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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Dec 1928, p. 37

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..& OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1928 He gi PAGE THIRTY-SEVEN " Easy-to-F ind "' ADIO PROGRAM light's Best leatures 7.30! System (WEAF)-La Touraine (WEAF)--American bia System: The Music Room. 830° Tato (WJZ)--Sylvania Forest- pmbls ten The gi --Smi ros. "9% 5 System (WEAF)--Ipana Trouba- 9. al (WEAF)--Palmolive ec System (WJZ)--N.Y, Life New E dedication, janbia System: La Palina Smoker, 10.00C System (WJZ)--Chicago, Civic Ad bia System: Kolster Hour, 10.3imbia Satomi. Night Club Roman. ux, 800; 5; stem f fusine y System --r-- lular Daytime Programs DiExcept "esi © otherwise 6.4% System: lower TAY, WGR, WCAE, Wey. WRC" taty-Newari Lion 7 oN i Milk Men, (337)--Shenandoah. Music; | mie Worship, oS "$)-Ercaso Setting Up, S38 A mes. Markets; Music. 4 Morning Devotion to Musicale; Set. Early Risers De- Morning Fam BF iG Paul, fre" (305)~Chicago, 5) $28) ~Linai, Setting Up; LAIAQ (Chicago. SOBAY (9--Kansas City. Bible les: R_(400)--Detrort. Homemakers hour BM (389)=Chicago. Organ. (HO (300)~Des Moines. Records, pro- am, Lw S45 Cinel, Women's 510% 508)~Omaha. Correct dl (326)=Detroit. Tonight's Dinner; Mhers, Do This-- the children rub Mus- Vr on their throats chests, No te how soon the symptoms ay d veinto croup, or voree, And { wi you're glad you have a oy o Mivieat thand to give prompt relief, Musterole is excellent. st ready for instant use. a Some for adults, too. Re- t, bronchitis, tonsillitis, Hour, Time; ins, sore muscles, feet and colds of the hin may prevent pneumonia). WBS iey=Telterson City 'WADC 29 WhAD yr $)=~Ch Wi 11,30 CKNC Wi 12.00 CNRM 12.45 WIR (400)-- 'Detroit. 1.00 KTHS (375)~ iy Springs fiona Markets. bus, Educational 3) Shemandosh., Varied pro. MBC (316)=~Kansas City, Columbia we r0=Miie-Se. Paul, Hamline Ane Ae. "iz A land Hour oR vl, Vi § uy Flash; Wea- Markets; ac, Pd Rd Ay wo (535) Ames, | Bulletins, 10.30 wor G35)~Ames, Ia, Markets; Wea- Wie (517)~Worcester, Women's Talks, 10,50 WCEO ( 70) Mpls St, Paul, Stock re. 11,00 Fey (416)=Chicago, Home manage- Ak, Musical program ago. Overture hr, WGR (545). fr Sin ome economics; markets, WOS (476)~J eff. City, Markets; Bulletins. bibs (465) Atlanta. Weather; Mark. Wing (487)=Milwaukee. News; or 11.15 NBC System: Household ai » WEAF, WEEl, WAR, ween, WHT, WRC, WGY, WGR, CAE, WTAM, WW, KYW, KSD! SH oronto, Studio wol1 G3 Anes, Markets; (508)~Omaha, Market opening, (411)~ Montreal. Music period Tues,- Thurs.) WCAE OAD ~Pitt, Music Si opps. wer (545)=Buffalo, Wenner: ark. musi- Won (416)~Chicago. Morning Tas (232)~Pitts, St. Patrick's rch, ik (216)--Cleveland. Noon music, R, WD etroit, Luncheon songs. (428)~Cinci, Music; Markets. iA (447.5)~Chicago, Home econo. Woe "4 300)=Davenport, Opening Mark- ets; wos (76) Jeflerson City, Markets, WRC (315.6)~Wash. Farm Flashes, Wrko TS Warn sto Organ; Mar- ket WW) (326)~ Detroit. Weather; Lunch- gram, Whva @n- Richmond, Aunt Sammy wiki} (487) ~ Milwaukee. Housewives WCCO (370)=Mpls- St. Paul. WEAR (653) New York Luncheon Mus