | TTA = Keep in mind the fact " that many of your friends mould appreciate a box of good STATIONERY it creates a favorable impression and is very much in good taste, BED CURLING WARMERS $5.25, IRON $2.75 Three-Heat 2-Year $8.00 Guarantee a a] Merry Christmas It is coming fast pectations! Coming, too, with that ever- puzzling question: What shall I give--to Father, Mother, Junior, Betty--to Uncle Ned and the Browns across the way? Your Rexall Drug 4 : é ; i with all its joyous ex- Store has the answers in a thousand appeal- ing gifts. You don't have to go ing, tramping, tiring your- bo self. Just drop in at vour Rexall Drug Store and there -- grouved and displayed where vou can easily see i courteous <lecfolk to help you pick and choose, you AROLIFIINOLIPDIORI FOI OII ISOM | old rose or el Maxine Stationery This package contains a liberal supply of first quality writing paper and envelopes in white, mauve and pink. Also three dozen gilt-edged correspond- ence cards, A very worth while gift. $4.50 Maxine Junior Package Contains a quire of fine note paper and envelopes with a blue quill pen. Sells for $1.00 Persons of all ages are you give a Kodak you are sure of giving pleasure, Vest Pocket Kodak ......$5.00 1A. Pocket Kodak ....$12.25 Vanity Kodak (in colors) $35 No. | Folding Kodak $11 25 Cine-Kodaks .... $80 to $350 ASH TRAYS) SHAVING Gold Gish, Real badg Grecian Key} ™¢ er & $5 red base. 349 $2.00 $1 to 35 NE AANAAAMAI A. Genuine Sasieni The aristocrat of pipes. weet from the first puff $6.0( ' ALBEC French Briar......$2.8( Admiral Pipes ........ ..... 51.00 SYMPHONY LAWN Latest style sheets, lined envelopes, finest texture--a welcome gift for any woman, In Holiday Boxes. $1,00 to $3.00 And hundreds of other fancy Papetries, rang- ing in, price from 35¢c to $3.50 A friendly token which is always appreciated. Gilt Edged Cards .......coons00000s. Deckle-Edged, two colors .. Gilt Edged, folded ..............$1.00 Dad or Brother Would en- joy lunch much more from one of these genuine Thermos Kits, $1.69 A popular gift for the boy friend Cigarette Light Thorens Automatic, RCI NIIRE, T Gold Plated Model, Christmas cartons $1 Tins of 590.........60¢ sesemgn 2A 0 0 LITE ITN

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