wiau (280) Cleveland. Dinner mu- Wir (492)--Phila. l.uncheon music. YRvA (270) ~Richmond. Sunshine Hour (Mon., Wed,, Fri.) Musical Matinee. Dinnerbell pro- Stock re- Markets; WLS (345) Chicago. gram, Noon fea- tures if d, wC (30°)--Chicago. Urgan, AA (389)~Chicago. Farm pro- WE (535)~ Philadelphia Luncheon Mu. sic; Markets (ex. Sat.) > System: Farm and Home to KYW, WDAF, WCCO, WLW, WOW, WSB, KDKA Sat.) WHO (300)--Des Moines. Talk; Music. WPG (72)Atlantie City, Music (ex. WMAQ 73) ~Chicago. Melodies; Hour wsM, (ex. Markets'; Luncheon wy Tal NM ~ Mig -New York, Luncheon Wes 76) ~Jeflerson City. Markets; 110 KMBC. (Heye-Kansas. City, Dinner bell rogram 1,15 wol (535)~=Ames, Markets; aly. 1.30 CNRA (476)--Moncton, Music; ets, WGY Gn) =Sclienastady, 1490 Wan" (le (416) Chicago, Lunch 1.45 WDA} {2)--Ransas City. Side Chat: wi wy siy--cincl, lil, | Matinee Program 2.00 KSA 'G ty "Beaver Weather; Mark. Fr X317)=Toronto, Musical pro. CFL (309)--Chicago, Television, WEBK (3) ~Chicago. oy clieon Rios ah-New York, Talks; Music WwGY 879.8) Sely enectady, atinee Program. (ex. Sat.) {i= ~Detroit, Recreation hour, Farm Mark. Television music wI WOS (476 =Jeflerson City. Grain Mar. deta} ullel WTMJ ns Musical pro- | Wan Rig ~Nashville, cert 2.30 weeo trie St, Paul, Markets (ex, Sat WOR (42 -Newark, Music; lalks, WOI (535)=Ames, Closin tations 245 Wow 3 (508)~Omaha, Markets Receipts eX, at, WoC 0)-Davenport. Closing mark- uncheon Con- Weath- 3.00 Eiko (434.5) ~Ottawa, Music; Mark. | Whnm (389)~Chicago. Housewives Program, WFI (535)=Phila, Concert (ex. Sat.) WOS (476)~Tefferson City: Closing Markets. WIP (492)--Phila, Musicale, 330 WEAF (454.3)~New York, Studio pro. gram. LS (345)--Chicago. Hour (ex, urs., Homemakers 447.5)--Chicago. Artist recital an ~ Baltimore, Salon music, KDKA (306)~Pitts. Markets, WBBM (389)--Chicago, Orchestras con- cert: organ, WCFL (309)--Chicago, Matinee dance WCX (400)- Detroit, News Bulletins, WDAF (492)~Kansas City. Matinee, WoC Hour (ex. Sat. wCCo (70) --~Mpls-St. Pons (ex. Sar) 0S (476)~]Jefferson City. Theatrical program, Musical (300)~Davenport, Homemakers Paul. Stock re- gram, Thursday Programs THURSDAY'S. BEST FEATURES 10.00 a.m, NBC System (WJZ)--Dr. Cope- land Hour, (WEAF)--"Hands of 10.45 NBC System Histor; 11.00 WMA * Chicago. Overture Hour, NBC System (WJZ)--Cooking School. 11.15 NBC System (WEAF)--Household In- stitute. 1.00 p.m, NBC System (Central)=Farm and Home Hour, 1.30 WGY Schenectady. Television, 4.00 WIZ Chicago, U.S, Army Band also EVENING PROGRAMS 5.00 WADC (223)--Akron, Dinner concert, 5.30 NBC System: Bill and Jane to WEAF, WRC. 6.00 WBAL (283)--Baltimore. Circle, Nbc System: Waldorf Astoria Music o WEAF, WCAE, WRC, WW], Wric, WTAG. WCFL (309)--Chicago. Federation of Labor Hour, WIP (492)--Phila. Concert orchestra. WisN (268)~Milwaukee. Peter Rabbit, Org WIBT (389)--Chicago. Organ. Wz (394.5)--New York. Kemp's Wik 2 (400) Detroit, Dinner Music; News. Sandman or- ntrys | 7.00 KSTH (205)--St, Paul, 7.30 CNRM (nn _Montres), CNRT, 7.40 WCAE (242)--Pitts, 8.00 CNRM (411)--Montreal. WTAM (20)--Clevela nd, Dinge § )--Detroit, un er musk 6.15 watdo "Gi Wr =Chicags Topsy Turvy 6. y "Li I N "GA o-Bu Le Noms KBR AL (a Pitts. Bovis orches, Baltimore, Pinnsr music WoA¥ S2) Kansas City, Air School 2 em er music, we 75. Sehensctady x, Trappers Yu § _o-ouarr, Air Castle; nel WHEK (216)--Cleveland. Blu Flash or. chestra, WIZ (394.5)=New York, Furyille, WOW (508, maha, Story Hw WTM (187) -- Milwaukee. Sechatary Hawkin NT (500)--Hartford, Dinner Group; Dinner pros gram, CFCA (357)~Toronto, Organ, KMBC (316)~Kansas City. Musjeal rogram, KDkA (306)--Pitts, Chas Hamp; En.' tertainers, KFAB (389)--Lincoln, D'uaner concert, whaL 283)--Baltimore, Fsso Giants. bikin {0 ---Mpls, St. Paul, Lowry Woke tua) Pitts. Pianist; Book Re- view, WCFL 2 rChisage, Mussel hou ig ahh, eddy Bakers. tem : ng Sey iy 7.9 Sorc Dewitt WGES 5, 4)--Chicago. Christian Family Hour, 3: WIP 92) Phila, Uncle Wip. WIR (400)--Detroit, U, oo 'Michigan Hour. NBC System: 7 Regis Orchestra; rano to WLS (345): icago, Talk; Sports, WLW (428)~Cinci, Watkins orches, WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago, News and Tavis Orchestras, YA C (244)--DBoston, News; Amos and Wok (422)--Newark, Orchestra, WOW (508)--Omaha, Studio program WSB (405)--Atlanta, Pomar orchestra, WSM Wih=Nashville, Studio en. semble; New: WTAM (280) Cleveland. Studio pro. frac (517)~Worcester, Travel Talk, WTMJ (487)--Milwaukee, Organ; Or- chestra, pro- French Pro- OE , CHRD, CNRW, KYW (294)--Chicago, The' "Demonstra- tors, WCAU (256)--Phila, Snellenberg con. cert, WGR (545)--Buffalo, Science Service. > System: Comfort ur to Wile WJAR, WTAG, / TIC way (379.5)--Schenectady. Farm pro- ram_to Won (416)--Chicago, Nighthawks; Al- manack. . WHK (216)--Cleveland, - Business talk; Bible students, WHAM (258)--Rochester, Dinner music WHAS (365)--Louisville. Orchestra con, WI. W (428)--Cinci, Doherty's orches, WSB (405)--Atlanta, Biltmore concert. WSM (461)--Nashville, Loveman play- ers, WRVA (270)--Richmond. Organ; Movie News, Uncle Gimbee, chests to CNRO, CNRT, CNRW, CNROQ KSTP (205)--St. Paul. Trail Blazers, WCCO (370)--Minneapolis,-St.* © Paul. Our State Government. WCAU (256)--Phila. Blue Anchor Hr. NBC System: The Song WEAF, WTIC, WJAR, Wr, Wey, WRHM, WCAE, WRC, WOW, KOA, wi) West: WGR, WTAM, WWJ, WGN (416)--Chicago. *Floorwalker, WHN (297)--New York. Oakland's Chateau. WIBO (526)--Chicago." News; Musicale, Wisw (268)--Milwaukee, Harwood Stu- io, Concert Or-, 81 8.20 9,00 CNRM (411)--Montreal. ' 92.1 9. 8% CNRM (411 30 KWKH (352)--Shreveport, and Fink WBZ, KVOO0, VEAL W,, KPRC, KYW, by Scrap Book; The Ee Sie U. of Chicago wre" '(@r2)--Atlantic City. Gospe! 461)~Nashville, Craig's OR appl, Fam a igiat, 447.5)--Chicago, Trio; Health -- ontreal Special Fea- ture " C ROLEN , ONRT, KoA Bk tL rown Baiace or. Wert (256)--Phila, Minute Men, NBC Ar WE! WEKA tinels ane Shem fe WHA fo io BF to YW, B24, WBAL, WJK, WHEN, (487)~Milwaukee. Singing (500)--Hartford, "Tone Color." Wie (517)=Worcester, Vocal; In. strumental, iA Yul Studio 1 Ru to ) CNR), CN ne Network: KATH (205)--St, Paul, Z (303)~Springfield, Merr, Columbia Network: Sonora Ww. WNAC, Sweetest Maid, Makers our to WFAN, WEAN, WFBL, WMAK, WKBW,. WJAS, WADC, KRG whiM, WGHP, WOWO, MOx XMIC, WOR, wen, WK, WLB I Gyles: Melodeers, (256)~Phila, Kansas Hour, w¥ eA (333)~Clearwater, Organ; Clas WON "lito)~Chisago. Fada Hour, NBC System: Seiberling Singers bi WEAF, WTIC, WJAR, KOA, WGY, AG, WCAE, WTAM, DAF, Wo kso WCCO, Wow, RC, WFAA, WOATI 'WET, WHAS, WSM, WMC, Koo (268)--Milwaukee, Church se:- vices, NBC System: Milady"s Musicians to WJZ, KDKA, KWK, WHAM, ' WIR (400)-- Detroit, Entertainers, WMAQ (447,5)--Chicago, Concert or. chestra, WLW (428)--Cinci, ers, WLS (345)--Chicago. Allstate Hour, WPG (272)--Atlantic City, Studio pro- ram, Weva (270)--Richmond. Yorktown hr, 5 WIBO (526)--Chicago, Songs and Jokes Studio pro- Thomason Troop- ram, BC System: The Contraltones to w . WCCO (370)--Mpls. St. Paul, Craftsmen. WCAU (256)--Phila, Musical program Woy, (379.5)--Schenectady, "The Jon- WGR (545)--Buffalo, Arcadia orchestra NBC System: Maxwell Hour to WBZ, WBZA, WBAL, WHAM, WBAP, KOA, KDKA, WIR, KYW, WTMJ, WLW, KSD, WDAF, KVOO, RIBS WHAS, WSM, wMC, WSB, WOW, WJAX. WHKQ (447. 5)--Chicago. Minstrel show WRVA (270)--Richmond. Minstrels, WTAM (280)--Cleveland, Recital hour. WW] (326)--Detroit. Motors program, CNRR (312)--Regina. Feature program KSTP (205)--St. Paul, Concert, KTHS (375)--Hot Springs, Meyer Da- vis Orchest tra WBBM (389)--Chicago. Hub program, WAL (283)-- =Banmore, The Mary- landers. Levin WSPD, WHK, WLBW, Seiberling Pro yl 10.30 11.10 11.15 11.20 11.30 WeCo (s70)-Mpls. St. Paul, Pianist; Minnesota WCAU user Pha. Minstrels, N S; Ha ir Stuart Wi to WTIC, WC. RC, WAT, Wot Wile, WEAL, wey Waths, wi WGN' (416)--Chicago, Goldkettes ore dete N" on) --New York, Varied pros i (202)~Chicago. Maytag Ramb- A 'S WIR --~Detroi . Cotton Pickers, Wy Cl Barut Corkare, 345)~Chi wiz AR New ¥ York 3 Warde: a 0 WHAM, WMAQ (447.5)~Chicago, Steinite ram, VRVA @r0)--Richmond, Stat fan (461)--Nashville, Courtesy pro- Rox" (31)~Denver, Extension Ser- Nhe System: Palais d'or Orchestra to WEAF, WFI, WGR, WWJ, Way, WTIC, WMC, WCAU (256)--Phila, Entertainers; or- Cogn Network: errymakers um ic WNA $ 6 Waly WKB, KMO! KMBC, ge od WFAN, WMAL, WGES (220,4)~Chic Dance music, NBC oi oly: Bp and Whe.' ksh wecor or WOW, AM sp, Weco, Carborundum Bond also WGY. JHas (366)--Louisville, Studio con. Nhe System: Fortune Teller to WJZ. WMAQ (447.5)~Chicago, Musical pro- re (315)--Washington, Lotus orches. Kru Sw pro pro. WISN (268)--Milwaukee. Silver Slipper J! Revue; News, CNRM (1)-Maontreal, n, Orchestra to CNRO, pL cNRT. CNRR (312)--Regina, Capitolians, Feature; | #¢. Real eigarpleasure ~a 5 secret whith thousands share. * Yy the handy pack of five Bachelors 136 KOA (361)--Denver, Palizzi's KPRC u5)-Heuston, Jno and Andy WDAF, WIR, WHK, WCAU (256)--Phila, Picadilly Revue, WFLA (333)--Clearwater, Dance music WGN (416)--Chicago, Tomorrows Trib., Hungry Five, WGHP (246)--Detroit, . Arcadians, wie S%)~Chicago, Popular; Dance Orches WLW ios) --Cinci, Mell and Dell; Theis orchestra, NBC System: Slumber music to WJZ, WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago, Amos - and Andy; Concert Orchestra WNAC (244)--Boston, Rhodes Orchestra, WFD (272)--Atlantic City, Dance mu- WivA (270)=Richmond, Dixie Seren- es News; M (461)--Nashville, Studio program Wry (487)--Milwaukee. Dance music Kelp (205)--St, Paul. Dance music, 11. (400)--Detroit, News; Orchestra; wie " (216)#-Cleveland. Days orchestra WCCO (370)--Mpls. St. Paul. Long's orchestra, CNRC (434.5)--Calgary. Pianist; vocal KFI (468)--Los Angeles, Concert or- chestra, WGN (416)~Chicago, Goldkette"s or- chestra, WHN (297)--New York. Frivolity Club WGY (379)--Schenectady. Organ to WHAM, NBC System: Pollack's WEAF, Ww, wiMy (487) Milwaukee, Dance music (1% hours), WSB (405)--Atlanta, Organ. Kv% (285.5)--Hollywood. Feature pro- am, Eotarmbia Network: Lombardos Cans- dians to WABC, WFAN, WEAN, WGHP, WBBM, KMBC, KOIL. KYw (299)--Chicago, Fiorito's orches. Orchestra to 2.00 WGES (220.4)--Chicago. monde, KEX (254)--Portland, Salon orchestra K (275)--St. Louis, Dance music. WGN (416)--Chicago, Dream Ship; Goldl Orchestra Nighthawks (1%4 hour), WMAQ Ju7.5) Chicago. Benson or- chestra (2 hours.) WHN #7)-New York, Silver Slipper Orchestra. WGR (545)--Buffalo, Shea's symphony, WLW (428)--Cinci. Showbox orchestra Pacific Network: Maxwell Hour, dial (316)~Kansas City, The Mid- ers, WPA (492)--Kansas City, Nighthawk 2 ic, YW (294)--Chicago, Insomnia Club, XR (291)--Vancouver, Nat'l, Con- cert Orchestra, Fade Network: The Trocaderans to KPO, KEX (254)~Portland, Kremer's orches. KJR (309)--Seattle. Meyer's orchestra, WGES (220.4)--Chicago. Carlin's or- chestra, Club Beau- (Copyright 1928 by Audio Service, Chicago) Teacher (to tardy pupil)--Why are you late? Bobby--Well, a sign down here-- Teacher--Well, what has a sign to "School a- do with it? Bobby--The sign said: head; go slow." To catch suckers, merely offer unreasonable returns and Jet nature take its course, NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Dec, 9. -- North Oshawa is to be well entertained for the next few weeks. At the next meting of the H. and 8. Club which is on Thursday Dec, 13, There will be a birhday party. The club hay- ing been organized three years then After the meeting a program will be given in which Mr. and Mrs, Henning, of Oshawa will take part and others. Then a lunch will be served all for the admission of 15¢ each, The School Christmas cone cert is on Wednesday the 19th. Mr, Arthur Lynde of Toronto will assist with the program. On Friday 21st the Sunday School Christmas Tree and cencert will be held. Early in January Mr. Ewart Mc» Laughlin has kindly consented to give the moving pictures of his Californian trip in the school. He will give a matinee in the afternoon for the children and a second show- ing in the evening for the grown. ups. This arrangement is because the room will not be big enough to accommodate all of the School children with the adults at one time. We are very grateful to Mr, McLaughlin for his kindness. A Your Home Is Not mei 3 (batteryiess) per:Llectric RADI Nothing would gepuabe than "Williams" super-electric radio OWRA ELECTRIC Made in Oshawa PHONE 1075 a re Tea oe To SEL A a > x = goed fl ead ell el Sel ed ad at ¥ be more ac- a beautiful 70 SIMCOE STREET NORTH G8 edged g edd Sed geld Sedge edd edd edd A GREAT RADIO for Home Enjoyment 3 3 gt i dl ll iL it THIN i H 1 Th i | Tr i uh : : € I I | 7 th 1 fl H § i off ; i ! i

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